f N t i l.f I, 0RESD8.SEKT1SES. JACK-I.VVH.I.K t Sathudat. Marcii 28, 1885 Found A bundle of .icki found on the valley road on Wednes day list which the owner can recover br'applying at tlie SENlINEL-oDice and paying for this notice. "Wasted. A position by a man and wife 10 take charge of a hotel in any jiortion of Jackson county. Long ex perience is their recttmmendstion and good references can be given if re quired. Call on or address Sentinel office, Jacksonville, Oregon. 6tJir. Climate In the orchard of David Cronemiller of tin place can be found a fig tree with figj on that had not been picked last year, that ore fstill hard and have never been frozen, and the tree is now laden with a crop in size about at I urge as peas. If any one can beat tins for climate we would like to hear it told. New Suggestion. A Joint stock mining company, with chares at $10 each is now being talked-of by our citi zn. The object is to tunnel through ajnouptain on Jiukson crepk-to lind a "TjJTftTfirUad that it is expected to be the richest ever ditcovered The plan is a feasible one, andns no one citi' get hurt much if the eitterptfte fails, hope the project will succeed. Think of this and don't ny no until yotr have fully considered tint matter. Benefit Conceive The entertarn metit lalegiveii as a benefit for the SiUct Cornet Band uill lie held next Friday lien the fnlbiwiiig programme is announced: I, Music by Juckoii viilu Silver Cornet Bind;. 2, Clioru; 3: Declamation by Chan. Btlger,. 4. song by Duiy Eileer, Wiui Miller am) Emma Plymale; 5, Duel; C, Snlo by Alir-K Ada Plvmale; 7, UectUtion by G. A. Hubbell, ulj-c', A Money less Man; 8, SIuic by Jackxnuvi h Stlier Cornel Bind; 9, Song by Little GiiK; 10, Recitation by Miss Laura Cardweli; 11, Song by Johnnie Mii1i; 12, Duet by A. Schmilt and Son;. 13, Solo by Mi-8 Cora Linn; 14, Sons hy the bovi-; 15, Choriu; 1G, Mu-ic by the Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band. O'Nml SENTKNCfia On Monday of this week Judge Webster over-ruled the motion for a iew trial in the U'Ueil murder cae mid in the after noon of that day pronounced sentence naming TiiuimIuv, May 21st as the time ot execution. When a.k-d whethei he had anything to say befoie petiteuce hhou'd be passed upon him O'Neil said that he was innocent of the crime for which he wits convicted and that be had not) ing to do with the death 'of Lewis McDatiiel in any form whatever. A luge crowd vi. drawn to the Court House to hear the sen tence but Itio prisoner reodied it with eut atiy -apparent emotion seeming "TeTs affected than oihers in the audi ence. Exceptions veie taken by his aitot nejs Mes-rs. Kaliler OMd Neil and the case may be appealed to the Supreme Court, Circuit Court Pkocukdinss. Th following business hat. transpired in this court sini'it the last report of the Sentinel.... Minnie Helms . Al beit Ilidnii.; suit for divorce. Deciee granted and plaintiff given custody of minor chlldrnn. It was aKooidered that defendant pay 500 alimony (o plaintiff and pay the costs of the so. km. . . . .State vs. Lewis O'Neilniurder in the nrt degree. Motion fur new trial denied and defendant M-ntenced to be hanged on Thursday, Mnv 21, 1883 ....Stale vs. Riclmrd K-ingslcv; as bsult with a dangerous weapon. Coti tinut'd until next term.... Cox it Minor vs. J. 11. MayGehr; to recover money. Judgment for 1,470 and easts Ordered that the district at torney be allowed his liil" of 250 for fees at this term of court; also that C. W. Kahler be allowed ?50 for de fending Lew is O'Neil. Religious Itkms. Rev. p. A. Moses will preach at Brownsburo on tha lirst Sunday in April.... Palm Sunday will fall on the 29th inst. and Easter en April 5ih, or one week theie after. ...Rev. E. Gittii.s will hold services at the M. E. Church in thiv place Sunday, both morning and even ing.... Regular L-nJen sertuei wilt Ke helil at the Ctlholic church, in this place, Rev. F X Blanchet officiating. ....Elder M. Peterson will hold ser vices nt Wood villa on the evening of the 2th innt, and Grant's Pass on the f 1loinn day, or Sunday Rev. J W. Shrevn will preach at the Missouri Flit school-lions') Sunday, instead ot" at tho Murphy uchoo'-house, us erron eously announced last week.. . .There will be no oervices in ilia Presbyterian church in this place Sundae, morning or evening,... Rev. A. It. Bickenhacli will bo at Med ford Sunday nloruiug and evening. New Discoveuv. Two parties liv ing near town claim to havn discovered a silver lode fifteen feet in width, lo c'ated near the divide between, Jac t-an and Gall's creeks and km e had their locations recorded irt the Count Clerk's office here. Numerous indica tiens of silver hive bejn f-iuinl in tlat locality before but no one could find the ledge until n?w. If all report ar true lliM will -prove a bonanza for the Gn-lere'aC well as to. oar town, the ledge being only four miles distant. Tlieie are numerous quartz mines in tills county that w'ou'd 'nil pay Jsrce pro tits to any one that would pat in tliccii iul rrqnired to work them, and we cxprci to see a'c'ats'here ere lot g that will give tbma the proper test. The geld'and silver is Lrr and- our people should rrmrniWrr that if"silr isdewnlo 85" cents ort the dd'lacoue ear-load will" bring wore than'tlie pm duct ofteveral of our best frn.s no exaggeration cither. Local Items- Rain is badly .needed in this seel ion. No vacant residences in Jackson ville. 1-3 poundc sugar for $L at M: Mu sors-storr. Good Brooms 20 cents-a piece at M. Meteor's store. N ' Remember the concert fer the bene fit of the Brass Bnd. Chan. J. Howard is over from Jose phine 'county on a visit. For a good pair of beols or shoes go to M. Mensor's store. The fire department was out Tue day evening for a drill. Even the Doctors in Jacksonville complain of tlie-hard times. For a fine suit of clothes for almost uothing go to M. Mensar's store. Tree planting a"hd gardening srems to be the order of the d.iy now. A new brewery will con lie started at Ashland by y.irties from Cili forma. A necktie party will be held in the Court House yard on Thursdav, May 2L,t. Judge Prim, H. K. Uunna and J. R.-Neii are at Satein attending Su preme Court. Now is your time, if you want bar gains, tlon't wait, but call at M. Men sor'e store. The next meeting of the fruit grow er' association will be-held' at Ashland jn Mutch 23th. Several of the members of the A O. U. W. here will visit the Medford lodge to nigHr. Lots of'new goods and at the low est bottom prices just received at M. Mensor's store. Dr. D. S. Ilolton -ii now a resident of Grants Puss having moved there from Kerbvville. The regular term of Circuit Court forJosephine county begins on Mon day, April 13ih. Gur Delpey has gone to EanV ,orerk to lake charge of Col. Jehu E! Ross' stock- raucln Hanley 4 Neitz-are starting out wi'h a good liusTites in the butchering liuei They furnish fine meat. Don't go on any fool's errand next Wednesday beeau-e I hat i;thn dale usually set for all fou ' day. Rev. Father MiGratli of Crescent City paid our town a short vi-.it lliu week the guest of Father Blanchet. Henry Mensor is now prepired to Uko druininersoranvbody else-to ativ prt of the county at reasonable ratex. Sev-ral brakemen haie lont their positions on the O. k'C. R. R. since the curtailing order for expenses went out. A fine lot of new goods were re ceittd at A. G. Calvin's thi week which is the cause uf thn rush ru- hi store. TVe residence oiTFred Sckmidtlin an Want's creek was burned Sunday morning loss about $1,200, no inaur siier. Rumor has it that a young couple from this place will join hands and le a one nxtweek. Well,. Jim,. we wi.li. you good luck. The W. C. T. TJ raeet nt the M E. Chuich Msrch 28 h, at 2:30 p. m. All friends of the ciuse are cordially ih- vhrd to attend. Notice Treasurer Fisher's ad-sertise meiit today and if ou have any of the county scrip called for prrSent it at once and get the coin. Monnay, April Glh ft. the last ilay for laying taxes. Costs will accrue after that time and no time should be lost 'if all interested. Mr. V. I NichoU, of Yreka, is soon lo.locate in Links i le. to practice law and also to look after his many inter ests in that section.. Titos. J. Kenney has- purchased a house and-lot of. Mr Ilsusei for inei Ly occupied by Mrs. Cimbor&ky and wib move thrre soju. Residents of Medford will orcanize a Presbyterian CfiUfch at Medford to morrow. Rev. M. A. Williams will be the Pastor in charge. E "VT. Carter of the "Ashland bmk is the new leader of tho A-hUnd Brass Band and the members are making good progress under his tuition. A sheep's heal with the appearance of being hull human was brought from Butte Crejk this week ami we le.irn thxt the tinders propose making a show of it. '' Th"j new warehouse for Ballview. is expected there some time next week. So Ahruhams will build it and will usfl the timbers now in his warehouse at Glndali. Messrs. llufler is Jackson talk of putting in one ot their new sivle pumps in either the Red Men or Beek man wells so-thai people can. see their advantages. Notice Judge Dav's new card in this issue ai.d xheu vou rrquirn asistanut' in bis linn vou can rest assured that he will fix things up straight. He can be relied upon. V. V. Baker, editor of the Rurul Spirit, has bwii apixiiuled Daiiy Com inrsi'tner un ler I he new law liy tho Governor. Salary, 551,-OOfA'aud-tra.yel-ingeajiensds. Prof. J. N. noil Uae. gone to Link vvllei to. take cliargs ef the .-oJ'Iiir Bchool at that place as- prmcroal. The Profesor h-vs hail charge of the Man. ziliita dist-ict for a long lime past and hasalwarii given "the best of aisfac lion, slid the Ltnkville distnet cau be c5ngrat'ulate3 uu i;ainiiig his services. The well known Oregon hor". Alia- mom owned by Jay B-ach, won new lame's in Callfiirum tills wei uy llieatinc nn'ed trotters of that Staie best time 2:26J. John H. Fink made Jacksonville n pleasvnt visit this week iiitur.nng to Sn Praiici.co via PortlinJ on Tue day last. U-. is a nephew of Jacob and Henry Elippel. A. new stjle of churn, which is sim ply the 'boss of the road," can.be seen at Cronemiller & Blrdsey'. If you want something neatnud cheap in that line yve them a cull. Geo. A. K:ng returned from Mon tana this week on a isit alter art ab sence of several mouth. He is lifw rngaged in the sa'oou busiuesi there and will return in u short time. Newell. Hall this weeR showed us the skin of a silver gray fox and he tavs he knows of another fur which he ofF-rk$50 He buvs till kmdi of furs. and pa) s the highest cish price. School Superintendent Culviglolda the regular quarterly exrminatinn of applicants for teacher's certificates to day. The school apportionment will be made uopie time next month. In addiluri to keeping a general merchandise store al Gold Hill Win. P. Jauobv has been appointed agent for W. F. & Co and Potmas'er nt that place. William ought to do well Work on the new bridge across Bogus River will soon be commenced hn Commissioners und vieoers luving rtgreed'Oii the site. It Is uxpec'eil to coil in-the i.eighboihoud of 12,000. A man and woman were baptized in Ashland cretfc opposite the Woolen .Mil s ou k'un lav last. Rev. A. M. Russell officiating. A large crowd was present to witness the cereninuv. Ceuutv Clerk P.irker visited Soda Spriuas this week and although he was there only a few davs he claims to have been benefitted thereby. Visi tors have already commenced arriving there. The Kinsas legislature hes cenur 1 its coiiitHH-iimer ut the New Orleans Exjiosiiion for inviiinJj ILtsom Davis lo inspeut his depart meiit. Kansjn does not belive in honoring the head of the rebellion. A. Chale lias rented Rvan's rrvv biiuk and "ill move hiS'taloou lo thai stand us soon as the I uihlltu is finish ed. He (imposes filling it up in gool stjle and it sli.uld iketi be one of the finest saloons in town. Grant's Piss hopes to bo the county leal of Ju-eidilne und now otiWs lo furnub lliu county btillilu;s flee of charge if the change it m.ide. The matter will be submitted to the tax pay u s ut Uu next election. The Red Men will try to get reduced rates over the railroad for v i.iitoif ut tending their anniversary celebialiOu ami ball on tlie 12th of May. A Uru crsud is expected and the excursion rates will no doubt be granted. The body of younti' McClimg was found in Appelgale this week i'elow where the m ill carrier and Ins pvsen gsra were drowned not lung since and lUe Uody of Alex. N. Jones is now the only one. that his not been fouutl. G. ICarewski. has sold most of his hardware iti wholesale to Bilger & Maegjy ai d. whatever rem.-uns he will store in his other stand on On gon stieet. Call on liii'i if vou want lur gums in his line before it is loo Into. The M-thedist cliuicli choir has met a severe lo-S sinc the departure of Mr. and Mis. T. K. Bolton. Tie. now resideirs of A.-hland vvlieie Mr. Bolton will lie in charge of Brooks' d'uguud jewelry stoie at that place. Jnepli Drake was executed at Sileni last Friday fur the mnriler o-f David Swarlz, which was committed on the night of 'he third of Us; May. He protested his innocence to the last, and lied without any manifestations of fear. Hon. Binger Hermann, Reprispnti live in the ,40th Congress from On son, has returned home from Wah ititon, wher Lp went a few weeks nao, to be present at tll close of the 4Stb Concrpss and at ihe-inauguratiuu of the Ftesitk-nt. Su erintendent Johnson ofthe O t C. R R and njent Fronk of Med 'iinl were in town on - sh'irt viit list Tue.-rtav. This a Mr. J ihtisnn'i. (jrst visit to Jacksonville and he expressed liintse'f njjreeab'y surprised at the ap pearance of our town. Thrt Misses Johnson nnd Civrs have gone Into the dressm iking busi uess and cm bn foun 1 nt the residence of A S. Johnson. Good work nnd low prices is their mwtoand they cuar anlew satisfaction m n'l cases. Give them a trial and bx convinced. Mi's. Mat tie A. Budge tec! tire J at A-hlalid on temperance tomorrow evening Evervboily there Reem well pleased1 with her and he In, ylimvn lier own nppreciitiou "of the- placn bv purclusing some town property (here aad may make that her home. Two ntldle, belonging to Hendriek. Goddsrl.ind Eiut Guleman, of Wag ner creek, were stolen fnini Jlr. Gj1 ilsrd's stabts one night recently, und h pair of burses which hav been missing from tlip Mine nigiriorhool for some tiiner Ktijipose.1 lo h-ive Ktraved, are now lielieved to have been taken bv th thieves to fit the saddks to "Tidings." Rport savs tftt El. HariW has becitn" a mimed man having united fortunes with one F the lelles of Eastern Or-;on The auiiouui-emetil here caused several bid cases of heart HisriKo and! to settle, th- witter we telegraphed! lirm to- fne.1 out how mat ters stood whn lie repliml tbit it wa nothing but n darr.cr.ilic lie. Tile patients are cow itHproriiip tie.ifgnOSnrrftniwfrlf thnTytecaivcr if the U.S. LieJ-fce atjlakenew, nit now the leadiligiritieiVhaiit, of .Pais- It-y, dropped in oii'Use eVd yii.d made a pleirsaiitsilLjH was'oo bis return from 'Sin "Francisco, cotnTna via Fori land, but must again return in tin IS ir Utiyp'tore going Uome,- bavvtig liusiness to attend lo at that place. B. B. Porter, traveling agenf for th Haywurd baud grenade, was in town this week and ni-tdn us a call. He ap pointed Geo. S. Bi lings of Ashland agent for Southern Oregon nnd Mr. Porter informed Us tint th ngeiu would rovfli giye a puMic. exhibition in Jacksonville of tbesrfiicienc) cf hi grenades in extiuguuhiug a fire. M. E. Pfue his .'returned to G.dd I Hill froubft irip to die Eastern States aim savs mat ir lie is u ueituiller to uiiv ohm he wants thiii to shou- whsn and whete. "W myy lielirv that Mr. Pogue was wrongfiilfv- accused and feel glad in making- the acknowledg meiit. Hon. n. B. Miller," Senator from Josephine, was in town Thursday and made us a pleasant call. Ho made an excellent record as a wide awake, leg islator for all the interests he lepr sMited aiid'we are only sorry that he does not livii wilhiriUhe boundaries of Jackson. JU'igiVLi li. vv eoner says lie lias not vet fudy luadeiip his mind in re- gsro to me purchase OI the.Ueiitelintal hridge acnS Bogue River. Judge DePj-att of the county court has also been il.inki'ig of buying th'is bridge and wr uwnit develodemeiitslo sic who secures the pnzv. Goeemcr Moody has appointed the following gentlemen. fo cnnsiiiuie. the S Hte Biard of Iniiuigiatioii Con.niw "ioners: Hon. !L W. Co'beit and Chai'le 11. Dodd of Portland. Hon, L. B. Cox, of Pendleton, W.N Ladue. of s'iiWih, and Hon. II. B. "Miller, of Joiephine county. Manv new romeis are daily seeking information about Oregon al the room of the Oregon luituigiation Biaid. Tht-y are. mosilv from the Western .States, I.limiix, N"ebrask i, 'Ohio le,f 111. Ala-Ut hevmv percent, of the emjuirers coiiie with Southern Oirgon as an olj u:i e point. A party composed of Henry K'ip pet, J. (J M. Cully u'ld-Jsiiues-A Law lence sturl fol Cilinuhar to day.exp'Cl ing to be absent h aoutile of mouth". Tliey go for diffrent purposes hut all will join in prospecting .that secticu for gold and if anything is found h romjiany is already organized to woik the claim. , What :ipppsE?d to be an inc-'ndiari fire wa discovered in X. B. Kut'h barn about ten o'clock last Tuesday night but it was seen in time to prevent anv rrious damages- A bench ofinalches was found near where, the Jr.iv was Inn iiing, ami it tould not bare been afire long be.'ore discovered, but the guilty parly bas-Jioij4-beeiacaight Ojrrdd lime fris-n'd, B. C. Go bUrd, for several ears Assessor of Jackson county, but now an honest granger, pud nHH.vt.tt one da this week. He says that the farmers Viieeil' ami nitHi. hsveiam before long lo insure good crops. Mr. Goddard says he don't propose Si'itiving. however, as he has si.n.ething like 7,000, pounds of beans left from last eis crop, ndJ'Se,iiig found a market notwithstanding he offers them at a ver low dure. In the United States circuit court vesieiday Judge Dendy rendered h decision in the case ofIuiwrrnce Har rison and oihers against the O. iSt C rn'ioitl, upon the petition of Receiver Koehler lor iiuthorilv to. borrow inon. ey to siy fur st-el r.nl mid o'lnr ma teiitl ordeied befoie tlm roidpisseU ni'o lus h'ltuN. The petition w.is al lowed, and the court ordered ihii the receier should borrow 106,009 for ihe term of nine months. The Ashland Council, his pissed an ordiniiic-e ''to prevent domestic fowls funning nt large within tlie limits of that city" nnd the domestic fowls should therefore "look a litt'e .out." A friend living in our nighboring city informs us that the next ordi nance hu looks for will reaal at.oot as followsr "Any manor womnn, w hile or black, bond or free, who vhall mike ii face, giggle or t'mi at any niemu' r of Uiis society.orwlioshalU-av','-Hells) Bildil'or "Shoot the lut," or "Get on to his nihl ' i ill hi. sudden r ynnk- il liefori! 'ho rnbiiusl of Three, and, upon com ic'ion, hanged with a clothe line until he or she is us tle.ul as a door nail: for verilv this socielv will not jif-t nut nny umpie levity or freedom of speech not miicb. ' ' ' f T' - j Meiifohu ELfCTtox At the- elro lion forlown ollicera for MedforJ the tot ow ing iiroved the successful candi li'es; For Tru ees, J. S. Howard, I J. Phipp-, Dr. E. P. Geary, Wvm Birr and A. Cliilders. marshal, J II. R-ifiehl. Recotder, R. T. L-iw on. Treasurer, Cha-. Strang. Stieet Coiniiiissiouer, E G. Hunt. 9S vo'es cast ut the election. AVIIJ, YOU SUFFEr. with Dvs- 'pta nn.l'Ltver C.nofdaiii'1 Shiloh's Vi'alizT is guaranteed lo cure .you. Fur wile" af- E O. Urrwiks. SLEEPLESS N rOW IS', m.ido iiim eruble Iiy tlntfrrt'de tugh." Shllott'ii Cur-.i tho r meily fur j ou. Brooks fce( lis it. BOItV Oati is Ort Banc creek, Kerch 13, IfcSo, Jlr. aotlMrs. J. F. Davis, a sou. lo Bi'khess fhwWlHkirris creek, jrarclt 23. lSfv5, to Mr. nod ..(. E, Burgi'.s.a sou. CrtrxOn Thrwtpson .crecV, March 8, lSSfo Xr. and Mrs- John 31. Culp, a dantbtcr. -Tfer. IsiM On Hatch W i3. nearShrrUte. Jnn connty Alawikivwien, wife or USff Isom; agea apouires yeiri rssp. Hi-atltl or -CTi.s " Onf iioticvable feutuie uboui Jew ish reiueteiies in th South' is tlie scarcuv of nelv made graves after an epidemic of cholera-or ellow feer. Statistics show that fewer of them die than uiiv other racs from llicse er kin dred diseases. During the cholera scourge in louloii only twoortholox jews died of it, while in numbers they eojtalled fully 20 per cent, of the pop ulatiou. Their immunity f rem diseas.-, and the certainty with which they re cover hefi attacked by it is accou'itpd for by the simplicity of their diet. They are very strict about following the dietary laws- iiresrrihed by Mojix. Isn't it a little strange that Moses, if he. was only a historian, should have possessed knowledge superior to that of the wisest and best physicians of the present day! Hit evidently believed in preventing di sense rather than cui ing it. Tnisis what lie Haven's Dv pepsia Cure aims to do; it acts directlv on the digestive juices of the stomach and lait'i prevents nnd cures Indiges tion a-nl Dyspepsia. Free sample bot ilea at E. C. Brook's drug store. PEACKMETACK a lasting and fra grant ierfinne. Price 25 and 50 cts. a:E C. B.-ooks'. SHILOH'S CURE' will immediate ly relieve croup, whooping cough and broneliitie. ARE YOU MADE, miserable by 'indigestion, Constipation, Dizzilirss, Lo,snf Apneite, Yellow Skin? Shi oh'a Vitalizer is a positive cure.. For sale bv E. C. Brooks. THE l!EV. GEO. If. THAYER, of Bourbon, Intl., S2V: "Both niv self nnd wife owe our lives to SHI LOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Brook keeps ir. SiriEOHjS-t5A.TARR.n REMEDY a positive cure-for Caiarrhj Diphtbeiia and Ciiik.'r Mouth. Brooks can-furnish it. FOR DISPEP3IA nnd liver :om plaint, jou have a printed guarantee on every hottl of Shiloh'a vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Brooks keepj it. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Los of Ap peti'e. Dizziness and all srmptnins of Dyspepsia. Pi ice 10 nnd 7o cents ptr I ottle. For Sale at E. 0. Brooks." Nodot Clothing Stouk. Ashland Or-gon is the place Tor even man nnd bo', old or young, to buy their Fall and Winter clothing and furnishing goo-l beciuseyon can buy better goods for your inotiev and you will livelong ami prosper, but if you gi and pay thf old fashioned price" fur good-i and then get shoddy clothing jou tire liable lo swear because you nre cheated, eateh coin because the goods are shoddv and wll not keep you wirui. and then. die, nnd then what will be come of vr.u. Go to the-Nobby Cloth ing Store ly all means, take no such chancos! Tailor shop in connection So you can get anything jou vant in the clothing- line. A Card. Wo take pleasure in.ari nouiicing that Pruf. E. T. Kugler bus resolved to i emaiii in Southern Oiegon. He is we 1 pletsnd wiih this country, which he declare,, for health, cenery ami p oductWe oil, fiiii i'nr to his itiitive Rhine count n! sJinike friends, who became tpute uhionic diseas-tl br continued meddling with. Mr. E T KuglerV personal pri va'is business in setting any kind of storv to the cotl'raiy lit circu anon. would do Well, to tnso the Professors Oilvise to. mind their own business. bv keeping their une'eatt snouts, off, from h'iilFairr Mr. Kugler means w hat ho sv s. Mi tke ITiijr, To captivate the popular lata nnd surpiss all previous efiorts to please the palate, requires io small amount of knowledge amino litteskilf, and when weremeiiiber that the very agree hie liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs is as beneficial to the system, as it is acceptable to the slomnch, v.e reidil.v understand why it is the universal fi voritnasa cure for Habitual C nisti patiou and other His arising from a weakness, or timctivo condition of the B"). els Kidnevs, Liver antl Stomach. S.itiiplo bottles free nud large bottles for sale by Merntt i Robinson, Jack sonville. Riui on a. Bank. Reames Bros, am receiving a fiae assortment of Fancy and Drv Goods, list". Clothing, Boots anil Shos, and Knet assortment of Ladies Cloaks ihot ha' ever heeii brought to this market. All of which they are selling at prices tint dsfy uompshition. A. P Sb-ii-pstein, a Democratic olfico seeker from Wal a Walls, writes hinie from W.isliuigioti.that the chance in get nil ofhVe is Very pOirv He Was t.f&ied nothing but n littlo foreign ap p.iintnieni, and when he declined that lie was told to ' o to h W."' For Sal& The undersigned desir ing to lemovr to Portland soon, offers all his household and kitchen furniture for sa'e. At reasonatiln figures. For further particulars enquira nt air resi tencef IJ-. If. Dowkll. H ions'' Wasted Tim undersigned will pav ! he-highest cash price for bear akins and nil idher kinds of furs, derr "kins, etc. Call atnuml lefor sellin;j. TttOS .1. KESNEY 3IIS3 S. JOHNSJ.S'. 3Ii3s VI. Caveus. Dressmaking. We arc now prepared to take orders for anything in th" Dressmaking line and ask :lie-Iidi ofjsrksonville to give twa sat re of their patronage We Guarantee aalisfaelum At prices lower than crcr aki tT in Jack- Isonvllle. Roorasat tbe Trsidcnceof X?. t'tM.u. e5snl,,a1tj. im',,1 ' Hrssts Cayers & Joaxsox. NEW ADVEItTISRMENTS. ,tyi.Tltnrl r-i,.!rTT-v-rs,Vi--eta;r. Tocxclungon bouse of 1 1 moms und 2 'ots lOOsIO-') feet vvltb spring and riaier.i w.-.tcr oj it, near iiiiblio sClioil and street cars, in city of Portland, rents for $:3 per morftli. win cxclringe lor go,K sto'lc ranaeln-Southcm Oregon. Jddress, G. W. Laitke.ss.O. U. NCo. Portland, Oregon. CoUSTtTKEAsitJHKa'-i PIUsT XOTICK OFFICETOFCO TREASURER; J,ACKSO.NVlLf.E..MurCh 2(5..1SsS. 1 Notice is hcrtbv given that there are lunds In the county treasury for the rc- demption or county warrants, protested up to August 31.1&J0 inclnsivs. Interest on luo same win cease irom tui uaf:. NEtVitAS Fisiikr, Treasurer oI Jackson Vo- UrJ Z5ertm.zr 3Totic-. Notice U hereby given that I, the nr- u;rsignur nave taken nponeosy linrsc mi betb as follows: Two while feet on right side, -white speck in right eve, forv Iiead while, and saddle marked, about 12 years old anttappraised by J. Y Wimer, justice oi iue reaoc lor iiurpny precinct at twenty dollars David Lind'a?; Sir Central Market, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Hanley" & Neitz. Props. This market is nowfully prepared to iurnu iuc puoiic wiiu.iue cuoiccai qual ity of FRESH MEATS Of allkindo, including mm; 2 ail' 3a-saainnrji3. Alio supcrioc CORN-BEEF; SAUSAGE & LARD Thn. mnfit fjivnmlile tnftnrMiipntQ nfT.reit to patrons, and no effort will lis spared to ward giving gmerul satisfaction. , ItAXLEYsC JNEITZ Soda Springs HoteJ, On the Linkvillc Road, Ten MLIea Frora"Aslilantl, L. B. Teener., Proprietor. This nVitcblns icccntly been mucUcn-Urged-aml iinpioved.aua now ha pleas -ant und And excellent accommodations for guests Thoe In Search Of Enalth Should give these jTamous Soba Springs A trial, as they are admitted to poss;ss s.tifln-l'iil rtii w tiTTsi nltilii 100 tti'Ullblti.i filial tirb Vill illll J Nopiinswill be spind to render the sojourn .'I invaliSLor others p'eus.iut and 'comtort-tlile.. The fible vvr'll be- served with tho best the rmrkct siIIohU. 1 SILAS J. JIXAs-Y, Notary- Public, Real Ettate Ayt: Abslnicts madsi of Titles to Lands. Ziogal 33 ocumonts Of all kinds drawn up, especially pertain ing to the settlement of estates. Collector of Accounts Prompt Remittances IaTCstmint Securities, a Specialty. Iacl:s:m Uounly Scrip Uought and. Sold I hare a complete set r Jlips of all Surveyed Lunds iu this county, and re ecive abstracts montlily fronilio-cbur-f ot ail new entrisSsjnide. I urn lints pre pared lo m-ikc out Homestead and Prc ciuptioi papers, and can thus sivutopir tiesthe expense of a trip to Rosehurg Land.Offlce. .Several fine farms arc in my hands tor sale. Prompt reply made to all letters. Charges in accordance with the times Hefers, by permission, to C. . Beck nun, Esq, "B inker; to Hon. L. R. We'e stcr, Jude or this judicial district, ami to .my business house in Jacksonville. Uflkc at south east corner Ca ifornia and 9lli street, Jackson vil lev Oregon. SILAS. I. DAY. Clearance Sals -AT- Mrs. P. P. Prims' Mi lineiy Stors. ' FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS Twill offer my entire slock FOB COST AM) FREIGHT! consisting of HAT? OF ALL. STYLES, RIBBONS. ' FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COL'rARS AND CUFFS, XToillxs-s. ORNAMENTS, SILES- XACES,. Geallnu-nY and Ladies' liifl!ktrc!iitfs. ETC., ETC, ETC. Call and see them nt the building form, crly occupied by A. L Johnson on Cali foruia Btreet. MRS. P. P. PKIJL k.iiLJLiJiJLjqgBgm Ottf Fdltiw. Raililkf JttLiorWllt; OttsA: DKAL.V3U ANDWOllKEUlN" t SHEET IRON, doBEER, LEADJ,' Ettmps,. . AURIliULTURAL" IMPLKMKN" Jv A FIUST-GIUS. STOCK OF STOTKiP HARDWARE.sflNVVARE, 9 Fuso aad Caps,. WOOKN a IVILLOW WARE' ROPE, N-A-fea. Paints Oils, Yarnlsh, (Jlasir CUTLKRr, WIRE.- Shot, Srashs, Clsaias. oso i . ETC.. ETC- I have secured" the services of u flrst cUkj lucclianic, antl' am prepared to do all repairing promptly and in superior style. In connection with the abovo I am re celvinsrnnd have ronstantly on hand a. full and Ur-t-cla3s stock of GROCERIES, miY-oooDs, onsi n oiSv tobacco- nnAUY jiaue cturiiisa. Ufc.VSSWARE. CnOCKKUY, &c. Ercrything soM at reasonible nle. T , , K.KUBLI. Jacksonville, March 9, 1S7U. M DllnTBHS BHFVRIIIflt Jacksonville, Oregon' mm 3I1LLE2. - TropricJori nR.VIXR IN ALL KINDS OF AORI- 1 ctiliui.il implements, tools of alB, kindi and a general, assortment op sheli! haul ware. Re also keens the Itirsest stock of. ancn al! the latest' improvements In GUKSyAiND PISTOLS, ASD'A'FtrLt, .VSaOUTlIEST OIT rishiiifi Taclliei" Powdfcri'Shot, Etc KISQ LAMPS CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. Give him a caH'iimtA-urninc his slock. before making yliur purchases. ' Of cither scs admitted to tho UOHTLAND BUSH7ESS C0LLEG3 On any ircek-day of tho year. Tho Collegs Jonrnnl, containing informa ion of tho course of study, rates of tuition. board, examination, eta. nnd cuts of dIaIb. ma ornamental penmanship, free. Address, A T. ABMSTRONG, Lock Box 101. PoBTtASD, On. 3-In lerUinj, please mention Vii3 papcr For" Sale." Owinyto ill licalili I ufilT for sale tho property in .-Ishluml known as- ".Marsh's Planing vtilr," alsiv tlto ICcarvCreck Saw Mill, prorx-rty I wll sell tho wholeoy one hatfofeithcror b-ith properties, at a birgnin lo the right kind of a business, mm. This is a raro ch incc for an nctive man t secure the best business in South ern Oregon. For partitulas apply to tho undersigucd nt Ash. and, Oregon. L. SPULiesir Take Warning. All tb.xe kno-vrrvc-tllnii'ic'Tyes indcht-el to the cstato at Madame Jane Holt, (la- re-tssr? nee. lierehr notirlpil tltnt nn tW- . :.K :s ..,"-i ;,.. vt. u iueii.iiv7 3'iiiriuciii. uiuvi uc nnu nil andahcrvby save cost. " .Tpvx T)cT?ninisi-l Adminiilfftitnl Jacksonville, use. so, lBSf. Sslo tor Sale 1 The RiTooir irmperty at CJlavaryl. bridtre. cnniisMnj of tlu hotti) lIf(ttorr and fixtures, is offered for sale at a bar gain. For particular call on ThomXs ''hAvm it Gild Hill, January, ISM, 2 $JkdseMsu!y sr