MlMMMMMiMtPMMWMM-MMPMM"WJPlM.I I .S"ia1 aT Will a JaMpMrtMiiMiMMMi ORESOH SEJNT1SE1 . OAEflQl.SfijniEL r PUgLSHED SATURDAYS AT Jacksonville, 'Oregon, FAAN. K3U3E T E Ft M S i ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements trill be inserted in the Ssxtuex. at the following rates: Tcix Unci, one insertion $3 50 "" each Subsequent insertion.. 1 00 BT'Wgl advertisements inserted rea sonably. job work of ail kind done on DnJraDt nouce and in -workman-like style. Um eapr. PrTnr,ldriice, 2 so A DiauHl to Yearly Advartlttrs. VOL. XXX--NO. 16 JACKSONV'IIJJ7. QREG01S, APRILS 1SS5. $3 PER EAlt ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. P. GEARY, M. D.t fphvsiciaa And Svrgeon. MEDFORD. OREGON. Offlcc in A. L. Johnson building. T. R, YOUNG. M. D., rsicas '3kad Snrgotm, CSKTRAL POINT, OltEOOX. alls promptly attended In at all hours. tfC WHITEJM. D-. EAOLE POIXT, OREQ0K. 1Tavln? located at this place I ask a share of the patronage of this section. Calls attended to at any time. W.lP. TVIMjI AMSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. T-LAW Medford, Oreoojj. All business in my line -will receive Ijrompt attention. ME MUffll'S mu ! Corman's old -stand A. G. CGLVIX, Hereby- informs the public that he is dis plaj ing at the above tand a first class stuck of General Merchandise Which he will sell At ,Very Low Prices. His stock consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GroGcrlc, Provisions, Etc, II. K. HANK V, Attorney & Counsellor Al-Law, Jackosville, Oqv. "Will practice in all the Courts or the Bute. Offlce'upstiireluf'irlh'sbrH.k. C- LEMPERT, M- D-. draduate of University, Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Snrgeon. Calls attended to at all hours day and Bight Office opposite Slaver Ho el. Jack sonvillc, Oregon. P. P. PRIM, -ATTORNET'& COUNStCLOR-AT-LAAY Jacksonville, Ogn., tYill practice in all the Courts oT'the State. Office in Court Uoue. -T. B. KENT, and Counsellor at faff Everything is fresh and of good qual. ity, ana prices put down to he Lowest XsTotch ! ESrCountry Produce bought and sold. Remember Column's old stand, and give me a call when in tuwn. A. G. Coi.rix. THS Miff OF Afi! THE'ROGUE RfVER SI li HI FLfflllliG HILLS HAVING RECENTLY HEEN RE hlted with al" modern impiuvcruents, are now -turning out a firs: .lass article of floiir, which is put up in onefoUrth bain-I sack's. and ever' sack is warranted, to contain 4!) nomicls i)T flour Ifvou don't believe this, just compare A, sack of our flour w ith ady Other-brand offered for s i.e in this market, 'and note the difference in weight. , ', Flotir and miNFccd Constnnl'y on hand and exchanged for wheat BARLEY ROLLERS. Hiving added a -set ot iWley Rollers to my mill, I InvestUipart every Sallird ly to Roll li irley for customers. The work will be done on.short notice, so Hut ties can return with their -jrrUt the. salne day. lumprepired lo mil barley itl Jill limes 'ml in llie best mann r. '1 his pro cess is lar ahead of thecri -lit-r n.rC UEWSsKl. Jacksonville, Sept. 22. 1833. 1 J).v.7 ""t"-.jr bS29 jAOKaoj.v's.tB V.tay iTCLTBCLkB inafc tto Cbnrtsoftlhis VV Bute. 'Office in the ourMIouM.-. OttYSICIAN AND SURGEON. lACKSOKULLK, ORK0OX. IfTOfflce'tlpposite P. J.'Ryan's store. J. W. ROBIN 50N, M D--PRYSIOIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At City Drug Store. Rcsi. dence on Fourth St , op.AJsite M. t,. 'Call promptly altenfad'tO Jiy and night. MARTIN VUOMAN, M. I). DHYSICIAN AND 3URGE0N, UEDrORD, OKKUON. Oall priftly ten led ti at all hBiirs. NINETEENTH YEAU- ST.nXARY'S ACADSMI, CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTERS OF THE MM XA1IE. 1 school w ill commence about the end ol August, and is divided in four sessions, of eleven necks each. Board and tuition, pertcrm $10 00 Music w n.00 Drawing and piiming. ... t 00 BedandUeaOing 300 SELE TV DAY SCHOOL. Primary. ner term $ 500 I nmilr . TTOnracoy-" Pupils received at ny time, and special attention is rpaid to p MicWar studies in iK-lnlfof children Ullb have 'Irat limited time. For further particulars apply at the Academy - .-..? . con - io o Farbier's J5STORE, SIedfoed, Oceoox, ANGLE.&, PLYMALt Prop's. The undersigned lakes plcasua in an nouncing that he his opemd his pbice of buines4 in the n-w nun of Metlford, Or eon. andi& now prepared to furnish, in qUantllicsto suit, GR-OCtRIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS ANDOILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CAN DIES. DRY GOODjj. OLOI HING.'Etc. Jlystfck is fresh andflrst-cla,-and I propose ui keepa'iull aisffrtmenl of o erj'- tlnng hi trv line anu sell at Ihe Ball Times KIWHAX lIHltR lias marked his goods 'down to "! Hard Times Prices , tj HewillellyouMQREOODS Hi tESS MONEY H'JtT-r before sol. Cu Jacksonville. ILs'sWk is s"G00D AS JHE 1KST, And'his prices will ASTONISH YOU It is needless to enunt-ntc the article le has to sell, as he keeps everything l. b fiiind in a fiist-class iiMioral llmhiiwliM! Store ! hen in town jrivc him a c ill and In vill show yon goods t prices that will A.10CK T'H HARD TliES Idea-clean out your head. J' l ilaaTlpMiy flis stock is j-aried and complete, and on c-iii bataiy ask iur anj thing he has Lot get 'ttemeihbcr the p'acc coroner of Cali Trnia and Oregon streets Higlust Market Price PAID FOR ?ARM PRODUCE ! tSF'Call and sec if (his advertisement is not as true as gospel. NEWMAN FI HER. iANREMEOl FOR HPiYTTqr, OUR l?8 a Rheumatism, Heura!bFa,-SclJitica, LumStjo, BickaUrt, Headache. Too!atche, Core XIiraalSiTellInE.SpralnslBmlses. Barns. Scnlda, Frot Blts, ITU ItT. fMrfra finmiT .im i, Ji SoUbrImKUi.ii4DUCTvrTTkw. nfljCWBAlwali. THE C1IA1DLES A.TOOCLCR CO. (t.uiTrotLiccsn.) Red Star tra'deoTmark, ouV;HtfuRE -bbbBbbb jitenltttehin The Paper Shirt AlrSfiluteiu Fret from Opiates, Mmeties and FoUon. JA t'ROHPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Tor Cavcl.. Sore Throat, ITMrMacsa. InQncmxa. 'Cold. Bronchitis. Crotrp, mooolac Couf;!. Atiim,Qiilniir.PtnIn Chct,-ut4oUir iSectiom of the Throat & Lnne. Price 50 cent a bottle. SoW by Druetirttinil Deal ers. PartitMXtnablito Induct Vuir dealer to promptly get it for Vum tail receire Veo botttttyExprttt cbargt paid, by tending one dollar to TUS CII1RLE3 JUTOGEtXS C0SrA5T, Sol Owimti d 1 Mtnnictnrrtj BaltlMf-t. iBTjUi. C. B. 1 J. W- ilhltHITT. Dlt. J. W. ItOBIMO.N Soda Springs Hotel, Ten Miles From Ashland, L. B. Tccker, Proprietor. All I ask iiSffirialSSpl t3"flig1it price PtldJtTrPjoAtJce. B. F. DOWKLL, ATTOEKKY-AT-LAW, JaCKSONVILLB, OREGON. All builness placed in my hinds will re ceive prompt attention. Special attcn o n given to collections. A. L, JOHNSON, Votary PiMc, e! EsUto Agent and Collector 3Vtociforcl, Ox. I make conveyancing and furnishing ab stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans negotiated and co lections made. AH business intrusted to my caro will receive prompt and careful attention. X WILL. JACKSON, KNTIST, JArXEOXVILUC, OltEOOX. This notel li-is1enlly been much en lirged and impiovtd,and now has pleas ant and And excellent accommodations for guests Thote Iii Sau-cli Of Health Should give these famous Soua Springs A trial, as thry arc admitted to "possess wonderful curative qutliiics. Nomina will be snareil to render the sojourn ol iuvalit's or others p'eaiint and comtortatdc. The table will be served with the beat the market affords. TABLE ROCX SALOON. OREGON STREET, WINTJEN and HLlMS, PROPRIETORS. TLe nronrielors ol this well known and popular resort world inform their friemi and the public generally that n complete and first class slock of the best brands ol liquors, wine?, cigars, ale and porter, eta, are constantly Kepi oa uiuu. mc) m be pleased o have their friends "call ano CABINET. A r-ililnrt ofiennosilles mav also be found here. XVe wouW be "pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and we will place them in the cabinet tor inspection. WlXTJhN k HKI.MS Nervous leUility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. C C. WEST'S nerve and brain treitment a specific for llysterii, Dizziness, onvu'sions. Ncrvoli- Head iche. Menti' Denression, IxisS ol Memory Sermatortifeu. Ilbpotency. Involunl mw eniisMims, premituruod age, ciTjTjl'dj 1 overexertion, sell-abuse or ovcPilulu g inee, vvhuh leads to miserj". ueeay ami de tth. One box will cure recent cases Each box contains one month's treatment, one do ar a box, or six boxes for fio dol. lir; stntbymiil prejrtid on rcceip' ol price. We guarantee six boxes to curr any case. V ilh each order received by ns lor six boxes, accompanied "Willi tivedul l-irs, we will send lh -purchaser ourwnt ten suarnitie to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran. tees issued on y by tVoosii'.i). CiJknKEifc Co Wliolesale ant" Ruil Diuggibts. Port, land. Oregon. orders bv mill at n-gilar prices. CITY DRUG STORE CALIFORNIA STIfEET, trnmi & .ROBIWSFN RSJI bn liand the largest and most - complete assor'mem m PATBNT .(IEOIC1NF.S A CHEMICALS PURE WINES LIQUORS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC GEO. -R4EVE WAGOI- MAKER. iracksDcvillc, Or. At Ihe olu st-ind of S. P. Habhiin Crbnc- miller's building, keeps on hand a full line of Wagon Material 1 And is preplfed lb db all'work In bldine uu Biicii iiijmi-c auu iuk iri.mHiiiiaai (iesat To be found in Southern Oregon, fu 1 stuek-ot Al o a manner. VcljJfJis o iHr Jlemirbig A SjKCialty. Terms Tasunnble guaranteed. and sitisfacation 'GeO.'Hieves. C. S. SALOON u. s. hotei. r.rnjiixa.3ACKSoxviLi.E, T. T. McKtNZIE. PR0PA HWINO ASSUMED THE MAN ageme t ot his r sort. I propo keeping it stocked with he finest brands of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR?, And will be pleased to recei e a tal' from all who wish he best In my line, a' istaction ns-sur d. T. T. cKENZIE. IAT ONERY, SCHOOL ROOKS. FINE CIGARS AND LONFCriONERY, TOtLTT SETS, And a crcatr variety of Perfumery, com-l mon aim loiiei ooips, e-ic El'rcscriiitions can-fullv prcpircd by Die. J. W. ltoniNsox. Dr. Robinson's office in Dru bto c. W. G. Kja.NET. II. II.WolTERS. TUK GEM SALOON Teeth extracted at all hours. kLaujhinr gai aflministercd, r,f desired, for which extra -charce will be made. Office on cccncrcf 'California and 5lh tlrtti. A. . OHM. t. "IBABKI GIBBS & STEARNS, A TTOEJTETS ASD C0USSELLORS, Rooas'3 and Strmrbridge't Building, POKTLAXD, OREGON IvTIll nrarltc In all rnnrts nfreCOri In tbe State or Oregon and Washington lerTN tnrv: and 'pay particular aUcntien to buslnfsln Federal courts. week inVoarowB town. Traw . sJbOO nd 5-outflt free- Addre. H. Iaiabt, Oo, rcrtid Valse. 911LLEU BKOy.5 DEALERS IX FIELD. VEGETABLE AM) GBE&T RfDOCTIOM -IN HOTEL PEICES AT THE SL0VEII HOTEL- BOARD AuDLODulNG Best house for the 'money this side of Portland. A MEDFOELV- OREGON, Rcniicy & Wolftrs. Hivins: opened our sloon in the new brick building ot B)ers & Uo. at Medford woare nowpriparei! to fuinisli any kind of a drink that can be called lor, m ide with liquors that art; aeknowicded to be the- Usl in lhe-m irkel. -.1 Fiue Uillbml Tulle Will also be- found lit this house- and on the tiblisvuu can 'iiiM-lbe iiadmg pieto riil ud sp irt ng paers or llie diy. Give us a tri il. Kfi.ET,& Walters Iho rcTrss" Gums U ls s cJ ilareh and fcept, each year: t.ii paCP, birli inncs, T.iiu ui r u,.uv iilustrations r jhole pic tarocallcrr. .v es hole- sale priocS tlurccl to cotmme jn all goods lor iersoual cr fana.y u . TIl-lwr to trder, 1.11J gives exa coftVf "evcry tlung oa u-a, cutjtlrii vcar, cr hava ftin vt..1i. T.iesO iivs iblo Looks con tain i lairmatam gleaned from tlio ms kct of taa vr. r! 1. WewiUTnailaeopy I-ri-o to aiy address upon receipt of tlio postago 7 cents. Let u hear lromyou. ResDcctfnlly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. - SS9 With Atcssc CUcr.-s ill. ItikKESlS OK. 5- SILSBEir'5 K3CTFRSAL PILE BEJIEOr Givat JniUnl Reiref, d ii an l-ifillibta CURE rOF? ALL UlfiDS OF PILES. ld by Drujnists everywhere. Price, l 00 rcr box. prrpaiu. by mail. Samples sent frrt to Phys!rhns i-nd all sufferers, bv Xnstaedtpi t Co , nox fMG, Xew York f n-. PoleniannfacturcTof Ar-'AKri'IS. Men Think No doubt 'mHnv newtjrtiprrs hav noticed a 'foiling off in circulation the past year, and havr'chargrd it to llie 5-neml ilepression in 'buslnrsn. Such is uot-'thu'casi. Tile tfouMfl'in 'bwiug to a ive-Mit triri-Tilion. Some rxt-tri-mrnting fool lias lad patrueJ a paprr hirt, 0 VWich is -tittva conlinutil torim, novelFttry. and srlrctiotik froi poeis. Thrta new fauglnl aliirtu have Tkmoius with a dozen thicknrta of p- l-r, and on "each ihiekiirss is a storv or an article of reading matter thai i interesting. Wlirn otle 'bosom be comes dirly, or'has been peruned, it i urn off and a irrsli bosom and a frel story is rtVealed. Thru 'is Wrdhg. It takes the liilnd of the "warrr of the shirt away from Ipgitiinam hteraturr. ' Tbr 'Sun" lotjk with alarm njion this new invention, and sounds (ha alarm, that other pupt-rs that are pven more interested than the writer can take it up and do something to choke ulT this ulisWcl'.'feraove as it were, the jiap-r ihirt. The new administration must do something to put a stop to the paper liirt, or the foundations of !itiratur irn liable to ke Icnockni into a coekt-d It it. It I hit thing is not set down up oil by Mr. 'Cleveland, he in not the kind of a man 'tee Kti- posed we had 'elected. By advocating Brflva Loc. wood we took Republican votes enough from Blaine to elect Cleveland, anil now he must protect n, rven as Bi'lva wruld if she had been eivclxd. Does anybody lupposa that B-Iva would hare permitted n paper -shirt to block the whek Of litrrarv progress "if ithe' had bepii ectd No! She would 'havr 'pht'hi-r fobt 6 "it, and torhHt to pircm. If xomething is not done the street cars will be filled with mrn who will have their head buried in their shirt bogome, reading blood ami ifaun tier sturif", while neaabovs frreze on theffM outidr with -anssld paper' aUd-editott -walk- 'home for the Wnt, f li ,iv car fare. The'lfo ly nrmui"-, ot an emnnj, i,ik-fTp being brighteneJ ty - new sy frf? will kho the man of the house tittiin-" by the grate 'reading the front of his shirt, 'His wife behind reading the tuie-kr of it, and the children rvntl giies's read ing the sleeves and cuff. It will be unhealthy, because the shirt will have to be read clear down to the tail, where the -story is to be continued iu the, next ilnrt, and no man can sub mit to lEat w Li-cut catching cold. If ihi thing -i allowed to go on arTjLttke will'Si'rVeotit all neVipapr eompetition, and many editors who are now doing blisinetU for the'mss''het will be compelled 10 seek employ ment at a paper ni'il and edit the daily or weeKly shirt tail. It will be humil iating to an editor to be obliged to come down, to '.hat, bat liow much mora htrfliHiating will it be to the American opte to Vtlow that by patronizing the literary paper shirts 'they haVe driveti -out of ex'steme the iieJvsjMprrs rkat did ao much to make the cuantry a success. The pa er -shirt can never take the place of the 1 ewspaper among cultivated -reader, but a majority of readers are not cul- tivated, and had as soon read a shirt as a-ij thing, so the papers will die out for want of Vupport. Bfore our people become addicted to the paper ahirt wiih its drm novels, let them stop and" think of the other hearts that will aclie. "Peck'a Sun." A novel attempt is being toads in Ponland, Maine, to enforce the 'Pro hibitory law, which it 'djienry disre garded in that as well aa in nearly all other cities and towns of the Static A prosecuting officer, who is backed by the Law and Order Lsague, is bringing 'prosecutions agaiust often. lers under the Nuisance Act bat 'it tot having much success The penal. .ia of the Actuate a fine not excetd ing St 000 and iaaprrsonnieat not ex- ceeding - one "year, 'ihtt -Sffieer has Keen at work for over two Bionlht, has issued no less than 'COO warranto ut liaseenred yery few ' couvictioni. The cost to the county has been 2,500 and the income from fines less lbaa SiOO. There is no apparent dimuni liou in the number ol liquor saloons. The officer 'hope's 'to 'succeed better when the 'arueadnlenrs to the law, which were passed by the Legislature, go into eQVct within a short time. These prescribe much heavier penal ties, and great things are expected of them by the 'proliibiiidh advocate. The trouble, however, is not in the weight or lightness df penalties, but in public 'Opinion. If public sentiment refe strongly agaiiut litjUtirTSelllhg, it would be comparatively -ewy to eh. force (hn law, but until this becomes the case, amendments of any kind will have little effect. Since the Maine law was atlnpted there 'have been more than forty amendments made to it, and yet the trafEein liquor is gradually increasing year by year. The Size of Our lakes. The latest measurment of our fresh water seas sVe as follows: The greatest length Of Lake Superior it 335 'mile.-; its greatest brtadth il 160-iniha; mean Mepth 600 fret; eleva tion, Vj7vfett; area, 82,000 square miles. ? -The greatest length ot Lake Michi rsn'iii ;300 mils; its greatest breadth '108)m$1; mean.dejith 600 feetie'leva- J niiieaw r - aejfl ferye greatest length of Lake Huro'h ?-nv. :. 1..--.'L i- if -uu iiiiirs; us grnav uraauin ioa mi'es; mean depth 600 feet, elevation, 274 feet; area, 20,000 square triiles. The greatest h-ngth o'f Lake Erie fs 250 'miles; greatest breadth, 80 milts; mean depth, 58-4 feet; elevation, 555 feet; area, 6,000 square miles. The greatest leti'th of Lake On tario 'is 180 miles; in breadth, 65 mile--; mean dt'pth, 500teet;elevatiob, 251 feet; are, 6j000 square miles. The length of all five is 1263 miles, covering an area of 135,000 square miles. IBB ASHLAND (ULi OB AND NORMAL SCHOOL, i.slilaiicl -4&XT. Flower Seeds, IMPERIAL ETJG- FOOA TOOLS, CftTtUlSe feTX tt keeed M TWAiMi'Bt-. Sheep Pot Sak. ana a I Tiii -Undersigned has 2.500 rfentdrtt good stock sh -en which he offers for sale at n birgaln For particulars and price call on or adress W. B. KINCAID, Ccetral Point. April 4, 1885. C. A. HU3BELL, Heal Estate Agent AUCTIONEER, J ACKSttVlLLE. OREGON Four courses of study. Normal and Commercial College, Preparatory and In strumental music. Foi particulars or catalogue apply to the undersisfied al Ashland. TrefiOn. a. G. ROYAL. A. M. President Eagle Sample Rooms Cauforsia Stree, Ttffcss rroprictor-. they knoiv all aboat 'Mustang Lin iment. "Few do. Not to know is not to have. It takes eighty men and women t6 make a postage stamp. First the white ipapcr Is 'ttft into iliee'tk, each sheet wide enough for a hundred tamp. The stamps on each sheet are counted 'twenty -six times, to make sure the number is correct, The printer counts and passes the sheet to the gammer, the gammer gums the back1, and, having counted, gives "it to the tierforato, who divides the stamps by rows of Kitle holes, -not forgetting to count It is surprising bow qutekly and accurately the hands can work. Seven hundred million postage stamps are made every year in the United States. New York City uses eigh million a month. Office hi tit. Aikens fciiUding Bn raU ifornia'strcel. all business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful aUeBttotv W A. UnamTT me a NS Bran Nd Fnral can 1 andll choicest and best 'Wines, Bar.d Cigars kept .12 CKTS. fnlnre it don't pay. Jung iff my line iwitn Jne rinrest c, coast, vijive 1 .well eatiafled. El VAUJAD1X TO AXXTaLF U JPt FREE-4 I VALUABLE TO AXXI VVU1 be Balled In all atfoUcanti mnA tA m.stnincn ol last rear W liaoct orderinglt- It conuuu luusirmuons. pnees, descriptions and directions forpUutlni all ecrtable and Flower SEKDS, Bulbs, etc DM FERRY&CO.!1T PATENT nr K IVe eootti's to act as So'Irittrs for Pptentt. Csreits. Tiie MarU. CiprrJBtt- etc jTor it Duits' Starrs, tai aria. rata. Er?lav(t,Fnure Ireri-imv tc le li.e Szi iUlrty-live rars' 3rpcrieiirr. li! lar rate u ititsli 1 1L11 ttt crsre ni tleed la tte . crrsTiniV. 1 vr, lea ni! lanr a IBsstrsted TcT!clTta!r.$3.20ayr.li4Ws ca d splendid Block Inland -nearly fifteen miles off the Rhode Inland shore, is considered one of t lie 'quaintest ocean resorts on the American coast. It le a miniature world, in which the habits a'nd,c6 torn are those of 150yra,Ts g. The incoue of aTesident physician in 1881 rrom medical attendance an the 1,400 inhabitants was $2 25. Before quilt- tn: the Maud at the end ot the year h told an islander that he had lest his own health in Irving to wort tin a I ractice. New York lias adopted the plan of burning its garbage instead of carrying it ont tn sea and having it washed back by the tides. By reason of this the health 0 the cvtfi $etTy i pTOVrd. EtSnator Nesaitli Uidoirig well linco lis return to $iu liolMe in Pe-lk caentv, and Strang hopes are enter tained of his complete recovery. Srap r FIss. Natnro's own true Laxative. Pleas' ant to the Palate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in Its nature, pain less in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Billiousness, ludigestior, and kindred itht. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, "regulates the liver anJ acts on trie Bowles. Breaks np Colds, Tjliitls anil Fevers, etc. Strengthens The. organs on which It acta. Better tban bitter, nauseous medicines, pTlU, Silts ftr.rl" draughts. Sample bottle free, and Urge bottle for sale by Merrilt & Robinson, Jacksonville. theEnifliws tf rrieLce.lsvwjlLMiwtlrs-.and bat an en J-mnns rurnuonn. aenss elisp A CO Patent SotlclVTS. Fob's cr seizsanc UBSJCX. X3 Broadway. Ks Tort. mat an "m fnimt twa. The marine bind nowadays "Dixie" and 'Sweaee Rlvir" at the White w - A HosrpUea. has killed two men en Pff- pt Btfund Inring the past week, acd buVnsd 'one house and it content. It "has also been the means of pttttia three person in jiil, on ebarge murder, with the probability tj leatt one ol the three will be pnnihd perhaps xtangft Post Intelligenctr. The water powen taking'the eyej Urers, whtl . L