Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 07, 1884, Image 4

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Saturday, Juke 7, 1884.
Dextistky. E. L. Townsend, D. D.
fi., will ba in Jacksonville Juuo 16th,
1884, and remaiu ten days.
Waksino. Notico is hereby qiven
that I will not Le responsible for any
debt aontracted by my wife.
Henry Mensok.
R. R. Rates for Wool. The 0.
A 0. R. It. Co. have established a rate
of $1.25 per 100 lbs. on wool in -.ar
loads of 10,000 lbs, and upward from
Ashland, Phoenix, Medford, Gold Hill,
Woodville, Grants Pass, Jump off Joe
and Alta to Portland.
Josephine County. The following
are the majorities given in Jospphine
And will not be changed much by the
.official count to be made to day: Myers,
55; Thayer, 80; Webster, 54; Apple
gate, 83; Miller, 29; Porter, 199;
Hughes, 97; Ryder, 263; Naucke, 150.
Red Men Ejection. Oregonian
Pocahontas Tribe, I. O. R. M. elected
the following oflicers last Tuesday
night: Sachem, J. T. Rolofon; S. S.,
John Dyer;J. S., Adam Schmitt; C. of
R., Wm, Mensor; Representatives to
the Grand Lodge, Chas. Nickell, Dave
Cronemiller, J. G.Birdbey, J.T. Rol
A- Tie. For precinct officers in
.Jac&scpvjlle the vote for Justice of the
Peace between J. II. Huffer and E.
D. Foudray was a tie, each -receiving
143 votes while J. A. Slover got 41.
Mr. Huffer proposes contesting the
election, claiming that at least one ill
egal vote was put in the box for that
office. J. G. Birdsey beat D. W.
.Crosby 24 votes for the office of con
stable. Klamath County Tho following
are the returns from Klamath county
and are semi official. Majorities are
only given: Webster, 75; Myers, 18;
Thayer, 42; Kent, 175; Thompson for
joint Senator, 13; Abshier, for joint
Representative, 34; Smith, county
judgp, 20; W. C. Hale, 4S; Putnam
for Sheriff 105; Childer. 54. Mat
,-Obenchain and R. Hutchinson aie
elected Commissioners and the county
Feat question was in favor of Link villa
by a good majority.
Jury List The folloving is a list
.of jurors drawn for the Juno term of
the circuit court: Jas. McDougall, T.
F. Beall, Ed. Simons, Win. R. Jones,
Ihos. Curry, A. G. Colviu, Daniel
Neathauier, M. P. Phipps, Henry
Stancliff, F. M. Ferguson, S. B. May
burn, E. W. Hammond, II. R. Brown,
Z. Cameron, Goo. Mpjjprle, J. W. Ab
bott, 1). Peninper, A. Cantrll, P. B.
O'Neil, F. G. Stimpson, J. Parks, O.
Vincent, B. C. Goddard, Jr., Thomas
,Ca?r, M. W. Wheeler, Thos. Hay'
mond, H. Amy, Horace Peltoti, J G
Bntcoe, Jesse Adams.
Ashland Items. Supervising En
gineer Biotherton and Chief Enjinter
C. A. F. Morri- of the O. k C. visited
Ashland last Wednesday accompanied
by their families, traveling in the
President's car inspecting the road
. . . . D. L. Rice is first assistant to E.
C. Kane as agent and operator. . . . All
tue company's horses in good order
were taken to Hardy ElifTs this week
,by R, A. Jones and the sick ones will
.be taken to Buck Rock where Mr.
Jones will go to look after them and
.guard company property.... Mat
Ruckles has gono to Oak Grove.
Got Caught. A warrant was
.sworn out in Justice
Huffer's coun
this week charging C. C. Griffith with
.tho crime of stealing a horse that he
.had originally hiied from W. J. Ply
jnale. The theft came in when tho
.prisoner wrote to Plymale saying that
tho horse had died, and as parties had
Been the annual after this fact hud
been communicated, the charge was
made Constable Birdsey wa sent
out to make the arrest and caught his
,man between Waldo auJ Browntoan
in Josephine county, bringing man
and horse to town last Thursday night.
.Griffith is a new comer here having
lately arrived from the East.
Religious Items. Elder M. Peter
son preaches at Central Point Sunday
,morningand evening Regualr ser
vices at tho Catholic chuicli in this
jl&ce, Rev. F. X. Blauchet officiating
....Rev. R. O. Oglesby will hold ser
vices at the Antioch Echool-house next
.Sunday.... Rev. B. J. Sharp will
preach at Ashland Sunday, both morn
ing and eveuinc....Rcv. A. M. Russ
ell preaches at Medford Sijuday; also
the evening previous.. . .Rev. M. A.
Williams will hold communion services
at the Presbyterian church next Sun
da) morning at 11 o'clock. A collec
tion will be taken up. Preaching also
to morrow afternoon at half past 2
o'clock .... Rev. J. A. Sliver will
preach at tho Wasjner creek church
Sunday at 1 1 o'clock A. M.
Hymeneal. The residence of J.
Nunan waR the scene of a quiet wed
ding last Wednesday evening, tho con
tracting parties being "Wm. HIrich
and Miss Emma Milluer, Rev. F. X.
.Blanchet officiating. Both parties are
well and favorably known here and we
join good wishes with them in the new
relations they have assumed. Imme
diately after the ceremony the newly
married couple started for Portland on
a wedding tour after which they will
return to Medford to reside.
On the same date Wm. L. Bilger
and Miss Sallie Cardwell were joined
in tho holy bonds of wedlock at New
Tacoma, W. T. Both were former
residents of Jacksonville, where they
each have many friends. If the wish
es of all who know them are carried
cut "Billy" will become a millionaire
and never a cloud appear on his mar
ried life.
Local Items-
Cochcco satins
fancy patterns at
Flour, bacon, lard, beans in lots to
suit at Nunan's.
Notice Nunan's new advertisement
ana give him a call,
WTe have met the enemy and we are
theirs in local affairs.
For the best ice cream call at Jack
son's, Open day and evening.
Strawberries and all kinds of early
vegetables are now in market. ,
Messrs. Holt k Hardin Are now
burning a kiln of 125,000 brick.
Another large invoice of stoves was
received at Karewski's this week.
For a cough or cold there is no reme
dy equal to Aramen's Cough Syiup.
Oscar Kilbourn, U. S. Guager, wrs
in town yesterday on official business.
The fire company will hold their
regular meeting next Monday night.
Hurrah for Blaine and Logan
our next President and Vice President.
Fred P.
charge of
Crone-miller has again taken
the "Plaindealer" as local
Miss Huttie Newbury has gone to
Althonseb take charge of tho district
school there.
W. L. Record and family have
moved to Jacksonville and become
permanent fresidents.
Read Wm. Angle's advertisement
ana patronize hiui it you want to ouy
goods cheap at Medford.
The Prohibition vote amounts to
about 75 votes in the county most of
which was cast in Ahhland.
Circuit court convenes next week
Judge L. It. Webster presiding. A
lively criminal docket is promised.
M. Colwell is lying quite low at
his rooms with hemorrago of the lungs
but was improving at last accounts.
Carlos Goddard has sold his place in
Manzanila precinct, containing 85
acr?s, to John Hocsenjos for 2,500.
A friend at our elbow sug;psts that
DemoTats are like cats. The more
they fight the more there aro of them.
Banner Lodge No. 10, A. O. H. W.,
will elect uew olficers next Friday
evening. A full attendance is request
ed. W. J. "Wimer of Waldo is the
proudest man in Josephine county be
cause his wife presented him with twins
a boy and a girl.
The Salmon mines on Cow creek
have been purchased by M. Volk and
H. S. Donne)! who propose opening
them out in simpe.
Thos. Kirkpatrick, representing the
well known liquor house of Moore,
Hunt & Co., is again interviewing cub
torn era in Juckseuiile.
A. S. Whiting, general supply agent
for the raihoati and M. Volk, superin
tfiident of construction" paid Jackson
ville a visit It is week.
The Robt Kahler residence proper
ty was sold this week for 1,600 to a
new-comer. Jacksonville property
seems to be above par yet.
Juitico JTuffer of Jacksonville and
Purdiu of Etgle Point, together with
County Cleik Klsppel' canvassed the
election returns yesterday.
The cemetory fence and railing lead
ing thereto presents a neater appear
ance since Messrs. Carter and Schultz
gavo it a new coat of paint.
Frank Ka.haffer is tending bar at
Nolaud it Ulriih's saloon at Medford
while the junior member of the firm
is getting settled down to married life.
Tho election is over now and readers
of county papers will now get some
thing besides politics for a few months
till the Presidential election "eta heat
ed up.
At the last meeting of Banner Lodge
No. 23, A O. U. W., Frank Krause
was elected representative to tho
Grand Lodge to meet in Portland next
Our friend Kane has been appointed
railroad agent at Ashland. The selec
tion is a good one and he will no doubt
give satisfaction to the people making
shipments that way.
Medford proposes celebrating the
Fouith of July with a grand barbacue
and Judge L. R. Webster ias accept
ed the invitation to deliver the oration.
A big time is promised.
,A good sized audience listened to
Rev. B. J. Sharp's lecture at the Court
House Wednesday and express them
selves well pleased. The proceeds
were donated to the M. E. Church.
The railroad company will sell all
their remaining provisions and cora-
misary stores at public auction at
Phoenix next Friday. Be on hand if
you want to lay in a supply of grocer
ies. The History of Southern Oregon
published -by A. G. Walling of Port
land, will bo ready for delivery to sub
scribers next week. It is a fine work
and should be in every household in
this section.
Rev. M. A Williams will hold com
munion services at the Presbyterian
Church, next Sunday morning at eleven
o'clock; a collection will be taken up.
JC reaching also this afternoon at half
past 2 o'clock.
A reward of 100 is offered by Emil
Barbee for the arrest and conviction of
the thief who robbed his hen roost last
Monday night. Numerous pettv
thefts have been committed in that
locality of late and it is about time
the guilty ones aro found out. There
is no foolishness about the money as it
is on deposit and will be given to any
ne who will carry out what is asked,
of Yreka's
a day last
week when returning from Montana
Territory. He is now in the stock
business and reports it a profitable one
in that section.
The Odd Fellow's hall now presents
a fine appearance on the inside. Bun
sow did the painting aud the new
carpet was laid by Adam Schmitt.
Both showed themselves good workmen
in their respective lines.
County Commissioners court was in
session this week. Another special
session will ba held about the end of
this month to close up their affairs
and turn the property of the county
over to their successors.
The report that M. J. Greene would
bucceed James Cunningham as rail
road agent at Medford is without
foundation. Mr. Cunningham will
continue at that station and Mr.
Greene has left tho employ of the com
pany. When wanting to purchase any kind
of fanning machinery don't fail to see
what Kubli keeps, lie says no can
convince anyone that his machinery is
the best manufactured, and he charges
nothing for explaining their merit', so
you are nothing out if they don't suit
It" is rpported that about 150 miles
north of Missoula, M. T., a region hai
been discovered by an exploring party
in which are twenty two cascades over
500 feet in height, and a true glacier
with a mile frontage and 500 feet fall.
It is said to be a more wonderful region
than the Yellowstone.
The corner room in Byars fc Jacobs
new brick at Medford has been rented
by W. G. Keuney and H. II. Wolters,
who will open a saloon at that place.
They propose fitting it up in fine style,
will keep none but the bpst of liquors
and cigars and will be ready for busi
ness in a couple of weeks.
The experiment of shipping fresh
salmcm in refrigerator cars from Ore
gon to New York is provirg success
ful. The first car has arrived, and its
contents were in capital condition.
The freight charges across the conti
ncnt amount to about seven cents a
pound, and tho fish sold at twenty
cents a pound.
The election in Jofephinn county
was a Waterloo for tho Republicans as
well as in Jackson Vounty. II. B.
Miller was elected Stata Senator and
the rest of the t'eket was all Demo
cratic. One satisfaction, houeter, is
that the ticket elected is a good ne
and those defeated need not bo asham
ed of those who beat them.
Mr. n. B. Mace of Burns, Grant
count, called on us yesterday, from
whom we learn that his brother I'ritz
Mace who was shot by John Bland in
tho fatal encounter in which Horace
Mace was killed, i3 improving rapidly
and no fears are entertained for his
recovery. Mr. Mace informs us that
fat-i7ipri purl slofk mpn srp doi'i" w'l
in Homey valley, and that many im
migrants are taking up land and mak
ing comfortable homes. i'Exarainer."
The grand jury of Klamath county
have found a true bill against Thomas
Werdcn for murder. It will be re
membered that he killed an old man
named Larkin and waR exhoncruted
by a corner's jury. Tho people were
not satisfied with the verdict of justifi
able homicide, however, and propose to
sift the matter to the bottom. Weed
en is now in the Jackson county jail
and will be taken out for trial at the
next term of court for Klamath county.
Ammen's Cough Syrup is not a pat
ent medicine. 'No pa-ent ha? been
asked fororobtainpd upon it. To pro
tect the public from counterfeits or im
itations, the manufacturer has had the
label registered in Washington. The
Syrup is made from pure and costly
drugs, and cannot bo sold as cheap to
the dealer as the common patent niedi
cines that are simply made to sell,
which explains why dishouerable drug
gists or dealers try to sell ycu some
thing else when asked for Animens
Cough Syrup. It is upon the market
upon its own merits. You can buy i
sample bottle for 15 cents, upon which,
at the wholesalo price, the manufac
turer makes nothing. Ask to see a
large bottle, and read the label.
Railroad Items. Wo learn that
daylight is visible through tho upper
portion of tunnel 4, bolow the Sacra
mento river bridge, but the lower part
of the tunnel is of such hard iron rock,
that the drilling and blasting proceeds
slow. Owing to the tough nature of
the rock, it is impossible to do any
thing with the Burleigh "drills, and the
work is performed with hand drills
and sledge hammers. It is expected
that cars will be run up to Dog Creek
by tho 1st of August at latest, as
everything is ready above the big tun
nel for laying the track as soon as con
struction trains can he sent up from
Redding. I he C. 1'. managers are
shipping below everything used in rail
road work, except what is actually
necessary to complete the road to 40
mile post, which indicates that they
have quit for good. It is suspected by
the G. P. that Jay Gould is in control
of the Northern Pacific and Oregon
roads, and that hf may eventually
build down the coast from Rock Point,
to gain an independent road of his own
to San Francisco. In Oregon, it is
suspected that the Central Pacific has
been endeavoring to secure the Oregon
branch, and that work will bo resumed
again just as soon as the C. P. gains
control of the same. Yreka Journal.
Pioneer Meeting. A meeting of
this society was held at Ashland last
Thursday when the following officers
were elected: President, Theo. Cam
eron: Vice Presidents, B. F. Myer
and Wm. Kahler; Secretary, S. J. Day;
Treasurer, J H. Huffer. The next
re-union of the society will be held in
Jacksonville on Thursday, Septembtr
41, 1884.
Louis Huseman, one
pioneers, stayed with us
Jackson Coutl
The offic'al canrasslif.tl
Ites cist
last Monday was madsyesl
noon and we give it telowJ
Che Pro-
hibition vote is omitted th
renk but
all will appear in tabular
rm next
for count:
Binger Hermann . . . j JL .... 807
John Myers fjB ... .1177
L. Flian tV- 68C
W. W. Thayer B ..... 1309
L.R. Webster.... M. 1118
C. A. Cogswell W 844
E. L. Apple-rate . . . 4kHr 932
T. B. Kent .m. 891
T. F. Beall i 1148
J. R.Neil 915
J. M.McCall -...,. 614
Theo. Cameron 919
Ed. DePeatt .'3fr 946
H, Kelley
A. ft. Jacobs -i
J. H. Oaltnan
Wm. H. Parker. .
G. S. Butler
John Ashpols."". ........ ..f 1038
B. C. Goddard..' 874
W. J. Rogers 1197
-C. H.Pickens 1247
E. K. Anderson . . . . . .T. . . 629
Geo. Fordyce 804
N.Fisher 1192
Wm. Kahler 793
W. M. Colvig 1285
M. G.Koyal 684
Dr. n. T. Inlow 1138
D. Rostel 226
No 1169
Yes :...... 531
Gambling in Coeurd'Alene. The
latest gambling sto'ry that comes from
Coeur d'Alene is furnished throngh
the Walla Walla "Statesman:" In
stead of chips, the faro tables of Coeur
d'Alene are provided with trim silver
boxes guaged to hold from 50 to
1,000 in gold dust. They are passed,
assorted, accompanied by a silver tray
and spoon, to the player, who fills
them from his sack beforo commencing
to play. Markers are used, but for
1,000 and up bets only, the player
p'a.-ing his 1,000 and up boxes in
front of him to represent the markers.
The?e markers aie colornd white, red
and blue the while representing
1.000, red 2,500, and the blue
5,000, the latter sum being the regu
lar limit, though moat of the "antes
will turn for 10 000 co!d.Efnployed
dealers and case keeperfeceive 750
per day ench. At fiJIHey were paid
-iniy ju, uui a:ii. ii rrpp-,iijp-pearing
they refused to work for less
tlian 750, claiming theyj can easily
clean up that much mining. Though
precautions ar taken to prevent wast
age, the knights of the broom rake up
from 500 to 5,000 worth of dust
A Card.
Editor Sentinel: List week's
"Tidings" contained a letter from
Jacksonville charging me with arrest
ing John S. Lacy for hurrahing for
Jacobs. Allow me to say that the
writer is a liar. I arrested Lacy for
violating an ordinance of this town by
using vulgar and obicene language on
the street in the presence of respect
able ladies and children who ware
passing. If tho President were to
come here and forget common decency
as John S. Lacy did I would serve him
as Lacy was served or any other man
no matter what his locality or politics.
If people don't think that's what I
was elected Marshal for let'them try it
on. Yours truly,
. J. P. McHaniel.
Card of Thanks.
Hall op "Victory Council No. 4,
CnAMPioNs or HoNon.
At the last regular meeting of the
Victory council, No. 4, C. of H., on
motion a vote of thanks was unan
imously tendered by the coancil to
Henry rape, Jr., Miss Delia Penno-
baker, Mr. and Mrs. Bolton and little
Daisy Bilger for thpir kindness in as
sisting and helping th'em with their
entertainment. ' ,.
L. L. JaWhs, W. C.
Jacksonville, Or. June 4tfi, 18S4.
New YonK, June 3. The Tribune
sums up the situation at Chicago as
follows: "The prospect is th.it the
Convention will be harmonious in its
final action. There is no prospect of
any serious controversy about the plat
form. Blaine is the only candidate
who has made definite gains, yet the
accession of Senator Hoar and several
delegates from the South indicates
that the expressed wish of a majority
of the Republicans in the deciding
States is having an influence." The
Tribune seem!) to think that if it is
not Blaine it will be Arthur.
Clotlng Oat at Cost.
Our entire stock of general merch
andise, in whole or in part, is now for
sale at cost with a view -of a ohange
in business. All indebted to ns are
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Reames Bros.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1884.
Attention Every Farmer. Be
fore ordering mowers, headers, rakes,
harvesters and other hetvy machinery
call on Bilger & Maegly- and see what
they will do for you. They are per
manently locattd and will guarantee
Ml?!.... 826
Jfc. 1124
StR ?19
, I latiataction.
Jacksonville Fire Engine Company
No. 1, has taken charge of the cele
bration of our natal day at this place
and at a meeting held this week the
following committees wero appointed
to make the necessary arrangements:
Coumitte on Dinner. Miss Mag
gie Linn, Mrs. J. N. T. Miller, Mrs.
Chris TJlricli, Mrs. -Xiz Jvirnoy, Mrs.
A. M. Berry, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs.
K. Kubli, Mrs. Fred Luy, Mrs. W. J.
Plymale, Mrs. Adam Schmitt, Mrs.
John E. Ross, Mrs. M. Hanley, Mrs.
Shinier. Mrs. B. F. Dowell, Mrs.
Sharp, Mrs. Chas. Prim, Mrs. M. Bell
inger, Mrs. Tom Beall, Mrs. Wm. By
bee, Frank Kashfer, Ed. Caton, Fred
Grob, Max Muller, James Drum, T.
G. Reames.
Grand Marshall's E. D. Foudray,
and Henry Klippel.
General Committee. Adam
Suhmidt, Wm. Mensor, Geo. Howard
Chris Ulrich and James G. Birdsey.
Committee on Exercises. A. H.
Maeely, A. F. Eddy, Wm. Mentor
Mr. Bolton, Mrs. Shipley, Mrs. L. F,
Dowell, Miss Cora Linn, Miss Anna
Bilger, Mr. H. Pape, Jr.
Committee on Amusemknts. A.
Schmitt, Frsd Luy, R. S. Dunlap, J.
R. Little and Geo. Howard.
Committee on Grounds. J. G.
Birdsev, Chris Ulrich, John Ortb.
Committee on Salute. ChaB.
Hanna, Fred Furry and James G.
Committee on Car. Miss Katie
Hoffman, R. S. Dunlap, Mrs. K.
Kubli, Mrs. Frank Krause, Mrs. Fred
Luy, Miss Celia Orth, James R. Little
aud R. H. Moore.
Settle Up. All knowing them
selves indebted to the estate of the late
Madame Holt are requested to settle
at once, and thosa having claims against
the Fame will present them at the olhce
of the U.S. Hotel.
ARE YOU MADE miserable by
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,
loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh's
Vitalizer is a positive cure. Brooks
DY a positive cure for Catarrh,
Diphtheria und Canker Mouth. At
"HACKMETACK," a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 25 cents aud
50 cents. For sale at E. 0. Brooks.
each bottle of Shiloh't. Catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cents. For sale at E. C.
piately relieve Croup, Whooping cough
and Bronchitis. Call ut Brooks.
bon, Ind., srys: "Bo'h invsplf and
wife 0-e aurl ve- to SHILOH'S CON
SUMPTION 0URE." Brooks keeps
WHY WILL YOU cough? Shiloh's
cure will give" i in mediate rplipf. Prica
10 cts. 50 cts. and 1. For sale at E.
C. Brooks.'
Tuckek At Soda Sprinirs, June 3, 1S84,
to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Tucker, a son.
Millkk Ou Antelope creek, May 31, 1S8-1,
to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Miller, a son.
WiJtnit In Waldo. June 1, 18S1, to the
wife of V. J. Wimcr, twins, boy and
Ui.nicii Millner At the residence of
J. Nunan in Jackson vi'lc, June 4, 1884,
by Rev. F. X. Btanchct, Wm. Ulrich
and Miss Emma Millncr.
BnJEn Cardwell In New Tacoma,
T. T., June 4, 1884, Wm. L. Bilker and
Jliss Sallie Cardwell, all of Jackson
Eocanks Russell In Ashland, June 4,
1831, at the Presbyterian church by
Rev. Robt. McLean, J. S. Eubanks, Jr.,
and Miss Mollic Russell.
Scmr.r?ELtN Salatha In Portland,
June 1, 1884, at the residence of the offi
ciating clergyman. Rev. J. Q. A. Henry.
Mr. E. L. Schicllblin of Washington
county, Or., and Mrs. 0. F. Salatha or
$100 Reward!
The undersigned will p'iy $100 reward
for the arrest and conviction of the party
who stole a rooster from his place on
Rich Gulch on the night of Junc"2d. The
money is on deposit and will be paid
Jacksonville June 3, 18S4.
Auction of Eailroatl Supplies.
The provisions of the O. & C. R. R.
construction depot remaining on hand
consisting of groceries canned goods &c.
&c will be sold by auction at the company
warehouse. Phoenix on Friday the lUth
of June 1834. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock
r. m. ' A. S. WHITING,
For O. & C. R. R. Co.
Farmer's Store,
Medford, Oregon,
WM. ANGLE - - - Proprietor.
The undersigned takes pleasure .in an
nouncing that be has opened his place of
Business in tue nw town ot ilemoni, Or
egon, andii now prepared to furnish, in
quanlfeiesto suit,
3Iy stock is freah and flrst-clasa, and I
propose to keep a full assortment of every
thing in my line and sell at
All I ask is a trial.
CSTHigbesl price paid for Produce.
Fourth of July
' tioii'
JSD s3Li:r HCra.
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
E3370c3."ULce -tEiisL&JDLiuL 3S3s:oi3La.3a.s
California street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
The Popular Approval.
Of the now famous Syrup of Figs as
the most efficacious and agreeable
preparation ever offered to the world
as a cure for Habitual Constipation,
Billiousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills, has been won by the wise plan
pursued by the California Fig Syrup
Company. Knowing that any remrdy
truly beneficial in it3 effects on the
system, and at the sams time pleasant
to the taste, ill meet with a rapid
sale, the Company, through its agents
Merritt fc Robinson gives away a
samplo bottle freo of charge. Try it
and judge for yourself. Large bottle
fifty cents or one dollar.
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every botth of Shiloh's Vita'izer.
It never fails to cure. Brooks can
furnish it.
undek the jianagement or
J. E. .Little, Prop.
with the choicest
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Pishing Tackls, &.c.
And everything usually found in a -firs'
class variety store.
My goods are the best and gurrantecd
tobc as represented. Prices low, as we dc
not propi-osc-Jo be undersold.
PSflivfca c?1!
J. R Little.
Nervous Debility.
E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain
treatment, a specific lor Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory,
Spernutorhoea, Impolency, Involuntary
emissions, premature old ;i:;c, caused by
over-exertion, sell-ubusc or oer-indulg-ence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One bo 'will cure recent cases.
Each box contaius one month's treatment;
one doslnr a box, or six boxes for five dol
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure
any case. With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with five dol
Irirs, we will seud the purchaser our writ
ten guurrntcc to return the money if the
treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran-
tecs issu,cd on'v by
Wood tun, Clarke & Co.,
"Wholesale am? R-elail Druggists, Port
land, Oiegou.
Orders by mail at regular prices.
Lasd Office at Rossnuno. Ob. )
May2-.1S34. S
Notice is hereby given that tho follow
ing named scltlei has filed no'iie of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before ihe Clerk of Jackson
county Oregon, at Jacksonville Oregon,
on Saturday July 5, 1884, viz. David
Lindsay, Pre emption D. S. No. 8.1.T for
the S E 1-4 of S E 1-4 Sco. 21 W orS
W 1-4 and S E 1-4 orS W 1-t Scc."23 T
37 S H 5 V. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz:
J. S. Ca2.1I, C Bradford, J. Williams and
Frank Krause all of Jackson county Ore
gon. Wit. F. Bunvajun, Keglstes.
Laxd Office at Roseecro Or., J
May ID. 1834. f
Notice is hereby given tlut tho following-named
setMer has filed notice
ofliis intention to make final proot in sup
port ot his claim, anu that sam proot will
be made before the Judge or Clerk of
Josephine county Oregon, at Kerbyville
Oregon, on Saturday June 23, 1881, viz:
D. S. SIcCollum. Homestead No. 3200, for
the S E ,',' of S W 1-4, S W if or S E 14
and N i of S E 1-4 .-cc. 3-1 T 39 S R 7 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of. said land, viz: M. D. L. Crooks,
P. P. MilU, T. G. Harmon, A. Tolin, all
ot Kerbyville Josephine county Oregon.
Wm. F. Benjamin,
Jacksonville Crescent Citi
P. McMahon, Proprietor
Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday
Wednesday and Friday morning at 3 a
m. arriving at Waldo in the evening, where
close connection is made next morning
for Crescent City. "When the new wagon
road is finished about January 15th
through tickets to San Francisco will be
sold for $18 by this route.
J.xpress anu order business aono at re
uuced rates.
P. McMAHOV. Proprietor
Odd Fellow's Buildiug Jieksocvilli, Crt'sa
. Pumps,
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Srnshs, Chains, Xoso
I have sreured the services of u firsU
class mechanic, and am prepared to dd
all repairing promptly aud in Buperlof
In connection with the above I am re
ceiving and have constantly on hand i
ma ami urst-ciass stock ot
Everything sold at reasonable rates..
Jacksonville, March 0, 1873.
Jackisonville, Oregon:
JOnX MILLER, - Proprietor;
JL cultutal implements, tools of all
kinds and
a gvueral assortment of shelf
He also keeps the largest slock of, ana
all thtf latest improvements in
Fishing Tackle,
Powder, Shot, Etc
Give him a call and examine his stock
before making your put chases.
Kcruj'Yilic '. Oreson,
M. Ryder, Propr.-
First-class accommodation can always
be had at this house at the most reasona
ble rales.
JSfAn excellent stable connected with
the hotel.
Settle XJi.
naving changed my place of business to"
Ashlsnd and requiring all the money due
me in fitting up my new store I hereby
give notice to all those indebted either
by note or book account to come forward'
at once and make settlement. I need tho
money and must have it
AshlandOregon, May 10, 1884