X'XXX f I I ORESOH SENTINEL. JHEttOfl-gfiBTH-El. ADVERTISING RATES. Oaeiqa lOUnaiorloH Sritinmtloa.TS " thtulnequtlilmltrtion 1 3 moathi v T C(? o ........... .......... .... w Ona-Ibarth Column 3 nonlha IS "$'... OM-hiif " s ;;"i"mi;i;i! " fi 43 H ................. 1 On damn 3 montht 69 " e a A Dlwannt to Yearly Advertisers. PUBLSHED SATURDAYS AT MKMULUiCUQIWDSYT 8BECM FRANK KR4.USE T C M l Mr, Prrtr,Ure e Jft. VOL. XXIX--NO. 49 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON JECEMBER 6 ISS4. $8 PER YEAR - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. P. GEARY, M. D.f Pkysician And Surgeon. MEDFORD. OREGON. Offlea is A. L. Johnson's building. T. R. YOUNG, M. D., ?hysleaa And Surgoon, Central Point, Oregon. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. H. K. HANNA, Attorney tfc Counsellor Ai-Law, Jacksonville, Ogn. Tflll practice in all the Courts of the Bute. Office up stairs in Orlh's brick. C- LEMPERT, M- D-, Graduate of University, Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon. Calls attended to at all hours day and aiht. Office at the U. S. Hotel, Jackson Till, egon. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAAV Jacksonville, Ogn., fill practice in all the Courts of the Stata. OIBcb in Court House. G U. AIKKN, M. D., pSYSICIAX AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREOON. aa-OfSea.-ipoikal'.J. Rjm'i nore. J. W. ROBINSON, H D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At City Drug Store. Resi denca on Fourth' St., opposite M. E. Church. CalU promptly attendid to.dsyand night. iiAUriN VKLrVMAN, M. D. DHTSICIAN AND SURGEON, MEDFORD, OREGON. Ca promptly attened to at all hours. B. F. DO WELL, iTIIKXEY-lT-LiW, Jackson tillz, or.Eaow. Altbaila.li plseadla mr haniliwlll ree.iTfl prompt att.ati.a. ,J-3pcll attention elTeii to cullec tlm. A. L. JOHNSON, Jfatary Public, Rtal Estate t nt and Collector XUXodford, Ox-. I make conveyancing and furnishing ab stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans Bi;otiated and collections made. All baiiacss intrusted to ray care will receive yrostpt and careful attention. WILL. JACKSON, WENTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. TEETH EXR.CTED AT A 1,1. bcurR. Lxnghing eai ad IniluUteretl.if Jfltre4,&r which extra 'chare, will be made. 09ce and reiMenca on corner of California and lftk itreetl. A. C. QIBBS. L. B. BTKARNf GIBBS & STEAItNS, TTOBNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Rooms 2 and i Strowbritlgc's Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. VIII practice in all Rcnrti or Record in the State ol Oreron and Walnhinston Territory; and pay par ticalar attention to bnfllnrM in Federal Courts. Notice, U. S. Land Oitice at Roseburg, Or.., ) Oct. 0, 188 i. , Notice is herehy given pursuant to Act of Congress of Tunc 3 1878 for the sale of timber lands in the states of Califo-ma, Nevada, and in Washington Territory, that George H. Aiken has applied to pur chase the N E H of N w if N C of N E if andSE iforKJEif Sec. 32T32SR3 East Willamette Meridian. Any and al persons, elaiming adversely any of the above described lands must file their claims with the Register of the Land office at Roseburg Oregon, during sixty days puhlicationhereof, and failing to do to their rights will be barred by statute. Wm. F. Benjamin,. Register. UNION HOTEL, Kerbyville Oreson, M, Ryder, Propr. First-claw accommodation can always be had nt this house at the most reasona ble rates. EyAn excellent stable connected -with the hotel. mi FIRM'S STORE ! Colman's old stand. A, G. COLVIN, Hereby informs the public that he is dis- playing at the above ttand a first class stock of- General Merchandise o V Which he will sell At Very Low Prices. His stock consists of CLOTHING, Groccrio, Provisions, Etc, Everything is fresh and of good qual ity, and prices put down to The Lowest IMotch ! "Country Produce bought and sold. Remember Colman's old stand, and give me a call when in town. A. G. Coi.vin. NINETEENTH YEAR. S2.S3AS'S -aCADESSY. CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTERS OP THE BOLT XiJIE. THE SIIOLAST1C YEAR OF THIS school will commence about the end ot August, and is divided in four sessions, of elcvcD wcekscach. Board and tuition, pertcrm, $40.00 Music 15.00 Drawing and ptinting 8.00 Bed and Bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term 5 3.00 Junior, " COO Preparatoy " 8.00 Senior, " 1000 Pupils received at my time, and special attentioais paid to piiticular studies in behalf of children who have hut limited time. For further particulars apply al the Academy WIKTER OPETCISG AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Mi linsry Store. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW I and comp ele stock of Millinery goods, consisting of HAT -S OF ALL STYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, Genlleniius' and Ladies' Ihmlkcrcliiefs Call and see them al the building form erly occupied by Dr. Robinson on Califor nia street. MRS. P.P. PRIM. TABLE ROC5C SALOON, OREGON STREET, WIjYTJEjY and HELMS, proprietors. Tie proprietors ot tl.ii well known and popular resort world inform their friends and the public generally that it complete and firbl class stock of the hast brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc, are constantly kept on hand. They wili be pleased to have their fi lends "call and smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also be found here. Wc would be pleased to have persons posse-sing curio-ities and speci mens bring them in, and wc w ill place them in the cabinet for inspection. W1NTJKN & HELMS. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Tront and Morrison, t'ortland. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) Thishotci is thoroughly firc-orool. Con tains 120 elegantly furnished suits and sinsr'e rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. TYi 3jQriPcr day a' liome. "-' -I J u-C-USamp'es worth $5 Jjcc Address Bnsss.& Co., Porllamd, He THE STAFF OF LIF! THE ROGUE RIVER S 1BAH FLODRM MILLS HAVING RECENTLY BEEN RE fitted with al tiiodern.impiovemcnts, are now turning out a first-class article of flour, which is put up in one-fourth batrel sacks, and every sack is warranted to contain 40 pounds of flour If vou don't believe this, just compare a sack of our" flour with any other brand offered for sale in this market, and note the difference in weight. Flour and Mill-Feed Constantly 'on hand and exchanged for wucat. BARLEY ROLLERS. Having added a set ot Barley Rollers to my mill, I have set apart every Saturday to Roll liarley for customers. The work w ill be done on short notice, so that par ties can return with their grist the same day. I am prepared to roll barley al all times and in the best manner. This pro cess is far ahead of thecri'sher- G.KREWSKI. Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 18S3. Farmer's Store, MEDroRD, Oregon, ANGLE & PLY.V3ALE Prop's. Tlieundersicneii takes pleasure in an nouncing that he has opened his place of business in the m-w town of Mcdford, Or egou. andis now prepared to furnish, in quautiliesto suit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CANDIES, NUTS, DRY GOODS, CLOrilING, Etc. My stock is fresh and first-clas'?, and I propose to keepa full assortment of eery thiug in my line and sell at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER All I ask is a trial. CsTIIigliest price paid for Produce. Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE" GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain treitmcnt, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, ( onvulsions. Nervous Head ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory. Spcrmatorhoea, Impotenry, Involuntary emissions, premature o'd age, caused by over-exertion, sclt-abusc pr over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's tieatraent, one do iar a box, or sit boxes for five dol lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt 0f pi ice We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each ouler received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dol lar, we will send ths purchaser our writ ten guan-ntec to return the monev if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued only by WoomuD, Clarke & Co., Wholesale ant1 Retail Druggists, Port land, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, JACKSONVILLE, T. T. McKENZI. PB0P; HAVING ASSUMED THE MAN agemcM ot 'his resort, I propos keeping it stocked with he finest Lrauds of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, And will be pleased to receive a call from all who wish the host in my line. Sat istaction assur d. T. T. McKENZIE. M iEBlCfi -IN ?? JLLiU AT THE SL0VER HOTEL- BOASD AIID LOBGIMS Best house for the money this side of Portland. G. A. HUSBELL, Real Estate Agent, AUCTIONEER, 5Uwi0r, fgotaqg gfaMir, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office in Dr. Aiken's building on Tal ifornia street. a1! business entrusted lo my care will receive prompt and careful atuauoo. e. a. Hubiceu. Sumtrons. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1 State of Oregon for the county tf Jackson, Louise Bish plaintifLjts. Thss. B. Bish. Defendant. Suit in "equity for divorce. To Thos. B. Bish the above niimed de fendant: In the name of th'efStale of Oregon, you arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed 'against vou to the above ent tied suit, Jin whicli Louis" Bisli is. plaintiff andThos. Bish aefendant, on or before tliejfirst day of the next t rm of said Circuit Court to wil : On the 10th day of Novemter18S4; and if you fail to appear and answer, de fault will be taken against you-jfAud. for want of answer the p iinliiyCITij'ply, to said court for tli" le ief demandetf in 'said cemplaint, which is for a decne yf said couit dissolving the marriage contract existing between said plaintiff and defen dant, and for the c:ro'and custoey of the two children and for the costs and dis bursements of this suit. Published by order of Hon. L. R. Webster, Circuit Judge, nwde -'cpt 19, 1834. H.KELLY. Attorney for Plaintiff. T Business Notice. This is to notify the public that I have opened an office in Jacksonville at the southeast corner of California and Fifth streets where I will be ready at all times to transact business, such as the drawing up of DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, AGREEMENTS, Leases, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale, etc etc. Abstractor of Land Titles. Sell Real Estate, and attend to making out Homestead papers, Pre-emption papers, also draw up.a I papers pertaining to the settlement of estales Collector of Accounts, prompt remittances made. Invesinent Se curities a specialty; Jackson Louuty Scrip bought and sold. Prompt reply made to letters. Charges in accoidancc with the times. Rtfrrs by permission, to C. '. Beek man, Esq , ' anker lo Hon. L. R. Web ster, Judge of this judicial district, and to any business house in Jacksonville. c I LAS J. DAY. Notary Public for 'Tegon. CHANGE IH MANAGEMENT or, T2IE U. . fiSOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - Ogn, Having taken charge of this hotel the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that a complete change will he made. M?2xo Tatolo will ha supplied with eveiything the market affords, and a general renovation of the Sods vza.d Koosna will he made. The patronage of the pub lic is solicited. J. DeRobomi. Notice. Land Office, Rosebcro, Or., ) Nov. 3, 1834. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk o! Josephine County, at Kerbyville, Oregon, on Saturd ty Dec. 13, 18?4. viz: Artlicr A. Porter, Home Mead No. 3573 for the W Uaf N AV t, N W M of S AV 1-1 ai.d Lot"4 Sec. 15 T 36 b R G West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dene upon, and cultivation of, slid land, viz: Samuel Hiirkncss, T. F. Croxton, Frank Lincoln of Grants Pass, and Omar Vannoy of Kcrbvville, Oregon AVm. F. Benjamin, Register. Administrator's Notice In the matter of the estate of Melinda Catherine Cox deceased. NOTICE is herehy given that the under signed has been appointed by the County 'Court of Jackson county. Ore con, sitting in Probite. Administntorof the estate ol Melinda Catherine Cox, -deceased. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to settle the same immediately, and those having claims against the s tate will present them with the proper vouchers to the undei signed, residing at Eacle Point, Jackson counly, Oregon, within six months from the first publica tion orthis notice. RUFUS COX, Administrator of said estate. Dated Sept. C. 1884. Executrix's Notice. In the matter or the estate of George H. YounL'. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, sitting in Probite, executrix of the estate of George II. Younir, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requcs'tcd to settle the sime immtdiately. and thoc having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, residing at Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, within six months from tiic first publica tion of this notice. ELIZABETH YOUNG, Executrix of said estate. Dated September C, 1584. F.RITS CHARD, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AD JEWELER, California Srft-t, JVI AKES a specially of droning and re iVJL pairing watches and clocks. My siaje are reasonable. Give me a calL Piles! Piles! Piles! A SURE CURE FOUND AT EAST! NO ONE NEED SUFFEK! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Or. AVil iam, fan Indian Remedy,, called Dr. AVilliam's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or SO years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm than good. AVilliam's Ointment absorbs the juniors,, allajs the intense itching, ghniijep. gettinj Hvr.Lfii?'? l5, American Bjard. It jp.-Tucuiany ai nigni imer- getting Mvnyi in bed,) acts as a poultice, eives instant relief, and is prepared on'y for Piles, itch ing of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the non. J. 31. Cofllnberry of I leveland rys about Dr. AVilliam's In dian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of Pile ' uies, and it affouU me pleasure to say hat I have never found anything which gave such immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. AA'illiam's Indian Oint ment. For sale hv al' druggists or mailed on receipt of price. $1.00. HENRY & CO., Proprietors, Cleveland, O. noDOE, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Port and, Oregon. Eai 'f$SV!W$ a a v 22S33i . .L'.K-'J.J- zia B EE3J TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LSVER., and MALARIA. , , From tlieso sources ariso tIircc-iourt!i3 ot the diseases of tho hutran race. Thcso symptoms indicate their exlotcnco :! ol Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick Ilcail ncUe, fullness after eating:, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Krnctation or food, Irritability or temper, Xoc? spirits, A feelinB or having neglected. nmedntyX)lzxluc8s,ZriuUerln,rail.a ITeart,Iot9 before tlio eyes.lilglily col ored Urine, COXSTIPATIO.V, and de mand tho uso of a remedy that nits directly outho I.lvcr. AsaLIverweaicInoTDTT'a rn.t.9 havo no equal. Their action on thi KUney3andSltfni3alsoprompt;rcmovin; nil impurities mrougn ini beso thrco ' scav engers ox xno sysiem," prmiuuiu aiipu tito, sound dlsestinn, rrfruhir stools, a clear Ekiaandavisorousbodv. TUTT'! PILLS cuuso no ntrav.a or griping nor lutertsro with dafly work and aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, TilTT'S Mi Ml. Grat IIatr or Viiiskeu3 changed In, stantly toaUtoisr Black byaslnglo ap Tl'catioa of this DTE. Sold by Drussists, c sent by express on receipt of S I. OEco, 1 Murray Street, New 1 ork. PJTT'3 HABOAL 0? USEFUL RtfWTS FEES. THS 1SDUSD OOLLLffi AND NORMAL SCHOOL, Four courses of study. Normal and Commercial College, Preparatory und In strumental music. Foi particulars or catalogue apply to the undersigned al Ashland, Oregon. M. G. ROYAL, A. M. President Tho Buyers' Guide la la sted March and Sept., each iyear: iilti pages, SVsll '!,r. I.n. trill, '.,"! S-f.m (V kM g'.f 3Sw JM J .MbUW, 11.. V.1 w,v- illustratioiu r hole pic ture gallery. .ves w hole- &8& sale prices trcci to consume ju all goods for personal or family u . Tells how to order, and gives erar oost of every thing jou nee, cat, drir wear, or have fun with. These inva ible books con tain information gleaned from tho mat kcU of tho world. AVe will mail a cony Fl-ftO to any address upon receipt of the postage .cents. Let us hear Irom. you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO- :ar & SS9 tV-i Annac. Chtcc-i. IIL AWAKtSSSS us. - Hi3r.rrs extlrkil pile KEJiCDr G'-cs lrc!;r.t Re!::f, snj hsn in.'.iubb CURE FOR ALL KtKDS OF PiLES. rV.d by Druggists e cry v. bcrc Price, "1.00 rr bo-, prrpnin, by mail. Samples sent tft to I'hvsXnns id ell sufTerers. lv N -.wtaciltei" & Co., lov S01C, New York r-.- Pol.- manufactures of A.N'AKrJSIS sS-sjrtirt.-'. 5:. 9 y-;'-i. . '-1 K zp- ,n- t- L -3? "v-iva f --Ti ' S'.i. - tw , I.,- ?V1 V aXOZ. v- iy-'?-$: f t f i-i)v(. t "r; rti rii appl'tanf raid to i t ij.:fo"M iIv ; car without nrd-rinsCJt. c ..u'lTi. 'rstKitKi.ia, &r"s. desert plioa and pr'cis Cr )iUaU -u VefjpftJiie ai.d Flower "cd l'ia-u. -tr 2ttV2tun1le tf 111. " ivrraDV 57. fzfk LEinoiT. PATBKTK TVe cuntin-'j to act as Solicitors for Palants. Caveats. T-ilo Marts. Crpyriftils. etc. Iortt'0 Ui..U. S'ln tai ciia. Cuta. Erla. d. France (ien-isn etc Late i-J :h!rt)-ilto j cars' c-AperSencc. iv.e its titiii ed UuifhE5arer.(t!ccdInthe Fciestimc .'S-'HiCAN rrnMarrea. dspierdid i'l'istrated wcellyis'cr. SS.20a yt-jr. th, wit therniprws tlitler re. SMrrj iitereslirp. and Has an in mous eirrnlatiin. Address MINN t Co, I'ate it Solicit! rs. lab's if itiESTinc A9K3ICAX. 2--.1 Broaday.New Virt. Haud txxik htoui Paiat .'me. a week in your own town. Terms 'and S3 outfit free. Addrcs. II lLsiJJ.Tr it Ce, Potllaad IUiugo. r x a-i rr&-iJ P TJ fV rjsrjJi VJ s- t 'sE5' ''kXX BUTTS' - DM. W'IHTALAj'S RIDE. How Oregon Was Snatched- from the Hudson Bay Company. Galloping for "Washington and Webstlr" A Terrible Trip Across the Plains in Mid wintkr The Re turn Caravan. In 1836 Dr. Marcus Whitman tnal fain partner, Spaulding, with tlitir wire, wtnt to Oregon under tha u- was a bridal tour, begun Irt'.Mui a.il ed at tlin gates of Fort AValla Wall in September. A cuiious feature of the trip was an old wagon, knovn in history as "AA'hitmah'a wagon." He was (letrmined to get it" through to demonstrate the feasibility of emigra tion. The Hudson By Company dis couraged eiery roll of iti old wheels, and tltrew every obstacle in the way. It was dismembered, dragged liv pipce", ingloriouIy dwindled to the di mpiuions of a cart, hut, through tlir indomitable will of its owner, it kept rolling toward the Pacific. Piiortol812, thu United States and England weie in joint occupation of the Oregon region. It wa generally understood that the country would be English or American, according to the tide of emigration. One day in October, 1842, Dr. Vhitman was called on a professional errand to Fort Walla AValla, twenty five miles from his home It was a trading pont of tho Hudson Bay Company, and was quite jutiliant just at thii tinit. over the annual line of gcod. Tables were spread for the feast, at which tho doctor found him self a So'itary Amelia m. The festivi ties were at flood tide, when an ex press courier rushed into the fort and shouted that an English colony of 140 persons was on its way up the Coluin bin. In the excitement of the mo merit a young Englishman jumped to his feet and exclaimed, '"Hurrah for Oregon! America is too late! we hae got the country!'' The drctor excused himkelf at the earliest possible rao neut, and in two hours pulled up his foam flfcki". pony at his cabin door, niacin known the English plot btfore diimounting, and his determination to ret out for Wiuliington and return tlm nvxt summer with a caravan of emi grants. None could dissuade him; he tnustgo;tlte rebter AUilmi ton Ufa ty was pending; the Oregon question mu be settled before congress ad journeil on the 4:h of March; Oregon must be saved! CROSSING TIIK CONTINENT. In !fs than twenty four hours ho was in the saddle, galloping for 'Washington and Vbster." Home and wife bu'uiud bim, wiater and 4,000 milet before bim! With Amos L Lovejoy and a guide, he bounded over the trail, through Fort Hall, whosa iealous commandant would have beea glad to Lava been detained him bud ho not shown a "pass"' from Lewis Case, secretary or war. The nioun tniii'i are passed, but winter is betting in, and has a. ready frozen the rivrrx to rapid cuerent. Impassably Not to the doctor and his eirxnd of life or death to Oiegoul He rides Ins horse to the edge, Miid then horse und rider are pushed into the angry current; out of sight; there tliey aro flatiiig far down to thu other side; a jump to ih ict-; good lirt and dry clothes again. Loit in tlm snow; w-mdr-iing; freezing; ding; almoit buried; hope entirely gone; epry aenue of esca a cut on saedliya mul3 ear! His Mexican rider noticed some peculiar twitching and movements of the auricular appendages, as if their own er was cogitating a scheme. In a little while the animal, left to himself, led them to the slumbering embers of their morula, fire. Precious time lost! Seven days to Fort AVinler for another guide; an ex tra ride f jr Whitman! To avoid lioe tilo Indians lie makes a sharp dt-ticc tion to the. south at Fort Hall, to go by Salt Like, and theucj to Bent's fort on the Arkana, and follow up the Santa Fe trail. Herr he is at a branch-of the Arkansas;, no material for fire on y on tha other side; thin ice;rapid curretr; Whitman lays flit on his back "wrigglp.V himself across secures wood ana poshes it back over tlm thin ice. Bent's fort? half w& threo months in the saddle! his companion broken down and left; new out (it. After retting four dajs the wiry doctor take the spur again, aud scatters rumors of an imrueine emigration to Oregon? "Meet us at Wtport on the Mis souri next June!' "Good wagon road!" As he came flying up the trail he dis tributed circulars, settiag rat tat ad vantages aud rciourcaaof the wonder ful El Dorado "Nat June we will meet tent" In nch tnthuisura bo arrived in St. Li'dis; though nipped in nf nes, tee, hands aud face, he could talk of bat one business the fate of Or'gnti; "Westport next June!" "Is thu country passable?" "Passable" we can imagine him replying "Look at me; I Uivts eomv throtiglHn .-lhntdeadr of winter!'' One Took would havo for ever impressed upon memory; buffalo overcoat and head; "ouckskin breeche?; fur undergarments and vest; fur leg gina; boot moccasins; face scarred with the bitter frosts; "meet us in June," and he is o" for Washington, whero he arrives March 3d, the last day of the session, and just five months from thn da) when ho spurred down tho vttlley from Fort Walla Wulla. RACK TO OREGON. But what of the treaty? It had beu signed and proclaimed as the law of tho laud two mouths before he hkd set out, and ratified while he was lost in th tuountains. Four thousand miles and Oregon luft out. Will this weather beaten, frost bitten man have galloped to Washington for nothing? Not he. He rides through Washing-, ton about as he lad done over the mountains and up the southern trail; "early iu Juno you will meet me." From department to department, to the White House, everywhere, rumors are flj ing fast of a great Oregon- emi gration. President and secretaries be come infected with his enthusiasm. The British premier proposed to hold Oregon for English emigrants. If Marcus Whitman could get his emi grants thare, Danitd AA'ebster proposed likewise to stand by them. No "meet" f3r n chase was ever called which had in it uuch magnetic charm as that Juno "meet on the banks of the Missouri. AVhitman was there, ovtrseeing, organizing, electri fying. People wero githering from ihu north, cast, and south One man came from Texas, haxing received ontr of Whitman's flying circulars at home. The last canvass was packed and tho canvass stretched over the great hoops. AVhat a proud monument it must han been for the doctor to have seen 200 wagons whrol into line, with 875 emi grants and 1,300 cattle headed for the distant "half mythical" Oregenv No train aver had more elements of strength, none a btttdr cammaader. Tim Government dapmized John C. Fremont, with viral wraps aits as an rscert. The vigorous doeter pr crdad hti escort r arty aiua days! Aftw lit gallant rick' of 4,000 miles ht felt safe enon-h with his company, though mor- than httlf of thein were fcomen arid childicn. A tin, the. sounds of horse-hoof are breaking upon tho ear of an affection ate aud solicitous wife, nnd Marcus Whitman is i-ding from the shadows of tint Cascade Mountains and i soon in her arms thri'o mouths from the Missouii aud eleven from the day w hen he took stirrup for "AVashingtoa nnd AA'ebstei" aud Oregon. "There followed him into the splendid valley in little companies, and in long, weary tile, j ided und battered, and mended ufter mountain style, 200 emigrants wagons. Thej inn. tied their families here und there, the woman and child ten nod featured all about were cattle anil dogsj while lank back wood. men, with tho ineii'ablu rifla, lounged and strolled. And they continued to ar tive even after the light snows of tho country had come. It was the army of occupation for Oregon." Tlm question was settled Oregon was saiied, and in threo years made tht lubject of a satisfactory treaty. But altis' for her savior and his noble tvife? Nov. 29, 1874 the saddest pHn of Oregon's history and about ,enr ufter the reatyr they wero maxsacrtd by the Indians. Syrapior Flss. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to die Palate, ncceptalbe to tho Stonucn, Irtrniles in it nature, pain less in its action. Cures habitua Cbnstipation, Billiousness, Indigestion, nnd kindred ills. Cleanses the system, putifies the Mood, rxgulaies the liver nnd nets on the Bowel. Breaks up Colds, Chills ami Fevers, etc. Suengthens the nrgons on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous ttiedicines, pills. fc,ilts nn,l draughts. Simple bottle free, tuid large bottle for siiih bv Jienilt'J: Robinson, Jacksonville,