Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 19, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday, Jult 19, 1884.
First Peaches From Rogue River.
F. H. Page received last night from
Ashland fixty boxes of peaches. This
it the first shipment of the kind ever
made to Portland from Rogue River
Taller. The fruit arrived in good con
dition. "Orgonian."
School Monet. Newman Fisher,
Comty Treasurer of Jackson county,
recti vea a, check for 2,841 from the
State department this week and has
$2,360 on hand for taxes, making a
total of $5,201 to be distributed among
tke different school districts of this
county for the coming year.
Another Change. Arrangements
hare bow been made for tke carrying
of nail between this place and Med
ford instead of Phoenix, where the con
nection has been made heretofore.
Med ford is the natural point of con-
V nectton and we aro clad to see the
change ordered.
A. O. U. W. Grand Officers.
At the meeting of the Grand Lodge of
,r Oregon, Washington Territory and
were elected: T. B. Handley, of Hills
borough, G. M.; J. P. Pollard G. F.;
E. T. Wheoler, G. 0.; Robt. New
comb, G. R.; L R. Moo res, Grand Re
ceiver; G. T. Russell, G.- G.; C. K.
Stevens, G. W.; H. H. Brodeck, T.,
and Bradshaw, Child and Newcomb,
Grand Representatives to the Supreme
Lodge of the United States.
Circuit Court Proceedings. The
following procedings have been trans
acted in this court since our last re
port: State vs. Wm. Britcoe; robbery.
Defendant's counsel given until Sept.
20, 1884, in which to perfect appeal
papers. .. .Abigail Baker vs. Benj.
Baker; divorce. Continued .... Fleck
nstain, Mayer & Co. vs. Gross & Rid
inger; garnishee dismissed State
ti. J as. B. Watkins; indictment for
larceny by bailee. Defendant given
until July 29, 1884, to plead C.
Neil vs. P. Dunn, et al.; injunction.
On trial.... Adjourned to July 29,
The Circus. Denby &, Co.'s circus
performed at Lakrport Tuesday even
ing, and although the admission was a
dollar, there were as many people in
the tent as could be comfortably seat
ed. Contrary to what previous exhi
bitions had led people to expect, the
show was a good one throughout. The
members of the company are the best
behaved, best dressed, and in many
ways the most capable set of circus
performers we have seen for many
jrars, while for variety and excellence
the performance itself was squarely
nd fairlv up to the j.romisps made for
it Kelseyvillc Journal, May 22.
Religious. Rev. B. J. Sharp will
preach in (his place npxt Sunday, both
tnorning ai:d e ening. These n ill be
bis last sermons in Jacksonville. . . .
Reverends llice and Ogleshy will hold
services at the Drake school house
Sunday morning and afternoon
Rrv. F. X. Blanche of the Catholic
fcliurch in this place will preach at
Ashland Sunday Elder M.Peter
son preaches at the Lone Oak school
hoifte Sunday morning and afternoon.
On the following Sunday he will preach
at Medford....The fourth quarterly
meeting for Jacksonville and Ashland
circuit will be held at this place on the
SGth and 27th. Rev. I. D. Driver,
P. E., will officiate. He will also hold
services at Ashland on the evening of
the 27th Rev. J. A. Slover preach
es at Medford Sunday, at the usual
Morning hour.
The District School. The school
directors of this district have perfected
arrangements with a corps of teachers
to tite charge immediately after the
Summer vacation. The following are
the teachers and the departments for
which they are engaged: First De
partment, G. H. Watt of Detroit,
Minn.; Senior, William Priest of
Kaukauna, Wis.; Junior, Miss Dorris
bf Eugene city; primary, Miss Hattie
Newbury. The salary of the principal
has been placed at 1,200 per annum;
that of the teacher of the second de
partment at $80 a month; while the
ladies will receive 60 and 45 per
month respectively. All of the teach
ers come highly recommended and e
hope the school under the new man
agement will be kept up to the stand
ard it attained under ths management
of Prof. Merritt. If it does this noth
g more is asked.
Another Unfortunate. On the
affidavit of J. F. Earl and L. M. Perk
ins, in which they complained of the
troublesome actions of one Francis
Patrino in the vicinity of Comstock's
station, indicative of insanity, a war
rant was issued for his arrest, in pur
suance of which warrant Sheriff Taylor
started after him and brought him to
Roseburg Sunday evening, and Mon
day morning he was examined by the
county judge and aboard of physicians
as to his insanity and adjudged insane
It sterna that he had walked all the
way from Jackson county, and had
been camping for some days near
Comstoeki, where he made everyone
uncomfortable by his noisy and crazy
freaks, and although he had nothing to
eat ha refused any food offered him.
He was barefooted and claims to be
engaged in building a wall to the sky,
which he thinks is already completed
beyond the moon, the wall being, ac
cording to his notion, a sacred one:
'He will not, aor, as he imagines, dare
tot, wtar anything on his feet and
' when he is at work on the wall dare
not wear any clothing of this world.
He is of Prussian nativity, about 45
years old and physically a very small
Specimen of humanity. He was taken
to the asylum in Salem Tuesday mora
fng by Sheriff Taylor. Plaindealer.
Local Items-
Circus on the SGth.
More rain this week.
Farmers have commencod harvest
ing. John Welters of Ashland paid us a
visit this week.
Save your money and attend the
circus on the 26th.
Ripe peaches bars made their ap
pearance in market.
E. D. Foudray is deputy County
Clerk under Wm. H. Parker.
A fresh lot of oranges and bananas
has been received by Jim Little.
Col. W. S. Stone of Yreka paid us
a pleasant social visit yesterday.
Bring that wood in to pay for your
arrearages on the Sentinel books.
J. S. Storner will be in charge of
the new quarters at Fort Klamath.
Henry Klippel has been appointed
a Notary Public by Governor Moody.
Wm. Muller, brother of our post
master, was here this week on a visit.
Geo. S. Kincaid, editor of the Eu
gene city "Journal" was in town 'this
Judge Bellinger and .wife are in
town. The former is here on legal
Rev. J. "V. Milligan is now in charge
of the Presbyterian Church at Ashland
as Pastor.
Wm. Cushman is in town again and
his reported drowning in Rogue River
is a hoax.
The O. fc C. R. R. Company have
eiased the letters "O. & T. Co. Lessee,"
from their cars.
Henry Klippel has returned from
Portland and will go to Lake county
on his next trip.
Genl. E. L Applegate paid Jack
sanville a visit this week as an attorney
in the water suit.
John Fraupnkncht has loft for Cres
cent City and several creditors mourn
oyer his departure.
The President has nominated John
W. Meldrum of Oregon City, Survey
or General of Wyoming.
W. A. McPherson, recently of
Portland, is now the local editor ot
the Salem "Town Talk."
Fred. P. Cronemiller local editor of
the Roseburg "Plaindealer," is in town
on a short visit to friends.
Capt. Caton accompanied Henry
Fleckenstein on his tour through Jose
phine and Jackson counties.
A large warehouse is now being built at
Mcdlord by Mr. Woodford of the firm of
Woodford & Colvig of Woodville.
Several vacant scholarships to the
State University can be had of Super
intendent Colvig on application.
Mrs. C. C. Beeknian, accompanied
by Ben and Mini Carrie returned from
Portland and Victoria this week.
James Wilson and O. Harhaugh are
the executor.! of the estate of M. Col
well as provided in the last will of the
The "Mercury" reporter has visited
Medford and is now exceedingly mad
because some parties have found out
who he is.
Parties at Ashland are shipping
flour from the Umpqua valley but the
reason why this is dona still remains
Firemen and others should secure
one of those pictures taken of the fire
department by Peter Britt on the
Fourth of July.
Miss Maud Tuft, of Grant's Pass, a
graduate of the State University, is
L teaching the present terw term of the
len mile school.
The Sisters of Charity of this place
are now in Portland on a vacation
but will return in time for the open
ing of the school.
Simon Caro of Roseburg is expected
here in a few days. He says he will
bripg a bar'l along and proposes bett
ing it all on Blaine.
While J. P. McDaniel is out in the
Siskiyoiis on a trip of recreation Geo.
S. Howard officiates as city Marshal
and makes a good officer.
Mrs. N. Fisher and Miss Mollis
Britt returned form Portland this
week. Miss Fannie Fisher will re
main there awhile longer.
Work on the new Red Men's hall
will be commencod in a few days by
Geo. "W. Holt, who has secured the
contract for the brick work.
Once more wo are under obligations
to W. L. Webster for a supply of
soda water. He manufactures an ex
cellent quality and lots of it.
All of our local attorneys, accorapa
lied by Judge Webster, went to Ash
land yesterday to take evidence in the
great water Buit now pending.
Henry, son of A. B. Mcllwain of
Albany, has been visiting old-time
friends in Josephine sounty this week
returning home last Wednesday.
When you go to Oregon City don't fail
to stop at the Cliff House owned by T. W.
Rhoades. A more genial cannot be found
and the house is the best in the city.
The youngest Son of Frank M. Nick
erson and wife of Kerbyville took the
prize at the baby show at East Port
land last Sunday. Frank is still alive.
County Clerk Parker is able to be
up and around again after his late ill
ness. E. D. Foudray has been in
charge ot the office since ho first took
John Wintjen received a summons
from New York this week shortly af
ter his arrival and will be compelled
to return at once to attend to some
The news of Cleveland's nomination
fell like a wet blanket on the Demo
crats of Portland and it was onlv Re
publicans that were enthusiastic over
the news.
Hon. J. C. Tolman Surveyor Gen
eneral of Oregon, spent several days in
town this week on business connected
with the Asbjand water suit. He was
accompanied by his family.
Mr. Edward S. rooks, Oregon's
proud son at West Point, is spending
his summer vacation at his homenear
L.nkville. He will graduate in the
Military Academy next year.
There will be a special meeting of
Warren lodge No. 10, F.iA.M. Sat
urday evening. All' members are re
quested to be in attendance, as there
will be work in the third degree.
Onlnnel "Robert G. Ineersoll. tho
great orator, will arrive in Portland in
a few weeks. He is now in Montana,
and will lecture in Helena and other
points before coming to Portland.
Whi.e at Portland this week Wm.
AtictIh made laree nurchases for the
store of Angle fc Plymale at Medford
and the goods nave just reacnea tneir
store. Call on them for bargains.
The Justice of Little Butte preeinct
this week held W. H. Howard in the
sura of 300 on a charge of threaten
ing to kill Mrs. Ida Jones. The bonds
were furnished and the prisoner re
leased. J. W. Baker and James H. Kincaid
have opened a general merchandise
store at Central Point and propose sell
ing goods as low as tbey can be bought
in any part of the valley. Give them
a trial.
The United States is the only hation
on the face of the earth that is blessed
with a surplus revenue. And yet this
is all charged up against the Republi
can party as an excuse for turning that
party out.
S. Plymale'j loss by the burning of
his p'aning mill in Portland last week
was $2,000 and his insurance amount
ed to 1,600. He has secured quar
ters and started up again and doos a
good business.
W. H. Leed of Ashland, F. M.
Nickerson of Kerbyville and Frank
Krause of Jacksonville represented
tbtir different lodges in the grand
lodge of the A. O. U.W. at Portland
and all have since rttiirned.
Last Saturday witnessed the comple
tion of the last tunnel upon the Ore
gon Pacific railroad. This is said to
finish all tho heavy work, and leave
bat twenty miles of light work to be
completed before the rails are laid.
We neglected noticing the. receipt
of a fine cake from Messrs DeRoboam
& Son last week. The supper fur
nished by these parties at the 4th of
July ball was one of the finest ever
spread in town both in quantity and
Joseph Knott, who started a trad
ing post at Canyonville in 1851 anJ
resided in this county for a number of
years, died in San Francisco at 8
o'clock on the morning of the 13th,
from the effects of a paralytic stroke.
He was 75 years old.
The wholesale dry goods house of
Mellis Bros. & Co., at Portland, failed
on the 30th ult. They confessed judg
ment in favor of home creditors for
42,000. In addition to this, they
owe S25.000 or $30,000 in New York
and some in San Francisco.
Will F. Reid, Pacific Coast agent
for the Chemical Oil Rectifier, is in
town interviewing eustomers and doing
a good business. He is able and will
ing to demonstrate all that is claimed
for the goods and his orders are al
ways increased on his second visit.
Nat Langell, Deputy Collector of
Internal Revenue for this district, paid
Linkville an official visit this week re
turning on Thursday. He reports
good crops in that section, stock never
looked better and the pros ects of the
country never looked brighter than at
this time.
A friend of Ben Simpson, who was
formerly postal agent, received a letter
from him re ently from Atlanta, Ga.
Ben bays he is doing well and fully ap
preciates'the good treatment he re
ceives from the good people cf Georgia.
He is postal agent there with head
quarters at Atlanta.
For reasonable charges and good
treatment generally stop at the St.
Charles Hotel when you go to Port
land. Mr. Guinean and all of his as
sistants understand their business and
all who stop at this hou.e receive
the best treatment that can be had in
the city.
Wm. Carll has resigned his position
as Division Agent for the O. fc C.
Stage Co. and will hereafter devote his
time to private business pursuits.
Billy proved himself one of the best
stage men ever in this section and the
company lose a faithful official by his
A reward of 50 is offered for a
bear that is killing stock in Klamath
county. He appears to be an educat
ed cuss, never returning to the carcass
the second time aftar he has made his
first meal. Stock raisers in tbat vicin
ity say they will pay the above re
ward willingly for his scalp.
Mr. J. Frtd Clark has been appoint
ed general European emigration agent
of the Northern Pacific railroad, with
principal office and headquarters in
London, England. He takes along
with him a Complete list of all avail
able farming' lands in Oregoa and
Washington, and will deliver, lectures
in all the' principal cities of Europe for
the purpose of inducing settlers to
come here and take ap land. Mr.
Clark leaves here on Saturday, and ex
pects in s few months to send out a
batch of immigrants every tw6 weeki
undnr the charge of a competent guide,
Wm. LL BiIgerfris,,now., the head
salesman for Thompson DeHart k Co.
one of the largest, firm 'of hardware
dealers in Portland! , All of his num
erous Jacksonville f friends wish him
good luck and hope "that he will be
come head of the firsrere-lone.
The Pastor of tht M. E. Church
Rev. B. J. Sharp files a complaint
against numerous parties in this section
who have failed to attend church
while he was stationed here. To
morrow will close his pastoral career
in Jacksonville and he extends an in
vitation to all to be.present.
Smuggling Chinese from British Col
lumbia into the United States is ex
tensively done on Puget Sound. Last
Sunday a canoe containing two white
men, two Chinamen and three China
women, was captured off Point Wilson.
The women had been kidnapped. The
whites will be prosecuted in Port
Townsend, while the Chinamen will re
ceive a dose of justice at Victoria.
A number of cars will be fitted up
especially for carrying" fruit over the
O. fc C. R. R., one of which will be
attached to evoy freight train leaving
Ashland. The cars will have iron
gratings at the sides and ends, in or
der to admit of a fnVcircultttion of air
and perfect ventilation. l his will be
a great improvement for the purpose
over an ordinary box car. "Tidings."
Petitions are being circulated to be
presented to Goernor Moody for the
pardon of the notorious Carrie Bradley,
who is serving out a sentence of ten
years for the crime of raaailaughter,
she having been concerned in the
murder of a man named Brown in
a Portland bagnio. It is to be
hoped that the Governor will allow
her to serve out her penalty.
Maurice J. Smith committed suicide
in Portland last Saturday oy blowing
out his brains with a pistol. He is the
man who some weeks ago deposited
2,600 in gold in the safoof the Amer
ican hotel over t ijht and when he call
ed for his money found it had been
taken by the hotel , keeper, who has
since been convieted of the robbery.
Failing to recover the money, Smith
became insane and killed himself.
The apple crop of Oregon will be up
to the old standard this season judging
from the present outlook. ( The trees
are bending their burden all over the
State, and the fruit will be as perfect
as it is possible for nature to grow.
The prospects for good markets in the
Territories is all the orchardists could
desire, and there will no longer be ex
cuse for leaving fruit to rot on the
ground or to be fed -to hogs as in years
At a, dance held at Bly, Sprague
river, the night of the Fourth, a bu
colic husband' suffering from the prod
dings of that green eyedi monster, jeal
ousy, went on the warpath and shook
his gun in the face f ycryorrer-thnr
he could get within forty feet of.
There was a grand stampede roado bv
the merry dancers, taMes and chairs
were upset, one or two shots were
fired, nobody hurt, and all is now quiet
on the Potomac. "Examiner."
A new lodge cf OJd Fellows was
organized at Grant'? Pass last evening,
W. J. Plymale and T. B. Kent going
from this place aud A. D. Helman from
Ashland to assist in its establishment.
A crowd of Odd Fellows was made up
in the afternoon all of whom went
down on the freight train and assisted
in the work of organizing the lodge.
The following were among the party:
Henry Klippel, H. v. Helms, A. G.
Colvin, A. H. Maeglej, Fred Luy and
A. Chale.
We take the following telegram,
dated San Francisco July 8th, from
the "Oregonian" of the 9th: "It is an
nounced this evtning that work will
be indefinitely suspended on the rail
road north of Redding, when the forty-mile
section, now in progress; shall
be completed. Work on the line ex
tending through Oregon, to meet the
line north of Redding, has also been
suspended. The California track will,
for the present, terminate at Delta,
which is about 100 miles south of the
Oregon line. At Delta, the present
terminus of the road, a townsite has
been laid out.
Washington, July 17. The acting
Secretary of the Navy received a tele
gram from St. John's this morning,
saying that the Greely relief expedi
tion has found the survivors of the
Greely party. Their names are, Lieu
tenant Greyly, Sergeant Brr.inard, Ser
geant Fredericks. Sergeant Long, Ser
geant Ellison, Hospital Steward Bie
berbach and Private Cornell. They
were found by the relief ships Tbetii
and Bear, five triles off Cape Sabin, in
Smith's Sound. Sergeant Ellison wax
Tery badly frost bitten, and died at
Good Haven July G, after undergoing
a surgical operation. The relief ships
Thetis and Bear, with the survivors,
are now at St. Johns, N. F.
Forwarding House. Miller Si Co.
of Ashland have finished a large ware
housb on the depot grounds of the O.
ii C. R. R Co. at that plaee and will
do a receiving, iarwarding and storage
business. Snippers in Klamath
county, Linkville and Yreka are for
tunate in having such responsible
agents receive and forward their goods.
Quarterly Meeting,- The fourth
quarterly meeting for Jacksonville and
Ashland has boen postponed until the
2Gth and 27th of July. It wj.ll be held in
the M. E. Church in Jacksonville Rev. I.
D. Driver, P. E will preside. Services
Services will be held Saturday, SGth, at
11 a. m. and In the evening also on Sun
day 27th at 11 a. m.
CATARRH CURED health and
sweat breath secured by Shiloh s Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents Nasal
Injector free. At Brooks'.
piately relieve Croup, Whooping cough
and Bronchitis. Call at. Brook's.
Yaquina Bay. This thriving set
tlement will now put on more airs than
ever, it is likely, because the river ard
harbor bill has passed both houses, and
the bay improvements have received
an additional 50,000 to continue
them during the year. Work on the
Oregon Pacific is being continued at a
lively rate and will soon result in open
ing rail connection with the Willam
ette river. Grading at .present is
completed several, miles above Toledo
and most of the Chinese are at work
near Elk City. The track is laid sev
eral miles above Oysterville. The
new steamer Yaquina landed a large
lot of supplies there from Portland
this week and over 150 Chinese labor
ers, so the work will be pushed ahead
more rapidly than ever.
Habitual ConsltpatUn
Is a prolific source of misery and
many ills, giving rise to Headache,
Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness,-Restlessness,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Pois
oning of Blood, etc. The bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts formerly used to relieve
the sufferer, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who are
afflicted in that way, know the impor
tance of the remedy pleasant to the
palate, harmless in its nature, and truly
beneGcial in its action. The trial
bottles of Syrup of Figs given away
free of charge by our enterprising
druggists Merritt & Robinson of Jack
sonville prove that it is all that can be
desired. Large bottles at fifty cents
or one dollar.
Nickei.u In this city, July 13th, 1834,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickcll, a daugh
ter. Starrs- In Crescent City, Cal., July 2d,
1884, to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Starks, a
Ahmstkoxg Near Jacksonville, Jury
win, io4, to ;ir. anu Mrs. u. J. Arm
strong, a son.
OoLESBY-In this city, July 11th, 1884,
to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Oglesby. a son.
KiTTERMAN-Ncar Waldo, July 1st, 1884,
to Mr. and ilr. II. U. Kitterman, a son.
Dunuiss In Ashland, July Gth, 18S4, to
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Burriss, a son.
Ralfii In Ashland, July 10th, 1884, to
Mr. and Mrs. V. Ralph, a daughter.
The Chemical Oil Rectifier,
WarraiUcd For Two Years.
To prevent your Lamps from Exploding
and Chimneys from Breaking. Im
proves the Light and Saves Quar
ter the Oil.
Ihe Agent Will Demonstrate It.
Warranted to destroy all odor from the oil,
Hold tts Stono,
No. 64 Bsach St.. Boston, Mass.
3 for 50 cents. $2 per dozen.
Land Office at Roseihiro, Or., )
July 12, 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proot in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the Judge or Clerk of
Jackson county Oregon at Jacksonville
Oregon, on Saturday, August 23d, 1884,
vizi Geo. J. Arnistronc; homestead No.
4314, for the N ofS W If of N E 1-4,
S W 1-4 of S W HofNB HSKofN
W 14 and N W 1-4 of S W 1-4. Sec. 18. T
30, S R 2 West. lie names tho following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land.
v:z: Theodcrick Cameron, John Has
kins, Albert Jones and Chas. Jones, all of
Uniontown, Jackson county, Oregon.
Wm. F.'JJenjamin,
Crazy Patchwork!
Having a large assortment of remnants
and pieces of handsome brocaded silks,
satins and velvets, we are putting them up
in assorted bundles and furnishing them
for "Crazy Patchwork" Cushions, Jlats,
Tidies, &c,, &c. Package No 1 Is a
handsome bundle of exquisite silks, satins
and brocaded velvets (all different). Just
the thing for the most superb pattern of
fancy work. Sent postpaid for 65 cents
in postal note or 1-cei.t stamps. Package
No. 2 Containing three times as much
as package No. 1. Sent postpaid for $1.
These are all of the very finest quality
and cannot be equalled at any other silk
works in the U. t. at three times our
prices. They will please any lady. One
order always brings a dozen more. La
dies' Manuel Fancy Work, with 400
illustrations and lull instructions for artis
tic work, handsomely bound, postpaid, 50
cts. Order now. Address, TnE Roch
ester Sh.k Co., Rochester, N. Y.
" One year ago I was Induced to ttj AVer's
Pills as a remedy for Indigestion, Con
stipation, and Ileailache, from which I
had long been a great sufferer. Commenc
ing with a dose of five Pills, I found their
action easy, and obtained prompt relief, in
continuing their use, a single Pill taken
after dinner, daily, has been all the medi
cine I have required. AVER'S Fills hare
kept my system regular and my head clear,
and benefited me more than all the medi
cines ever before tried, livery person sim
ilarly afflicted should know their Talue.
1S2 State St, Chicago, June 6, 1882.
31. V. 'WATSOIt."
For all diseases of the stomach and bowels,
tryAYEU's Pills.
Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass,
Sold by all Druggists.
Words Fail HSI
Selot Carter, of Nashville, Tenn., "for
the benefits derived front
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Haring been afflicted all my life with Scrof
ula, my system seemed saturated with it. It
cany: out in Blotches, Ulcers, and JIatterjr
Sores, all orer my. body4' Mr..CarJer states
that he was entirely cured by the use of
AVer's Sarsaparilla, and since discon
tinuing its use, eight months ago, he has had"
no return of the scrofulous symptoms.
All baneful Infections of the blood are
promptly removed by this unequalled altera
Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles for $5.
'Deiklex' 3Cat-L
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods
..- - . ,
Proauoe taJsbexi rx ESsiolactxiso
California street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
DY a positive cure for Catarrh',
Diphtheria und CaUker Mouth. At
Brooks. f . 4
be so quickly cured by Shilob's Cure.
We guarantee it. For sale at E. C.
Brooks. i
erable by tbat terrible cough. Shilob's
Cure is the remedy for you. Brooks
keeps it.
For lame back side or chest use
Shilob's Porous Plaster. Price 25
cents. Brook i keeps it.
pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
Vitalizer ii guaranteed to euro you.
E. C. Brooks, agent. .
tion cure is sold by us on a guarantee
It cures consumption. Call at Brooks
for it.
and Bronchitis immediately relieved
by Shilohs cure. E. C. Brooks keeps
you need for Constipation, Loss of
Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms
of Dyspepsia. Prico 10 and 75 cents
per bottle. Brooks can furnish it.
Closing Out at Cost.
Our entire stock of general merch
andise, in whole or in part, is now for
sals at cost with a view of a change
in business. All indebted to us are
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Reaues Bros.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1881.
Farmer's Store,
Medford, Okeco's,
The undersigned takes pleasure in an
nouncing that he has opened bis place of
business in the ni;w town of .Medford, Or
egon, andis now prepared to furnish, in
quantiticsto suit,
My stock Is fresh and first-class, and I
propose to keep a full assortment of every
thing in my line and sell at
All I ask ,is,jt (rial.
""Highest price paid for Produce.
Nervous Debility.
R. E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain
treatment, a .snecifle for Hvsteria.
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, Mental Depression, Loss of .Memory,
Spermatorhoca, Impotency, Involuntary
emissions, premature old age, caused by
over-exertion, selt-abusc or over-indulgence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One box will cure recent cases.
Each box contains one month's treatment;
ono dollar a box, or six boxes for five dol
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure
any case. With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with five dol
lars, we.will send the purchaser our writ
ten guarrntce to return the money if the
treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran
tees issued only by
wooDann, Curke & Co.,
Wholesale ant' Ifelail Druggists, Port
land, Oregon.
Orders by mail at Tegular prices.
Administrator's Notice.
In the matter of the estate Jane Holt, de
ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of Jackson county, Ore
gon, sitting in Probate, Administrator of
the estate of Jane Holt, -deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to settle the same immediately,
and those having claims against the es
tate will present them with the proper
vouchers to the undersigned, residing at
Jacksonville, Jackson county, Qreeon,
within six months from the first publica
tion of this notice.
Administrator of said estate.
Dated June 14, 1884.
Notice of Final Settlement,
In the County Court of .Jackson county
State ot Oregnn. In the estate of the
matter of John McDaniel.deceased.
the administrator ot the estate oJ
John ileDaniel, deceased, has filed in the
cop' ,y court of Jackson county. Oregon,
his final account as such administrator,
and by order of said court, Tuesday, the'
5th day of August. 1884,-at the hour of 10
Q'clccK A. m. is set for hearing. All per
sons interested are hereby notified to.ap
pear and file his or her objections to said
account on or before said day.
Published by Hon. E. DePeatt, Judge of
said court. A. n.MAEGLY.
Odd Fellow's Buildibg JtcksoETilli, Oregw
" 4 1
Fuse and Caps,
Paittts Oils, Yarnlsli, Glass
Shot, Srnshs, Chains. o
. I. have secured the services of a first
class mechanic, and am prepared to d4
all repairing promptlv and in superior
In connection with tho above,, I am re"
ceivingand have constantly on hand a
full and first-class stock of
Everything sold at reasonable rates.
Jacksonville, March 0, 1878.
Jacksonville, Oregon!
JOHN MILLER, : Prdprieior:
cultural implements, tools of all
kinds and a general assortment of shell
He, also keeps the'largest slock ot, and v
all the latest improvements in
Fishing Tackle,
Powder, Shot, Etc
Give him a call and examine his stock
before making your purchases.
Sottlo TTjp.
Having changed my place of busincst to
Ashland and requiring aJJ the mony.duo
me in fitting up my new store thereby
give notice to all those indebted either
by note or book account to come forward
at once and make settlement. I need the
money and must have it
Ashland, Oregon, May 10, 1884.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing .between the un
dersigned, doing business In Jacksonville,
Oregon, under the ,finn nameofDyar&
FrauMiknepht, ,is this first day ofjnly,
dissolved by mutual consent, J. Frauen
knecht retiring. 'All accounts, etc.. are,
payable to John Dyar, who also assumes
the indebtedness of the late firm.
Jacksonville, Oregon, July 1, 1884.