jw sl-X-X-'' t - Turwemim n wxmmxjujzt g-pa 0BE39H SEHTIHEL. (IfliaOi! SEHTIHEL. PUBLSHED SATURDAYS AT Jacksonville, Oregon, FRANX KRUSE ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements will be inserted la the Sentinel at the following rates: Ten lines, one insertion............ $3 50 " " each subsequent insertion.- 1 00 t3""Lcgal advertisements inserted rea. souably. Job work orall kind done on prompt notice and in workman-like style. A l)lcouni to Yearly Attvarttsera. T E R M S s line pr Pcr Tear, In advanre $! SO VOL. XXX--1VO. 9 JACKSONVIXU, OREGOIN, FEBRUARY 28, 1S5. S3 PER YEAR g3g'-? tbKj Je"? k J j U J?3 $ 1 15 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. P. GEARY, M. D. Physician And Snrgcon. 1IEDFORD, OREGON'. Office la A. L. Johnson's building. T. R. YOUNG, M. D., Physical! And Surgeon, Cbstral Point, Oregon. alii promptly xtteDded to at all hours. -L'L-WHITNEY, M.T-, EAGLE POINT, OREO OK. flavins located at this place I ask a share of the pitronage of this section. Call attended to at any time. IV. F.WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-T-LAW Mkdford, Oregon. All business in my line -will receive prompt attention. H. K. If ANNA', Attorney & Counsellor At-Law, Jacksonville, Oqn. "tTill practice In all the. Courts of the 8tte. Office up sUirs in Orth's brick. C- LESlPERT, M- D-. Graduate of University, Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon. Calls attended to at all hours day and night. Office opposite Slaver Ho'.cl, Jack sonville, Oregon. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. AT-LAW Jacksonville, 0?n., Will practice .in all the Courts of the State. Office in Court House. T. B. KENT, Attorney and Counsellor at Lnw , Jacksonville Oreqsn. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, Office in the Court House. Q II. AIKEN, M. D., DffYSICUN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. EgTOffice opposite P. J. Ryan's store. J. W. ROBINSON, M TJ., P1IYSIOIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At City Drug Store, Resi dence on Fourth St., op.xsite M. E. Church. Calls promptly attended to, Jay and night. MARTIN VRlMAX,M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MRDFORD, OKEGON. all promptly attcnled to at all hours. B. F. DOWKLL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Jacksonville, Oregon. All business placed in my hands will ro ceivc prompt attention. Special atten tion given to collections. A. L. JOHNSON, Notary Public, Real Estate Agent and " Collector JVIoclford, Or. I make conveyancing and furnishing ab stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans negotiated and collections made. All business intrusted to my care will receive .prompt and careful attention. WILL. JACKSON, T) E NTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Teeth extracted at all hours. Laughing gas administered, "if desired, for which extra charge will be made. Office on corner of California and 3th street. A. C. OIBBS. L. B. STKAKKI. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TT0RNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. Rooma 2 and 4 Strowbridge's Building, PORTLAND, fREGON. Will practice in all courts of record in the iStalo of Oregon and Washington Tcrri totyj, and pay particular attention to business In Federal courts. $fifi week inyourown town. Terms "!UUam" $5 outfit free. Addres. II Hallstt & Co., Portland Maine. THE FARMER'S STORE ! Colman's old stand. A. G. COLYIN, Hereby informs the public that he is dis playing at the above stand a first class stock of General .Merchandise Which he will sell At akVeryXcw- P rices. His stock consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Groceries, Provisions, Etc, Everything is fresh and of good qual ity, and prices put down to The Lowest Notch ! CSCountry Produce bought and sold. Remember Colman's old stand, and give me a call when in tewn. A. G. Colvin. NINETEENTH YEAR. S-P. DEARY'S ACADEMY, CONDUCTED BY. TIIE SISTERS OF THE HOLT NAME. THE SnOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS school will commence about the end ot August, and is divided in fuur sessions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, perterm, .$40 00 Music 15.00 Drawing and pilnting 8.00 Bed and Bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term, 5.00 Junior, " 600 Preparatoy " .....-.,.. 8.00 Senior. " JO Of). Pupils received at any lime,"and special attention is paid to p oticular studies in behalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply at the Academy WINTER OPENING AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Mi linery Store. TnAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW and couip'ete stock of Millinery goods, consisting of HAT 5 OF ALL STYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, Voilix.s. ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, Ccntltratns' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs Call and see them at the building form erly occupied by Dr. Robinson on Califor nia street. MRS. P.P. PRIM. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, WIjYTJEN and HELMS, PROPRIETORS. The proprietors ot this well known and popular resort world Inform their friends and the public generally that a complete and first class clock of the best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc, are constantly kept on hand. They will be pleased to have their friends "call and smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities mav also I found here. We would be pleased to hae persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and we will place uiem in me cauinet tor inspection. WI.VI'JEN & HELMS. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner front and Morrison, rortland. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GU1NEAN, PROP. (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly fire-Drool. Con tains ISO elegantly furnished suits and single rooms, which have been refitted and "refurnished in modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. fpT HPV 2OriPer dRT at homo &J JU O-iVSamples worth $5 free Address SriNsOKtfc Co. .Portland, Me THE STAFF OF LIFE! TOE ROGUE RIVER SIM FLOUBIKO MILLS HAVING RECENTLY BEEN RE fittcd with al" modern improvements, are now turning out a first-class article of flour, which is put up in one-fourth bairel sacks, and every sack is warranted to contain 49 pounds of flour If you don't believe this, just compare a sack of our flour with any other brand offered for sale in this market, and note the difference in weight. . Flour and Mill-Feed Constantly on hand and eichanged for wheat. BARLEY ROLLERS. Having added a set of Barley Boilers to my mill, I lme set apart every Saturday to Roll Barley for customers. The work will be done on short notice, so that par tics can return with their grist the same day. I am prepared to roll barley at all times and in the best manner. This pro cess is tar ahead of the crusher G.KAREWSKI. Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 1883. Parmer's Store, JIedford, Oregon, ANGLE & PLYMALE Prop's, The undersiened takes pleasure in an nouncing that lie has opened his plare of business in the nnw town ofMedford, Or egon, andis now prepared to furnish, in quantilicsto suit, GROCERIES PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CANDIES, NUTS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Etc My stock is fresh and first-class, and I propose to keep a full assortment of every thing in my line and sell at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER All I ask is a trial, gjf Highest price paid for Produce. Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E C. WEST'S nerve and brain treatment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory. Spermatorhoea. Iinpotency, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by over-exertion, sclt-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment, one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dol lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five do lars, we will send the purchaser our writ ten cuarrntce to return the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued only by Woodard, Clarke & Co., AVholesale anc" Retail Druggists, Port land, Oregon. 4 Orders by mail at regular prices. U. S. SALOON, XL 8. HOTEL BCrLDISO, JACKSONVILLE, T. T. McKENZIE. PROP'R, HAVING ASSUMED THE MAN agenicnt ot this resort, I propose keeping it stocked with 'he finest Lrands or WINE'S, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, And will be pleased to receive a call from all who wish the best in my line. Sat isfaction ussurrd. T. T. McKENZIE. m BEOUCTI -LN HOTEL PRICES AT THE SLOTER HOTEL BOARD AD LODGING Best house for the money this side of Portland. C. A. HUB3ELL, Eeal Estate Agent, AUCTIONEER, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office in Dr. Aiken's building on Cal ifornia street. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. G. A. Hpbmll. Piles! Piles! Piles! A SURE CURE FOUND AT LAST! NO ONE NEED SUFFER!, A sure-Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. William, (an Indian Remedy, called Dr. William's Indian Ointment A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 y ears standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothingmedicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries' 'do-more harm than good, William's f"jutment absorbs the tumors? allays -the intutse itching, (particularly al night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itch ing of the private parts, and for nothing else. .Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffinbcrry of Cleveland rys about Dr. William's In dian Pile Ointment: Lhave used scores of Pile Cures, and it affoids me pleasure to say 'hat I have never found anything which gave such immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint ment For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price, 1.00. HENRY & CO, Proprietors, Cleveland, O. noDQE, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. TUTT'S TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED L3VER, and MALARIA, v . From these sources arise three fourths of the diseases of the haman race, Theso symptoms Indicate thetrc3i3tence: Ims of Appctlto, Barrels costive, Sick Hcart nclic, fulluesa after eating, aversion to exertion of bodr o? nilail, l&nct&ticn of food, Irritability of temper, low spirits, A feeling of having neglected some duty. DIn!aess,FlutterlnK at trio IIcnrt,Ic.t3 before the eyes.rtignlyeol" ore tJrlnc, COXSTIEATIOS7 and de mand tbo use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liven AsaLivermed'cinoTUTT'S PIM.S liavo no cquaL Their actlonontho Kidneys and Sklnls also prompt ; removlns np imparities throngh theso three "srav cntrera of the system," prodnclns appe tite, sound digestion, rejraUr stools, a clear sUnandavlgoroasbodv. HHTSMLLS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and aro c perfect AMTtnOTS TO felALARSA. Bold eTeryghrn-.Sric. Ofiuf.tt Mnrraybt.,N.J, rausii,: IMH 1YI B-S n.iv TT.rt. m WmSTTF.IM cha.nred in. etantly toaGtossT Black byasingleap. rUeatlon of this Z)TE- EO.W by DruggisUL 1L. ri-UlatnilfeHPTS FREE. IBB ASilLMB C9LLEG8 AND -NORMAL SCHOOL, Four courses of study. Normal and Commercial College, Preparatory and In strumental music. Foi particulars or catalogue apply to the undersigned al Ashland, Oregon. M. G. ROYAL, A. 31. President i Tho BtJYETis? Guide Is Is sued March and Sept., each year: SIB pages, 8xii ! inches, with ov"r 3,300 illustrations r hole pic ture eallerv. -ves whole sale prices direct to consume jn nil goods for personal or family u Tells how to order, and gives cxar vxist of every thing you use, catj drir wear, or have fun with. Tliejo mva .ible books con tain information gleaned from the mj:r kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents, Let ta hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY-WARD & CO. 22? ; 29 Wcbiik Aran-, CUeUk W. DE. S. STtSBEE'S-EXTERSili TILE EEHEDV Girts Instant Relief, art) Is an InfatHble CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, L00 rer box, prepaid, by mail. Samples sent free to Physicians Bed all sufferers, by Xenstaedtei t Co., Box KM6, New York City. Solemanufactureof ANAKESIS POR 1ES5 IN VAUJAULE to allT to all applicants FREE"5BB and to customers of lust yesx itnont orderingit It contains illustrations, prices. rilantJnsr all Vegetable and Flower SEEDSi BCLIis, etc aesenpuons ana aireciions ir D. M. FERRY&CO.D,T TVe cuntfnv? to act as Solictors for Patents, Cferm. T--ie Marks. Ot"pmts. ete for jli Unite' taws. Caraoa. Cuba, tfigrtard rrarce. Cerknj ef,-. We tare lyi,IIifriy-live icitn' tr.xiirrj-Mv i"ate--as tanaa-eu i nctleedlnthe rensmnc AHrti Illustrated weetil ard sp'endld tceProcTtss of tat a year, s&oirs bas an enormous rl terestinc and 'Addre MUAN t CO. Patent Solicit AinzuciN. 2C1 Iiroal or sraiNTirie ewTfTS. Band book k1 fme. CROUP, WHOtHNG COUGH and Bronchitis itnmSiatelr relieved by Shiloh b cure. Brows keeps it. li u 4 rk ES i w wfr. x S&!WM. - g&L Local Option and License Law. The fallowisg is a copy of the local optisa and lictnve law which hat just bn enacted by the legislature: An act to rejulato the tale of tptrit uouk, nalt an vinous liquors. Be it enacted by the legislative assembly f theStatt el Urgon. Section 1. That no person shall be permitted to nil spirituous, malt or vinous liquors in this State in quan tities less than sue gallon wilhoat having fiist obtained a licensa from the county court of the prober county I for that purpos. Skc. 2. Every jierson obtaining a ltceniw o soil spirituous, malt and vinout liquors shall pay into the tras ury af the county granting such license the sum ef three hundred dollars per annum, and in the same proportion for a less period; or two hundred dollars per annum, and in the same propor tion tor a lest period, for a license to tell malt liquors only, provided that no license shall be grabted for a less period than six pitaths. Sec. 3 Every person applying for a license to tell tpirituwut, malt or vin ous liquors beforo reeaiving the same shall execute to such county a bond in the penal turn one thousand dollars with two or more sufficient sureties, to b? approved by such court, conditioned that he will keep an orderly house and that ha will not permit any un lawful gaming or riotous conduct in or about Hs house and that he will not open, nor permit to be optned, his place of business for the purpose of traffic an the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday; that he will not give, tell or supply spirituouv, malt or vinous liquors te minors er habitual drunkards, nor te any person at the time in a druukn er intoxicated con dition, and in case of a violation ef the foregoing conditions "by any pern a pay a fine of not less than fifty nur more than twa hundred dollars for any such violation, to be recsiered in a civil action as hsreicafter prescribed; and tbe bond so given as aforesaid by such pernon shall also is liable to be prosecuted as hereinafter provided. Sec. 4. That any person wishing to tell spirituous, malt or vinous liquors bufore obtaining a license, as herein after provided, shall'at his own trou Ve aud expense, obtain the signatures e: an actual majority ef the wWe number of legal voters of the precinct in which he may wish to sell tech spirituous, malt or vinous liquors, to a petition to said cnutj court, praying that said license be ganted; and no ap plicant shall bo dtemtd to have a ma jority of the legal voters ef such pre einct whose petition does not contaia the names of a number ef legal voters of such precinct equal to a majority ef all the votes in such precinct at the last preceeding general election, and greater than thtt whole number of names of legal voters of such precinct which may be sigred to any remon strance against tbe granting of any suili Itcense. Sec. 5. That when the signatures of an actual majority of the whola nam bur of legal vottrs have been obtained to be determined as provided in the preetedingaeetOB,.thre?a'Bplicant:thalIr at bis own expeasecause the tuiotpe, tttioir o- -trtmrr-iatf sccutive weeksm ariy.daily erwesklr- nevrspaper puuusueu ja sai cguuty,. together with notice of the day upon which he will apply to the county court for scab license to sell spirituous, malt or vinous liquors; provided, that if there be no daily or weekly news paper published in said county then the petition and notice herein speei fird shall be plainly writ tin and pestcd in three of the most public places in the precinct and proaf of such posting shall be made by the affidavit ef one of the petitioners and two resident haute holders of the precinct. Sec. 6. Oa the applicant producing to the eounly court t-receipt et the county treasurer for 'the payment of the snrn hereinbefore prescribed, and proof af. compliance ef all the prtctad ing'pravlsiens of 'this act, the county court shall giro him a license ot the character and for the term his receipt may call far. Sic. 7. It it htreby made the duty ef the pretecutisg attorney, sheriffs', censtables and justices of the peace knowing of any vitiation af the pre visions ef this act, ta make complaint thereof to the grand jury at.lhe next term of circuit court of the eeunty in which the offense may (have keen com mitted after said vielationr and the moneys collected after tuch judgment, except taxable costs, shall tbe paid to the treasurer af the proper county, for the use of the cemmensehoels therein. It snail also be the duty ot the county clerk to'protecute the bond given by such applicant under the provisions of this aet, fer any violations of its condi tions. ShC. 8. Every county clerk shall, on the first day of the term of each eircuit cturt, deliver to tan grand jury an accurate list of all persons holding licenses underjhe provisions of this act, within,tht county, which list shall show the 'date and time of expiration of each license. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the grand jury, at each and every term ef the eircuit court in any county ef this state, to make a strict inquiry, and re turn bi.Is ef indictment against every person violating any of the provisions of this act. Sec 10. That title 1, of chapter 31, ef the Miscellaneous Laws or Oregsn, and other acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved February 17, 1885. Z F. MOODY, Governor. The opinion is quite general that the pre-emption law is in na danger of re peal by the present Congress. But its repeal is still among the possibilities. I: is now en the table of the House with only a few bills ahead el it. One of these, however, is tbe Mexican Pen sion bill. The amendments to this bill by tbe Senate are expected to oc casion considerable debate, and a pro longed debate will result in the exclu sion ef other legislation, if it dees not endanger soma ef the appropriation bills and compel an extra session. As it stands, the pre emptiou bill caunet be taken up out of i's regular order se 'lowsfWiS-! a-lrJgl e.objpctton'to it. Congressman Nelson kextfBLe ."needs of the measure iramacTmj;ipon it. Durinc tbe morning hour any oue can call it up, and unless there are ten ob jectors it can be puttupoa its passag-. During the last six days of the session any one can mare to suspend the rules and put the bill on its passage, and if a two thirds vote is secured the bill is sure to be passed. It is not safe to predict that the repeal will net became a law. The feeling in favor of its re ps al is so decided that it will uudoubt edly be repeaM by the next Congress if it fa'ls in this for the want of time. Its threatened repeal will, therefore, occasion great activity anieng those who desire to get Jpatsesiion of Gov ernment land at low figures. A Jury Box "Mash." There wat a faro dealer arrested and tried over in Washington Territory the othir day. A jury composed ef six men and six women, were summoned, and the case began to grind. While the evidence was being heard, James Mitchell, ene of the jurors, fell in love with Sue Thomson, a ftmale juror. It was a mutual "masb," and before the evidence wat half in, they were both crazy, blind in love. "When the jury retired to decide upon a verdict, the two promised tbemielves in marriage -.- . - . i r-.r r -AfcalMiteh.il, f alb lfotjyf.iiih.il .faUawe" Ua. WriCjci aB-ViiircVea-fbXrt was oUtw&Evlrrboaywaxs hapjrgex eept the gambler, and he went off hoping the two would be going through the divorce mill before another month ro'Is around. Jay Beach's Altamoxt Wiss An other Race. The celebrated stallion, Altataont, owned by Jay Beach, of Oregon, and well known here, won another 3 in 5 trotting race at San Francisco Bay District course last Saturday. He was the. favorite dur insf saost of the time of ' race, although he did- not win nnr heat until the third and taking the two next" as six beats wererequired to bej Blade, the other horses, named EdFranklloscow and Nighlime, each taking a heat in order named. Time, 2i29,-2:29i, 2:33, 2:31, 2,30, and HAIL Tha new stern-wheel steamer Tel ephonr, on her trial tnp en tbe- Co lumbia River at Portland, Oregan, on tha 7th iait, made tbs distance from Portland to Vancouver eighteen miles, in 59 minutos. This is be liaved to ba tha fastest time by a stern-wheeler on record. Adapting the Farm to Stock. The toil varies en nearly all farms to a certain extent, and no aaalytil can indicate the fertility ef a large area by the exaniinationofonly apart. The textura alsa influences the condi ment to say nothing of the, subsoil, humidity and mineral, composition. While a eertain toil may ba capable ef producing a ercp af wheat, eeraor oaU, yet it may ba' store sWe'ife?fS3ia' other crop not before grown upon is. Leaving atide the matter of growing the staple crop, oven stock-raiting ff effected by the character ef the soil. Poor pastures make poor stock, no matter how careful the farmer may be. The inferior animals are the result of insufficient management and scanty supply, the animal changing its form and Labits in eider to adapt itself to the conditions under which it mast ex ist. Enowin this, it will not be profitable to introduce improved stack upon the farm until the farmer de termines upon a higher system of cul tivation, far, although man hat adapt ed different animals ta particular pur poses, they are still subject to natural laws. As man has been the agent in changing tbVcharacter of our domestio animals, he must render that assistance so essential to4 their well being. The pasture, shelter and cara must be suit able to progress, for no neglect can ba allowed. . Better stock- means better farmiig, larger crops and greener and saara luxuriant pasturts.J "VYitff" each suc ceeding year the products become larger, as the result ef an improrid system. Inferior Stockton a farm in feriority in all departmenti, and tha profits utually realized are in propor tion to the degrea of attention give bath the stock and farm. In endeav oring to improve the ttock bsgin Ttiih those breeds that are'ggJtSiEi----tirsiU..w. s xaT'Krru. If tha farmer findt the breBdwhtch he has niectcd totbe unprofitable ha should try another. Tha Southdown and Mel ino sheep will pay a fair profit en. farms that would not support a flock of Cotswolds, as the latter ara lest active and require better pasture.' The Duron and Ayrthire cattle may ba ustd with success where certain fail ures would overtake the introduction of Shorthorn, and the hardy Chester white hogs have been known to thrive well where the fine bred Suffolkt ceuld not exist. Every farmer should aim to im prove, but he should improve in tha right direction. Improvement does not mean that violent crosses should ba made, or that all farms will tuppart any kind of breed. The farm mutt not be made to do that to which it is not adapted; but the first step should be te contidor the conditions existing in favor af improvement, and by caro fullamanagement at first the farm may be enabled to do mare, until finally it will becapable offolfilling the fondest expectations of tha farmer. A largrr numbsr of mistakes have been made by attempting to improve stock under unfavorable conditions that from any other cause; but there is nothing, how ever, to hinder any farmer in the mat ter of improvement it he thoroughly Nature's own true Laxative. Pleat- ant to the Palate, acceptable to the Stomaeh, harmless in its nature, pain less in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Billionsness, Indigestion, and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, puiifies the blood, regulates the liver and acts on the Bowles. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fevers, etc Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottle free, andjarge bottles for sale by Merritt & Robinson, Jackson ville, Oaa of tha minor trials in rai'way travels arises from .cinders in tha eye. A simple and effective sura may ba faund in oaa or two grains of flaxseed, which caa be placed in the eyas with out pain. As they diaselve, glutinous substance is formed which tnvalepi any fersign body that may ba under tha lid, and tha whole may ba csjily washed out. Gordan's death - and tbe fall Khartoum ara fully ceafirtaed. n .rstaanafhi ana is (MHiew:mfwTK ma Beetqta 'jfcsWBsi "J