Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 21, 1885, Image 4

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    T- - n-r ,K
? ?
l?Fyv "'."' -' " ' ?'JesBte-
sv-.-r ... jp. -rrs ?-
-t -
wVki ti.
V. -
. ecurn the largest
tfj; af, is tliiu an
: 4! MianoiOla wheat
! "i well pack ad soil
early Fall plow
- made so before i
uj.- 5 rrowing in the
r r- 11 befurs seeding
l i 1 u '.'lions of the soil,
c- , k ntiiootlt and well
- ' f F the seed will
Piles! PiiesI.Piies. j
A sure Care for Blind, Blcedins, Itchirg
and Ulcerated Piles lias been ditcovcreU
by Dr. Wil iam, fan Iadiaa Remedy,,
culled Dr. William's Indian Ointment, A
single box has cured the worst chrome
cases of 25 or 30 years standing. Ko 030
need suffer five minutcsaftcr applying Ibis
wonderful sootliinirnsedicinc. Lotions in-
I slniiuesls snd electuaries do more harm
. than jroad. William's Ointment jlvsrhi
Notice that where! the tumors, allays the intense itching.
. -1 vonr iilowhi-f "?, anyal njg"1 jw geamg warm
- ' r : in bed, acts as a poultice, gives instant
'iithc Oeld grouaj relief, and is prepared on!y for Piles, ltch-
'.'of covsriiiff u nil inSri,lc Pma4e l)arts. & nothing
h else.
- it needs to grow j Read -what tbe Hon. J. 31. Ofiinherrj
' vateat perfec:i0ii. I f 151"i ' J aJ Df- William's III
" ' ' dian Pile Ointment : I lure used scores
rvercd two or three
Proposals lor Ffctfi eof niuf
-.- .
"" ji late, docs not
.';,. aud finally is
. .t ' a-nJ iloet not
'Iib growth of its
it had lbs onc-
. . j; snd stoul.'J from
- i'k-..:i!1 head. Tihrb
fiom experience
."iL. ? i.a a hau-J garden
a'iih '.tlii' g-irdVn
'"'drill, make the
j eighteen iuch.s
"1 enable you to
jb, and that wi.l
.. acre in eighteen
.0 cultivating or
veeds with a hoe,
'lallow after the
- inclie- high, or
Stlie-roots. Se?d
land will produce
ashels, from net
') a strong adrc-
and will asl: II
will grow three
rage, how much
.Viity two quarts.
of Pile uies, and it nflbids me plcasur-a
iotay hat I have never found an thing
which cave such immediate and penni
ncnt relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint
ment. Tor sale by al' druggists or mailed on
receipt of price. 1.00.
HENRY & CO Proprietors,
Clevciasd, O.
IToDnE, DiVTB & Co., Wholesale Agents.
Port and, Oregon.
-J- j.1.1 s-
never lacking in
Mr what it due,
. lUiclveft, and hence
.v their respects to-j
his sister at tbe
.ce. Mis. Bluine
: -" fai eland and llr.
"tipcIs to President
.1 ling betwesn tbe
- . most cordial, each
v. 'iy the hand with a
. v . chatted for an bout
'1. .! ..ina retired tl.c
..11 1 led him to tho dooi
1 .-.lisl invitation to
: . . jnsion frtqutntU.
, riTOsponJents, who
' 1 iork iociety into
ports of rival bocial
,. I .1 iitpcctirely by the
' JV. idtnt, at tha N
And tha lead not
;. i'.i;: President doeiu't
t L'toat ambition for
" i.d Mr. Blaine car
H.rtaut business on
i -. 'vtusty, weat eu'.
(.stablisbed east of
" 1 ;s named after Col.
i ientallj shot and
it re-gion, in tlm
ose of tho C) ue
1 ''v'yi contains about
f. .1 ..1 agricultare and
Und is moitlv- the
uUf- '.andofc easy culii-
x.vs from 35 to 40
-. .; to tha aero. The
'. j'Oatit are Alkali anil
.ans are springing
1 as Condon, Clem,
. and Rock Point.
.'.in 1 count; on (he
-aiity, carved mainl)
f, -ill lleppner as tlm
sM.Jk-ocnty keat. This
r Captain Jack
j( tho Legislature
' ia principal settle-
counties has bten
1- it three year, x-
1 the kind knon
;- ?. '!
Lftjffy; .. State.
! tfc
. .e.uocratic Sifnalors
-1 from New York,
1 eland, report hiut
I to his ch il service
ery woid I say in
mean that it is to
Hue. In other
.. . .1 no wan is. to tt
1 C.'i merelf because h
v . if-ho has neglected
- 1 the liw, he can
-inst,. tha complaint
r. 1 he will net be will
make a place for
may happen to
t. C'e.relauil'k semi.
1 -.j,ct.arenot thorough
- !-mocrati!,. espeeiaU
1 a wild hunt for
iv :4 ollices, fur them.
. . -larch 15. AuJu-
. f 1 Daily Uews, a widt-
i t, died here thu
1 1. i' jj.jpyj
and MALARSA. ,
rrom thoGs Brarcc3 arlss tiirt ioart'i'3 ol
tho diseases cf tLo Ljils 1 race. Tlic33
EymptomaSr.d:catctaolrciuteaci:ric o;
Appetite, Bowela coitJvr, CStlt XIed
nclie, rulliiets after cadcf;, eversioa to
exertion of body or juin-j, Erartattoa
cf fooj, Irritability temper, Soi?
: Evri:i.
r.Tf.ii TTrino. .axvric&'cinTl. md d'
r. n.l -J50 cso cf a remedy that acta S!rott!7
o-.thaUvcr. jL2aL,'-crnio'"c!n'TaTT'3
VIT,IM havono cisl. Their aoMonon tha
KUncjanrt Etini3 also rrcinni; rcniovtns
r.H liapurltlcg tnroosh tbeso thrso " sav
tKgcra o the syst.c2," proJaclns arpc
tlte.sonnad tecstlon, rr(piln.r Etcol ?. s ci eir
iklnaiidavlsoroii3boav. TOTTti PfX,LS
caa30 no naasca or griping nor ir. .rxero
with dally work aacl aro a perfcci
fccMcriryTThn-.aSs. Oia.ltMiirrnTSu,a.r.
Imr TTjtti r.ir AVniEECKS chanicd la
slantly tonULOssr Black byaetnglo p
rtMrttioi of lists DYC Bold by Drags.
ti ser.t by cxpresa nn receipt of 31.
CfiSce, iillnrrav Street, New 1 ork.
Oairr r CSiirl ClHniliu-j,
Ttre-rrr il., W. T. Ptrl.j. 21, ISM
O cite, subjec. to the twial conditions,
wil! be received at this Ci"e and it tbe
ofUccs of the ActU!2!, ommis!ries"oill!)
sitcnee al the Tollowinj nametl pI.t'.t
(for the fresh leef Hnd mutton needed at
tho e poit-i unly,1 nr.tii 12 o' lock uo,n
on Vi'cdnesdjy- Varch S3, lbso.at vhicL
lime and place they v ill bo opened ir
the presence of bidders, for furuUhinj; and
de i.'cry of fre-.li lserf and mnltoa Iurii g
tne rear coinmencins Jiiiy it, i&n.
BVie Bks, I.T, Fort ranhy. W. T,
Tort i oeurdMIcne, I. T. Fort'Klamttb,
Ogn.l'ort pokae, w . i n Fort Town
.end, W. T . Vancouver Eks, W. T. , Fort
Walla' V alb, WT. T.
Propolis will also be received at the
same tira and date for supphinjr Fort
. o!vil!r, W. T., ana Fort Tpwai . I. T
allhiBofiiee and at the offices oflbe v.
f. 5. Frt Spokane. W. T and Fori
Wi-lia Walla V.T , repectivel-.
Tliu Q verament reserves tbe lig'.t to
-reject any or nil bids.
Bidders will umliratand that cr-ntrscs
mvle under this i.d en isement, anil -posilsmadain
nponse llit'reto.shpllnot
be const rued to involve the Unite'dtJttS
in any oblipa'ion for piyn.tiitvin-eacfs
of the approprijiioa granted by tuiigress
fur th" purpote. ',
Blank proposals an.l pricted circulars,
stating the kind of bet f and ntiilton re.
quired, and ijivin? full inttntttionsas to
ihe m inner nfblodlnir, conditions to b'
".bc rul by bidders, and term of cintnict
a"' ;ij-m"nt: will b'ifurni-'Urd on applica
t:.;n to this omce, or Io Ifcs-.J. v . & ut the
several inst?.
Eiiv.ip-srnnUiiii.iij'proposiU should
b intrkrd "Pixpo-.als for Fre-.li Ifcel, (or
Mmion.) at Frt ," and addnLd
Vi t'ie o lilersisned or to the "Acting ('-en.
n.i:..ir7 .f dubsifttncc"Aiit. the sevtral
p !... ' . C A. tfpbij. UFF.
Ciptain?&-3 U. -. A ,
Ctf C. S DC
Proposals for Aliiitriry
&rrj!5Tf kj?
Be they Tonng or Old,
hATtng Lost thoao
Altributcs of
Hay Regain Quickly
" -i-- j 4j . ..-
fmW8amm Power
(BfiMBtMsP Fbocheatoe Abutt,
rrof. Jean delate. Jsr THE USE OF
The Civiale Remedies.
They enre evvrr traro of W'KIMIY. H'i.i;.
MiClOlZltlUrlA, AI.lLOCLLi: nrd eretV
form of seminal loss end weakness hct er due
1o loathful ollyi Abuxe. or .Natnnl talQi.
ThlttrMitm lit oitfrliuitxl hy KOP. IA I A 1,1"
doptfl In every Xiuril Al.tn b i:ACi- and
nnqualiin-dly endorsed by the Mt-dlral lYof. mon
i i:a8ilvapi'Mhm'aim,i, qiuk.
and above all LMIM1 IN lit. M1 Lift!
FREE TO ALL fPn reroirtof 6cenU
will send free to any eamMt Inquirer oarfplen
dm llltiKtmted tl ce medical wort,elt1n(rFyn p.
tomRof all forma of bcxntl DiwaMt, description
of thin treatment, prices, testimonials anu uews
paper endon-eiuents, &cu &c
ne aro also speuts fr the new inA c-itahi to
care, Self-AdjubtinR t nil Glove Fitting Crndla
Compretwor, for the thorough mid ixuiical cure,
without surgery, ot
Consultation nllh Tull Medical SUIT, FIUCE,
Civiale Remedial Agenqr, 160 Fulton SL, II. Y,
t Laxd OrKiCK at RoscBtnia, Or,)
Jan. GO, 1833. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has tiled notice of hit
'.mention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that paid proof v, ill Ik
made before the Judge or Clerk o! Jack
son county, at Jacksonville Oregon, oe
Saturday, .March 14, ISSTt. viz: Wi Ham
Rich, pre-emption D. S No. 43S3 lor thr
S B if or S W if Sec. 8 T 30 S R 5 West,
lie name, the Mlowing ulne-.ses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: IJ. Mench.
S. Ilarkness, L. Towaseud ind H. Crnv
ton; a'l of Grants Pass, Jwkvn county,
Oregon. m F. Bki.jmi:;, Register.
Executor's rfotice.
In the matter or the estate Sarah C. Simp
son, deceased.
the undersigned h-is b en appointed
by the county court of Jackson countv
Orcson, sitting in Probate, Executor o;
the estate of Sarah C Simpson, deceased.
All p-rins indebted to &aid et-iti
are requested to s-tlle thc's-ime im
mediat3'y, and those h.iving .Vaiui'
aijuinsl the estate will present them wilh
the proper vouchers to the undei-signcd .
residing in Jacksonville, Ja"kson oounry,
Oregon, within six months from the iirht
publication of Uiis notice.
Executor ol said estate
Dated Jan. D, 18S3.
Woodburn, Oregon.
A large st'Klr of Fruit, Shade, Ornamen
tal and Nut trees.
Vines and Shrubbery
Por sale, cheap.
No- Insect Peat on Trees.
Send for catalogue. Address,
J. H. Settlbmiek
Woodburn, Oregon.
Settle Up.
AH persons knowfn; themselves in
debted to the undersigned, by note or
book account, are. requested to call and
settle at once. Persons knowing them
sc res indebted to us wiU-d, well to heed
this notice, as we m? n business and are
determiiii-d to eniorcu payment where it
is refused or neglected
41so notes and book accounts due the
estate o tilas Praper, deceased, muit bo
settled at once. JOHN BOLT.
Jpplegatc, Feb. 17, 1S85.
IIendqu?r!prsT)pt. of Ihe Colmnbii,
Ulilji. xf Ouief Q Jirierm isjr,
". aacuuwr Uks., iV. V., Fibv. Hi. looo.
C-.l;:m proposals, in'tripli-
O C3tr, ikiibjoct to the UaU i! tend.. ions,
will b-1 riceivetl at this ofd-e oral the
offices ot tho U. S. Qu irtermusters at the
u.D, i.a ilo-d-r yl.rcb'si' iWIV.' at
which places md tims they will be open
ed, in the pies-uce ol bidd rs, for ths-'Vur- T!
....!.; ,.i .i..i:..f.. . .:!: i:.
during the fiscal year conimjncing July J
1, 18fc3, aad inding June.30, la-, aa fo!- j
Ijw-i: woo.l, I'tiarco?, t;-.'i, Uirley,
Bran, Hay an.l Stnw, or lljy in Heu of
Straw, or bUeh of said s-inn'ie - rs b.-s
required at Portland, Oregon; Boise JS-x .
ra-k. I. T.; Fort Townsejal, a'. T. ; Fort
(enr d'.llcn, I T.; Tart Sp-K -io, W
T ; Fort Cinb.-, W. T.; Fort U alia tt alia
W. T; Vancouver Oepot, W. T.; Foil
Eumitn, Oregon, Fort Coiville, .. T.
TheGoverai-Tnl rjserv-s theri'.it to-r-j-ct
any or nil proptis-" s Preti n(-ice wib
be given to aiticles ot domestic pioduc
tion produced on the Pacific Coast, condi
b ns of ptice and quality being t'q'i-il,
:o the extent of consumption reqniied b
die public service tiicrs. B),n!t npo'il's
ind printed circulars, giviag fell p-.rtier-!ar
as to the mi.nnerof bbldin?, &e , vnl
be funiiihed on application to' ih:s nCiee
or he Quartermatcrs a; the vai ious jiosti
named. Envelopes containing proposal
should be in irked : "Proposal . for a'
," snd addressed to the undersigned,
or me rcpcnve ra& iuaiicnnasiers.
A. b. KISIB.1! Ih
Major and Qaartcrina3tcc, U. . J.
Chiet (Juartrmastt r.
' " o
E Si- ran r.
d cssmsss3&ssmms&Ja zz
S XT '
. . T Jl j. -U j!1 T !:i A. T A
t9raaaeiHi?,ntfliifi u rc.-ePs-AZ
'siJ Vi'-C 16CJ MV1 VlXiil Vi Vf -u H
urea, eiii iy mz
U, L&HilLi) RuauiH mi-:.
DH. L!tB!G'S
Gorman lnvisorator.
The oldest, greatest and
1-titnn.idy for tic ccrerC
Ni rvous andPhysii al Dcbp
ity A ital IsbaiiMiuu, w mi
nal Wtituiis. Lot.f Jti.n-
lrd, Failing lUmmy rr.d
l.elnsid at d EnlcilLd tou-
dltionsof the Genito-Urinatn
irgans. ltptedIy cures
impotence, Early Decay,
Loss of Vigor, Scmim.1
u eakness, and all the &ad ef
fects of vouihful lollies and
O ubtie or Cxcess of Mitnritj
O It permantctly prevenTs
ar-ll rnnalural Lis from, tho
3ettm as thousands-can at
lest who have used the Bern
YJ century x-hich it has beea
S3" iKioretue puuue.
V It indcid a Wonderful
Remedy toning tke nerves strcnglhcn
iug the musi-les, checking tbe waste, in
vigorating the whole system and restoring
the atllicted to health and bappinci-s.
The Dr. will agree to forfeit t,000 foe
' a cuso uniftrtakeu. not curtd. Tho reasoa
so miny can not get cured of eakness
and the" aboe dl.-.eacs is owing to a com.
plication, called Prostaloirhea, with
Hyper, tslbia whitli r quires special tuat
ment. Dr, Liebig's Imigcrator, No. 2, witb
our peculiar special treatment. Is the only
cirfor Prosliitorrhea. By U Vanbooi
isitsiorcil and the hand ot time moved
oacK irom age ui jouiis.
mmm im, m
tiinnMiiiiM swim
il Wam i 111 tTnl
13 7 nV
i mm
33 Pits i S m m WJ ti
1 IfiilMW
Sj km$$M& Si b
Price ot either Invisorator. S2. Cast-
of sis Iwtile?, 510. Scut to any address,
povciid ccnrely from obcrtion.
Dr. Liebig fc"Co treat bucccsslullr by
Ilomceopitby etery form of bpecial, Priv
ate or Chronic disease without mercury
ornaseousdrus. If itality ! ('riiniil
Horn the btdr, num. n-Us u.asrs. iuov
that baflle ordinary m dicul in-atmiiit. If
allowed to continue, "i.e unnatural lots
caut.es CJinsiiinptiou, Uii.bms, Bright.--,
Disease, In.vanity, etc. Cuns guarantied
Diseases of the ginito urinary organ?,
kidneys, 'her and bladder specially treat
ed. Diseases of women speedilr curid .
Qualified and Responsible.--Dr. Liebig
& o. from Europe, nre oigauizcil in com
idi:in.e with California Vedical I aw.
Diploma precunei by regular college ed
ucation and arc now in their ninUicnth
j'tar of tpeial practice.
Vostpo.vcrful c',-ct:ic belts free to pa
To prove the wor.derlid rO!V0r f tho
inic;nratnr n $2 liollle glnn or sent I'm..
( o-isull.-ition free and private.
Dr. I.hbie'd wonderful Oernwn invito.
ralor is protected by eopj wrigl.t fn xj
Patint ' ffico if Unitcl Elates Govcni
nient. Beware of imitations Cnllorn-1-dn--s
Likiiio Disrtosuu.
400 Giary Street. Sn PiaiieUco. CnU
Private mlnint-e, 4Wi !nsn S.rtt..ftiir
h'o,--k up Gearv Street tmni ICnmr,
Main Entranc.; througt Dipeu-a'j iii;r
si; s,'
1 i a 3
Ex Si
( rf.t,I.M.lT AnJ GllAUlA .)
t: Ilrzr: j fiir.'t:. Snj ! iiinrinrai, '.il.
, -T. '
Proposals for Transportation.
Headquarters Dpt. of the Columbia,
Ollkeof Chief QuirlcnnaU r,
Vancouv.-r Bks. W T , Feby. 2.i l.-8.1
sate, subject to the ustta conJiUnn.,
will be recched at thi3 ofilco until 12
o'clock, noin. on Jlonda-, March, o'J,
18&3, at which time and place they will
be opened in the presence of bidders, for
the iranspoitation of military sup lies on
ihe fjllow'cr described routes during
the year commencing Ju'y 1, 1S83, and
ending June 30, 1SSG:
1Va;o Traziort it.'on.
Route yo 1. Spokane Falls, w". T to
Fort Spokane, W. T.
Route No. 2. Ashland, Oregon, to
Fort Klamath, Oregon.
Route a. Kuna, I f ., to Buiso Barracks,
.sieamrr Traa'portatSaa .
Route 4 For transportation 6r U. P.
aliliUiry supplies between Astoria and
Fort Stevens, l-regou, and Fort Caabv.
W. T.
The Government reserves tho rihi to
reject any or all proposals. B'.jnk pro.
posals, frrm of contract, and printed cii
culars giyina lull inform ition as to the
marncr of bid liug, terms of contract and
payment, will ba lurnished onapnlieanon
to this office. Envelopes-ciwtsining pro
posals should b. marked: i'pioposi'sfor
Transportaiio:i en Route No. ,"aad
f addressed to theundeisisneil.
A. S. Knin.-LL.
Major "and Qanrteimsstcr, U. S. Al
(Jliiel tja irtenn.'ster.
Sheriffs Sale.
TI o undervgni-d- no.v
r- -.
;-i7 C- s
7 & .U,
rMi &" .
-SS-L.S'. -j?1&
fr. n Albany, -t. T., n arrive in a frt j. f xyf a cxe Ioa.1
o: iairv ii
I ,rl'C
r .- t . T - r .
YAItovdirtct fn.iu the inanufactory at ioit aladisoii, Io.vs, r. car load of iiie jiutlv
-"" i-1. t-'o''ibi! of Woolen and Iron R-a.n Walking Plows, Sulky Pio.v.s,
And all extras-sppertainiog thereto. As I bax
made thesu largo inijKiriaiions directly from neahju-uteia
prepared io giio
Tt will repay those desiiing am thing in my Hue to gie rap a eH.
G. KAREWSsKJ, JncksLnrille, Or.
The Rogue River
DisiUling Company
HAS ornsED A
Notice is here iy given that by virtue of
a writ of execution duly issued uuloflb
Circuit Court for the County of J. scphins
State of Oregon, and to me directed, in
fivoroi Lawrence Ionaid, Plaimiirand
against L. E. Nelson, Defendant, ior the
sum of $2.11.0 with interest at 8 icr cent,
and the turther sum of $73 50 cost, and
accruing costs. I have levied upon and
will, on thu 0th day of April, 1S83, af
1 o'clork pim., of said day, oirer for sale
for cash in band to the highest bidder, at
the court house door, in the town of Kit
byville, in said euunty, tbe following des
cribed real estate, the property of said de
fendant, L. E. .Nelson, to-wit: FifUea
acres of mining ground situated in Jlt
house mining district, losephine county,
Oregon, described as 'ollows to-wit: Com
mencing at Hodgen &' o. N. tv.cornerof
fhis mining claim, thence N 14 deareesE
turliamsto comer, thence r So etegrees
W aloirg Johnson & Co. Miuth boundary
ll.,r 1 ntunne t., ..,.-r.nr lli.nn. Q II .1..
LToesW to corner 10 chains thence S! JACKSONVILLE GOOPEHAGE
iiegre-es r, io piace 01 uoginning; aiso uie
In the buildini situated on thec-rncrof
Calitornia and Fifth streets wbeie
can be obtdinetl a
"v AltTirLE OV
is qcurrmES xsx at
Satisfaction guaranteed-
N. K. LYTLE, Superintendent.
minin? claim known as the California
Bar situated on Sucker creek, Josephine
county, Oregon, together with cabins
flumes, tlitthe?, water rights and ivater
privileges and cppur.tna ices belonging
C A. nEKVEv, SlicritT,
By J. A- WihonrDeputy.
Dated Jlarcb 3, 18S3.
tt'idc Awj;K & Frisk
A Jvewsy, Prosressive, Inotruc,
Si-e 4nd Refined Newsuaner. mill-!
pluT-i. a :n ,t. i. ..r !. r t j
irt.SUn ill uic uuaii ft IHC Ktl Uk I1J.B
inH Fmmw I.i1.1i.,rt t.t-ni. tvruA 'U
tit su iwr re-ar. bamnle conie
HltnpJSL Sw-mt fur it
Address Times Pcbusiiixg Co Jl
Heppner, Oregon H
Adam Sclirailt, Prpr
Jacksonville, Oregon.
The undersigned is now prepared to
make anything in the line ui barrels,
kegs, rats or tubs, and willIso do any
kind of repairing in this H a good
assortment of suitable tinpkept con
stantly on hand. f
Sorghum kegs madcvder in quan
tities to suit at redumK.'S. Girc me
a trial. AlBscnMITT.
U. S. Laxu Ofkicb, IiosFsrsic, On , )
December in, Ib'd4. f
Notice is Uen-iiy given that Joha Iler
bTger whose iwji'office address is Jack
sonville, J ickson county. Oregon h':s tins
day applied fur patent for tlr. f.iiinvijL'
de-sc llad pi icer minin? giound. viz: the
N Yz of S E 1 4 of .N E 1-4 Sec :,'! T 37 S
R2 '.test or the. Willamette Memlian eon
taining 20 acres The locution i-f this
mine and the trausfcrs by the loctors to
Joliu llerberger are ree.irdtd Invcl. 16 J
page 157 of mining records of Jackson
county, Oregon, dited Dec mber 15, 1877.
Any and all persons claiming ialir5el
any portion tif said minihir gn.und are
required to file their adverse claimswilh
the Register of the United Slates Land
Office at Rosebnrs, Oregon during the
sixty days publication hereof or they will
Iki barred by virtue ol the provisions of
the statutes.
V.'m. F.Besjasiis, Register.
VATB L-I:E M Wtril WOJ.DLKl 11,
fjTIM a neve'r-failiiitj
''St ''"re for miiin I) -
TV u.l.'j, k.ulll'll 1 1.
iniiiy rmiiiai t nK-
1.1 ,.Kk S,.. .MIHliixl iu .
j?7 (tt :ih,n!.i,it Ir.
- r ti i.iy. . riiwiaipja-
t& iilltheterril.r.-ellicu
-a8VW& of sk-ir abiuev vouth.
fil folli s ud tice-sscs in m-vtiirrr jea-s,
...-I. :i oss of , e-mory. Ijis-itude." Moc
t.inyl Emissions, . rrsions to Sm-fi-ty,
I)imau-ot Viioii, Noisis in the Ilesils
lb.? vital tl.iid p.issir.g UHolwrrid in IW
urine, and olh. r diseases lliitl Kad to in
sinii and death.
l)r 3'iintie. who is a re ular physic' -r,
:ri.duatc (it the Univei.i 4 Peunsilv .
ids, wil agnt- t'j Inrfift $itM lUr a case f
.ii'si kind the Vib.l Resiorative. (tindei i a.
-pedal ialiec ami trt-atiniiii) will nob
cure, or for anything impure or injti.lnu
totii.il in it. Dr. villi jy tnals nil Priia j-Diseas-s
nuee-e.-sfully Uiil.out lireiuj
Con.-.iiiHlion Trie. Tliorniifli i.vainin
tii.ii aud ,id !ei. mi hiding nni.lysis if
unne-, Jl. Price of Vita! R-storalhe l...(i-
la iKilt'e, or four tiling the qu.iulty. J."i;
s.'iit io any i uiuos upon nceipt i.r pric ,
or Ci.O. L) . secure fnmi iiWration. an.L
in prnali-nanic il dfsird. bv Dr. A E
J-Miutie, 11 Kearney -treit, S;ui Frautiseo,
Send for p lmph't t "nil Rotnf qnesilor..
entuiile Itoltlene
Will be sent to any one applying by h-r,
ttr. stating sjuiplems, ser and age. Miiel
.(orery in rigyid to i.;l Luncess trni.a-i.clb-n.s.
Dr. i.ir.th'sIC'.Irfy Retivdy, Nip'i
nticum, cures all kinds nf ICiiiney unt
Illiidil.-r Complaint". Gonorihoe.i. Ulett
Leucorrhoea, etc. For tale by nil drug,
dists; $1 a bottle, six bottle-s lor .
Dr. iiintie s D.tudellou Pills an? tho
bwt and cheapest Dyspepsia and Bilious,
cure in the market, t or tale by all drug.
il undersign
re rcqueste
wbdbk account.
IiKseltle without
, 1&6J.
6 Miles South of Jscksonvillc,
i. and Is prepared to furnish the markc t
with every description of lumbeiofasnne
rior quality at tbe lowest rates- Billt
sawed to order and satisfaction guaranteed.
All orders addressed to us at Jackson
nHe will receive prompt attention.
VEIT SCIIUTZ.- Pronrietor.
exp'Ticnco uy a
tboioughly quali
fied graduate phy.
f,iciau of one of the
''V,'A:hIiH Ill.r lest nuilieiil
5?.l:H'Wra?!lU!J3af..i)i.w.. nrv,n..
zsssszsssscsszSi it pTsimely cures'
tkiai. bottle fiib.! Serious ami Phy.
sical lability. Seminal weakness-. Six-r-
matorrhea. jtnK)ency. Piostalorrhota.
livj-eracsthcsiii. over sensitiveness of the
parts. Kidney and bladder compliints,
impurities of the blood and diseases of the
pcrraanentlv stons all nnnntunil
weakening drains upon the system, how
ever iney occur, preventing mvoluntaiy
seminal losses, dtbilitating'dreatu?, tcnii
nsl losses with the urine, or while at stool,
etc, so destructive to mind and bodv.and
cuics all the evil effects of. outhlul lollies
excesses, restoring exhausted -vitality.
rexuai decline ami loss ot manhoou, how
ever complicated.
A thorough as well as permanent cure
and complete restoration to perfect health.
Strength and vieor of manhood is aliso-
lutely guaranlccd by this jutly celebrated
reliab'e great remedy. Price $2 50 per
bottle, orfive bottles ior $10, Sent upon
receipt ofprice, or r. O. D., toanyaddress
secure from observation and strictly pri-
vaifc iiy
DIC. '- II. SlLI'It'.LD
SIC Krarcr Mrett an lranrIeo Cat
f ufiicienl to show its merit will be sent
to any one applying:by letter, statins his
symptoms and age. Consultations strict-
lyconnuemm , ny letter, or at omce, tree.
For the convenient of patients and in or-
Certo secure prelect secrecy, I haveadopt-
eu a private auurcss unaerwuicu ail pact
PH 1 7 r em' s'xenls WE Ptage,
K 1 3 I1 r'nl' rece've 'rec.a costly liox
1 ltK.a.,0
form th. eltluns of JftkannTlll tnd TrT
the -srorH t larfce that .j can And,"
KljiO'fttniT Brewery. th tirstt.r.r
VJ." ?'V.t1 7",!-?.n.7?!'i !'":. : tunes await the w.rkers abiolutelr sure
-4 --"-"- -' -' i"ii mini "iim - innffl , i r e i a - r
'J'.j.in rd.r. a t lnt-vitlpiMH jm. f At one addre.iTRlc & Co., Anj(Bta, Jl
nf"ood which wiilheln all.
ofeitherscr. to more "money right away
iiiaa auyiumg; eise in uu& woriu. ror.
No. 11 Kearny Stieet,
Treat cl ( (ironic and Sperla! I)!ic-.urK
AVhomay be sutferingfiom the effects
of youthful follies or indiscretion will don
well to avail themselves of this, the great
est boon ever laid at the altar of suffering
humanity. J)R. SPINNEY will suarnn
lee to lorfeit $500 for every case of Semiiu
al Weakness orprivate disease of any kinil
of character which he undertakes anel
tails to cure.
There nre many at the age oi thirty to
sixty who are troubled with too frequent1
evacuations of the bladder, often accom-.
panied by a slight smarting or burning
sensation and a weakening of the system
in a manner the patient cannot account
for. Oa examining the urinary deposits a
ropy sediment will often be found, and
sometimes small particIe3Calbumen will
appear, or the color will be ofa thin milk
ish hue, azain changing to a dark and tor.
pid appearance. There arc many men
who die of thjs difficulty, ignorant of tha
cause, which is the second stage of seminal
weakness. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect"
cure n all such cases, and a healthy res,
toration of the genitotirinary organs.
Office Hours 10 to 4 and 0 to 8. Sun
days, from 10 to II a. m. Consultation)
tree. Thorough examination and advice;
3. Call or Address '"
No. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco
J unc if, IBS-', ti
aluablo Land Tor Sal?..
The midersigaed offers 2,000 acres
aluab'e land for sale. Land si(uatd i
valuab'e land for sale. Land siluatd oa
Antelope creek, eighteen m les from Jack,
sonville V illbu so'd in a body for flft
per acre or In 180 or 320 icre lots atfiom
$15taf20 pee acre. For parliculars id,
dress or call oa A-. L. Johnfon. Laud
Afeat.or "rVM.BYBKE.
Jacksonviik, Oregoa.