Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 04, 1885, Image 3

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    2 LJLt'J1 J ;T .. ''mw m 'i'i "" ii i i i i" ""man in ! !...,- -LV 'J-...1 i,' .jiiuitMWmwMMKnrn -- " " I " " & ' ' .-.: f y - -,Q'n w- 'fir VtJ" TTSSsT
Saturday AraiL 4, 1885.
"W-AXTEd. A middle aged widower
desires to correspond with a lady about
the tams age. Object matrimony.
Address J. R., care Box 86,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
More of Ocn Climate. Bie t were
swarming on Wm. Ray's farm on Ap
plvgate on the 21st of March last and
the new families are doing well.
"Where "is the locality that can beat
Piaxo For Sat-k K. Kubli has a
first-e'ast Hallett ic CuunUon piano,
nearly new, that h? offers fortaleata
bargain. The inHruiuent can be pen
lit Mr. C'jbU'a utore on California
Beallview. TIioj. K- Beall and
C. Majruder were at Portland thin week
and succesded in getting favorable terms
for the buildingof aMationnear Central
Point and they propose commencing
work at once The location is a good
one and will eventually prove "quite a
Horses Wasted. Bud Thompson
wiH arrive here next Tuesday to re
main several days to purchase horses
for government use. He wants horses
not over 151 bands high from 5 to 8
years old and will purchase about GO
brad in this valley if they can be had.
Bring your horsos in if you want to
Stli at good -figures.
Relioioim Iteus. Rev. A M. Rus
sell praiches at Med fold next Sunday.
. ...Rev. P. A. Moses will preach at
Brownsboro on tin first Sunday in
April.... Elder M. PeterFon will hold
services at the Mound t-cliool house
Sunday. ...Rev. A. R. Bickenhach
will preach at the Presbyterian Church
in Phoenix Sunday morning and in
Jacksonville in the een:ng.
Sopremk Court. The following is
the standing of the cases mi far before
the Supreme Court in cases appea'ed
frfitti the first district: State of Oi.e
COn vs. Martin Maekey and William
Mackey Argued and suhiuitted.
David P. Slio.k, respondent, vs. J- H.
Colohan, appellant Judgment of the
Idwer court affirmed; opinion by
riiayer, J.
Brass Band Tournament. In con
nection with their regular exercises on
St. Tamniany'a T)av, May 12' u, thp
members of that older have arranged
for a Band contest giving prize for
ilia mree 'test lianas in Sou' Hern Ure
gor and Northern Cxlifornia, to be de.
tided by disinterested judges chosen
from outside places. This will make a
novel and exciting contest and the
bunds from VTieka, Henley, Ashlshd,
Jacksonville and Roebuig are expect
ed to compete fr the pi izes offered.
Jt is proposed that three prizes b
given and the amounts will be made
known next week. Everybody is
Easter Services. To morrow w ill
be Easter Sunday, and nccordiugf to
the usual way of the Calholic
eliu'th, the day will be celebrated in
tkeut.ua! cuS'ont. Tim regular ser
vices for that day will be held in tlie
morning Rv. F X. Blatichet officiat
ing and the following young ladies
will ting at the grand muMcal high
miss at that time: Soprano, Miv
Cjra Linn, Sophia Isli, and Ada Ply
malo; 2d part, Miss Sopheuia Isli; 3d
part, Misses Emma Pnpe and Ellen
Carun; 4ih pait, lis Celia Onh; ju
emle ehoru, Etli Judge, Minni
Dnnegan, Emma PUmale, Amelia
Otten and Wanna Mi'ler. A large
congregation will no doubt be present
Arrkstkd. August Schmidlin?, a
sou of Mrs. D Roboam of the U. S
Hotel, a eung man raised near Jtt:k
ronvillo hat got into family troubles
with C. II. Reed, als well known
here, at Dayton, W. T. The crinm
eommltteu was ttie dranliiguCa-putOl
by young Schmidling'on Reed Twhen
he ordered the latter out or liij'liousr,
when he was ariested and it ;now'un
der $1,000 bonds. ' A jMtitibh'for the
rrduction of the bend, so that
Augustine could git out of jiil, has
been in circulation here and was will
lhgly signed by all the county officers
and other prominent citizens of our
town all knowing that he would do
nothing wrong unless forced into it by
Isucli a case as this is reported to be.
TheMacSe Case. The Portland
"Standard" of April 1st, has the fol
lowing item in regard to this caste aMJ
after reading ft a prominent Democrat
here, a subset ibef to th6 paper, remark
ed that if Tony succeeded in getting
the appointment cf Potlmas'er at
Portlsnd we need not look; for nnv
mail from that direction as" he would
never fail in getting things wrong:
"U. S. District Attorney Judge Wt
eon left for Salem eatrrday to argue
the appeal in the Supreme Court in
the case of William and Martin
Mackar, father and son, convicted in
Jacksonville in November last rn
Jndge Prim's Court ot the murdeif of
Michael Purcell on the 2Cth of June
preceding, and sentenced to be hanged
February 13th, but which sentence
was postponed on accoont of the ap
ptal. The e Hence in the case was
purely circumstantial and has already
been published. Mackar, it seems,
had a row on election day with Pur
cell and was whipped. The young
roan, who had been engaged in the
-study of iaw at Portland, on being ap
prised of the affiir, went to Josephine
county, where the row between his
father and Purcell bad occurred.
Purcell was afterwaids found dead in
lis cabin on the mountain, having
been shot, and circtimstaticta ninid
strongly to the Maccavs tu. hr IaV
tw." J
Local Items-
13 pounds sugar for 1 at M. Men
tors store.
W. J. Stanley of Woodville called
this week.
Good Brooms 20 cents a piece at M.
MeLSor'a store.
Several more marriages are looked
for here soon.
For a good pair of boots or shoes go
to M. Mensor's store. -
Several showers this week-doing the
farmers considerable good.
Circuit Court for Josephine county
convenes Monday, April 12lh.
For a fine suit of clothes for almost
nothing go to Al. Mensor's store.
Read what John Orth ha to siy
Huioug the new advertisements.
Now isvour time, if you want bar
gains, don't wait-, but call at M. Mm-
sor s store.
Abe Mensor and wife have returned
from Roscbuigand talk of remaining
with. us.
A number of fast'horses are in train
ing for the Medford races commencing
May 5ih.
A fine lot of stock sheep can hn had
at a bargain of W. B. Kincaid. Ap
ply at once.
Prof. J. N. Hall has gene to Link,
ville to tuko charge of the school in
that district..
Lots of new goods and at the low
est bottom prices just received at M.
Mensor's store.
Saveral views of the Red Men and
other buildings were taken by Peter
Biitt this wetk.
Ben Simpson, former pjstal agent
from this State, las married a wealthy
Alabama widow.
J. Nunan has returned f om San
Fiancisco where he has been to select
his summvr stock of goods.
A two year old daughter of Mr.
Ch in bl m died near Woodwlle of me in
bianeous croup this week.
Mrs. Mattie A. Bridge is not n
woman suffragist and does not lecture
on the suffrage question.
Enstrrn Oiegon wool is quoted at
1620in the Philadelphia market
and valley Oiecon fine, 22o.
Mrs Elizabeth Kenney is once more
a resident of Jacksonville, having re
turned from Medford this week.
Peter Fiuion the popular landlord
of the fine hotel at E-ijIo Point called
this weck'aud was as jelly as eer.
A ten year old daughter of A. A.
Wmier died at the home place in
Josephine county a few data since.
The Hubbard property on Third
treet ban 1-een liought by Ctpl. M.
Cittm ho bus since taken possesion.
Judgo Hanna mid Judge Print have
returned from Salem litiL Duiiict Al
torney Keiu turned somewhere an the
road. Marshal Curtis made several arrest's
this week and Recorder NuflVr fur
nihhed leceipU to sevetal who paid
their fines.
Roberts and O'N.-il, B. W. Powell,
D. H. Miller, KT. Lnwton olid J.
H. Redfield of Medford wire in town
tins week.
The Red Men's celebration and Bnd
Contest is all that people talk uliout
now days. Rcid their programme in
another column.
County Treasurer Fisher adveitises
for another lot of county warrants and
ilm hobleis will find the coin ready
when callttd fur.
J P. Turney, M. D, late'y fiom
Chicago, Ills, hs located heie for the
practice of bin prufcsiion. Hi fainih
accompanies him.
Mrs. E. Jacobs asain favored us
with a supply of nmtzo this weok J
uh E.sler having commenced on Mun
day Jai. .-tTbank's. j.---f?5 " "1
tou want barguns.nii'Vfiali- iMtTjt
behooves you to callfaround'Uvonce!
No humbug, about this. "'
Several A. O. U. W. members went
to Medford last Sunday night tu visit
the lodgo at that place and leport
having had a good time.
The cases appealed to the Supreme
court from this district have not vet
been decided but nearly all have been
Argued und submitted.
A'Slocum Jr. has been in Jackson
ville the past few davs but returutd
to Portland last night and will again
be found at the '"Orcgoniau" office.
The residence of E. Kubli is receiv
ing a new coal of luini and now nrr-
M'lits a much iiupiovcd appearance.
liunsow t (Jress are doing the work.
W. G. Kenney of Medford. W. S.
Filzgerald of Gold Hill, .Neathammer
uros. and John Asbmead of Rock Pont
were visitors to Jacksonville this week.
The fast running horse Creed more
formerly of Crescent City i now at
this place in training for the Medfurd
races' which commence the 5ih of Max.
We were favored with the nroceed.
ings of the meeting of the Ssbbaih
Shoo) Association held at Medford on
Saturday last but reached us too late
tor tals'issoe.
A $150 prize is expected to be bun"
up for the Bind tournament during the
tied .Men celel. ration and a lively con
test is looked for as all think they are
a little the best.
J. G. Birdsey, Constable, aceompa
nied by D. W. Crosliy as Deputy,
went over to Sams vallev'this" week to
serve attachment papers on a- partv
litiug there. They brought back ulie
horse as the result of their labors.
The Red Urn ny they are ready (o
Settlt up with all that they owe for
their new building and ask interested
parties to call as the Captain's ofii e
for settt lenient.
Col. Win. J Martin is here on a
short visit, and thinks of lociling in
Jacksonville this fall if he can find u
suiub e location, and nil' make it his
permanent homi.
Pat Dunn and W. C. Myer, two
prominent farmers and stock raisers
of Ashland precinct, were in town this
week ou priv ate business. Even body
was glad to see them.
The fine Scamperdown stallion Selam
will make the season of 1885 liere and
in ihix vicinity in charge of S. Bioih.
Read his appointments and pedigiee
among the new advertisements.
Jackson county will get a good ad
verliiement tins v ear from lite apples
shipped f California and our orchard
sts should be prepxred to have a good
ci op on band next reason.
Chas. H. Bean, with a fine hack
and fast learn, K prepa.red to takedruhi
inert) or any one else to any purtiou of
the county ot short notice and in good
shape. Charges reatonab'e.
Ex Sheriff Bybee'n cattle brand was
xell advertised here on April 1st and
we doubt if John O'tb or any otiier of
our local hutcW3 will try to get away
with any of Mr. Bvbee'a cattle afier
Next Saturday night is the datn set
for the Concert for the benefit of the
Sliver Cornet Band. Even boil
should attend to give the bovs a lift
and an excellent programme will be
MmeGaylord Bell of PorllaiuLan
accomplished music teacher of the
piano, organ or lmrp, proposes locating
in Jacksonville ern long. She comes
high'y recommended and will be wel
comed by all.
Tlio Chinamen had a big time yes
terday shooting fire crackers and drink
iug blandee. When asked what the
fuss was all about one Chinaman in
formed us "Oh we heap lickem Flench,
to-day one holiday."
Brother McGinnis is making the
"Monitor" an interesting piper and is
driving the quill with the skill of a
man who had come with his "carpet
bag" fo stay. Thais the kind of citi
zens this country wants.
The saloon of A Chi In will soon
present an improved appearance, tkti
cen'trr partition having Wrn taken out
making it a'l one loom. A One new
billinril tuble-will be set up in the rear
end of the saloon next week.
While out on his travels this week
as Constable, J. G. Emlsey fobud a
mine of diamonds. He is a little
skeptical about their being real dia
monds, but as they will cut glass he
thinks there may be millions in it yet.
The Old Fellow's celebration on
Apiil 27'h promises to be the largest
family galheyng of th! members of the
order ever In-U here and sill members
ofthftonler, and their families, can
consider themselves invited gueit-.
We have ben thinkin: for some
time pist that oar old lime friend E. C.
Kane of Ashland was lost but' he has
showed up nj;in accompanied by his
anilablo mfe. Call asain and dout let
the visits lib so few and far between.
After an abu-nce of ssvr ral months
at Tacoma, W. T., Mrs-. Geo. H.
Young and berdatghter Ella are ex
peeled back this morning to remain.
.Mrs. James D. Fay also accompanies
ihem to stay here a while on a visit.
The case of C. W. Bwback vs. J. P.
Howard wax tried ill JusticeFoudrav's
court tl is week resul ing in a veniicl
foi plaintiir for $101.25 and costs A
large number of w lineages wer sum
moned from Medfoid and Ashland.
Prnf. Neiiz of the new market pre
sei tut the SENTIKbL crew with a hut
bologna vestcnUy when one of the
liov s remarked that it vaSvvivJjetteB
iban. .weddln"'ca"ke, sandXlhi-n Jeac.o'
iuuV"ishu iw riiwiivi
Our.fri-RtUCubli.thrffWtt the.dVna
- ! 1." V . . 1 . .. -.
m:te liemls liaii Rtruckrwvlacksuiiviie
last Wednesday when he iliupped-a
lighted cigar into u small lut uf puvvdei
on the flooi in his store, and could not
he pacified until tuld tint it was the
first of A-i ril.
The egg laid on oar table last wprk
by John fijlt of Applegate measured
nine inches one way ami seven inches
Oie-otber. We erred instating that
i' was seven ruches in diauietei!
"Times." V tlunk that Mt. Bolt
erred in laying it at all.
Hon. Win. Kih'er and wife left last
night for an extended tiip to EiMern
Origjn and Washington Tintorv
whein they have several childlen
living. Thsy expect to ba absent sev
erat nionth. We wish them a pleas
ant journey and safe retain.
Billy Jacoby has had more honors
thrown upon htm and is now railroad
agent at Gt'hl Hill station. Slav' with
ihem B.I1 and vou mav v elite nffired a
cabinet position by Preident Cleveland
aud if you need any bonds vou can gel
them in Jacksonville, where you are
Rev. F. X. Rlanthet starts for
Ltnkville next Monday on n pastoral
'our to be ali-ent several 'lava. Tin
FulnerV -flock is somewhat scitteied
but he waste- no idle moments nnd
v isils nil sections as often as possible
alwnys hav'ng a cheerful word for all
he iflee'-r.
Thos. Cliavner got nearly all the
voters n tTie upper end of thfe valley
Ashland included to -sign his
petition askingthe County Conmii-tnn-
em to buv liivbUdgrt for'?3000. Thi
matter will likely b settld at th-i
next term of court and we Lope the pur
chase will be juade.
fllrs. X. Ulsltr lias oruereq n,,e
stock of millinery. including a'l the
latest styles the goods' ..airive in
almut oho week froins,lhis date.
Nothing but first clas goods will b
kejit and she asks the ladies of Jack
sonville to reserve their- orders until
her goeds come o hand.
F. M Drake of Ashland -was down
this week attending the Guirin-Brovvn
wedding. A friend infoilns us that
he was down to prauiceliovv to grace
fully say yes when the Mu liter askj
him if he will take Miss for better
or worse, but well Freil we won't
say an) thing about it.
Dr. M Trooman of Medford who
was for a number of v ears a lesideut of
Jacksonville is seriously sick and his
recovery is considered extremely doubt
ful. He united with the Presliy.eriaii
church oiganizsd there, last Sundnv
The Dr.'n many friends in Jacksonville
hope in irar of his speedy restoration
to heabh.
Ltst Sundsy a Praslnte.rian church
was organized nt Medford. A large
concourse of teple were present and
the ceremonies which included the
communion services were very solemn
and impressive. It Mitjril with a
good membership, und rur venerable
friend Rev. M. A. Williams will be
the pastor.
This week on Jackson creek Martin
Liist and Cliri-- Kretzer found a speci
men of what appears to lw puro silver
ore strraKed with gold, mat can east y
no seen witu ma .naseu tire, iim
piece was founn in the ground-sluice
without discovering the lmlge.,but its
tindin shows that the metal is in tint
General Grant's condition is verr
precarious and his death it liable to
u;curoon. H is in great mental
agitation river his connection with the
firm of Grant & Want ami the fact
that so m my lost by tliem berausp thev
liau continence, in linn. He wishes to
lep.v all such lo:ers and grieves over
Ins inability. -
The county jiil rrceived nnoth'r
boarder from Ashland this week in the
person of W. Taylor who was bound
over in the sum of $200 for breaking
into the railroid company's powder
liouse nn : lie btskivou mountains.
He. fiiled in furnishing the bond aud
will now havo to await the action of
ihe next grand jury in jail.
Rev. A. R. Biekenbsch, the psstor
of the rresltylerinii church m Jacksot'
ville, is preaching wry intert'Ming
.rnniis, and always is greeted vvj-h
lare audiences; ho is a line ncholar,
thoroughly conversant with the scriptures-,
and his eyident earnestness, and
sincere bslief, in lh sacred truths of
tlio Bible iiiKtire his audience with a
desire to hrarbim again.
Brother McGinnis has launched out
in fiction giving his first production
"The modern Rip Van-mkle" to
the. public in his last edition. Hi-,
chinictes are taken from reaUife,
the plot is laid in this valley, ami the
story ends with a mural. Go ahead
Br... If. for if vou mil find literarv
iiisutraiion in tbat subj-ct your succes.
in the newspaper linn is assured.
Henry Wrede of Eden piecinct was
in town the other day and in
formed us that a second attempt nt
robbery ns made.it bis house on the
nilbt following the one when the
Chinaman was run off Henry has
now got himself well fixed and pro
poses giving thn next night visitor a
warm reception when he calls. Nolh
ing was stolen on either occasion.
The directors of the Oregon Pacifu
railroad havo completed and issued a
tarill sheet, fixing the rate of f treat
five cents per mile. It is said the com
pmv will fight the law- lecenily made
by the Oregon Legislature fixing thu
rale of mileage at four cents per mile.
ThU law will t.-ikt; effect May lt. I'
ti. expected that trains will begin run
ning on schedii'e tim about April 1st.
jMFour young men of Jacksonville
ent to Drv Creek jti the first of
Aliril to visit a certain (1.1. Inn in
.which nu'liernus fiali were cunght each
tS'2'v .t-s ...
nay some iiiiurtnant sani, but vvlisn
,wn claimed our portion of the fi-.li mr
George n. Chick, a--Portland real
estate agent representing n lart'e
amount of c-ipitnl wai here this week
negotiating for the pnrch.isi of the
Sluimpf quartz ledgo jicje. Willow
Springs and terms have been agreed
upon whereby the former ngrer-s to
put up a ten stanrr mill at once 1n
cruih the ore rrbtr on thp- iTnhipC "The
purchasing parties say the regular ten
of roclc ns-avs 22 per ton and they
look for big returns.
Eister, the fine, stnllisn owned bv
Win. Ray of Atiplegale, will make
the season of 18S5 n follows:at O-car
Biglovvs p'ace on Williams creek con
mfneing A.ril 1st nnd remsin thre(.
d iv, the balance of the time at "Mr.
Rav's farm, returning to. each stand
every ninth ilav. Eister is a dark-
iron grav, six years obi, weiglis "500
pounds nnd is of good forni a'nd action
His sire was Gen'. Fleuryoul of a
Pejginawl anil Hinkle mare. " For
further particulars enquire oF the pro
Mrs Mattie A. B'id'gh delivered
i course nf lectnres in AMiuI, and is
now lecturing in Y'reta;" s'le'will re.
turn fo Ashl.iud anif deliver a farewell
lecture in AvbNnd next TilTd'sV even
ing Every where. ll)at she his leclur
etl slip ha received thp most flittering
notices from -.thn pressf she" is said In
be a lady of fine personal presence, ex
ceptionallv p'easant and graceful, and
alwavs wins friends both m'jmlio and
private life. Her lectures are repre
sentee! sex-iltel in -ntime'. and de
livered with a modest nit'frinating
ease that is always charming an j ileas
"uw " a.t:
pn feu r r-rp-fASgii t2ilipttsri
4itckeri..'fThe bovI7fltjf UwSsrnifS
foot'po'es and ieel ferlwls aSVrSiMBJ1
rates. 3 S5:,BE2-"
Chasers forHrnltil and tiluasc.
Mail is efependeiit upon his sur
rounding!) for the necessiiirs of 'iff.
Air and water are mce-sities vt life,
but iii.pun nir and impure water are
most pi CillbV. sources of iliease, Fiod
is a'so a necessity of lif.-T but numer
OUs diseases are traceable lo both a. licit
of necessary food, and nn indulgence
in Special kinds of nourishment. Be
siilea lhe.se external sources of disease
there are oilier more subtle nnd inter
nal causes. Each individual inherits
froiii i is parents a certain physical
coustiiutiun Eich peron therefoie
dFrives his chances of health or dis
ease from a double source, namely his
iuherited constitution nnd his stir
rounding in Jife. Snuit.iry science
seeks to ovei ceme toe constitutional or
inherit-d weakness bv mediciue tittit
supply what is wanting in the m stem.
De Huv u's Dyspepin Cure supplirS
that which is warning to ensure prot
r assimilation and digestion of food
Try it. Free sample bottles at E. C.
A nd nUt.'
In Piiiln'delp-hiit rict-mlv nt n coro
ner's inquest over (he botty of n child,
the jury reluriit.il a verdict that tlealh
was causer! by the administration of a
patent cough sirup, cciiiafjniig mor
phia. Dr. Sam'l K. Cox, of Washing
too, slates that not one cough m'eji
cine in ten is free from ibis o J'etiou
Afler careful analysis ami pr.iCtic-il
tests he endorses Red jtar Cough Cure
as being purely vegetable, absolutely
free from opiates, poisons and narcot
ic. He tegards it as a most happy
and valuable discovery.
Child's Sxow Fiakk Evrry lad,
wisjiing a cl-"Hr, delicate complexion,
should ui Cfail'l's Suow Flake. It
nourishes ami freshens the skin, rn
moves Tan and Sunburli, and, ttieu.it
ural n pearanoa imparted, renders it
liupussilile to tletect its u-e. Warrant
etl perfectly harmlivs. ' S ild by all
druggist-, or by the mauufactiirer,
John A. Child i Co., Druggist-, Port
land, Oregon. Mail ciders prutuptly
attended to, Price 50 ce-its.
Arabian ICnighi, the fine stallion
owned by David Payne, will be at
Tallent on Mondavs nnd Tuesdavs of
pjcb week during the coming Season
and the balance of the lime at the
Charter Oik livery stable in Med
ford. The hnrSH is n beautiful grav
16J hands high, vvnighs near 1,300
p"Undsand is a sure fo.il getter. CilU
on Mr, Payne for particulars, or notice
his posters.
Jlttiv on a Bank.
Reame.s Bros are receiving a finp
assortment of Fancy ami Dry Goods,
lists, Clothing, Boots and Sho-s, nnd
finest assortment of Ladies Cloaks
that has ever been brought to ibis
market. All of which they are selling
at prices that defy ooHip'Stition.
Whn Baby was sick, wn gave her
When she was a Child, she cri-d for
When sh3 became Miss, she clung to
When she lud Children, she give ilium
Wasted. A poitiou by a man and
wife to take charge vf a hotel in any
portion of Jackson county. Long ex
perienco is llieir recommendation and
gooil references can be given if re
quired. Call on or address Sesti.nel
ollice, Jacksonville, Oregon.
FtlR Sale. The undersigned, desir
ing to lemovf to Portland soon, offers
all his household mid ki'cbeii furniture
for sa'e at reasonable figures. For
further pal licu'ars enquire at mv resi
lence. B F. Dowkll.
ntDES Wanted Thn undersigned
will pay the highest cash pi ice fur bear
ttkins ami nil other kin-isof furs, der r
skins, etc. Call iiiiiuiid before Selling.
Thos J. Kenney
mm' urn ..i .hi.l.j.j. f. ,.i . i . i. t-
Ths Thoroughbred Jack,
7T--- . :fc
IS. Will lriskn Ihe ceMitnn nf7tSS5'.nl finSC fol-
lAwin'ltMUta nnrl ntnii H?T8flrirWtos f
!---r--t.-wtitt irr-. !"ft'?u.iil.
ir.ii ui.r. vviir rronmence !Jl-william
Bybee's farin, one mile north ol"jScJiso
vine, on iv ettnesuay, April 1st. where lug
will rimain five d-iyii when lie will be
taken to Iiybso's Ferry and riin-un four
d ij s returning lo Jacksonville on the Dili,
this ruic to I'ontinuo during the season.
The season wil cndJuylsu
CEfiCITER is a thoroughbred M:im-
notb Jark from Kentucky, black in co -or.
10 years old, wiili gonir lorui and ac
lion, andci0hs 1,303 pottads.
Uf- lltrt cflftnn ft 1 Jifl. tt.enrtttt.rt Clft.
"J ...w. .., v -.v., .... v.v
L;.i..t.. i...tn t-tit-Mtiif t ..n.1 ..r. .........
and when marc is Jtnnwn loliovvith loal.
I cstnf cru will ba taken but will bs n
sponsib'e for no accidents.
ji. ui dll, r npneior.
The Fine Stallion
Willm-iKe the season of 18So, commenc
ing: April 1st, as follows: On April 1st
and 2nd he will be in Jacksonvillc.nn the
3rd and 4lh he will bs at Katie Point, re
turning lo each point every ninili day dur-ing-ihe
snason. and on the other days he
will hefonnd at Granville Sears' farm.
Sclam is by Scampmlown, he by Nor
folk, he by Lexington, he by B"swm. lm
by Sir Archer, he bv .Arabian Bay.
Selam's dora was n nifirmin.
He is 16 hands liigh,W2ighs.l.r,03
pounds and is 8 vesrs (jld-
Perm?. Single leap $5; by ths season
tlOinsurancc f 15.
I will not ha responsible for any accf
dents bnt-wi T exercise duo caution in pre
rest the same. b. BOOTH.
Sheep For Sale.
'I lit. Ttntlt.Tcltms1 l.tic 9 Aft liaar? rtf tmtvl
Stock sh-cp which he utter lor" sulcal a
bargain, i'or narticulars anil nrice calf
on or adress T. Ii. KIMt AID,
Central 1'omt.
April 4, 1835.
Jersey Bi
Tiio nndersigT'd lakes this method of
informing the public that ho now kecpsa
line bull, of thret -quarters Jersey bloiat.
who has lew superiors in Southern Ore
gon, in his pisturc near Jacksonville.
Panics (It siring to place their cows in
his enclosure will ba caarged 2.50, with
30 cents psr week for pasturage.
Forluriher pailiculsrs enquire at my
butchcrshop in Jacks mvillu.
joiin ortTH.
JacVsoaville, .-Jpnl 2, lirio.
Ccnnly Treasurer's Second .Notice.
Jiicksniivillc, April 2nd, 18do. )
Nnttco is kerebr given that lliere are
funds mi llio county Treasury for the rc-
tiempunn m inc lot owing county war.
rants, nrottstedun to October 0th. 1S.S0
Numbers 1S19, lSSt!, 1887, 18S4, l.s&l,l3.W,
153. 18.5:1, lhGt;, 18H, 1C01, 183", 13r.9,
14sV5, 1873, 1S9U 1800, 1803, 10 2, 10 M,
1000. 1889, 1002, 1010, 1 124, 602, 15CJ In-
tercel will ceasj lrom llns a ita
NtwJUN FisnEn,
i ouniy Treasurer.
Flower Seeds,
830 teronffsf. Portland, or.
Lisa Offiok, Tto3Eniin(j, On., )
March 31. lyii. f
Notico is hereby givc.i that the following-named
settler lias tlbil nmic. uf ltot-
intcntion to nialco fiiut proofin support
of her liaim, and Hint said proof will ba
made biHirc the Judge or Clerk of Jack,
sin county nt Jucksonvil c Oregon, on
. - . . a' I
siturtiay jmy iu. I8i5. viz. .Minnie
llpusliin, WiUowor 1 P. Houston, deee.i-
id Homestead No 4111, for tlio SE U
Sec IT 3.i S It 2 ttcat. She nar.ies the
following vvitnts-tcs to prove Iier continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of,
siid laml, viz; George Smith, Israel
"in", jai-ou ixiwmin, anti Annrevv
Stenhens. all of Sams Vallev. .Tm-lrann
county, Oregon.
v m. e. ocsiAMiy, Kcgistcr.
Lasd Okkice at UosEnmio, Op. , )
March 24. 188o.
Complaint hiving bxn cntcreU1 at this
ofn-eby II. G. Maihes agnin'st William
II Ball for abindoninjr'liis Homestead
Entry No 31 M, dmed Jan. 10, 1879. nrKin
ihe 3 w l 0rS K 4 See. 30, X KrfN. E
t and S E tf of N E if cc. 31.TownsMn
37 smith, ltangB 1 ' East W. M. in Jack
son county, Oregon, with a view to the
cjinceii.uionoi smtl entry: the find par
ties .ip' hereby siim-noncct to nppqar at
the ofllce of S. J. Day c notary pnblic of
Jacksonville on the 2d d iv of "May. 1835.
at 1 1 o'clock a. ii.. to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. Wm. F. Henjami.v, ltcsistcr.
J. u. i-ni-LETTOs. KecciTer.
hi m.mm
At Jacksonville, Oregon,
St Tammany's Bay
IVTa-y 12, 1G83,
Under the auspices of
0REC0.M11 PiC.H:,T.lS TRIBE, SO I,
IMP'D O. R. M-
Exercises Of The Day.
Emerging from their ncwTIgwam on
coiner t C'ali nrnia and Third sirccts nt
1 o'clock r. i , the Older will p inidu the
principil Directs of Jacksonville, headed
uy iLij
UiUc Silver Cornel Band
Oa return of the prpeession to Uio JJ gwam
K SCL ,A(.2
i in tit-iivcr -:n miurr-ES, wiiicu wjji,bc
lollowon Dy nppniprutu vocal and in
in:ut.il mujic itncl tuc
Of thrirncw Wigwainr tesrdrs oifierir.'
icrtstfn cscrcis-s; alter wiiLli lucre
V'i lbaa
Band Contest
For thrcoprizM. The whole to conclude
with a
In ths evening at Holt's Hall. The best
of music has been procured fur this event,
anil the Committee has ft nothing un
done In make it the grandest bii ever
given in aouincrn urcgon.
Ticket including supper 3.01.
I?ccer.tio:i-ir.Pnp Sr T.T MiKrn.
zie. Adam Sclimitl. E O, Fuwlray. E. B.
r.i-son anu x. .lanms.
Music.. F. Eddy, ri". I'ape, Jr., DJ
Floor Mngerf J. C. TVhipp. Wni.
Mensor. ffias-Nirkell. Unas Puree l,1irad
Dean. Cliarcs Prim J. T.KoIoo'in, Davp
Ct memillcr.
D-. oral ion D. W. '"rosbr. H. Pan-.
Jr., D. Hardin, John IJievenue, Frank
GenstM CSiinmittce Adam Schmitt,
Jsmes G. Birdsey, J . R Little.
.Md Fcllovr'x EeHJicg JtekieoilltOrtpff
A first-cla'ssstockof stovH
Puss and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, 337nshs, Chains, ose
I hare secured the services of a flnt
cliss m;ch:inic, and am prepared to-do
nil repairing prompllv and in superior
In i conneclion with the above I am re
ceiving and have ronMantly on hand a
full and flrat-class stock of
. .i
Everjihing sold at reasonable rales.
Jacksonville, March 0, 1873.
Jaclzsonville, Oregon;
J0I1X )IILLE3, - rroprictofv
cultural implements, tools of all
kiDds and a general assortment of shelf
He also keeps the largest stock of, aa'tf
all the latest improvements in
Pishing Tackle,
. Powder, Shot, Etc
Give him a call and examine his iwclc
before making your purchases.
Of cither ses cdaitted to ths
JwgiuTi ewiiiii8nB, cta.f nd cuts of plain
jwajiiimitan i-npinDwu?.reo. jiaareu,
Lock Pox 10fSayiXgPocrtijrD,-O
JSJ- In in-i'iny, pkaaiiyeion this paper.'
For Sale.
Owing to ill health I offer for sale lha
properly in Ashland known as "Marsh's
Planing Mill," also the Kean Creek Saw
'villi property. I wil- sell tho whole.'or
one half r.f either or both properties, nt a
Mrg.un to this right kind of a business
man. This is a rare ch-ince for an activa
man to secure the best business in South
ern Orejon. For pirtimlas apply to tho
undersigned at Ash. and, Oregon.
It. S. P. Mabsk.
Take Warning
All those knoivinzlhemselves'lndehted
fo the estate ot Madame Jane Holt, de
ce.iwfl, are bereby notified that an Im
mediate scttlV-mcnt mnl" be bad at once
and thereby save costs.
Jeak DeRoboau
Jacksonville. Dec. at, 1834.
Saloon for $afe.
Th saloon property at .ClHrrBr
lirWff?, cnsistinsr of tha hna liquors
an' fixtures, is offered for sale at abar
giin. For particulars call on
Thomas uxratK,
Go-1 Hill, January 23, 18.
5S T""