Mi 0BE30N SESTIHEL. OfiEGON SENTINEL ! i at ADVERTISING RATES. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT lcuemuR. jacksox cdusw oregon FRANK KRAUSE TERMS: Was eopr. Per Year, In advance 33 90 J5 -s?u,' Onenptsi lOllnei orleie flntluimloa.T $ w " ' each ubseqoent Inmtlon 1 t 3 months 8 " . 10 0 75 SO SO CO Ct 89 f I n eo &? 020-focilbUolnnn 3 months f One-half " S " " " , One Celamn 3 monthf. ...., ' : A DlKount fo Yearly Advertiser. VOL. XXIX--NO. 25 JACKSONVIL1JE; OREGON, JUNE 21. 18S4. 3 PER YE AK jS or rm - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. P. GEARY, M. D., Physician And Surgeon. MEDFORD, OREGON. Office In A. L. Johnson's building. T. E. YOUNG, M. D., jkyslcam And Surgeon, Cehtral Point, Obeooj?. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. M-iir k. irATsNA, Attorney & Counsellor Al-Law, Jacksonville, Oax. "Will practice in all tlie Courts of the Etite. Office up stairs in Orlh's brick. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Jacksonville, Ogn., Tfill practice in all the Courts of the StaU. Offlca in Jlrs. Mcuuuys uuiiu. ing, corner of California nd Tifth btrcets. O U. AIKEN, M. D., pnYSICIfl.H AND SURQE05T, JACKSONVILLE, OEEOON. aSJ-OSlee opposite P. J. llyan'i "tore. J. W. R9BIKS0N, a D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At City Drug Store. Rcsi denes on Fourth St., opposite M. E. Church. Calls promptly attended to. day and night. MARTIN VROVMAN, M. D. pHTSICIAff AKD SURGEON, MEDFOUD, OREGON. Call promptly attended to at all hours. B. F. DOW ELL, Jacksonville, okkqon. AtUatlseti pleceiiln ray hands will recelTertr.t tteatlea. J-Sjeelal attention gtren to colloc lle. A. L. JOHNSON, efotary Public, Koa' Estate Agent and Collector MTocifox-ca, Or-. I mzke convey .mcing and furnishing ab stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans mjotiitcil and collections made. All business intrusted to my caro will receive prompt and carclul attcnlisn. WILL. JACKSON, QENTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OKKOON. TSKTIt EXACTED AT ALL hours, laughing km ad Itnlnlltcred.if J.airpd.for wlilch extra ' charre will be made. Office and retlleuee oa coraer ef California and ink street). A. . CUBS. L. B. BTEARNf. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TTQHNEY3 AND COUNSELLORS. Jtoemi 2 and 4 Strewbridge's Building, rORTLAND, OHEGON. Till eraetlce In all Ccnrti or Record la tbe State ol Orerea and Waltthlojrton Territory; and pay par- Ueular attantlon to baflinetH In Federal Conrti. . FRED 'GROI5, Proprietor of the CITY BAKERY I SALOOI, In Masonic Building, Oregon St. Jacksonville. The undersigned hereby desires to in form the public that he is now prepared to till all orders for pies, cakes and bread of every description. Also have a lull as ortmentof crackers of all kinds. He will keep FRED. GROB. PROP, B. T. KTJGLSR, TEACHER OF MUSIC. NOTWITHSTANDING ALL RE porH to the contrary Prof, E. T. Kuclcr wishes to inform the public that Jie will still continue teaching music and -asks for a share of the public potronage. The Professor stands at the head of the list as & teacher of music and all having pupils should send them to his school for adyanc Anient Settlement Wanted. The undersigned having been burned Out, and needing the money due him on account, he asks all those indebted to comu forward at once ana make a settle ment. Don't be backward as the money meat be forthcoming. J. S. HOY-AIU). WINTER OPtiftlKG AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Millinery Store. IIIAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW and complete stock of Millinery goods, consisting of HATS OF ALL STYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, .-FLOWERS, COLLARS AND GUFFS, "VTolXlxiS, ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, Gcnllcmcns' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs Call and see them at the building form erly occupied by Dr. Robinson on Califor nia street. MRS. P.P. PRIM. EIG-HTEENTIKYEAR. SE.XtZASX'S CASEBZY, CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTEBS OF THE HOLT X1ME. TIIE SHOLAST1C YEAR OF THIS school will commence about the end ol August, and is divided in fwur sessions, of e oven weeks each . Board and tuition, per term, $40.00 Music 13.00 Drawing and painting 8.00 Bed and Bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term, $ 5.00 Junior, " . COO Preparatoy " ...-J 8.00 Senior, " 10.00 Pupils received at uny' time, and special attention is paid to pellicular studies in bchalf.of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply ai the Academy MEDFOKD hlVEHY AND Egan & rScIsSahon, Props,. Meaford, Or. We have a good outfit of driving team, hacks nud buggies, and canfurnhh ihe public with first-class livery rigs at all times, and at reasonable rates. Horses Boarded And Fed. We keep on hand a good stock of Grain and Hay, and persons putting up their teams at our stables may be sure their horses will be well cared for. Eoan & McMaiion. THH ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co. Take pleasure in announcing that they now have on hand, a full and select stock of ELAKKETg FILAKlMiEIL, EK0Ki AK1 H0!1ISYD Made of the very best NATIVE WOOL And of which they will dispose at very reasonable rates. Orders irom a distance will receive prompt attention. Send them in and give our goods a trial. Abhlakd Woolkn M'f'o Co. gbe&t mum IN HOTEL PEICES AT THE SL0VER HOTEL BOARD AKD LODSINS Best house for the money this side of Portland. Criterion Billiard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., CATON &. GARRETT, Proprietors. THIS popular resort, under new man t agement, is furnishing the lcst brands ot liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Give me a call. F.RITSGHAED, pr actio al Watchmaker avd Jeweler, California Sreet, MAKES a specially of cleaning and re pairing watches and clocks. My charges are reasonable. Giro mo a call. TUB FARMER'S ST ORIS ! Colman's old stand. A, G. COLVIN, Hereby informs the public that ho is dis playing at the above stand a first class stock of -. - General Merchandise Which ho will sell At Very Low Prices. His stock consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Groceries, Provisions, Etc, Everything is fresh and of good qual ity, and prices put down to The Lowest notch ! ESTCountry Produce bought and sold. Remember Colman's old stand, and give me a call when in town. A. G. Colvi:.-. TABLE ROCK-SALOON, OREGON STREET, WINTJEN and EEZMS, PROPRIETORS. The proprietors ot this well known and popular resort world inform their friends antl the public generally that a complete and first class stoak of the host brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc., arc constantly kept oa hand. They will be pleased to have their friends "cal'l and smile.1' CABINET. A cabinet 'of curiosities may also be found here. We would be plca&ed to have persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and tve will place them in the cabinet for inspection. WJNTJKN & HELMS. VB SALOON, U. S. HOTEL BCILD1SO, JACKSONVILLE, f . T, McKEKZIc, PROP'S, HAVING ASSUMFD THE MAN agcme.it ot ibis rtsort, I propos? keeping it stocked with he finest Lrauds of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIQARS, And will be pleased to receive a call from all who wish the best in my line. Sat isfaction assuitd. T. T. McKENZIE. 3T. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Uorrlion, Portland. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly firc-nrooi. Con tains 120 elegantly lurnished suits and single rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. DR. J. BROWN, DEUTSCHER AR&T, Jacksonville, Oregon, Will practice in all Chronic Diseases, also Typhoid Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Diph theria, Consumption, Catarrh, etc. Time and doctor' ibills will be saved by coming to me at once. Dr. Brown will guarantee to forfeit ?500 for every case of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. His medicine is purely veg etablc and has all the power and efficacy of calomel or quinine, without any of the injurious alter effects C. A. KUBSELL, Real Estate Agent, AUCTIONEER, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. ' Offlce in Dr. Aiken's building on Cal ifornia street. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. G. A. Huebei.l. DfJ J OVSamples worth $5 free Address Stikson & Co.,Portland,Me ?r-a 'n'cck in your own town. Terms tOUwand $5 outfit free. Addreae. H. Hallkt & Co., Portland Maioo. THE STAFFfOF LIFE! THfi ROGUEVRfVER M mm- mum mills TTAVTNG RECENT2Y BEEN RE XI fitted with af. modem improvements, are now turning out.'a first-class article of Hour, which is pu up in one-fourth bairel saeks, and every sack is warranted to contain 49 pounds ot flour- If vou don't believe this, just compaie a sack of our flour with any other braad offered for sale in this market, and note the difference in weight. " ., Fiour "Mill-Feed Constantly on 'hand? and exchanged for wheat. ." -",' BARLEY ROLLERS. navinz added a set of Barley Rollers to my mill, I have set apart every Saturday to noli uarley lor customers, ine worK will be (lone on short notice, so that par ties can return with their' grist the same day. I am prepared to roll barley at all times and in the best manner. This pro cess is tar ahead of the crusher G.KAREWSKI. Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 1883. DAVID UMH, XXD DEALER IK C072OT SSEBSESZSffSS. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniturd of all kinds kept on hand or made to order JacksonvilleCrescent Git EVZail Honto, P. McMahon, Proprietor Stages leave Juckson.ville.every Monday Wednesday and FrkUv-inornincs at 3 a m. arriving at Waldo in the eveninc, where close connection is made next morning tor uresccnt uny. When the new wagon road is finished about January 15th through tickets to San Francisco will be sold for 18 by this route. Express and order business done at re duccd rates. P.McMAHON Proprietor PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGER N. E. Cor. Second ant Yamhill Sts., FOHTLAiro. - - OREG03. A. P. Armstrong, J. A. Wuco, Principal. Penman and Secretory Dtsirasi for thj Bassets Eiacatiea of Biti Seus. KA. Admitted on any week Uy of the enr. -saPEHtWOHKrs- Of all kinds executed to ordrr at reasonable rates. Satisfaction fcua-antecd. TI.eCollrgo,,Joirn.iltM cmVilmnr information of ll c course of ttudv, raks of tuition, time to ir.lrr, etc.. and cuts of pLun and ornamental pen ruti'dip, tree. The En-rase Guide Is Is sued March and Sept, each Wear: 216 pages, 8irUfr finches, with ovr 3,300 illustrations r .hole pic ture callerv. fc-ves whole sale prices direct to consume jn all goods for personal or lamily u?. j. ens now to order, and gives exar ' cost of every thing you use, cat, drir wear, or have fun with. Theso inva ible books con tain information gleaned from the mai kcts of the world. We will mail a copy Freo to any address upon receipt of the postago 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 27 & 2 Ws&aah ATCESCt CUcaso. Ut Will be mailed PncctO all applicants and to customers of last rntC year without ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Plants, etc Invaluable to all. D.M.FERrTCoiC0.SS. PATENTS Vfe continue to tct as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copjrichts. etc. for lh United States, Canada. Cuba. EEjrlaiid. France. German), etc We bare fcsd (Iilrty-liic rcarn' experience. l"atc::ta ttalr.ed iLroiiFli usMfe noticed In tha fciKVTinc .AMEi ica.- ITiX lnrce axd splendid lllastrated v.er.ly PMcr. $3.20ayear. shuws the ProdtsJ cf Ftiecce. Is very f ntcrestlBc;. aDd bag in enormous circulation. Address MUNN t CO, Pateot Solicitors, Pub's cl SaKXTUlC American. 201 Broadrar. New Tort. Hand booK ubsut ratals foe. CITY BARBER SHOP California St., JacksoBfille, - - - Oregon. " The undersigned is ful i prepared to do all work in his line in st manner and at reasonable prices. UEU lOHnuPF. Mu YOU CM FiXD Tiili AT E. C. BROOKS' New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. Cloolxa. A fine assortment of 8-day clocks, with and without alarm. ---. - . . W atolios. Gents', ladies' and boys' gold and silver hunting-case, open-face and skylight watches, from $5 to $150. Eraoolots. A fine lot of ladies' gold band and bangle Dracciets. S'la.Eor Hiugs. Diamond and ruby rings, cameo stone cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and pearls, and onyx rings with hidden mottoes, solid gold bind and bangle rings, plain and solid California rings. T"7cro2.3ry. Diamonds in every shape. Ladies' sets of jewelry, from the 50-cent black set to the S'-'OO bird sets of diamonds. Gents' and ladies' gold chains, lockets and charms. IFMaao ixac3. Buttona. Gents' gold scarf-pins, scarf-slides, studs and collar-buttons. x Silver and silver-plated knives, forks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sugar-spoons and tongs in cases. HHecollanooua. Gold and silver thimbles; gold, silver and steel spectacles; and a full slock of every thing in the jewelry line. AYulI assortment of perfumery, toilet soap, etc. A lot of steel engravings and pictures for children. In short, a complete and first-class line ol HOLIDAY GOODS- All to be sold at the LOWEST PRICE! .Uso accordeons, violins, banjos, and the best line of violin, guitar and banjo strings. The best f-pcrm oihfor sewing machines. A lull line of Drugs and Medicines. IfB-T'rcscripiions werully compounded E. C. BROOKS. Piles! Piles! Piles! A SURE CURE FOUND AT LAST! NO ONE NEED SUFFER ! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wihiam, (an Indian Remedy,; called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A sinsle box has cured Hie worst chronic cases of 2."i or 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minutes alter applying this wonderful soothingmedicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night alter getting warm in bed,) acts ns a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itch ing or the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. 31. Cofflnberry of Cleveland rys about Dr. William's In dian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of Pile Cuies, and it affords me nlcasurc to say that I hive never found anything which pave such immediate and perma nent renei as ur. William's Indian Oint- menL For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. HENRY & CO., Proprietors, Cleveland. O. Hodoe, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, roriiana, urcgon. TORPID BOVELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and FflALARJA. v From Uioso sources crtso Uiree-fourtns or tha diseases of tho human race. Thcso symptoms Indicate their cxistence:Xoss of Appetite., Borvele costive, ftlcU need ache, fullness after callnc?, crcrslon to eiorttoii of fcoily or mltui, Sractattoii of taod, Irritability of temper, Xotv spirits, A faellns oriiRTinfj neglected omo Catr, Blzzlucsn, Fluttering at tho Ucixt,Dotaljrrore tlio eyes. liirliljr col ore a Crliie, COXJTtPATIO.y and do mandtho uso ofa remedy that acta directly onthoUvcr. AaaLlvorrncdlclneTirrT'S 1'IIiLSliHvonoe.iuaL Their action on tha Kidneys nnl Stinis also promrt ; rcmortcs all impurities throngh theso three "scaT engere at t!i system," producing nppo. tlto, eonnd digestion, re frnlnr stools, a cl-ar sldaanda vigorous body. TOTT'iliT.L3 canse no nausea or grlptn? nor intcrfero with dally work end aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boMeTrrywliTo.aSc. PfK-.Ulnrrft)r5Jt.,.V.Y. 3 B 6a Gair EUnt on tVniSKEna changed In. Etantly to a Glos3T Buck by a .Inglo np rllcntlon of this DTE. Sold by Drusgiits, oi Bent by express on receipt of 91. Office, 4ilarrny Street, New York-. TTin'3 EUBUAL OF USEFUL RESclPTS FEEL ANA DD. S. SILSBEE'S KXTER5U. PILE REXEDi Gives Inttsnt Relief, and is in Infallible CURE FOR ALL (CHIOS OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, 1.00 rer box, prepaid, by mail. Samples sent free to Physicians and all sufferers, by Neustaedter & Co., Box 394G. New York City. Solo manufacturers of ANAKES IS. Bravery of Andrew Johnson- "Just preceading tho war,'' said a Tennessee man, "Andrew Johnson had many enemies in Tennessee, and once when h was billed far an evening speech at Nashville, the report was proad that if he dared to speak he would bo either mobbed or egged, and perhaps assinated. When ths hour for assembling came the house was al ready thronged, and Andy Johnson was1 on the platform. He proruptly arose, and going to the front took a pistol from his pocket and cocked it. lis then opend the wetting by saving: 'Gentlemen and fellow citizens: It is meet that when free men assemble for the diacussion of important business interests everything should be' done de cently and in order. Now, I have been informed that a part of the pro ceedings on the present occasion is the assassination of the individual address ing you."' "Here he grasped the pistol firmly with his right hand, throw open his coat with his left hand and continued: 'I propose that this little matter be the first business taken up. If any man comes heie to-night for that purpose let him not speak, bat shost.' "At this them was a pause, and no one replied. 'Ah' said Mr. Johnson, 'I see I have been misinformed. I. will proceed with the meeting.' "And thero was not a ripple of dis sent in the hall that night. Johnson was applauded at every pdriod, and he had not an enemy present who dared to groan above his breath." "Cleve land Leader." Narrow Escape. Last Friday, as the Ashland Baso Ball Club, and friends from Ashland, reached the Klamath river ferry, they had a nar row escape from getting into ths river, and undoubtedly drowning, as there would bs little chance of gcititig out of that swift stream, under the cir cumstances. One of tho teams had been driven on tbe ferrj boat, and other was coming along at a lively gait, until reaching the grade down the bank, when putting on tbe brake it was discovered the brake block had dropped ouf. The team being unable to hold the wagon back started on a run, crowding np against tha other wagon on tbe boat, all expecting both teams would jump the boat by the scare. Luckily tbe forward team stood tha check, and thereby saved a great disaster. Mr. Anderson, the ferryman, was much excited ever ths occurance, and like those aboard the wagons, thought it ono of the most miraculous escapes ever experienced. Poor Thing. "You looksad, Birdie what's the matter!" were the words addressed to Birdio McHenipinj by her friend, Mollie Squeers, as they met on Austin avenuo. "I'm not foeling well." , "Aro you sickl" "No, I'm not precisely sick; but I feel tired, overworked."' "Do tell me all about it?" "Well, yon see our colored cook is sick, and now poor mother has to da all the cooking, and scrubbing, and washing, and ironing, 'and it makes m6 so tired to seo tha old creature work. She is so slow." Byrnp of Figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas. ant to the Palate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain- ess in its action. Cures habitlual Constipation, Billiousnes, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system purifies the Kood, regulates tho Jiver and nets on the Bowels. Breaks up uoius, L.M1IS ann covers, etc. Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous medicines, pills, salts and drauhti. Sample bottle free, and large bottla for gale by Merritt it Robinson Jackson ville. A man named Murphy, an employe of the railroad, supposed to be about 45 years of age, was found in Ya quina bay early Tuesday morning a short distance above Onratta, dead. An examination indicated that he had been in tha water about forty hours. Murphy had been on a sprea Sunday, and had comn near falling into the bay several times during the day. He had suffered from rupture a long time, and had remarked at various times on Sun day that he had nothing to Iiva far. Worthless Young Men. But aside from ths part of the col I ego question there is the- utter wortbless ness of thousands of young men with a college education. No young fellow who goes through college will demean himself by learning a trade, or setting down to any rough kind of btfslusssf. All want to be "gentlemen" and wear good clothes and hae little to do. Ex cept in special -:ases it is mere wasta of boy's time, possibly the rain, of his future, to send him to college.'4t-There are many who went through college, but who connot make a decent living. I could count some of them inyslf. Some timo ago a woman who 'had sent one of her boys to college said to me that she would rather see tha others working in tho streets than spoil them tho same way. A college graduate who, after almost starving, got employment in a New York grocery, felt dreadfully mortified to find himself working for a man who could not write his name; but ho held on to tho place. In the opinion of thousunds of New Yorkers, this city college of ours, for which everybody is taxed, is a positive evil. It makes young aristocrats out of tha sons of men who havo to work hard for a living, and in many Cases it makes thera ashamed of their humble parents. When the average boy has passed through a good grammer school ho has done well enough, so far as education at tho expense of the public is con cerned. Hardly 5 per cent, of ths eminently successful men of New York, outsida of the professions, ever set foot in college as students, and tha average business man will not employ young fellows from college while ha can find others'. One day soon after Pope's defeat at second Bull Run and Chantilly, a pri vate soldier belonging to an Ohio regi ment sought an intervion with his captain, announced that he had a plan for military campaign, which must cer tainly result in crushing out tho re the-h,ellion. The officer very naturally in- quired for particulars, but tho soldier refused to reveal thera, and asked for a chance to lay his plana before Popo himself. After some delay he was giv en a pass to headquarters. Ho did not get to see Pope, but after tho chief of staff had coaxed and promised and threatened for a quarter of an hour tho Buckeye stood up and replied: "Well, sir, my plan is, for John Pope and Bob Lee to swap commands, and if we don't lick tho South insida of sixty days you may shoot mo for a patent hay-fork swindler!" When ha returned to camp he was naturally asked what success ha had met with, and he ruefully replied: "Wall, tlmy had a plan of their own." "What wo ill" "Why, they took mo out and booted me for a mile and a half I" Detroit Free Press. How to Read A Novel. Oped it in tho middle; glance at a page; catch :he names of tho charac ters; turn to the last p20 to see whether ho married her or she died with angels hovering around tho head board; turn to the beginn:ng and sea what the matter was with tho old man, and why hd didn't approve of the match. You havo thus acquainted yourself with all the essential facts of tha novel, and cad imagine tha moon light walks, the sylvan dells, tho after noon teai, the cuss word3 muttered be" tween the teeth of the male charac ters, and all the other "hog wash." "Hartford Post." The oldest almanac in existence is an Egyptian onp, and may be seen in the British Museum. Buried nearly three thousand years ago by eome hu man contemporary of Rameses the Great, it has been brought to light again and copied in facsimile. Twtn ty-five columns aro wholly or partially preserved. The lucky days are mark ed in blacic ink, and tbe unfortunate in red a curious instance which Eurep oin nations have reserved. A New York man who had been out of employment for several months, ob tained a job, and the noxt dtiy killed himself in a fit of temporofy insanity. If you want to drive aiSow York man crazy, set him to wr Lowiston, Me., has 7602 Catholics Frenoh Canadian rtaideat-.