y fi t J J 'i S -. V, OREGON SEBTIHEL. QEESON SENTlHEi. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT ' KIIOOTIUI. JACKSOS COD.WT 8RISG0N FRANK KRAU3E ADVERTISING RATES. 0Vi lOlInetortftJ flrit loiertloB.Tl 3 W acbubsequenl.niertion 1 v ' 3 months 7W .4 M A ' 10 01 Ono-fourtbColumnSmontbi 7S a so One-hIf " S " SO C t " 41 CC One C.lnmn 3 months .. oft CO " " e m i A Dlwonnt lo Tearly AilTertUers. 8 PER YEAR T E R M 6.; if a Mpr. pr Tear, In adrancc, S3 50 VOL. MIX-NO. 40 lACKSONVHJJI. QKTON. OCTOBER 4 1SS4. mmmtammmmmMMmaca.mBBmmmBmmmmmtm!mmmmmmmummmtmtKmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmaBnBmuniwn I w i aaaaaMElll minlaii Magaa aaaMaaiaaMaaaajaii.aaiial iMtrgtMaeg V ' raOFKSSIOKAL CARDS. E. P. CEARY, M. D., Pkysician And Surgeon. MEDFORD, OREGON". Office in A. L. Johnson's Wilding. T. R. YOUNG, M. D., Physisam And Surgeon, Cextral Point, Oregon. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. H. K. IIANNA, Attorney & Counsellor At-Law, Jacksonville, Oqn. Will practice" in all the Courts of the Ctate. Office up sUirs in Orlh's brick. DR. W. F. KREMER, Physician and Surgeon Mkdford, - - Oregon. Office at Ounniricliam's Hotel. Calls attended to promptly, day or night. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & C01TNSEL0R.AT-LA.AV Jacksonville, Ogn., trill prvtice in all the Courts'" of "the Stat. Oftic in Mrs. ' McCully's build, iig, corner of California nd Fifth streets. Q II. AIKKN.M. I)., DHYSICIA.N AND 3URGE0N, JACKSONVILLE, OUEOON. arOfle.,epnoit P. J. Itjran'i ttore. jj. W. ROBINSON, M D., MYSWIAlf AND SURGEON y Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At City Drug Store. Resi. dtnee on Fourth SL, op.-osite M. E. Church. Calls promptly attended to. day ana night. MARTIN V.KOVMAN. M. D. r -s. - - .- DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, jrfcDPORD, OREGON. Call promptly attended to at all hours. 3. F. DO WELL, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. Jacksonville, okkgok. lllSri.ln.i plac.il In mv han't, will rcel. prompt atUatiaa. a-Stcll attention fiT.n lo cll tlt. A. L. JOHNSON, Votary Public, Real Estate A ent and Collector 3VEocaforcl, Ox". I mate conveyancing and furnishing ab tracli of land titles a specialty. Loans mecoliated and collections made. AH bntiaeu intrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. WILL. JACKSON, hKKTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. I TEKTIl EXRACTRD AT JlI.I. hour. Laughing e.aa ad lminiitareil,lfdelreil,fr which extra rharp. will ba mada. One. and raiidenc. on corntr ot California and ilk atre.ti. A. . OIBDI. I., n. STRARNf GIBBS & STEAItNS, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. Rooms 2 and I Stroivbridgc's Building, TORTLAND, OtiRGON. trill practice Ina'IOcnrtiof Record In the State o! Oregon and Washington Territory; and pay par tiealar attention to bnnlneee in Federal Conrta. FRED GROB. Proprietor of the CITY BAKERY & SALOON, In Masonic Building, Oregon St Jacksonville. The undersigned hereby desires to in form the nublic that he is now prepared to fill all orders for pies, cakes aud bread of every description. Also have a full as sortment of crackers of all kinds. He will keep FRED. GROB. UNION HOTEL, c KerbfTille Orecon, M. Ryder, Propr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this house at the most reasona. ble rates. igTAn excellent stable connected with the hotel. Jf rim farmer's stoiiis i Column's old stand. A, G. COLVIN, Hereby informs the public that he is dis playing at the above stand a first class t.tock of General Merchandise Which he -will sell At Very Low Prices. Ilis stock consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Groccric , Provisions, Etc, Everything is fresh and of good qual ity, and prices put down to The Lowest Notch ! J3JCountry Produce bought and sold. Remember Colman's old aland, Jti give me a call when in tawn. A. G. Colvin. NINETEENTH YEAR. CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTERS OF THE HOLT XAME. rpiIE SH0LAST1C YEAR OF THIS L school will commence about the end ot August, and is divided in four sessions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, perterm, $40.00 Musjc 15.00 Drawing and pointing 8.00 Bed and Redding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, perterm, $ 5.00 Junior, ". "1" COO Preparafoy '" 8.00 Si"nior?4? 10.05 Pupil:! received at my time, and special attentioais paid to pellicular studies in behalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply at the Academy WINTER OPENING AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Mi linery Store. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW 1 and complete stock of ililliuery goods, consisting of HAT 3 OF ALL STYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, Gtnlleintns' and ladits' Handkerchiefs Call, and see them at the building form erly occupied by Dr. Robinson on Califor nia street.- MRS. P.P. PRIM. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, WINTJEJf and HELMS, PROPRIETORS. The proprietors ot tLis well known'and popular resort world inform their friends and the public generally that a complete' and first class slock of the host brands "of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc., are constantly kept on hand. They will be pleased to have their friends "call and smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also be found here. "Wc would be pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and we will place them in the cabinet for inspection. WINTJKN & HELMS. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner rront and .UnrrUnn, Portland. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GU1NEAN, PROP. (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly fire-Droof . Con tains 120 elegantly furnished suits and single rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats- nro !tonper Aa? at iiomc 2U l J WOVSampes worth $, froe Address Stixson & Co., Portland, Me E STAFF OF LIF! THE ROGUE RIVER mm mum mills HAVING RECENTLY UEEN RE fitted with al" modern improvements, are now turning out a first-class article of flour, which is put up in one-fourth bairel saeks. and every sack is warranted to contain 49 pounds of flour If you don't believe this, just compare a sack of our flour with any other brand offered for sale in this market, and note the difference in weight. Ftonr -anfr -MilfcFced Constantly on hand and exchanged for wheat. BARLEY ROLLERS. Having added a set of Darley Rollers to my mill, I have set apart every Saturday to Roll liarlcy for customers. The work will be done on short notice, so that par ties can rcturti with their grist the same day. I am prepared to roll barley at all times and in the best manner. This pro cess is tar ahead of the crusher G.K-.REWSKI. Jacksonville, Sept, 22, 1883. Farmer's Store, Mkdford, Oregon, ANGLE & PLYMALE Prop's. The undersigned takes pleasure In an nouncingthat he has opened his plaro of business in the new town of Meuforu, Or egon, andis now prepared to furnish, in quantilicslo suit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CAN DIES, :NUTS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Etc. My stock is fresh and first-class, and I propose to keep a full assortment of every thing in my line and sell at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER All I ask is a trial. tS"IIighest price paid for Produce. Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain treitmcnt, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory. Sperm.itorhoea. Impotenry, Involuntary oinis-.iou1?, premature old age, caused by ovcr-uxeition, sclt-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's tieatment, one dodar a box, or six boxes for five dol lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. W ith each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dol lars, wc will send the purchaser our writ ten guarrntee to return the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued only by Woodard, Clarke & Co., Wholesale anc Retail Druggists, Port land, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. U. S. SALOON, U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, JACKSONVILLE, T.L McKENZI, PROP'H, HAVING ASSU3IED THE 3IAN agement ot ibis resort, I propos keeping it stocked with ihe finest brands of WINE3, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, And will be pleased tcrcceivc a call from all.who wishthe best in 'my" "line. Sat isfaction assur-d. f T. T. McEHNZIE. Ml REDUCTION -IN HOTEL PSIGES AT THE SL0VER HOTEL- BOARD AND LODGING Best house for the money this side of Portland. G. A. HUSBELL, Eeal Estate Agent, AUCTIONEER, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office in Dr. Aiken's building on Cal ifornia street. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. G. A. IIubbell IPiles! A SUJRE CI WND AT: NO ONE NEI FFFrcU! A sure Cure fori iing, Itching i discovered and Ulcerated Pilefi by Dr. AVil'iamJH pjiIIm! T)r. WiWanri an Remedy.. Ointment. A single box has cu rworst chronic cases of 25 or 30 ye idiilir. No one neeu suuer nvc iuiuu PT applying this wonderful soothips c. xjuuuhs in- struments and rlcctui p jaore harm than ffood. William absorbs the tumors, j allays jl itaUteX' fii.'-rtlcularly 3G mgt 4B"WMta in oca,) acts as a pouitH7gvves instant relief, and is prepared imij far Piles, itch, ingofthe private parls.and for nothing else. 4(i Read what the Jlon. Ji-M. Cofllnherrj of i leveland rysaliout DrMIliam's In dian Pile Ointment :!!" liave used scores of Pile ' uu-s, and it aflbidsme pleasure to say .hat I have never fbnnd anything which gave such immediate' and perma nent relief as Dr. William's?Indmn Oint ment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. HENRY & CO., Proprietors, Cleveland, O. noDOE, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. TUTT IfWaS ESS E53' ssaazssn TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and R1ALAR8A. M t From these sources arlso thice rourtus ol the diseases of Uio hninan raco. Theso symptornslndicatotheiroiistcnce:Io of Appetitb, Bowels costive, Kick Head ache, fullness after cnttiifr, averalon to exertion of ljody or mind, Eructation of food) Irritability of temper, Low spirits, A freling of having neglected snmo dnty, Ulzzlacss, Fluttering at tlia llcart.PotJ before tlio eres.hlgUlyeoI ored Urine, COXSTllATIOi"V, and de mand tlio uso of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. AsaLlvermed'cinoTCTT'S 1'ir.LS havo no cquaL Their action on tho Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt j removing nil Impurities through these threo scav engers of the system," prodnclniT appo tlte, sound digestion, rvpul.ir stools, a clear Bklnandavigorousbodv. TOTT'SPJXLS cnuso no nausea or griping nor lnterlero with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bold every whi-ri-, S.'c. 01ar-e.41tntTnybU.W.Y. i mkm V HHroSlEd &S S Sten nnir tiitt. nrt 'WiTisTrvKS chanced in. etantly to a Glosst Black by a single ap. T'lcatkm of this DTE. Bold by Druggists, c. sent by cspros, on receipt of 8J. OlRoc, 4iKuiT? Srtur-tJXeTToTk. TUn"3 MAHUAL Or USEFUL nEf-EIPTS FEEL THE ASHLAND BULGE AND NORMAL SCHOOL, jfV Edilcviici, Or. Four courses of study. Normal and Commcrcia. College, Preparatory and In strumental music. . ' Foi particulars or crlalogue apply to the undersigned al Ashland, Oregon, il. G. ROYAL, A. 31. President The Brmna' Guide 13 Is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, SJX-U J indies, with, ov 3,300 illustrations r hole pic- tnre irallcrv. -ves whole- Bale prices direct to consume jn all goods lor personal or lamuy u . i" " to order, and gives exr cost of every thing you use, eat, drir wear, or have fun with. Theso inva able books con tain information gleaned from the mar kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Rcspectfullv, MONT GOMERYVARD & CO. 227 i 2-9 Wabash Aac. Chicago. IU. DE. f- SUSBEPS lTXTSlWAt PII(E KEBEDr - Girei tiutant Relief, end kri Infallible CURE FOR AUL tCIKOS OF PILES. Sold by DniRgists e cry where. Trice, 'I.CO rer dot, prrjxznt, by mail, bampics sent free to Physicians aid all suflerers, by Kenitaerttci .t Co.. IJox S01G. New York C'-tv. SoIr manufacture of AKAKESIS. Will be mailed rslTCtO all applicant J and to customers of last year inthout ordenne it. It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for plamlnis all VefetaWe and Flower Seeds. Plants, etc. IiavaiH stele to all. D.M.FERRii&eO.SK. PATENT fe We contlnna to act cs'selieKors for Patents, Careats. T-3e Marts. Cepjrijfett. etc. lor the Ui.iUy' S'aa-s, Canada. Cubs; Erglard. France German) etc He tare sd Jliirlj-live jrar' cxi'i-ricuic. . f PaieiM cbtaii cd iliuutfhttswc noticed In the fcieytmc AiifMCaA- WMlMwea! d splendid Illustrated vice-Mr rd'er'V-P a jrar. tfc. s IhePmprfcss of fclei-re.-i ttyipterenlnp. and has aa en- rmous clrcuIaUrrL yAddrew MIAN & CO, Patei i SollcitrTsiirub'sSnf .kllNTiric AJKkicax. Sfil Broad ray.Kw rr-rt. Haud MoK aJH,Jjr?t trm. -. , LsEiAjj TV t-f 'n. week in your oif town. Terms iz id Sj outfit 'frtL Add;. II Piles! Pjl A N A iSEs fs H!? tff .fl hfLV. A Hallett & Co., PoitlftBCJfcaint. 1 t Blaine In New York. Blaine made a journey up the Hud son and Mohawk valleys through the State of New York last Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 24th and 25th. All along the route people turned out by thousands and tens of thousands to welcome the foremost statesman of Ainerici. At Yonkers, AlbanvfUtica, the home of Conkliiig) Herkimer, Sy racusp, Auburn and Buffalo immense cro a "greeted the Repulicun htand MllMeaml -cheeretUfornthe?nexv Presiflent.-- At Syracuse he'reumiiied over nirjht and witnessed a great torch lisht demonstration. James G. Blaine is the most popular man in America to-day, nnd will be elected by an overwhelming majority. Wliwre ever Blaine and Logan go they receive a continuous ovation, while the 'Demo cratic candidates receive but little at tention. Blaine and Igan are now almost certain to receive the electoral votes of New York, and, in any event, their election is as sure as anv future event can be. Blaine is a thorough-blood Ameri can. He believes in America. He rejoices in her progress and prosperity, lie predicts her greatness. He is sure of her ability to maintain her place among the great powers of the earth He announces a policy that will ex tend her commercial na well as political influences. He is no croaker. He does not go about whining ihat we are in danger of losing our liberties; that we are drifting toward a dangerous centralization; that we are becoming intolerably corrupt, and that as a nation we are threatened with insol vency of public character. He knows better. He believes in the robust maithcod of the American people, in their disposition and ability to pay their debts, guard and preserve their liberties, maintain their reputation for honor and honesty, and build up a nationality (hut Miull surpass all ether nationalities, p-a or present; a nation abundant in resources', happy in their political and religious freedom, and clothed, housed and fed as no other people hae been on the fuce of the globe. ' Blaine believes in the people, the American people, and the people beliete in him. A wide awake business man of San Francisco, in conversation with a ro j-orter said: "I am ture tin.es will be better within two months There are now at sea one hundred and fifty ves sels destined for San Francisco, Port land and Sound ports. There must have cargoes and will put several mill ions of dolhrs in circulation, of which Oregon will receive her proportion. Then after the election is over and Blaine iuaururatrd, I look for four years of unprecedented prosperity. I have witnessed a coodly number of Presidential election and mv obera tion has been, that just (lending a Pres idential election, times were duliest." An exchange hays "In these days a girl will take about twenty thousand pirces of silk, of all shades, shapes and sizes, and put them all neatly together, and then embroider dainty birds and blushing flowers, and libboned tain borines, and all sorts of exquisite little conceits upon it. And after this she lines it with fky-blue satin aud puts a luxurious cord around the edge, and when all this roathetic object is finish-' ed it is called a crazy quilt. The quilt is all right it's the girl that crazy." Mrs. Garfield, the mother of the late President, can be seen almost any day walking 'about the grounds or bitting in her arm chair on the shaded lernnda at Mentor. On Sundav she is fre quently at church with other members of the family, and is able to take n smm in, or alight from, the family carrince with little assistance. She has passed her eighty-third birthday, and seems to be in the enjoyment of her mual good health. China possesses the longest bridge in the world. It is at Lagans, over an arm of the China sea, and is five miles long, built entirely of stone, 70 feet high, with a roadway of 70 feet wide, and has 300 arches. The para pet is a balustrade, and each of the pillars, which are 75 feet apart, sup ports a pedestal on which, is placed a lion, 21 feet long, made of one block of tnarble. John Kelly: A weaker man than Hancock is runing against a stronger man man uarueia. Wheat In England. Wheat is so low even in England that many farmers say they will feed their grain to stock rather than selLit at present prices. If this is so in England what ought farmers to do here? Meats are very high throughout our northwest in comparison with the price of wheat. Naturally one of the significant facts attending the low price of wheat in Great Britain is a steady decline in In ti2i"nt nai. f a- lnttrl -Tfirfrn palntos apll M'JXtaSKT'VHVSr''" "i- - "-.-"S" I fcTucU17?tbafrheftrcP-hl commanded a few years ago, 'ar.d the decline is so marked as to command the attention of politicians and econo mists throughout Europe. The poss ession of lands has been regarded in the pa.st in England as the test of a gentleman. Great bankers, merchants and manufacturers possessing heredi tary wealth, and with incomes gie.itly exceeding and derived from the poive.i sion of land, hive never ranked in England even with the poorer owners of the soil to whein it had been trans mitted through heirship and descent. That fact has given to land a fictitious or imaginary value of which ii K being shorn by tha hard law.s of finance and tr.idc now assumiiis sovereignty throughout the world. But the rich English barons in w!iose lands mines of iron, coal, salt and tin are successfully worked are regarded as ol greater importance than the peers who li.ve simply on their rentrolls, and this changed relation is becoming more marked as rents are declining while mines are becoming of greater value. An English landed e-tate is no longer of excessive value beciusc it is attached to' a title, if its revenues are small. The woild, even in England, is growing democratic, anil money is a great Ieveler. Wealthy manufactures, traders and speculator are obtaining consideration, which formerly was impossible. Thus the facility with which food can now be imported into England fioin foreign countrizs nnd itscousrquent cheapness there are producing effects far wider and deeper than the mere delino in the value of lands. '-Oregouian." There is kicking against Cleveland in the South as well as in the North. Colonel John S. Swan, an ex Confeder nte Colonel of West Virginia, is out in a card announcing his reasons for sup porting Blaine nnd Logan. Hfireto fore the Colonel has boasted of being an unreconstructed rebel and a Bour bon of the Krt water, but he cannot stomach Cleveland's nomination, or the party platform. He arraigns the Democratic members of Congress for refusing to put our navy on a footing with those of other countries, and says that they are neither statesman, patri ots, nor men endowed with common sense. He also denounces Democratic opp.i.ition to a Piolective Tariff, and calls upon his at my comrade and the young men of the Sonth to come out and take a stand in defense of the principles advocated by the Republican party. In closing his letter Colonel Swan declares that the Democratic party of lo day is not the party of twenty-five years ago, and says that the Republican party has become the Whig party of old under a different name. He eulogizes Blaine as a fear less and just man, endowed with those arge views that maik'the sUtesin-tn above all technicalities." "Jleveland Leader." Shaw, a Coloradu suiveyor, reports that he and his party of .surveyors have found almost a solid mountain of alum over a mile square, some of the cliff's of which rise to an elevation nf 700 fee', above the level of the Gila river. .Most of i he alum is in an impure slate, tasting very strongly of sul phuric acid. Some of the cliffs show immense quantities of almost pure, marketable alum. Tn Utah, not far from this mountain of alum, is a mountain of rock sa!t and a bed of sulphur thousands of acres in extent. Fred. Schwatka Strang, recently ap pointed to represent Oregon in the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Mart land, has passed a cerditable examina tion for enterance, and is now a cadet midshipman under the instruction of the United States. And now they say West Virginia is likely to so Republican. It begins to look as if the Rinunlican nole was o- ing to knoch all the persimmons this year. A Strange Suicide- The following account of a strange suicide appears in the lato New Or leans dispatches: S. D. Hale was a well educated and cultivated negro, who served for a time on the police force in this city, and afterward in the Custom House. He as a man o? family, of good oharac acter, a Christian church member, and well esceemed. Ho had a cood wife and two sons. For the last few months ,ha.had.be?nafflicted'' with sickness, -which helfelto uo"in:urabfe- -H thought he was becoming a burden to his family. Last night he posted hira self at the side of the track of tho Illi nois Central road beyond tho station. An excursion train drew out of the station, and, as soon as tho engine had passed, Hale got down on his knees and laid his neck on the rail. Tho car wheels passed over it, and in an in sfaiit i: was dc-capitated. His head rolled between the rails and the trunk fell back into the ditch. The conduct or found on his person a note saying: ''This is no accident. Please do not stop the men from their work if it can be helped." The considerate suicide knew it was'the custom of the police to arrest employes of railroad trains in where persons are run over and hold them until the court ro.ievcs them of responsibility, a hardship which he sought to avoid for them. It was found later that Hale had loft in the family Bible a letter addressed to his wife, explaining in touching language the purposo of his suicide. Will you be kind enough, sir, to hold this ram for mo while I open this gate? it is fastened on tho inside, arid I muit climb over." This modest re mark was niado by a man who was standing at a gate on a lonely road, tuid'it was addressed to a stalwart sail or who had just como up. The-only other object visible on the long, straight .road was the large black ram, whose . massive crooked horns were being held by the man as the two stood quite still in front of the gate. "Why sartinly, shipmate," said the obliging tar, as he se:zed the big horns and relieved tho first holder. The lattor climbed quick ly over tho gate. "I thank you very much," he said politely when ho cot to the other side. "You will bo suprised to hear that I never saw that ram be fo o to-day. Tho brutto attacted mo about half an hour ago, and we havo lfen tussling together ever since. As long as you stand beforo him holding his horns he can't hurt you much. Good bye. I hope you will be as lucicy in getting away from him as I have been." .It is not known what tho sail or said. "Ex." Tho number ox men who have, in the expression of the streot, left tho country during the past year, for reas ons best known to themselves, is notice able. To our knowltdgo nono of them are bank centers. When an ordinary scrub, without the confidunco or re spect of tho community, leaves tho country, it is undoubtedly for tha country's good. It is different in tho cast ot a man who has a reliable stand ing, and has been engaged in many business transactions. In such a case the .Montana trip with an indebtedness in the rear, shatters the confidence of business men, and is liable to work a liavuship upon poor and struggling but yet huiier.iblo men. If one man out of every three was brought back, the ex ample wou il be a telling one to any meditating a similar step. "Heppner Times." rrj of Flzs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the Palate, acceptable to tha Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain less in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Billiousness, Indigestion, land kindred ills. Cleanses the system. purifies tho blood, regulates tho liver ant) acts on the Bolwes. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fevers, ect. Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Butter than bitter, nauseous medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottle free, and large bottle for stae by Merritt & Robinson, Jackson ville Tho mugwumps are an extinct species in Maine. Hannibal Hamlia. used the last one for fish bait moro than twenty years ago. Mains went for reform, hut Cleve land does not seem to be mixed up. with it. "'