Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 12, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday, Apiiil 12, 1884.
A Republican County Conrention is
hereby called to meet at the Court House
it Jacksonville, on Saturday, April 19tb,
1884, at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purpose 6f
electing 0 delegates to the State Conven
tion to be held in Portland, April 30th,
1884 and attending to such other business
a may come belorc the Convention. Itis
recommended that primary meetings be
held in the several precincts at the usual
place of voting on Saturday, April 12, 1884
at 2 o'clock r. xt. Tile several precincts
of the county will be entitled to one dele
lute, and one for every 18 votes and frac
tion of 9 or over, based upon the votes
cast for M. C. George, member of Congress
at we June election 1882 wmcu gives the
ollowing representation :
Ashland.. .... 9
wtue uutte 2
Leland 1
Maneanlta 2
Pleasant Creek. ..1
Kock Point 1
Stcrlingvtlle 1
Table Hock .. ..1
Uuiontown 2
"Willow Springs..!
Bit Butte 1
.Chimney Rock. . .1
Eden .... .4
Iran's Creek t
flounce Hock 1
Foot's Creek 1
Grant's Pass 1
Jacksonville 9
Total 41
The Ttcpublican voters ofthe State with
out regard to past political differences who
are in favor of elevating and dignifying
American labor, giving tree popular edu
fca'bn to the masses ofthe people, effect
ually protecting all human rights in every
section of our common country and who
desire to promote friendly feeling and
bermanent harmony throughout the State
by maintaining a government pledged to
these objects and privileges are cordially
invited to unite in selecting delegates to
the Republican State Convention.
Merritt Bellinger,
Wi H. Atkinson, Secretary.
Entertainment. The Catholic la
diss will have a sociable at St. Mary's
Academy on April 24th for the benefit
f the Catholic Church.
Wanted. A good girl to do gen
eral housa work for a small family.
Light work and good wages. For par
ticulars enquire at this office.
A Cahd.
t publicly
The undersigned desires
express their thanks to
the many kind friends who assisted
them in the last illness of their little
daughter. Mr. fc Mrs. Fred Lut.
Mat Dat Bali.. Mart Hurst will
give a party t his home on Antelope
on tha evening of the 1st of May and
extends a cordial invitation to all to
com and have a good time. Tickets,
$2 SO, which will also include horse
feed for those who come from a dis
tance. Jacksonville Delegates. T. G.
Ileames, Henry Klippel, V. J. Ply
male, D. Curtis, D. It. Jones, K.
Kubli, H. K. Hanna, Fred Grob and
Im. Bjrbeo were elected delecatu, to
the Democratic county convention lo
meet to-day. They are all of the anti
Neil side of the house.
Teupkrakce Lecture. Mrs. Lea-
i(Ht!per:ntendeiit of the Woman's
Jhristian .temperance Union for tins
coast will lecture in the Fresbvterun
Church on the evening of Friday,
April 18lh. She is highly spoken of
by the press in the citiea where she has
delivered lectures and a good audience
ought to greet her here. A collection
will be taken up at the close of tho
License Denied. Ed. Morgan of
Phoenix made application to the
County Commissioners this week for
renewal of his license to sell spirit
uous liquors in less quantities than
one quart but a remonstrance was also
put in ith mare natu"s than were on
the applicant's petition and the licenso
was denied by the Oourt. There were
11? names on Morgan's petition and
124 on the remonstrance.
New Precinct Residents of Med
ferd are making an effort to get a dis
trict of their own for school and vot
ing purposes. They ask for so much
territory, however, that thej came
bear taking the Court HoJse away
from us and a remonstrance against
taking anything from Jacksonville
precinct was circulated. The petition
atki for a portion of Jacksonville.
Edtn and Manzanita precincts and
would be one of the largest in the
Arrested. Chas W. Keeton was
arrested this week by Sheriff Jacobs
and J. N. Thacker of V. F. & Co's.
detective force and charged with the
crime of robbing the stage this side of
Grant's Pass in January last. Two
other parties are also suspicioned but
no further arrests have yet been made.
Mr.- Keeton . hat lived here several
'J ears and has always been looked upon
a a quiet and honest young man and
we hope he can clear himself of this
targe. His preliminary examination
was commenced before Justice Hu flier
yesterday afternoon but had not been
concluded when we went to press.
Serious Accident. Railroad agent
Cunningham at Medford sends us the
following item from that place: While
the gravel train was passing through
Medford last Thursday Mr. Westrop's
horse, which was hitched to a buggy,
took fright and started to run away.
Messrs. Egan and Westrop each caught
hold of the horse and tried to stop
him but failed. Mr. Egan then jump
ed in the buggy and Westrop still
held to the horse until he reached the
railroad track near the depot where
Mr. Westrop fell and Mr. Egan start
ed to jump out and at the same time
the horse starting down the middle of
the track throwing Mr. Eagan on his
aide against a bank. The horse Kept
on and completely demolished the
buggy. Mr. Westrop was cut around
the head and face, Mr. Egan getting
some of his ribs broken in the fall.
JDr. Geary was immediately called and
thinks Egan is not fatally hurt but
cannot tell just at present. Later re
ports say that he is getting along, all
Local Items
The political pot boils.
Have you paid your taxest
Mumps is the prevailing sickness
W. C. Myer has gene to Salem with
his stallions.
The prohibition ticket wili be named
at Ashland to day.
Crops of all kinds never looked bet
ter St this time of j ear.
Circuit Court for Josephine county
convenes next Monday.
A fine lot of new millinery goods
just received at Mrs. Prim's.
Flour $22.50, eggs, 1G cents, butter,
25 cents, wool 15 to 18 cents.
To morrow will be Easter Sunday,
the end of the Lenten season.
Dyar and Brntz supply the Grants
Pass market with meats of all kinds.
For a cough or cold there is no rem
edy equal to Ammen's Cough Syrup.
Frank R. Ni-il has returned from
Eugene City to spend the vacation at
Republican primaries will be held
at the City Hall at two o'clocc this
Oscar Kilbourn of Portland a ill
accept our thanks for numerous favors
Numerous petty larcenies have. been
committed here of late. Sleep your
doors locked.
Dave Crosby has disposed of his
crutches and cane and is up and around
as usual again.
A match game of base ball between
the railroad boys and ac Ashland nine
is being talked of.
The Jackass creek sar-mill belorg
ing to the Hopkins estate is being
fitted up by Richard Cook.
George Freeman started for Yreka
this mornine with 8,000 pounds of
flour from Karewski's mill.
A. D. Rockfellow k Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon.
A. II. Mtegly and Miss Anna Bilger
are expected back from San Francisco
next week, ccnnng via Portland.
Don't forget the entertainment next
Saturday to be given for the benefit
ofthe brass band. Giie the boys a
George .Engle and Ab. Glidings
came down from Phoenix yesterday as
witnesses in the Keeton stage robbery
Bybeo's fine jick Beecher will be
in charge of U. C. McCletidou of Sam's
valley. Read the advertisement for
Miss Lillie Ulrich has recovered
from her illness and is now in charge
of the third department of our district
The Ashland saloon keepers demand
ded a jury trinl when examined for
violating the Sunday law and were ac
quitted. The Democratic county convention
for the election of delegates to the
State convention will nieot at the
Court House to day.
Miller and Co. are prepared to fur
nish all kinds of lumber at the most
reasonable rates. Orders can be left
at Medford or Ashland.
During the eleven months ending
March 1st, 1884, 594,000 cases of
salmon crossed the Columbia river bar
for various destinations.
Chas. Hansen has been found and
relumed to his home in Table Rock
precinct. He wan at Roseburg and
was running away from home.
S. J. Day, County Judge, is confinrd
to his home with pneumonia and the
April term of County Court is being
held by the Commissioners alone.
Spring fights opened out in Gne
style a Beallview this week. Both
contestants now wear hats several
sizes larger than they used to wear.
Under the management of Superin
tendent Carll the Coos Bay Stage line
has been placed in fine condition and
new coaches have been put on the
The Manning farm in Manzanita
precinct owned by Thos. G. Kennies
has been bargained for by Dr. George
O. DeBar. The consideration is
An insane man was brought from
Grants Pass yesterday by George R.
Justus but lie has not yet been ex
amined on account of the illness of
Judge Day.
The Oregon wool clip this year will
be far above the average of other sea
sons. It will also be much superior in
quality, owing to the good condition
of the flocks.
The railroad pay train went over
the road this week rnd paid the men
off in time checks. No shotgun
messingers were required this trip to
guard the treasure.
Wells Fargo and Co's. express still
connects at Meilford although the mails
are taken to Phoenix. C. R. Wilkin
son drives the mail wagon aud Henry
Mensor the express.
Mrs. DeWitt of Yreka, received a
check from the Grand Lodge of Cali
fornia, A. O. U. W., for 2,000, her
husband, who recently, died, being a
member of that order.
Grants Pass was well represented
here yesterday most of them coining
as witnesses in the stsge robbery case
against Chas. Keeton. Among those
we noticed were K. H. Gabbert, Geo.
JR. Justus, H. W. Stevenson, Newt.
Yoeura and H. A. Grigiby.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
atE.C. Brook's drug, watch, clock and
jewelry store. His machines are a lit
tle finer and his prices a little snugger,
than any other bugger's.
James Heard of Wagner creek was
arrested this week on the charge of
robbing Tallent & Wilabire'a store
and bound over in the sum of $300.
He failed to give bonds and is now in
A social party will be held at the
Henry Bauten place en Poorman'a
creek on the evening of May 1st and
a general invitation is extended to all.
A good time is assured tor all who at
tend. A fine lot of lake tront, packed in
snow, were brought in from Klamath
county this week by James Lindsay
and went off like hot cakes at twenty
five cents a piece. He brought in
over 00 fish.
Several of the saloon keepers of
Ashland were arrested again this week
for a violation of the Sunday law and
they propose carrying it through the
different courts of the State to test its
County Court has been in session
this wetk. Th Grants Pass road
business was postponed till next term
and the matter of establishing bound
aries for Medford precinct was not yet
decided las evening.
S. J. Day and Henry Klippel were
elected representatives to the grand
lodge I. O. O. F. by Jacksonville lodge
No. 10 at their last regular meeting.
That body meets in Portland on the
third Tuesday in May.
James Flood is estimated to be
worth one hundred million dollars,
John W. Mackay sixty millions, and
James Fair about forty millions. Less
than thirty years ago not one of them
was worth fifty dollars.
Diphtheria again made its appear
ance in town this week in tte family
of Fred Luy his youngest daughter
succumbing to the diseasa No new
cases have been reported and it is
hoped that its spread will be avoided.
The fine stallion "Easter," owned by
Wa. Ray, will make the season at
the owner's farm on Applegate and at
Biglows place on Williams creek.
His colts show for themselves and are
a good recommendation for any horse.
A crazy man is annoying the resi
dents of Forest creek. He xeeras to be
a stranger no one knowing him where
he was seen, and he refuses to give
any information. He should be
brought to town and sent to the asy
lum. Following is the length of the six
tunnels on the O. fe C. railroad, be
tween Ro.seburg and Redding: Tunnel
1, about 340 feet; tunnel 2, 535 feet;
tunnel 3, about 340 feet; tunnel 4,
1900 feet; tunnel 5, 572 feet; tunnel 6,
260 feet.
Mark Levy, commission merchant
of Portland was here, thiswerk mak
ing arrangements with our farraurs for
the purchase of all the green, dried mid
canned fuit raised in this section.
He entered into several contracts
while here.
Two young men named Sturgis were
arrested and tried -before Justice Huff
r this week on a charge of drawing
a gunonRobt Cameron of Unionlnwn
but were discearged after an examina
tion. The trouble arose aver a dis
puted sheep range.
The following ladies will sing at
high mass on Easter Sunday: Misses
Florenitia and Cecilia Orth, Mrs. Geo.
Chase, and the Misse3 Mary Judge,
Cora Linn, Kate CronemilUr, Emma
Pape, Ella Carron, Mary Chiistie and
Mary Ann Chavnen
Some of the tickets voted at the
Democratic primaries last Saturday
looked as if they had been carried around
for weeks or months. Evidently some
one got left, notwithstanding, and the
tickets that were written later carried
the day by a good majority.
A car load of fine horses pasted
thrughlaft Saturday, direct from Chi
cago to Jackson county. They v. ere
in a Chicago and Milwaukee car, the
first that has ever been brought upon
this road. We did not leain for whom
the horses were intended. "Plaindeal
er." J. N. Thacker, W. F. & Co's. detect
ive, has beon here for a week past
working up the stage robbery com
mitted near Grant's Pass last January.
Mr. Thacker is the detective who
found Black Bart, the notorious stage
robber and secured his arrest and con
viction. A large force of men is engaged at
Portland in building an immense rail
way ferry-boat for the Northern Pa
cific Railroad Company. The boat is
to be used at Kalama to transfer trains
across the Columbia river. It will be
one of the largest railway boats in the
United States.
The seven mill school tax voted in
the Medford district some time ago
could not be collected because h e as
sessment was not made within the ten
day period prescribed oj law. Anoth
er school meeting is to be held soon,
however, and the money will be raised
and the school house built within a
short time. Isaac Wolf, the clerk,
having resigned, A. L. Johnson has
been appointed in his stead. "Tid
ings. Yesterday's "Tidings" says that a
party of Phoenix peop'e will start for
the Eastern States on Monday even
ing's train. The party will be com
posed of J. P. Brown and wife, who
return to his old home in Michigan to
reside; C. W. Albright, who has been
employed as miller by Mr. Olwell for
the past eighteen months and is re
turning to Iowa to remain, and Samuel
Furry, our representative in the last
legislature, who will visit old friends
and old scenes in Ohio and Iowa..
Who is the Jacksonville reporter of
the Portland "Mercury" is wnat now
agitates tho public mind. One party
who has a personal grievance made a
slight mistake the other day when he
submitted his little article to the
supposed correspondent. He tackled
the wrong man.
Taking advantage of the two weeks
vacation B. B. Beekman and W. W.
Cardwell returned from the SiataTJni
nersity at Eugene City and are pay
ing parents and friends a -visit here.
Frank Huffer will accompany them on
their return next week and all the
boys expect to graduate next terra.
Of late Portland has received seme
hundreds of boxes of apples from Jack
son eounty. These have Bold for a
very high price. Wine Saps $2.00,
Yellow Newtons $2.50, and choice
lots $3 00," many ar.plea came in sacks.
Tons of dried apples came in sacks,
because seasoned lumber was not to be
had. "Willamette Farmer."
An injunction has been served upon
all the Sheriff of Oregon, by order of
Judge Deady, restraining them from
collecting the tax of the Dundee mort
gage trust investment company, and
commanding them to appear before
his honor on May 1st. That company
has $169,919 of mortgages in Marion
county alone, or about $2,378 of staxes.
Salem '"Statesman."
We understand there were twenty
eight barrels of whisky shipped to this
port on the last trip but one of the
Crescent City, and on the last trip five
more came up Several sacks of flour
were also shipped, it is alleged, but
this last must certainly be a mistake,
as we cannot conceive how so much
bread can be consumed in a small
town. "Crescent City Record." (
Portersville, Cal., April 10th, 1882.
Mr. Robt. S. Aninien Sir: I have
been selling your valuable Cough
Syrup for the last twelve months.
The past winter we had the wors epi
demic of measles, whooping cough and
colds I ever saw. Ammens Cough
syrup sold bettt-r than any cough medi
cine I had in the house. Expect to al
ways keep a good supply in my store.
Respectfully yours,
P. F. Chapman Druggist.
Writing from Oakland, Oregon, to
the Roseburg "Independent," a corres
pondent says: We understand that
rich Jiscoveries have been maile near
this place ot valuable silver mines.
However, the parties making the re
ported discovery are mum, and we are
not able to make an authentic state
ment, but we notice that several par
ties have been moving in the direction
of the mining district, loaded down
with provisions and mining imple
ments, which indicates that there is
something in the wind.
Writing from Rogue river valley to
the Independence, Oregon, Wrst Side,
a coirepondent says: The staple pro.
ducts ot tlin country consist of wheat,
corn, oais, nariev ana traits. It in
claimed that this ix as good a corn pro
lucing country as either lo vaKans
m ur xieuro-sxa. unaer goou tillage
the usual yield of com is from fifty to
seventy bushels per acre. Peaches,
apricots and grapes flourish very finely
here. The day is not far distant, in
my opinion, when viticulture and
peach raising will be tha chief indus
try of this valley, the climate and soil
being particularly adapted to the suc
cessful cultivation of all kinds of fruit
except the citrous varieties. A forty
acre peach and grape farm wili yield a
larger income than most grain farms of
160 acres. The price of land ranges
from $5 to $50 per acre, owing to
xlocali'.v and ualilv of soil, etc Good
grape growing land can be purchased
for $5 to $20 per acre.
Lectures. J. W. Webb a well-
known temperance lecturer from Cali
fornia is here in the interests of that
cause and delivered two very interest
ing lectures here this week to appreci
ative audiences. His further appoint
ments in this county are as follows:
Ashland, at the Presbyterian church,
on Saturday, April 12th, and on the
following day at 11 o'clock A. M , and 3
and 7 P. M.; Phoenix, on the 14th and
15th; Williams crek, the 16th; Mur
phy, the 17th; Kurl.v ville, the 18th
and 19th; Waldo, 20ih and 21st
Friends of temperance are requested
to make the necessary arrangements.
Got Caught. A young man named
James Watkins, who has been driving
the Butte Creek stage for some time
past, was arrested near Waldo last
Wednesday bv Sheriff Jacobs and
charged with the larceny of $100 en
trusted to his care by XL Ht Brown of
Eagle Point who gave him the money
to deposit with C. C. Beekman of this
place. He was brought back on the
Crescent City stage Thursday .night
ana is now in jail awaiting a prelimi
nary examination to be held to-day.
'Horse Racf. Another horse race
has been arranged to take place at
Phoenix next Wednesday for $800 a
side between Hop-picker and the Loft
us horse. The distance is 500 yards
and Hop picker is backed by the rail
road boys while the Ashland sports
put up on the other.
Attention Every Farmer. Be
fore ordering mowers, headers, rakes,
harvesters and other heavy machinery
call on Bilger &, Mrcgly and see what
they will do for you. They are per.
mauently located and will guarantee
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sewing ma
chines, the best ana cheapest in the
market, have just been received at E.
C. Brooks' store. Call and examine
them before purchasing elsewhere.
ARE YOU MADE miserable by In
digestion, Dizziness, Loss ofvAppetite
yellow skint Shiloh's Vitalaar is a
positive cure. E. C. Breokaj aftst.
'The Coiitxo Lady .Ljsctubkr.
Those who are well acquainted wi'h
Mrs. Mary Clement Leavitt,. of Bos
ton, the accomplished lady speaker
who is to address the people of Jack
sonville on befalf of the Women's Tem
perance Union, next Friday, eve April
18tb, speak very highly of
her. She is a lady of fine ir-tellectual
and moral culture; well posted; earn
est and yet unassuming in her public
addresses and very effective. She ap
peals more to tha reason with logic
than to the feelings by emotional ex
hortations, and yet her powers of
pathos and humor ars of no mean or
der. She should be heard by all who
desire an intellectual treat and much
, New Mail Route. W. J. Plymale
sacured the mail contract for carrying
the mails from here to Phoenix and
daily trips ere now made to that place
to connect with trains and stages:
The following is the schedule time:
Leave Phoenix daily at 5:45 A. it.,
and arrive at Jacksonville at 7:45 A.
it. Lea re Jacksonville daily at 4:30
r. x. and arrive at Phoenixt at. 6:30 P.
II. Tri weekly mail service has also
been established between Jacksonville
and Willow Springs, with P. Mc
MahoH as contractor. Mail; will leave
hero Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays at 9 a. m., arriving at Willow
Springs the same day at 10:15 A. M.
Leave Willo Spii'igs at 10:45 A.
ai., arriving at Jacksonville at 12m.
Religious Items. Rev. M. A.
Williams will preach at the Presbyte
rian church in this place on Sunday,
both morning and evening. .. .Elder
M. Peterson will hold services at Cen
tral Point next Sunday morning and
evening Regular Lenten services
at the Catholic church, Rev. F. X.
Blanchet officiating.... H. C. Fleming
preaches at tha Mound school house
next Sunday at tho usual morning
hour Elder M. Peterson will preach
at the Lone Oak school house on Sun
day morning, April 20th; at the
Mound school house the same day at
half-past thne p. si., and at Eagle
Point in the evening.. . .Rev. R. C.
Oglesby preaches at Antioch Sunday.
Farming Machinery. Miller t Co.
of Aihland are agents for the celebrat
ed D. M. Oaborne fc Co. farming im
plements, consisting of harvesters,
mowers, reapers and self binders, also
the Morrison and Moline plows and
Schuttler wagons. By shipping their
goods in large lots direct from the
manufactories, and getting car-load
rates on freight, thev are enabled to
tell much lower than others who pur
chase in leas quantities. Enquire
For Sale. Mrs. B F. Do well will
sell, at riduced prices, dress goods,
woolen goods, fringes, laces, table lin
en, gent's nn linen hem stitched hand
ksrebiufs, underclothing for ladies and
gentlemen of very fine quality, variety
of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton
stockings for children, etc , very cheap.
Also school suits for boys to the age
of sixteen, from Brownsville woolen
florins Oat at Cott.
Our entire stock of general merch
andise, in whole or ill part, is now for
sale at cost with a view of a change
in business. AH indebted to us are
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Reames Bros.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1884.
a n n 1 7 r end si cents for pstase.
R I K I r an( recc've 'rcc a costly box
H I illLLi"f goods which wiilhclp all,
of cither sex, to more money right away
than anything else in this world. For
tunes await the workers absolutely sure.
At once address TnuK & Co., Augusta, Me.
Henry Bauten Honse
reorraan's Cretk, Hay 1, ISM.
The best of Music and Supper will be
provided. Tickets $2 00. A general in
vitation is entended. XL Bauten.
Land Office at Rosebcro. Or. )
April 5, 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlct has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Clerk of Jackson county
Oregon, at Jacksonville, on Satuiday,Jtay
17, 1884, viz: Thurston T.Thomas. Pre
emption D. S.. No. 4324 for Uie 8 E i of
B i; 1-4 sec, 3a a w 1-4 01 a w a ec. 33
T33SR 2WN E 1-4 of N El-4 Sec-5
andN Wl-4ofN W 14 Sec. 4 T 34 S R 2
VI. He names the following witnesses to
Drove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of. said land, viz: J. B.
Welch, "Win. Mayfield, Wm. Nichols, Wm.
Hay. All of Sam's Valley, Jackson
county, Oregon. "Wm. F. Benjamin,
Will make the season of 1884 at the fol
lowing times and places:
Beecher will commence next Monday
and Tuesday at Wm. Bybee's farm near
town, Wednesday and Thursday at Bybee's
Ferry, on Rogue River, and Friday and
Saturday at C. C. McClendon's place in
Sam's valley, and continue so through the
Beecher is a thoroughbred Mammoth
Jack from Kentucky, black in color, 10
years old, with good form and action, and
weighs 1 ,300 pounds.
By the season, $12 50.
Pasturage at reasonable rates. Best of
care taken, but will be responsible for no
accidents. VVm. Bybee, Prop.
C. C. UcCIendon, Groom.
rotloBee Blrcctorr.
The Jacksonville postofnee is open
daily, except Sunday, from 7 o'clock a.
M.to 8 o'clock r. u. Sunday, from 9 a.
m. to 10 a- m. Money order business is
open daily, except Sundays and legal holi
days from 9 a. M-lo 5 p. ar.
Mail for the north and south closes
daily at 4 p. m . Stage leaves at 4 :30 r. u.
(R. It- time) it arrives from the north and
south at 7:30 a. sc.
Mail for Orescent City closes Sunday,
Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:30 r. M.
Stage leaves Monday, "Wedaeiday and
Friday 2 A. M. From Crescent City it
arrives Tuday, Thursday and Saturday
at 0:30 P. si. " ,
Mail for Eagle Point closes Tfanday.
Tuesday and Thursday at 8 r. at, state
leaves Mondsy. "W ednesday and .Friday at
6 A. st. from Eagle Point it arrives Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 3 r.M.
Mail for Willow Springs closes Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a. M.
mail leaves at 9 a si. from there it arrives
on the same day at 12 M.
Mail fqr Uniontown closes Monday at
12 st Stage leaves at 1 p. sc. returning
it arrives here Tuesday morning at 10
a. m.
Would announce to the public that he has
just openeu
Ryan's Building,
His stock is
will be sold at lowest prices,
choice assortment ol
And the thousand-and-onc articles usually
found in a first-class variety store.
Remember the place, in Ryan's build
ing, and call when you want a good cii;ar.
Pipe smoking la the real tet of totco.
It la the ng2l irar of amokimr. Yon set
more diiecUr at the flavor and f ragTance.
You take the smoke cooler, and the tonic
cleanlier and safer. Pipe smoking- la
smoking- reduced to a fine art.
The more the question of adulterated
tobacco forces itself on the attention of
smokers, the more deslrablo It becomes
to know precisely what 70a are smokms.
In BlackweU'B Bull Durham Smoking- To
bacco yon hare a guarantee,
always, that It is Nature's
own unadulterated product
Its fragrance, flavor, and
unsurpassed qualtty.are de
rived from the soli and air.
Try It, and you will be .
Utd. None genuine witn
out trademark of the BulL
Land OrricE at Roseburg Or., 1
March 22, 1884.
Notice is hereby given that the follew-mg-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Judge or Clerk of Jose
phine county. Or., at Kerbyville Or., on
Wednesday, April 30th. 1884, viz: F.Q.
Day. Homestead No. 28C3, lor the S i of
S H N W 1 of S W if and 8 W of
S E tTSec, 21, T 37, 8 R 5 W. He names
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Thos. Knox, Louis
Hayes, Alonzo Hyde, of Williams Or.,
Horace rt ethcrbce of Slate Creek, all of
Josephine county Oregon.
Wst. F. Benjamin, Register.
Land Office at Rosebuimj, Or., )
March 1, 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the follew-ing-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
m.ule before the Judge or Clerk of Jose
phine county, Oregon, at Kerbyville, on
Saturday, April 12, 1834, viz: Licuallcn
McDanicl, homestead No. ;!009, for the S
M f S W i4 Sec 13, and E of S R if,
Sec 14, T 30, b It, 7 V. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz: John Hall, P. O. Ream, A.
51. Jess and Isaac Van Dorn, all of Wil
dcrvi le, Orrgon.
Wit. F. Bexjbmin, Register.
New Cigar Store,
Dealer in
rigan, Tobacco, CIgarrttes Xotlon. Etc.
Also keeps a full line ot musical instru
ments, consisting ot
Guitars, Banjo, Tnniborliir, Acordrons,
Harmonica tic.
Give me a call and I will satisfy you
both in price and in the quality of'thc
goods offered for sa'e. R. Rostel.
Finest Fruit and Dairy Farm
In Southern Oregon, situated only four
miles from a railroad station, for sale at a
bargain. Containing 320 acres of good
land. 100 of which 13 covered by a ditch
of never failing water: large and com
modious buildings, fine orchard, all kind
of sma.l fruits in abundance. 40 acres of
meadow. "Will be sold cheap and on the
most favorable terras if applied for soon.
Crop, stock and tools sold with the place
if desired. For further partculars en
quire at this office or ot 31. W. Wheeler
Grant's Pass.
Shingles For Sale.
The undersigned is now prcpaicd to
furnish the best quality of shingles, cut
with diamond knife, in any quantity de
sired. Price delivered in Jacksonville $3
per thousand or transportation off at the
mill, situated two mile south of Williams
creek post office. Orders can bo left with
G. Karewskl. 1 Cuxruxn.
H All successful Fishermen and Sports.
H men smoke Blackwell's Bull Durham
H Smoking Tobacco, and they enjoy it.
Odd Fellow's Building Jseksorvillt, Ortgoo
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Br ash s, Chains. oso
I have secured the services of a first
class mechanic, and am prepared to do
all repairing promptly and in superior
In connection with the above I am re.
ceiving and have constantly on hand a
full and first class stock of
Everything sold at reasonable rates.
Jacksonville, March 1, 1878.
Don't buy
want the best.
'Boss Boots" unless
See that our name
SK. cC C?c-
is on every pair.
Nervous Debility.
DR. E. C. "WEST'S nerve and brain
treatment, a specific for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory,
Spermatorhoca, Iinpotency, Involuntary
emissions, premature old age, caused by
over-exertion, selt-abuse or over-indulgence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One box will cure recent cases.
Each box contains one month's treatment;
one dollar n box, or six boxes for five dol
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure
any case. -With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with live dol
lars, we will send the purchaser our writ
ten guarrnUe to return the money if the
treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaian.
tecs issued only by
Woodard, Clarke & Co.,
"Wholesale anr1 Retail Druggists, Port
land, Oregon.
Orders by mail at regular prices.
Real Estate Agent,
Office in Dr. Aiken's building on Cat.
ifornia street. All business entrusted lo
my care will receive prompt aud careful
attention. G. A. IIuuiiell.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, doing business in Jacksonville
Oregon, under the firm name of Little fe
Chase, is Ihis day dissolved by mutual
consent, Geo. L. Chase retiring. All ac
counts, etc, are payable to James R.
Little, and those knowing themselves in.
debtcd to the firm are hereby requested to
come forward and settle immediately.
J. R. Little,
G. L. Chais.
Jacksonville . March 28 . 184.