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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1884)
I . OREGON SENTINEL. JACKSONVILLE Saturday, December 27, 1834. Pardoned. J- Goldsby, sentenced to a term of one year in the penitentiary lor gouging out one of Samuel Phillips' eyes, was pardoned out this week and has since returned to his home on Applegate. Sudden Death. 2?. Solomon a hide buyer well known in this section d"ei of heart disesa at Albany last Tuesday aged about seventy year. He leavci a family in San Francisco. ENTERTAiNJinxT "Queen Esther" will be presented to a Jacksonville audience by Ashland amateurs next Tuesday even ing, December 30ih. An cxrellent com pany, composed of the best talent in Ash landi, hare parts in the play and a good audience should greet them. Popular prices will be charged. in Htmeskai. W. G. Kcnney of Medford and Miss Mollic Snider of Roseburg were married at the brides residence at the last mentioned place on Tuesday of this week. They arc now at Mediord where Mr. Kcnney is engaged in business where they will make Jlieir permanent home. "We wish them good luck and happiness. Reuekaii Election. Ruth R belcah Degree Lodge L 0. 0. F. tleet-d-offiC4r last Monday evening with the following result: N. G.,-Mr. John Miller; V. G , Miss Anna Bil $er;R. S., IL H. Moor.; F. S., Mrs. W. J. Ply male; Treasurer, Mn- Chris TJlrich. Installation will take place at the first melting in January. "Who Can Heat It! Nick Wright, who lives on Big Applcgate, put in fifty acres of grain this season with the assist ance of a mule ajd a horse. There is nothing very strange about this, but when you consider that Mr. Wright is78yeais of age, the mule has seen 37 summers and 30 hard winters have passed the horse's head you mt.v think they are a very good team jet. We get this informa tion from Thos. Collins and it anybody is to be called a liar tackle him first. Match Hunt To-morrew is tlir day set for the match bunt and two t jams will o out to centeit for a sup per after too day's sport. One side is composed of Frank Krause, J. C. lie Cull), Henry Kubli, -Marcus Arm strong, Geo. Neuber, Thos. Clemmons, Wm. Little, Geo. Ross and "Win. Mensor. The otter team is D. W. Croeby, Henry Pape, Jr., Al. Carey, Fred. Furry, Ed. Cton, Too. Hers, Joha Rots, J. R. Little and Ed. Beoth. There il bo neod of engaging game in advance as it will no doubt be a drug on tbe market after the hunters retort. Races. The races advertised to cenieoffoa Christmas day were run on Thursday according to programme in the Hanley lane near town. The 400 yard race for a purse of 20 wi won by Wua. Hanler's saidla. Jiorsc "Couchey" and the 200 vyard race for a pure of $15 went toT. Mile' "Dollit C." The foetraeefore-jmrsee-f S10 fi ssW"wbii by Thot Ron, beating D. "V.toby, Geo. S. Howatd and Chrh "Ulrica. The attendance at the races was not very large but thoe who wen present had the satisfaction for ohci of seeing everything ruu for blood and all seemed well pleased. The Foot Rack. This much talked of race between Henry Meusor ot tlii place and Charles Pendegt of Ash land caiun off at iho last ntuitiouer place on Chriitmas Way and was won by Mentor by two feet making a rec erd of seven and ene eighth for 7f yards. Tlie general opinion seemed to be that it was a "chuck" race bu' the time made and severnl experienc ed men held watches shows that tin winner is a foet racer ami il vill tak a better man than Peudcgast to beat him. For the precnt we will call him the champion of Oregon aijd any one who disputes the title cm call ureuud and try him. Relioiocs Items. David Single preaches at Waldo next Sunday.... Elder M. Peterson will preach at Med ford next Sunday, both taornitis: and eviaing... .Regular services will bp held at the Catholic Churt in this place, Rev. F. X. Blancliet officiating Rev. E. Giltina will hold services at the M. E. Church in this place Sunday mornins and evening .If his health will permit, Rev. A. M. Ruisrll of Ashlacil will hold services at Medford on the Erst Sunday in January .... Rev. A. R. Bickenbach will preach at Phoenix Sunday morning and at the Preibyteriati Church in this place in the evening. r Latest-News. Tho Salon States nan of this week gives us the follow ing information; Geo. R. Justus, sen tenced to serve tea years, and John M. Culp, for twelve years, each for the crime of ncuilaughter, ware brought to the penitentiary yesterday by SheriG' Jacobs and Deputy Steadman. Culp is the fellow who killed a man receatlv .at Ashland, and Justus killed his fata er, hs claimed accidently, a couple of years ago. His case has been hanging fire ever since, and his counsel has been trying te make juries think his patricide was purely accidental. But the weight of gold did net turn the scale of Justus this trip. Nobby' Clothing Store. Ashlnnd Oregon is the place for every man and boy, old or young, to buy their Fall and Winter clothing and furnishing goods because you can buy better goods for your money and you will live long and prosper, but if you gi and pay the old fashioned price? for goods and then get shoddy clothincyou are liable to swear because you are cheated, catch cold because the goods are shoddy and will not keep you wrm, and then die, and then what will be kcome of you. Go to the Nobby Cloth- ling Store by all means, take no such khances! iailor shop in connection. ie you crn get anything you vant in le clothing line. Local Items- Swear off. Lots of rain this week. Happy New Year to all. How de you like the weathei CaU ou J. R. Little for your masks. Red Men's installation next Tuesday night. Attend the masquerade next Thurs day night. Eggs are worth 2J cents each in Jacksonville. Fancy goods of all kinds at Solomon k Mensors. Lock your doors and look out for petty thieves. r For a fine suit of clothes call at Sol omon &, Mentors. f For holiday goods of all kinds go to the New York Stere. Date your letters 1SS5 fiom and after Thursday nrxt. Miners and farmsrs are happy now since the raiu commenced. England butter taken in exchange, for goods at New York Store. Trunk and values m endless quan tities at the" New Yolk Storo. The plare to buy your Christmas goods is at Solomon & Mentors. Colvin sells 11 oands ef Golden C tngar at he Farmer's store for 61. Large variety of chairs of all kinds, just received nt the Now YorL Store. Tho largest stock to select from in Southern Oregon at tbe New York Stoie. The Curtis claim on Jaekson creek will be in charge of Frank Smith this, winter. W. L. Record has returned from a business visit to tho northern lud of the state. -. St. John's day and the Masonic fra ternity will ceiwhrate Recording to their usual custom. A let of double buggy harness, nearly new, for sale cheap. Enquire of Dr. Aiken. ' For caih wo will sell boots and fchees cheaper than anybody. Solo mou mid Mentor. A fine assortment of ladies and gents underweare cheaper than ever at Sul onion it Mensors. Judge E. B. Watson came back from Portland this week to rpnd tbt holidays with his fumily. Drinks are free nt. the Gm saloon at Mr J ford. Congratulate Kcnney and he don I cure for The dancing master left town thi.- week without organizing a class, He av this is a tough town. " fpip . r "-- -- -- : Tjo storm lias also extended to Jo sphiue uountr and ktngns hero missed making cnunvctiuus this vreuk. Call on Chas. Kearns at Slr. Kreu zrs bakry for your Now Years turkry. He also has tome fine fat gesi-e. For the next CO days we orTwr girat bargalus in our cntito lina of general ineictiaiidite. Solomon k, Mwngor. Solomon & Mer.or opposite D Linn's cabiunt shop iffer great bargains in their entire line ot drtss gt-od. Smut) of our letters sout nut las week must have been init-carried as we have not yet lud a response from all. The RedCeldBios, of Douglas coun ty challenge any one for a shooting match for any money up t0"-1000 k tilde. We will present ell of oursuhscibfr with ona of our nr.w receipts for a .New Yeors present if th) will call and set tle up. Pete bought Maria that present at Merrill &. Robinson's tad the wedding will take pUce next week. Only u few left. Mother Gossip has only one wedding to report this week and tho says that G. S. and E B are going to join for tunes soon. B. F. Rceser, one of Ashland's rustling business men, was at the county Feat yesterday aud made us a pleaiaitt call. Rafael Morat made over 8,000 gal Ions of wine this jcar and several other vineyards in Jacksonville did nearly as well. An inpromptu sociable dancn was gotten up lrere Christmas night in Holt's Hall and e. good time had by all who attended. Water isjp.enty at the John Miller mine on Jackson creek and a full force is now employed in piping to ttcure the filthy lucre. Theplugbat brigade will turnout on New Years day and we hear that most of the young ladies will keep open house for the callers. A burglar entered M. Mensor's resi deuce one eight this week but some of the family waking up he left without taking anything along. A large lot of the famous Morrison plows wero received by K. Jlubli this, week which he is selling at reduced prices. Call and examine. Remember the administrator'ssalo ef property belonging to tho J. P. Parker osta e to-day. Soma va'uablepropeity can be secured at that time. At a sociable the ether evening young Maischer stole a kiss from the pretty Miss Towne. A few minutes afterwards a friend asked him what ailed his nose, whereupon he drew the bark of bis haud across that promi nent, organ, looked at his verrai'.lion stained knuckels, and muttered, "Hurophl roinc one has fainted the Town- red!" August Trunk is nowinj charge of Henry Bauten'a plafe while vhe latter is disabled with a broken arm. Call in and teekhim when you pass that way. The members of Ruth Rebekah De gree Lode will give a soeiable and supper after the installation of officers at their next regular meeting January 5th. A. L. Johnson land agent at Med ford has sold considerab'e farming property within the last week and says there is a good deaaud for farms at all titties. Congress at its last session appro priated G,100 for tbe support of the Modccsand Klamath Indians and $0,000 for the Indian j, at the Klamath agency. Wm. H. Tarker sold all his cattle to one man this week. Hs could not get thrin all toguther last Saturday and for that reason they were no', auc tioned cff. Studies will b resumed at the dis-trie- tehool and St. Mary's Academy one week from nrxt Monday. In the meantime cutside scholars are visiting friends at home. Brother Leeds of tho Aihland "Tid ing" now runs his ptepses with water power and has about as complete an establishment as can be found iu this end of the slate. Turn Clcmmens says ho is going to close out and goods can be bought there at your own price. Call before Now Yars day as every thing must j;o by that time. Tho Jacksonville Silver Cornet Qaud faoinJ our citizen with a ser uade on Christmas day. TltJ boys arp all making gooW progress under the leadership ef Prof. Sohmitt. James Lawrence starts for San Francisco to day where he proposes lo cating peimanently. Lawrence is a first class mreliauic and a good citizen and we aie sorry to ie him Icavo us." If you wear red uiiderclothitrg dont show it .o John Orth became hs hud a let-of it sto'irti the other night from his clothes line and he propeses to claim all iliac he can find of that color. Fruit growers association will 6e organized at Gold Hill some timo next mouth. All interested in this indus try arc invited to attend and due no ticcofthtt date will be given next week. The Southern Otegon Development company now has 500 tens of Tow grade oio ready to ship from Jacsen countv to East Portland as seonasthe reduction wotks iu what city ar in operation. Ws ate now getting e tri-voekly mail that is the contractors brought tiR one mail this week and have hern trying uvery since to bring us another. II xr.Yj.stsrm lsor ?, and ewih- nf m - is the cause. Frsd S. Aiken aud several others cam down from the head of Rogur liver this wet-k to pr.vo upon tlieit land. Streams ere so high that thaj bad to go to ike headquarters of some 'o gt across. The ChrNrmas party at Lavenburgf Hall in Phoenix "was well attended and proved an enjoyable affair. The same can aiso be said, of iht party given at Medfurd and at the Bauteu pUa on Poormuiis cteek. Tho lincit brands of wines, liquor and uigurs always kept cm hand at th Gem saloon at Medford. One of tk best billiard Ublts may alio b found iher. K. & W. will always give rou a hearty welcome. .No through trains from Portland or tnodat and there is no telling wTitTi regular time be resumed. Riil road agents hive "jcen notified to refunr freight fdrtl'e present unless the ship per takes lii own risk. Some cranki ln-tVe Oregon Legiilt taro elect will intro9ile a bill prohibit ing hunting on SundayTXWe would like, to trade olfs -me of the itipresaid tranks for ducks and gese ev en "iftaJLconveyancing and promote tbe inter they are bagged on Sabbath Augle At Plymale cf Mdford are enlarging their metchandise business and also shipping grain and. j roduce of all kinds to tho Portland market. They are enterprising men, and ar meeting with dcsencl success. After advertising a wagon for tab' in the local papers for several weeks. Sargent Dunlap found out that li needed that waon more than any one el;e and ha? withdrawn it from the market. Nothing like advertising, Wm. Bybee will before long set out a good tzd orchard, , principal of prunes", on the est side of hiti fatm back of his lesidence. He has recent ly bailt a house thore to be used bv the oue who will take care cf the or chard. Gold Hill indulged in a Chtistmas tree and other festivities ou Christmas eve so we are informed by B. F. Mill er. The largest erowd that had evr gathered in that section was present ant over fifty numbers were sold for the dance. Klippel and Keaton are two of the happiest men in Southern Oregon, They are now ab! to run their pipe a few hours oach day and knowing that their ground will pay if they only get enough water they look for a good sea sen this winter. Yo can be a spectator at tho Mas quersda Ball for fifty cents or you can take the whole thing iu for 1 50. This party will no doubt excel any ever held here before and the attea darce will be large beyend a doubt. Help the lodge along and shov your appreciatien for the fine building they have just erected even if you are not in the habit of attending a ball. r, c;a of) Re ry Ward Beecher and oimander of the steamer Evangel, on our not thern waters, is spoken of 'as the probable successor of Cellacter Bish at Port Tewnsend through the election of Cleveland. -, The masquerade ball te- be given bv the Red Men on lew Years nigh' promises to be the mosi pleasant of the season; extensive prefjratijns ae goiug forward and all who attend may feel assured of a splendid time and a niest excellent supper. A man named Higinbstham from Ejgle Point come to town this wek and stated that he had stabb&d Wm. Worlow at tlut place and wanted the authorities to taka him in charge. The whole thing proved a hoix, however, arising from a disordered mind, caused by drink. Thos. G. Reames has received in formation from Portland stating that Jackson county would also be favored with a few of the GoluVn Pheasants recently brought from China by Hon. O N. Denney. Thy at said to be a beautiful bin! and will thrive well in this climate if protected fur a time. S. L. Dolson and Miss Tjnima Oirieh of tis place weremarritti at Yrrka on the 21ttinst. Mr Dllson will b remembered as the engineer ho hnd charge of therailroad work throu;li this va ley and lately emplcd on th Panama canal. Wnji.iu in wichin them much happiness and prosperity. The planing mill at Ajlilaml and the saw mill on Kean'creek, be longing to L. S P. Marsh is offered for sale either in whole or in" pait. The owner's failing hallh is the rue of the sale and any one wishing- good paying, well-established bunioess can gat a bargain by calling on Mr. Marsh at once. Masquerade suits for tho Reh Mens Ball on New Years night ean be se cured of B. Frehnemann at the U. S Hotel for small cost. Thet arcfrorathc BldwialTheatiecostuaicrs of San Fran cisco, more elegant than aiex seen Iipm before and you cat buy or ;rcnt a suit for the night. No charge fer looking al them. Sledford is going to start a nws pprin ahort time whfci will prob ably b the long talked if organ of the disaffected demccracy or itidepend eats in politics. The proprietors are the tubxtantial moneyed men ef tbe interior of the valley a;.d they will undnubtedly make a success of it. The more the merrier. The Christmas tree at the Prpsby terian church, on Christinas night was an iramrnse succass, there being probably more fcholarp pre;nt than will be sten again for the uext half year; there was ample provision made for all and -the energetic ladle who had it in charge deserve jrceat credit for their interest in the liM1 folks. Buntsilf- P5To 2.) $ A. 5.', of Ashland on th 11th inst. elected the following otlicors: Post Coaimauder, C. Ivens; Senior Tic CommauJer, J. M. McCall; Junior Ytct Commander, D. W. Matthews; Quartermaster, Robt Pool; Surgeon D R B. Winm ford; Officer ot the Day, J. II. Hyzor; Office Guard, A. Carr;'Trusteer, J M McCall, E. P. Branch, and B. Bach Tho Ladirs of the W. C. T. U. will give a literary entertainment and lunch sociable some time during the coming month, the l.roceeds to bs used for the purpose of establishing a pub lie librarj and reading room. The object is a laudable one, and we hope to see a public reading room hi long lueu considered a neces sity in this place Thw Real Eitate' Agents of the United States ar preparing to organ ize a National Real Estate Association during the orld's Exposition at New Orleans, in January, next, on the 20th, similar iu form toother tssocia tions for the mutual prottction of its members, tu elevate tho moral tone and give dignity to tke profession, and to secure ouch legislation in tha differ ent States as will harmonize the laws ests"of-iafK-3w"ners and dealars. The following is the Roll of Honor of Phoenix public schuol for the month ending Dec. 12, 1884: Gaer-ie Town 95; Emma Ryan 93; Lily Reames 91; Lena Dunlap 91; Frank Van Dj ke 91; Nellie Rose 90 Albion Kbhler 90; Clareueo Dunlap 90; CharjL Hukill 89; Clara Kc-vx589; Allie liunUp 89; Olie Head 89f Nellie Ryan S9; L Kahler SS; Alena Kennedy 'jS3; Carrie Van Dyke 88; Frank" Oiw-ptf-STyMsi'y StanclifT87. Mark Terrill, Teacher. "The Yaquina Post rays that Wells, Fargo fc Co.'r express box was shoved into tho mail bag by tho mail carrier, on a recent trip in froia Corvallis, to make it more convenient to carry on horseback, and arrived at Elk City all right; and there it remained nt last nc counts, as postmaster, Marsh Simpson reiu-ed to let il go farther until the postage was paid on it. Thtro is said to be some 2,000 in the express box. Marsh propose to leok after TJucle Samuel's interest in these last days. The Redding (Independent) says that the railroad people are getting ready to tskea freh start to push forward the road into Oregon, judging from the movements of surveyors and owners of railroad building outfits. The survey ors are having their saplies forwarded to Delta, and the buildjng outfits are being hauled to the third crossing above Elmore's and to Scobieville, uhich is indicative of the resumption cf work in early spring. On the other hand, it is said that the railroad company will net build the road unless capita lists advance the money, but as rail road shares are now vert low, it is not probabli that much money to carry on the work can be raised from that source. Cl)tain Beerher, oa of) Rev Hrn GroiuinJ Cherries. Mn, Edituh: By your permission nnd for the consideration cf fruit growers, I will offtrthe conehision I ha"e arrived at after experimenting rn this Mil jt'Ct for a long timr. It is a well kimwn fact that nearly all of the finer varieties of cherries that have been planted in this part of the county have proved failuies except in favored localities where they are protected, from the direct rays of the sun in the main heat of the day. We notice thore f'an'el in expospd places (as most, srr) oon start into a thrifty grc-wth until they begin to bar fruit, then there bigins to ooze from the trunk of the tree little balls of transparent auibvr colored gum. One or two crops of fruit and the tree is a thing of the past. On examining them we find they haie been grafted in or near -th roots; also that the birk is thick, saft very porus and well supplied with strong suc'ion valves. Now w should uudeistand that treps of this nature are very sensative to every change of temperature except in winter while dormant they start vigorously in the spring'and seem to grow with increased raiiiUit until the intense heat of Bom. raer seta in; and tho ground gets warm and dry, thm the trees failing to receive a sufficient quantity iif sap to meut the requirements for growth and evaporation, begin to show signs of f Jcay; the leaves droop and lose their healthy c6'.or, little indentures appear on the bait from which tho gum exudes and contincRS until the tree is dead. On examining thuse is process" of decay we notice that it requires a copious flow of sip to fill this thick porous bark, and also that tho evapor ation from such bark is neeeissri y vary great, so much that thi sap be comes thick and waxy, forms into blisters and hursts the bark. We uotice alo that the larger and liner the variety tha more they are subject to it; this is because the fruit always cifes pontjs with tho bark. And now to curt those affected put a box around 1hm 10 or 12 inches square, reaching from tho ground to the limbs, Gil it with dirt, Ieive it there till it rots away, keep the ground well mulched around the tree that it may retain moisture. It helps all cherry treps to k"pp an open box nrtinnd the trunk. The next hest plan is plant on the north side of a building; hut the b?st plan that I have tried is to graft or bud high up on the English M&zirtl. They are very thrifty, smooth, hardy trees; their natural fruit is of no value bping nearly all seed?, though the fruit is of good flavor. All of thoe-choio varieties when grafted on the Mazard high enough and properly cired for, very soon, spread out into large magnificent and beautiful tie anti wil abundantly of the finest quality. I have oho of 10 yrarf Towth that ntrasurps 37 inr1i.i o feet troWTtb eraacri-d-U ,;., top about 30 feet high. Therefore take goad s.sre of tha cherry trees for thcro is noue so valuable. B. F. Miller. WHY WILL YOU cout:h when Shiloh'tt curp will givp immediate re lief. Price 50cts. and. ?1.00. Brookn keeps it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to euro you. For sale at E. C Brooks. SLEEPLESS NfGHTS, made mis erable by that terrible cough. ShiloliV Cure is the remedy for you. Brooks keeps it. CATARRH CURED, health nnd sweet breath aeeured by Sliiloh ' C tarrh Ruined. Price 50 cents at E. C. BrooKs's. Nasal Injector free. For lame Bajk, Side or Chest ue Shiloh'ti Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale at E. C. Brooks. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is v. hat you need for Constipation, Loss of Ap petite, Dizziness and all symptom. of Dyspepsia. Price 10 nnd 75 cents per lottle. For sale at E. C. Brooks.' SHILOH'S COUGH and Cunsuinp tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Brooks can turmoil it. Important Notice. Five thousand dollars must be raised by Biiger singly within tho next sixty days, hence we are cdupellvd to call on all our customers to settle on or before Jan. 1, 1885, either by oa?h or good note. V havu been very liberal in the past, this being our first call, and hope all will promptly respond. Wo still keep a full stock 'of hard war?, stoe, tiuwaro, wagons, plows, hariows, paints, oils.tmd everything pertaining to our bufinos. Wd change, our prices from time to timp, making them conform whh preseut times cutting profits dawn so rmall that no one can do to well by sending away for goods as by patronizing us. Call and sto us. BlLCER t JIaeglv. For mouths past there have been a crowd of uurjerymnn t'aveliug over Eastern Orejon and Washington, in the interest of Eastern nursories, and whose only aim has been to swisdlo everybody who gives them orders for trees aud shrubs. The stock sent out is net the kind ordered, but those who signad the order book aro corn polled to take and pay for them. There are plenty of home nuneriss tho people can puschaso from, and just why they should insiston patronizing thero trave ling bilks for Eastern swindling con cerns is a mystery. But they will do it, aad one of these days they will find out to thbir sorrow that a home insti tution beats a foreign one overy time' "Mercury." nr.LD to Appear. John Mathews school clerk of Rogue River district was examined on a charge of embezzle ment in Judge Foudrays court this week aad bound over in the sum of S100 to appear befere tho grand jurv, The bond, were furnished and th. prisoner discharged. Jt: Jackson County Teachers' Institute. Dec. 29th, 30th and31t, 1SS4. At th Public School Building, Jack sonville. PROGRAMME. Monday, December 20th Opening serviees, organization, etc.; 2 p. m., language lessons aid composition, by Prof. Geo. H. Watt. Music, 2:45 p. m., orthography, by Pref. J. S. Sweet. 3:15 p. m., vowols in unaccented syll ables, Prof. M A. McGinnis; music 3:30 p. in., discussion, what motives and incentives to study ought to be ap pealed te evenisg sesmox (at the court HOfSE.) 6:30 p. m., niuic; 6:45, lecture the education demanded by the age. Prof. "W. J. Dean; song by ; 7:45 p. iu., recitation, Prof. J. S. Sweet; 8 p. m , es.ay, tbe dependence of emi nence upon labor, Prof. M. A. Me Ginm-; musts. Tuesday Dec. 30th. 8:15 a. m. pre liminary exercise; 8,15 a. m. practi cal arithmetic Miss Maggie Sergent: 9:15 . rn. modern history. Prof. Wm. Pript; 10.1 u a.- m. primary reading and spulling, Misi Julia Goodyear; muaic: 11 a. m., primary number work fIis Hatlie Newberry; II 30 a. ui. diagraphms, Prof. J. S. Swe;t; 1 p m. language lesson ortd compositions, Prof. Geo. II. Watt; 1: 30 p. m. read ing in advanced grades. Prof. J. N. Hall; music; 1:45 p. m., diousion, how shall wo secure greater local in terestsin public schools? 2:10 p. ro., elonientarv principles of civil govern ment, Prof. Wm. Tnest; mutc; 3 p.m. penmanship. Prof. J. S. Sweet; 3:15 p. in. importance of essay writing, means to secure it, Prof. W. J. Deau; 3;30 p. m , tint teachers daily pre para tion, Prof. Geo. H. Waft: music. Wednesday, Die. 31t, S.15 p. m. Preliminaries; 9 a. ra , mental arith raetic, Prof. W. F. Williamson; 9;30 a. m., vocal music in tho public school.-, Prof. W. S. Gore; 10 a. rn., gtography and map drawing; manic; 10:30 a. m., methods of conducting ttcttations; 11a. in., language lessons and composition, Prcf. G.-O. U. Watt; 11:30 a. m., essay, the relation of the teacher to the moral training of the pupil, Miss Dlla PnnabaKr; music; 1 p. ra., music, discussions, etc ; should prizes be used as incentives to Ktudy; how to secure punctuality; how to or ganizo a country district school; music; queried from tho box; 4 p. m., adjuurn uicnt. When Lew is McDaniel was murdered at Ashland not long sinco acting Coronor Eubankn telcgltaph District Attorney Kent to come at once nutl attend tho in quest of course meaning in nn official ca pacity so us to get all possible evidence to fasten ttio crime on whoever the guilty party was. 3Ir. Kent responded ut once, notwithstanding Court was in sessjon tit tlie time, aud leaving a Deputy in Court he spent three days in Ashland in vestigat ing the cae. The District Atlornev pre sented no bill to the County Court for his Uarvipee - liut vrvljrjn!r,ih9i Isndy th-t tie iiiotigtii jus expenses sliotiltl at least be paid. No allowance was made, how ever, nnd Kent lnal nothing to do but be satisfied. Yesterday a telegram was re ceived from Justice Ettbauks of Ashland as follows: 20 Paid. Ashland, Dec. 20. To T B Kest, Jacksonville. An arrest for an assault with a dan gerous weapon. Appoint DePeatt or some one to take charge of case. Answer. J. S. EUBA.NKS, J. P. The reply was in these words: 29 Paid. . Jacksonville, Dec. 20. To J. S. Euiiasks, Ashland. County Court refused to pay my ex penses to yourplaceon McDaniel inquest. 1 icfnse to autlimize any one to appear for me, with all due respect to you. T. !. Kb.N1'. AVe forbear comment, thloWne only that v.e would have done as tue JJWrict vttorney did. V lnc i'apiiinr Airoval. Of the now famous Syrup of Figs as the most efficacious and agreeable preparation evpr offered to the world as a cure for Ilabitua Constipation, Billiousnes.-i, Indigestion and kindred ills, has been won by the wise plan pursued by the California Fig Syrup Company.- Knowing that any remedy truly beneficial in its effects on the system, nnd at the samo time pleasant to tha taste, .viil meet srith a rapid sale, the Company through its agents Merrill it Robinson gives away a sample bottle free of charge. Try it and judge for yourself. Lnrga bottle fifty cents or one dollar. Found. A purse containing 51123, 25, was found on the streets yesterday which the owner can have by calling at this office. The loser will please state the exact amount of money there was in. the purse and at tho same time buy one of our new receipts for sub scription to the Sestixel. BORN. Rotau In Ashland, Dec. 12th, 1881, to Prof, and Mrs. Jl. G. Royal, a daugh ter. llion At Tallcnt, Dec. 20th 1SS4, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. High, a daughter. Steckel. -Near Woodvillc Dec. l(!th, 1834, to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Steckle, a daughter. DIED. Ciiai-mam. In Ashland Dec. 11th, 18S1. Guy Chapman; son of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Chapman ; aged 1 year and 2 months. MARRIED. II esdersox Riddles .4t Linkvil'e, Dec. 17th, 1884, by Judge G. W. Smith, J. R. Henderson to Miss l!ary Riddles. rw"'i"Trf:n""-1' " ' " m jiii mn i n n .- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. Owing to ill health I offer for sale the property in Ashland known as "-Marsh's Planing Mill," also the Kcan Creek Saw Mill property. I will sell the whole, or one half of either or both properties, at a bargain to the right kind of a business man. This is a rare chance for an active man to secure the best business in South ern Oregon Forpartii.ulas apply to the j erned at IslS. OreVoP'y " " l. S. P. Marsh. -Llt-SI J.1 1. UAXA .J-Li JLl-J;jL"ILl, UJtl Fellow's Building JackxorvtHe, Orr'on DBAI-KIt AM) V-TJIWCI!;K'V Hi SHEET IUON,.COPPKR, UEAD, Pumps, . s' AUMOULTURAft 1MPLK.MJsV., v NAILS, .; A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOrKtJ j' HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF K7ERT )E30RIPTI(N. Fuse aad Caps, . WQODEM & WILLOW -&m Rorn, nails, Paints Oils, Varnish,, filiifo . GUTLKUV. W1RK. SiiotjJSrnshs, Chains. oso . KTO.. ETC- I have secured the services of a tm. class mechanic, and am prepared to do all repairing promptlv aud in superior style. In connection with the above I am re. ceivintriind have constantly on hand a full and first-class stock of GROCERIES, OHT-aOODS, OCM B 0TS TOBAOfO RKAUV JIADK 0I.ST(IIO, GLASSWARE. CIlOCKERY,.c.' f Everything ssld at reasonable rates. K. KUBLI. Jacksonville, March 0, 1678. uWBts ifflFoinon XZ Jacksonville, Orego'r. J0HS 3I1LLE2, - Proprietor. U tALuit I" AM. KIKD3 OP AGRJ. cultural implemeuts, tools nr sli" kinds aud a general assortment of shell hardware. He also keeps the largest slock ot, and al! th latest improvements in GtJNS AND PISTOLS, AND A JTOJ. ASSOr.TitKST Of Fishing Cackle, Pcwder, Shot, 30tc ALSO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. ? Give him a call and examine his stock before waking your purchases. faswtuyyisx Of either sex admitted to the roivrriAXD Lr;s::v"Ess collect On any wock-dey of Ihe year. TIio College Jnuml, C5atainjn0 .ion pf the course of study, rates of to fn, board,;eimiaatioaf, etc., nnd outs ot i 'sVi nnd ornamntal penmanship, fr' A Ie, A. T. ARMSTRONG. Lock Box 101. rornAKP, Qo. $& In imUnj, jieaas mtnllon Ihis paper. Farm for Sale. Tho fine farm known os the A-cell Ranch, situated on the line ot O &OTR It. in Rogue river valley, e ittwnine C10 acres, nearly all rich valley land Fivo thousand dollars down balance on easy terms. Apply to James Burncs, Bly P. O., KlamHth county, Ogn. or C. C. Beek man, Jacksonville, Oregon. Take Warning. - . All those knowing themselves indehte.l to the estate ol Madame Jane Holt, lc ccasd, arc hereby notified that an im mediate settlement must be had at onco and thereby save costs. Jeajc DkRoboam Administrator. Jacksonville, Dec. 20, 1SS1. PROF, B. T. ETJG-LBH, Takes pleasure in announcing to the pub lic that he has determined to Tcncb. JVItxsio for cash money, and not on credit nor trade. Musical terms are taught for cash only, all out the civilized world, fn' credit, as an exception, is given only-on f roper securities. fyfi$W fgfc 'rfrL ' J ' C