Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 07, 1885, Image 4

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Dolph on Timber Lands.
Senator Pclpt'i bill amending the
timber-land act has been reported fav
erably from tho coismittce on public
lands. The measure is one of giral
importance to Oregon aad Washington
territorjr, and there ii every promise
that it will toon btcouie a law. In
reporting the bill bick Dolph said:
"The act of Jons 3, 1878, for the
tale of timber lands in the (tatei of
California, Oregon and Nevada and In
Wasbiagton territory wm intended to
authorize the sale of lands ebiefly val
uable for timber for commercial par
potts. In the Grit section of the act
the words 'and net fit for agriculture'
uccar. The were evident) put in
the lair for the purpose of including
from the operation of the act lauds
which, although timbered land, are of
reh a character as to be suitable for
homesteads, and which may be proGta
Mr cleared and cultivated. The secre
tary of the "interior his construed the
law to mean that, if the lands when
cleared of the standing timber and
fctuups would be fit for cultivation,
they cannot be purchased under tha
act, and has suspended all entries of
Mich lauds. The result is that the lav
ender this construction is useless and
fails to accomplish the purposo it wa-
intended to accomplish. All the laud
in western Oregon and in western
Washington upon which valuable titn
bar grows is good land and will, when
cleared, if it ever is, of the timber and
stump?, be suitable for agriculture.
The natnral wealth of western Oregon
and Washington is laigely in timber,
and the timber will never be extensive
ly eut down and burned te clear the
land for agricultural purposes. - In
most casts the man who takes a home
itead or pre-emption claim upon such
lands intends to secure his title for the
timber by an cvasien of the law so far
as cultivation is concerned. The set
tler who would make the necessary
bona fids improvement upon a quarter
section of this heavily timfcerea land,
seen as is seug'it for its timber, and
ahould comply with the requirements
f the homdstead law, would prove a
damage rather than a benefit to that
portion of the country. The cost of
clearing such land is at least $100 per
aore, besides which the clearing would
endanger the valuable timber upon
stublie and private lands by the liability
of tho spreading of fires which are al
ways set in the clearings during the
Jrv season. TJnder the prestnt ruling
f the interior department the nicit
valuable timber cannot be purchased
under the act of June 3, 1878, provid
ed the 'and could be cultivated after
the timber is removed. To expect any
one to make a home upon inch land
until the Amber is removed for com
uercial purposes is idle. To allow
parties te secure'such heavily limbered
land under any law upon the pretense
that it is for a home is a farce. It is
not taken for agricultural purposes
and will not be. It should be sold as
tim'oir land. In western Wahingten
it is stated that land can be purchased
of private parties, from which the Um
bo r has bten either cat or burnt off,
for $1 per acre. The amendment pro
prosed by the bill to the existing law
is to strike out from the first section
the words 'and not fit for agriculture,'
and from the second section the equiv
ahat words 'unfit for cultivation and,'
so that land in the states and territery
mentioned in the law, which is chiefly
valuable for timber, and which, iu its
present state, is unfit for agricnhural
purposes and cannot be rendered fit
for cultivation except by an outlay
many times greater than the value of
the land after it is cleared, can be sold
for its timber, and the timber, instead
ef being wantonly destroyed for the
purpose ef clearing tho land and made
the means of wholesale destruction to
the forests of the country, may bo.
manufactured and made to add to the
wealth of the country, and the lands
by that proeess fitted far agricultural
purposes, so that parties can purchase
this land of the government for com-
morcial purposes and not be compelled,
if thajr cure it at all, ta take it an
dtr the homestead and pre-emption
Jaws, and in most cases to evade the
law as to cultivation, to procure title."
Col. Howlttt, recently appoiuted
Receiver of the Yakima Land Office,
will not, it is said, accept the position.
He has a clerkship in the Oregon
Legislature which will keep him uutil
after the 4th of March, alter which
time his tenure at Yakima would be
exceedingly short the prospect being
tneit excellent that he would immedi
ately be succeeded by a Democrat.
An ardent Colorado journal thus
cleverly extends to its exchanges fra
ternal New Year's greeting: "May
the new year bring you less of sorrow,
and less to borrow; better health and
mere of wealth, more work and more
money. May you all strike it rich,
four feet wide and a thousand ounces
to the t:nl"
Peek's Bod Boy-
'HelloP said the grocerymaa to the
bad boy, as he same in looking cross.
"DanVsay hello to me," said the boy
as he toek up tho store cat and went to
the sausage machine on the courier and
began te turn the hand!. "I am no
telephone." "Well, you areatransmitter
ail the same," said the groceryraan lau
ghing at his attempt at a jako, "but
drop that, eat. What you want to r art
cat for, putting her in a susage grin
dtr?"' Oh, I ain't a going to hurt your
cat, but I wish every cat was dead.
Our cat got me into an awful scrape
last night, and I was .no mora to blame
than the man in the moon," said the boy,
as he sat down on a box. Everything
that gees wrong is laid to me, 'tause I
use to be a little jtufl in my youth.
That shows that a bey ought never to
be tuff, 'cause it sticks to him at long
a he lives."
"Give us the cat story," said the
groceryman as he sat down by the soy
and tried to raise his drooping spirits
with a glut of re'trn apple cider.
"O, I wish I had never been born,
cr that I had been born twini, or trip
lets, to there would have bern meie ef
"us to stand the racket. . Last night I
went to bed at nine e'cloek, and left
pa and ma up playing youcur. I don't
knew how long I had been asleep
when I heard a rattling down in pa
and ma's room, and pa yelled murder,
and ma yelled polics, and a window
was smashed, and I heard a tat smll-
,T , . , " , ,
fire, and then IJgrabbsd my pants and
went down stairs to te what4the row
was, and halp put out tha fire. I
rushed into the room, and there wat
the offulest smell ef burnt hair I ever
smelted. Ma was au on a chair in her
night clothes yelling and pa was stand
ing looking out of tha broken window,
tho top was off the coal stove, the
stove door open, and the coal hod and
the coal scattered all around the ear
pet, and pa was all mussed up, with
bleod on the front of hie night shirt,
and a scra'ch on his leg. When J
came in pa grabbed me by the n'ck
and said ho would learn me to fill the
coal hod with bUek cats, and I thought
pa was crazy. Ma grabbed pa and told
him I was not to blame, and about
that time a polieemau pounded at the
door and wanftd to know what the
riot was about, and pa told him every
thing was all right, and t policeman
told the drivor ef the chemical fire ex
tinguisher he could go home, and then
pa told me what was the row. It
spems our old black cat didn't hae no
mors sense than to go ts sleep in the
coal hod, on top of the coal, and just
before pa got ready to get into bed he
went to fill up the stove, and he pour
ed the cat right into the Ere. Well, I
spese you would havo died to see pa.
As quick as the cat slruch tho fire the
woke up, or maybe she woke up going
down tho reservoir, but anyway there
was am e o u w in the stove, and then
tho cat came right threugh one of tb
mica doers and struck pa with her tor
nails, and began to walk en him, and
howl. Pa was so scared he dropped
tha coal hod and grabbed the est by
one leg and threw her through the
window, and then he began to dance
around. I guess at first he didn't
know whether it was a for-sure cat, or
only imagination, cause pa has get ts
talking a iitttle Tom and Jerry during
the holidays, and his nerve are a little
unstrung. I expressrd n-y xorrow
that the eat should have been scorched,
and that made pa mad, 'cause he said
we all thought mor3 of tho injuries the
cat had received than we did of his
being scratched from Genesis te Revo
lations, and he said what I ought te
have deno was te go around the latt
thing before I went to bed and see
that thero was no cat in the coal schut
tie. He said I owed that, at least, to
my family. Pa is tho unreasonablest
man I ever. Who would over think
of looking for a cat in a coal schuttlel
After pa had given nt fits about it, he
began to jaw at ma, and told her she
ought to know better than to yell se."
"Say," said the groceryman, stepp
ing the boy, "1 want you to toll me
taerntb. Did you have anything to
da with putting that cat in tho coal
scuttle) For if you did, that sotties it
with me."
"No, sir, I hope to die if I did,"
said the boy. "Did I ever do any
thing to cause yon to think I was a cold
blooded heartless villain? Have I ever
harmed a dumb animal? I have saved
lots of dnmb animals from harm, but
I never injured one in the least. No,
it was an accident, such as might occur
in any family, but I bet you pa never
empties a coal scuttlo again without!
analyzing it for tracts of a eat," and
tie bad bor wont oat feeling hurt that
not only his pa Vuf his old friend the
grocer man should take him to be a
boy who would scorch a cat.
Seattli, W. T., Feb. 1. Tha
" I 1
Northern Pacific Express Office in this '
city was hurgalized last night. The
less has net yet been made knawn.
. After Many Years.
A day or two ago Ger. Sypher found
a heavy anchor chain on the beach
near Fioras lake, leading eut into the
turf in such a manner at to make it
probable that the anchor ii still at
tached to it. Thtt calls to mind a
peculiar, shipwreck which happened
there something like eighteen years
ago. A large vessel, a barque, was
seen drifting aimlessly around just
north of west of Cape Blanee in such
a manner at to indicate that the waa,
deierted. She was seen thtre a day
or two gradually approaching the
shorn, and during the night, or early
in the morning, she drifted in on the
beach at the place where the anchor is
new found. We never learned her
name, where tha bailed from or
whence she eame. She was lumber
laden, probably from the sound for
San Franciteo. The cargo furnished
material for several houxes in this vi
cinity, and parti of her ironwork uay
yet be seen all through the csnntv.
No humains were found upon or near
tho wreck, and, aeeordiug to our in.
formation, tho boats, clalhing, papers
and imtiuuien's were misting, show
ing 'that the bad undenbtedly been
abandoned by her crew. Did they
reach part? Who shall tolil It is
only one more of tho many mysteries
of the sea. 'Southwest Oregon Itec
A Portland paper of tha 2Ut says
a.l" f "". t&e American
,h,P U- kuthard Hurlburt
came up
beforo JUJS Daa(j 3
ady yesterday for
mat on a charge of maltreating Djru
inicio Giurcovich, one of his crew.
The tailor teatified that soon after the
ship passed Cape Horn the captain
tlrettled him and banged him against
the mizzenmatt. The mate and two
saHoru testified to tho sanio thin.
The cap'ain, who appeared a mild
mannered man, tes.iSed that the tailor
was called into the cabin to be admon
ished a'oeut hu stylo of steering, and
that theonly violi-.ice used was what
was necessary to get him expaditieusly
out of the cabin again. The captain
further stated that the first officer had
struck the long named sailor over the
head with a belaying pin and made
the blood come. He was discarged.
The mate has been arrested, and nill
be tried for his bit of amusement.
One would suppose that ship's crew
would be cool headed just after round
ing the Horn, and that if a man did to
far forget himself as to bang another's
head with a miz7enmast or a marlin
spike, the matter would have bean for
gotten before arriving here. But some
people remember trifles a long time.
England Aroused-
Last Saturday afternoon another
attempt was made to blow cp tho
House of Parliament and tho White
Tower in the city of London with dy
namite. Many persons were badly in
jured, and great excitement prevails all
over England. A man named Cunn
ingham was arrested on tutpicion seen
after the explosion, and is being tiied
for the crime on circumstantial evi
dence that strongly indicates his con
nection with the fiendish plot. Other
arrests have since been made. Old Eng
land is thoroughly aroused, and will
leal eteruely with these would-be in
discriminate murderers if they are
caught. The people of the United
States have no sympathy with such
eutrages, and do not believe in redress
mg grisvances by any such meaus.
A Minnesota paper tays forty years
ago the land en which Minneapolis
no.Y stands was purchaied for ?l25
per acre. To day the tamo land is sell
iug iu choice localities at 1,500 per
foot. While the city has enjoyed
great prosperity in the past year, its
streets are eiowdsd with idle men,
and the boom is apparently as badly
bursted at that of Portland. The ad
vantage, however, is with Portland; it
has gone through the psrieJ of cdopse
and is now having a steady, healthy
Australians have discarded the
horse-bit and substituted for it a car
rago, consisting of a steel band placed,
over the front bone of the horse's nose,
to which appliar.ee the reins are at
tached. It is claimed for this substi
tute for the bit that it gives complete
control over the horse without infliet
ing the least discomfort or torture.
The Seatle, W. T., "Post" has an in
teresting press of the Kamage pattern,
which came from Jlexico 40 yean ago,
and was used in the publication of the
San H rancueo "Alta" in 1849 on the
"Oregonian" in Portland in 1850, then
went to Olympia and Seat:l, where it
printed the "Gazette" and "Intelligen
cer," until in 1874 it was supplaated
by a Washington hand press, and is now
taking a rest. It is btlisred to bo 70
years old.
A ten year old "boy in Putnam
eounty, Tenn., who ean hardly exist
in summer, except bj having his bedv
kept moist nlmest constantly with
cold water, grows happy and plump
during cold weather. Ho has only
four teeth two upper and two lower
and he was born with these.
Tho magnificent territory of Wash
ington is represented in New Orleans
L 1 L t . .
7 " . S ?' , T "clc. ?t,A0P, and
this great display nre hopping
.... f..V.,v -.. un.s paiu VUWU ior
over it.
hit Evil
Extra Seettoag fr all HI weirs,
Lioini inns in unit
Ceh!bratntdler!''Rnetl " B" the
, .:. 'lo u,rect Irom the "Mnntaetory at Fort Madison, i0a a r load nf tllB ,n8tlr
Consh.tiugof Wooden and Iron B.-a-n Walking Plows. Sulky Plows,
.aim an extra appertaining thereto.
It will repay those desiring anything in my line to give me ft callT
The Rogue River
Distilling Company
In the building situated on the orncr of
lamornia ana Fifth streets whcie
can-be obtained a
N. K. LYTLE, Superintendent
Adam Schniit., Prcpr,,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
The undersiimed is now DreDared tn
make anything in the line of barrels,
kegs, vats or tubs, and will also do any
kind of repairing in this liner A good
assortment of suitable timber kept con
stantly on hand.
Sorghum kegs made to order in quan
tities to suit at reduced prices- Give me
a trial. ADAM SCHMITT.
undersigned .by note or book account,
are requested to 'call and settle without
delay. ) jQ. KAREWSKX
J aeieoooviUe, Sept. S3. It
Jaekiwille9 Oregon
Wav from Albany. N. Y.. to arrive in a
As I have made these hr-e in
prepared to give
LT. S. Land Office, ItosmtniG, On,
. December 10, 18S4. f
Notice is hereby piven that John Her
berger whose postofflcc address is Jack
sonville, Jackson county. Oregon has this
nay applied for patent" for the foilowia"
described placer mining trroimd, viz: the
U of 3 E 1.4 of N E l-t Se!. 3i T 07 S
R3. West or the Willamette Jleridian con
taining 20 acres. The location of this
mine aud the transfers by the locators to
John Herberger are rcco'rdecl in vol. 10
page 157 of mining records of Jcckson
county. Orecon. dated T"Wt-mh- is 1ST7
Any and all persons claiming atherselj
any--portion of said ininins ground are
required to file their adverse claims with
tAUcs'ater of the United States Land
OmceatRoseburg, Oregon during the
sixty days miblieailnn lioronf n- !.. -n-ili
be barred by virtue ot the provisions of
x Wir. P. Benjashn, Register.
6 Jlilts Sonlli of Jatkssnville,
A and is prepared to furnish tho markt t
with every description of lumbei of asupi
nor quality at the lowest Atcs- Bills
sawed to order andsntisfaction guaranteed.
All orders addressed to U3 at Jackson
ville will receive prompt attention.
TKIT SOHUTZ,- - ProDrietor.
fonnthe et tizens ar Jck onTille and
thworldt lrg,thttl.tjca flnIt
ltiaift. St mv Rnv.n .V. ..-!. irmT
", In nr mwitttT tbe pnrchei IMJ dttlre
JJT noo (a eoiiTiIritHTtiteJ nd bit ronu' V
""In order. Avl.it willflMu. j.
MkteAiL JL k$
W days,
a carload of Pjrry &. Co'i
importations Ji.-cctly from ncadqiiartera I
Jacksonville, Or.
is the lesrilimate
over twen-
ot practical
Sifefes -StW'S) thoroughly quali
tl)'Wiilfietl graduate phy.
Fjr.55?vf nn highest medical
yiJ&iVSrJAsUSlKcoUcges of Europe.
:f- Nervous and pAy!
sical Debility, Seminal Weakness, Sper
matorrhea, Ippotency, Prostatorrhoca.
Ilypcraesthesu over sensitiveness of the
parts. Kidney and Madder complaints,
impurities of the blood and diseases of the
It permanently stops all unnatural
weakening drains upon the system, how
ever they occur, preventins involuntaiy
eminal losses, debilit.iting'dreams, semi
nal losses with the urine, or while at stool
et(x. so destructive to mind andbody.and
cuics all the evil effects of vouthtul tollies
excesses, restoring exhausted vitality,
bexual declineand loss of manhood, how
ever complicated.
A thorough as well as permanent cure
and complete restoration to perfeot health
Strength and vigor of manhood is abso
lutely guaranteed by this justly celebrated
reliable great remedy. Price ?3 00 per
bottle, or five bottles for?10. Sent upon
receipt of price, or O. O. D., toanyaddress
secure from observation and strictly pri
vate by '
SIC Kearny Street San Francisco Cal.
Sufficient to show its merit will be sent
to any one applying by letter, slating hi3
symptoms and age. Consultation' strict
ly confidential, by letter, or at office, free.
Por'the convenient of patients and in or
der to sectxfe prerect secrecy, I have adopt
ed a private address nnder-Ahich all pack
ages are forwarded.
I nniTT Send six cents for postage,
fl rillir and raeive free, a costly box
H I II ILL, or goods which wiil help nil,
of either sex. to more money right away
than anything else in this world. For
tunes await the wrkers absolutely sure
At aaee biduis Tbue t Co, Amomn, 34..
ui Gorman lnvisoratort
EC The oldest, greatest and
O best remedy for the cure of
r KervousamlPhvskalDebi't
V) ItV Vital Prliallilinn C.n.1
tli nill Mll-tlACa Ta.. .f II..
PC hood, Failing Memory and
lidttitd anil Enfeebled eon-(litionsoftheGcnito-Urinarn
irgans. It speedily cures
impotence. Earlv Dccar.
Loss of Yigor, Seminal
H eukness, aniTalt tha sad ef
fects Ofvouthful folliet and
O abuse or Excess of Maturity
O It permanently prevents
X 3H Unnatural Lost from the
2 system, as thousands can at
test who have used tho Rem-
Sedyinthe past quarter of a
century which it has been
before the public.
It is Indeed a 'Wenrtrrf'iil
uemeay toning the nerves, strengthen
ing the muscles, checking the waste, In
vigorating the whole system and restoring
tho afflicted to health and happiness.
The Dr. will agree to forfeit $1,000 for
a case undertaken, not cured. "The reason
so many can not get cured of Weakness
and the above diseases is owing to acorn
plication, called Prostatorrhea, with
Hyper..estu!a -which requires special treat
ment. Br. Liebig's Invigcrator, No. 2, with
onr peculiar special treatment, is the only
cur-for Prostatorrhea. By it Manhood
is restored and the hand or time moved
buck from age to youth.
Price ot either 'invigorator. ?2. Case
of six boules, 10. Sent to any address,
covered securely from observation.
Dr. Licbig & Co. treat successfully by
llomccopatliy every Torm of Special, Priv
ate or Chronic disense -without mercury
or naseous drugs. If vitality is clr-Incd
from the body, imm-rons disease U.low
that balHo ordinary nicdienl treatment. If
allowed to continue, the- unnatural loss
causes "Consumption, Diabetes, IMghts,
Disease, Insanity, etc. Cures guaranteed
Diseases of the genitourinary organs,
kidneys, liier and bladder specially treat
ed. Diseases of women speedily cured.
Qualified and Responsible. Dr. Liebig
& I o. fromEuronc. nre ote-anized in com.
Vlinni.e with California Medical Law.
Diploma procured by regular college ed
ucation and are now in their nineteenth
year of special practice.
Most powerful eVctric belts free to it
To prove the wonderful power of the
inviRoratnr a $2 bottle given or sent free.
onsultatlon free and private.
Dr. Lirbig'd vionderful German invigo
rator is protected bv ropywrht from
Patent rfllce of United States" Govern,
meut. Beware of imitation (Ml or ail.
drpss Lirniin Disi-e.nsart,
100 Geary Strut. San Francisco. Caf.,
Private entrance, 403 Iason Stmt, four
!)'ocks up Geary Street from Kearny.
Mftin Entrance throug.i Dispensary Drug
o. II i;rnr.iy Mreet, Sua Franrlseo, al.
-8&3ti?ljs3fcl3 a never-railing
&i cure for NVttoih Ds.
tC x iv biJity, Exhausted VI-
..? .-oi-.. Lot Jlanhord. I.
SSK-5 I" lcncJ' Trostator
rfSJ rhoea, I'aralysis aatl
f'lafX-Sk-V. alHhe t.Tnblecflc.cts
-f':v-.r-li..or8elf abuse, youth
fu! ro'.Ins and excesses in mntnrer JTars,
such ?.i los of .Memory, Lassitude, Noc
turnal Emissions, aversions to Society,
Dimness or Virion, Noises in the Head,
the vital fluid pissing unobserved initio
urine, and otlar diseases that lead te in
sanity and dentil.
Dr. ilinlie. who is a regular physic'n,
sniduatc or the University of Pennsylva
nia, v, ii ai;rti- U forfeit ?.30O for a case f
this hind tho Vital Kcetoiathr, (under i s
special advice and treatment) will not
core, or fur anj thing impure or injurioc.
found in it. Dr. Mintie treats all Privata
Diseases successfully without Hercury.
Consultation Free. Thorough examina
tion ard advice, including iLn.ih-si of
urine. SJ5. Price of Tita! Restorative ?1,50
.t l)-ttle,or four times the quantity, $3;
sent to any address upon receipt of price,
or O. O. D . secure from observation, and
in private name it deslrul, bj' Dr. A E.
3Iintie, 11 Kearney street, San Francises
Send for pamphlet iind list of questicas.
nc:le Iloltlr I rre
ill be sent to any one applying by let
ter, statins symptoms, srx and ngc. btiict
secrecy iu regard to ail business trass
aelinns. Dr. Mintie's Kidney Remedy, NepU-l-eticum,
cures all kinds of Kidney and
Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, uleel.
Lcucorrlioca, etc. For sale by all dru
dists; $1 a bottle, six bottles for Jo.
Dr. Mintie's D-indclion Pills are the
best and cheapest Dyspepsia and"" Bilious
cure in the market. For sale by all drur
gists. 4
No. 11 Kearny Street,
Treat al Clironle and Special DIsmki.
vlio may be suffering trom the effects
of youthful follies or InUIecretien-wiII do
well to avail themselves of this, the great
est boon ever laid at the altar of sufterinz
humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guaran
tee to forfeit 5300 for every case or Semin
al Weakness or private disease or any kind
or character which he undertakes and
tails to cure.
There are many at the age of thirty to
sixty who are troubled with too frequent
evacuations of the bladder, often accom
panied by a slight smarting or burning
sensation and a weakening of the system
in a manner the patient cannot account
for. On examining the urinary deposits a
ropy sediment will often be found, and
sometimes small particles of albumen will
appear, or the color will beora thin milk
isli hue, again changing to a dark, and tor
pid appearance. There are many men
who die or this difficulty, ignorant or the
cause, which is the second stage Qf seminal
weakness. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect
cure in nil such coses, and a healthy res
toration of the genito urinary organs.
Office Hours 10 to i and C to 8. Sua
days, Trom 10 to 11 a. m. Consultatioa
free. Thorough examination and advice,
$5. Call or Address
No. It Kearney St., San Francisco.
June 3,1883, tT
Valuable Land For Sale.
Ihe undersigned offers 2,000 acres ot
vhluab'e land for sale. Land situated oa
Antelope creek, eighteen nvles from Ja' V
sonville Win be sold in a body for $10
perm-rc or in 1C0 or 320 ncre lots at or
$15 to $20 per acre. For particular ad
dress or call oa A. L. Johnson, Laarf
Agent, or "WM. BYBEE,
i JaorUosvMl, QeegoQ.