r UREflOH 8EBT1HEL JACICSUNV1I.1.K Saturday. November 15, 18S4. Church Notice. Th members of lh Prefjyteriati Mite Society are re aueated to meet in tits basement ut tkn Church next Wedursday evening when buiinest of ituportanco will come up and a full meeting; it requested. School Election. The elector of tliii district are again c&llud on to vote next Monday evening, to decide whether a tax nlia.11 ! levied 10 sup port our public- school. We Iio e vary friend of the free school system will turn out and cast, his vote fur the tax. Jackson County. This county at the Presidential election, as canvassed by ihe Board, cave the following vote: Clevelind, 1,252, Blaine, 948, Duller, 32, St. John, 4G, Btlva Lock wood 000 Thi Rive Cleveland a mijority over all of 13G, a very good showing for Jackson county. Rich Stiuke. C". McCuIlougb of "Willow Siintics 'iirecfncE "found a fijiocket5,of -quartz, the other 'day from " -tlst B-rc1i2e'crnrarry"?30D, ponwi lug it cut in a hand mortar, llie pace whore the rock &h- fouud in about a quarter of a mile north of the Schuinpf lpdge and some prospector will yet niako a fortune when the main ledgo is found. The numerous disoov eries made in that section go to prove that there is pyiiig quarlz all around and pro.pecting should b continued. The Mackgy Cash. The two Mackejt, father and son, tri-d in Jose- phine county for the Murder of Alike Purcell not long since, xere tried at the last term of Court fur that county nnd both found guilty of murder in the first degree. The kenlrnee, which, of course, would be hanging, lias not yet been pruned as counsel for the defendants has moved for a' nw trial the motion lo Im argued befme Judge Webster some time this- month. Opinion seeniH to be about equally di vided on this case and the e iu'ence is all circumstantial. Remains Found Several days ago while Wiu. Gray and Win. Reynolds were prospecting around for mump building rock near the South fork of Little Butte cieek they found the re nadirs of a human being buried lens than one foot undeigiouud. There wa no sign of any cotliu and in fact nothing wag found but the bones. Whether this was a murder in enly times is a couundrutn far our pioneers t answer. It appear that no'hing but rocks had been thrown over the eorp&s when buried and thn discover era left it in the same condition. Clue Call While out hunting near the head of Wagm r creek not long ince, B. C. Goddard, Sr., sccom pttnied by Carlos mid another son, they found a muley cow itb her head last iu the hollow of a stump itnl un aele to extricate Ueielf. It took the patty some ti.ne to re ease her sa thev had no axe along. She had evidently been fust, for several day and the storm of next day would probably have killed her. The brant allowed that she belonged to Sam Phillip of Appb-gBte and the owner to be just heiild le ward these parties with the calf that was along. New Organization. A local union of the Woman's Ciuistinn Temi eiance Union waa instituted Thursdm, Nov. 13th, when the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. He v. Bick enbach; vice president, Mrs. Rfbncra McDouotth and Mrs. Mnrv E Dm; cirpponding secretary, Mi"H Anuit E. J ihnson; refolding secirtarv, Mi.s Am a A. Bilger; treasurer. Mis. V. J. Ply male. After organiz'ng th unioa Rejourned to mem ivt the M. E Church Tuesday, Nov. 25 h, at 1 i it At which meeting all friends of th causs are cordially invited to be pres cnt, Anna P.ilceh, Sec. Lodcu Instituted. On Saturdav evening of latt vreek DiBr;ol Deputy V. J. Plymale, accompanied by nev eral members of Burner Loilgp. of thin place, went to Medfotd nnd instituted a lodgs of the A. 0. U. W i h twen ty six charter member. The ofiu-ers of the lodgn am as follows; P. M. V., Geo H. William.; M. W, A.L John Boa; Foremsn, W Burr; O ereer, M Rodgers; Recorder, Taic Wolf; lie crirer, D H Miller; Financier, Cim. -Strang; GuidP, F. JI. V orbee. Iiuide Waichuian, A. S. Johnson; Ou sidi "Watchman, P. 0. Wilrou. After the closing of the lodge the new initiate invited thuir visiting brethren, anions whom we aUo noticed sevetal from Ashland, to a fine nupper at the Med ford Hole! which seemed to be thoroughly appreciated l.y all present. The lodge starts out with bright pros pects and we wish it success. Reliciou-i Itkms Regular srrvi ces ut the Presbyterian church next Sunday both luornii'g and owning, conducted by Hev. A. It Biekenbach. Sunday School at 2:30 P M ...There will be regulars I vice in the Ci'holic church, Rev. F. X. Blanche! official ing....Rev. E Glttins will preach at the M. E. church in this place next Sunday, both morning ami eveni'g ....Elder M Ptteitou will hold verv icss at Grants Pass to diy (8turd u) evening and at Jiimu oil-Joe on Sin day . . . . Rev. Mr. Folson of the M. E. Church, South, will t-otiti arrive at th's place and tafcn chaign of the woik Jiere. .. .The first quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, South, will be held at Eagle Point on Nov. 29ih and 30th. .... Hereafter there will be church services at Phoenix every Sabbath morning. Rev. A. 0. Fnirchihl preaching on tho 3d Sabbath of each month, both morning nml evening. and Rev. A. R. Bickenbach preaching on tk remaining Sulcata morning. Local Items- B. F. Dowell has returned from Portland. Thanksgiving ono week from next Thursday Piymale's livery teams are always in demand. Klamath county official gives Cleve land 21 majority. Undershirts 25 cts. each at the New York Store. Read Fred Grob's advertisement and give him a call. A Urge reduction in dress goods at Solomon ii Menvor. " Clothing S5.00 a suit and upwards at the New York Store. Ladies and childrcns hose at any price, Solomon & Mentor. Tli os. Collins came back from Harney valley this week. The Odd Fellows of Grant's Pass will jive, a ball on the 2b'th. One dollars worth of goods for 50 cts. at the New York Store. - Callatjthe'New Yoik Store, dnd.'see if'ther iiter.oiswiitig' out-avcost.-fcji-.- -" JX-V 1"" ' J. 0. MeCullr his'returned from Portland. So has John A. Ilanley. Marshal McDaniel is still quite low but Has improving at Iat accounts. Lidiop, gents and uliildreus sho cheaper than ever at Solomon & Men sors. Preduce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at Solomon & Men- bOIS. We need more wood and must have (hat or the money to buy it with at once. Mitres button shoes 50 cIh. a paii and upwards at tho Nuw York More. Business cnmnipnrea iu earnest next Monday when ciiiiiinul cubes will be taken up. Politics hay subsided, we are glad to vay, nd everybody has gone to work again. Mavor Willard of Ashland and Frai.k Hasty of the fame place paid us a vLit this week. Eb. Dimick of Grants Pa-s iu in town i-ervinj; hi country a a witi.eis Hit fjmilv is a,!so here. John A. Caiter and family, hav-return-d from a viit to friend in Siskiyou county, California. THAT HACKING COUGH can Ik bo quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guiautee it. Call at Biooks'. Mrs. G. Karewski returned from San Francisco l.tst Thursday morning after a piotracted visit t thit city. R. Benedict ot Applegite nnd Mis J. I. Knight of Wildt-rville vveie iimi ilea iu Joteidiiue county la&t Sat urday. C. C. Cherry of the firm of Cherrv t ParL-K, fouudrv men of Albany, vHs here this week looking at our iron mines. Max Rjstel of Yreka, a brother of our fellow townsmen, won ?00 in the last drawing of the llavauna lottery. Win. M. Turner hss been appointed administrator of the eslste of Fuel Heber, deceased. Read his notice nUewhere. Solosion & Mensor, opjintite D. Linn's cliin-t shop, olFer giet bi usins in their entire line ofgeniul msrcliAiidise. Ed. Bvoth, who has been at Seattle, W. T., for soiiih time past returned home WediiHMlay and rt ill rcuiiiudur ing the Winter. A large lot of the famous Morrison plows were received by K. Kuiili t! is eek whioh he is selling at teduced tric-H. Call mid extmine. M. E Pogue is now Postmaster ai Gold Hill. Nickell hones to be tin man iu charge uf this postollice when Cleveland "takes the chair." Old man Pollock died at the countv hospi'al and was nearly 100 years of a-je. His wife urarly of the uif iige lie I at tha hospital not lung since. Dr G. H. Aiken now ride around inne of th"! latest impiov-ed carts ilk top on. G A. Ilubbell I, us also teceivrd one. Tin v are nobby ligr. Tin- brick work on the Red Men and Kubli buildings is lu-aily all finish fil and ih rtipentern have commenced a oik with J. T. Ruloion in charge. CUelind carrie I fsikivou county by 152 uiijurity while C. II. Pv le raiii-d the couuly by 2 1 1 1 a j u i i I v as the Republican liuumwe for the ufttui bly. Nat Lingell siys its a mistake about there being only one sho maker ihop in tOU. lie will devcte his - 'ire tium to the kusiu'-as after March 4th. A fine lot of furniture of all kinds can always br found Kt David Linn's. He alsn maki'x a specialty of the un drt taking bus:ness, furnishing beanie and all. A movement is on foot to erect a niotiume'il io tho irrmorj of Generul Joseph Lsne, who was Governor of Oiegou Tenilorv in 1819, and again in 1853. Numerous improvements are being made to the County Hospital on the D-Rnboam place uud all the patients declare themselves well B tisfied with the change. John Orth found his ovprcost bv advertising iu the Sentinel and Win. R Jones informs us that Mrs. Ish has sold every apple that it is possible to spare, through the tame cause, and still the "immensil?" had nothing to do with reaching th-esult Outside of local legal talent we notice Rufus Mallory of Portland aud E. L. Applegate and J. T. B.dilch of Ashland in attendance on the Cir cuit Court. M. M. Estee, ex-Governor Terkius and ex Senator Sargent are mentioned as prominent candidates for Senator from California to succted Farley, Democrat. Clay Dollarhide at the Toll House was in tii ti week. IIw a as a suit wiih the railroad company for damages but the trial has not yet taken place. If you have nothing to give thanks for over the election go to Ashland on the 27th and attend the Knights of Pythias Ball aud you will be happy fcr a while at least. The Demociacy of this State will jubilate over the election at Portland next Wednesday tnglit. llie. lit-puli-iicans expect to ho'.d iheir celebration some later day at tome point on Salt River. George S Howard has been doing lots of riding this wiek serving mih poena oh witnesses in criminal cases, acting assiiecijllhSheriff-for the Di '"'f" ars's,,,.,.,!!.! h'j'i,envS5'!?'!, ,- ,m-.-Z- m aaaiS S11111111M The grand jury havo bten invpsti gating to see who it whs that was g'ving minors in this town intoxicat ing drink. We have heard of no iu dlctineuts ut but hope un examtJe will be made of :oine one if Uik piac tice is kept up The Birnes place near Jacksonville is offered for sale and full piriii'iilarn can ba had by applying to C. C. B-i'k man at 'hi-i place. Ttiis is one of tlu-he-,t farms in Soiithrrn Oregon and will be slid at a baigstn. Dr. W. F. Kienmr is now loca'ed n Shiii'h valley here he will be fou"d in chargo of Dr. Stanley's drug s'ore vhich Iih bought not long since. He ill practice just tlii same, however, ar.d wi I attend to alls at any time. Coiisltble Birdsey made two arrets 'his wppk, one, Edvvjrd Johnson for .i'ss.ult einl battery, and ihe oilier, Eli' C i Po en, for Ateuling an over coat. Bjth psities were found guiltv tn Justice's touitund pain their fines. Two initiations in the Encamp ment branch of thu order of Odd Fellows last Tuesday iiihr. broiijh "'() n leveral uiemlorK 01 th" onler Irntu Ashlaml. A sujiper at Sovi' 'lotel was indulged in after the cere tioiiies. Dr. L. L Whitney who Ins just located at Eigle Point is u graduate of the medicil college at Cleveland Uhio and also has a dt loma from the Kansas eclectic school. He served lour years in the amy aud can hh w aeveial woumla teceived. Sulky Plows, Ging Plown, Reversa vie tooth and smooiliiug IIarrove, lr lid icven tooth eulunlur, ploM uud ill kinds of itg'icullural iiiipleuients justieceived by Bilger Si M.n-glv di rect f i oni thu fauloiies in the Etst. farmers call aud sen them. Powder was burnt nil ever the United Slates by both paitiesufter the electiun, cum day one par:y being on top and the next day tho other and ii eiiiiiided us of the election in 137G From present app-arancei the Demo crats will get the last shout. Mr. A. P. Armstrong, principal of he Portland business, college, reports 'hat tlte atti lid-nice at his school is i acidly increasing. The latt addi tions am Miss Del'a Cardwell of J.ick sonville, R. A. IveU-v of PeMille'nu tnd A. M. Cohver of Mar.lilieM, Cons county. About tli3 finest lot of ir.il inery 40011s ever liiouglit to Jacssniiviup imi jtlst been ojened out at Mrs. Piini's store. It cnisis of sil kinds of ha's mil bonnets, trimmings of all kind-, tfs at hers, ladie.s' underupar, in f.iei -very thing lequiied by the fur st-x. Look iu aud v,re the assortinrlit. W Hcknowlede a pleaanl call this week ft out J. R. Steele, traveling ieut and coriespondeiit for the 'Daily News" of PortlanJ; Tin paper has improved wonderfully since ch-nige in iiitiisvemi-nt has taken p'ace and it is deserving of a libeia jiutiouage ibtouhout this ecli u. E. J. Jeffiey of Portland, Chainnaii of the IVmociatie Sute Cennal Coin tniltee, was ht;re sni(.raj Iiouik las' Tuesday nnd one cruel Jiepiililn-aii in funned us th it he cam- i '-.te.il" llie vote of Jnckson'-couuty for ifte D-iiiii c nts. Iu s!i,iv tliat w are lilieral we will concede it io thai pnrtv witliout contest. The lodge of Knights of Pi I bias of Aslil.did will goe a Mucisl oarty uml dance at that place on the evening of Tiisuk-giving nilii and imitations will soon im sent out. Th fact of Messis. Willard, Hasty nnd uther li'ing in i huge as iiian-jgeis insures Its I eing a suc.ess nnd all who attend will have a good time. As there vvns so much bu-itie.ss be fore l ha grnd jury aid the latge number of wi'iie-ss leqnned to te examined befme tint lodv, Jaityi Webster ilischnrged all the trial juror until Monday nexr when enininal business will be taken up. The Is selt stage robbirv case will plobal ly be the first no taken up. Tims. D.Ross celebrated his 20th birthday on Thursday last, lie was the ireipient of a plras.mt urpiip partv tendered him at the i.-.i.lcni e of Mrs. Shiply by his friend- ii. J.icks n ville and was also ureiiaded nt the same time and place by the Jackson ville silver cornet band. Elegant re freshmen'si were nrvnlatid ibeevening was one long to lie lemembered bv Tom and his inativ fiien Is. A'-out 30 persons were piespnt nnd we j iiu with them in wishing him long life and happiness. At a meeting of tho Board of Trus tees this week Chas. 11. li'tin was elected City Marshall to hold until such time when Marshal McDaniel can resume his official duties during the pre.ent term. The appointment is a good one and wa expect to sen Mr. Bean make a wide awake and ellkien' official something that has been need--' ed for so mo titre. A train of ten new Mitchell wagons were brought to town Tuesday by George Freeman for K. Kubli. One wagon was hitched after tho other but Freeman made tlw turns in the streets without any trouble using only one .(pan of horses. These wagons cannot be excelled anywhere and Mr. Kubli says he will sell them for les than wagons wre offered for sale here be fore. Look at them. Jickson county lias Vpn sued for $1,000 damages by E. C. Brooks. The cause of action is based on the runa way of Mr. Brooks' team not Ions since tho vlainiiff claiming that it was ciused bv a culeert llwt was badly iu need of lepiirs S-ieral persons and a valuable horse weie badly injured at thu tium and if the county is made to 0 u t t V iu Baflrf 'ivnTOWmiJ V j,i- " ' TStsaVK At a'aiubipe;'of'the'T'DeTOOcracvoF this place over the nows of the prnb abl election of Clevelind and Hftl driek", the (would be) II in. J. R. Neil itiadu a peech in whic'ihesaid th it ii. one ye.r after the inaugura tinn of Cleveland aud Hendricks one third of il.e preient federal office holdeis w-duid be iii the penitentiary. Th f.icl that J.imes was defeated for I.Hislaiuie last June in a Deieocratic county of over three hundred maj iritv would indicate that the people had nl'O'il the Mine opinion of him ai he has of the fed em I ollice holdeis. S!iss Henrietta Moore of Marion, Ohio, chiirni in of theO ganizing Com miltse f the National Woman. Chris liui Teinpentnce Union, lectured at the M. E. Church on iVednei-day evening The l.i y is u forcible pleas nut .spe.iker,lid pio-eiited the cause of Temper. nee fiom moral, social, poli'i cil ami scientific standpoints, illustrut ins: h'T dia30urM with graphic pic'ure from real life; hl ailvocaled piohibi tniii, mill the lepeil of the licence laws arguing thit persons who en jnge in tin- diiul: trulii: which i-li-iliZ'il and pio cried, :ue not lis re -pon-ib e fur the terrible eviU that re suit ft inn it ns tho government that fosters it. Her lee'ure wa earnest and interesting, currying wi'h it the conviction that,! he speaker has thgres:t cnuse she so a dy represents sincerely at heart. On Thursdiy afternoon she met the ladles of Jacksonville by kpec ial appoint ment and organized a lode W. C. T. U. ? Bold Rocdi'.uy Lst Sj inlay even ing alioilt 0:0 P."TI.lsJ.,'Uli .liovvn party with a in tsk over his fuio en leieo the rallroail officii nt Medfonl nd wiih cocked levolv.-r in hand dr-uiunilt-t! of ugeut Cuniiiugham the con tents of the safe. The request way complied with, as Mr. C. says he did not know what else to do , when the robber departed with about SCS0 in o!d and silver coin. About 300 of this amount belonged to K-iiiuy .1: Wolteri, who kept it theie ou deposit, anile the balance belonged o the in.il io id company mid to Cunningham in ilivuluilly. A rewttid of 300 is iiffeied for the captuie of the thief by ihe iiiilroad compmr and olficeiw me on thu vi, tell forUsp"cli-d partiis. It wus'a bold pi.ie of woik to my the leist anil was no doubt done by some oim luqiuiiited around the premises nd !uiiuundiiigs. Tuaciic Death. At the coronet's inquest held at Seattle over the body of the old man who mm luuoveruittl killed a tew days ago by a train ner Ri-nloii, it vi as hscpi lainril that his iisinu wits Thoin isSuee. Frlriidswho Ind known hltu for yeara identified In ill. He cine to Cilifomia iu 1840. out when lht war of tho lebeihoii broke out hn went eust and fought in lefenseof Ids country. At the clo-e of I lot iar he again returned to the .Last, and finally settled at Jackson ville, O ejnn, where he remained for seiernl veins. Hu was a carpenter by 'lade D ceitM-tl vi.is also a member of ihe Ma-time fraternity, nnd steps have already been taken by that order to ive the re in a ins a decent burial 0 egon Tin: Gaj .he se.irou t piled, niiti any one vihotdiill kit! iheut itetueeii now nml July 1st will be amity of ii misdemeanor. Abo for ihe Killing; of br4tok tiout, anil iiuv peison li.ivin in bis iossession or u itching tne htinni between now nnd Apt il 1st will l.n "euilty of a luisileineauor. P. rs iu.s found miilty and convicted are stilj ci io :i line of not les than 10 nor mure t'niii $100, or iuiirisonuieut not less iliau five thivs nor more than thief mtiii'lis, or both iuiprisiinii eiit Hi.tl line. O'lehalf of the fine ";os li ih- informer iiutl the other to the pro; cut lli n torney. The Oui:aoM anu California Ex TCXSI .X i'lte tendeis fur llieooinple. Hon tit the Oreemi and Ctliforuii rail eiiul vveie opened ill Loudon on the 22d n' October and the Oregon C'Ui siruction coiiiptuv, of ibis cilv- (Messrs D I'. Thompson and R M Steel) weie the successful biibbrs. The con true', if let, i understood to embrace the romplere luiiidiii", nml equipment of the ruatl excejtt to rtdliii s'oek, and embr.ices ulft) the scepiii! of the road iu rp.ir for one year after completion. It i understood ilm t-onlract pricn is about 82,000.000 "Oipconiaii." NoTlCi' All indebtptl tr, Dennis i Mnrumi for pumps u ill please c ill at Giro Brother's s'nro at Phornix and settle. Dennis i Mougan. lav damages for their neglect we hope t h rwi I U liereM I er tUm.M per UsdS&bVirlScPWlE inn t i iTT-ii-io.1 vnsri i liiiiiiii uiiiiiik. lM. . S Jt u 3sprflJMojicr iJmiPB-ilHlV-lHHBPMMkkJk .T""rrr.... ... '.i .!.. ..- niiti ijiiintii 'I .sfTIIII.. irn S .V I Circuit Court Proceedings. The following business has been transacted in this court up to time of going to press: Present Hon. L. R. Webster, Cir cuit Jud;;e; T. B Kent, Dibtri:t At torney; W. II. Parker, Cleik; A. S. Jacobs, Sheriff. It was ordered that W. II. Atkin son, John Dosier, S. Randies', L. Brownsword, M E. Pogue, John Licv, A. MilUr. B F. Crouih, II. C. Flem ing, J. M. Roberts anil Will Jackson Im excused fiom attendance us jurors for tl e tei in. Frank Kasjhafer was appointed bailiff for the grand jury. It was then ordered that the S'ler iff summon eleven persons to complete the regular jury panel. Mary A. Donegati vs. C. D. Reed and Geo. Eckles; to recover property. Part of answer ordered stricken out. Havmond it Mugruder vs. 'Squire Griffin; to, recover money. Judgment by default for 221 4S nnd costs'. Haymoiid A Mugruder vs. L-wis Neul; to recover money. Judgment by default for $251 20 and costs. Henry Smith vs. J. B. and J. F Grois! o recover monev. Judgmpiil WSr.SIQ.'-iindrraatK., t'tfawji ' gtfSSrflSiailKggS Gre;uo(rej cover' ntinp TvTTUi intl costs A -- Lnuisa Bish vs. T. B Bish; wuit"for divorce. Default entered njain.t de fendanl and Clerk sp ointrd to taKe testimony. Caton it Garrett vr. Win. Tyler; to recover mony. Judgment by default for ?G1 SS and costs. Amanda Gx vs. J. II. E Cox; di vorce. Default entered and Clerk ap pointed to take testimony. Stale vs. Gen. R. Justus; indict ment for murder in the first ilrirree. Defendant given until Noy, 13, 1SS1, o plead, when he plead not guiltv. Commissioner's Couut. The fol lowing ate the proceedings of this court at thu regular November term. ....It was ordered that the County C erk notify Thos. Mee to repair the App'egite bridge. ... Further consid eratiou of the Grant's Pass road mat ter was postponed until next term ....Henry A Bauten of Pooman's creek was grauted a license to sell spiritoua liquors for six months. . . . The Sheriff was ordered to havp the iiliddlecel of ihe county j iii repsired .... Re ort of Sh i ill' J hi-mIm, showing tint he had Collected 1.17" 10 delin quent property Ihx and -?171 delin quent poll tax was accented . A 'ist of persons in Jackson county liable to otilitaiy duty was submitted by As ses-or Nichols, showing 1,1G9 persons liable to such duty. Accepted. .. .In the mitti'r of the location of a rertain cnuntv road between Jacksrnville ami Medfoid. C. Mingus uUiming SI 000 lamsges, it was ortleretl that 0. C. I'eekman, G. W. Fordvcp and C. Ma gruder be appointed viewers of duni ii:es....Iii the matter f thehioation of a roid from Medford to eonn'el with the Bntto Creek and Phoenix roads. Report of viewers ni-cepted and said road ortleretl established .... In the nutter of a county roail be Iween Jacksonville, and MedforJ. J Ii. 'J ice, I. W. Th.ina nnd May Divinson claiming tint thev would b i imaged in the sum of S"72, $50 nnd 5200 i especially, C. C. D-ekman, G. W. Fordyce anil C. M igruder werp ap pointed viewers of daninge. . . .Sherill Jacobs submitted his bond of tax col lector, iu the sum ot 810,000, which was appioved. - GiuND Jur.Y. The following g"n tinmen compose the fraud jury for the Novemb-r term: E. K. Anderson foreman, D N Bud-ev, JI A. Htius ton, J M. I'ichols, Ja'iies Bell, W. G Breeding, Robert (Joudyear. Not a true bill was let'irned in the c.tErt of Fiatik Gu'hrie, held by jui tice'scouil for an assault with intuit to kill.... A hum bill was found against Geo. R. Jus1 us, held for mur der in the lir.st degree. . . .In the cise of Richard Davis of Ratle creek, held for ttdulierv, "not a tine lull" w iu turned. . . .St ite vs. B S. Biker; held for :iu xs-.Hu.lt with n tlangt-ious vienp on. N't a true bill. .. .State vk T. J. Russell; hehl for larceny. A true I ill. . . .S.ate vs. J. is. B. Watkin-; Iar cenv by lmlc-ii lndii-tiuent referred back and a tiue In I fciiuil ... .State vs. John Goniper; he'd for Nr'-eny In a dwelling hou-e. A true bill .... S'att! vs John M Gulp a true bill 1 chargw i wiih murder in the first tlereei bevei al cast- N0B3V Clotiiint. Sst KIL Ashlnnd Oremi is th p ttce fur every in m -ititl bov, till or v tiling, to buy their P.tll hii I Winter clothiut! ind fuinishinu uoo Is because you can buy beilt-roods for your money uud tm ill live lunu nnd prsisper, but if you ; i and piy tho old f.tsluotietl pricee for uoods anil then et shoddy clothinsy ou nre li.ible to swear because you are cheuteil, f. tcb coin beciuse the uood.s ato sho Idv uud will not keep you vv inn, and then tlie, ami then wlist will be ciiiif of ycu. Uo to the Nobby Cloth ini; Sioro by nil means, tuU no such cluoeesl Tailor shop iu ccuiieclion So you em uet anything you v-jnt in the clothing line. Him on. a Bank. Re.inies Bros are reeeivinj a fine assortinei.t of Fmicv inidDiv Goods. H-its, Clolhiny, Riots nnd Sho's nml 1 finest assortment of Ladies Cloaks lb it has ever lieett bronchi to ibis market. All of which thev nre selling nt nices th.it defy i-oinpeiition. WHY WILL YOU coimh when Slubih's cure will ive itinr.etli ite ie lief. Price aOots. mid 81 0d Brooks ! ops it. stiiintrenjTjnntf ppmitiv LIIIIJJU! llVaLCIIIIIII III..HIIJVL a positive cure for Ci 'ntarrh Diphtln'tiii 1? ' , e i Brooks can tur- ami Ciuker Mouth I uikh it. I I i-' . ...... 1 ..... . a... .. .. .... i;...lki-I Membct's OF TIIK 1I1IUTEKNTH DICNNIAL SC33I IN OP TUE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF OEF.UUN, WI1ICII MEETS on tub FinsT Monday in janu- AUY NEXT. Democrats maiked vi uh daggers SENATE. lb'82 Bak Elected Hames.t in -I. D. Benien Thos. E Cau'horn.t 'Jla knmat John Myer. Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook F. C. Reed. Grant Henry Hall. Jackson P. P. Priiu.f Lane Geo. B. Dorris f Linn Enoch Huult.f W. R, Eil veu.f Marion William Waldo, T. W. Davenport, Jacob Voirhees. Milltuomati Sol Hit. sell. Umatilla S M. Pennington. t Eii-cted in 1831 Clackamas C. 0 r. Williams. Coos and Curry J. M. Siglin.f Douglas John Enuiiitt, J. II. Shupe. Josephine II B. Miller. La n E P. Coleniaii.f Lint-'JaslshcWcittliej fordT , tf ! aiolnahrgseyi, S'fmon?SJ. (Cj ?inrrASigSiertBLW8 PfflkTand IienlonrJo33iD."'Lee, riPrSThn CrHeit -'-Union L B. Riiiehirt.i ; Wseo, Crook, Klamath and Like C. M. Cartvvright. Wn.liiiiaio i W. D Hare. Yamhill Jlenrv Warien, Bjrch.J C. II IIou.sE. Biker Geo. Cit mder, R. A Lo-ketl.t B-ii'on W. P. Keady, John A. Ilenkle, M. J. Connor.. Clsckam.is F C. Geer, II. Will, J. 1 Wiit, Alex 'lllolllpsoil. Clatsop and Tillamook C. Lieneti weber.f (3oos John Roberts. Coos nnd Currv W liter Sutton. Clumbii R D. C."de. Douglas G. W. Riddle, Henry lingers, Ulias. B Wi cox, Win. .Mann inf. Grant G. N. McIIalev. Jicknon T. F. Reull.t Tiie.o. Cim ei on. Josephine Arthur Porter J KUmslb and L.ki W F. Absliier. Lin R. B Hive.. J I, IMieu.f R. M Veatch A. D. Burton J Linn - Henry Ciru,J L II. Mon 'anve.J Harvey Shelton.t J. II. IVerv.J T. J. Black, J F. A. Watts.f Mit ion A. N. Gill.eit, W. A Cusick, M. A. Fiiun, L-mU B'eakney, Alex. Donning, Ch is. Mtller.f Mulli-omal .lohn Kenwortlir, J. Bvjrne, Sr., G'Orge L. Storey, Win. iJirnes, H. S. Davenpoit, J. E. Mayo, L Thrke'sou. P.dk S. D. Gibson, W. II. Kuyk endall,J Jos. Craven J Umatilla J. L. Morrow L B Cox t Union F. T Dick, E E Taylor J Wasco and Ciook A R. Lvle, W. McD. Lewi'. Washington W. A. Prosser, W. 13 Jollv. 1. L. Smith. Yamhill -J R. S Hitlers, E. II. Woodward. J.C. Nelson J Scti-i'u Number of Senators, thirty. Republic ins, seventeen, Democrats, thirteen. Houp Number of Repreenta lives, sixty. Republicans, thirty five; Democrats, twenty-live. Joint Convention Nninnpr of iiif!i.tKrK, ninety. Iiejmllicin8, iifty iwo; Dfiiiocr.U", thirty eight. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys-.-i-i.i and Liver Complsiiii? Shiloh's Vi'itlizer is i;ti'ii-.iiiieed to euro you. For snip nt E C Mrooks. SLEBL'LESS NIGHTS, made mis em bl e by th.it terrible COUIi. Sllilnli's Cure, is the r ineily lor vuu. Rrojks keeps it. CATARRH CURED, health and s-ieet Irie.ith acvureil bv Shllnh's Ci hi ih Remedy. Price 00 cents ut E C Rtoiik-s'h. Nasal Injector fiee. Ftir luiiii- Uuk, Side or Chest ue Sbiloh'.s Porous Phister. Price 25 cents. Fir snle nt. E. C. I.rooks. SlIILOirS COUGH and Cmsump lion Cute is soltl by us on n cuirantep. It cures consumption. Brookn can fui lie Ii it. KH I LOU'S VITALIZER is what vim need fir Const it.ii ion, Ltis. of Ap petiie, Miztiiess nml nil sit eiue of DvMiepsiii. Price 10 nml 75 cents For ssie nt Ii tj. Uronlcs.' ri iitiTnfJnTirn s-.TT vnwt.:u WUUJ itTs Tuitiieiliiitelv relievet by ShllohV cure Brooks kpeps it. Alt the t::ize. To c.iptivale the popular l.isto and stirpiss all previous eliorts to pie ise the p,i!.tte, nqiliies mi small amount of knowletlrt ami no littes'ill, nml vihen weri'ineuibi-r th it th" very nsrep hIiIi liv uid fruit leinedy, Syrup of Fitfs is as beneficial to tho system, as it is nccepinblii to tho stouinch, vvc re.itlily undeist.intl why it is the univer-al f.t voiitens u cure for ILibitual Consti pitiou and other ills arising from a wenkiiess. nr innctivtt Limdition of the IJ unb, KMnevs, Liver and Stomach. Simple bottles free mid hirne bottles for s de by Merritt it Robinson, Jnck soiivillo. Kxecutrix'.s Notice. In the matter id' the cstiite of John Stomrht, t!-reised. "VfOTirr. islnrtbv Riven that the un- N- uc'Msncu mis nan app-nnien nyine County Cnu-t olMiirkstn county. Oregon, silliii'i in I'robite. ix eulrix of the estate of . loin Stotmlit, deceased. All persons indebted to ssid eslnlc arc rnpiestetl to settle lhesim" immediately, and thec h-ivin; elninis si-riinst tho estate v.il! present thrm v.iih the prop-r vouchers to the limb lsi'.ned. residing in I'hotnix, Jiuhson rrnii. On son. within ' six months fn m ti i'.t pub ication id j this notice. Ht!il vrou,-"T, fx pi'.rix of-ald li di-. Dated Nor. A, l.bt .5iU52,2: iMd Fellow's Builtlins Jtclisocville, Oregon DUAL.KU AND M'ORKEK IN riN'.SHKET II.OX.COPP ERLEAD Pumps, AURICOLTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF E7EUY DESCRIPTION Fuso and Caps, WOODHN & IV1LL9W WARE gsrlROPEVNAILaTvv: Paints Oils, Varnish; Glass CUTLERY", WIRE, Shot, Brcshs, Chains. Joso ETC.. ETC- I have secured the services of a first cl iss mrclmaie, and am prepared to do1 ill repairing promptlv aud in superior style. In connection with the above I am re ceiving and have constantly on hand a full and first class stock of GHOGSHIBS, D".Y-CI00DS, GUM B0TS, TOBACCO nn.vuY jiAon clotiiixg, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, &c. Everything sold at reasonable rates. K. KUBLI. Jncksouvillc, Marsh !), 1S78. UDSrBRS EMPORIUM! yN S s Jacksonville, Cregon JiHIS MILLS?., - rropric!or. DIJALRR IX ALL KINDS OF AGRI ctiltitiul implements, tools of all kinds and a general assortment of shell h.udw are. sd?i8fe mM iv SS He also keeps the largest slock ot, and nil thb bitest improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS, AND A rilLI. ASSOnTMEST OF risliicg tackle, Powder, Shot, Etc ALSO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. Give him a call ami examine his stock bclbrc imikmsj'yoiir purchases. Blymyer Blf'g Co. BFi 1 S Lu las ika t? m Wmm FRUIT DRIERS. itSusar Mills- foi:th, Agent for tlie Pncifie Coast. 33 Ziala Mrrel, San tranrtsro. Ilnu'wlcd Catalogues and our Sugar Iiuid loot, a vtlit ble treatise on sugai cit.es and treatment of sugarcane juice. sent tree on npmication. rie.ise state which cat iloue you desire, and also ask lor piices delivered at your nearest rail Mitt point, either from factory or Sa Francisco. iliCL Of cither ecx admitted to tho TOr.TLAND BUSINESS COLLEG! On any 7cck-day of tho year. Tlio Collc0o Journal, containing infon? ion of tho course of study, rates of tuiti". hoard, examinations, etc., and cnta of jilil. r.nd ornamental penmanship, free. Address A. I". AEMSTRONG, Lockbox 101. roirrLAsro, On. J In icrilinq, please mention Mis paper. Saluon Prcpsrty Tor Salo. The undersignetl wishing to get out of the tuisini sa hereby offtrs his saloon in K'Tbwille. Oresron", for sale. The saloon property, together with the fixtures aud all I'lelimiorsand other stock is included m tbisi-ff r. A b-irsnin isoirered. Call on nridln-ss. PETFR REISER, JR., Kutbyvtlle, Oregon, August, 15, 1S4. mm C3 I tfi'iiiB.iir-'-ni 1 BBHVv Y I r.ki.M I UU.Ul.1 . .n n