Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 10, 1885, Image 3

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Saturday, January 10, 1885.
Hymeneal. Abe, Vf. Mentor an
Mitt Retie Hoover were married at
tkt bride's retidesct in Rostbnrg en
Saturday list and art aow here spend
ing their honeymoon with Hr, Men-,
tar'i parents. We with than much
joy in thtir saw relation at man and
wife. '.-
INSTALLATION. Jacktenville Lodge
No. 10, L O. 0. F., installed officers
last Saturday night A. D. Helmtn of
Ashland filling bis station aa D. D.
G. It. Tba following ii a list of the
ffieers: N. G., Robt. H. Moere; V.
G., Wm. H. Parker; R. 8., A. H.
Maegly; P. S., John A. Royerj Treas
urer, Fred Luy; "W, A. G.-Cofvin; C.,
N. Filler; L G., A. Cbala; R. SN.
G., T. B. Kent; L. B. N.'G., Eiler
Band; R. S. V. G., Wm. Ray.
A Card. I desire ta render thanks
to all who were kind te my ton, bit
children and myself during his leng
sickness here: and for svmnathv and
tlp xiisn-lo-bit faithful ( wife, who
I tsnded him. with untiring care, the last
iw Binmi; wun neart aivieted be
tween ber sere children left alone in
their mountain home; and devotion to
ber sick and dying kusband. Our
gratitude is alto due to Dr. Aiken for
professional and other kindness and
;reat generosity to the bereaved fam
ily. Mrs. H. E. Chambers.
StaqePiobbery, On Sunday night
last the staje, coming north was stepped
a few miles south of Ashland by one
highwayman the robber getting away
with the contents of Vf. F. k Co's. box.
No clue has yet been found, neither
tne box, hut the tracks oftheTobber
were followed to a point near Phtenix
whera they were lost. Tho amount
stolen is not yet known but it must
have been small as verr little onv
eenies into the county from that direc
tion. Officers are en the lookout for
the guilty parties.
Religious Items. Regular services
will be held at the Catholic chureh, in
this place, Rev. F. X. Blancbet oflici
ating.... Elder M. Peterson wil' hold
aervices at the Antiecu school house in
Table Rock precinet Sunday, at tbt
usual hour, where he will discuss
"Sabbatarianism." Rev. M. A.
'Williams will hold services at Medford
Sanday at tho usual'titue. . ..Rev. A,
R. Bichcnhach will preach at Phoenix
Sunday morning and at the Presby
terian Church in this plies in thn even
inf.. ...Rev. E. Gittini will preach at
Antelope school bouse an Sunday,
at the usual morning hour....
The following are II. 0. Fleming'
appointments for the ensuing year:
At Eagle Point on the second Sunday
in each month; at tho Mound school
house" oS"tiie tlriri Sucday, And at the
Lena Oak school house oa'the fourth
That Straight Road. For some
time past citizens of Medford have
been making efforts to get a straight
road to Jacksonville whereby the dis
tancc Sttwecn the two plaees would be
considerably shortened. It seems,
bewsver, that different pa-ties want
different routes and for this reason the
county court again ptslpoaed the mat
ter for the second time, -anointing a
new board of viowers to assess dam
ages as follows: W. B. Kineaid, Fred
Baraeburg and M. Peterson. They
will report at the Fabruary tsrm when
some aciioa will probably he taken
Our idea, personally speaking, would
be to leave the old road as it is to a
point beyond the Ish bridge and from
there build a now road in an air line
to Medford. Tho road from here to
the Ish bridge is one of the best in the
county at all seasons of the year and
to change it to a quagmire of. ljaek
eticky seems to us rediculous. A good
road could be made from the point
mentioned to Medford at small cost
and with the good road on this end and
in the winter or any other season of
the year a team could maka the trip
between the two places in less time
than by any other "straight road."
"We hope the viewers and, the county
court will fully investigate this before
Tins New Pump. Wo have before
noticed a pump invented by J. II.
Huffer of this place, which is now in
successful operation in a noil forty
feet deep at the residence of Dr. Will
Jjickson. This pump appears to be
bited on mechanical principles, -that'
have not been before known or used in
pumps. The pump is a double acting,
tabinerged, force pump, and it operat
ed with a handle in the same manner
at an ordinary pump. The advantages
claimed for this system are, that the
pamp is in balance, and no .weight to
lift but the weight of the water column;
that the pump is submerged and there
fore canuet freeze; that there is no
leakage of seetion pipe, no priming,
and the pump works up to its full
capacity at each stroke, which is not
the case with a suction pamp, as ex
haattion is seldom perfect; that tho
power when exerted on the lereris a
constant quantity throughout .the
stroke, there is.no approach to a dead
ceuter, and the piston works in a true
line. This system can easily ba'al"
tached to a wind mill, which will abvi
ate the lifting of heavy pump rods,
which usually weigh twice as much as
the water column to be lifted and
which have to ba lifted at the same
time with the water. Steam power
can be applied to this system, direct,
without the intervention of a crank.
The cost of the pump will be no more
than the cost of a ponglas force pump
and, in a well forty feet deep or over,
it will bo lest. The inventor will not
be prepared to tall rights or manufac
ture pimps aatil abtnt the first of
March next.
" Local litems-!
- ' .
Schools are again in session. '
Lots ef rain and plenty mud.. J
Tho Legislature convents next3Ion
day. W,. W. Cardwell it hack from Ross
burg. I
JRobt. A. Miller has returned to
J. H. Huffer, School Clerk it arennd
after taxes.
W. G. Xtaney and wife of Medford
were in town this week on a visit.
The net receipts of the Red-Men's
mttqcere.de amounted to over $200.
Senatcr Celpk has favored as with
several pblit documents this week.
"We are under obligations to Prof.
McGinnit for the report of the Teach
er's Institute.
A communication on the county
court matter is unavoidably crowded
out this week.
Birruch Fisher, now the leading
rrerehant of Weodville, made us a
call this week.
From this date on the skating rink
will bs open every Sunday afternoon.
Admission free.
Cosnty Court was in session this
week and transacted considerable
routine businett.
Mrt. TJlrich hat gene te Medferd to
remain a short time thinking a change
might beneSt her failing health.
Henry Klippel hat sufficiently re
covered from hit late illness to appear
on the streets we arc pleased to say.
Remember the trait-grower's meet
ing at Geld Hill on tho 22d intt. All
interested in this indattry should at
tend. Bitter and eggs have become searce,
bad roads making it impossible for ear
firmer to reach town with their pro
' Tret Shattuck the noted Ventrilo
quist shows at Holt's hall to night.
Admission 50 cents, children half
The town election approaoheth and
candidates ara making themselves
known. Send in yoar announce
ments. M. Herthberger of Central Point
and Kenaey k Woken ef Medford
received county license to ttll liquors
'Lit week. ,
The town trustees have offered the
Zigler heirs $100 for their water right
on Jackson creek but have not yet re
oeived a reply.
Geerga Schnmpf lost a watch charm
yesterday. It is a )rga locket for
the return of which tho finder will
bo rewarded.
Ritad-Mr. Ib' notice in. Another
column and quit trespassing'oc the
property montioned or look out for the
M. E. Pogue of Gold Hill was in
tewn this week and says ho has got
his stera in good running order again
since the fire.
George W. Fordyco, aa old retident
nf this valley, died at his heme near
Medford yesterday atterneon after a
lingering illness.
No ice has yet been put np for tho
Jacksonville market and the ekascss
are that few sherry cebblsrs will be
made next summer.
Mrs. Blalock, widow of John P.
Bl&lock, died at the residence of Levi
Gartman on Evans creek last Sunday
aged about 75 yean.
Mile Mathews of Table Rock pre
cinct visited us thit week. He says
the place is hard to find tinea the stage
quit running through.
Two bottles of fine California wine
helped out our New Year dinner for
which we failed to thank Herman
Helms in oar last issue.
Tho New Orleans Times Democrat
speaks in high terms ef tho Oregon
exhibit, which, although limited, is
described as very complete. "
The Ashland postoffice is now filled
by Presidential appointment aud tho
Senate this week confirmed A. P.
Hammond for that position.
Another stage robbery and several
eases of assault with a dangerous
weapon reported this week. No new
arrivals reported at the jail so far.
Newman Fisher's new advertise
ment will appear cost week. In the
meantime look at his stock and con
sult his prices. They are hard to beat.
Dr. Will Jacksen w:ll go to Med
ford to-day to remain tea days. Any
one needing dental work should give
him a call as he is a first class work
man. It will be several weeks before J.
W. Merritt and K. Kubli can move
into their new places of business. In
tho meantime consult them at their old
a. nerce suogcrioer: "Sir, cuss your
paperl send it to k ." "Thomas,
change the gentleman's address! If
Uncle Sam makes connection you'll
find your paper there."
Representacivet Cameron and Beall
started for Salem last Tuesday to rep
resent jack-son county in tbe legisla
ture. We expect to tee both of them
make astive members.
A meeting of the citizens ef Med
ford wat held at that place one night
thit week to take preliminary tteps
for incorporating the town. The resi
dents are divided on thit point and
when a veto was taken those opposed
te incorporating carried the day by a
small majority. Most of the sabstan-.
tial business men there are said to be
opposed to incorporating bat for what
reasoa wo have not yet learned. As
things now appear tbe whole matter
will be dropped.
Another masquerade as Holt's Hall
on St. "Valentine's day, for tho benefit
of the Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band.
Their advertisement will appear nexc
week and a largo crowd should greet
James Helms of Eden precinet de
nies having died some time since as it
was published not long ago. He could
have been seen an f he ttreett ofJack
tonville this week in apparent good
Partiet were in town thit week try
ing to make a race between Thomas
Milet' "Skygazei" and Hanley's
"Canehey" for 5100 a side. No defi
nite arrangements have yet been ar
rived at.
Two of the Redfield brothers took
the first two prizes at the shooting
match held at Medford yesterday. A
largo crowd was-in attendance and
considerable interest wat manifested
by all present.
Mr. Martin, proprietor of the-ifobby
clothing store at Ashland, will pav
Jacksonville a visit shortly to take
orders. He has made several suits
for parties here and given good satis
faction in each case.
A new paper called thn "Golden
Future" has made its appearance in
Portland. It claims to be a paper for
the miser's cabin, thn work shop and
the household, and the first number
shows marked editorial ability.
The Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band
elected tho following officers at the
meeting held Wednesday night: Pres
ident and Leader, Adam Schmitt;
Secretary, Doug Jones; Treasurer,
James Croneniiller; Dispatcher, Sam
DeRsboaia; Business Manager, Wm.
John L. Burns, the impressible,
will soon bo with us again as traveling
agent for the well-known liquor house
ef Wichman k Lutgen ef San Francis
co. He does business wherever he
goes and local dealrrs should be pre
pared to give him an order when he
Tho Albany express train of Mon
day, went through the bridge at South
Mill Creok, just this side of Salem,
one brakeman had an arm broken and
the fireman was slightly injured nobody
else seriously hart. The tram from
tho south exchanged passengers and
mail and returned.
Who will be Senator from Oregon s
a question that now agitates tbe public
mind in this State. For his record be
fore, tho ability and faithfulness that
he displayed at that time, the good
work done by him while a member of
that body, we again nominate John
H. Mitchell and hope to see him elect
ed. A petition was circulated in town
thit week anking the County Ceurt to
build a bridge across Roguo River
near By he'i Ferry and was signed by
all to whom it was presented. We
hopt cur county board will see the
wisdom of this ttip and order the
bridge built at once something that
has been needed for many rears,
Jacksonville is the only place in the
State where a regularyearly mortuary
repert is published. Wo' ha e consid
erable help from outsiders in swelling
the number of interments each year a
fact probably caused by the beauty of
our cemetery and the earn taken of it
ne nsverthless make a good showing
and are not ashamed to publish the list
in full.
The Fireman elected officers, last
Monday night with the following re
suit: President, Thos. G. Ream's, re
elected; Vice President, K. Kubli:
Secretary, J. R. Little, reelected;
Treasurer, Henry Pape, 3r., re-elected;
foreman, Lhris. Ulnch, re-elected;
First Assistant, D. W. Crosbv; Second
Assistant, H. D. Kubli; Trustees, Max
Muller, Henry Klippel, K.
Although not favered with a copy a
.kind triend bat allowed ui to peruse
the prospectus of the "Grant's Pass
Argus," a new publication soon to be
started in the northern end of the
county by KeHler H. Gabbert. Tbe
publisher says he has engaged the
services of a first-class priuter but that
individual must have got stuck in the
snow blockade when the first issue was
A shooting affray occurred at Med
ford abont twelve n clock last night
when Wm. G. Kenney shot and se
riously wounded a man named Walker,
Our informant states that Kennev not
Walker out of his saloon for being dis
orderly when the latter returned with
a knifa in hand and the above is the
result. Before this Walker had a row
with Wm. Heffron in which lie chawed
off the latters finger and bit a piece
out of his cheek.
The members of Ruth Rebekah De
gree lodge indulged in a most enjoy
able lanch sociable, after the installa
tion of officers last Monday night,
given in honor of the annual iit of
D. D. G. M. Heluian of Ashland.
The table "fairly groaned" under its
weight of delicious viands to which all
did ample justice. The fleat especial
ly was highly commended by tho de
lighted epicures who partook of it and
all were united in the ttish that the
newly elected officers weuld soon again
entertain their distinguished visitors
and the lodge in as pleasant and de
lightful a manner. Dont forget the
float. The following is a list of the
officers of Ruth Rebekah Degree Iod"e
installed by D. D, G. M. Helman last
Mondar night: Mrs. Mary A. Miller,
N. G.; Miss Annie Bilger, V. G ; R.
H. Moore, R. S.; Mrt. W. J. Plvm'ale
F. S.; Mrt. Alice Ulrich, Treasurer;
airt.itacuoi risner, n. a. K. G; Mrs.
Kate McDaniel, L. S. N. G.; Mrs.
Aagutta Helms, U. S. V. G.; Mrs.
Mollio Krause, L. S. V.G.: F. Lnv
Warden; A. H. Maeglj, Conductor;
xura. xdia jvuuii. itsiae uuardian.
Tho entertainment to ue given tor
the benefit of a public JjrJIad
reading room will take place' on Tues
day February 10th. Tho object is one
in which every resident of Jackson
ville is personally interested and all
should assist in making it a success.
Tho ladies of the "W. C. T. TJ. are tho
prime moven in the cause and they deserve-credit
for making an effort to
meet the long conceded necessity for
supplying tbe people of Jacksonville
with a public library and reading
roem. Foil programme wilR'appear
next week.
Our friend Robt. A-Mijler-started
northward lart Tuesday night after a
months sojourn at heme. It is ru
mored that he goes to become a mem
ber of the third house where states
men and financiers will soon engae I
in senator making. Bobt wide awake
and will probably be able to'tnanipi
late the wires equal to thec-ldest vet
eran in the business, bit wo think that
the Democratic plan to take advantage
of possible distaffection in the Repub
hcaa party and return Slater will
nro nWtiva .nd tho "disinterested? J
persons who assemble at-the'Capitol,
r - . T
for that purpose, will find" that its
"loves labor lest." "
Tho general windup'jot Urrestriil
affairs that the AdyepJjstsf had an
nounced for last Monday afternoon
did not take place although' -the bon-.l
nets were all trimmed for the occasion.
Our gentle reminder todelinqaetftsnb
scribers, failed te awaken- sufficient
interest in that direction to, enable us I
to balance ocr books and make suit
able preparations for the Jimportant
event. Again wo would ask all those
who have failed to put in aa appear
ance for final settlement to come for
ward wi'.heut delay, and adjust their
accounts, and thereby- enable us as
well as they, to ba prepared for the
day that "cometh as a thief in tho
The Multnomah Rod andGun club
have undertaken the "commendable
task of keeping the came birds,
brought recently from China by Judge
Denny under good care until spring,
when they will be turned.loose. To
this end they have secured a vacant
building on the corner of second and
E, and yesterday transferred the birds
from their coops in a room large
enough for them to spread their widjt.
They are very wi'd, and do not br
close confinement well. .Five. ef them
have died in the past ten days, and
others have by beating themselres
against tho bars of their cages, robbed
themselves of their glorionVplutnage.
The presence of men always excites
them, and no ono except liie- man in
charge of tho feeding wil( be allowed
in tho room.
. r i
The first mail for over three weekt
arrived from the East last Thursday
and hat been regular sinciC' The snow
blockade has been' cleared and no
further trouble is anticipated. -
Jiei'trolt.ilcal Kepoffi'-KSt.-'- --
Meterological report of. ftogue River
Valley, Oregon. Respectfully-submitted
by Rev. M. A. Williams.
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Pheasaxts Quail axd Grousk.
We have been requested By soVeral of
our sportsmen to publish the section
of the gams iaw relating to killing
and trapping pheasant, qnail and!
grouse, which is aa follows: '
Section 5 Every .person who
shall, within, the State of Oregon, be
tween the 1st day of January and the
15 day of July "of each -year, -flake,
kill, injure or destroy, oFTiave in his'
possession, sell -or offtr fori gala any
grouse, pheasant, quail, or partridge,
shall be guilty ef-a misdemeanor.. ,r
Section 8. Ever persoa'who shall,
within tho Stato of Oregon, at any
time after the passage p this act, net
or ensnare or attempt to trap, net or
ensnare any quail, or boVwhite-prairie
chicken, grouse or pheasant, n
have in his possession any live quail
or bob white, prairie chicken, grouse
or pheasant, shall be guilty ef a mis
demeanor. -C
The violation of the-law is punish
able by a fine of not Ies than 510 nor
mora than $300; also by Imprisonment
in the'eounty jail.
Habitnal (.uiKtlfrttian
Is a prolific source gf 'misery and
many ills, giving rJBe.ttf Headache,
Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, Hest
lessness, XSiiiou9ucss, Indigestion, Pois
oning of Blood, etc. The bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines; pills, salts
and draughts formerly jised to relieve
the sufferer, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who are
afflicted in that" way, know the impor
tance of thp remedy pjeasant to the
palate, harmless in its nature, and truly
beneficial in its actions The trial
bottles of Syruf- of Figs given away
free of charge bV- one enterprising
druggists Merritt & Robinson of Jack
sonville prove that it ia!l that can be
desired. Larsa bottles at fiftr cents
I or one dollar. a .
leachei 's Institute.
Dec 29, 1 p. m., SwpT. Colvig open
ed tho teacher's inttitute with a short
address letting forth -the object of tho
same. Respontt by Prof. Watt,,'after
which the Supt. appointed com aitteo
on introduction, and one to take
charge of qaery box; 2 to 2:10 p. m.;
intermission 2:10 to 2:30 nsatic and
ainging; 2:30 to 3- p. te.j ilitcussing mo
tives and incentives to study; 3 to 4
p. m., language lessens and composi
tion by Prof."rpattwho advocated the
policy ef beginning to teack language
and composition juit at seen as the
pupil entered school, and thus lead
him (the pupil) step by step from tho
tirtlple use ot language aad composi
tion the more gentral and complex.
Prof. Watt was seconed by the most
experienced teachers of the institute;
6:30 p. m., called to order by Sspt.
Colvig; 6:30 to 7 p. ra. music and ting
ing; 7 to 8:15. Lecture by Prof. J. S.
Dean, the education demanded by the
aa. Tho lecture was well received bv
th leathers ad all who had the pleas
uin .ji iietcniug iv ts: sum. o;Li? to
8:30, Music and. singing-. Dee. 30,
8.40 a. m. institute called to order by
Supt. Colvig. 8:40 to-i) a. ra. music
and'singing;-after which-a motion wat
moved and carried ihat'lhe lecture de
livered oy rror. jueaa do placed in
print, 9 to 10 a. ra. vowels in mac-
eented syllables by M. A. McGinnit;
lUto :
questions from auerv box
iscussed; 1 p. tn. called to order by
lupt. Colvig; 1 to 1:30, music and
linging; 1:30 to 2:30 p. ju. Questions
b-ora query box discussed. 2:30 to
3:30 p. m.; practical arithmetic by
iss Maggie Sergant; 3:30 to 4 p. m.;
fanguage lessons by Prof. Watt. Dae.
3'lj 8:45 a. m. melting called to order
byJSupt. Colvig; 8:45 to 9 a. m ; music
lani singing 9 to 10 a.m., discussion
of questions from query box; 10 to 11
n. B.; language lessons and composi
tion by Prof. Watt; 11 tll:45 a. m:
rdragrams by Prof. J. S. Sweet:
11:49 to 12 ra., music: 1 p.m. called
to order by Supt. Colvig; 1 to 1:15 p.
m., music and singing; 1:15 to 2 p. ta.,
primary number wor Hattie New
berry; 2 te 2:30. Reading in advanced
grades by Prof. J. N. Hall; 2:30 to 3
p. ra.; territorial growth of U. S, by
Prof. AVm. Priest, who thowtd by the
manner in which he presented his sub
ject to bo matter of the situation.
His method of teaching U. S. history
was mot highly appreciated by the
Supt. and teachers; 3 to 4 p. m., etsrys
by M. A. McGinnis, W. S. Goro and
Miss Delia Pennebaker; 4 to 4:30,
mentaL arithmetic by Prof. W. F.
Williamson; 4:30 to 5 p. m., discus
siong, reading of resolutions, arrange
ments for evening session by Profs.
Hall, Hubbell, Miller, which passed
off to the satisfaction of all who avail
ed themselves of the opportunity of
being present.
Whereas, This institute has been
one of pleasure and profit not en! v to
th Je.cier- of thacijunty butio ,-alL
L. 1. tl. .. L.:K rr1
nMts ua.v 4.A&VU unit VilCiVlu. J. acre-
fore, bo it
Eesolved, That we tend to Sup't.
Colvig our heart felt thanks for the
interest ha hat taken in making the
institute one of benefit to us all, and
that wo feel that its success has been
greatly due to his efforts.
Resolved, That wo tend to the
teachers and patrons of the Jackson
villa public schools our best wishes for
the interest they have manifested to
wards the teachers and' others ho by
their presence have added to tho pro
gress of the institute.
Resolved, That we very rcuch re
gret the lack of attendance on the part
of the members of school boards
throughout the county, and that we
take this opportunity of asking them
to co-operate with us in the future.
Resulted, That owing to tho in
effectual efforts of the superintendent
to secure the Court House for night
sessions, we would respectfully call
the attention of the countv board to
the fact, and would ask that at their
earliest convenience they place within
the reach of the superintendent the
meant for securing tho same for insti
tuto work in tho future.
Resolved, That wo tend to tho citi
zens of Jacksonville many thanks for
the hospitality they have shown the
teachers while in their midst.
Resolved, That it is the candid
opinion ot the teachers of Jackson
county, that it would bs beneficial to
the best interests of the schools of the
county to hold a nomal institute, and
that the superintendent appoint a com
mittee to consist of himself as chair
man and twr practical teachers to ar
range the time, tne place and pro-
rr.mme for such meeting with regu
lations for conducting the same.
M. A. McGisnis,
J. S. Swxet,
Maggie Sergest.
New Charter Opened. The Grit
wold case has come to the surface
again if indeed it has ever been out
of sight. Griswold, it will be romem-
bored, asking for a compromise on the
balanco duo the government on the
I ground that he was insolvent. It wat
subsequently ascertained that ho had
standing to his credit on the books of
the third auditor, claims known as
Oregon war claims, amounting to
S2197 70. Griswold was examined as
to tho ownership el these claims and
stated that ha had assigned these
claims to J. IL Albert ot Salem, receiv
ing therefor bis note for $1900 or
82000, which note ho turned ovtr ta
J. H. Mitchell, to whom he owed
2200, and that ho baa sot seen, thr
note since. At the request of tho Sec
retary of State Mr. Albert hat been
summoned to appear before tL S. Cam
ruimioner Paul R. Deady on January
20 for examination in reference to
these claims. B. F.
Dowell, "our
orator," hat been notified to be
nt a' tne examination and ffltew
chapter in the already tamewJHtt
lengthy history of the cats will be
WHY WILL YOU cough he
Shiloh's cure will give' immediate re
lief. Price 50 cts. and 1.00. Brooks
keeps it
pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure yon.
For sale at E. O. Brooks.
erable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you. Brooks
keeps it.
CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents at E.
C. Brooss's. Nasal Injector free.
For lame Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
cents. For sale "at E. C. Brooks.
you need for Constipation, Loss of Ap
petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of
Dyspeptia. fnce W and 75 cents per
lottle. For sale at E. C. Brooks.'
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee.
it cures consumption. .Brooks can
furnish it.
each bottle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cets. at Brook's.
.Important Notice. Five thousand
dollars jaunt be raised by Bilger fc
.MsegIywitKin the nextixty'days
henee we are compelled to call on all
our customers to settle on or before
Jan. 1, 1885, either by cash or good
notes. Wo have been very liberal in
the past, this being our first call, and
hope all will promptly respond.
Wa still keep a full stock of hard
ware, stoves, tinware, wagone, plows,
harrows, paints, oils, and everything
pertaining to our business. We change
our prices from time to time, making
them conform with present times
cutting profits down so small that no
one can do so well by fending away
for goods as by patronizing ut. Call
and tee us. Bilger iz Maeglv.
Nobby Clothing Store. Ashland
Oregon is the place for every man and
boy, old or young, to buy their Fall
and Winter clothing and furnishing
goods because you can buy better goods
for your money and you will live long
and prosper, but if you gi and pay tbe
old fashioned prices for goods and
then get shoddy clothinz you are liable
to swear because you are cheated,
catch cold because the goods are
shoddy and w'll not keep you wirra,
and then die, and then what will be
come of yen. Go to tbe Nobby Cloth
ing Store by all means, take no such
chances! Tailor shop in connection.
So you can get anything you rant in
the clothing line. ..,
Rissue Williams At the Antelope
school-house, Dec 21, 1834 by Itev.E.
Giltins, Wm. Rissue and Miss A. A.
Dicsson Pollock In Lcland precinct
Dec. 24, 1834. by Elder E. G. Brown
ing, Edward E. Dickson, and Miss May
- Pollock-.'- - 1
Peakce In Sterlingville precinct, Dec.
ICth, 1884, to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. J.
Pearce, a son.
Tatlor In Little Butte precinct, Jan.
2, 1SS5, to Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Taylor,
a son.
Grigsby In Little Butte precinct, Jan.
2, 1883, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grigsby, a
Bareness At Leland, on the 8th inst.
1885, to Mr. ord Mrs. H.D. Harkncss,
a daughter.
AarDREws At Johnston's ferry, on Rogue
river, Dec. 20, 1834, of consumption,
Mrs. Mary A. Andrews, lately of Lcad
ville, Colorado; aged 33 years.
Hall At the residence of II. P. Deskins,
Jan. 1st, 1835, Rowland Hall, a native
of Rensalaer county, N. Y ; aged 57
years, 9 months and 3 days.
Trespass Notice
Different parties have repeatedly tres
passed on tbe Stearns place and they are
hereby notified to quit or the law will be
enforced against them.
Mrs. S.E.Isn.
Executor's rJotico.
In the matter of the e&tate Sarah C. Simp
son, deceased.
the undersigned has ben appointed
by tbe county court of Jackson county
Oregon, sitting in Probate, Executor of
Uie estate oi Baran u. Simpson, deceased;
All persons indebted to said estate
are requested, to settle the same im
mediately, and those having claims
against the estata will present them with
the "proper vouchers to the undersigned,
residing in- Jacksonville, 'Jackson oounty,
Oregon, within six menths from the first
publication of this noticed
Executor ot said estate.
Bated Jan. 0, 1835.
J.-zt vert, -Nry
February 13, 1885.
The members af the Jacksonville Silver
Cornet Band will give a grand masquerade
ball on the date mentioned above and in
vile everyone to come aad take part.
"Reception Committee Sam DeRoboan,
George Neil and John Dyar.
Floor Managers James CronemilltT,
Wm . Linn, Wm. L Plymale, D. A. Jones.
General Committee Wm. L. Plymale,
James Cronemiller and Gccrge Neil.
Tickets, for dancers, including supper,
$1 25 each, for spectators 50 cents, child-
J rea half price.
-Pour Prizes
' f"For the Best Costumes Worn.
Best 'Lady Costume S3. Best Gent's Cos-
4tfene 5. Best Girl's (children's) Cos
tume $2 50. Best Boy's (children's) Cos
tume 2 50. Come everybody.
Hi Fellow's Building JutasocTillt, Orejoa
nails,. ,.;;
Fuse and Caps,
-ij--, .trv w
HOPE, NAILS,. . mfkv
Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot.Brnshs, Chains. Hose
I have secured the services of a firsti
class mechanic, and am prepared to da'
all repairing promptlv and in snporlor
In connection with the above I an re
ceiving and have constantly on hand a
full and first-class rjeck of
Everything sold at reasonable rates.
Jacksonville, March 0, 1878.
Jacksonville, Oregon i
J0IIS SliSrLER, - Proprietor.
cultural implements, tools of all
kinds and a general assortment of shell
He also keeps the largest stock ot, aad
all the latest improvements in
Fishing Tackle,
Powder, Skot, Etc
ALSO ' ,r f
Give him a call and examine his stock
before making your purchases.
Of either sex admitted to thd
On any week-day of the year.
The College Journal, containing informa
tion of the course of study, rates of tuition,
board, examinations, etc, and outs of plain
and ornamental penmanship, free. Address,
Lock Box 101. PoarusD, On.
3J- In writing, please mention this paptr.
For Sale.
Owing to ill health I offer for sale the
property in Ashland known as "Marsh's
Planing Mill," also the Kean Creek Saw
Mill property- I wilt sell the whole, or
one half of either or both properties, at a
bargain to tbe right kind of a business
man. This is a rare chanco for an active
man to secure the best business in South
ern Oregon. For particulas apply to thrf
undersigned at Ashland, Oregon.
L S. P. Marsh.
Take Warning.
All those knowing themselves indebted
to the estate ot Madame Jane 'Holt, de
ceased, are hereby notified that-nn im
mediate settlement must be had at onco
and thereby save costs.
Jeax DeRoboau
Jacksonville, Dec. 20, 1884.
Takes pleasure in announcing to the pub
lic that he has determined to
Tonoli IVXxusiio
for cash money, and not on credit nor
trade. Musical terms are taught for cash
only, all over the civilized world, and
credit, as an exception, is given only o
t roper securi tics.-