Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 13, 1884, Image 3

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Saturdat, December 13, 1884.
For Silk. A second hand wagon
in good condition. Will be sold cheap
if applied for aoea. For further par
tieulan enquire of
R. S. DuKLAP, Jacksonville.
Tnn Mackev Case. December
ICth it the day sot for argument on a
motion for a new tral in the case of
Martin Mackey and son, convicted of
murder in the first decree, and Judae
Wibster, District Attorney Kent and
attorneys Prim and Hanna will start
for Kcrbyville tomorrow to try the
Society Elections. Table Bock
Encampment No. 10, I. 0. O. F., of
lacn elected the following ollieerH
itst.: K. K.ubli, C. P.: S
Fisher, S. W.; Jno.
cod Luy, Treas.;
J. Day, T. B
tstees. Instal
L 13, 1885.
Twelve Years. J. M. Colp, who
was convicted of manslaughter in kill
ing George S. Smith near Willow
Springs not long since, received a sen
tence of twelvo years in the peniten
tiary on Thursday last. Culp is only
twenty gix yean of age bet twelve
years added on will no doubt mnke
him a sadder and wiser man. No ef
fort was made to secure a 'hew trial.
Accident. Last Tuesday
waiting us customers at thn
nans creek house, Henry Bauten made
a mist step in going down tho cellar
and falling had his right arm broken
near the wrist. Tho cellar stairs wer
undergoing repairs at the time nnd
Henry forgot that several stepj had
been taken out. Dr. C. Lempcrt sat
the broken limb and the patient is now
duin well.
The Justus Cextenck. George B,
Justus, convicted of the crime of kill
ing an Indian at Grants Pass net
long since, the jury bringing in a ver
dict of manslaughter wan given a term
of 10 years by Judge Webster yester
day afternoon. The defendant made a
a long statement reviewing the who'o
case claiming that he acted in self
defence all the time. Both Justus
and Culp will be taken below to mor
row evening.
Ciiance for Inves tment. Wm, II
Parker, Administrator of the estate of
J. P. Parke-, drceased. will sell 32
forty aero tracts of timber land on Big
Butte, one third interest in the Sever
ance taw mill, the Big Butte atpam
saw mill, 'or any interest in said mill,
at administrator's sale at the Court
Ilouse door in Jacksonville on Satur
day Dee. 27. Tho ti'lo is perfect to all
this property and a good chnncu in of
fured for tho iu vestment of capital.
Died From Mis Injuries. Wm.
Phillpot, dird at half pant seven
o'clock, ot the evening of tho 8th,
aged about 2G years. At the deuiO
cratlc rally at Williams Creek on the
5th, he was attending to firing pffthe
giar.t paw tier, and one of the charsei
went off in his hand, taking olF his
left hand, and shattering him up most
horribly about the throat and chest.
It was 14 luurs before a doctor ar
rived, but although he did all ho
could, it was of no use. He suffered
most terribly until his death. Ho was
a worthy and respected yrung man in
the prime of life. Ho leaves a young
wife, being married only a little ovtr a
year, other relatives, and many friends
to mourn his uutiiutly death.
Religious Items. H. C. Fleming
will preach at the Mound school house
Sunday Rev. M. A. Williams
liolds services at Medford Snndav. . . .
Rev. F. X. Blanchet will hold regular
services at the Catholic church in this
place.... Elder M. Puterson preaches
nt tho Antioch school house Sunday at
11 o'clock Rev. E. Giuinx will
preach at the M. E. church in this
place, next Sunday morning and even
ing Rev. A. R. Bickenbach holds
vervices at Phoenix Sunday morning
and at this plaee in the evening of the
same day Elder M. Peterson and
Rev. G. W. Hoxia will hold a joint
diicussion at the Missouri Flat school
boute on Sunday after next. Tiie
former will advance the theories of
- the Cwtipbsi'.ite church end the latter
those of the Dunkard church. Every
body is invited.
Insane from Opium. The insanity
of Lieutenant George S. Hoyle, first
cavalry, who was lately taken from
Fort Assiniboine to the government
asylum at Washington, D. C, arose
from tho excessive use of opium. A
few years ago, "while stationed at Fort
Walla Walla, he broke his leg and in
the process of cure the physicians ad
ministered opium to ally the pain he
suirerd. The lieutenant began to
take tho drug at his own volition and
by the time he had recovered from hi
injury was regularly addicted to its
use. The habit grew de;tn his ef
forts to rid himself of it. When on
duty at night le has lately seen strange
Rights, which he would describe iu his
reports. An examining board wau
appointsd to look into his condition,
and to the members he told his trouble.
En route to Washington he was met
by a Walla Wall acquaintance, with
whom he convened in an entirely
rational way, spoke of his inability to
resist tomptation to use opium and ex
pressed belief tha after a few months'
confinement where he would be unable
to procure tho stuff, he would become
cured ef his longing for it and as good
a man as ever. Lieut Hoylo was
stationed at Fort Klamath for a time
several years ago and notnerous friends
in this section will regret to hear of
his misfortune.
Local Items-
Rain is wanted.
New goods at Nunan'i.
Robt. A. Miller is back from Port
laud. Christmas one week froaa pert
Geo. B;ek officials as night watch
at the U.S. Hotol.
For holiday goods of all kinds go to
the New York Store.
Mrs. Elizabeth Konney is now a
reiidunt of Medford.
The place to buy a fino suit.of clothes
at Solumon &. Mcnsors. J
A largo variety of Christmas gift
at S demon it Mtmsors.
School taxes are due and payable to
J. H. HuCcr, school elcrk.
Groceries and canned goods of all
kinds at Solomon fc Meusors. t
Call and see the Happy Fawily at
Clemnicn' Holiday Bazaar.
Trnnks and valiess in endless, quan
tities at the New York Store.
John Ortb wants 500 head of hogs
and will pay four cents ou foot.
EggJ and butter taken in exchange
for goods at New York Store.
Country produce takon in exchange
tor goods at Solomon fc Msnsors.
Wood and flour wanted nt this office
Bring it in before tbersads get bad.
Don't be backward, step in and nsk
cur reduced prises. Solomon & Men
Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge, I. O.
O. F., elects officers next Monday
The largeut stock to select from in
Southern Oregon at the New York
For fino photograph rqual in style
and finish to city work call on Peter
Large variety of chairs of all kinds
just received at the Now York
Great bargains offered in ladies,
children and gents shoes at Solomon &
Who lost an overeeat the other
night and did not want anything said
about it.
T. T. MeKenz'fl went to Evans creek
this week to look after his mining in
terests there.
A set of double buggy harnes,
nearly now, for sale cheap. Enquire
of Dr. Aiken.
Dress goods nnd ginghams at prire
that will astonish everybody at Silo
mon &, Mensors.
Mrs. Wm. R. Jones and son re
turned from a visit to the eaitern
States ttn3 wek.
The government authorities at Fort
Klamath will sell n;ne condemned
mules next Monday.
A teacher's institute will bo held
here commencing on (ho 29th iust.
and continuing three days.
The Gr company elects rfficer nrxt
Monday nisht when all the members
are requested to be on hand.
Tom Clenimons says his goods didn't
cost him a ernt and therefore he can
sell cheaper than anybody.
Just loo!: at jMerntt , tfntnnsons
displav of holiday L'oodx. Thsv are
the finest ever brought to town.
All kinds of nick nackt suitablo fnr
Christmas presents for the little folks
can bo found at Tom Clemmens'.
The teachers in the Presbyterian
Sunday School are prcpaiing to have
a Christmas trco for thn little folks.
Tho benefit ball for the district
school at Medford promises to be a
grand affair and everybody is going.
Judge Day and Pat Drnegan each
received new rafps this week. Money
must be getting plenty in these parts.
Tho new canopies for the Odd Fel
lows lodge room were received this
week and give that ball a fine appear
ance. Thos. Kirkpatriek, the well known
representative of the liquor house of
Moure, Hunt k Co., was in town yes
terday. Miss Rachcel Morris, a sister of
Bishop Morris of Portland is visitin
friendi in this placn. Ehe is the guest
or Miss bannie Dowell.
The total vote cast at tho last Pres
idential election was 10,041,208 of
which Rhine has a plurality over
Cleveland cf 5,742 vo'.es.
A large lot of the famous Morrison
plows were received by K. Kubli t! is
week which he is selling at reduced
prices. Call and examine.
No move has yet been ronde to give
a Christmas ball in Jacksonville but
there aro plenty to select from in
other portions of tho county.
Mrs. W. H. Parker will sell about
40 head of stock cattle nt public auc
tion on Saturday next. Tim sale will
take place at Browusborough.
Dr. Will Ja-ikson and Clias. Reams
have formed a partnership in the ice
business and will put up enough to
supply the demand npxt Summer.
An old maid in Nashville keeps a
parrot which swears, and a monkey
which chews tobacco. She says, be
tween the two, the doesn't miss a hus
band very much.
Sulky Plows, Gang Plows, Reiersa
ble tooth and smoothing Harrows, five
and seven tooth cultivators, plows and
all kinds of agricultural implements
just received by Bilger & Maegly di
rect from the factories in the East.
Farmers call and see them.
A. F. Eddy has purchased the Wm
Ulrich house on Third street and re
port says that he will move in with
his bride about Christmas. We con
gratulate in advance.
A ohimney burning out at Ad.
Helms' tesidenco last Thursday morn
ing brought out the fire department
but their htrv'ces wero not required as
no damage was done.
Ihe Gem saloon at Medford, Ken
ney & Wnlters proprietors, is the bass
place. A club rsom, fine billiard ta
ble and all the late papers of the day
can be found at this place.
Some one, by mistake or otherwise,
took an overcoat out cf Caton & Gar
rett's saloon one night this week. The
finder will be liberally rewarded by
returning it to Dr. Will Jackson.
John Miller does not deal in holiday
goods but the farmer, minr, mechanic
and s ortsman can find the bost quali
ty of goods in their respective lines at
his store aad his prices are reasonable.
J. A. Lytle, a brother of our" fellow
townsmen, was here this week on a
short visit. He is a resident of Oak
land California and took a look at our
minei with a view of investing while
Bingsr Hermann has sold his inter
est in the Msrtle Point store to Wise
Bros., of Ashland. We understand
that Mr. Ed. Bender will retain his
position at tho store. "Roseburg In
dependent." The Medford Aid Society will eivo
their first social Tuesday evening, Dec.
16, at ByersHall. Literary exercises,
refreshments and a pleasant tirao gen
erally may be expected. All ara cor-,
dially invited.
Mrs. Mike Ryder ofKerbyville this
week received S2.000 from the A. O.
U. W. for the insurance on her bus
band's life. Who can dispute the
benefits of this order when such ex
hibits are made.
Tho finest brands of wines, liquors
and cgars always kept on hand at the
Gem saloon at Medford. One of the
best billiard tables may also be found
there. K, ik W. will always eivo you
a hearty welcome.
The Bots churn a reTolving barrel,
and ;ojoetbing new in this line can be
seen at Cronerailler & Birdsey'. They
range in price from 37 50 upward and
all who have tried them say they are
a success in evry way. .
Rev. Charles J. Sejheref the Cith
olic church, Ar:hhishop of Oregon,
has resigned hi poikion, and will go
hack to Alaska, the sceno of former
labors. Mr. Seghers has made many
friends while in Oregon.
The oldest daughter of Newt Has
kinsaud wife, a child about five years
of age, died of diphtheria last Mondty
eight. W havo not. heard of tho
diieusn spreading in the locality whero
the parents live Forest Creek.
If you don't thine N. Fisher has
lots of srcod suitable fur holiday pres
ents juxt call arouud and take a look.
Fikhrr says some of them will heout of
datu wl. rn th holidays are over and ho
proposes foiling now at any cost.
Oar genial young friend from Ker
byville, James A. Wilcon, was in town
heveral days this week. He says Iter
byville is improving and the county is
settling up fust, many new settlers
having located there this summer.
Job CI"Ugh, who all will remember
as the veteran stago driver started
rnst this neek and expocts to take in
thn Vorld's Fair at Now O. leans.
He disposed ot his farm near Cauvoti
ville not long siuce realizing a good
No advantage is taken by Thos. J.
Kenney becauno his saddler si-op u the
only one in town and all his voods are
niyked down to the lowest notch only
a snia'l profit being asked. Farmers
should make a n&te of this and give
him a trial.
Deputy Collector Lanoll made an
official visit to Klamath county last
week returning on Monday. He re
psrts lively times in that section and
aUo informed us that work on the ttbw
ditch was to hare commenced on
MonJay last.
The residence of Chas. E. Chappel
near Uniontown was burned to the
ground one day this week the fire
O'ijmatin; from a defective flue.
Northing of any consequence was
stved and the loss will piove heavy on
Mr. Chappel.
W,. J. Plyciale has been confined to
his room and bnl for several weeks
with neuralgia of the stomach and
heart anil at several times his condi
tion has bann quite low. He was
somRwuai orner yeuerjav ami was
able to tit up.
Tha Grixwold case is still in the
courts and B F. Dowell his been at
Salem attrndili!; to his side of the case.
Tho balanca due frrm Griswold is
something liko 522,000 of which Mr.
Dowell gets enu third aud the Uuited
States the rest.
Blaine's majority over Cleveland in
the nonhern States is 463,810. This
magnificent 'expression of northern sen
timent was overcome by Cleveland's
begcardly 13,000 majority, supple
mented by the thoutgun majorities of
the "o'id south'"
Read tho advertisement of the Red
Men Masquerade Ball on New Years
ni"ht and by all means be on hand to
enjoy the fun. This society has a well
establi.hrd reputation for sociability
at alHbeir parties, aud as thii one is
given as a ben5i to help them pay for
their new hall our people should all
turn out and ehow their appreciation
for the fino building that is nor near
ing completion. The ball will be held
in Holt's hall and the supper will be
served in tho now building under the
supervision of the wives of the mem
bers of the order. Buy a ticket, even
if you don't want to attend.
John Onh has slaughtered about
100 head of hogs so far aid expects to
make bacrn out of iveral hundred
head more before New Years. This
will prere-one of the mai.i industries
of Southern Oregon in .t'ae near future
and it wil1 pay 'all oar farmers to en
gage in it on a more extensive scale.
The railroad company hare granted
Southern Orpgon a favor by running
freight trains through, to Ashland
three times each wecK an increase of
one trip per week. The schedule has
not yet been announced but it is likely
that the freigVt from Portland will ba
due at Medford on Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays.
Tom Reanies says that most of his
holiday ?oods have either 1 een lost,
strayed or stolen as his money drawer
does not hold out when compared with
tho pricos usually asked in former
times. He says he don't care, how
e er, and customers can steal thn bal
ance at the samo rate with a very
good selection to choose from.
Wm. V. Jones returned from Port
land this week after an absence of over
nine months. He wilfEaveeharge of
Kubli & Bolt's sloro at tho mouth of
Foot's creek from now on: The pro
prietors made a wise selection as Mr.
Jones is a gentleman that makes
friends wherever he goes and ought to
make a success as a storekeeper.
The Nichols farm in Sams valley
will be offered for sale at administra
tor's sale on Saturday December 27th.
It consists of something over 400 acres
of coot! farming land, house, barn and
other outbuildings and will make a
good home for anyone. The auction
will take place at the Court House
door at ono o'clock on tho day men
tioned. The Del Norte "Record" has the
following concerning the sen court
house at Crescent City, of which L.
S. P. Marsh of this placo is builder:
The plasterers are putting the finishing
co.it of plaster on the inside of the na w
court house, the first coat of paint is
being put on the outside, and in all
probability, if the weather holds good,
the building will be about ready for oc
cupancy by the first of January. If
we are any judge of mechanical work,
this building is first class in overy par
ticular, and does credit to the place,
the contractor, and the workmen undor
Henry Klippel cams in from Che
waucan valley this week after au ab
sence of Sbveral months. He is now
engaged in the stock business and says
he has built a house and barn and sev
eral miles of fence siuce he left here
bat his looks show that the work has
sjrecd with him. Whe questioned
about thn size of the r.ice ho wanted
under tho new administration he in
formed us that Ue was out of politics,
hiving reached tho height of his am
bition in sreini; his cb.oice-splectd as
President of the Uuited States, after a
twenty fouryears' effort in theroinori
ty. He is not of our political strife
but should he make an effort for offi
cial position we doubt if there is an
other wan in Southern Oregon that
could get the number of substantial
endorsements that he would receive
from all parties.
Important Notice. Fiv thousand
dollars must bo raised by Bilger
Mrejly within the next kixty days,
heuco we are compelled to call on all
our cutomera to settle on or beryrn
Jan. 1, 1885, either by cai-h or good
notes. Wo have bean very liberal in
the past, this bting our fiist call, and
hope all will promptly respond.
We still keep a full stock of hard
ware, stoics, tinware, wagons, plows,
harrows, paints, oils, and everything
pertaining to our business. We change
our prices from time to time, making
them conform with present times
cutting profits dawn so fin all that no
one can do so well by sending away
for goods as by patronizing us. Call
and see us. Bilger Si Maeglt.
Nobby Clothing Stoke. Ashland
Orgon is the placo for every man nnd
boy, old or yeuiiK, to buy their Fall
and Winter clothing and furnishing
goods because you can buy better goods
for your money and you will live long
and prosper, but if you gj and pay the
old fashioned pricee for goods and
then get shoddy clothing you are liable
to swear because you are cheated,
cntch cold brciuse tluM goods are
shoddy and will not kewyou warm,
and then die, and then K'it will be
come of ycu. Go to theBbby Cloth
ing Store by nil meansHke no such
cbaucfli!- Tailor shop Bsjoniiection.
So you cm gpt anything you vaut in
tho clothing lino.
New Marshal. A vacancy having
cxiktcd in the office of City Marshal
since the death of J. P. McDaniel, C.
H. Bo.sn acting only temporarily dur
ing McD-iniel's illneis, the Board of
Trustees last evening elected D. L.
Curti.s for the unexpired term. Sir-
eral aspirants were in the field but
only two received votes in the Board,
D. L. Curtis and Geo. W. Brown
the former three votvs and the latter
two. We expect to see Mr. Curtis
make an efficient and wide awake
Stock Protection-.. AH citizens cf
Ashland precinct who favor tho ohjects
of the Ashland, Stock Protectors As
sociation are invited tomeetac McCall's
hall iu Avhland at 1 o'cloek p. m. on
Saturday, Dec. 13th, to take such
action as may be deemed best to pro
mote the succoss of the organization in
the coming year.
W. C. Mtkr. Pres.
J. C. Neil, See.
Red Mem Election. The follow
ing officers were elected by Oregonian
Pocahontas Tribe No. 1 last Tuesday
night: Sachem, Adam Sohmitt, Senior
Sagamore, J. O. Birdser, Junior Saga
more David Cronetaijler, Trustees,
Adam Schmitt, J. G; Birdsey and
DAvid Crouemiller.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
The following business has been
transacted since eur last report.
Minnie Hlms vs. Albert Helms;
divorce. Plaintiff given until Fab. 1
1885, to take rebutting testimony.
Eugsne L. Atkinson vs. Heaton
Fox; to recever money. Judgment for
$S20.50 and costs.
Amanda Cox vs. J. H. E. Cox; di
vorce. Decree granted.
State vs. J. M. Yamper; indictment
for burglary. Dismissed on motion of
district attorney.
State vs. Wm. Mackliu; indictment
for abduction. Ordered that jury em
paneled in Baid ease be discharged, for
the reason that the allegations as
fouud in the indictment wero at va
riance with the provisions of the
statute; also that the case be resub
mitted to the next grand jury and that
defendant be remanded to the custody
of the sheriff, with bonds fixed at $200.
State vs. Chas. B. Watkinds; indict
ment for larceny by bailee. S.imo pro
ceedings as in preceding case.
J. B. Thomas vs. A. J. Walls; to re
cover money. Judgment by default
for G0, interest and costs.
Solomon k Memcr vs. J. N. T.
Miller, guardian of Clement Sarrai))et,
an insane person; to foreclose mort
gage. (Jontmued.
Abigail Bater vs. B. S. Baker; di
vorce. Decree granted.
State vs. John M. Culp. Defen
dant sentenced to twelve years' impris
onment. For Sale. Four hundred Gne mut
ton sheep for sale. Apply to
Patrick Donrgan.
Burckuoi.ter Kukli On Missouri
Flat. Dec. 10. 1884. Chas. Burcklioltcr
and Miss Barbara Kubli.
Lucket Cox At the Court House, Dec.
8, 1884, by E. D. Foudray, J. P., N.
Luckcy and Mrs. Amanda Cox, both of
Douglas county
Cattle For Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public sale
an Saturday, December 20, 1884, at
Brmriinborousli, Oreson,
About 40 head of stock cattle, cows,
calves, yearlings, two year olds and three
year olds. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock
a.m. Mrs. Fannie Parker.
Will be mailed Rf3f?Pz;
to all applicants i iitC V
end to customers of last year v. it
ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices.
descriDtions ana directions ior punung i
Vivtjhlrt nnd Flnirpr SEEDS. BULBS, etc
The undersigned. Administrator of the
Estate of J. P. Parker deceased will sell
at public auction at the Court House door
in Jacksonville, Oregon, en Saturday,
December 27. 18S4, lor "cash in hand, snfll
cieut of the following real property to
piv ihe claims against said estate: 32
forty acre tr.icts of timber land on Big
Rutte. 80 acres of land adjoining S. .1.
Day's land on Stickey. 72 acres adjoin
ing Wm. Plymire's farm on .-tickcy. One
third interest in the Severance saw-mill
and the Big Butte steam saw-mill or any
interest therein. Valuable property a
bargain Title perfect. For particulars
enquire at Clerk's office, Jacksonville.
W. H. Parker.
LaioOffice at Roseburo, Or., )
Dtc. 9, 1834. )'
Notice is hereby circa that the follow.
ing-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
ol his claim, and that said proof will he
made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack
son county, Jacksonville, Oregon, on Sat
urday, Jan. 13. I83o, viz: Edward Hen
drcks. Homestead No. 3084 for the Lots
4,5 and 6 Sec. 30 T 28 R K 3 TV .-.id B
of S E 1-4 -ec. 23 T 33 S R 4 W. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation ol, said land, viz: Alex Land,
Wm. Hinkle, of nnheatc, John Chris
topher, of Jacksonville, .lames D. liuck-
ley.of Uniontown, ad ot JacLson county,
Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
Masquerade Bali
Will be given under the auspices of the
Improved Order of
New Year's Night,
ZTsxzx. 3., 1835.
Proceeds to be devoted to the Building
Fund of the I. O.K. 11.
Recettion Committee:
D. Cronemillcr, E. D. Foudray, II. K.
Hanna, A. F. Eddy.
Fi.oor Committee:
II. Pane Jr., Jas. R. Litfc, J . Whipp, C
Setter Committee:
Jlcsdamcs A. Schmitt, Kate Birdsey,
E. Jacobs, Rosa Kenney, and Messrs. F.
Grob, John Bievcnue and J. T. Roloson.
Gexeru, Committee:
A. Schmidt, Wm.Mensor, J. G. Birdsey.
Single tickets, 1 50.
The very best of music will be in at
tenilasce, and the fact that the ladies will
serve the supper is sufficient guarantee of
its excellence. No pains will be spared
to make the ball the eveat of the season.
Sont s
"WHY WILL YOU cough when
Shiloh's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 50cts. and $1.00. Brooks
keeps it.
pepsia and Liver Complaint Shiloh's
Vitnlizer is guaranteed to cure you.
For sale at E. 0. Brooks.
erable by that terrible cough. Shilob's
Cure is the remedy for you. Brooks
KP6DS it
CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breath accured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents at E.
C. Brooics's. Nasal Injector free.
For lame Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
cents. For sale at E. C. Brooks.
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consurap
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee.
It eures consumption. Brooks can
furnish it..
you need for Constipation, Loss of Ap
petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents por
lottle. For sale at E. C. Brooks.'
The Papular Approval.
Of the now famous Syrup of Figs as
the most efficacious and agreeable
preparation ever offered to the world
as a cure for Habituu Constipation,
Billiousncss, Indigestion and kindred
ills, has been won by the wise plan
pursued by the California Fig Syrup
Company. Knowing that any remedy
truly beneficial in its efiects on the
system, and at the same time pleasant
to the taste, tfill meet with a rapid
sale, the Company, through its agents
Merritt & Robinson gives away a
sample bottle free of charge. Try it
and judge for yourself. Laige bottle
fifty cents or one dollar.
Still is the Field. B. F. Mil'er
oi me oaraute creeic nursery says tie
is always prepared to fill orders for
general assortment of well tested and
best varieties of all kinds of fruit
trees. A general nursory Btick kept
constantly on hand aud offered for sale
at reasonable prices.
Alfalfa Seed. Several thousand
pounds of clean, fresh alfalfa seed of a
superior quality, from the farm of W.
II. Bostwick on Applegate, is offxred
for sale at John Miller's placo of busi
ness in Jacksonville.
Lasd Office, Roseburo, Or., )
Nov. 3, 1834. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler 1ms tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before
the Judge or Clerk of Josephine County,
at Kcrbyville, Oregon, on Saturday Dec.
13, 1884, viz: Arthcr A. Porter, llomc
te.id No. 3373 for the W Jof N W ., N
W H "f S W 1-4 awl Lot 4 Sec. 15 T 3G
b R C West. lie names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dene upon, end cultivation of, said land,
viz: Samuel IL-irkncss, T. F. Croxton,
Frank Lincoln of Grants Pass, and Omar
Yannoy of Iverbyville, Oregon
Wji. F. Be jami, Register.
Land Office at RosEnur.o, On , )
Nov. 13, 1884. f
Nolico is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his
-"mention to make final proof in support
of his claim, anil that said proof will be
made bctore the Clerk of Jacksin county,
at Jacksonville, Ogn , on Wednesday.
December 24. 1834. viz: Fred. S Aiken.
Preemption D. S., No. 47CS for the S
of N E 14, N E 1-4 or S E 14 Pen. :!3 and
S W 14 of N W 1-4 Sec. 34 T32 S It 3 East.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: William
Stuart, John Owens, Frances A. Hansen,
Wilder Frcel , all of Dcskins, Oregon.
Wir. F. Bexjamis, Register.
Administrator's Notice,
In the matter of the estate of Silas P.
Hanna. deceased.
the undersisned has been appointed
by the county court of Jackson county,
Oregon, sitting in probate, administrator
of the estate of Silas P. Hanna, deceased.
All rersons indebted to said estate are
requested to settle the same immediately,
and those havine; claims ngainst the estate
will present them with the proper vouch,
ers to the undersigned, residing in Jack
sonville, Jackson county. Oregon, within
six months from the (late of this notice
administrator of said estate.
Dated hor. 28th 1834.
Executrix's Notice.
In the matter of the estate of John
Stonsht, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that Ihe un
dcrsijined has been appointed brtliu
County Court of Jackson county, Oregon,
sitting in Probate, executrix of the estate
ot John Stought, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to settle the same immediately,
and these having claims against the
estate will present them with the proper
vouchers to the undersigned, residing in
Phoenix, Jackson county, Oregon, within
six months from the first publication of
this notice. Sakaii Stouoht,
Executrix of said Estate.
Dated Nov. 7, 1S84.
Farm for Sale.
The fine farm known as the Angell
Ranch, situated on the line of O. & C. R.
R. in Rogue river valley, containing 040
acres, nearly all rich valley land. Five
thousand dollars down balance nn easy
terms. Apply to James Barnes, Ely P.
O., Klamath county, Ogn., or C. C. Beck
man, Jacksonville, Orscon.
Settle Up
Having closed my blacksmith shop and
intending fo remove from this section I
need and must have a settlement with all
those owing me. You can save trouble
and costs by calling around nt once.
James II. Kiscaid.
Central Point, Nov. 23, 1884.
naviog located nt this place I nsk a
share of the patronage of this taction.
01 U attended ss at aiy tisa.
Odd Fellow' Building JicksoPTillf, Ore
Fuso and Caps,
Paints Oils, Yarn-is, fihws
Shot,33rashs, Chains, l?ose
I have secured the services of a firsv
class mechanic, and am prepared to do
all repairing promptly and in superior
In connection with the above I am re
ceiving and have constantly on hand a
full and first-class stock of
Everything sold 'at reasonable rates.
Jacksonville, March 0, 1878-
JacksomnUe, Orogor.
J0n. HIUE2, - Proprietor.
LJ cultural
implements, tools of iil
kinds and
a general assortment of shelf
He also keeps the largest stock of, and
ali the latest improvements in
i'isiuEg Tackle,
3?cvdcr, Shot, 2tc
Give him a call and examine his stock
before making your purchases.
Administrators Sale of Real
By virtue of an order of the County
Court of Jackson county, Oregon, mine
November 3,1884: the undersigned fd
ministmtor of J. J. Nichot's estate will
olfcr for sa'c at public auction for cash at
the court house door, in Jacksonville,
Oregon on
Katunlny, the 27t!i i!ar of DrccmlrtT, lftSi,
at one o'clock j m , the following des
cribed land and premises belonging to
said estate lo-wit:
The W U of N E 1-4 of Section 31. The
S W 1-4 of S E Jf and N $ of a E 1-4 ot
Seclion CO. The N lA of S W 14 of Sec-
lion SI). The N W 1-4 of - E 1-4 .and S W
M of N E 1-4 and 5 E 14 of N W 14 of
Section St) in Township 35 South of Range
a west and the S E 14 ofrf E 1-4 of Sec
tion 12 in Township 35 South of Range 3
west being about 435 a.ires of land with
the appurtenances and all the right title
and interest of said estate of J. J. Nichols
therein for the purpose of paying the
claims against said estate and the expenses
of Administration.
T. 15. KENT, Administrator
of the estate of J. J. Nichols, diccascd.
Of cither sex admitted to tho
On any week-day of tho year.
Tho College Journal, containing informa
tion of the courso of study, rates of tuition,
board, examination"!, etc, nnd cuts of plaia
and ornamental penmanship, free. Address,
Lock Box 10 f. Poktlaxd, On.
3 In wiling, please mention this paper,
eich bottle ot Shiloh's catarrh remedy.
Price 50 eels, at Brook's.
S .