OREGON SENTINEL. JACKSON VILLI? Saturday, October 4, 1884. Notice. All indebted to Dennis fc Morgan for pumps will please call at Caro Brother's storo at Phoenix and settle. Dennis & Morgan. "Wanted. A teacher for the Phoe nix school, to commence 1st of Oct. 1884. Apply at once to Ed. Morgan, Ph9enix. Geo Kahlkr, Cleric. Lost. Somewhere between Jack onville and M. Bellinger's farm a pocket-book belonging to Win. Linn. Tbi finder will please return it to tho- ottner or leave it at this office. Public Speaking. Senator J. N. Dolph will address the people of Jack sonville on the olitical irsucs of the day October 10th nt 7:30 p. h. Mr. Dolph is a very forcible and logical speaker and every one bhould turn out to hear him. The speaking will bo at Holt's Hall. "Will Open Again. TheLavenburg Hotel at Phoenix will open out for business again rext week after a sus pension of several hiontliB. This house has always had the reputation of furn ishing the best meal in Oregon and the traveling public will be pleased to hear of it opening again. .a Notice. Leave your monpy at home by patronizing local enterprise. You can get better and cheaper mar blawork by calling on J. 0. Whipp of this place than by sending off for it. He has a first class marble cutter in his employ and is turning out a large number of tombstones and monuments. A Proposition. We will renew our proposition of four years ago when Garfield was elected and will agree to send the Sentinel free o any new subscriber for one year if Cleveland is elected President Should Blaine ho elected it will only cost the usual price of $2.50 per year. Send a copy to your friends. In The "Wrong Pew. According to the Portland "Mercury" some of the Ashland boys mads a bad mistake while there attending the great Blaine and Logan demonstration. The story Kays tlut the crowd started for tho Tivoli theatre but landed in a different kind of a place. A glance at 'lie crowd of visitors disclosed some that were not "boys." Lively Bunaway. The horse at tached to Karewfcki's deluery wagon tock a notion to have a i-pin on his own Account on Monday lat and in runing down street he cnllidtd with Sargent Duulap's cart, taking a wheel off that vehicle but doing nn injury to the wagon to which the horse via hitched. Another recommendation for the good quality of the nagnus kept by Karewski. Obituary. Mikn Ryder, Sheriff of Josephine county, died at his home in Kerbyville on September 20th after an illness of only a few days. Mr. Ryder was one of the earliest pioneers of this country and his genial habiu made him friend with all he met, ami a very largo procession followed his remains to the grave on the following day. The County Commissioners Court; have appointed Abe Hervy to fill tlw vacancy in thu Sheriffs office. Mr. Hervy is a Democrat and those who know him say he is well qualified to fill the position. A Generous Act. Mrs. L. H. Zigler received a letter from Alex Martin, who wan associated with her latn hushnnd in business in Jackson ville in 1853, which contained a check for $250. This only adds another to tho many generous and noble acts which characterized the life of Mr. Martin during his long residence with us. Jerry never forgets a friend in time of need and wo hope that the sun shine of continued prosperity may ever brighten his life, and fortune shower her choicest favors on him in the futurs as in the past. Nobby Clothing Store. Ashland Oregon is the place for every man and boy, old or youne, to buy their Fall and Winter clothing and furnishing goods because you can buy better goods for your money and you will live long and prosper, but if you gj and pay the old fashioned prices fur goods and then get shoddy clothing you are liable to swear because you are cheated, catch cold because the coods are shoddy and wII not keep you wirro, nd then die, and then what will b come of ycu. Go to the Nobby Cloth ing Store by all means, take no such chances! Tailor shop in connection. So you can get anything you vant in the clothing line. Religious Items Rev. R. O. Oglesby Till preach his farewell ser mons in this place, at tho M. . Church, next Sunday, morning and evening.... Rev. F. X Blanchet will hold services at St. Francis' church, Eagle Point, Sunday morning at 11 o'rlock . . . . Rev. J. A. Slover com menced a meeting at Macedonia school house in Josephine county Thursday, which will continue over Sunday .... Elder M. Peterson will hold services at Mound school house next Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M., and at Eagle- Point in the evening; Saturday evening before the second Sunday in October at the Missouri Flat school house and at the Murphy creek school house in Jose phine county the following day. Fri day before the third Sunday "at Rock Point, Saturday evening at Grant's Pass, and at the school house near the Jump-off Joe bridge on Sunday, to organize a congregation; on the fourth Sunday at Medford, bo'h morning and evening. Local Items- Cold clear weather. Kendall combination Monday, Oct. Gth. Bev. I. D. Driver was in town yes terday. The Morrison plow can be found at Kubli's. Brick are the new kiln. now bsing hauled from Call on Mrs. Ish for your supply of Winter apples. Necessary repairs have been mads to the fire cisterns. Jo. Mensor has cone to Roseburg to work for Caro Bros. No vacant houses in town and more new ones are going up. Last week's "Mercury" was in de mand in Southern Oregon. Ashland has a population of 1215 G03 males and 612 females. A. J. Da'ly, Eagle Point, has a fine residence nearing completion. Call at Little's and sea tho goods he purchased while in Portland. Presbyterian Sunday school will be held next Sunday at 2 o'clock. Col. Maury furnished us with a lot of sweet pocatocs not long since. A good sized audience greeted M. C. George at Ashland last Tuesday. Hon. A. C. Jones is stumping Ore gon for Cleveland and Hendricks. Messrs. Love & Hanley have made several shipments of fat hogs to Port land lately. Wm. Mentor and James R. Little have returned from their trip to the Willamette. Wise Bros, will close their place of business in Ashland soon and leave for other scenes. Fred. M. Zigler came up from Rose burg this week to accompany his mother home. Mrs. Geo. H. Young will start for Tdcoma in a few days to reside with her son, Willie. Mission Mills, S. F., all wool ladies' plaid suitings, 1A yards wide, SI per yard at Nunan's. Wm. Purdin, blacksmith, Eagle Point, has about finished a large r.nd comfortable residence. A fine headstone was placed over the grave of C. T. Payne'i child this week by J. C. Whipp. For the Garden City plow call at Bilger and Maejlj's. A new invoice was received this week. Plymalc can always be found on deck with fine buggies and livery teams at any hour, day or night. J. C. McCulIy remained in Portland and cxprcts to get a permanent posi tion in the railroad employ. Dr. Kremer of Medford has moved to Sams valluy succeeding Dr. A. C. Stanley, who retires from practice. Croneniiller &. Birdsoy keep tho cel ebrated Collins' cast-steel plows, the must popular plow manufactured. The D mocrats will organize a Cleve land and Hendricks club tonight. Nothing like trying to keep up cour age. A. J. Daily of Eagle Point has spannoil Butte creek with a 160 foot wire foot bridge for his own accommo dation. Dr. J. J. Callaghan, formerly of this place, ha been adjudged insane and committed to the asylum from Marion county. W. C. Lever and Frank Bills both staved over at Eugene City on their return from Portland but have since returned. You never will know how many new things Thos. J. Kenncy has at his saddler shop until you go around to investigate. J. H. Huffier came in from camp this week after mora supplies. His surveying party will not finish up for some time yet. H. S. Sevcrson of Eagle Point had his lg broken just above the ankle by a harrow he having his foot inside and horses starting. J. B. Gross, tho popular landlord of tho Depot. Hotel at Albany, was in Jacksonville last Tuesday while on his way to Kerbyville. Kendall combination three nlgTTtsI commencing Monday evening October Gth with "Jane Eyr." Seats may now be had at postofuce. C. Coleman and family will leave for San F.rancisco next week to reside for a time. Sheriff" Jacobs now occu pies their residence. J. G. Birdsey will leave for Port land next week to attend the Mechan ic's Fair and to buy another lot of agricultural implements. Mrs. G. H. Haskins has opened a millinery and notion store at Medford. Lidies will do well to call on her be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Mrs. P. P. Prim made a large se lection of fashionable millincrv goods while in Portland and the ladies should call and take a look at them. The new lodge of A. O. U. W. at Medford will soon be put in working order. lue medical examinations have been made by Dr. Geary. Walter S. Moss is manager of the Trivoli opera company now playing at Portland and talks of bringing them to Southern Oregon for a tour. The Union livery stable is being fitted up by the new proprietor and all necessary improvements will be made before Mr. Cardwell takes charge. Florence E. won the 3 in 5 trot at the City View Park near Portland last Saturday beating C. W. Kahler's Nellie. Best time made was 2:33. Tie name of the "Curry County Post" has been changed to the "Golil Beach Gazette." Walter Sutton is editor and he furnishes a good local paper. Surveyor General Tolman and wife, accompanied by Crit Tolman and bride, started for the Eastern States last Wednesday to bt absent several months. The Medford livery stable has been purchasedVby Wm. Ryan lately from Nebraska. Mr. Egan will go east of the mountains to go into the stock business. Col John E. Ross, Jack Mont gomery, Newell Hall and others re turned from a hunting trip to the mountains yesterday bringing in nine fine bucks. Some of the "boys" say tiat a tele phone line would pay well in Jackson ville. All who seen it work in Port land are willing to subscribe to the capital stock. J. T. Roloson and L. Bunsow are beautifying the Ish residence near town. This is one of the finest farms in the State and everything is always kept in ship shape. There will be a called meeting of the ladies giving the leap year ball at the Club Room this evening nt 7 o'clock P. M. The date will then be set and other arrangements made. J. A. C-i.nl well and Miss Fannie Dowell accompanied the excursionists on their return from Portland. Mrs. B. F. Dowell, Dell and Rosa Cardwell remain in that section for a while. County Commissioner's Court meets next week. The board of equaliza tion also meets at the same time and all feeling themselves aggrieved at the assessment should be on hand at that time. Ex Senator J. W. Nesmith is now an inmate of the inrane asylum at Salem but at last accounts his con dition was improving. His many friends hope to hear of his speedy re covery. We expect to see Jackson county gain a credit mark at the Presidential election on tho vote cast for the Plumed Knight next November. We don't expect a majority in this county, however. The St. Charles Hotel restaurant is now in charge of Messrs. Porhl Si Co., the eame parties who formerly con ducted the Esmond. As a first class hotel the St. Charles has no superior in any respect. In addition to the large stock of gen eral merchand'se kept by N. Fisher a full lino of millinery goods will also be added. Mrs. Fisher will go to San Francisco in a few days to make per sonal selection. A steam flouring mill is thp latest inifjrovemint promised at Medford. The party proposing to start in this enterprise is now negotiating far land on the- Beekman tract. So we are in formed by Wm Ulrich. Read Dr. C. Lempert's card among the new'advertiseinents and give him a call when requiring medical aid. The Dr. is a graduato of the Univer sity Leipsig, Germany, and has already established a good business here. The old Overbeck hospital on Ore gon street U being transformed into a residence by S. P. Hanna. The build ing is being moved back several feet from tho street and will present a much better appearance when finished. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Commercial Agency makes the following report of failures on the Pacific' Coast during the three quarters ended September 30: California 363, Arizona 18, Nev- adal4, Oregon 163, Washington ter ritory 110. Joe and Fred Overbeck are again employed on tho night force in the Western Union Telegraph office in Portland. W. J. Wallis, formerly of Yreka, is night chief in the same office and several others of the strikers are now employed there. Work on the new Red Men build ing will now go on without further delay as plenty material is on hand. The fine new brick adjoining, owned by K. Kubli, will also be finished soon. Pat Ryan is digging a cellar and will get his brick up as soon as possible. "Yes, sir," he said, "straws show "which way the wTncfbiows. I took a vote the other day on a railroad train, and the result was overwhelmingly in favor of the Democratic ticket." "Where was tho train going?'' was asked. "It was going to a prize fight." The Kendall combination, the best that ever visited this section will play a three night's engagement at Holts Hali, commencing Monday Oct. Gth with the beautiful drama "Jane Eyre." Admission, 75cts. and $1.00. Seats may be had at the postofljee without extra "charge. Judge S. J. Day has opened his officn at the McCulIy corner and u now ready for business. He is Notary Public aud attends- to all kinds of legal writings, collections etc. His long experience in this line of business should command for him a good share of patronage. We acknowledge pleasant calls this week from A. F. Wheeler, Assistant State Treasuiw and Frank E. Hodg kin9, Assistant Secretary of State. They had been on a trip of recreation and pleasure to the Coos Bay country and then extended their jaunt to Ash land, returning home on Wednesday last. They are lolly lads, and their fish stories describing the trip, can be relied on as correct, as when either tells the tale a corroborating witness will always be foand in the other. E fsKjr -r. . . iij. a. Auteari through town on Thursdr jCrescent City. He is ru nt renre- sentative of Sis! Del -Norte counties on tbo atic ticket. ds a line speaK jolly good fellow, but he is wrong ticket and will get badly defeated. A Liberal :lub has been formed in Ashland with the following officers: President, J. D. Fountain; vice presi dent, A. C. Holmes; secretary, E J. Farlow; treasurer, B.F. Myer. The executive committee is' composed of J. M. McCall, J. K. Conat? Thos. Smith, J. B. R. Hatchings, .E.53L Anderson, H. Kinney. An effort was made to break open John Orth's safe one night this week but the robbers wpreevidently scared off before they could complete the job. There was very littlemoney in tho safe at the time but Johnny says he objects to having his safe spoiled. B on the lookout and give these fellows a warni-reception when they call at late hours. The Portland excursionists have all returnedTronf the opolis and all express themselves pleased with the trip. The sight of great Blmne and LogaEudemonstri .21th was a grand one and irnrised some from here who had nevr seen the like before. The Democrats are now talk ing of having a similar excursion some time this month. The richest farmer in the world died two months ago at Buenos Ayres. His name was Nicholas Anchorena, and his executors report as belonging to his estate 1710 fqnare miles of land, 152,000 cows and 410,000 sheep. He also owned much other property, and the total value is given at .2,400,000. He inherited 200,000 from his father thirty years ago. Died, at his stock ranch on John Days' river, Grant county, Oregon, September 17, 1884, Abner T. Fitz hugh. t Deceased was born in Morgan county, Illinois, May 4, 1829. He came to California in 1852 in the flower of youth thence to Oregon in 1857 and resided in Jackson county for several years. He Tetuoved to Grant county in 1863 where he resided until death. Dr.imatio treat, coming for a three nights engagement commencing Mon day Oct. Gth at Holts Hall. This ex cellent Kendall combination will pre sent three of their choics entertain ments On Monday evening they will present their great specialty "Jane Eyre"both Mr. Kendall and Julia Ken dall in their title role supported by a first class company of eighteen artists, a full brass band and a fine orchestra. Seats may now be had at the postoffice. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's cure will giveimmediate re lief. Price 50cts. and.$1.00. Brooks keeps it. jS vj SHILOH'S GATAR5IEMEDY a positive cure forCatarrh, Diph'theria and Canker MouthTffBrcoks can fur nish it. - fc HACKMETACK aflasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts. at E. O. Brooks'. SHILOH'S CURE .will immediate ly relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. FOR DISPEPSIA and liver com plaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps it. A NASAL INTECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cets. at Brook's. THE KEY. GEO. H". THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., aays: "Both mv self and wife owe our lives to SHI LOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Brooks keeps it. ARE YOU MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation, Dizzinfss, Loss of Apuetite, Yellow Skin? Shi loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by 11. C. Brooks. Habitual Constipation Is a prolific source of misery and many ills, giving rise to Headache, Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, Rest lessness, Biliousness, Indigestion, Pois oning of Blood, etc.iThe bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts formerlvsused to relieve the sufferer, only aggravate the disease and sicken the stomach. All who are afflicted in that way, know the impor tance of the remedy pleasant to the palate, harmless in itsnature,and truly beneficial in its action. The trial bottles of Syrup of Figs given away free of charge by Bcnterpnsing druggists 'Merritt i-Rawksori of Jack sonville prove that it trail that can be desired. Large bottlesfat fifty cents or one dollar. One Or 2Tore Surgeons from the Western Division, 319 Bush Street, S. F., of the National Surgical Institute, will be at the Ashland Houe, Aihland, Or , Oct. 6ih, 1SS4. Pen-ons fullering from diseases of llis spino, hip, limbs or anv bodily deform ity, paralysis, piles, fistula, sexual or chronic dixea?s should avail them selves of this opportunity. References given throughout the ,11. S. Consults tion free. A Ciiamje. TheCTO.'Stag-. Cr. have pot in a tation5atVKi)gHbury's, seven miles out of Ashland, aud will run a four horse swinlbetween that point and Ashland, butyritl continue six horse stock overJthej,mountain. Hereaftsr stages for Yrtfcaand south will leave Ashland iiDB)Hatelyon the arrival of JrainS.rjasseners taking breakfast at the.'statiShro, - Gave BoNDS.tOAe'-'T.'TJ. Russell who was arrested at' Med ford last week by Sheriff Jacobs on ajfcarge of having stolen a buggy from Gpttrson, had an examination before JfJlice Foudray on Monday and was baPgver in the suraofS200. TheboJB.tro furn- ished and defendant staBHAty. mmm TT:;BsssR " kivMKa one wel' Baptist Association. ASIJXA1.D, Sept. 27, 1884. To the Editor of the Sentinel: Having been chosen to -write up the meetings of the Rogue River Association, I send you the following notes for publi cation: The Association met with the Wagner crei k I'.aptist church on Friday Sept. 18th at 9:30 a.m., was called to order by the moderator, Deacon Horace Root, and after devotional exercises the introductory ser mon was preached by Eld. J. A. Slover. He chose for his text, Acts 24:14, 15 and 10. The uiscourse was well prepared and suitable for the occasion. The former officers were re-elected, viz: Deacon II. Root, moderator, and W. T. Lcevcr, clerk. Letters from the chu'dhes were nsxt called for and responded to by Table Rock. Jit. Salem, Wagner creek, Ashland and New Ilope. The letters indicated but little jrrowth of the churches since our last year's meeting. Rev. J. C. Baker of Salem, our generat suncrintondent of missions on the North Pacific coast, ar.d representing the American Baptist Home Mission Society, was present as a visitor, also that father in Israel, Rev. S. E. Stevens of Washing ton territory. Thess brethen preached for tts and otherwise aided us by their wise counsel. Reports from committees on Temper ance, Sunday Schools, Religious Litera ture, Homo ajd Foreign Missions were read and discussed with considerable in- ' iiic rifiiun ui iiic cai-uuiiiu uuiuuiuicc recommended the appointment of another missionary in this field, to labor in con nection with Rev. A. M. Russell of Ash land. Rev. J. A. Plover was chosen to fill the place and the field was divided, giving to Elder Slover the northern department aud to Rev. Russell the southern. This embraces Josephine and Jackson counties. From our superintendent of missions we have the assurance that the appointment will meet the approbation of the H. M. board of the N. P. C, consequently we hope to soon have Bro. Sloveractivcly en eased in the work. m - . -r .t- ! : The place of holding our next meeting is Ml. Salem church, on AppleMt?, and the writer was elected to preach the in troductory sermon. The Association adjourned on Saturday, hut we had two other services on the Sab bath. Rev. Dr. Baker rreached on both occasions. His discourse in the morning on "Giving" was philosophical, practical and interesting. In the evening yourcor respondct was not present. Good con Krejations were present at all these melt ings, and we trust that good was done for the JIaster's cause. The meeting as a whole washarmoni ous, and we enter upon the work of a new year with renewed zest. A. M. Russell. MARRIED. 1Iatha.way Lkveu At the residence of the bride's parents Sept. 28, 1884, S. F. Hathaway anil-Miss Lavinia Lever. BORN. Baker At Ashland, Sept. 9, 1884, to Mr. and Mrs. D. tf. Baker, a son. Reynolds In Table Rock precinct, Sept. 17, 1881, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Reynolds, a daughter. Bvldwik In Linkvillc. Sept. 21, 1884, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Baldwin, a son. Gage Near Central Point, Oct. 2, 18S4, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gage, a son a 12 pounder. DIED. Gazlf.y. At Cnnyonville, September 10th 1884, Mrs. James F. Gazley, aged 53 years. Bnowx At Union, Michigan, Sept. 15, 1884, Howard, son of Jas. P. and .losie Brown, formerly of Phoenix; aged 11 months and 9 days. Pakkeii In Big Butte precinct, Oet. 2, 1834, Jos. L. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Parker;, aged 7 months and 24 days. NEWADVERTISEMENTS. For SJfvlo. Five hundred bushels of choice "Winter applecs for sale. Apply to MRS.S. E.ISII. Jacksonville, .Oct. 4, 1884. C- LEMPERT, M- D-, Graduate of University, Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon. Calls attended to nt all hours day and night. Ofilce at the U. S. Hotel, Jackson ville, Oregon. Notice. This is to certify that I have placed my book accounts in the hands of James A. Wilson, Kerbyville, Oregon, for collec tion. All persons interested please settle and save costs. F. M. NiCKEnsox, Los. Angeles, Cal.Sept. 18th, I8S4. Notice. Land Oftice at Rosebdro, Or , ) Oct. 3, 1834. f Notide is hereby given that the follow ins named settler has filed notice of his 'ntentlont-to make-final- proof in- snpporti of his cl.fnn, and that said proof will be raadebeiore the Co. Clerk of Jacksonville, Ogn , on Monday November 17, 1884, viz: J. It. Cooper, Pre-emption D S No. 4038 for the W H of N W 1-4 N E 1-4 ofN W l-4andNWl-4 ofVEHScc. 1T37S R 3 West. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upun, and cultivation of, said land, viz: N.Cook, O.Gilbert, D. Mardon and J. Roten all of Willow Spridgs, Jackson county, Oregon. W11. F. Besjamijt, Register. Business Notice. This is to notify the public that J have opened an ofilce in Jacksonville at the southeast corner of California and Fifth streets where I will be ready at all times to transact business, such as the drawing up of DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, AGREEMENTS, Leases, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale, etc etc! Abstractor of Land Titles. Sell Real Estate, and attend to making out Homestead papers, Pre-emption papers, also draw up a'l papers pertaining to the settlement of estates Collector of Accounts, prompt remittances made. Invesmcnt Se curities a specialty; Jackson County Scrip bought and sold. Prompt reply made to letters. Charges in accordance with the times. Refers, by permission, to C. (!. Beck man, Esq., Pankcr to Ron. L. R. Web ster, Judge of this judicial district, and to any business house in Jacksonville. 9ILASJ. DAY. Notary Public for Oregon. TOD M Hal IKED -AT E. C. BROOKS' New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. oiooUs. A fine assortment of 8-day clocks, with and without alarm. Gents', ladies' and boys' gold and silvci hunting-case, open-face and skylight watches, from $5 to $150. Hracolots. A fine lot of ladies' gold b3nd and bangle bracelets. Fixigox' Rings, Diamond and ruby rings, cameo stone cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and pearls, and onyx rings 'with Iiidilec mottoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid California r-ngs. To-sTwolxry. Diamonds in every shape. Ladies' sets of jewelry, from tho 50-cent. black set to the $200bifu sets of diamonds. Gents' and ladies' gold chains, lockets and charms. 3?ixxai r.-nr Buttons. Gents' gold scarf-pins, scarf-slides, studs and collar-buttons. Slltror 'Wii.x'o. Silver and silver-plated knives, forks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sugar-spoons and tongs in cases. nZisoollauooTisi. Gold ana siHer thimbles; gold, silver and steel spectacles; and a full slock of every thing in the jewelry line. A full assortment of perfumery, toilet soaps, etc. A lot of steel engravings and pictures for children. In short, a complete and first-class line ol HOLIDAY GOODS. All to be sold at the LOWEST PRICE! Also accordcons, violins, b.injos, aud the best lincof violin. guitar and banjostrings. The best sperm oil for sewing machines. A lull line of Drugs and Medicines. tg'Prcscriplions trcfully compounded E. C. BROOKS. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT OF,- THE U. S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts.. Jacksonville Ogn, Having taken charge of this hotel the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that a complete change will be made. Tlio Tritolo will be supplied with eeiy thing the market affords, and a general rcnoration of the Bods V33.C3. 3EX.OOX13.SI will be made. The patronage of the pub lic is solicited. J. DeRoeoam. SIGN AiiD FHESC0E X'o.ixa.tox", Jacksonville, - - Oregon. I take pleasure in informing the public that I have established myself in business at this place, and propose filling all or ders in my line with promptness and at very reasonable rates. Only first class work will be turned out, and I guarantee satisfaction. L. Bunsow. Jacksonville, August 9, 1SS4. JACKSONVILLE COOPERAGE, Adam SchmiU, Fropr,, Jacksonville, Oregon. The undersigned is now prepared to make anything in the line ot barrels, kegs, vats or tubs, and will also do any kind of repairing in this line. A good assortment of suitable timber kept con stantly on hand. Sorghum kegs made to order in quan tities to suit at reduced prices. Give me a trial. ADAM SCHMITT. Saloon Business for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale the New Era Saloon and llilliard Hall. This house Is new- and fitted up in first-class style throughout having in use one of Bruns wick & Balke billiard tables; size 4Jrfx9; size or building 20 x 40 with office 13 xlG. Situation first-class, fine trade good open ing lor a live man. Reason for selling, on account of other business. Will also sell the property without the stock. GEO. CROSS. Phoenix, Or., Sept. 20th, 1884. Settle Up. All persons'indebted to the undersigned at the date of Sept. 1st on book account arc requested to settle the same before the firstof October or costs will be made by placing my accounts in the hands of at torney for collection. This is the last call and I mean just what I say. S. P. HANNA. Jacksonville, Sept. 6, 18S4. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Jlorat & Chale, engaged in the saloon business in Jacksonville is hereby dissolved by mutual consent Raphael Morat retiring. A. Chalc will continue the business at the old stand and asks lor a continuance of patronage. Raphael JIokat, A. Chale. Jacksonville, Fept. 11, 1884. F. RITSGHAED, PFtAOTIOAL Watciimaker avd Jeweler, California Srecr, MAKES a specially of cleaning and re pairing watches and clocks. 3Iy ivif!3 are reasonable. Give me a call. K. KUBLI,. Odd Fellow's Builtliu; JicksorTillt, Oregon DEALER AND WORKER J V TIN.SI1EET IRON.COPPERL3 A D Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVE8 HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW WARE ROPE, NAILd, Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLERY, YIRE, Shot.Brnshs, Chains. Hose ETC.. ETC- I have secured the services of a first, class mechanic, and am prepared to dor all repairing promptlv and in superior style. In connection with the above I aiit re ceiving and have constantly on hand a full and first class stock of GROCERIES, DKY-O00DS, CUM E.'OTS, TOBACCO BEADY MADE CLOTIIISO, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, &e. Everything sold at reasonable rates. K. KUBLL Jacksonville, March 9, 1878. flUKTERS EMPORIUM! Jacksonville, Oregon. JOHN MILLER, - Proprietor, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF AQRf culluial implements, tools of all kiDds and a general assortment of shell hardware. He also keeps the largest slook dt, aivrf all the latest improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS, ASD A FIILI. ASSORTMENT OV rishing Tackle, Powder, Shot, Etc AESO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. Give him a call and examine his stock before making your purchases. Blymyer Iff S Co. BELLS. Victor Sorghum & Sugar Mills J UltS UNF0HT1I, Central Agent for the Paeifie Coasl. 23 Main Street, San Frnnclico. Illustrated Catalogues and our Sugar hand book, a valuable treatise on sugar canes and treatment of sugar cane joice, sent free on application. Please state which catalogue you desire, and also' ask for prices delivered at your nearest rail road point, either from factory or San Francisco. Of either sex admitted to the PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE On any week-day of tho year. Tho Collego Journal, containing inform. iion of tho courso of study, rates of tuition, board, examinations etc., and cuts of plain and ornamental penmanship, free. Address,. A. T. ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 101. Pobtlasd, Oa. ST In writing, please mention this paper- Saloon Property Tor Sale. The undersigned wishing to get out of the business hereby offers his saloon in Kerbyville, Oregon, for sale. The saloon property, together with the fixtures and all the liquors and other stock is included in this offer. A bargain is offered. Call on or address. PETER REISER. JR., ICerbj-sille, Oregon, August, 15, 1SL UAyOXlAXy &--