Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 26, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday. July 26 ,18S4.
Notice. All indebted to Dennis &
Morgan for pumps will please call at
Caro Brother's Morn at Pliocnix and
settle. Di:xxi3 & Morgan.
Quarterly Muirnxc Tlic fourth
quarterly meeting for Jacksonville unit J
Ashland lins been poslpunul until the
20th and 27th of July. It will lie held in
the 51. E. Church in Jacksonville Hev. I.
1). Driver, P. E., will preside. Services
will be held Saturday, 2Cth, at
11 a. m. and in the evening also on Sun
day 27th at 11 a. m.
RonBEUY. One week ago last
Friday night the .tore of It. 11. Brou
at Eagle Point was entered ly hum
lara and the till robbed of nbout S30
in silver and a pistol. The proprietoi
was absent at the time and no clue has
yet been found of the thief. The en
trance was effrcted through a window,
the robber taking out a pane of glas.
New Lodge I. O. 0. F. The fol
fowing officers wore elected and in
stalled for the new lodge of Odd Fel
lows at Grant's Pass by District Dep
uty Helnian: Dr. XV. II. Flanagan,
N. G.; J. K. Pigney, V. G.; D. Con
way, R. S.; C. D. Sexton. P. tj.; 11. R.
Morris, Trcas. The lodge units out
with fair prospects and ha's already
initiated several new members.
"Will Build The piece of land in
the burnt district on California street,
commonly known as the Howard lot,
was bought by K. Kubli this week for
5850 and the new owner will build n
fin brick store building on the giound
at once. There was consider ible stiife
among several to get possession of this
property und at one time it looked as
if the mutter would liavo to be settled
in the courts.
New Pan-r. Win. T. Moore of
this place and Fred. P. Croucuiiller of
Roneburg have fom.ed a paituership
and will coinnif nee the publication of
a Democratic newspaper st l'toeliurg
nbout September 1st, to lie called ihe
Roseburg Record. Both uro stcadv
and industrious vouug men and we
would be glad to hear of their estab
lishing a thriving business They an
on the wrong side of (he house however,
but wp wish them the gieates: success
Paid Dearly. Two festive chaps
from thj upier end of the vnllnv who
had taken on too much beer while
visiting Jacksonville lust Sunday, lin-d
Several shots as they wem dminu
through the streets on Sunday last.
Warrants for their an est were gotten
out and boih parties iic tiied licfinc
Justice Foudray last Tuesday und lined
S12 and 2-1 lespectively. Thev will
not be apt to tiv this over again rooii
anil as they both felt ashamed of theii
conduct we will not publish theii
jyius t.itiie.v . -
Mouk Deviltry. We reported u
rhurt time since th it fhhh- pii li. s u erf
picking oil" flneis am! (Khiinu'ii
plants in our cemetery, ami in Mime
cases even goin so far as to def icti
tlietilonuinpiifs.il- headstones over the
graves. The item we published, to
gether with the arr'on of S'-xto'i Dun
lap in offering a rewaid of 25 for the
arrest and conviction of tint guilty
parties, had the effect of stopping thi
low-down work fur awhile, liut within
the last week tint work has been coin
Bipnced again and cairied even faithei
than before on certa:n graves. Tin-
guilty parties may think them is no
danger of grtting caught, but should
they be detected they ha 1 better pro
tect their poor iniseiati't! necks if the
parties get hold of them -.vhos-e frientU
and relatives graves are thus being des
ecrated. A stiict watch should be
kept and the guilty parties caught.
The Republican Campaign Mr.
Joseph Simon chiiiimau of the Repub
lican state cential commute", said to
an "Oregonian" teporter that the com
mittee had decided to open the presi
dential campaign about September 1.
Some were in favor of coiuui-nciug it
earlier, but the uiajoiity thought it
better to wait until thn busiest season
with farmers was over. It is propos
ed to start in hot nnd keep enthusiasm
at the boiling point until election day.
Snnator Dolph, ex Senator Geo. H.
Williams, Congressman Gejige, Hon.
Richard Williams, Hon Rufus .Military
and others of this city have expicssed
willingness to stump the state and
every Republican speaker in Oregon
will be invited to take put in the cam
paign, which will be the warmest evei
known here. The campaign will close
in this city Monday night, November
3. Mr. Simon expresses the opinion
that Blaine nnd Logan will have 1000
larger .majority than Hermann had for
Congress last June.
Religious. Tim fourth quarts lv
meeting for the M. E. Church foi
Jacksonvil e and Ashland will beheld
at th'iR place to-day ind Sunday, Rev.
I. D. Driver officiating. He will also
preach in Ashland Sunday evening.
....Reguar services at thi Catholic
Church in this place, Rev. F. X. Biuu
ch?t officiating Elder M.l'eieison
preiches at Medfuid Sunday moiuing
and afternoon. On ihu first Suinh)
in August hn will officiate at, a ba-kn
meeting on Rogue River, a short dis
tance below Bybee's ferry, and on the
following Sunday will conduct sen-ices
at the basket meeting to bo 1 eld m
the mouth of Thompson creek A
protracted basket meeting will be hr-hl
on the camp giound on Williams
creek, to commence on the 1st d iy of
August. Services by Reverends" R.
C. Oglesby and D. M. Rice There
will be services at St. Francis' church,
Eagle Point, on Sunduv, Aug. 4ih; by
Rev. F. X. Blniichut....Rev. J.'a".
Slover wiil preach at C-ntrnl Puiii'
this afternoon, nt 2 o'clock p. ji ; aUo
on Sunday morning at oleven.
Local Items-
Circus day.
Tropical fruit at Little's.
Tho. J. Raimey is in town.
Walter Jackson is with us again.
John Bilger has returned from Port
laud. Several parties at Medford are fight
ing ague.
Harvesting is going on in most parts
of the valley.
Who lest I.isovercoat at Grants
Pass last week!
B F. Do'vell has gone north "again
on legal business.
Fruit cans for sale at Kubli's and
Bilger & Mueglj's.
Hostel keeps a fine stock of cigars
nnd tobacco of all kinds.
R. M Garrett and family of Ash
laud were in town this week.
Loui Solomon is expected back from
San Finrisco on a visit in a few eUvs.
Brooks has changed his rhionometer
so that it conexpouds with railroad
A band of Gypsies passed through
town Thursday on thefr way north
The finest liquniR and cigars can al
ways be had at Geo. Cross' place in
Call at the Excelsior stables for
your livery teams. Plymalo will treat
vou well.
Several fine cits were killed (his
week ami the owners ate hunting for
the liend.
B in uch Fisher and F. B. Voorhies,
M ed ford merchant', were in Jackson
ille Thur.-day.
ChnWa has made its appearance in
the Eist and leprosy is on the increase
in San FiantNco.
TIio infant child of Mr. Hunl of
the Meadows died vc-slerdav aired
ibout taiee leais.
Geneia1 E L. Applegato is in town
is one of tliH attorneys in the Neil
Tulinan water suit.
The condition of Geore II. Youn"
is giowmg wiiM eveiy day and he
cannot sui vive Ion;;.
Henry Klippi 1 started for Ohpvv u i
cin valley on Thursday last, to be gone
aliuut tluee mouths.
Lst Thursday was the warmest dav
ofihebeison, the ihermometer goii g
up to 00 in the shade.
Mollis Biuiii, fnrmeily of JiicksBii
villi- but inw a resident uf San Fiuii
cisco, is back en a visit.
Tim thresher owned by Messrs
llybee ,fc Fisher is now doing some
good vvoik in the valley.
Georgn Brett n has ri-tisnc;-Ms -pon
sition us singe hostler al Yrrka atfd
returned to Jack.ouv ille.
Fiank M. Ni'ikerson, ex County
Cieik of Josephine cnuiTlv, spent sever
il das in Ju'jl.souvillu this week.
Rock ami biick are now being
hall ed for the nut Red .Men building
George W. Holt will do the noil.
A postoftico has been established ill
Gold Hill station and u telegraph
nllici! is soon to bo established there.
.1. H. ITuflVr Ins iei$Mied his po
sitinii us City Recoider ami Capt. II.
Kern has been appointed m his stead.
The Savage lot in Third street was
puicluised by C. C. Betkuian who has
since sold a poitiou of the lot to K-.
E. Diinick of Grant's Pass called
this week. He was settlin" Un lh
assignment I'Usini'ss of thn Gabbert
L'wr-iire Leonard came in from tiis
slock i.tiicliiii Ivlamiith eoiiiiiy yesttr
lav and Iris sinie gone to his home in
Josephi:.e county.
We are under obligation to Mrs
W. .1. Plyumle for her sei ices as ed
Uor of thn Sextixel dining our al
sence til Portland.
Justice Miller of the U. S. Supreme
Couit nriived ov ei land at Poillaud
iMt hi day. He is accompauie I by his
wife and daughter.
John Miller of she Hunter'e Em
porium has been under the weather
for seveial davs with the prevailing
Summer complaint.
Water in the wells aiound town is
much lower than common at this time
of ear and more than one well will
dry up before winter.
Tho Democratic ratification an
nounced to take place at Portland this
werk was postponed on account of the
iiicbmencv of the weather.
For two vacint government places
ill Washington, paving $(J0 per mouth
acli, selection 1ms just been made
from a list of 1138 applicants.
Irad liicliaidson, former.y a Jack
sonv ille printer, Iihk become a Rev in
the M. E. Chuich nnd will attend lh
next coiifeieiic- to get a station.
'Ihe Circus will exhibit heie this
afieinoii nnd evening and all the
m-w-,papers alon il.s route of travel
speak of it in high terms of piaife.
J. W. BiUr m.d J. II. ICinc-ti.l
imve (heir new store at Central Point
in luiniiiig oider and ask for a shaie
if the public prftrona'.'f! of that section.
C-.pt G. W. Weik has returned'
from Portland and now contemplates
taking u trip to the mountains for a
time to live on venison nnd bear meat.
Ex Governor St. John of Kansas
was nominated for President by the
Piohibition com en! ion at Pittsburg,
Pn. on Wednesday last. William
Dinie's of Mirv land is' tho nominee
fur Vice President.
A car load of the best coal oil is now
on the road for K.. Kubli, who says he
will sell it cheaper than the same
quality wai ever offered for heie be
fore. '
plaint, you have a prin'ed gu iraulee
on every bottl; of Shiloh's Vita,iz"r.
It never fails to cure. Brooks can
furnish it.
Peter Britt is still on thp sick list
but is improving. Eiuil Britt is in
charge of the gallery and can accommo
date all who want photos taken in the
highest style of the url.
Rumor sajs that a former resident
of Rock Point but uov at Oakland,
Gal., has failed for a good sum. We
could not trace the report to any au
thentic source however.
School Cleiks and others interested
will s?o by ttie School Supeiintendent's
iippoitionment published in another
co uiini what amount of school money
tach district is entitled to.
Chris. Kretzer was thrown from a
wagon last week nnd had an arm (lis
located at the elbow. Dr. Robinson
set the injured member but the patient
is sti'l confined to hii room.
Dr. M.'Vrooman pf Medford whs
on i ho sick list several days :his week.
Since his return to Jacksonville his
condition is gieatly impioved and he
will return to Medford soon.
The last issue of the Del Norte
'Record" is lillel up entirely with
timber land notices no reading matter
of any kind appearing. Timber must
be in demand in that section. m
Miss Carrie Beekman has returned
to OaUl.ii)!, Cal., to resumo studies nt
Mills Seminary. Her brother Ben
accompanied her to San Francisco
where he will remain for awhile.
A charge of obtaining goods under
false pretii-es has been brought
against Walter Anderson by Prof.
Men it t and the case is set for trial be
fore Justice Foudray this morning.
Tiie Portland Daily News is hoa
one of our best exchanges having
made a most wonderful improvement
s-nco the net, management took charge
of uti'iirs. We hope to see it piosper.
J. II. Huffer and sou have taken a
contract in government surveying in
Josephine, county and will start out
vtrith a party in a few diys. Finnk
A. Huffirwill be in charge as survev or.
The Odd Fellow v' hall has been
greitly impioved with new carpet and
chandelieis and new canopies have
al o been oiileied, all of which will
m ike it oue of the finest halls in this
The Commercial Hotel at Grant's
Pass has changed hands Jmii'.-s Jordan
of Williams being the purciiaier, pay
ing .$2,500 theiefor. Mr. Ls.inl.ert
.talks ofstarting another hotel at the
same pCice.
W 1.T..I - .C .1.- VlT-.ll i .ti
-sf.""Jii5Ctr" "" '3-iiTro-v-.iiif3
is nowlieiii!:. written up by M-. II O.
Lang, with George II Himes of P.in
Imd as publisher. Mr. Ling is an
able writer anil will no doubt in ike a
success of the work.
N. K. Lvtle is again in charcp of
the wholesale d'j-aitmcut of the Ilogue
River Distillery and is silling lots o!
liquor manufactuied nt this house
The liquor is pure nnd shows maiked
improvement, with age.
Last Sun Jay ie,ar Modesto, Cil.,
4,400 iicr-s of grain were destroed nj
fiie, causing a loss of our 890,000
This is in the locality where George
Fietinaiiof this place is employed
with a steam thresher.
The remains of the late J. II. Mc
Daniel, who died at Cinnabar about
eight months ago, are to be brought to
town for burial in our ci-meterv.
New (II Hall and John Dvar will
bring them in in a few davs.
A neat afid novel sign, the work of
a local artist, now ornaments the Gem
alonii at Medfuid, owned bv Kennei
k. Wolteis. A tine new billi.ud table
can al-o be found theie as wed as at
i ho Railroad saloon of Noland &
Ihe saddler shop of Madison Rodgprs
at Medford is well stuc-ked with every
thing usually found in an establish
tneiit of this kind besides also having
a boot and shoe depirtment attached
All goods nro maiked down to the
lonest notch and satisfaction is guar
People from Portland ard other
places who visit the Sod i Springs
southeast of Ashland all speak in high
piaise of tiie pleasant taste and bene
ficial (ffecls of thp soda water, ns well
as the excellent entertainment furnish
ed by Mr. and Mrs.Tuoker at the hotel.
"Tidings." .
It requires about ninety hours for
Oiegou fiuit to leach Chicago from
Poitiaud, and it usually arrives in ex
cellent condition. As the production
of the oichanls of this State rival
those of any other country under the
isuti. it is needless tosay good prices
are generally obtained.
The fie bill enacted by tho last le"
islauiie went into effect with the com
in.; of the new countv officers a
couple of week. ago. A i eduction of
about 33 per rent, on the fees former
ly chaise.! has been inadn in Jackson
county which is rough on the officials
hut t-ood for the outsiders who have to
pay the money.
Dr. Sturgp, a medical missionary to
Siain. relates how a native doctor ad
ministered an emetic to a lovp sick
lady who had swallowed a quantitv of
opium with suicidal intent. The scien
tist of bum took a live red, clipped off
part oil his- tail to make nm squirm in
a lively manner, and then pushed him,
tail first, down the loinai-ttc dniusiOV
throat. Whentheepl letumed to the
stream of running water near which
the girl was made to recline, theopiun
quickly followed him.
The Ieaiiie of thfl Oregon Rai'wnv
and Navigation Company by the
Northern Pacific gTvesjthe latter com
pany a compreteymonopoly of the
northwest for
present. It will
have the effect
gh to htir the Un
ion Pacific so
et a ccnreil' u
with Porilaud
he Oregon Short
Line, which 's
an advantage.
The Board of Trustees have been in
session several days this week codify
ing the town ordinances preparatory
to having them published in pamphlet
form. Liquor licenses were also
granted to Caion &fUarrett and T. T.
McKenzie for six months each. No
action has jet been taken on the peti
(ion asking for a reduction on paloon
license. )
Byars i Guerin will probally have
two or three biick store buildings to
put up in Crescent City, hsides doing
the vvork upon tiie foundation of Die
new court house there, and will burn
300,000 brick for tiie purpose. Mr.
Guerln will go down there as soon as
he completes the brick work and plus
tciing of the Ashland bank building.
While H. O.'Lang-nvas editor in
chief of the History cf Southern Ore
gon, and wrote up Jill the historical
matter it coetainiK name fails) to
npp'pftr'a's such on (he .JliliVpage of the
work, nltnough that gentleman said it
was part of his agreement with the
publisher tiiat it should so appear.
As that is nbout the only credit ible
part of the work vve suppose the pub
lisher thought he would-assume it.
Having been questioned several
times, we will say for tho benefit of all
who may he interested in science, that
Prof. Condon will be in Jacksonville
about the 10th of August. The Prof,
will deliver a lecture in Jacksonville
on the Geology of Southern Oregon,
after which he intends visiting the
Jrsephine county cave, and will deliver
a lecture in Ashland, after his return,
on the re-ults of his visit. All who
desire aie coidially in tiled to accom
pany the crowd on an excursion to the
The Reno "Gazette" of July 10 says:
The law allows the present company
to keep possession of thn Nevada and
Orefon Railroad until September 17,
when Moran, of New Yort, will get
it, by light of the United States
Marshal's sale. Mr. Moran asked the
ouipany to give up their rights now
instead of waiting until September, us
he wants to run the road and extend
it. The Dire. tors nie willing to do so,
believing that it will be better for
Rmio, ami feeling that there is ni
hope . f (-deeming it.
II. D. Kubli and Marshal McDan
iel returned from their trip to Cit.na
birbist etening bringing luck a fine
lot of fat venison hams for one of
vhich we return thanks. They re
port having had a fine time geneiallv
found ami killeiUaJl the, game thev
wanted anil their, Jooks-'sflow th it
thtiirigeneral 'heall iiMmsjint been W
paired. Judge .'Watson and J. C
MeCullv htp still thero waiting for
Iv. Kubli nnd John Rjlt to j lin them,
mil ihe hitler ej:pect to start next
Mouilay to be gone until they get tiled.
Some i !ea of the magnitude of the
New York postollict! can he obtained
fiom the fo'lowing figuies, furnished
by the Postoffice Deputuient: "The
aggivgate business of the money outer
department of the New York post
office for tho year amounted to $74,
503, 043 5G, giving an increase of the
business over tha previous year of
tC,220,503 42. The total receipts of
the officii were 4,293.810 7G, and the
total expenditures S8SI.318 GG, giving
a net levenue of 3,414.49S.1G." The
number of employs is 1,390, and tho
aggregate pay is 1,4GG,S77 76."
This entertainment, which was ex
hibilid here this afternoon, was one of
the best of the kind ever known in this
city. The m irvels of Peru, tluee in
number, Siegrest, Duraud and Evans,
are truly great artists. Mr. William
O'Da u is a very graceful and gifted
rider. L'-olmd Be.uner, trap"o and
hoiizoutal bar pei formers cannot be
equalled. Mr. William Organ, with
his; troupe of tiained Patngonian horses
astonished everyone. These horses
are wild from the plains. Mr. Org in
is said to be one of the Guest horse
ira'iiers in the world.
The ground und lofty tumbling by
the company was the best vve hae
ever witnessid. v '
The clowns, Fred Irwin and August
Siegrest wer indeed well worihv of
mention. Thty nreoiiginalaud differ
ent from all other clowns. Bisidea
bping funny, they are rcmarkableacro
bits. '1 he strangest people ever s en .are
Mister George Robtucon, the Canadian
giant boy, a mere vouth, aged 17
J ears. lie stands sven feet four
inches in bright, and he critainly is a
wonder; the tallest boy on earth.
Ciptain MeInto:-h, the tattoed man
from YVsso, Japan, was taltocd by ihe
natives. He is a complete mass of
tnttoelng from head to fo t, and a
strange specimen of humanily. You
see ali these truly great artists and
strange people under the one cmvass,
and nil appear in the s.iniu ling.
They show again tonight, when we
expect treir tent crowded. "Vallej i
Chronicle," May 12ii.
Birthday Party. Numerous
fiieuds of M, Mensor met at the ruM
lento of J. Solomon lasi Satunlay
night to celebrate Mr, Mensoi's 71st
birthday. Refreshments were served,
tho brass band serenaded amf nil pres
ent say they had n good time.
DY a po.itive euro for Catarrh,
Diphtheria uind Cahker MoutL At
Iii Memoriam-
Firemex's Hall, 1
" Jacksonville, Or., July 21, 1SS I. J
We, the undersigned, your com
mittee on resolutions on the death of
brother M. Col well beg leave to offer
tho following:
Whereas, The good and great
spirit of the universe in Lis divine
wisdom, having seen fit to call our
worthy colleague, M. Colweli, from
his earthly duties to a placo unknown
by all who remain here; therefore be
Resolved, That vve as members of
the Jacksonville Fire Company No. 1,
feel the deep loss of our deceased
brother vviih a keen feeling of sorrow;
and, that while vve bow in submission
to the gieat Giver of life, vve feel
within our hearts the sad loss of n
worth v member, a friend and nspect-
ed ci'izpn.
Resolved, That we extend to his
relatives ana fiieuds our most heart
felt sympathy in this sad hour of their
bsreavement, softened with our un
bounded admiration of the deceased as
ai exemplification of the Jacksonville
Fire company.
Resolved, That these resolutions
be spread upon the minutes of our
compuny; that a copy of the samo be
forwarded to the relatives of our de-
ceised member, and that they be pub
lished in both Jacksonville papers.
Kespectluliy submitted,
Wji. T. Moore,
Ciias. E. Haxxa, Com
sa, V '
Jas. G. Biudsey
ARE YOU MADE- miserablo bv
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzines",
loss of appetite, yellow skml Shiloh's
Vitalizer is a positive cure. Brooks
keeps it.
"HACKMETACK," a lasting and
fragiant perfume. Pi ice 23 cents nnd
30 cents. For sale at E U. Urooks.
each hot'li of Shiloh's Catarih iemt-dv.
Price 50 cents. For salo at E. C.
bon, Ind., sjys: "BjiIi mvself and
wifvoxc cur vi-toSIULOH'SCON
SDMrUlON 0URE." Brooks keeps
WHY WILL YOU cough? Shiloh's
cuie will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts. 50 cts. and 1. For sale at E.
0. Biooks.'
CATARRH CURED health and
sweet breath secured by Shiloh s Ca
tan h Remedy. Pi ice 50 cents Nasal
Injpc-tor frpe. At Brooks'.
piately relieve Croup, Whooping cough
and Bicuchitis-. (Jail at Brooks.
To captivate the popular taste and
siirpiss all pievious elioitsto please
the palate, it-quit es i-o small amount
of knowledge amino little skill, and
when weri'Hieiiiber that tin very agree
able livuid fruitfvuedv, Syrup of Figs
it.." t-iiJ.iuUlo',lliti ,t hit-in,- it!, itvia
acceptaluiHtontlio sloinach.-jvve readily
understand 'why il'is the universal ft
voi ileus a' cure for Habitual Cmsti
pation nnd other ills arising fiom n
tvpakiiesj. or iuaclivn condition of the
Birfels, Kidneys, Liver and Stomach.
Sample bottles fiee and large, bottles
for sale by Merritt it Robinson, Jack
sonville. ('logins Out at Cost.
Our entire stock of general mereh
andise, in whole or in part, is now foi
sale at cost with a view of n change
in business-. All indebted to us are
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Reames Bro3.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, ISS 1.
Mausters Gi:iosi:y On Butte creek, at
the residence of J. N. Thomas. Ju'y CO,
1SS4, by A . .T. Florey, J P , Pr. V. .11.
Marsteis and Mis3 Clara Grigsby.
D licit ncnit -At the Clerk's office in
Jacksonville, July 14, 1SS1, by E. D.
Foudray, J. P. Rulus B. Drum and
Miss Keltic M. Burr.
Ha-.s- At Central Point, Ju'y 10, 1S81, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. U:iy?,a lO-poundboy.
Javiesox In Villow -prings prcc.net,
July 20, 1S81, to Mr.and Mrs. J..micson,
a d lughtcr.
Riddle At Riddle station, July 14, 1831,
to .Mr. and Mrs. atillcy Riddle, a daugh
ssw mmu shop
Madison Rodgers.
A Boot and Shoe Department is also
fall around rntl enquire price and I
will promise satisfaction.
Madison Rcdceks.
Medfbrd, Or., July 20, 1SS4.
If yon arc growing Gray or Baldj
If yonr Hair Is Thin, Brashy, Dry,
If yon are troubled with Dandruff,
Itching, or any Humor or Dis
ease of the Sealpj
It heals nearly every disease peculiar to
the scalp, checks the falling out of the Hair
nnd prevents It from turning gray, and Is an
unequalled dressing and toilet article.
rnxPAEXD cv
Sold by all Dr'..'-1.
3T4e-a.eaa.- 3Cra.
x--'ki!-lji n.-1'.m'..i,, .!. ri'.rt - v.ij..w.'nr
IM TTT.iT "- - r . r . - i n i i i i j-km H
Staple and Fancy. Dry Goods, ,
WWMlUl".' -M,JJi-.'U,J.'---'J. "I J,TJMU..L.I
California street, Jacksonville, Oregon. .
Farmer's Store,
Medford, Oregok,
Tlic undersigned takes pleasure in an
nouncing that he has opened his pluee of
business in the new town of Medford, Or
egon. nntlis now prepared to furnish, in
quantitiCbto suit,
My stock is fresh and first-class, and I
propose to kecpa full assoi uncut of every
thing in mv line and sell at
All I ask is a tria'.
CFIIiglicst price p lid for Produce.
Nervous Debility.
DR. E C. "WEST'S nerve nnd brain
tieitment, a specific for Hysteria,
Dizziness, I onvulsions. Nervous Head
ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory.
Spcrmatorhoea, Impote-ney, Involuntary
emissions, premature o 1 age, caused by
over-exertion, sclt-abusc or over-indulgence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One box will cure recent cases,
llach box cout lins one month's treatment,
one Io lar a box, or six boxes for five dol.
Inrs; sent by mail pn-piid on receip ol
price. We ginrantee i,c boxes to cure
any case. With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with live dol
I ir vve will send the purchaser ourvvrit
ten gu irrat:c to rett'ra the money if the
treatment does not ellect a cure. Guaran
tees issued on ' v by
U'ooninn, Cir.Kn & Co.
Wholesale am' lJtail Druggists, Port-
lanu. urecon.
nnlers iiy mail at regular prices,
Crazy Patchwork!
Having a large assortment of remnants
and pieces of handsome brocaded silks,
su ins ami ve'vels we are putting them up
in assorted bundles and furnishing them
for "Crazy Patchwork" Cushions. Mats,
Tidies, &c, &c. P.vckvob No 1 Is a
handsome bundle of e.xquisilesilks, satins
and broeaded velvets (all different) .lust
the thing for the most superb pattern of
fancy work. Sent po-tp ml lnr U cents
in postal note or 1-cer.t sumps. Packmje
No. 2 Containing tluee times as much
as package No. 1 Sent postpaid for$l.
These are a 1 of the very finest quality
and cannot be equalled at any other silk
works in the U S. at three times our
prices. They will please any lady. One
order a'ways brinss a dozen mole. La
du:s' Mam;i:i Fancy WonK, with 400
il utrationsan'l lull instructions for artis
tic work, handsomely bound, postpaid, !30
cts. Order now. Address, Tin: Rocil
hbTEK S:i.k Co , Rochester, N. Y.
Althonjh maeh is bU ntnt llio I"or-t.-nico
cf a blooi'.-jiiirifvlns mulicim, it liny lo
possible tiiat tlio faliject to i.evirs.rio!isIy
cla'rncil j ocr attci.tlon. 7 Ami- of it norr '
Almost every person h.is son-o fonn of sc-of-.
ulou? i:son Htent in Ins reins. Winn tUls
dovclojis in Scrofnlous Sores, Ulcers, or
Irruptions, or in the form of Rliruinnl Ism,
or Onpinlc I)IsriiB?s, tl-o siilTi'rin); tlipt en
sues is terrible. Hence the gntltuilc of Uioso
who discover, as Lhoui.imLs yearly do, that
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will thorons'ily eradicate this ctiI from tho
As rcll c-ipcct life vrltLont .-'r -
without puro btoml. Cleanso thr
Ayeb's SAt-SAiMmiaVA.
rncrAunD cr
Cold by all Druggists ; SI, six bottlm "i-- 5.
Land OrncEAT Ro'SRiitnto, Or., ,
July 12, 18S4. s
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler Iris fikil notice
of his intention to make final proot in sup
port ol his claim, and thai said proof will
be midebetbrc tho Judge or Clerk of
Jackson county Oregon at Jacksonville
Oregon, on Saturday, August 2:d, 1884,
via: Geo J vnnslrong; homestead No.
1:514, for the N Ji ofS TiY U of N E 1-4,
S W 1.4 of- AV 11 of N E 1-1. S of N
XV 1-4 nnd N IV 1A of S V 1.4. See'lS. T
30. S R 3 West. He names tho '"ollowing
vvitnisses to prove hii continuniis resi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land
v.z,.s Theodenck Cameron, John llas
kins, Albert Jones and Chas. Jones, all of
Uniontovvn, Jackson countv. Oregon.
- IN
Bcsthouso for the" money this side of
- J
- WffitT fsa
Odd Fellow's Dnilding JscksoPTille, Ortpa
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Srashs, Chains. "f?ose
I have secured tho services of a flrst
chss mechanic, nnd am prepared to do
all repairing promptly and in superior
In connection with the nhnrn rm-.
cclviniraml have ronstantly-'on hand a
fitll and firatclass stedt of
hv " , t
DUY-aOODS, 0.CJ1 n ots, tobacco
Everything sold at reason.! ,e rates. -7..KUBLL
Jacksonville, 3Iarch 9, 1&78.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
J0H5 HILLE3, - Proprietor.
cultural iinnlcments. tools of all.
kimls nnd a general assortment of shell
hardw arc.
Ho also keeps the largest stock ol, and
ali thfe latest improvements in
Fishing tackle,
Powder, Shot, Etc'
Give him a call anil examine his swck
Li-fore making your purchases.
The Chemical Oil Rectifier;
Varrniird l'or Tito Years.
To prevent your Lamps from Exploding
and Chimneys from Breaking. Im
proves the Light and Saves Quar
ter the Oil
27ie Agent Will Dcmbnst'rafe It.
Warranted to destroy all odor frornth'eoit,"
Hold tS Ston'o,"
No. C4 Beach St.. Boston, Mass.
3 for .TO rents. 2 per dozen.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner-'
ship heietofore existing between the un-'
dersigned, doing business in Jacksonville,"
Oregon, undir the Arm namcofDyar&
Frau nknecht, is this first day of July,
uissuivi-u uy milium consent, j. j?rauen-
.iic-ciu ic-iiuii;. ah accounts, etc.; arc
pnyaoie tojoiin JJyar, who also assuc
Ifc tf. 1 ! flJallf AlltlAtflli .f4l.Jh I .. I .. 3 fl
uiciuutuituuBjui uic- imu iirm..
John Dvj
Jacksor.ville, Orogon, Ji