rpW'J fC OREGOH SEHTINEL. JACIU.OJIVILl.rc Batuudat, April 11, 18P5. California and Oregon. The San Franeisco "Post" says: Tke question of the prompt completion of the California and Oregon line, from Delta to the Oregon State line, depends materially upon the rapidity with which the new issue of bonds by the Central Pacific Railroad is taken p. At present there is a depression in railroad securities, and the general public are somewhat inclined to ab stain from investing in them. The probable result, so far as present in dications go, will be that little railroad building will be doce this Tear. The road from Delta to the liiie is through a Terr difficult ami mountainous coun try, and will require a large force of mess, and a question arises whether the men qualified for the work can, be obtained in sufficient force this season. When once commenced, ttm road could bo, probably carried through in two seasons, if favorable ones-. It njy be commenced this year. What action may be taken is not yet known. One by one the blessed things of ,a J America creep into conservative Eng- i lana, ana mis is uai mo oaiurun "Review" says in regard to the politi cal terms of this free land: "That ill-shaped verb 'to gerrymander' has recently been- incorporated in the vo cabulary of the contemporary politi cian. In dne course of time the Brit ish public may coma to use a further variety ef American political phrases. A British statesman, may point with pride to his record, and he may de nounce with emphasis and vehemence ihoie who bolt the regular nomination and do not vote the straight ticket. It may be in a fea years a little knot ef party managers will prepare the slate, and that a little group of British mugwumps, equally determined, will rise up in their might and upset the carefully prepared machinery, aad to break the slate." The sufferings of General Grant, as described by his physicians in the New York "World," are something terrible. To the augnuh of the cancer, which is eating his life- away, is added acute aeural;ia, which, as everyone knows who hat liten afflicted" with it,. can came as near making life intolerable at aaythiug. The physicians do ret be Here that he can, at the furthest, live through the month of May, and ad mit that his death at any time need cause no surprise. Ptill, he works away at his bosk, and, when the pains assail him with all their por; he hardly make a sign. He knows that he is soon to die, but turns to where "Death's pale flag advances" the same unruffled look that he wore when the fate of his army, if not of his country, hung upon his making no mistake. No dying couch in America was ever at sorrowed over as is General Grant's. Th Catholic "Review" repels with a good deal of spirit the statement of Henry Ward Beecher that the heavy Catholic vote was given to Blaine be cause "the cardinal winked'to his bish ops, the bishops winked to their priests and'the priests to their floccs." The fact is, says the "Review," that these Toters had their ej es open and they thoroughly appreciated that they never could be on the same side with "Har per's Weekly," the "Times" and the "Herald." Secretary Lamar's auction, sale of carriages, by which the Government realized a few hundred dollars is being contrasted with the eight or ten thou sand dollars sunk by closing the De partmtnt one day in honor of Jacob Thompson, the meanest of all traitors. It it very gtntrally regarded at a first class instance of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. A Texas editor visited a ball, last week, when some one stepped upon his corns. Going home, he wrote: "While the ladies present formed the saoit brilliant constellation this tide of the Southern crotn or the zone of Orion, the gents were the cloudiest, dullest and stupidnt set to U found outside cf a-London fog or. the Texas Legislature." Fostaatter General Vilas has au thorized the statement that the rail- war postal clerks who have become efficient and valuable men, against whom no just complaint can be brought and who have not turned their atten tion to political labors during the ter vice, need have no fears of being dit t oi bed. n the general land olEce at Wash ington final action has been suspended n all Umber culture entries under the the act of June, 1678, which hare not already been examined; also in all cases ef dttert land trie. A Washington co-respondent, under date ef April 3d, says: The Oregon and Nerada people who have been here on a hunt for offices have net met with any better luck thaa California Demo crats in the way of securing them, and they are talking of giving up the con test and returning to their homes. A prorrinent 'Oregon Democrat, who play ed a prominent part in the Chicago con vention, was trying to f urchate a tec ond hand, cheap bicycle today. Hj said that, as ths railroad fare to re turn was high and his money scarce, be was thinking about riding back-to Oregon oa a bicycle and delivering a lecture oa hit way back, on hit ex perience in trying to get an office, so as to pay his living expenses from town to town. His disgust and chsgrin at bit failure to secure an office are hard ly concealed under an assumed levity of demeanor, and he returns to the western wilds a sadder at well as a wisr man. Of how many, alas! can 1 this be said! The Board of Direttort of the State Agricultural Society held meeting at Salem Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. They decided to hold a State Fair, beginning Monday, September 21, to continue one week. The pre miums are to amount to-10,000. Of this, S4.3C0 will be prizes for horse racing, and $6700 in miscellaneous prizes. There will be a trotting aud running race each day, most ef them for $500. and'special? prizes will be given for grass ball shooting, bicycle contests and for the best brass band. A fence is to be run between the fair grounds and (he track, to go inside of which and to the grand stand an ad mission of 25 cents will be charged. Following is the summary of the wealth of Oregon. Farm products, $18,000,000; farms, $90.00,0000; farming machinery aad implements, $29,56,173; live tt.ck, $13,000,000; minet and implements, unknown; other personal property, unknown; total, $120,956,173. MARRIED. Beach Hansen At the residence of Henry Thornton, Grants Pass, April 2d, 1885, by V. Colvig, Esq., C. H. Beach and Mrs. Augusta Hansen. UcAdams Morris In this city, April 8th, 1885, by Hon. L. R". Webster, Dis trict Judge, Willis H. Mcldams and Miss Maggie Morris. Robinson Elijott On W agner creek, April 5th. 1885, by Elder Jas. Hummer, loyd Robinson and Miss Emma Elliott. BORisr.. HostER In Ashland. A pril 2. 1635", to the wile of J. H. Hosier, of Dayton, W. T.,a daughter. Kinioer. In Ashland, April 5, 1885, to Mr. aad Mrs: Ckas -E- Ninger, a daugh ter. Wvakt, -In. Jshland, April 2, 1865, to Mr. aud Mrs.Wyant, a daughter. Piatt In Grants Pass precinct, Jose phine county, April 5th, 18S5, to Mr. and ",rs. Wm. Piatt, a daughter. SnATrccK At Fort Klamath, April Glh, 18S5, to Mr and Mrs. S. O. Shattuck, a son. SALTiunsn In Sterling, March 25th, 1835. to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Salt marsh, a daughter. Morgan On Gall's creek, April 3d, 1885, to Mr. and Mrr.J. S. Morgan, a daughter, DIED. . Wait At Dayton, W. T., March 30th, 1885, Elbert Foudray Wait, formerly of Phoenix; aged 24 years, 9 months, 9 days. Brown In Jacksonville,.pril flth, 1885, of diphtheria; Emma Paulene, only daughter of Mrs. Paulene Brown, aged 3 years, 2 months and'lffdays. Habitant Constipation Is a prolific source of misery and many ill's, giving rise to Headache, Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, Rest lessness, Biliousness, Indigestion,- Pois oning of Blood, etc. The bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts formerly used to relieve the sufferer, only aggravate the disease and sicken the stomach- All who are afflicted in that way, know the impor tance of thft remedy pleasant to the palate, harmless in its nature, and truly beneficial in its action. The trial bottles of Syrup of Figs given away free of charge by our enterprising druggists Merritt fc Robinson of Jack sonville prove that it is all that can be desired. Large bottles at fifty cents or one dollar. Nobby Clothisq Stork. Ashland Oregon is the place for every man and boy, old or young, to bay their Fall and Winter clothing and furnishing goods because you can buy better goods for your money and tou will live long and prosper, bat if you gi and pay the old fashioned prices for goods and then get shoddy clothinc you are liable to swear because you are cheated, catch cold because the goods are ahoddy and wll not keep you warm, and then die, and then what will be come of yen. Go to the Nobby Cloth ing Store by all means, take no such chances! Tailor shop in connection. So you can get anything you want in the clothing line. Wakted. A position by a man and wife to take charge ef a hotel in any portion of Jackson county. Long ex perience is their recommendation and good references can be given if re quired. Call on or address Sestinke effice, Jacksonville, Oregon. Hides Wanted The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for bear skins and all other kinds of furs, deer skins, etc. Call around before sellin;. Thos. J. Kskket. AUCTION OF- fflwi Wagons, Plows, Etc. 6. Karewski Will offer for sale to the highest bidder, On Friday, May 1st, His immerse stock of MACHINERY M ICONS AND IMPLEMENTS, Also, his entire remaining stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, M)W IS YOTTB CHANCE T(5 BTJY AT Your O-vvxilJ'igrTJLres. REMEMBER THE DAY. Friday, May 1st, and come prepared to buy. G. &AEEWSKI. CRONEMILLER & BIRDSEY, JACKSONIAIVLE, JhL El Pogue 3rOld XZIXI, AGENTS FOR LaBELLE WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS. - LANSING RIDING HARROWS WITH SEEDERS COMBINED,' BUFORD CULTIVATORS AND SPRING TJOTH HARROWS, McSHERRY GRAIN DRILLS AND BROAD-CAST SEEDERS, BUFORD PLOW3, ALL STYLES. COLLINS CAST CAST-STEEL PLOWS. RANDALL PULVERISING HARROWS, CIDER MILLS, FANNING MILLS. CORN SHELLERS, HAY OTTERS. FAIRBANKS SCALES, COOPER'S ENGINES AND SAW-MILLS, CHALLENGE WIND-MILLS. CHALLENGE GRAIN CRACKERS, Etc. EXTRAS SERVED ON CHORT NOTICE- "We wonld respectfullj ask our patrons and friends to call and pee our line of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel sure we can Sell As Low If Not Xower Than any first-class goods can be sold for; and we guarantee all our goods as represented. CRONEMILLER AND BIRDSEY. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 0, 1884. for Infants and Children. "CaitorialsBowelladaptcdtoelindreaUut Castorla cares Colic. Cemstlpatlcn, t recommend it as superior to any prescription I Bour Stomach, Dlarrhoja, Eructation, fcaown to me." n. A. Asana, IL D., I KU1,'S " tleep' mnd Proaot' "" 1U Bo. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N.Y. Witloot tnjnrioas mMtaittan. Tux Ccrrxcs Covpjirr, 123 Fulton Street, K.T. Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN Farni5 Mill Machinery BUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HODGE'S DOUBLE DRAPER Headkim LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWERS, McSHEhRY DRILL AND LEEDERS, REAPERS, TWINE BINDERS, BUFORD'S GANG .5: SULKY PLOWS, COATE3 SULKY RAKES, BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, SCOTT & CO.'S Engine & Threshers, WALKING CULTIVATORS, COQPER 4 CO Saw Mill Machinery, RANDALL WHEEL HARROWS, CARRIAGES. SPRING WAGONS, THE CELEBRATED HOLLO .VTOOTH, BUCKBOARD WAGONS, HARROWS, Etc, Etc., Etc. A Full Line Of Farm Machinery. Write for catalogue. Address either " FRANK BROS. IMP'L. CO, Portland, Or. Or, R. "W. PORTER, Agent, Oregon'City,. Oregon.- ajr 11 3 ra EXCELSIOR LIVBRlSSJIND FEED STABIi 33. Corner Of OBIOOS AND ClUrOKKU ST3., Jicxsoivltijt W. T. FLYBSALE, prop'r Would respectfully inform the public that he has a fine stock of Hones, Buggies and Carlaget And he is prepared to furnish his patrons and the public generally with Fine Turnouts As can be had on the Pacific coast. Sad die horses hired to go to any part of the county Animals BoHght aaf Sold. Horses broke to work single or double Horses boarded" and the bestrof care be stowed npon them while in my charge A liberal share of the public patronage Is solicited on reasonable terms :i Clearance Sale -AT- Mrs. P. P. Prims' Mi.linery Store, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I will offer my entire stock F01 COST AND FREIGHT! consisting of HATOF ALL STYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS. FLOWERS, COLLARS I8D CUFFS, VoIIIub, ORNAMENTS, SUKS, LACES, GenlltstM'. aad Lt4&' HaadkercMcfi ETC.,- ETC., ETC. Call'aad-seetbeBet the building form' erly occupied by A LAJohnson on- Cali forlia street. r IfRS.P.P.PRIST. M CaSK STORE ! ! CJLRO BROS Has just opened a fine stock of General Merchandise AT t?23Loe-n -f?s His motto is Quick Rales and Small Profits. And he feels assured that all who favor him with thctr patronage will be satis fied -with his prices and the quality of his goods. He Keeps dry oooix, OKOCERIES. PKOTISIOV3. CLOTIHNO. fUKNlSlHXCfGOOnS. UATS AND CAPS. liOOrs AND SHOES, And everything usually found in a first class Gctien.1 Merchandise btore. He will give his customers the benefit of the reduced freights caused bythe ad vent or tin railroad, and will not bt under sold by anybody. "" ' M. A. BRENTANO, Manager. Phoenix, Oregon, Feb. 25, 1884. THE S. P. VARIETY STORE, UNDEtt THE ilAKAOnifEST OF J. R. JLittle, Prop. JACKSONVILLE, TiILL BE KEPT WELL STOCKED VV -with the choicest CIGARS, JEWELRY, GROCERIES, CANDIES, NUTS, PIPES, CARDS, NOTIONS, CUTLERY. STATIONERY, ALBUMS. TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES Gent's Furnishing Goods, Fishing Tacklo, &c. Axd everything snally found in a firs' class variety store. 3Iy goods are the best and gurranteed to be as represented. Prices low, as we dc not proprose to lie undersold. ESTGhe us a cal. J. R. LlTTf.E. JACKSONVILLE NURSERY A. . Johnson, Pro. As the demand ' for fruit trees is so great in this valley I have started a Nur sery in tins place and will raise nothing but the finest varitties. This year Ini 1 bell fioin the Wuodburn Nurse y as usual and also lrom the celebrated Alameda Nursery, Oakland Onl. The following are home of the leading- varieties I will keep: Fcaclics. Early York BriggS TJecl liny. E. and L. Crawford's hlump World. Wale's ciriy calwar. Ainsden Susquchannah. Alexander 3Iary's hoice. Orange Cling Yellow Bergen. Lemon Cling and many more. X2Txi.33.o:3 and Flums. Putile Pruned' A.gen Peach Plum. Italian Prune Yellow Egg. Go den Prune Coc's Go den Drop. Grosi Prune Bradshaw. t Cathrinc Prune Japan Plum. heiries, Nectarine,, Apricot, Qiunce, A pple, French Gonsberry, Oreson . ham agne BerrieD, and nil kinds ot oruament al and shade trec3. E. N. BAKEE, Merchant Tailor, Jacksonville - - dragon. The subscriber takt-s pleasure in in forming the public that he has opened a Tailorshop. CM TTEIE SILE) G31 SHf Building, and that lie is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line in a su perior manner and at prices to suit the times. C5F"Clothing mndVafter the latest and brst s'yles. A large lot of samples al ways on hand to select from. RN. BAKER. City Lunch House Fred Grob, Proprietor. Having moved to my new stand on CU1 itornia street opposite the Union livery slab e 1 ask my friends and the public genem ly to give me a call. I keci lieer. Wine and Cigars and EST A first class lunch can be had at an time for 25 cents. FRED GROB. LRITSCHARD, practical Watchmaker ad Jeweier, Cnlifornia Sr--t, MAKES SBpecially ol clrinimr and re pairing watches and clocks.- Mj o?irir?s are reasonable. Give me a cn'.l. UNION HOTEL, KerbjTille Oreson, Mrs. M. Ryder, Propr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this bouse at the most reasona ble rates. (ITAa excellent stable connected with the natal-. 'TILIM-flaD TI11I AT E. C. BROOKS' New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. CloolLS. A fine assortment of 8-day clocks, with ana without alarm. v atolios. Gents', ladies' and boys' gold and silvei hunting-case, open-face and skylight watches, from $5 to $150. Bracolots. A fine lot of ladles' gold band and bangle bracelets. 3jixisor JgM-nss. Diamond and ruby rings, cameo stone cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and pearls, and onyx rings with hidden mottoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid California rings. Diamonds in every shape. Ladies bets of Jewelry, from thc50-cent black set to the $200 bird sets of diamonds Gents' and ladies' gold chains, lockets and charmsT 3?lxxs and Buttons. Gents' gold scarf-pin3, scarf-slides, studs and collar-buttons. SUvcx" Wr3. Silver and silver-plated knives, forks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sugar-spoons and tongs in cases BdliQcoUanoous. Gold ana silver thimbles: gold, silver and steel spectacles; and a full slock of every thing in the jewelry line A full assortment of perfumery, toilet soaps, etc. a lot of steel engravings and pictures for children. In ihort, a complete and first-classlineol HOLIDAY GOODS. Ml to be so'd at the LOWEST PRICE! Also accordeoSM, violin, banjos, and the best 'ine of violin, guitar and banjo strings. l ne oesi sperm on lor sewing macnincs. A lull line of Drugs and Medicines. EgUPrcscriptiuns artfully compounded E. 6. BROOKS. M TOWN eF IIWHID ! Lots for sale at low prices and ou ea. terms. pply to J. S. HOWAl'.D, agent, at Xlcdford. Also, in the Railroad addition to the town of AbHLAND. Apply to 31. L. SlcCal .Agent, Ashland. PHOENIX, Apply to 21 V- B. SOULE, Agent Phoenix. GOLD HILL. Apply to 31. E. PoGUE, Agent, Gold Hill. GflANT'SIPASS. Apply to 3. JI.'WK.COX, Agent Grant's Pass. Or to GEO. H. AXD HEWS, 0.&C.R.R Co., Portland Or. DAVED U?m, GE1ML UNDERTAKER. AXD DSALKR IK COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kept on hand oi made to order EMPIRE HOTEL. IVZodford, Ojc. J. W, Gunninghan, Prop. This commodi us and well arranged hotel is now open for the accommodation of guests, and will be kept on the most approved plan. The tab'e will always be supplied with the best the market affords. Especial in ducements nre offered the traveling pub lic. J. W. CUNNING HAM. Medford, Feb. 25, 1884. Criterion Billiard Saloon CALIFORNIA ST., CATON & GARRETT, Proprietors. THIS popular resort, under new man agement, is furnishing the best brands ot liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Gh e me a call. The Bishop Scott Grammar SCECOOL. A Boarding and Day School for ISori, The seventh year under the present management will begin September 2d. Boys successfully fitted for College or for business. Five resident and three, visiting teacher. Discipline otnet. For farther information and for catalogue containing list ot former pupils. Address J. V. HILL. Head Master; 2m a23' Drawer 17, Portland, Or. Organ for Sale. The undersigned offers for silo on ensy terms to a eltoA p,-.rly a first-clsss Taher orsan. 10 slops, beinH-edIUtnrew weeks. For particulars enquire at this"nfflce or address the undersigned at Phoenix GEO. CROSS. Phoenix, Or., Sept 20tb, 18?4. BsttttT' SJotico. Notice is hereby given that I, the un dersigned, have taken up one bay horse maked as follows: Two white feet on right side, white speck in right eye, fore head white, and saddle marked, about 12 years old and appraised by J. W TVimer, Justice of the Peace for Murphy precinct at twenty dollars David Lixtxiat, Sr. sM0 GRAMD CELEBBATIQH 1 If A3$ 1AK5 G&Kl TrWO" At Jacksonville, Oregon, OS St Tammany's Day 3VTa.y 12, lOOS', Under the auspices of 9REC0MAX P8MHBMAS TE1BE, SO 1, IMP'D O. R. M- Exercises Of The Day. Emerging from their .nevr Wigwam on corner of Calitornia and Third streets at 1 o'clock p. m., the Order will parade the principal streets of Jacksonville, headed by the Jacksonville Silver Cornel Band AND OTHER BAND& On refcof the procession to the Wigwam f HqgBtt. HANNA, P. S., Willdelivein address, which will bo followed by appropriate vocal and instru mental music and the DEDICATION Of their new Wigwam; besides 6tner in teresting exercises; after which there wi lbea Band Contest For three prizes. The whole to concludo with a In the evening at Holt's Hall. The best of music has been procured for this event, and the committee has left nothing un done to make it the grandest ball ever given in Southern Oregon. Ticket including supper $3.00. ALL A RE INVITED TO ATTEND. Ooxntnittoos. Reception II. Pape, Sr, T. T. McKen zie, Adam Schmitt, E D. Foudray, E. B. Watson and E. Jacobs. - Music a. F. Eddy, n. Pape, Jr., D. W. Crosby. Floor Manners J. C. 'Whipp, Wm. Mensor.Chas.NickelI, Chas Purse l.Brnd Dean. Chnr'es Prim, J. T. Koloson, DaVo CrunenullT. Dei oration D. W. Crosby, II Pap:, .Ir, D Hardin, John Bicvenue, Fr nk Lc-iin". Gcnnri Committee Adam Schialtt, J.'ines G. Birdscy, J . R Little. SILAS J. DAY, Notary Public, Real Estate Agt. Abstracts made of Titles to Lands. XiosalPoonmonta Of all kinds drawn tip, especially pertain ing to the settlement of estates. Collector of Accounts- Prompt Remittances. Investment Securities a' Specialty.' Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold. I have n complete set f Maps of all Surveyed Lnnd3 in this county, and re ceive abstracts monthly from Ro'-cburs ef all new entries rnide. I am thus pre pared to make out Homestead and l're cmptioi papers, and can thus save to par ti" s the expense of a trip to Hoseburg Land Office. Several fine farms arc in my hands lor sale. Prompt reply made to all letters. Charges in accordance with tho times. Refers, by r-ennisson, to C.''. Beck man, E-iq, "Banker; to Hon. L. R. Web ster, Judge of this judicial district, and to any husmess house in Jacksonville. Office at south cast corner California and 5th street, Jacksonville, Oregon. SILAS J. DAT. MAX MULLEE, F. O. Building, Jacksonville -DEALER IH- General Merchandise. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES pleasure in informing the public that he has purchased L. Solomon's in terest in the POST OFFICE STORE.- WMch' will be kept stocked with a com plete and first class avttment of 'general merchandise. I will sell .t' Very Seasonable Rates. Give me a call and ee for yourselves. MAX MULLKR. Tacfcsnville'i--Crescent City mail Route. F. McMahon, Proprietor Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday Wednesday and Friday mornings at 3 a M,arriving at Waldo In the evening, where close connection is made next morning tor Crescent City. When the new wagon road is finished about January 15th through tickets to' Sari Francisco will be sold for 18 by this route. Exnress-ancf order business done at re. duceo rates. . , P.McMAHON Proprietor Miss Si JOiinsox. MissJI Caveks.. Dressmaking. We are now prepared to take Orders for anything in the Dressmaking )me and ask the ladies of 'Jacksonville co-giro us o share of their patronage. We Guarantee, Satisfaction At prices lower than ever akfd in Jackl sonville. Rooms at the residence of A. 1. Johnson. Qp-Give us a trial Misfis Caters & JoHHSon ' r f A -.