Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 06, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday, December G, 1884.
Alfalfa Seed. Several tliouiam)
pounds ef clean, frch alfalfa seed f
uparior quality, from tlie farm of W
K. Boitwick on Applejaie, it off red
fur tale at Jabti Milltr'a place of buvi
xei in Jackvenvillr.
Eight-Years. Judge WeUter tki
weak dnuj the motiin for a new
trial in the cat of Chat. Bsatt,
charged with stage robberv, and ten
taucad him to a term of right yar in
the ponitcntiarv. He wat taken he
low by Sheriff Jacob.
Jellt Factoiiy. Saruuel Colver in
the general agent for the Phoenix
Jlly Factory and hat already estab
listed quite a trade for this new in
dun try. We, hate sampled it and can
recautuand it an being; equal to the
best tnado by the tnot cxpeiienced
Settle Up. We have sent out
statements ef acceunti to those in
tleVed to us for subscription and ad
vartisinj and we, hope that all will
rtspoud at once as wn need the money.
A good lot of thoie who rtceived duns
will tea that wo hare waited patiently
for teveral yean.
Still is the Field. B. F. Mil'er
of the Sardine creek nursery saya hr
in always prepared te till orders for
general assortment of well leited and
best vanetios of all kinds of fruit
trees. A general nursery st'ck ki l
constantly on hand and offered fur Rule
at reasonable price.
Thk Cclp Cask The trial of J. M.
Cu'p for the tnutderof Ueo. S. Smith
near Willow Springs last Spring is
now progressing in the Circuit Court
before the following jury: John A.
Hauley, W. R Robert, Lindsay Giv
an, R." J. Cameron, S. U. Alfred", J J.
Frver, John Ashpole; A. B. Sotis,
John Pellins, Win. DelinN, W. P.
Beagle and Hugh Crr. District At
tom-y Kent and H. Kelley aro prote
cutiag while II. K. llutma is on the
defmiss. The case will probably reach
the jury to Might.
Caud of Thaxks. I take, this meth
od uf expressing iut heartfa teratitude
to the kind neighbors and fiiemN
whose infiltrative aid and aidstance
soothed (lie last I. ours of inr late Inn
banJ and expocially the rurm'-or-i of
the I. 0. 0. F. and A. 0. U. W. nhose
warm sympathy end lir.p bo oftrn
neftei.t the bereavement of th widow
nad orphan. And to all uf this kind
community, always ready iu tko hour
of need, who have stood bv mo :n
my sore trial I shall alw&ya cherish
the mot grateful feelings.
Mrs. J. P. McDaniel.
Another Pioneer Lns James
P. McDaniel, one of the oldest ri
dents of Jackson county, departed
this life last Monday ovening after an
iilnsss of sereral monhi. Mr. Mc
Daniel was City Marlil at the tiaie
of his dsath, a portion he fillet with
credit seTtral tarsjs before the last,
and a more heneat, upright and can
seisnlisas man never iied. Ha was
a member ef tko Odd Fallows and
"Workmen and the member, of the
two orders ecortoJ his remnius to the
grave on Wednesday last where ai
prepriatc services were held. He
leaves a wife and six small children.
Hay his soul rest in ueace.
Ciecuit Court Pkoceedixgh The
fallowing business has limn iraiiKMCUd
in this court since our U't report:. . . .
S'ate vs. (ieo. R, Justus; indictment
for murder. Foun 1 guiltv of man
slaughter Stale vs. G. N. Yocuui;
indictment for an asssult with a dan
(reus wnapon. Verdict of guiltv of
a simple ateault. .. .Stain vs. Chae.
Bastaltpndictment. for rubbery, with
intent to kill. Defeudent sentenced
to eight years' imprisonment in the
penitentiary.... State vs. G. N. Yo
cum; asoault. 'Defendant Heutcuced to
)'V i fini of $40 and costs Sla'e
vs. J. M. Culi; indictment for mur
der. On tiial. .. .State vs. Geo R.
Justus. Motion made for a new
trial.... L. Solomon v. J. J. Clla
phan, et al.; to fore:loe mortgage.
Decree of foreclosure granlrd.
Confessed His Guilt. Renders of
the SkNTINEL will remember reading
the account of the roMiery of Medford
railroad station not lung since, James
Cunningham, the agent, stating that
he was forced to open the safe and dr
liver its content to a masked man
with cecked revolver in hand. Suh
Jiicion has rested on Mr. CuuningliHin
ever since but not until lavt Sunday
when F. P. Hiigsn approached him
and accused him of the ciiu e did hr
give way. After being informed that
Uroof could be found to convict him he
mado a full confeodou stating that he
done the woik alnue and thru led the
detectivo to a point about fifty yardi
from the station where ln dug up th
remainder of the money stnlrn nnd de
livered it to Mr. Ho::n. Tim amount
was something over 100 short which
Cunningham chitnwtn have apent siuce
the roibery. Tlie young man was
broucht to Jacksonville at oncn and
waiving an examination he lckil
in jail with bonds placed at 800. On
Widnesdav of this week Cunningham'
father arrived from -Ilalsfv, Ore;on,
and by depositing the required security
secured bis son's release. Mr. Cun
niushnm stood high in the estimation
of all who knew hitn and eierv one
was surprised when they heard of hi
confession. 11 lias a suflicimt
amount due him fn.m thn lailroad
company as salary to nifkkn up ir
drficitney nnd by straightening up the
account wo doubt if a ricorou prose
cation will be made by the company.
Local Items-
Christinas comes next.
Santa Claus can be found at lbs
Red From.
The town presented a holiday ap
pearance yesterday.
The distillery commences -work
again next Monday.
For holiday goods of all kinds go te
the Now York Store.
Remember the Red Men's masquer
ade ball on Kew Years.
Jesse Houck, Jr., returned from
Crescent City yesterjay.
The place to buy a fine suit of clothes
at Salomon it Mentor.
N. DeLsmatter and family are over
from Joephine county.
A large variety of Christmas gifts
at Salomon Si Mentorc.
Some one ought to take the lead in
a Christmas tree festival.
Reames Bros, sell coal oil for S2
per case. No gas about this.
Groceries and canned goods of all
kinds at Solomon i Menvors. f
Trunks and values in pmlless quan
tities at the New York Store.
Ejg and butter tsken in exchange
for jroods at New York Store.
W. G. Keunv h-s leased a residence
nt Medford. Who's who, Bill?
Country produce taken in exchange
ter goods at Solomon & Mensorl.
A handsi.nie diplay of tovs and
other ictas can bo teen at J. R. Little's.
Don't hi backward, step in and nsk
cur reduced prices. Solomon & Men
sor. Andrew ITnbbell is able to bo on
the Streets again with the aid of a
Marsbnl Roan is on the sick litt. and
J. C. McCully wears the star, tempor
arily. Th lnrsjpt.t stock to select from in
Southern Oregon at the New York
A new blacksnrth shop is beins put
up in the lower end of town by Geo.
Large varietv of chairs f all kinds
just received at the New York
SHtlin? u time is nt hand and the
printer is just as much in need as the
next man.
Rev. E. R. Giry of Eoene Cifr
faid Southern Oregon a short ligit
this week.
Grat burgains offered in ladies,
children and gents shoes at Solomon
The Red Men elct officers next
Tu".dav evening and a full attendance
is requested.
The cnunty jail had nine occupants
at nun time this week all accused of
grsvo charges.
Dress goods and ginghams at prces
that will ntoninh everybody at Solo
mon Mntors.
The mortgage tax law will be one of
the important measures to come before
the next legislature.
August Trunk has returned from
Happy Camp to resume mining opera
tions in this county.
James Kiucaid starts for La Grande,
Oiegon, to-morrow to locate. Wc
wikh hiiu good luck.
Don't fail to giveKenney Wolters
a call whrn ou isit Medford. The
boyi will treat yon well.
Latest Myle dres goods at N. Fish
erV, twrlvo yanU for one dollar. Ail
other goods in proportion.
Look in at Merrilt & Robinson's
when looking around for a Chiistiuas
ptesent for some loved one.
John Wini jen left Nrw York last
week for another tiip tt Euiope. He
is contented only wlirn tiaveliug.
Sf veral inches of snow fnll on the
SUkiyou mountains last evening and
it was still snowing at last accounts.
A. D. Ilelinau and J. II. llxzer
came down from A-hlaui this week to
attend the funeral of J. P. MuD.iutel.
C. C. Cherry, of the firm of Cherry
Parks, foundry men of AHauy, is
with us again looking for inestments.
More novelties received at Rostel'h
this ee!c. Hs keeps a genuine curl
unity shop and cau furuUh anything
citllrd fur.
You will find all kindi of holiday
goads ut E. C. Biooks' ranging in
pilc from the cheapest to the most
The smut mill and the gin mill be
low weio about the best decorated
building in tunii nn thw night of thr
Driuocrutiu jubilee. ,
We hear that another beer saloon is
soon to be i-tarled iu Jackiouvilla with
Hmry Breitlurth aj malinger. Al
bany bier will be kept.
Frank M. Nickerson ex-County
Clerk of Joephino county, is in town
but will bavt in a few davs far Los
Angeles, Cal., his future home.
Tlie h-iielits of the A. O. U. "W
can plain'r be seen iu th caia of J as.
P. McD-itiiel. His family will nt
crie $2,000 from that order. .
The Christmas ball to be given at
Medford for the benefit of the district
school will be held iu Bears' brick hall.
An immense crowd is ex rcted.
John Carter has secured the con
tract for painting the Red Mm bri k
anil nUo that of K. Kubli's. Air.
Carter is a first class workman and lib
will no dcubt take extra pains with
tins job as it is the finest business
building in town,
B. B.'Beekmatl and W. -VY. Card
ell tr-ok advantage of exjuri-iou rates
last week and paid their friends a
visit hero.
D. C. Herrin and 6." II. Coolidg.
two Jackson crfunty boys, returned
from San Francisco via Crescent City
last Thursday.
A temperance lecture was delivered
at the Methodist Chnrch last Thurs
day night by Dr. J. W. Watts te a
fair sized audience.
A large lot of the famous Morrison
plows were received by K. Kubli this
week which he is selling at reduced
prices. Call and examine.
Three criminal cases remain to bp
tried at this term of Court after tUr
close of the Culp case, which it is ex
pected will reach the jury tonight.
Isadore Caro's smiling countenance
eould be noticed at the Democratic
jubilee last werk. Simon- sent word
that he would be up four years from
The quartz mino owned by Green
Bros.' of Galice creek has been bond
ed'to Portland capitalists for onveir
ami it is likely that a trail. fer will be
J. M. Childers was appointed Jus
tice of tliH Peace fur Table Rock pre
cinct ft'ifl J. C. Shigle Coitablc for
Mr-dfoid at the lat term of County
Christmas balls will be given iu all
parts of the county. Don'i for;" the
one at Henry Btuten's place on Pour
inan't, creek wlere a jolly good time is
always had.
An Oregon mn excitedly tcl;rph
eil the N-w York, Heral.'l "Who U
President?' and the coldly correct
answer, costing G, caiuti back, "Chen
ter A. Arthur."
Thomas Clemmens has openpil a try
and ciudy store at the old Red From
stand and icrvps a full assortment in
this line. Call around and select 3 our
holiday presents.
Tin Red Men and "K-jbli bricks are
now under cover and lilt caiper.tera
are laving the floors. The buildius
prrsenta a fine appearance and is r.n
ornament to the town.
'1 li Gfia saloon at Medford, Kn
ney &. Walters propiietors, iK tlfhoss
hlacn. A club room, fine billiard tit
hie and all the late papers of the day
can be found ut this place.
Ed Johnson was arrested by Con
stable Birdi-ev this w-ek on a charge
of horen stealing but was discharged
"iy JuMice Foudrsy after the clotiO of
the preliminary examination.
The profess;onal card of W. F.
Williamson will be found in this issue.
His office will be at Medlnrd but he
will attend to any practice before the
different courts of the State.
P. J. Rxan's new brick building is
now axvuiuiiig proportions. The l.iick
woik on llm hecoud story is nearly fin
iahed and he is now thinking uf pu'
tin ano'her story on top of that.
V; J. Plvmale is vt ill cnnfiued to
his room but his condition is greatly
improved. Business at the Excelsior
livery stable gois on as usual and all
your auls iu that line can be gratifi
ed by applying.
A good sized crowd attended the
Mite society meeting in the basement
of the Presbyterian Church last
Wednesday evening. Refreshments
were served as usual and all seemed to
enjoy themselves.
A prty will be held at the residence
of Oilaudo Ro-e on Applegate on
Chritmas evo (Wednesday night )
The established reputation of Mr. and
Mtk Rose 111 this line ought to insure
them a large attendance.
Pending a motion for a new trial
Judge Webster ha not vet passed leu
tenee. on Geurga Justus convicted on
a charge of inuiislnughter iu killing an
Indian at Grant Pavs. The motion
will he aigut-d next Monday.
"Democrat io Tunes Forever" was
Nickell'i. motto ovr bis offire on the
uisht of the Democratic jubilee. The
finance committee for that ocevsion
touud out that he metur jut what he
said when he presented his bill.
C. K. Fronk, formerly railroad oper
ator at Oik hind, Oiegon, is n ill
charce of the raiirnail siatinn at Med
ford to succeed James Cunningham.
W. T. Moure filled the place tempor
arily until the new agent arrived.
A Christmss B-dl will be given at
Phoenix tin the niiiht of te .I'li bv
Mrs LHvenburg All who haveherr
ti-foie attended pirtis given by this
Indy will know that it means a cnod
lima ami as for supper comment u
John Watson one of the substantial
farmers of this valley sold a fine lot of
fat hogs this week realizing good
prices. He kwk this is the best pay
ing industry 111 Sauthvrn Oiegon and
he propoes f njRging in it morn ex
teunively 1 ext seunoti.
Sulkv Plows, Guie Plows, Revera
lie tooth and smnoihing Harrowy, five
and seven tooth cultivator', plows and
all kinds of ag 'cultural iuipleuieiits
just M'Ceived In Bllger & Maeglr di
rect fiom the factories in the Eust.
Fur 111 era call ami ben them.
The last sesMou of the present Cja
gre ojiened Monday. No business
et trunsac'rtl. Tin; P esiilent'n men
a;e received and complimented by all
parties. Speakrr Carlisle and Cltair
man Mormon eaeh say they shall at
tempt no tariff legislation the picsent
The folliwing ticket was voted in
lite lento vara 01 uuiuio: "i'nr
President, Grover ClevelHinI; for Vice
T ' I . . I I T I ...
rresioeni, jinn a. jocnii; n.iiyn nie
electoral ineilioil. CUveland voted
in Buffslo, but it
is not definitely
known wheth
tieulr.r ballot.
M1U"" "- ouuvb was ins par
The ladies .of tlieJCiT. U.. wiU
Iinhl their nexL llienbiiiE wr
Vine M. IS.
Church, Tuesday, Dec. 9th at;7v'o'cIock,
Friends of the temperance : cause are
cordially invited to attend.
Miss As.va. A.' Biloer,
Rcc. Sec
A pork packing establishment with
E. V. Oirter, George M. Willard, T,
U. Moon and Mr. Lanras as the sniu
pany, is the latest public enterprise
lRlAhad will engage in. Thoy
have already raaee a start and pro
pose keeping it up as long as ike keg
crop lasts.
All who attended the Knights of
Pvtliiag ball at Ashland lascwek say
that it was the best managed affair of
this kinJ ever given in tin. county
Onlr for the Democratic jtibi ee in
Jacksonville on the following evening
a large crowd would have attended
frcm here. The young folks premise
their support next time.
A. P. i rtnstrong, principal of the
Portland Busine-fc College,, reports his
school in J. prosperous condition. At
the present time there arn about se-en-ty
stu.l-nts in attendance, tei ladi
and tift" or more young men, whicb
uumber.will be ir.creafi!V5i ih ad
ditinn of several who1 will Miegin a L
c-iurse of studios at once. "Oregon
The Southern Oregon D?veloptnent
Cjtupanv has elected the followiug of
tkers. President, James Steel,. vice
president, C. U. Bates; treasurer, Wil
Ismette Saviutrs Bsiik; secretary, H.
C. E kenberger; superintendent,
Georgo II. CI ick; asiaver, Charles A
Wing. Directors for the year 1SS-"),
James Sieel, C D Bties. H. C. lick
eiiberger, George U. Chick and ). A
An interesting feature of the stock
men's convention at St. L'luia was a
cowbov band uf twentv pieces froii)
Fort Dodge, Ivalisas. The leader ue
a long silver mounted deriner fur a
baton, ami when asked why he ilid so
replied that it was in order that he
might be able to shoot the first man
who struck a false note. The band
j.lavs with great accuracy, watching
ttvviy movement of its leader.
Ch'ef Justice Grt-eftSfOf Washing
ton Tnrritory, in his last charge to tke
Grand Jury, beats the, following testi
mony to the gooa eiteut ot women
serving on juriee: "Twelve terms of
rnurt ImiIIi-m and eentlatnen T have I
, ., , ,
now held, iu which women have serv
ed as grand and petty jurors, and it is
certainly a fact lieyoud diputtt that 110
other twelva terms so salutary for a
restraint of crime have ever been bald
in thia Territory."
The present term of Circuit Couit
will be one- of the most expensive ever
held in the county on a-caunt of the
large amount of criminal buninesa
brought before it. J(T liguiing up the
cost in the Y"cum vxrr, it. was found
that they amounted to $1,800 alone
and tb others will amount to much
uioir. Berddes this there are several
prisoners arrested who hav not, vet
been indicted uud unless itniiiigrniion
increases our next census will not
make a good showing.
Ned. Dry, a ssloon keener at Rose
burg and well known in this city, died
Saturday lat at his home and was
buried yesterday. He left property
amounting to about $10,000 to J. G.
Fuller, bi partner and friend. Mr.
Fuller is one of the oldest express
agen's on the coast, bvi,ig been in
the employ t,l Welle, Fargo it Co. for
irany Tears, and agent nf the Koe
bur;: oltica a good ileal ot the lime.
Tlie deceased was an Englishman b
birth, and had no family. His father
lives and owns large estates ii: Aus
tra ia.
Any stranger eomnj to this valley
with a, fruit trra catalogue as hisbt
gtjje can do a thriving' !uinr-s for
quite a while. It matters not wheth
er his trees aro as represented or
whother he has any tieea at all the
onlrrs will re given nnd the uionev
paid all the kI!i. Some penple would
rather get bilked by a. atraliger than
to putrouiz t'leir neighbor when the
latter insure his goods and can always
b found to maku up any deficiency.
We love to hear them complain after
getting it "in the neck" uud we never
fail to express our sympathy.
The electoral c dlege for iho Slate of
Oregon, coiiMstiii!! of Hon. D P.
'Ihompsnu, Hon Warren Tiuitt. and
Hon. J. C. Leisure, met jfl noon Wed
uesrldv in the private efnoe of R. P.
Eirharl, secretary of S'ate, and or
Utilized by electinc Mr Tlloilipioll
ptesiileiu and Mr. Truitt secietarr
the bilfbts were east for Jauiea G
Hlxilie president, and John A. Lgu
vie president, of the United States.
lion Warren Iruilt was chosen mes
8n,er, and ilia votes ami neces'sarv
documeiita were duly signed, scaled
and delivered
Haliltital t'ousllii.itlau
Is n prolific sourer of ini-erv noil
tn.iiiy ill", yiving rise to Ilrad.iche,
Dullness, Fevers, Nervou-nesK, R-st
!esiess, Biliousness, Indigestion, Pom
O in; of Biood, etc. The hitler.
11 mseoua Liver medicines, pilN, salts
uud ill Hiiuhta former! v used toielieve
the sulleriT, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who are
afflicted in that av. know the impor
tance of the remedy pleasant to the
palate, biirtiilessiu its n ilure,aud Iralv
lieneliciiil ill its action Thi" trial
bottles of Syrup of Fig- civen nw.iy
fiee of eh'ir" bv our eiilerpriiii;
druu'i;i-i Merritt it Robiuann of J.ack
sonville prove that it isi! lint can be
desired. Large bottles at fifty cents
or one dollar.
A set of doulle buycy harnes,
upsrlv new. for sale chean. Euonire
? 0f rjr. Aiken.
i ami umnciiiiis inline.,.-,, ,,-vc,i
by builou a eure. ureoK Keeps it,
The Railroad By psengera
from blow, we Team thafsuj plies are
being forwarded to Delta from belu v,
for the Hood surveving farce of the
C. i. R. R Co., which indicates that
surveying is to be resumed again soon,
so as to start road building in the
sprin?, which is due probably to Oie
gon company miking arrangements to
finish their end, the C. P. having al
ways assured the public they wuuUl be
at the lina as ssoh as the Oregon com
pany euld build. Th C. P. we
ptepared to keep en right above Re. Id
ing, when the Oregon company stopp
ed at Roseburc, and unless the Oregon
company finished their end, the Cali
fornia branch would not pay to run
for the small amount of local travel.
As funher evidence of resumption
of railrrad work, the Redding ''Free
Press" savs Mr. Doner, of Siiiithson,
has been emp oyeil to haul the wagon
bridges at I lie third croosing above
Elmore', and at ike fourth crossing or
Scobieville, to the railrosd, when thev
will be loaded 011 the cars and shipped
to tlia front, to be used in the construe
tion of other wauon bridges. This
move seems to foreshadow active op
erations, and it will be remembered
1 that Colonel Scobie'a entire outfit -ei
, . . ....
eil near ly, ami can lie utiliz-M at
a moments notice. "xreka Journal.
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Ctuker Mouth. Brooks can fur
nish it.
so quicklv cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
gUaiailtee it. Call t B-OoLV.
I!A( KMETA( K i.b.vting'ei d fra
grant perfume. Price 23 mid L0 Cts.
ai E. C. Brooks'.
SHILOH'S CURE will immediate
ly relieve croup, whooping; cough ami
ARE YOU MADE mNerabl,. by
indigestion, Consiipition, D yzinrss,
L)ss nf Apne ite. Yellow Ssinl Shi
lull's Vitulizer is a positive cure. For
j-ale bv E. 0. Brooks.
of Bourbon, Intl., says: "Roth inv
self and wifn owe our lives to SHI
Brnoks keens it.
FOR DISPEPSIA and liver wm
plaint, you have a printed guirmitee
on nverv bottle of Shilnh's vitnli.r.
It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps
eich bottle, of Shiloh's catarrh muttdv.
Price 50'ets. at Brook's.
Society Elections The following
are tbe officei elected for the differ
ent societies mentioned;
Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I. 0. O.
F, R. H. Moore, N G., Win. II.
Parker, V G., A. II. Maegly, R S.,
John A. Boyer, P. S, F Luv, Treas
urer. Trustees, K. Kubli, Flank
Krauze and S. J. Di. Iiistallalion
will take place on the first meeting in
War'fen Lodge No. 10. A. F. .t A.
M.: C. C B-ekmsn, W. M , Dwid
Linn. S. W.. Dr. W.ll J..ckson, J. W..
N. Langell Tieasurer, Max Muller
Secv., R. S Dunlap Tyler. Installa
tion of officers Saturday, Dec. 27ih at
7 m.
OreSon Chapter No. 4. R. A M :
Thos. G. Reames H. P., Conrad Mill
gus, Kirg, A. M Brrv Scribe, David
Linn O, of II . Will Jackson P. J . C
C. Baekman R. A. (3.. Max Muller
Secy., N. Fi.hrr G M. 3 1 Veil; W. T.
Clemmens G M -Jd Veil, L. Paulsen
G M. 1st Veil. U.S. Dunlap Sentinel.
Installation Saturday D?e. 27, al 3
clock p. in.
JRuii on. a Baltic.
Reames Bros are receiving n fine
assortment of Fancv nnd Drv Good".
Hata, Clo'hing, BooIh and Slinks, nnd
finest Assortment of LaDIHS Cloaks
(hat has ever heeti brought to this
iiirket. All of which ihev are selling
at prices tint defv conmetitinn.
For Ralk Four bundled fine mut
ton sheep for sale Anplv to
Patrick Dontoa.v.
HT-rrrmr m rr n
LsuENncnn WniTNKT It the resi
lience of the bride' in-itlier. in Rose
bunr, Xnv. 2Ctb. 1SS4. hy Rev. J. Ilein
rich, Geo. I luu:ib t?, irursluil i.f
Rojcbtirj. and M'ss Josephine Whitney,
lotmcily ol tins place.
GoitiK)X Mitkiuy In Manzanila pre
cinct Nov. 27th, 1SS1. by I Irtcr w.
Peterson. Monro: GjuIou ami Miss
S-irali .1. vlurray.
Km: Hi.riiy Iu this precinct, Nov.
aoth. lSrf4. by Rev. M. .1. Williann, E.
C- Kaneantf JI'ks UieeRcrry.
Pankey IIootex At Ihe nsidence of
Joi. Dmul-ii. in T.ib'e Rnsk precinct,
Xov. Siiili, 18d4,bv Vj tier M. lVlerson,
II. T. Pank.y, -ind Miss X . Ilooten.
Wood McCai-.i: -It the Forest ' one,
(MI . Xov. 2Cib. l. by Rev. G. G.
Wtilter, John Wood of Scott valley, and
Vis Sarah A C'abj, formerly of this
deuce of the nllieiatmc Minister in
Medford. bv Rev. M A. Wil iatn.
Dec. 3, 18S1, John E. Peltoa and
Mis' Lottie L Gaii'arii.
FA HI! A DEN In Medford. Dec.
4. 18S4, bv R-v. M. A. William-.
E. L. FairA and Mis Clara E.
B ) I s
Pntit. In .Incksonville, Dec. 2d, 1S84, to
the wife of Clnw. Prim, a dauriitcr.
I'AUKEti In this precinct, Xov S.jlh,
18il, to Mr. and Mrs. L'lms. Parser a
KiNCAin On Rojr'ic river, Xor. 23"h,
14, in r. nnd Mrs. I.oberl II. Kiu
caid, :i d-iughter.
mi- n.
BARR-A' M-.ltor.t. Nov. 23. Ib81,
E lar G., son of V. H and Nannie
Rtrr, a;;e. 10 yeirs and 1 day.
C'iiecsmak. In S.in FriiiiC'sco, 1 alifor-
111.1, Nov. 2, ltSl. I) W. Chccsuir.ii;
j ftp:edo3ye.irs and II months.
McDvmh In this citv, Die. 1. 184,
Jlim(;s v cinet .vti 43 J2atglo
' waatna aau 13 Hay. .
Nobby Ct.oriiixu atiub. A-ih.h.i
Oregotfis the place for everv inali olid
boy, obi or youiiL', to buy ibeir F.ill
and Winter clothing nnd furnishing
goods because you can buy belter goods
for your money and you will live long
and prosper, but if you g and pay the
obi fashioned price for gondii and
then get shoddy clothing ou are liable
to swear becHtisu you are elicited,
natch coin because thu goods aie
ahoddv and w'll nut keep you wum,
ami then die, and then what will be
coma of ViU. Go to the Nobby Cloth
ing Store by all means, take no such
cimnensi Tailor shop in connection
So you can get any thing vou vant iu
the clothing lino.
For Sale A second hand wagon
in good condition. Will e sold cheap
if applied for so-tn. For further par
litiulars n. quire nf
!.? DuxLAP, Jacksonville
Administrator Sale f lltal
By virtue of an order of the County
'ottrt of Jackson county, Oregon, msu'e
Xnvimhcr :. Wil: the "ti'iibrsine I (i
ininibtritor of J. J. Niclm 's estate will
ofP.T lor s-i u tit public nuction lor cash at
the couit house door, in Jacksonville,
Oregon 1111
s.ntiiritaj. tltcS'tli day of Drccmlirr. 1311.
nl one o'clock p. m , the fol owing des
cribzil land ami premises belonging to
s.tiil estate Itvvvil:
The w V, of X E A r Section 31. The
S Wl-t of 5 E y nnd X of S B 1-1 of
Section oil. 1 lie iN J , 01 iv 1. 1 01 sec
lion 29. The X v tJi of E l-t ami S
-1 ofX E 1-1 and S K l-l or X W 1-4 of
Section 20 in I'ownship :)'i South of Range
"J vvest and the S E l-l of- E 1-4 ol" Sec
tion 12 in Township Xi South of Itynge "
west bung nbntit 4:Jo u.tcs of bind with
the :ipiiirten.iitccs anil al ihe right tit'e
iiml interest of siid estate of J. .T.Xicht 1
thcrcin f r the puipiS". of p tying; the
c iiim-inninst siiil eMate nnd llie'expcusi-b
ol Ailministrition.
T. 15. KENT, .Idmtiiislralor
of the estate of.I. J. Xichols, di ceased
Christmas ' Ball,
ox roor.MANs ckf.f.k
Christmas Kisht.
The lindcratgnrd will give a II ill r.t the
Henry Ii.iutcn p mc on Pontnvin's creek
on Thurvl.iy night, December 25th and
extends :i cenenil invitation 10 all to come
and enjoy Ihimsevcs. Good lnusi" ami
supper wid bj furnished. K. UUZE
Land OtTicc at RosEiinno, Or. , )
Nov. 10. 1SS-I.
Notice is hereby iven that Ihe follow-insn-'in'-d
seiiler'lins filed notice (f his
'mention to make final proof in support
of hi 'I.'tiin. and lb-it said proof will lie
ni-ide before ihe Clerk of Jackson county,
nt J.ieksonvil e. 'jsn , on Wcdnesd.iV.
Pectmber 24. 1SS4, viz: Fietl. S Aikeii.
PiT.nintion I) S.Xo 4TH3 for she S 1i
orX i: 14. X V. 1-4 f 5 K 14 Sec XI nnd
S W 1 4 of W 1-1 See .4 T:KS R 3 E iM.
Ife inmes the fo!lowiti" witnesses to
prove bis cnntitiitnna nsiilcnce upon, and
cultivation of. s-iitl bind, viz: William
Sin in. John Oiven. Frtncis A. Ibinscn,
W.lder Fuel, n'l of Dekins. Orecmi.
Wit. P. Rknjamix, Register.
Adminia'trator's Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Silas
Il;inn-i. drce-is'il.
I the linilersisneil his b 'en nppdiiteil
bv Ihe county court f J.ickion county,
Oregon, siltin-r in prolnte. mlniinistritor
of the estate of Hhts P. Hunna. deceased.
All lersons imbblnl In Slid 1 state tin
refiiesled to settle the s-tnie iinmidi.itely.
aril those lnvinir ebiinnitgiinst thec-na'ti,
will presi nt tin m with Ihe proper vouch
crs to the undersiirned, residing in J.iek
nvile. .Tncks'm cnnniy. Oregon, vvilhin
six months from thed.i'c of ihi? notice
dminislrntnr ef said estate.
D.ilcdXor.2Sth ISSt.
Ixccutrix's Notice.
In the miller it the estate of John
Stonihl, ! censed.
NOTICE is herebv jriiin llntt Ihe tin
(leisisnctl his ben nppoinlcd byliie
County Collet of.I.ieks'in cotinty, On'-.'oti,
siltin-' i'l Pnb tie. ts Tutrix f the estate
of.Iohn Sloitsbt. deceased.
All persons indebted In slid el-ile are
rrittiestiil to iclllc the sime immeili.ttely.
and these luviri'' cl.tinis :i!!iiust Ihe
csltite will preetit them with the prnpr
vniicii-r-i to Ihe itndersiineil. realilintr In
Phoenix. Jackson county, Oregon, within
six months foun the first pub icution of
this notice. Saiiah STonottT,
E.X' etttrix of said Es ale.
Dated Xor. 7, U'84.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm ofjfor.it ifc C'lmle, ensri-jed in
the saloon business in Ja-ks-inville is
hen by dissolved by mtlluil cnent
Riilih'iel Mont relirins. A. Chtile will
continue Ihe business at the old st.ind and
asks lor a continuance of pitpmc.
RrnvEL Moiiat,
A. Oiiaiu.
.Tncksonville, cept. 11, 1834.
Farm for Sale.
The f.ne farr. known as the Antrell
li.incli.siiii.Ueil on lh: line of O. & (.'. II.
It in Rogue river villoy. cnnttiniiie 010
acres, nearly all rich viillev land. Five
thousand dollars down b dincu on ei-v
terms. Apply to James IJirncj, lUy P.
O, Kl'tmitli county, Osn. or C. C. Beek
man, Jacksonville, Orccon.
Ilavimr closed my bl'ickMiiilh shop and
inlenilinz to remove Irntn Ibis sii-lion I
need nnd must b-ive u seltleinent with nil
thus" ovvinir ni". You cri sive (rouble
and coi'b by calling atnutid -it once.
Jamks II. Ki.ncaid.
f'cntral Point, Nov. 2a, lcSL
llano ' tocnti'O :it 1 111.4 pi.ie l nsij a
sl,-.re of tin- p Irmi-e of this asciion
1 i"-c n l
iuiy titua.
' CnlU alUu'Jtd U atiaiy tin:
iMil Fellow's Buildiug Jucksorvillc, Crt'oa
Fnso and Capst
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, 3rash3, Ghains. Joso
I have s'cttrcd the services of 11 first.
ell nvrlinnic, nntl am prepared to (It
ill lepjinn pr.mipilv and iu buperlor
In connection with lite above I am re
eiivintruml have eon-tnntly on hand a
full :iuJ llrat-cbiss stock of
dry-ooods, ocm d 0t3, tobacco
iikauv jiaijr uluthim:,
Evervthing sold at reasonable rales.
Jacksonville, March 9, 1S7S.
Jacksonville, Oregor,
JOIIX 31ILLB2, - Proprietor.
culiuial imiilciueuts. tools of ull
Kimtj una a
gcucral assortment of shell
lie also keeps the largest stock of, anJ
ali thd latest improvements in
Fishing Tackle,
3?owder, Shot. Btc
Give him a call ami examine bis slock
KTorc m.ikini'your purchases.
Blymyer Mf g Co.
Victor Sorghum & Sugar Mills.
Crntral Agtnt for llic racific roasl.
'.3 Jlnla strict, sail Iraiiciaro.
Illustrated Catalogued and our Su.ir
hind IduJs. 11 v.'ilutblc. Ir;.itise on i,u-.-ur
cn.es and treatment or suiriircanu juicr,
scut fice on upplie.ilionr l'leasu -aK
which catalogue you desire, Jttid ulo it
for prices delh'eied fit your neatest iil
ro.nl point, either from factory or San
Of cither sex admitted to tho
On any week-day of tho year.
The College Journal, containing informt-
ion of tho courso cf rtndy, rates of tuition,
board, examination, etc., and cuts of plum
Mid ornamental penmanship, free. AdJreia.
Lock T!oi 101. FoEiXAsn, 0c
2J Ii tcritinrj, please mention this paper.
Saloon Prtparty S'cr Sale.
The undersigned wishing lo pe' out cf
the business hereby offers" liis saloon -n
K rbyville. Oregon", for s tie. The sa'or n
propuly. tnecibcr with the flxtrii-e at
all Ihe linitorsiintl other stock is 5.- u e
in this 1 ff r. A Inruuin is otfrri '
n or n I Ires'?. PETER REISER ,v
' Ksrbyville, Orcan. Aujiut. 15, ;sc
u vSii t7Sl5Sr bit? a