Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 15, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday, Makci! 15, 1884.
Lost. On tlie streets of Jackson
ville, a musie bolder by a member of
tho Jacksonville silver cornet band.
The finder will confer a favor by leav
ing the same at this office.
Declared Insane. W. II. Rumley
was examined by Drs. Aiken and Rob
inson this week and declared insane.
He ai taken below last Thursday by
N. A. Jacobs, Deputy Sheriff. He
has been there once before.
Settle Up. The undersigned gives
notice that he wants a settlement with
Till those owing him either by note or
book account. Call at the captain's
office and square a p.
Oscau Gaxiard.
Road Supervisors. The following
'supervisors were appointed at the last
term of tne county commissioners
Tourt: District No. 1, Abram Bish;
?No. C, G. M. Love; No, 9, Jacob Wor
3ow; No. 12, M. W. Wheeler: No. 10,
1 J. Cochran; No. 18, XI. S. Perrv;
. -jso. at, nirara Allison; jmo. ju, inos.
Match Race. A running race for
500 a bide, distance 500 yards, has
been arranged between Hop Picker
find Peggy Winters, to come off at
Phoenix on Saturday, XIarch 22d.
Gross and Ridinger back the former
while Doe. Neiberker and Wra. Webb
put up on tbo other. A close contest
'is looked for.
PnOENix Items. The depot build
ing is finished and is now in charge ot
M. J. Greene, agent George Engle
is in charge of V. F. k Co.'s office anil
stage agent, and will remain there un
til the terminus is moved to Ashland
where he will again be in charge of
the end route of those line J. H.
Hyzer has his headquarters hero now
and is still engaged in ballasting the
Accepted. Thn County Court this
week accepted the new Court Houso
building, all the work being finished
with the exception of some painting.
It is one of the finest buildings in the
"State and a credit to all who had a
hand in its construction. Especial
credit is due Jlr. XIarsh, the contractor,
it ho supervised the whole work, and
'no one can say that any of it was
slighted. The county officials have
commenced moving into the building.
Arkestfd for Contempt. The
Kelley-Ruble case furnishes another
Jtern this week and uromises more be
'fore the end is reached. By order of
the Supreme Court Sheriff Jacobs was
this week directed to arrest Henry
Klippel County Clerk, and bring him
are that body on a chaigo of con-
pM both officials went to Salem
iRt Wednesday. Mr. Klippel's state
-ment of the case is that he was asked
to do something that it was impossible
for him to curry out, that he then
-wrote to the Court for informa
tion how to act whpn the
answer brought back was a war
"rant for his arrest. No tidings have
yet been recoived as to what was done
but we suppose there is no doubt but
that he will be fined. A court of re
view will probably be called upon to
test the case final!) .
Southern Oregon History: In
all the articles which have appeared in
this paper relative to the foith-co.ning
History of Southern Oregon, but very
little has been said about the illustra
tions, and to this part of the work we
now direct tho attention of our readers.
'Col. B. F. Alley has this matter in
charge in Jackson county, and Fred.
Walpolo is the artist. The last named
gentleman has already sketched the
residence and surrounding sjonery of
our old pioneer, Maj Barron. It is
a full page view, and the entire head
of the valley is drawn so as to include
Pilot Rock, that well known land
mark which guided the early pioneers
into the valley of Roguo river. What
can be moro pleasing than the views,
sketched here and there of residences
in the valley, interspersed with draw
ings of the mountains that hem them
in on either side. Jackson countycan
boast of as good homes and fine scen
ery as can be found in Southern Ore
gon; and by all means these homes and
our scenery should be represented in
the history, so that the out side world
may know the beauties and comforts
of this, the Italy of Oregon.
Sdicide. Silas XI. Draper, a mer
chant and old resident of Foott creek,
Jackson county, commit'ed suicide at
his homo last Saturday by shooting
himself through the head, and a half
empty vial of strychnine near his hide
showed that he was intent on making
the deadly act a success. When the
report was brought to town Justice
Huffer and Constable Birdsey went
down when a coroner's jury was sum
moned to hold an inquest The evi
dence showed conclusively that he had
come to his death at his own hands,
letters addressed to County Commis
sioner R. A. Cook boing found where
he stated that he intended committing
the a:t and giving directions for the
disposal of his body and effects. Of
late years ho got behind financially
and then became a hard drinker, and
as he expressed it in his last letter: 'I
Lave reached the wa1!, and being un
able to climb over I have concluded to
make an end to it now." XIr. Draper
was a man about GO years of age, has
been a resident of this valley for twen
ty years or more, was honest and up
right in all his dealings, and a better
friend and neighbor no community
ever had. He was unmarried but
leaves a large circle of friends who
mourn over his sad fate, nis remains
were buried in Geo. W. Lance's field,
that being one of the requests left in
bis last letter.
Local Items-
St. Patrick's Day next Xlonday.
A small farm for rent, at Johnson's
land office.
John and Ed. Hanlcy hare rpturned
from Portland.
Two dwelling houses to rent, at A.
L. Johnson's landxoffice.
J. W. Stormer, night watch at Ash
land, was here yesterday.
Wm. Kxeuzer has gone into the
bakery business at Seattle.
Read Sheriff Jacobs notice and pay
your taxes before costs are added.
Henry Smith and Sol Abraham are
talking of opening stores at Xledford.
Chas. K. Klum of Ashland has
gone east to buy some blooded cattle.
Judge Day officiatei as County Clerk
during the absence of Henrj Klippel.
XIarshal XIcD-iinel was sworn into
office last evening and now wears the
James R. Reames, now an honest
granger of Eden precinct, was in town
this week.
W. L. Record is with us again tak
ing orders for anything in the tomb
stone line.
A heavy rain fell on Sunday last
that proved benificial to both miners
and farmers.
Ammen's Cough Syrup never' fails
to cure if used in time and according
to directions.
Call on Ridinger k Co. at Phoenix
when wanting liquid refreshments if
you pass that way.
W. E. Carlock has opened his new
store in Ryan's brick and keeps a first
class stock of cigars.
Executor's sale of property belong
ing to the Ilojikin's estate will be held
at the Court House to-day.
Read the government advertisement
for supplies of different kinds in this
issue and have your bid in time.
Supt. Carll of the Stago company,
accompanied by Nort Eddings, paid
Jacksonville a visit this week.
A. D. Rockfellow k Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon.
The spring run of drummers are
now parsing through as many as a
dozen having arrived one day this
Rev. Father Heinrich of Roseburg
is hero on a visit to Father Blaneher.
He will officiate in the Catholic church
For lowest prices on goods of any
kind call on XI ax Brentano at Phoe
nix. He says he will not be under
sold on anything.
Another car load of the celebrated
Studc-baker wagons 1ms been purchased
at he Eastern manufactory and is now
on the ay here.
Politics has commenced warming up
anil we have heaid of several citizens
who are wil-ing to sacrifice themselves
for their country's saks.
Xlr. W. J. Plymalo returned from
Cow Creek this week. She arrived
there too late to see her mother alive
but in time for the funeral.
Last year, in the United States,
there were on nn average two murders
and one suicide a day, and two hang
ings and one lynching a week.
A fine lot of cigars, retailing at
prices from five to twenty-five cents
each, just received at Xlerritt k Rob
inson's diug store. Go and try one.
The Portland "Standaid" now re
ceives the dispatches of the Associated
Press, having secured the franchise
heietofore belonging to tho "News."
Tho report that N. DeLainatter,
county Treasurer of Josephine county,
had failed, is without foundation and
we aro pleased to am. ounce the fact.
Xlrs. L. R. Webster has resigned
her position as teacher of our -public
school on account of ill health. Her
succcscor has not yet been announced.
All those wanting a mail lino should
read the notice in another column and
give their bids to Postmaster Xluder
btsforo three o'clock to-morrow after
There is a difference of seventeen
minutes between the time kept, here
and. the railroad time. Travelers
should remember this or they may get
left some lime.
James Kilgoro has returned from
his Eastern trip and paid Jacksonville
a visit last Thursday the first in
many years. lie looks as halo and
hearty as ever.
The well on Savage's corner was
cleaned this week and will soon be
ready to fill its old position of town
pump. A subscription was raised to
have it fixed up.
Henry Judge, with his assistant, Ed.
Helms, has been rushed of late keep
ing up with the demand for harness
and saddles. First class work is al
ways guaranteed there.
Diphtheria prevails in Josephine
county. A little daughter of F. W.
Sawyer died this week and Mrs. Saw
yer and Xlrs. T. G. Patterson are also
down with the disease.
The express wagons run by Egan k
Xlcilahon and Thos. Curry are the
only ones now run I etween here and
Xledford. D. W. Crosby is still in
charge of the mail line.
A party whose name we failed to
learn was arrested at Phoenix this
week on a charge of attempting to
commit a burglary the 'general opin
ion being that he was the man who
xai trying to enter 01 well's house
when Loui Colver was shot but noth
ing could be proven against him and
, he was discharged.
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every botth of Shiloh's Vita'izer.
It never fails to cure. Brooks can
furnish it.
If you want a Sewing XIachine call
at E.C. Brook's drug, watih, clock and
jewelry store. His machines are a lit
tle finer and his prices a little snugger,
than any other bugger's.
Veit Bcntz has associated himself
with John Dyer in the butchering
business here and at Xledford. Both
are enterprising young men and are
deserving of a coed patronage.
The Rogue River Distilling Co.
have made about 5,000 gallons of
whisky on their last run and will con
tinue several months longer. It fur
nishes employment for six men.
An animated political discussion in
Jones' saloon between Jesse Griffiths
and James Hamlin drew out a large
crowd one n'ght this week. Griffiths
was declared rhampion by theaudience.
A. L. Johnson has moved to Xled
ford where he will continue the land
office business and also act as agent
for W. F. and Co. He will continue
the real estate office here nevertheless.
Richard Cook of Steamboat was in
town yesterday and informs us that he
is still digging away at his tunnel. He
is in about 320 feet now and surely
deserves success for the labor h has
A. special service for carrying the
mails between here and Phoenix will
be let by Postmaster Xluller. The
contract will only last ten days when
connection will again be made with
Work on the post office building con
tinues right along and it will not be
long before it is ready for occupancy.
Holt is doing the brick work, Hock
enjos the carpenter wurfc and K.
Kubli the tin work.'
The charge of obtaining money un
der false pretences preferred by Wm.
Healey against J. C. Fairchild, was
found to be without foundation and
the defendant was promptly discharg
ed by Justice Huffer.
"Van Dunlap, who keeps a general
merchandise store at Phoenix, makes
a speciality in tho line of stoves and
tinware and says if they enquire his
prices he will couvice all that he sells
cheaper than anybody.
Thos. G. Reames started for San
Francisco this week to purchase a
spring and summer stock of goods.
During his absence the store is in
charge of Charles E. Hauna with
Frank Huffer as assistant.
Some of the young ladies of this
place are the innocent cause of no
little amusement among disinteiested
observers bv encouraging young men
to accompany them to and from school.
Don't do it, girls: it don't look well.
A party composed" of Ben Connor,
L. L. Savage, Thos. Howard and Jumes
Cook will start for Redding next
Xlonday expe:ting to get work on the
railroad extension from that place.
David Lindsay will take Ihem down.
W. F. k Co. only charge $2 per
hundred pound for express matter
shipprd from Portland to Phoenix
less than freight charges made by the
railroad. 0 position between W. F.
k Co. and the Northern Pacific Ex
press is the cause of the reduction.
A three mill tax was levied by the
electors of Xlauzanita district at their
last school meeting and the services of
J N. Hill were engaged for another
year. This teacher has bpen giving
the best of satisfaction and tho diiect
ors aie acting wisely in continuing him
in that position.
Delegate Brents of Washington ter
ritory appeared before both the senate
and the house committees on territories
in advocacy of the admission of Wash
ingtonterritory into the Union on anrf
after XInrch 4, 1883. This, ho says,
will leave thu electoral college undis
tubbed, and allow the people- during
theinteiim to form and adopt a state
constitution and choose stato officers.
Stockton, Cal, Dec. 30lh, 1S8L
I sell Ammen's Cough Syrup, feeling
confident your reputation as an apoth
ecary would prevent your putting any
trash upon the market, and the price
being about the same as the best class
of remedies, I have no object in dis
criminating against it, so 1 wish you
success. W. A. XIcCurdy,
Cor. XIain and Sutter streets.
Wo interviewed XIr. Loring, the
right of way locator of the Oregon
railroad, who passed through here Sun
day for the California railroad, accom
panied by XIr. Xlorrison, an eminent
surveyor from the East. They came
from Cottonwood by the Anderson
grade, and vieweil that route with
great interest, concerning thn advant
age of whether it would be a good wav
to build, in securing a high grade and
direct road. XIr. Loring says there
is no truth in the report that a con
tract has been made with XIr. Thomp
son to go ahead and complete the road
from Ashland to the California line,
nor does he know when work will be
resumed. Work is still in progress
between Pheenix and Ashland, to
wards finishing road to latter place,
and the company can finish to the line
within six months, as soon as 'he Cal
ifornia company are near enough to
mi et within that time, though it is
probable work on the tunnels will bo
resumed during the coming summer
when the weather is more favorable.
Siphons are used in the Buck Rock
and Siskiyou tunnels, to keep tht wa
ter out so that no damage may occur
to the work already accomplished, and
the talk against the surveys is supposed
to result from prejudice towards Hurl
burt, becauso he was strict and honest,
working for the interests of the com
pany as he would his wn. Journal.
Wanted. Sealed proposals
for carrying the United btates mail
from Jacksonville to Xledford R. R,
station, six times a week, each way,
by a schedule of hours running
time, each way, from April xat 1004
until June 30th 18S4. Imjill cases
the rate per annum to be Btated in
Also sealed proposals for carrying
the Unitfd States mail from Jackson
ville to Willow Springs, Oregon, three
times a work each way by a schedule
of hours running time each way,
from April 1, 1884, until June 30,
1884. In all cases the rate per annum
to be stated in proposal.
A contract with sureties is required
to be executed and persons bidding
must be honest and capable and not
less than (21) twenty one years old.
No more will be allowed than a fair
and reasonable compensation for the
service to be determined by the depart
ment. Every proposal shall be ac
companied by a guarantee of two re
sponsible persons that the bid is made
in good faith and with the intention to
enter into contract in case his bid is
accepted. Bids should be addressed to
"Second Assistant Postmaster General"
Washington, D. C, in left hand cor
ner, Proposals for mail serjica from
Jacksonville to Willow Springs, care
Postmaster at Jacksonville. Proposals
will be received at Jacksonville, Ore
gon, until 3 o'clock p. m. XIarcb 16,
1884. By order of the Postmaster
General. XIax XIuller, p. m.
Jacksonville, Ogn., XIarch 8, 1884.
Circuit Court Proceedings. The
following is the business transacted in
Circuit Court up to the end of the
XIarch term:
Sallie E. Ish, administratrix, vs.
School District No. 2. Leave grunted
to issue execution.
O. k C. R. R. Co. vs. A. D. Hel
man, et al. Lands described ordered
condemned and appropriated.
B. F. Xlver, et al., vs. Jas. F. Wells,
et al.; injunction. Taken under ad
visement, to be decided during vaca
tion. "
Elizabeth Covert vs. D. A. Covert;
divorce. Decree granted.
Annie F. Reed vs. C. H. Reed.
Olive Hedden vs. S. D. Hedden.
Jos. Clift vs. Jane Cliftc Same.
O. XI. Krewson vs. XIattie Krew
son. Same.
P. Donegan vs. Rosolla Simpson,
administratrix,, luken under advise
ment, to be decided during vacation.
Henry Smith vs. J. D. Post; to re
cover money. Judcraer.t for S69 53
and costs.
S. B. Pettingill vs, JZ D. Post; to
recover money. Judgment for 53 42
and costs.
II. F. Barren vs. A. J. Wall; specific
performance of contract. To bo de
cided during vacation.
A. F. Giddings vs., Jos. Patterson.
Defendant given twenty'days in which
. - un 1. i
to prepare bill ot exceptions.-
prepare bill ot excel!
Ed. Hendricks vs.-V. Offenboecher;
to recover possession cf -real property.
Judgment for defendant.;.,.'
Religious Notes. Rev; XI. A.
Williams holds services at Eagle Point
Sunday, at the usual morning hour
. . . .Rev. B. J. Sharp will hold divine
services at the XI. E Church in this
place Sunday, both morning and even
ing. .. ... E der XI. Peterson preaches
at the Xlound school-house next Sun
day morning and oveni.ig. . . .Rov. H.
C. Oglesby will hold services at
Brownsborough Sunday morning at
11 o'clock and at Eagle Point in the
evening. Lenten services at the
Catholic Church. Rev. F. X. Blan
chet will officiate assisted by Rev.
Father Heinrich Rev. J. A. Slo-
ver will preach at Rock Point school
house Sunday morning and evening
Rev. A. XI. Russell preaches at
the Xlanzinila churcb on tho fourth
Sunday in this month; also the even
ing before.
Appli:s from Jackson' County.
The extension of the O. k C. road
has been a great benefit to the people
of that section, in affording them
an outlet for their p-oduce. Parties
from Ashland have leased a stall in
Central XIarket, and the first carload
of apples from Phoenix was received
by them a day or two since. The
good price now paid for apples
may render this enterprise profit
able, but the excessive freight charges
at present ruling will prove a barrier
to the shipment of apples from that
section in ordinary years. It is ex
pected that large quantities of apple
butter, jellied cider, etc., will be re
ceived here from Phoenix.btfore long.
Scprhmr Couut Docket. The fol
lowing is the docket for the March
term, appealed from the first district:
Harrison Kolley, respondent, vs
William Ruble et al., appellants. Ap
peal from Jackson county.
State of Oregon, respondent, vs.
John Justus appellant. Appeal from
Jackson county.
C. W. Brobaek, appellant, vs. W.
P. Hoff, respondent. Appeal from
Lake county.
Charles A. Cogswell, appellant, vs.
Henry C. Wilson, respondent. Ap
peal from Lake county.
Clotins Out at Cost.
Our entire stock of general merch
andise, in whole or in part, is now for
sale at cost with a view of a change
in bus'ness. A1J indebted to" us are
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Reasies Bros.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1884.
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sewing ma
chines, the best and cheapest in the
market, have just been received at Ji
C. Brooks' store. Call and , examine
them before purchasing elsewhere.
Loui Colver Killed-
This community was shocked last
Sunday by the announcement that P.
W. dwell had killed Loui Colver at
Phoenix the night before, mistaking
the latter for a burglar. The follow
ing statement by Dr. George Kahler
of Phoenix is how it occurred and we
publish it as furnished: In considera
tion of the fact that many and incor
rect rumors are in circulation relative
to the death of Loui Colver of our
village, I thought a true statement of
the facts in the case would bo accept
able to the public. About midnight of
the 8th inst, 1 was awakened by
screams of a neighbor woman, and on
hastily goiug to the door she said some
one was trying to get in her house.
I ran to her assistance and found on
opening her front door some one on the
porch, and ordered him to leave. He
did not move off and I shut the door
and inquired ot the lady if she had a
pistol in the house. She said no, and
ju3t at that moment two window panes
were broken with a crash and the lady
commenced to scream again. I sprang
to the window and as no one tried to
enter I again opened the door and
looked out when the man had disap
peared. In a few moments Loui Col
ver and his man came down the walk
with a lantern, having been aroused
by the screams, and said he bad seen a
man run across the road. They went
across to XIr. Olwell's plank fence
and looked over and around but could
not see any one, came back across the
road and wo talked a moment or two
when we heard screams from XIr. Ol
well's house. As I was still in my
bare feet I ran up to my house to get
my boots on and L. Colver and his
man ran toward XIr. Olwell's, and at
this moment we heard shots being fired
at XIr. Olwell's. I hurried over and
when I reached Olwell's gato I found
Loui lying there, and he says to ire
XIr. Olwell has shot me. -I then called
to Olwell in a loud voice, speaking his
name, you have shot Loui Colver. Ho
answered I can't help it, some one has
shot me. I then went up to the win
dow, seeing him standing inside with
the gun in his hand, and asked him if
he were really shot. He answered no,
but I was shot at. Then XIr. Lowe and
I carried Loui home and when wo en
tered the hall we found a man 1 ing on
tte floor of the hall apparently asleep,
and on examination found him to be
drunk. Wo took him in, put him in
care of the constable, who kept him
till next day, but we could not fiod
anything to base a charge on, so turn
ed him lose. Loui was shot through
the thigh with two trails, one en
tering just in the track of tho femoral
artery and immediately below Poupart's
ligament and the other about three in
ches below. The following is XIr. 01
well's statement of what occurred in
his house as near as he could tell:
Xlrs. 01wll was awakened by hearing
one of the outside doors opened, and
listening intently heard somo one
tijKring .at fie lock of the inside
oor, when she wishpered to XIr. Olwell
ttjat some one was trying to get in the
room, tie iiearu tne same sduiiu ana
as noiselessly as possible got his shot
gun and moved to the door and lis
tened, heard a picking at the lock.
and with his gun cocked and in his
nglit nana, suddenly openeu tne
door when a pistol was tired which
caused him to recoil, at the same time
discharging his gun and closing the
door. Ho felt stunned and cried out
to his wifo that he was shot, and for
her to fetch him the rifle, which she
did. He then turned and saw a glim
mer of light at the front of the house,
and hearing voices there, thought
there wro accomplices trying to get
in ut that part of the house, and saw
through tho window what lie took to
be burglars and fired on them with
what awful effect wo know. Loui
died about 2 o'clock the following af
ternoon, very suddenly and unexpe eted
ly. Thi3 sad affair has cast a gloom
over the whole community, not only on
account of the affliction of tliobereived
family but also for XIr. Olwell and
family who are nearly distracted about
Farming XIachinery. Miller it Co.
of A3hlaud are agents for tho celebrat
ed D. XI. Osborne k Co. farming im-
plemsnts, consisting of harvesters,
mowers, reapers and self binders, also
the Xlorrison and Xlolino plows and
Schuttler wagons. By shipping their
goods in large lots direct from the
manufactories, and getting car-load
rates on freight, they are enabled to
sell much lower than others who pur
chase iu less quantities. Enquire
For Sale. Xlrs. B. F. Dowell will
sell, at rtduced prices, dress goods,
woolen goods, fringes, lace?, table lin
en, gent's fine linen hem-stitched hand
kerchiefs, underclothing for ladies and
gentlemen of very fine quality, variety
of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton
stockings for children, etc., very cheap.
Also school suits for boys to the age
of sixteen, from Brownsville woolen
Owinos Ritter In this city, XIarch
lOtu.bv Rev. J. A. Slover, Geo. W. Off-
ings and Xliss Ilattie E. Kittcr.
Bosvveli In Ashland, Feb. 20, 1884, to
XIr. and Xlrs. Boswell, twin daughters.
Buckley In Uniontown precinct, XIarch
8, 1884, Frank J., son of James and
XIaggic Buckley; aged 5 years, 1 month
and 2(t days.
XIartin At the family residence cear
Galesville, Douglas county, XIarch 7,
1884, of paralysis Harriet O'., wife ofCol.
XVm. J. XIartin, and mother ol Xlrs. v.
J. Plymaleof this place; aged Cti years
2 months and 21 days.
Ralls In Willow Springs precinct, XIar.
12, 1884, Miss Rosa Kails; aged 19 years.
Draper On Foots creek, XIarch 8, 1884,
Silas Draper; aged about CO years.
Interesting To Farmers.
Rock Point, Jackson Co., Or., Jan.
26th, 1884.
D. XI. Osborne k Co.
Portland, Oregon:
Gentlemen. I bought one of the
Osborne No. 11 Twiue-Binding Har
vesters for the harvest of 1883, and I
take pleasure in recommending it to
all farmers, for it gives perfect satis
faction in cutting and elevating the
grain, and in binding it. It is the
"boss." The more I use it the better
I like it. The expense of harvesting
with the Osborne No. 11 is less than
heading or reaping.
Yours truly,
G. W. Lanck.
AsnLAND, Or., Jan. 25, 1884.
D. XI. Osborne &, Co.
I bought one of your No. 8 Inde
pendent self-rake Reapers this last
harvest. It did the best of work I
ever saw done with any reaper. I cut
some green oats hay, which was the
heaviest work I ever saw done with a
reaper. I raked off bunches that
would weigh a hundred pounds.
Yours, truly,
Bennett XIillion.
Xlillor k Co., at Ashland; F. Hubb
ard, Jacksonville, Phoenix and Xled
ford, J. W. Hayes, Rock Point, Agents
for Osborne machines.
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme
dy. Price 50 cents. Brooks, agent.
ARE YOU XIADE miserable by in
digestion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite
yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a
positive cure. E. C. Brooks, agent.
sumption Cure is sold by us on a guar
antee. It cures consumption. Call at
and Bronchitis immediately relieved
bv Shiloh's Cure. Brooks, agent.
so quickly cured hv Shiloh's Cure.
We guarantee it. Brooks keeps it.
a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. At Brooks.
For lame Bick, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous .Piaster. Jfnce Vo
cents. For sale at Brooks.
"HACKXIETACK," a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50
csnts. For sale at Brooks.
able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you. For sale
at E. C. Brooks'.
Colman's old stand.
Hereby Informs the public that he is dis
playing at the above stand a flrst-
. j clas" stocJS'Of
General Merchandise
Which he will sell
At Very Low Prices.
nis stock consists of
Groceries Provisions, Etc,
Everything is fresh and of good qua!
ity, and prices put down to
The Itowost Uotch !
E5"Conntry Produce bought and sold.
Remember Colman's old stand, and give
me a call when in tewn.
A. G. Colvin.
The distress
ing feeling of
vearince?. of
exhaustion without ctlort, which makes life
a burden to so many people, is duo to tho
fact that tho blood is poor, and tho ritality
consequently feeble If you are suffering
from such feeling?,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is just what you need, and will do you incal
culable good.
No other preparation so concentrates and
combines blood-purifying, Titalizing, enrich
ing, and inTigorating qualities as AVLtt's
rcxr-ABED nv
Dp. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists ; Si, six bottles for $5.
Xosa of Appetite, Head iche, Dfr-rcs-slon,
Indigestion nml ConsMpntion, liil
lousnca, n Silloiv Face, Dull Ktt,aid
a Illotihrd Skin, are among the sjirptoms
nhich Indicate that tho Liver is crjiug fur
Ayer's Fills
will stimulate tho Liver to proper action,
and correct all these troubles. One or more
of these Pilh should bo taken daily, until
health is fully established. Thousands tes
tify to their great merit.
No family can afford to be without Atek's
rocr-AHED nr
Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.. Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
Oakland Home
Oakland, California,
T J. KENNEY, Local Agent.
Any business that is worth running is
worth insuring. Therefore call on T. J.
Kenney at once and get a policy in the
uaKiana tiome.
Odd Fellow'i Building Jncksonille, Oregon
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Brushs, Chains. 2Ioao
I have secured the services of a first-,
class mechanic, and am prepared te do
all repairing promptly and in superior
In connection with the above I am re
ceiving and have constantly on hand a
tun ana nrst-ciass stock ot
Even-thing sold at reasonable rates.
Jacksonville, XIarch 9, 1S78.
ST '" ''sSIB
Ik.;-"-, ztlsgg&iam
HtflWM'Tlil QrttWB
2 CO
f2.o i-l
ea !
Don't buy '
want the best.
lBoss ISoots" unless
See that our name
J- JS- cSs C-
is on every p.ur.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Ore
gon, for the county ot Jackson
Elizabeth J. Covert, I'llT. ) Suit in quU
D. A. Covert, Deft. py for divorce.
To I). A. Covert, Defendant, greeting:
1 Oregon : You arc hereby required to
appear in said court and answer the com
plaint therein filed against you "by tho
lirst day or the February terra thereof
in 1884 to-vvit by Xlonday the 11th day of
February 1BS4.
And von are notified that if you fail to
answer said complaint as above required
the Plaintiff will apply to tho court for
the relief demanded therein to-wtt; For
a decree dissolving the marriace contract
existing between I'laintilfand Defendant
and for the care and enstody of the adopt
ed child Addie Luclla Covert and chang
ing the name of Plaintiff to Elizabeth
J. Dunn and the the name of said child To
Addle Luclla Dunn and that the Defend
ant pay the costs and disbursements of
tins suit.
This summons published by order of
Hon. II. K. Hanna Judge of said court
niado the 23th day of December 1883.
Atttorncy for Plaiutiff.
Nervous Debility.
E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain
treatment, a specific for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, Xlental Depression, Loss of Xlcmory,
Spcrniatorhoca, Impotency, Involuntary
emissions, premature old age, caused by
over-exertion, selt-abuse or over-indulgence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One box will cure recent cases.
Each box contains one month's treatment;
one Ao lar a box, or six boxes for five dol
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure
any case. W itli each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with ttve dol
lars, we will send the purchaser our writ
ten guarrntee to return the money if the
treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran
tees issued only by
YVOODUID, Clarkk & Co.,
"Wholesale an( Retail Druggists, Port
land, Oregon.
Orders by mail at regular prices.