n OREOOfl 8EMHBBL. JACKSON'. (k!.K l Sathhday, Mat 3, 1884. XECCBLICA CMJ.NTl' CO.WIJKTIOX. A. Republican County Convention is hereby called to meet at the court house at Jacksonville on Monday, M.i) the l'Jlh 18S4, at one o'clock p. u , forlhe purpose of nominating n full county ticket nnd attending to such oilier business as may come Lei ore the convention. It is rec omended that tlie primary meetings be held in the several precincts at the usual place of voting on Saturday, May lOlh ut one o'clock, r. m.. The several precincts of the county will be entitled to ou: delegate nnd one for every 18 "votes and fr.iction of 0 or over, based upon the vote cast fur M. C. George, member of Congress, at the June election, 1882 which give the fob lowing representation: Ashland 9 Little Butte 2 Lcland 1 Manzanila 2 Pleasant Creek ...1 Hock Point 1 Stcrlingvillc 1 Table Rock t Unionlown 2 Willow Springs... 1 Applegatc 1 15i Butte 1 Chimney Hoc.k....l Edcu 4 Evans Creek 1 Flounce Rock 1 Foot's Creek 1 Grant's Pass 1 Jacksonville 0 Total 4 jl 3IERIUTT BELLINGEK, Chairman. T. Cameron, Secretary. Gave Bonds. J. C. Grddis who has been in jail for seme thin past on the charge of horse stealing, was rpleaed this week by giving bonds in the sum of $400, to aipear at the next term of court. Young Watkins who was in durance vile for luiceny has aUo giv en bonds And been released. Troublesome Tntns. Lat Sunday was a lively day at Grant's Puss no le.-n than three, fights taking pla:c on that day. The most mtiuuh one was be tween Geo. Justus and Nt-wt. Yocutii in which tho fcimer was pounded over the head with a pintol in the haiuN of tho other inflict im: sotim uglv .wounds on Justus' head. Tho pis o' was discharged accidentally during the melee but the shot did no damage. The matter was in the Justice's cuurt at last accounts. Oregon Delegates. The following gentlemen vveie selrclu.l by the Siati convention to represent Oiegon in the national convention of the Republican party to be held in Cliicxgo iit-xt month to nomiuaii! candidates for Pi evident nnd Vicf Prcidriit. l'cxiltilions wete passed instructing our tMrjatch fur James G. Blaine of Maine for the Presidency: Senator Uo'ph, J. T. Apperson, of Clackanui, A. G Hovev, ot Lane, O. N..Dimu.v f Muliii.jnmli, J. M. Swift of Baker nnd V. J. Mc Connt-ll of Yamhill An Old Timer. We acknowledge n i1e.iaut call this week Tioui J. Waldo Thompson, who was mm of the. first telegraph operators in Jacksonville nearly t.venty ye.im ngo and afterwnrd tho manager of the oliice at Yieka. .-ii'aldo looks as young nnd is as j'liial as ever and his many fiiewl-i here were ileased to nic-L him mni talk ovpr old times. He is now manager of the telegraph oliice at Sin Difto, Ca'., and the object of his visit was to bring his wife who is the daughter of J. C. Eubanks of Ashland to this vallev in tli hopes of bem'titting her health. Mr. Thompson sturts for his home to dav. Religious Notes Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach at Giant's Pass next Sunday both morning and evening. The subject for the evening service will be the ''Relations of the -State to Liquor Traffic".... Rev. M. A. Will ianis will preach in this place at the Presbyterian church in the. morning and at Med ford at 2:30 p. u Elder M. Peterson preaches at thu Mound school house Sunday morning anil even ing....Rv Win. Pulh-ii ptc.iche-t at the Heber Grove school-houii Sunday morning, at 1 1 o'clock Rev. A. U. Howlett will hold services at L"iie Oak ecbifl house Sunday, at 11 o'clock a M i.lr. F. X. Blanchet will hnld uervices at the Catholic church in Ei gle Point next Sunday, at the usual niornirg hour. AcKKOWLEDGnsTnECniME Charles W. Keeton, arrested some time since on the charge of robbing tho stage near Grants Pass in January last, nnd bound over by Justice Iluffer at his prelimi nary examination, now confesses being guilty of the crime and implicates sev eral others as being partners in the job. He was one of the two who Mopped the stage while the others shared the plunder as full partners The parties he Implicates aro Frank Howard, Newt. YoSum ami Deputy Sheriff Bris "COB of Grants Pass. Howard was ar rested at Reilding by Detective Tlmck er and requisition papers are nwaittd for his transportation here; Bncne was arrested at Grunts Pass last nijjhr by ex Marshal Schuliz and Sheriff Jacobs received information yesteiday that J. G. Birdsey had Newt. Yocum in charge at Mvrlle Creek. Prohibition Convention. A con vention of the Prohibitionists of this county was held in the Methodist Church in Ashland last Satui dav when the following ticket was' uninitiated: Representative. Jos. Sat lei field of Table hock ami W. C. D.ilev of Ash land; county judge. Dr. Kiihler of Phoenix; clerk, J. Q. Willits ,of Ash land; sheriff, A. S. Jacobs of Asliland; treasurer, J. II. Ru sel of Ashland; commiseitners, E. K. Anderson of Eden and E. Emerv of Eale Point; assessor, Jos. Pollock of Lland; school superintendent, Prof. Royal of Ash land. A. S. Jacobs has since declined the nomination of that partv as will be seen by his card published ebe where, and Thos. H. Haymnnd of "Woodvilln has leen substituted in his place. While they have no hopes of an election it gives candidates a good chance to show the dear people what office they want Local lievis- Ice-cream at Linn & Moore's. County Court meets next week. Everybody shakes hands now days. Ice cream for talc at Dr. Will Jack- Several weddings are reported on the docket. M. . Fogue railroad agent at Gold Hill was in town this week. David, Loring is with us again on business for the 0. i C. It IL Rial Benedict of Applegato spent srveral days in town this week. "Crushed Indian," a new and deli cious breakfast cereal at Nutian'a. Try it. Jacksonville Odd F. lion's did not celebrate their anniversary last Satur day. The Masons meet nr xt Wednesday, May 7th, and work in the third de gree. Mat Ober.chain has been quite sick this week but i.s able to be around again. H. P. Dcskins is reKrled quite low with fever at his residence near Bear creek. Don't forget that Binger Herman is the next Congressman from Southern Oregon. Bids for the building of the new bank at Ashland will be opened to morrow. The name of the Red Lion Saloon has been changed to the ''Firtner's Exchange." There was not much "modesty" ex hibited by the Ashland Prohibition convention. A correspondence from "Jael" i.s un avoidably crowded out but will appear in our next. Report savs that Geo. W. Cooksey liashi-rn i-ffered 12,000 for his faun and that ho will accept. Alex. Martin and Dr. Aiken have rmurned fiom Flounce Rock and the former is now at Links illr. W. J. Wimer of Waldo is in town. Hn is on his return home from San Francisco coining via Portland. Joe Solomon nnd wife returned from Sn Fiauci-co yesterday morning and will go to housekeeping for tliemselvei. The first department of our district si-liiol is in running order ng-iin. Prof. Menitt having recovered from his late illness. Ever) thing in M"erritt'a new cash store has been marked down to the lowfstca-h price. Another new lot of goods were leceived this week. A called meeting of the Enstern Star lodge will be. held at Masonic hall next Thtnsday night nnd nil members are lequesled to be ptesent. Some extraordinary developments in criminal nlFiiir.' nre looked for in a few days but we are not at liberty to make then- public at this lime. Dr. Will Jackson will go to Ah laud about the 15th mst to remain two weeks. Parties irquiring dentitry should remember the dato and be on hand. T. L. Knox las been appointed ad ministrator of tha estate of II. Burle son deceased and his advertisement is published in another coluuni of this piper. Ci(t. H. Kelley. W. H. Atkinson, A. P. Hammond, and H. D. Kubli were the representatives in the Itepub licau Sialc convention from Jackson county. Travel between here and the rail road stations ut Med fori I nnd Phoenix ban been increasing of late stages being crowded every evening to catch the train. Next Tuesday night is the dato set forjudge Deady's Incture at Ashland for the benefit of the Colleoe at that place. A large audience will no doubt greet him. ' If you want a Sewing Machine call at E.C. Brook's drug, wat:h, clock and jewelry store. His machines are a lit ilo liner and his piices a little snugger, than any other bugger's. G. Q. Stewart, has resigned thp po sition of manager of Portland telegraph oliice and is succeeded by JefT Have. W. J. Wuliis of Yreka has also taken a position in that office. Peter Reifer, Jr., whon father died at Kerbyville a few dayR ago, arrived from Detroit, Michigan, last Wednes day and will go to Josephine county to take charge of the estate. The Northern Pacific Express office is now fullv established at James. R. Little's. Quite a reduction on freight ha" been occasioned by the competition between this company and Wells Fargo. A rep-irt was in circulation week that the Supreme Court this hail granted John Justus n new trial but it provd a false alarm as no decision has jet been announced by that court. A number of fruit tree peddh-nt are now in the valley es agents for Cali fornia and Estern nurseries. We have sevenl local agent here who are responsibleaud the safest plan is to pat rouizt; them. Tho first passenger train will go through to Ashland tomorrow morn ing nnd nn immense crowd is expected at i lie terminus lo see it arrive. Ash land will likely be the end of the road for some time to come. Senator Dolph. of Oregon, lias in ttoduceil bills asking Congress to re imburse Hon. M. Riley an 1 Mrs. Cliristean EUon for property deslrov ed at the outbreak of the Rogue liver Indian war of 1855-6. Tim Democratic county convention j for nominating a county ticket is called for Saturday, May 17th, and tho Republican hold theirs on Men day, the 19t.li. The primaries of both parties will be held on Saturday, Mar 10th. Morris Mensor returned from San Francisco this morning where, he at tended the wedding of his daughter, Miss Rosa, and he also combined busi ness with pleasure and purchased a stock of goods for his store at thir place. Homer D. Harkness was here sev eral day this week 'on business con necled with the assignment made by K. II. Gabbert, he still having an in tesest in the business. Satisfactory arrangements were agreed upon, we learn. Miller & Kretzer of Farmer's Flat and Klippel it Keaton of Poorman's creek have commenced cleaning up on account of water failing. Both com panies wit are glad to say, have done well during .the small run they had this year. Hon. L. R. Webster, Circuit Judge, and T. B. Kent, District Attorney, went to Lake county this week to hold the resular term of court. On their return court will be held in Klamath nnd they will be absent sev eral weeis. J. K. Mercer, who had served five years of his sentence of fifteen for the killing of A. C. McDonald of the Poi tlaiid Telegram, was pardoned last Monday by Governor Moody, in com pliance with a petition largely signed in Portland. Chas. Goodwin of Williams creek met with a serious accident a few days ii go by falling from a barn on which he was at work Ireiking an arm and sev eial libs in the fall. His chances for recovery were sousidered doubtful at last accounts. The Palace hotel and several ether buildings in Glendale composing near ly the entire town were burned lo the ground last Sunday. Abraham, Wheel er & Co's. store were saved but they were damaged considerably by the re moval of goods. Walter Sutton has received the nomination for representative from Curry county on the Repub.icaii ticket. He will represent the wishes of tint county with ability if elected and we sup ose there is no danger but what he will be successful. Grizzly bear are Killing cattla by the wholesale in Sprague river volley, James Taylor having Inst four cow.s this way in onn week. The citizens of that section now offer a reward of 20 for every grizzly killed in the stock range ot that valley. Postmaster Muller is expected back fiom San Francisco this morning where he purchased a large ftock of goods for his stoic at this place. Some of his goods havenlieady arrived ami ho will novo to his new quarters sometime durig the comiug week. The May day panics hrld at Henry Uiuten's place on Pcorman's creek and at Mait Hurst's on Antelnpt were well attended, several being present at esch placa from here, and a good time was enjoyed by all who attended either onn of the parties. Hubert R. Dunniway, one of theed itnrs and puhliher.s of the ''New Northwest," made us a pleasant visit this week while on a trip of recrea tion and business through the vallev This was his first visit to this end of the Siate and he expressed himself well pleased with all ho seen. Messrs. Roloson and Hcckenjos are doing sC'iuc fine ami substantial ork on the PoMoffire building and expect to have it reudy for occupancy next week. The building presents a much neater appearance than before the fire and is improved in every way. The Rebek ah Lodge of this place some time since present! d the suboi dinate lodge of Odd Fellows a new carpet for their hall and on Wednes day last thy held a sewing bee unci everything is now ready tor the laying if the carpet in the hall. A sociable w'as held in tho evening. Moor.e Si Linn's ice cream and oyster stand in Ryan's brick is now readv for bushiess and they were started off with a rush. Although not yet supplied they propose kee ing oysters in every htyle in a few days in any quantity re quired, uive mem a call and we will assure you good treatment. At the last meeting of the board of County Commissioners U. Gordon was appointed supervisor of road district No. 36, vice J. J. Knighton excused; also W. E. Bish sujiervisor of district No. 15, vice J. Richardson, and Mar tin Laist as supervisor of district No. 21, vice H. Allison. The demand for dwelling houses is greater in Jacksonville now than ever before and several nt-w-comers have changed their residences to other places on this account. We hear of sjme of our citizens who contemplate building new residences soon for rent and there is no danger of wanting tenants long. The cheapest and best route to San Frmcisco is by way of Cresent Citv. Through fare to the Bay city is $18 when taking the steerage and $22 in the cabin. Onlv fifty cents extra is charged for passengers from Medford and tlose connection with steamers i.s made every five days at Crescent City. An fxcursinn under the auspice of the A. O. TJ. W.ofOtecon and Wash ingcon Territory will leae Portland for the Esst on the 15th of May. Any one cati go on the excursion. The fare will lie: From Portland to St. Paul and retjrn, SI05; to Chicago and return, S125;to New York and return, 1G0. Tickets hold foi 90 days. Application must be made by May 1st. Address John A Child or R. Newcomb, Port land, Oregon. Colonel White and family and John Singletarv of Rock Point started for Tacoma, W. T., one day.this week to locate permanently. Henry White and family have gone to San'.a Rosa, Cal., but will return soon. E. Diaiick and K. H. Gabbert of Grants Pass were here during the week on business connected with the assign ment madeby the latter. Gabbert's'drug store at Grants Pass was turned over to Mr. Dimick by "Volney Cohig sov eral days ago and the assignee will have charge of the business from now on. The Portland "Standard" has the folWing: "Oscar Kilbourn has re ceived a sample of rock from an ex tensive ledge in Jackson county, which liears a strong resemblance of marble. It is susceptible of a high degree of polish. It will be submitted to a test and if it proves good the ledge will do velope a new and rich product of this state." Dr. Geo. O. DeBar, the South Amer ican capitalist who purchased tho Reames farm in Manzanita precinct for 7,000 returned Ewi yesterday ex pecting to visit Illinois and Texas where he has landed interests. He will then go to Venezuela , to remain tor a while leaving l" frr'," here in charge of T. G. Reames until further orders. Frank M. Nickerson, county C erk of Josephine county, who has been at Portland attending the Republican State convention, returned this morn ii-g and will start for home Monday morning. Capt. H. Kelley, another delegate, has also returned and both sav that the ticket nominated gives the best of satisfaction tt all sections una win oe elected entire. Mr. Einmitt, of Plevna, who was in town t'lis week, says he thinks the Klamath county people mean to build the new wagon load down the Klam ath railroad or no railroad. In ihn event of .tlio completion of the Cali fornia railroad to the state line, they are expecting some aid from the Cen tral Pacific people toward meeting the expense of making anoj improving the wagon road. It is reported. also, that the Yreka people have subscribed lib berally to 'he fund. "Tidings." Nine members of Table Rock En campment of this place accompanied S. J. Dav, D. D. G. M. of that branch of the order in this district, on Mon day last, to institute un encampment at that place, a lodge having been formed there with fourteen charter members. The name of the new En campment is Pilot Rock No. 16 and the follow ins aro the olhVers: A. I). Helman. C. P,; J. R. C-rv, II. P.; L. McOvll. S. W.; E J. Farlow, Scribe; II. S. E.uerv, J. W.; W. W. Kentnor. F. S ; II. O. Myer, Trers.; E. DcPeatt. Guide; L. A. Neil, I. S.; A. Bish, 1st Watch, J. Houcfc, 2d Watch, El. De Peatt, A. Bish and J. Houck were ap pointed trustees and finance committee. I'osliiSlrc Dlrrrtary. The Jacks-willo poslofllce is open daily, except Sund.iy, from 7 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'c ock r. m . Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 10 a. M. Money order" business is open daily, except Sundays and legal holi days from S) a. m. lo 5 r. M. Mail for the north and south closss daily at 4 r. ji . Slagc le-ivcs at 4 :30 r. m. (K. It. time), it arrives from the north and south at 7:30 a. ji. Mail for Crescent City closes Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:130 r. m. Stairc ieaves .Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2 a. m. From Crescent I'ity it arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday atC:"0 r. M. Mail for E:i"le Point c'oscs Suml.iy. Tuesday and 'lhird.iy at 8 r. M.slasc leaves "Mondtv; Wednesday and Friday at C a. m. from Kagle Point it arrives Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3 r. jr. Mail for Willow1 Springs closes Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m. mail leaves at 0 a. m. from there it uirives on the same day at 12 M. Vail for Unionlown closes Monday at 12 it Stage leaves at 1 p. jt returning it nui.-cs hero Tuesday morning at 10 A. JI. KJ.ITCLIfA.N Clll'.liTy CO.WOTIO.V A Republican county convention is here by called to mscl at the Junction House at W.ldervillo Josephine county Oregon, on Saturday May 17th, 1831 at 1 o'clock r. t. for the purpose of nominating a County ticket and to fansact such other business us may come before said conven tion. It is recommend that primary meet ings convene at the tiaual place of voting in the several precincts on Saturday May lOlh 1834. at 1 o'e.lock r. M. The several precincts of the county will entitled to one delegate and one for every 13 votes and Iraclions oi tor ji. U. Ueorge member ol Congrcssat the .Tune election 1832 which gives the following representations to-wit. ICerbvville -4 Slaic Creek 2 Waldo 2 J Althouse 3 Galicc creek 2 Williamsburg 4 Jump off Joe ...4' Titos. F. Floyd. Chairman. Dated April 21lh 1884. Woman Suffrage in' tiie Prohibi tion Convention. An impression may be made upon the minds of some Ilia, the convention of last Saturoay was unfriendly to woman suffrage. Such is not the case. Its action on the subject was not dictated by any spirit of hostility to the pending amendment but in order that the quex tion might le left wholly unembarrased and without being involved in nny way with that of Prohibition, It is supoed that person illy nearly all the members were in favor of extending the sufFraue to women, but it was thought the wiest plan that each question should stand beforo the peo ple upon its own merits. - B. J. Sharp. Jacksonville, Or., April 28, 1884. Clovinj Out at Coet. Our fintir stock of general mpreh. nmlisp, in whole or iniart, ir now for sale at cost with a view of n clinngi in liUR'ties. All indebted to us are notified to call and settlf without de lay. Reames Bros. Jacksonville, Jan.-5, 1831. DEXTistRt. E. L. TpwnKPwl. D. D; S., will l.e in Jacksonville June 1st, 1884, and remain tun dayi- iTAOK Robbed. Last S-turday evening, the down stage was stopped about a mile below Sweetbriar, by a highwayman, who ordered Smith, tho driver, to throw out the express box, and made the demand a number of times before compliance. The box con tained nothing of any valup. The rob ber was undoubtedly a man named Bdssett, who had been arrested with another robber named Frank Howard by Constable Doney, rome 15 miles further down the toad, for robbing Chinamen. These are the two men who robbed the stage in Oregon at Grant's Pass some time ago, and were racked here by detective Thacker, em ployed by W. F. k Co., and thence to the railroadcamps on Sacramento river. Bassett, on getting away from the con stable, immediately proceeded up the road and stopped the down stage, and it was expected he would s-op the up stage, with Mr. Vance of this place and another gentlemtn on board, who were well fixed to take the rascal in if he made such attempt "Yreka Journal." SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and Canker Mouth. At Brooks. Fur lame B.ick, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Piaster. Price 25 cents. For sale at Brooks. "HACKMETACK." a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 c.nts. For sale at Brooks. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale at E. C. Brooks'. ARE YOU MADE miserable by in digestion. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite yellow skin Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. E. O. Brooks, agent. Farming Machinery. Stiller & Co of Aihlaud are agents for the celebrat ed D M. Osborne i Co. farming im plenunts, consisting of harvesters, mowers, reapers and self binders, also tho Morrison and Mnline plows and S:huttler wagons. By shipping their goods in large lots direct from the manufactories, and getting car-load rates on freight, they are enabled to sell much lower than others who pur chase in less quantities. Enquire prices. For Sale. Mrs. B. F. Dowell will sell, at rtduced prices, dress goods, woolen goods, fringes, laces, table lin en, gent's fine linen hem stitched hand kerchiefs, underclothing for ladies and gentlemeu of very fine quality, variet) of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton stocking for children, etc, very cheap. Also school suits for boys to the age of sixteen, from Brownsville woolen mill. A Card. The Prohuition County Central Committee has placed the name of Thos. Haymoud on the ticket to fill tlie vacancy caused by the withdrawal of Mr. A. S. Jacobs. B. J. Sharp, Chairman. ' Jacksonville April 30'.h, 18S. s - Wasted. A good girl to do gen eral house work for a small family. Light work and good wages. For par ticulars enquire at IIubbnH'Klandoflice. MARRIKD. IIosiE Ham, On Williams creek, April 20, 1831. by Kev. O. W. Hoxie, Chas. A. Ilosic and Miss 3Iaggic Hall. 3orckh,tek Eentsor At Ajh'and, on April 27. 1884, W. W. Bureklwlter and Miss Ida Kentnor. Parker Waters In Jacksonville pre. cinct. May 1. 1884, by Rev. R. C. Ogles- by, Chas. Parker and Miss Nancy Waters. BORN. Wood In Tabic Rock precinct, April 20. 1834, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood, a son. DkPeatt In Ashland, April 10, 1884, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Di?Peatl, a son. Kiloore In Lanjrell Valley, April 14. 1881, to 11 r. and Mrs. David C. Kilgore, a son. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .A. Cevrd. To the Central Committee of the Prohibi tion Party. Gen'ti.eiie': Having been informed that I was oominated for sheriff on the Prohibition ticket, I would most respect fully decline the nomination. As I will be a candidate before the Democratic county convention f.ir sherifT, I cannot possibly accept your nomination. Never theless 'I thank vou for your kindness. Very respectfully, A. a. JACOBS. Notice. Laot Office at Roseburo Or., ) April 23, 1884. j Notice is hereby given that the follow-wtr-named settler haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said p root will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son countv Or- at Jacksonville Or., on Saturday June 7, 1884, viz: Edward Lis ter, homestead No. 3038 for the NElf of S E if Sec. 22 . and N W hi of S W Jf and 5 ot 2i w sec. o r iio mi a . He names the following vvitnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said land, viz: J. D. Al'cn, O. C. U adc, S. B. Maybell and E. A. v ade all of Grants Pas Jackson co. Oregon. Vst. P. Benjamin, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of Josephine county State ot Oregon. In the matter of the Estate ol II. Burleson deceased. Notice is hereby given thatthe Admin istrator of the estate of II. Ilurlcson de ceased has filed in the county court of Josephine county, state oj Urcgon, his final account as such administrator, and by order of said iinrt Wednesday the lCth day of June at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. is set for hearing objections to said final account and the scttlcmnt thereof. And all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and file his or her objections to said account on or be fore said day. Published in the OitEGon Sentinel by order of Hon. Garrett Crockett judge of said court. T. L. Knox. Administrator. Dated April 26th 1834. Proposals For Flour. Office Purchasing nnd Depot Commissary Vancouver barracks, W.T. Aprl21, 1834. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, subject to the Usual conditions will be received at this office and at the offices of ths Acting Commissaries of Subsis fence at the fallowing named posts, until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, May 21st, 1884, at which thrieand places they will be opened in the presence of bidders, for the delivery on orbefore June 21st, 1884, of the following amounts of flour, viz: Boise Barracks, I. T., 21,560 lbs.; Fort Coeur d'Alene, I. T., 31.300 lbs., Fort Klamath, Ogn.. 13,720 lbs. ( Fort Lapwal, I. T., 24,500 lbs.'. Fort Spokane, Vf. T., 43,120 lb.; Vancouver Barracks, W. T., 58,800 lbs,) Fort Walla Walla, W.T,, 1B, CC0 lbs. Samples of the flour (not less than two Eouuds) proposed to be furnished, must e submitted with the proposals. The flour to be tested by baking before ac ceptance. Proposals for quantities less than the whole required will be received. The government reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, and to diminish, or with consent of the bidder to whom award is made, to increase the quantities called for, as the exigencies of the service may require. Blank proposals and printed circulars stating the kind of flour required, and givimr full instructions as to the manner of bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders, and terms of contract and pay. ment, will be furnished an Application to this office, or to the A. C. S. of the post at which it is proposed to make the delivery. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked:" Proposals for flour at ," and addressed to the under signed, or to the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at the posts to be supplied w. A. ELDERKIN, Ciptsin and C. S . U.S.A. - "Will tho comlnr man moke !" ni set tled br Prof. Fiik in bis dunning pam phlet. Beiaji.moraOTer.tlutUianUonal wy to cm tobacco la through tha pips. All agm that only the beat tobacco ahould be need, which is the best! That to which Nature haa contributed tha moat ex. qulaite flavor. Blackwell'a Bull Dorham Smoking Tobacco filla the bill completely. Nearly two-thirda of all the tobacco grown on the Oolden Tobacco belt of North Caro lina goes Into the manufactory of Black weU. at Durham. They buy the pick of the enUra eectlon. lleace Blackwell'a Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco ia the beat of that tobacco. Don't be deceived when you buy. The Durham Bull trade mark la on eTery genuine package. Blackwell'a Genuine Bull Durham la the choice of all Judge of Smoking Tobaaao. Words Fail ;ts Selbv CAItTEit, of KsahTtlle, Tenn., "for tho benefits derived from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ilarlng been sffllcted all ray life with Scrof ula, my system seemed saturated with It. It came out In Blotches, Ulcers, and Mattery Fores, all orer my liotly." Mr. Carter states that lie wns entirely cured by the use of AVER'S SAnsAiwiilLLA, ami since discon tinuing Its use, eight months ago, be lias lud no return of the scrofulous symptom. All baneful infections of the blood are promptly remoretl by this Unequalled altera tive. ritrrAitnD ut Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; VI, six bottles for 55. XT A T T C VEGETABLE Aiiiili SICILIAN Hair Renewer. The Best is the Cheapest. Safety t. Economy It Certainty of Good KesnlUttt Theso qualities are of prime Importance in ths lection of a preparation for the haln Do not experiment with new remedies which may do-" harm rather than good ; but profit by the ex perience of others. Buy and use with perfect confidence an article -which everybody jtnows to be good. jTaix's Hjun Rexewzb will not disappoint you. mzrARiD nr It. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N. IT Sold by all Druggists. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that Kcclcr II. Gabbert, doing business in Grant's Pass Oregon , has assigned to the undersigned all his properly. Ixitli real and personal, for the benefit of all his creditors, rateably and in proportion to their demands, under an act of the Legislature oi the State of Oregon, entitled "An act to secure credi tors a just division of the estates of debt ors who convey, to a signees for lite ben efit of creditors," approved October 18lii 1878. All persons having claims against the said Kce'cr II. Cabbert. aic hereby rcquirei to present the same to me. prop erly verified, within three months from the date of this notice. All rersons owing the said Kecler II. Cahtcrt, arc requested lo make immediate payment to the 'un dersigned. R. D15IICK. Assignee of the estate of Keehlcr II. Gabbert. Grant's Pass, Oregon, April 21st, 1884. TUG ASHLAND COLLIIGG AND NORMAL SCHOOL, Vdl3.ll.XLCl, Or. iT Four courses of study. Normal and Commercial College, Preparatory and In strumental music. Foi particulars or catalogue apply to the undersigned at Ashland, Oregon. M. G. ROYAL, A. II. President Hotel For Sale. Owin? to the death of mv wife Madame f.Tanc Holt who has had full control of the U. S. Hotel in Jacksonville since it was first opened, and desiring to change my business I offer for sale the building to gether with all the furniture and appur tenances thereuntobelonging. The build- ing is a new three story fire proof brick, well furnished and is the leading hotel of the town. G. W. Holt. lajl I aWi"(C lH UHh Gild Fellow's Building JoeLsoniilr, Grtgen DKALKIt AM) MORIIKK IV rm.snEEr iRox.Cvypi-r-.n. lead. Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF E7EKr DESCRIPTION . Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW WARE- " -v4 KUI'K, I'vAU.O, f Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLKRr. WIRE, Shot, Brush s, Chains. "ZZoza ETC.. ETC- I have secured the services or a flrst- cl.tss intclmnic, anil nm ifrcpnrod to tin .ill repairing jiromptlv ami in superior stylo. Inconnection with the above I am re ceiving and linve constantly on hand a full and first-class stock of GROOEHISS, DRT-G00D3, GtM D OTS. TOC.vCtO READY MA OK Cl. TtllXO, GLASSWARE. CJIOCIIKUY, &c. Everything sold at reasonable rales. K. KUBLI. Jacksonville, 3tarch 9. 1S7S- F. S. AKIN, BEX BELI.IXO, It. E. EOSC BS CitK J i IT.-' i 'f..w;5& wnw!"r; S7t.fu j.- !l.:r.j,:. -x-it? -k-t S5tW--.4d'-?9K fWHi" !-..;.-' JS Sw-i. mm&, r -if.r x- -m ..-, m&$& "iiVi KiiR'V4i?' ' sSBSE&&5 Don't buy want the best. T.oss Hoots' unlesi See that our name you JSL- - CC verm is on every pair. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. AKIN.SELLI-NG&CO. GRAND BALL given by Orezonian Pacnlionlnv Trlb3 .No. I Imp. o. it. SI. -AT- Monday May 12th, 1SS4- rKOGKASllla RkcettioS Committee. David Crone-r miller, Fred Grob.E. 15. Vatsoi,, ILK. Hunna. Fix)ou JIanageus. J. R. Little, Wm. Mcnsor, Chas. Nickcll, A. P. Eddy, James Gucrrin, Frank Stiadnvin. x JJecokatino Committee. I). W. Cros by, J. T. Roloson, Prauk Lorraine, J. Parks, Henry. Piipe Jr. Gem:uai, Committee J. G. Rirdsey. J. Whinp. and Adam Schmidt. Ticket" including supper 3 00. lite best of music will be provitkd and all arc invited. Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. D"-, E. C. WESTS nerve and brain treatment, a snecilic lor HyMuria, Dizziness, t'onvulsimis. Nervntw Head ache, Mental Depression, Loss ol" Memory, Spennatorhoca, Impotenry, Involuntary emissions, premature o d age, caused by over-exertion, sclt-abiisc or over-indulg- encc, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment, ono do'lar a box, or six boxes for five dol lars; bent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to euro any case. With each oidcr received by us for six boxes, accompanied with live dol lars, we will send the purchaser our writ ten guarrntec to return the money if tho treatment does not effect a cure. "Guaran tees issued on'v by Woooaed, Clarke & Co., Wholesale am' Retail Diuggists, Port land, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular pn'ciA. "77 '.r7 - "teas?? Hi 2 03 I sS-i-iS&i wb tt zl g a E rasi Ss3 2 i7atS a i 1 SK i ryjy srfSiKla ill r. r".i w.i in avjrvr- . AfVl-i I-- TIT 114 -I ViTlX -Pt