- -t; ( MVNl A Thirteen Club. A Thirteen Club was organized in New York two years ago' to combat the delusion as to tiie uuluckiness of thirUen people sitting down to a table together. The thirteen held a busi ness meeting at 7:13 in the evening of Friday, Jan. 13, at a house the nuni her of which on the street, 4-5-4, adds up thirteen, and at 8:13 they gat down to dinner in room 13. To enter the room they passed under a ladder ot thirteen rung; tha old American flag with thirteen star was canopied over the chairman's head; there were tliir teen jis of gas; the menu of thirteen course was printed on a pastj oard coffin lid' adorned with thirteen gilt nail heads; thirteen bottles of wine decked the able; thirteen bautontiieres lav near the thirteen plates. From the latest repot t of the scribe of the organization the following facts are gleaned: The club is in the third year of flourishing existence, and has a mem bership of twite thirteen times thir teen 338. No 13th of a month has yet passed without at least thirteen members of the club meeting to eat, drink and be merry; and upon some occasions two or three tables of thir teen havs been occupied. Thus far no member has died within the year pre scribed by superstition as the allotted time of life after dining in a party of thirteen. One member died fifteen months after his last dinner in the club; ona ex-member who never at tended a dinner died; and one honorary member, Peter Cooper, who had never dined in the club, but was fully in sympathy with it, and was only defer red by his age from enjoying its cele brations, passed away. Other Thirteen clubs have been founded, both in the United States and in Europe, since this one has demonstrated that ic was not fatal to belong to such an organization. There are sixty-two honorary nicmbars of the parent elub, headed by President C. A. Arthur, and including a number of the most honored names of the na tion. There is no cost attached to honorary membership. Life member ship costs $13. The dues of active members are 13 cents per month, and the dinners cost just what they are worth, no more. . The parent club was legally incorporated September 13, 1882, and now grants charters to other clubs. The fee for a charter is $13 13. Incidentally the members take care to spill the Fait at table, wear proudly the motto, "Morituri te Salutamus," have their wine lists printed in the shape of tombstones, and go journtr ing Fridays when they nan. Sow California Republi cans are Going- The Republicans of California, says the S. F. "Bulletin," are beginning to announce their preferences in the Presidential contest. Five counties', namely, Contra Costa, Napa, Butte Yuba and San Bernardino, on last Saturday, elected delegates to the State Convention, and in each case declared for B aine. These counties are scat tered, but they show the drift. The indication am that the Pacific St atefc will be as solidly for the Maine states man now as i hey were in 1880. If such should be the outcome, one reas on is that we have a ppculi.tr question in connection w;th the Chinese. Most Eistern public men took a superfk-al view of it- They reflected tl e pievail ing loose thought of their section. They cither were unable, or too inert, to emancipate themselves from the dominion of old phrases. The more they said on the subject the more fatal ly entangled they became. After wards' consistency forced them to up hold the original error. All states men affect the infallibi'ity which they deny to everybody fclbe. But Blaine pursued a different course. He went to wotk and studied the question for himself. He naturally concluded that three states and two Territories could not be unanimous on a subject unless there were pretty sol id reasons for that unaminity. He had not the insufferable impertinence to regard us at children, who did not know whit was good for us, and who were justly as likely as not te be cry ing by and by for the Chinese, whom we wanted them ta expel. He did not stop until he had mastered the problem. When he spoke he was thoroughly grounded on what he had to say. But Logan dodged the Twenty-year Exclusion bill. Edmunds vot ed against it, but said he would have supported it if the term had been re duced to ten years. The second bill reduced the term to ten years, but Ed- tnutids again voted against it. Logan .opposed it, but kept off the record. "He afierwards prepared a bill to make the United States a highway for Chl ties coolies, but abandoned it when he found that Attorney General Brews-, ter had discovered a nay to make a hole in the act. Probably this is only to be legarded as another evidenco of Logan's tendency to go astray at the beginning of great political move ments. At one time he was on the wrong side of the Uniou cause. Some Big Things. A whale GO feet long has been kil' ed off Beaufort, S. 0. An Iowa man drank three quarts of cider in three minutes. A ten foot alligator was captured recently near Waxahatchie, Tex. The government envelope factory at Hartford, Conn., uses a ton of gum a week. A party of Baton Rogue (La.) bird hunters receutly killed 1400 robins with sticks. A sea dog was killed on the beach near Long Branch, N. J., not long ago. It weighed 143 pounds. Vliile trapping near Bridgman, Mich., William Williams caugbt an eagle that measured nine feet. ,Mississippians feel very proud of thei-- state library in the capital at Jackson. It comprises 38,000 vol umes. A cow horn 4 feet 11 inches long and 18 inches in diameter at the base is on exhibition at Monticello Flo. An owl measuring four feet and two inches from tip to tip was recently captured in Franklin county, Georgia. The highest rate of postage from this country is to Patagonia and the isjl and of St. Helena 54 cents an ounce. Kobins are found in flocks of 10, 000 in the neighborhood of Powhatan, Ya., a man recently killed 480 of the birds. A lady 60 years old, residing in Rochester, N. Y., skated from that city to Brockport, 20 miles, in an hour and twenty-five minutes. A strange fish was recently cap tured off Blo;k island, Newport. It was 4 feet long and it had a mouth 10 inches wide. It weighs 200 pounds. Charles White of Thorndyke, Me., has three yokes of oxen whose united weight is 12,210 pounds. One yoke measures 8 feet and 4 inches, and weighs 4865 pounds. "Women as Farmers. The Reno "Journal" of yesterday morning says: Miss Lizzie Purdy, of Long Valley, came to Reno yesterday to employ a force of farm hands. She- found twa able-bodied men, engaged them for the summer, and sent them out to the ranch. The Purdy sisters, three in number, have successfully conducted the Purdy farm in Long Valley since the death of their father, Judge Purdy, several year ago. They have had personal supervision of the farm and all matters connected with the business since that time, and it is pleasing to know that their labors have been crowned with success. These young lady farmers will seed 120 acres to wheat this year, forty acres to barley, besides a number of acres to potatoes. onions and other vegetables. They also harvest a large hay crop each year. The courage they exhibit en titles them to abundant success. Treasurer's Notice. Office of County Treasurer. ) Kcrbyville, Or. March 21st, 1884. f Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the County Treasury for the re demption of tlje following warrants: No. 15 Protested Jany. 10th, 1882 " zui 16 18 10 29 G 19 " 172 - " 4G " " 208 " " 30 " 32 " ii jj it i 49 ii " ; " " 71 " " 82 " ii 4 ii ii r,7 ii " t)6 " " 31 C II II II II II Fcby 2 3 March 0 " 28 ii it ii ii April C 7 Also No. 204 protested April 5th 1883 foi special tax C. O. W. R. Interest on the same will cease from this date. N. DeLamatter, Treasurer. By J. A. Wilson, Deputy. TUG THOROUGHBRED JACK BEECHER Will make the season of 1884 at the fob lowing times and places: Bcccherwill commence nest Monday and Tuesday at Wm. Bybec's farm near town, Wednesday and Thursday at Bybee's Ferry on Rogue River, and Friday and Saturday at C. C. McCIendon's place in Sam's valley, and continue so through the season. Description. Beechcr is a thoroughbred Mammoth Jack from TTcnlucky, black in color, 10 years old, with good form and action, and weighs 1 ,300 pounds. Terms. By the season, S1200. Pasturage at reasonable rates. Best of care taken, but will be responsible for no accidents. Wm. Bybee, Prop. C. O. McClcndon, Groom. Shingles For Sale, The undersigned is now prepaiod to furnish the best quality of shingles, cut with diamond knife, in any quantity de sired. Price delivered in Jacksonville $3 per thousand or transportation off at the mill, situated two mile south of Williams creek post office. Orders can be left with Q. Karewski. J Chapman. .Lime For Sale. The undersigned have on hand about 500 bushels of superior lime at their Kiln on Jackson creek 1 miles from Jackson ville which is offered for sale in quanti ties to buit at the lowest rates. Deckek & Allison. THE U. S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - Ogn, JANE IIOLT, Proprietress o. & C. Stage House. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. MEALS AT AI..L HOURS. ROOMS TO LET BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. Prices Very Moderate. OUR NEW HOTEL BUILDING BE ing completed lor occupancy, the un dersigned takes pleasure in announcing Unit we arc prepared to entertain the trav eling public. No pains wilfbc spared to provide for the comfort of our guests and to make them feel at'home with us. The most modern improvements have been in troduced, and the accommodations of the United States will not lag behind the best appointed inland hotel on this coast. Our tables will always be supplied with the best the market affords and served in the best style by a corps ot obliging waiters. The lieds and bedding are all new and fitted up in the most comfortable style, suited to the accommodation of single oc cupants or families. JANE IIOLT. Jacksonville, March 5, 18S1. EXCELSIOR LIVER i& AND FEED STABLE, Corner Of Oreook and California sts., Jacxs3 till W. J. riYIVIAIE, prop'r. Would respectfully inform the public that he has a fine stock of Horses, Buggies and Cnrlnget And he is prepared to furnish his patrons and the public generally with Fine Turnouts As can be had on the Pacific coast. Pad die horses hired to go to any part of the county. Animals Bonght and Sold., Horses broke to work single or double, norses boarded and the best of care bo stowed upon them while in my charge. A liberal share of the public patronage is solicited on reasonable terms. Fine Trotting Stallion, JIM CARD WELL, Will make the Season of 1884 as fol lows: Qoiiisr to the Phoenix Livery Stable March 28th. he will remain tour days, when he will return to his own stables at Uardweirs farm, near Jackson ville, April 1st, where he will stand four days; returning to each place every ninth day during the season. Description A Pedlsree. Jim Cardwell is a beautiful dark dapple bay with black legs, mane and tail , S years old the 9th day of June, about 10 hands high and weighs 1250 pound. He was sired by Mike, his dam a fine Sligart maie; Mike's sire was old Vermont, and out of a thoroughbred Whip mare. Terms: Single service ?5, Season $10 Insurance $15. Any person selling his mare during the season will please remem ber that the money for services rendered is then due. Best of care taken to prevent accidents, but no responsibility for any that may occur. Good pasture will be furnished at rea. sonablc rates. ELITvYLOR. Ja:ksonville, Marth 29, 1884. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, WIJVTJJZJY and SLLMS, PROPRIETORS. The proprietors of this well known and popular resort world inform their friends anil the public generally that a complete and first class stock of the bast brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc., are constantly kept on hand. They will be pleased to have their friends "call ana smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also be found here. We would .be pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and we will place them in the cabinet for inspection. W1NTJKN 4 HKLMS. LUMBER FOR EVERYBODY STERLING 6 Miles South of -Jacksonville, IS NOW UNDER FULL HEADWA" and is prepared to furbish the marki with every description of lumber of a sunt rior quality at the lowest rates. Bilh sawed to order and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders addressed to us at Jackson ville will receive prompt attention. PARKS & SON. S, P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Ofegon, In Cronemiller's building is in receipt of a full assortment of material and pre pared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every description made to order. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. S. P. HANNA. July 14 1880. mm S tt VICTOR MOWERS, wJkTN Exira Sections for all DO fill I1IIO0 Goodspeed k TIGER SULKY RUES. BARNES lIMIIIIflllfi BY The underpinned now has. on the Celebrated COOKING & PARLOR STOVES, a Alto, direct from the manufactory at Fort Madison, Iowa, a RENOWNED MORRISON Consisting of Wooden and Iron Boam Walking Plows, And all extras appertaining thereto. It will repay those desiiing anything The llogue Jliver Distilling Company DAS OfENED A WHOLESALE HOUSE fit JACKSONVILLE, In the building situated on the corner of California and Fifth streets where can be obtained a PURE. UNADULTERATED AllTICI.R OP BORUBOJy,RTJE AND CORN WHISKY, II QUAKTITIES AND AT PRICES TO SUIT- Satisfaction guaranteed. N. K. LYTLE, Superintendent. MORAF & CH ALE'S 9 JACLSON VILLE. Oregon. HAVING OPENED A SALOON ON California street wc ask for a share of the public patronage and promise good treatment in every case. We keep none but the best of liquors, wines and cigars, and satisfaction is guaranteed. Try us and be convinced. MORAT & CIIALE. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TnE nndei-Mi'ned bv note or book account. are requested to call and jsettlc without delay. ft-a.iuioa.i. Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 1883. & Jacksonville; Oregon, WAGONS, I BAY WOODEN RAKES, CUPEITEOS TOOLS, ETC BILGES & MJEGLY. STOVES AND THE WHOLESALE. way from Albany. N. Y., to arrive in a SCRAPERS, CULTIVATORS, ETC., to. Ail have made thfsn lirt;e iiupurtatioi prrparnl lo givt THE VERY UTOT PRICE?. Ail have made thfsn 1 irc importations directly fiom H'wlipmrtera I an prrparnl lo givt in my line to ;ivp me a call. G. KAKEWSKI, Notice. Land Office at Kceiiuko. On, i April 5. lbS4. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settlei lias filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that slid proof will be made before the Clerk of Jackson county Oregon, at Jacksonville, on S.iluiday,May I 17, 1884, viz: Thurston T. Thomas. I're-' rmption 1). S.. o. 4;5J4 for the S E if of S E 1-4 Sec. U2 - W 14 or S W 14 ec. S5 ' T Oil S K 2 W N E 1-4 of N E 14 Sec. 5 and N 1-4 of N ' 14 Sec. 4 T !14 S It 2 rt . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: J. D. We ch, Wm. Mayfleld, m. Nichols, Wm. Hay. AH of Sam's Valley, Jackson county. Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin. Hegter. Notice. Land Office at Roskjiuro, On., ) April 13, 1834. j Notice is hereby given thai the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prool'4will be madb-forc the lerk of Josephine county Oregon at Kobyville. Oregon, on Satur day May 24, 1884, viz: l. II. Urockman, Pre-emption D. S.No. 3070 for the N i of S W 14 and S W 14 of S W 14 Sec. 1 7 and N W 14 of N H 14 Sec 20 T MS R 0 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz; II. ha;in, E. Gum. O. S. Shanks. M. Trimble, all of Josephine co. Or. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. CITY BREWERY, VEIT SOHUTZ,- .. Proprietor. T WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY In form the cftixenuof Jacksonville and the world at large, that tb.ej can find, at a Htme. Rtmv Drewer?. the bit1airr br. In any inantitj the purchanei may desire My house fs conYenf'ntlysftnated and my rooms are alwajff In order. A tUU will please Tn (JiryQA week, f 12 a day at home ease t) -Oly nvide. Costly Outfit free. Ad dress True & Co., Augusta, Maine. MAW Mowers, ieiii IF i$ Steven few days, a car load of Parry & Co' car load of the jnstlv PLOWS, Sulky Plows, Jacksonville, Or T33CIS C5-I23ZluI, STREMJTilEUA'H KENEDY AND is the legitimate result of over twen ty yiarsot practical experience by a thoioughly quali fied graduate phy. -ieiau of one of the highest medical colleges of Europe. It positively cure's Nervous and Phv- sical Debility. Seminal Weakness, Sper matorrhea, ImjKitency, Prostatorrhoe. Hvperaesthesia over sensitiveness of the parts. Kidney and I'ladder complaints, impurities of the blood and diseases of the skin. It permanently stops all unnatural weakening drains upon the system, how ever they occur, preventing involuntaiy seminal foises. debilitating'dreams, semi nal losses with the urine, or while at stool. ctc.,sodestructivc to mind and body. and cuicsall the evil effects ofyouthful follies excesses, restoring exhausted vitalit . Sexual decline and loss of manhood, how ever complicated. A thorough as well as permauent cure and complete restoration to perfect health. Strength and vigor of manhood is abso lutely guaranteed by this jus Iy celebrated reliable great remedy. lJrice $2 J"0 per bottle, or five bottles lor 10. Sent upon receipt of price, or J. O. D., toanyaddress secure from observation and strictly pri vate by DR. C. n. SILFIKLD 216 Kenrny street nn Fmnrltro t'al. TltlAL nOTTLi: FREE. Sufficient to show its merit will be sent to any one app ying by letter, stating his symptoms and ace. Consultations strict- lyconfidentia', by letter, or at office, free. rortne convenient ol patients and in or der to secure prefect secrecy. I haveudont- ed a private address underwhich all pack, ages are forwarded. J PRE Send six cents for postaire. and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help all. of either sex. to more money right away than anything else in this world. For tunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once address Tree &"(.'o., Augusta, Mc. . ? OR. LIEMTS ui German lnvisorator. DC The oldest, greatest and O best remedy for the iaro of -i Nervous and Physical Debil ) itv Vll.il ttvluttiotlnb SnAl. i Ji nal Weakness, Loss orHB' L hooa, railing sietaoiy b' Hclaxca anil JSnieeBiea-eetPf , d lions of the Gcnitc-tFrlry ' korgans. It speedily 'Cittetrw r Impotence, JSarJy Dttxjf Loss of Vigor, SctolasI Weakness, and all theiMcr frets of youthful folHcsaad O abuse or Excess of Maturity. O It permanently prevents X "11 Unnatural Loss from the jj system, as thousands can at- test who have used the Rem- 2edy the past quarter of a century which it has been before the public. It is indeed a Wonderful Remedy toning the nerves, strengthen ing the muscles, checking the waste, in vigorating the whole system nd restoring the afflicted to health and happiness. The Dr. will agree to forfeit $1,000 for a case undertaken, not cured. The reason bo many can not get cured of Weakness and the above diseases is owing to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea, with Hyper csthia which requires special treat ment. Dr. Liebig's Invigorator, No. 3, with our peculiar special treatment, is the only cure for Prostatorrhea. By it Manhood is icsii'iiTi uiiu uic uaiiu ui nine inuvcu back from age to youth. Price ot either Invicorator. S3. Case of six botiles, $10. Sent to any address. covereit securely from observation. Dr. Liebig fc Co. treat successfully by Homoeopathy every form of rpecial, Priv ate or Chronic disease without mercury or naseous drugs. If vitality is drained from the body, numerous diseases follow that baffle ordinary medical treatment. If allowed to continue, the unnatural loss causes- onsumption, Diabetes, Bright' Disease, Insanity, etc. Cures guaranteed. Diseases of the genito-urinary organs, kidney-, liver and bladder specially treat ed. Diseases of women speedily cured. Qualified and Itespo sible. Dr. Liebig & i o. from Europe, are organized in com pliance with California Medical Law. Diploma procured by regular college ed ucation and are now in their nineteenth year of special practice. Most powerful el.-ctric belts free to pa tients. To prove the wonderful power of the invigorator a $2 botllc given or sent free. ( oiisultntion free and private. Dr. In-big's wonderful German invigo rator is protected by copywright from Patent offlce of United Slates Govern, nicnt. Beware of imitations. Call or ad dress Likiiio Dispessaiit, 400 Geary Street. San Francisco. Cab. Private entrance, 40(5 Mason Street, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearny, Main Entrance throug.i Dispensary Drug Stoic DK. IMINT1E, (SPEC I W.IVT Ali.l OltAUUAIr.) o. II Krnrny Mrrel, San Fraarltra, Cl. THEFTS AU. rriitOSIC, SPECIAL AND MI- VATE DISEASES WITH WONDERFCI. SUCCESS. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY pggWfySSSSjKais never-failing bility, Exhausted Vi tality veminal Weak ness, Scnnatorrhfa Lost Manhood, Ira ni tency, Prostator rhoen. Paralysis awt . all the terrible effect of self abuse, youth ful lollies and excesses in muturer yean, such as loss of Memory, Lassitude. Noc. turnal Emissions, Aversions to Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in the Head, the vital fluid passing unobserved In the urine, and other diseases that lead to in finity mid dentil. I)r Minlie. who ' a regular physic'!, graduate of the University of Pennsylva nia, wil agric to forfeit 00 for a case f this kind the Vital Itestorative, (under hit special advice and treatment) will net cure, or fur anything impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Minlie treats all Private Diseases successfully without .Mercury. ('m"u:t:ilion Free. Thorough examina tion aid adwee, inr'uding analysis of iirine. ". Price of Vita! Hestoralive, $3 a tKittle, or four limes the qu.in ily, 10; soil lo any niltlrtss upon receipt of price, or C . I) . Mi'iiml from observation, and in private name it ilesin-d, by Dr. A. E. intie, 1 1 Kearney street, San Francisco, Oal. Send forpilnphlct and list of questions. Minifilr Itiilllr Frra Wi 1 lw scut In any one applying by let ter, statin:: symptoms, sex and age. ytrict seenvy in regard in ail business trans acli"ns. Dr. Viiitie'd Kidney Remedy, Neph. rcti ii m. cures till kinds of Kidney and Mladder Complaints. Gonorrhoea. Uleel, Leucorrhoea, etc. For sale by all drug dNts; $1 a bottle, six bottles for $'. Dr. Minlie s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheapest Dyspepsia and liilimis cure in the market. For sale by all drug. gMs DR. SPINNEY No. 11 Kearny Street, Trent all Ch rente, and Special Dlieaiti. TsrotTovca- avrrsxij- Who may be suffering from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of this, the great, est lxion ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guaran tee to lorleit fooo lor every ease ot Scmui, al Weakness or private disease of any kins'' of character which he undertakes and tails to cure. MIDDLE AOF.D MEN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often acconu panied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes smell particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be ofa thin milk ish litie, airain changing to a dark and tor pid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy res-. (oration of the genito urinary organs. Office Hours 10 to 4 anil 0 to 8. Sun. days, from 10 to 11 a. m. Consultation, free. Thorough examination and advice, $3. Call or Address DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco. June 3, 1883. tf Wisrfi& Valuable land For Sale. - The undersigned offers 2,000 acres el valuab'e land for sale. Land situated on Antelope creek, eighteen m les from Jack sonville Will be sold in a body for $10 per acre or in 1C0 or 820 icre lots at from $15 1020 pencrc. For particulars ad. dress or call on A. L- Johnson, Land Agent, or "W51. BYBEE, Jacksonville, Oregon. ri V