. J) - . -all I I - ii i -. - .-. I -MJF f -V I 0BEG03 SEKTI1IEI. JHE30fi SENTIHEL. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements will he inserted la the PUBtSHEO SATURDAYS IT JacJcsonville, Oregon, BY FRANX K3MJ3E TERMS; r Sentinel at the following rates: leu lines, one lnscrtiOB 2 30 " cacli subsequent Insertion.. 100 t3f Le:rnl advertisements inserted rea sonably. jod wont oi nil Kind none on prompt nojee and in workta.-tn.like style. Una ropr. Per Tear, In adranee. a 30 A Ulxoiuil tu Yearly Atlarartlter. li ffl s k J 4i aV 4kVr ydkn fcv GSMtmt, ' siP ' IH9wav .SaTKaf ' vl yV aV ar jl v Bl -J 1 -K U I I H D I lmc:jm? KXi-IO'l I&k JV mI v a: ? V w'M? v JV JV -sJti , - .. : ,,, , VOL. XXX--NO. 13 PROFESSIONAL GAUDS. E. P. GEARY, M. D., Pbysiciaa And SurgeoH. MEDF0RD. OREGON'. Office in A. L. Johnson's building. T. R. YOUNG. M. D., Physican And Surgeon, Central Poixt, Obkgok. Ualls promptly attended to at all hours. -iri-WHITNEY. 1I- D.- EACLE POIXT. 0UEG0X. Having located at this place I ask a hare of the patronige or this section. Colls attended to at any time. W. F. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. VT-LAW MKDF0IID, OnEGOX. All business in my line will receive prompt attention. II. K. IIANW, Attorney & Counsellor Al-Law, Jacksoxvilie, Oqx. "Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Oflice up stsirs in 'irlh's brick. C- LEMPERT, M- D-, Graduate of University, Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon. Calls attended to nt all hours day and night. Ofllcc opposite Slover Hotel, Jack wnvillc, Oregon. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR.AT-L.VW Jacksonville, Ogn., Will practice in all the Courts of the Bute Olfic in Court Houe. 1 . B. KENT, Alio' nt and Connstllor at Law " JICKSONVILLE OutOOX. Will rracllce in all the Cjurts of this State Olllce in the ourt House. G II. AIKEN, M. D.. DttYSICIAN AHD SUaGEON, rfACKSOXVILLB, OUEOOK. tj5"0tllce opposite P. J. Ryan's store. J. VT. EOBINSONrM D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFU3E At City Drug Store. Rcsi. denes on Fourth St., op.,ositc M.E. Church. CalN pnimptly attended to. diy and night. 'martin vr.man, m. d. DHYSICIAN AND rjRQS0K, MEDFORD, OREGON. Gall pnmntly attcn led to at all hours. B. F. DO WELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. JaCKSONVIM.E, OREGON. All business placed in my binds will re ceive prompt attention. Special attcn. on givinto collections. A. L. JOHNSON, Notary Public, cal Estate AscBt and Collector JVIociTorca. Or. I make conveynncing and furnishing ab stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans negotiated and co lections made. All business intrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. WILL. JACKSON, T ENTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Teeth extracted at all hours. tLauehintr ran ndmini&tercd. "if cfesired, for wiiich extra charge will be made Oflice on corner of California and 5lh .street- A. O. OIBBS. L. B. STKARNf. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TT0RHEYS AND COUNSELLORS. Roomi2 and i StrowbriJge6 Bnilding, PORTLAND, OREGON. "Will practice in atl courts of record in tli Stale of Oregon and Washington Terri tory: and pay particular attention to business In Federal courts. ? Ca week in your own town . T-rms 3UU nd $5 outfit Tree. Addres. II. Haixet, & Co, Portland, Vaice. 1UB FARMflll'S STORK! Colman'8 old stand. A, G. COLVILV, Herrbv informs the public that he is dis playing nt the above rfnnd a first class ttxck of General Merchandise Yhich he will sell At Very Low Prices. Hi3 stock consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTHIN&, Groccricr, ProYisioiiS, Etc, Everything is frch and of good qual ity, and prices put down to IhQ Lowost rfotch! CCountry Produce bought and sold. Remember CH mini's old stand, and give me a cill vhen in tawn. A. G. Cot.vi5!T NINETEENTH YEAR. ST. ISAM'S AC ADEETC, CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTERS OF THE HOLT X1HE. THE SHOLASTIC YEAR OF TniS scho)l will commence about the end oi August, and is divided in four sessions, of elcvcD weeks each. Board and tuition, pcrterm, $40.00 Music 15.00 Drawing and pinning 8.00 Bed and Bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term, $ 5.00 Junior, " Preruratoy " ... ....... 0.00 8.00 Senior, " '. . ..... v.. 10 OS Pupils received at my time, and special attention is paid to p-nticuliir studies in behalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply a the Vcademy WJLNTfiK OPEWIXG AT "-'" Mrs. P. P. Prim's Mi linery Store. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW I and eomp ele stork of Millinery goods. consisting or HAT OF ALL STYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, "tTolTlTi 5. ORNAMENTS, SILKS. LACES, Ccntltinrn' and Ladies1 IljnJkcruicfs Call and see them at the building form crly occupied by Dr. Robinson on Califor niistrjju MK-J. P.P. PRIM. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, TTIJVTJEJV and HLLMS, PROPRIETORS. Tie proprietors ot this well known and popular resort world inform their friends and the public gent rally that a complete and first, class stock of the best, brands ol liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc., are constantly kept oa hand. They will be pleased to hac their friends "rail ano smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also be found here. AVe would be pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring tbcm in, and we will place them in the cabinet for inspection. W1NTJKN Jc HELMS. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner rront and Morrison, rorllanrt. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP- (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is tlioronghly firo-mool. Con tains 120 e'egant'r iurnMicd suits and sin; o rooms, whicli have been refitted and refurnished in modern sty'c Free coach to and from all trains and boats CT7" oonncr dax at hmc OU I Vy 0-ivSamp"cs worth . free Address SnsM.v & Co., Portland, Me THE STAFF OF L1F! TnE ROGUE RIVER mm mwm mills HAVING RECENTLY I5EEN RE fitted with ai" jiodernlmpiovements are now turning out u first class article of flour, which is put up in unc-fourth buirt-1 ack.aud cterv snek is wnrranted to contain 49 pounds of flour If you don't believe this, just compare a Kick of our flour with any other brand ofivrrd for sa.e in this market, and note the difference in weight. :AEiur.,.an(lv5ini-Fccd Constant'y on hand and exchanged for wheat. BARLEY ROLLERS. nnving added a set of Barley Rollers to my mill, I h:ne si-t apart every Saturday .to Roll Larley for customers. The work will ue uone on short nntirr, so mat, p ir tics can return with their grist the same day. I am prepared to roll barley at all times and in the best manner, 'lhis pro cess is tarahcad-of thecrirher G.K.REWSKI. Jacksonville, Sept. 22. 1S33. Farmer's Store, Medfoud, Ohegox, ANGLE & PLYMALE Prop's. The underslcnetl takes pleasure In an. nouncinp that he hns opened his plaec of business in the m-w nwn orMedfonl, Or egon. andis now prepared to furnish, in quautitiesto suit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CAN DIES. NU I'S. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Etc. My stock is fresh and ilrst-clns. and I propose to keep a full assortment of c ery thing in try ljnc and sell at PRICES LOWER THAtf EVER All I ask is a trial. GHighesl price piid for Produce. Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. "WEST'S" nerve and brain Ircituient, a specific for Hycria, Dizziness, onvu'sions. Nervous Head ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory. Spennatorhoea. Iuipotenry, Involuntary emissions, premature o d age, caused by over-exertion, seltibitse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent coses Each box contains one month's tientment, one do lar u box, or six boxes for five do, lars; -sent by mail prepaid on rcccip' ol price We guarantee six boxts to cure any case. With each order receivisl by us for six boxes, accompanied with tivedol lars, we will send ths purchaser our writ, ten guarrntee to return the money iflhe treatment does not effect a cure, Guar.tn. tees issued on y by Woon.m, Claiike & Co- land. Oregon. orders by mail at rrgtlar price. u. s. uotel EriiJiisa. jacksosvili, T. T, McKENZlE, PRCP'?, HAVING ASSUMED THE MAN ngeme it ot his r sort. I propos keeping it stocked with he finest i rands or WINES, LIQUORS AND ClQARS, And will be pleased to receive a cal' frm all who wish the best in my line. Sat istaction assur d. T. T. VcKENZIE. eiHI REDUCTION - IN HOTEL PSICES AT THE SLOVER HOTEL BOARD AD LODGING Best bouse for the money this side of I'ortlanit. C. A. HUBBELL, Eeal Estate Agent, AUCTIONEER, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office in Dr. Aiken's building on TaL ifornia street, n.11 business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. 6. A. Uusseu. JACKSONVILLE- OREGON. MAKCPI 28, ISS5. fM xMi for. &jjst, Eaeamntan, UcuraaPSjcsjtica, Liim&ajs, Ejdcachs, Heilzcic. Toothzche, CoroTlfront.SweIIIn7iiprnlnJ3rallC3, Burns, Keaida. Prrat ISleea, 1XD ILL OTIICn CODIIT P4IXS 1TO 1(1113. EcaferfirasljtsandDMlencTOrTrtWQ. Flft, Cum Itgto. Dinrtlcms ! XI Lauiun'1,. THE CIIAULES A.TOOEIXE CO. uiTMUiteCO.) Eol'J1rt,2i,C.'j; tradewCkaric. 5- a ri ajoiss ? BBR?Sif aHU ItiiK i Aljtnti-trlti Tree from Opiates, JZmctles and 1'atsons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For ConjEns Goto Tirot, ITtnrtcnCM, InBnenzrtf ColdbBronehltlis Croc?, YThocpinff Couct AstLtHa, Qanwjt Polnr In Cheat. otLer Section of tb Tliroct tn4 Lnnciu rrice BO cents a bottlf . SoM bv Drnrelti end Deal ers. Parties unabUtotndtuxVulr dealer to promptly get tt for Vm icUtrecelre itco loiUUtExprtu charge paid by sending one CoUcr to TdZ CHICLES A.TOOELFH COXrAST, Sola Owner tnaUQBtctiTr, IfautlmstT. Jiarjianft, CE.Ju GEO. RIEVES, WAGOi iuakssb:, Jaclisoi.Villc, Or. At Ihe ohi stand of S. P. II inni, la Crone- miller's building, keeps on hand a lull line of Wagon Material ! And is prepared to do all work in liisrlinc on short notice and in a worl.m tnliko manner,, Vehicles ot'cvcrv des- "TE crintion'maifirTfj tjGXi. ' Iiemii-'mrj A SjKCiaHi. Tctnu reasonable and s-itisfacatinn ;uarauu-(d. Gko. Rieves. 111!! lgflUMI IH-LLLG! AND NORMAL SCHOOL, Four courses of sludy.Normal and Commercin'. "ollese. I'reinraloiv and In. Mmiuental muic - Foi particulars or catalnsne appl- to ihe undersigned at Ashland. Oregon. M. G. ROYAL, A. M. President The T'rvrss' Gnun U J3 r..cJ Mardi an J bept., ath iyi-ar: .d pa;cr, 8 si! ir.i.hc?, ..tu ot is,:;uu iil-stralionj r ;i.o!o Jiic ture callcrv. .vc-iw hole- sale price cVrcct to natume ju all goods for personal cr fjn.i-y u TcJs how to i rdtr, tnl gives c;a erst cf every ti.Iug joa uee, c-t, I'rTi v car, rr Lavo fun ...!u T.iesc inn Una Loo'a ctir Liln i t,bnsa:inn glinmol Inim tl.c r.u.? I.rn of V.i2 :t'T'. 1. "e wi.l rnail a C0117 Freo torn a.!Jress i:jwn receipt oi the postage 7 cents. Let u liesr lrom you. Eccetfi.dr, MONTGOP-iERY WARD & CO- S3T 2291V'E:h Avcoat. CMcT--. IB. nC .- SILSBErS KXTEKSAL PILE HESEDr Gives IntUnt Rilief, 2i h ta In"j"iil3 CURE FOR ALL KIKDS OF PILES. siM by pmsgrists every wberc Price.""l CO rer box. jnrpaiJ, by mall. Samp'cs sent frre to Phvsiciins ?"d all sufferer?. In Xenstaedtei it Co., oxx JG, New York r;t". Sole manufacturers of A" AKKSIS. VGK' 1385 INVALUABLE TO AIXT IVill bo nailed C"D CB UfftllaQnlleaiils riiE-c 9T1A t, .cf nmTw rf Isvt imf Wilnnnt orceriDsrlt. It coniala luastreuoas, prices, descripuoas and directions forjlanting all VegeUUe uid Flower SEEDS, DULBs, et. D. W. FERRY&CO.D!SS,T PATEMTb ITe conU'.'-s to act zs So'hitora Tor ratcct". C"eTS.Ts-Je Martai Cepyrifbi. rtt. for lb U1..V' fl-i, laicda.(kta. If jrlaurt. Fra, re CierTn tie. e tivei JriJEc jcar .xerIcturA Hue M Um. id ii i OaVrrtre n ifced t: tee Fcirvntv: ii. l"mrnirfOTlia IBusrra-ed i'e!.lTi8-eTl?5SWarTarhvWi tbepncrxc rIXteie.)vuitlPiTtfn;;nd nas aa en nwsis cimilstJun. V.tUmn tl.NH A ai. Pae-t Solldars. rrb"if sino.Tiric .inift. ". iuvm?ar.MiittE. ksq h ttwaK 1 fUli hlmm eemEOI jXETji i?yoy Pi -fit ANAKESIS WWERRYs! JL rnii Mil s Bra " rH&. as a New York J'oLitics. Tim RppuMicans ef New York are Letting r-ady for the fall election. Arrnngiiientn have already been made n th city for liulding the" primaiiei uiid perffctiiig orginiziliin prepara lor to lliH MJiiinier camjiain. A lil prnl spirit thus fur has hn-ii manifested in Arruuyin thp coniniiitres and loiii pining t lie enrollment. The unmet of ill Ri'publicAii! are placed on tiierollx r-'nrdlnt" of )istJVn"!iiieHor-wamIer- I s. It. ih uiidrfood that Jolmv. O'Brien, wiiolia held lha cliairinan slrp of tTiec'iuiity conimitttf ."or thiw terms, i not a catididutr for reelection nnd some aclivcaud influcolial Repub lican will Inlco his place. It. is thriu ipii'ion to ina the now cotnuiitlee n tion one, and to put fonh every ex ertion lo cairy. the Sia'P. The RejmU licans of N.-w Yoik" are respousilj to h country for Ill's preent Democratic II luiiiiistratioii. Il was thiough thrir lietivioiis ami quarrelii that Cleveland ecnniH ho h Governor and President. In Ins present position lie wi'lnot will Uigly feu hi State relaptu into Repuli licuiiioin, oiiil every effort of his nd Mii11Ktr.it ion will be put forth to pre vent such 11 ieult. It U fieely de cltreil in seine quartTs that litis fact accounts for Mt)iiiiiiig'' nppointniPiii at the Leal of the Treasury Dc-part-iiient and 1 hit h will prolivl.iv not I11I1I his position longer than tu injure another Deinncratic victory in the. Sute of New York. "Wlieihfr or not this be true, ii is certain thul the political strugglu in that State till-. v ear will be ujiuiu illy severn and ihnt tin: Repiililiciins uro snnguiue o! their nbi ity 10 elect their Governor mid 11 iiMJority of tho next GenPral Avseni I ly. Tuh D.-ni'icratH nre rquitlly co li lent, are inuieuuitfd th.inuxii.il, ever) effo t being put forth by the President to conci.iHteTan.inanv Hall and ecuie its enthusiastic support of the ticket. Ill thiittK"v'iM 1nr"iuixHM)fiil for hy lia it lit 4 cuiiuiianil tho pitrouagH uliicli always in ilen Taiuiiiany patriotic and Invnl to the nrgiiiizvlioii. With John Ki'y in eoiiiin md of the Custom House in New York. un'liiiij but d votion and ent!iUniain would uuik lie conduct of tho political wirrior.-! of ihe great metropolii. Willi nil di H'ti-iim-i heiileil in tho ranks of both pirtiextliK canipiiu throuliout tlie Stu e iliis ear vv ill be one of tlin most ex-iliiigever witiierf.pd, and the r.-ult will Imvp n grent inflience in (IhUtiii ining 'he duration of tho Democratic supremacy in ihe Governiiieut. There are now annually returned to the ileml letter olli.-o at Washington over 5.000,000 of letters. The minute precautions iHkn by lhis depart niciif iif the government to insure the safe d -livery of every package committed to itn care i.s almost marvelous. There ix scarcely one chauco in 11 hundred ill. his nid that a letter, properly ad dressed and stumped, will fail to reach its destination. If a lettpr should be reported to the proper auihoriiie", every means thatmnuei, poaerai.il in genuitv could ilevin: vvouhl be put into itistant operation lo find it. And vet, every dav of the year 15,000 let ters are sent to the denl Ittier office to be relurneil to the writers if thev enn ! fouiiil. Of course, ypry many of these letters nre not called tor by tho perrons to whom tliey were originally addressed, and this because of removal, death, ii'gligeuce or other cjussh, Tnit a veiy laige propoitiouof then: arert turned because Df erroneous or inuf ficient dtrrction. It requires onlv a iiioment to properly rtirecta letter, 11. 4, auJ when it 1 couiilerp.i that tho-e i'HgagMl in the most nc'ive and exten sive bv-iness pursuits, having thou Rinds of corri'spomlentf, rarely, if ever make mistakes in this respect, n carelesn, slovenly or ignorant person may be looked fjr just where nn im perfectly addressed letter is posied. Thn nrly completion of Ihe rai'io!d through to San Fianrii-co is not to be exjiecteal. The forfeiture Mils have worked out their natural results and for the sake of saving a few thousand acres of mountainous lands which without railroid cnimnuiiicitinri nre not worth ten cents nn acrp, the Cen tral Pacific! is afforded an excuse for tlip iudelinitn po-ton? input of a work that would be great convenience nnd worth millions of dcllars to the people of Wwteru Or.'goB. j, The War Cloudy It never rains but it pours. The Russian troops are interfering with the English tronps on the -Afghan frontier, and a co'iiwoii is imminent, which, wMi a combination of circum stKiicec, mnkps a tlec'.arntioit of war bn tweeu Russia and England vaguely possible. And now Mr. Rufino Bar no, President of Guatemala, lias rrwu nuibiiious and wants to rule the -united Republic of Central America. Hm Iris issued proclamation dec'ariug Iiiir.self'il.i g'rpat mogul of all ihe Cen tral American republics. But three of them repudiate his claim, and he has declared war with tlmiii. He will en deavor to vv hi,, them into his favorite arrangement. Blood will pour, 'and the fields of enstus will L? painted rrd with fraternal blood. There are war ami rumor of wars. If war i lHevit aide it will hare to come. In case it iloes come, and twoiuch great mid rich nations as Russia aiid England mea. ur xnord, America will act the part of the boy on the fence, wUi-esMiig the dog fight. Shu a ill be a sunreiurlv disinterested iary. But i-he will grow rich on the tioubles of other na tions, and very likily they .will be none this better off for the bloodshed. Washington corrp.pondenl precrive a growing esliaiigeinent between the United Stales Senate ami ilie house of I'e.reseutativei that is liul.In to soon culminate in confl'Ct between those two branches of the govprnmen'. There is nothing surprising ai.out thiv. Tun uionopjlisis 11 nd the iiristrocratic element of the country have for )eam been tightening their g i. on the United Stntes Senate, until now they have comp'rte control of it whenever they feel disponed to control it, Tliis unfortunate 'slate of nlTairs is not pii tiruly chargeable to thu rep'jblicnli party, fur the democrats have been jccrsories to it and are jusi as deep in the mud as the republicans are in he mire. This coast has been particu . Inrly.kiud 10 the moueied interets in the selection of Senators, Bath of the Uilifurum senatora belong to the mono polisu; sodo those of Nevada one a d'-piocrat mid the other a repuSlican uiul our one senator is not supposed lo be violently ferniust them. What his colleague may tm remains to be seen. Unle.-s the United Stat, a Seuut? dis j.lays greater wisdom and more justice than the masse of the peoplo have u iilit lu'e.tect from the men who con pose ii, serious trouble will and ought? tu originate there leforu many yvurs. A large gray whale, one of thelarg e3t of in species, was encountered bv a boat crew of whalemen lust week, while liny were lying by a school of finbacks-, olf the Coast of California. The monster had a large exereseuce like a stout horn, about tiireo feet in I I'g'th, protruding from its forehead, when stiuuk with a Innce it lashed the sea into a foam for a few moments and hen made n dash for th whleboat. A well directed bomb har poou, how ever, put an abrupt stop lo its career, and doubtless saved the lives of th crew. The body sank so rapid v that it, became necessary to cut the line to avoid a second peril. Ittap cr Flss. Nature's own true Lixative. Pleas ant to the Palate, acceptable to the Stomach, h irui)e-.s in its nature, pain less in iu action. Cijrcs habitual Constipation, Billiousticss, Lnligestioii, and kindred ili". Cleanses the system, pu lilies the blond, regulates the liver unJ acts on the Bowles. Breaks up Colds, t ChllU nnd Fevers, ptc. Slieugthens the organs on which it act)1. Belter than bittrr, nauseous uiedicilies, pills, sails and draughtx. Sample bottle free, nnd large bottles for sale by Merritt & 'Robinson, Jackstn ville. The second week of the new ac'niin istr.itioli has closed with satisfaction to everybody bnl the office. seekers. They are disFatiidied In cause removals have nvt been made by wholesale to find plices for pew comers. The rand nnJ tile have settled down to the convic tion that it is only in the Tieaury Department and the office under Man uing' control that summary changes will be made. Four thousand saloons in Illinois havti been closed br the Harner hitdi I license law, aud taxpayers are saved I wo mil Hob dollars a year by it. $3 PER YEAR Eighty Years' of Usefulness- There ii something ncouraginjj to vnung niechanices in Ihir fact that a distinguished rouber of the craft 'has just completed eighty years, of useful life and is (till busy. In effort he is a very young man, for he hopes beyond his accomplishment, and believes be yond his possibilities. This old young man is John Ericsson, the designrr of the first llonitor for so be will be re inuiibued in this country and others. And yet he wtlCbe -considered histori cally as an Inventor of the locomotive-e' of a caloric engine, of a screw for'Tnt driving of vssels, anihposjfibLas the originator of a "DestroytrVthot in j add greatly to eur national defenses. Possibly his solar engine may also add lu his fame; but he will be held in re membrance, by tho, a who share his friendship, as a good man aud pleas ant friend. John EricuCon who was born in Swe den in 1803, his father being a rciuing proprietor. He vva educated as & civil engineer and subsequently prac ticed his profession in England. There in 1857 he entered a locomotive in competition with that of George Steph etisati. In 1S33 he first brought to public notice his' caloric engine. In 1837 he coiutructid the first practicable pro pellor vessel, the Francis B. Osden, and tho ilifavor with which this was received by the British Admirality re-i-ulted in Captain Ericsson's departure for America in 1839. His record in America began with his first -8xay in ar i-hiti building, the Princeton, which was the first steamship ever built with machinery protected from shot by being placed below the water line. The alory of the Monitor, whieh revolutionized naval architecture, is too well known to need mors than a reference. For the last few years Ericsson's time has been chiefly de- voted to the perfection. oLsubmarine attack, and his torpedo! liBatft the Dd strorer, is the result; of Jiis labors, in hat direction. The camel has twice the carrying power of on ox. With an ordinary luad of 400 poundshecan travel twelve to fourteen dav 3 without water, going fourteen tnilm a day. They are tit to work at live years old, but their strength begins to decline nt 25, a', though they live usual'y uniil 50. They arc often fattened at 30 for tho bu'eh'erthe llesli tasting like "beef. The Tartars havejlierdsfSiheseJfani uuls, often 1,000 belonging to cna fami'y. They were iiumsrous in au liqnity, for the patriich Job had 3,000; The Timbuc'do breed is re iu ukable forsperd and used only for couriers, going 800 miles in eight days with a meal of dates or grain at nightfall. When Mark Twain was asked to subscribe a modest gift for the erec tion of a church, ho wrote to the com mute, saying that h? thought they had made a mistake. 'as in his opinion what they wanted in their town was "a nice, largp, strong new -j til. Yonker's Ga zette." An Arizona edilor having got his rival in j til for assault and battery thus gloates over him: "Our quon dam contemporary is lying as usual this time in j ail. We understand" the saloon keepers are moving heaven and earth to qet him -out, as their business has fallen off considerably since ha has been cooped. When he gels out what a thirst lie will have." A man has invented a coiled attach ment to a sewing machine, clothes wringpr, etc., by which, nnd a crank, taw old man can store up power enough before he goes lo business to run the houe all day. President Cleveland will avoid the necessity for this, not being a fani'ly man. A German chemist has obtained a new link between 'he vegetable and animal kingdoms in the shape of an animal gum closely resembling the plant gums in its physical and uhemi cal properties. Lrn-mburf, Va , March 16. Ef ports from ihe principal wheat grow ing counties in tho stato show ths avtragn is small nnd has been, to a large rx'.ent, frozen out of the ground and damaged. Two cases of small-pox reported at Sle. V "7- N