fr $ OREGON SENTINEL. JACICSONV W.L.'K i Saturday, " March 8, 1884. Market Report. Potatoes, 11 cents, flour, 30, butter, 371 cents, ggs 25 cents, wool 17 cents. ScnooL Election. At tbo annual "ichool election held last Monday, Gen. Urown was electad director and J. H. Huffer clerk. Dr. Will Jackson is retiring director. Executor's Sale. The Hopkins i&w mill on Jackass creek and some water ditches belonging to the estate of Daniel Hopkins, decascd, will be 'told at auction on Saturday, March 15th. Fine Pictures. S. H. Dyer is in town taking orders for enlarging pic tures either in India ink, water colors rr pastel. Some fine specimens can be sren in the show window at Mrs." trim's millinery store. Ieturnkd. Win. Bybee, ex Sheriff lis county returned from a, .visit iujcfcyvum weeK.auor an ausence RdnScSths. He went east with :the pionesr excursion and tho trip seems 'to have improved his health. Bound Over. J. C. Fairchild of Big Appplgate was arrested by con stable Birdsey this week on a charge of obtaining money under false pretence and bound over in the sum of $100 by -Justice Huffer. The charge was pre ferred by Wm. Hualey. The annual report of Henry Pape, city treasurer, makes tho following show of our finauces: It shows receipts for the ypar amounting to 53,231 and $3,012 27 disbursements; also show ing indebtedness of town on March 4, 1884, to be 907 52. New Arrangement. Madam Holt will hereafter run a free coach from Medford to the TJ. S. Hotel. Arrange ments will be perfectsd in a few days by which a daily coach will be put on from the hotel to Medford thus en abling her guests and others to ge to and from the two points without the trouble and annoyance of looking up a private conveyance. Unconstitutional. The mor'gige tax law has been di-clared unconsti u iional by Judge Drady and the inland -counties will lose- a certain amount of 'the revenue to which they are justly entitled. Portland capitalists will ni doubt do satisGVd with this decision while the other counties in the State must be satisfied and thereby loe large- amounts that justly belongs to them. Law and justice don't alwgys go to gethor. They Payed Up. Sheriff Jacobs, accompanied by deputies Stcadman . and'Farlow, stopped a biege. riunibri of Chinaman on the Slnkiyou moun tains this week while the latter wen on their way to Ctlifornia, for taxes duo here. The Chinese refused to pav and for a while it lookeJ as if there would be a first class row, which was only quelled by the arrival of an armed posse from Ashland whm the Celestials paid up and were allowed to cross the State line. Southern Oregon Shipments The first freight shipment from Med ford, tho new station on the Oregon and California extension, ariived herr Tuesday. It was 550 pounds of wool, consigned by Max Muller of Jackson ville to Kitchen Bros., New York, ns a (ample. Medford is the station uetr est to Jacksonville. The first ship ment from Phoenix was six cases of woolen goods, from the Ashland mills, consigned to San Franciseo. "Ore goniau." Cheap Freight. George Freeman will haul freight from Medford to this place for 31.50 per ton or for quauti ties less than a ton he will bting it here for fifteen cents per hundred pounds. Patronize him and you wi 1 be assured of having your business xt tended to promptly and with dispatch. He will pay all back charges when re ceiving the freight at the depot which will prove quite a convenience to our merchants as they can thei eby make full settlement for all freight chaiges when receiving tho goods. Grant's Pass Items. The depot is nearly completed. It is a nice one and reflects credit upon the architect and builder. Mr. Stanley showed HMM'err fine quartz from a lode fy discovered which undoubt edly will assay well in gold and silver .... Settlers are coming in and locating in this locality recently .... One with a family came from Minnesota and lo catcd a homestead up the crpek .... .Mr. Coaker has cone to Coeur d'Alene . . . Wood chopping for the O. & C R. 31. is a thriving business down this way. Quite a number of men follow it between here and twenty-three mile House. $2.50 and 53.00 per cord de livered on the track is the price paid. M. Religious Items. Rev. R. O. Oglesby commences a protracted meet ing at the Lone Oak school-house this evening and will hold over Sunday.... Lenten services at the Catholic church in this place, Rev. F. X. Blanchet officiating.... Elder M. Peterson preaches at Central Pomt next Sunday, morning and evpning. . . . Jlert A. M. Russell will hold services at the Antioch school-house Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach at Ashland Sunday morning and evening. . . .Rev. A. C. Howlett will preach at the res idence of J. M. Matuey, near Eagle Point, on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock A. M Hev. M. A. Williams f reaches at the Presbyterian church in this place Sunday morning and oven-4ng. Local Items- Circuit Court has adjourned. Fresh oysters at Little k Cbaso's. John Young of Kerby ville is in town. Simon Caro has returned to Rose burg. A phrenologistic crank lectured here last week. A small farm for rent, at Johnson's land office. Two dwelling houses to rent, at A. L. Johnson's land office. Wm. Charley of Butte creek was in town several days this week. The Democratic county central com mittee meets here March 15th. B. F. Dowell has gone to Salem on business before the Supremo Court. For a cough or cold there is no rem edy equal to Ammen's Cough Syrup. Win. Bybee Jr. says the new ar rival at his house is no brother of his. Bro. Leeds of tho "Tidincs" paid Jacksonville a visit one day this wees. '-"'All of onr lawyers are at Ashland 'fot-'t.irr !.iinc!if inn in ft ntiif. fnr wnlnr Ul V, Ml .C. ...... .. ... m vta.w w. tights. The pupils and teachers of St. Mary's academy indulged in a pic nic last Saturday. Barruch Fisher will return from San Francisco in a few days to open out in business again. The assessment of the county has been commenced by Thos, E. Nichols, County Assessor. Al. McKenzie, formerly foreman of the Grand Applegate mines, died at Portland this week. One of our most eligible bachelors keeps marriage certificates for sale at his place of business. Mrs. W. J. Plymale has gone to Glendale to visit her mother who is reported seriously ill. The Misses Pauline and Mary Wet teror returned fiom a protracted visit to Albany this wee t. Judge Watson has returned to Salem to b present at the convening of the Supreme Court. Inauguration day for the new tqwn officer will be ou the 14iii. Nearly all of them hold over. A. B. Siltmarsh has returned from S-attln antl will spend a few months with his parents at Sterling. George Cross the popular Phoenix saloonkeeper waRin town this week getting a reupwal of licence. Carter & Smith are running a daily express between Ashland and Jackson ville fare 1.50 each way. A. D. Rockfellow fc Co., Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and Ileal Es tati Agonts, Ashland, Oregon. F. M. Overbpck has taken a position is asMstm.t operator with the Western Union telegraph Co. at Seattltt. Crit T'olman is in the valley on a visit and come to the county seat last Sunday with a party of railroaders. Mrs. John Decker, nged about fifty years, died last Thursday and was buried in the Jacksonville cemetery. H. O. Lang, chief editor of Waiting's History of Southern Oregon, lias gone to Portland to finish up the work there. W. W. Colo's mnmmoth circus will vinit us this year. Read a press opin ion of tliis sh.iw on the outside of this issue. Tne Jacksonville band desiro to re turn thanks lo the ladies who iiinimged the leap j ear party for their liberal do nation. Karewski's team has been making reuar trips to .Medford this week bringing loads of new goods for this market. Cill on John Dyer at the new butcher shop for fine bnef. Ho pro poses keeping the best in the market at all limes. Nolnnd &, Ulrich have commenced business at Medford. They have a fine saloon building and keep the finest liquors ard cigars. The mail from here to Willow Springs is carried daily by N. Cook of the latter place. The Rock Point mail is carried on the train. James A. Cardwell has returned from a trip to the Willamette valley where he has been canvassing for the Brownsville Woolen Mills. Ab Giddings and George A. King are now driving stage between Phoe nix and Cole's station and Geo. W. Brown is hostler at Laird's. A fine lot of cigars, tetailing at prices" from five to twenty-five cents each, just received at Merritt &, Rob inson's drugstore. Go and try one. A. L. Johnson will move to Med ford next week to tike charge of W. F. &. Co.'s express office and ho will also continue (he land business there. Rostel is going into the cigar and tobacco business and has a fine stock of goods on the way. He also keep all keeps all kinds of .musical instru ments. All the members of Oregonian-Po-cahoutas Tribe of Red Mea are. re quested to attend the next regular meeting as business of importance will tome up. We tender thanks to the members of the Jacksonville silver cornet band for a serenade iast Wednesday night on the occasion of our wooden wedding. Tiie students under the leadership of Prof. Schmitt are surely doing well with the amount of practice tliev have had and if there u music in them Mr. Schmitt will bring it ut. You can call again, boys. The fine stallion "Brigham," owned by Arthur Lange'J, will make th sea son of 1884 in Klamath and Lake counties. Stock men should make a note of this. Mark A. Mayer, of the firm of Fleischner, Mayer & Co. of Portland is in town interviewing customers of that house. Markio is a rustler and always does well. Newman Fisher is not selling out at cost but he nevertheless sells as cheap as anyone else and he keeps a largo stock of clothing, dry goods ahd gro ceries to select from. Robt. Westrop's "Turk" and "Fred erick the Great" will make the season in Jackson county this year. Turk is the sire of some of the finest colts in this end of the State. President Endicott of the O. & C. R. R , accompanied by Vice President Koehlor, Superintendent Brandt and others went over the road as far as Phoenix last Tuesday. If you want a Sewing Machine call at E.C. Brook's drug, watih, clock and jewelry store. His machines are a lit tle: finer and his prices a little snugger, than any other bugger's. Pon. Avery arrived from the Lake country thin week and reports fine weather for stock in that section. He says there will be very little loss this year from cold weather. The fine weather of the last few weeks has caused an extraordinary rush for livery outfits, but Plymale says he will keep up with it if he has to start another livery stable. The mite sociableheld in the base ment of the Presbyterian Church last Thursday night was well attended and proved as ponu'ar as ever. The re ceipts amounted to 53 75. The fruit dryer building, which has not been used for some time, shows up in a very dilapidated condition. Every pane of window glass in tho large building has been broken out. The fare to Portland is just about the same now as when the stages run as far as Riddle. By buying a 500 or 1,500 mile ticket on the rail road a large reduction is made. Hon. J. S. Smith, of Portland, was choM-n to deliver the annual address at the next State Pioneer Re-union, and Joaquin Miller will be inritcd to write a poem to honor tho occasion. Egan &. McMahon carry the mail and express regulirly between here and Medford. Tho passenger travel is divided between them and M. Col well, who also run3 a hack to the trains. Dan Cardwell now represents the Palace clothing house of Poitlacd and is here taking orders. He haa a full line of samples and sells suits cheaper thau ever offered here be fore. George Conn, now a merchant at Paisley, Lake, county, passed through town this week on Ins way to ban bran cisco. He went by the northern route so as to pay relations at Roseburg a iisit. Conductor Wickersham, Johnny Ross, bra!; emanvan oid-tuue Jacicson- villi.ui, M. J. Greene. audit at i hoe nix and seventl others in the railroad employ paid Jacksonville a visit lust Sunday. . Work on the History of Southern Oregon progresses finely with Mesrry. Lang, Alley, Eistham and Walpole in charge in lliis.county. A. G. Wall ing, the publisher, also paid us a visit this week. W. L. Halsey, for whom the town was named in Linn county, who was here as a helper for Ben. Holladay in 18G6-7, has recently died, leaving con siderable property in Oregon, chiefly in Portland. Our. subscribers at Ashland and Tul--entii comp'ain of not having received ihtHast issue of the Sentinel. They weie mailed from this olliie but we have thus far been unable to find out where they went. One of the by-laws of tho Jackson ville silver cornet baud association is that no member shall drink anythii g intoxicating while on duty playing or practicing, and we are pleased to say that the law id strictly enforced. There are 452 children of school age in Jacksonville district; 555 in Ash land district. Heretofore Jacksonville has drawn the largest share of the school fund apportioned to this county; now Ashland steps ahead. "Tidings." A freeze out poker game for a valu able gold watch between five players commenced at the Walla Walla garri son on Sunday last and ended on Tues day. It took three days continued playing before viotory perched upon the winner. Tim report that N . DeLamatter of Josephine county had failed seems to bo true after all but his many friends wish him the good fortune that he may get out all right. Tho failure of the mines this vear is said to be the cause of his misfortune. The track was laid to the bridge at the McCall &. Anderson mines last Tuesday. Retween that poinc and the Ashland depot over 1,000.000 feet of timbering must be put in, so that it will probably be the 1st of May before the track is completed to Ashland. This place is certainly getting to be the city of saloons. There nre now thirteen running at full blast, and one or two more talked of. A person can hardly run amiss of one on Front street, in some localities every second bouse being of this class. Already we understand parties are looking out for a situation near the Court House block for a gin mill, and probably two or three will be started near the place, as it will be quite a walk from the build ing to the nearest saloon. "Crescent City Record." The outgoing MarsbalCbarles Schultz, proved himselt one "of the best Marshals we over had and asa faithful night watch he cannot be, excelled. His successor, however, has. held the office hefore and then made just as good a reeord and we expect to see him do it again. Only 54 miles staging to reach the Oregon railroad from Yreka, which can be dons in one da, as soon as the roads are good, the town of Phoenix, about six miles this side -of Jackson ville, being now the railroad terminus. This is about 60 miles shorter than go'ng to Redding, the California rail road terminus. "Journal. The usual trouble occasioned by change of railroad stations has been experienced by our merchants since the road got as far as Phoenix but now that things have got settled down everything works smoothly once more. Mr. Cunningbam, tho agent at Med ford, is an obliging official and attends to the business with promptness and dispatch. ;. The Democratic State Central Com mittee met in Portland, February 28, the Chairman, Al Ziebor, presiding. Tha time of the State convention was fixed for April 17th, amT'tha jilace The Dalles. The apportionment f delegates is one for erery 200 votes for Governor in 18S2, and one for every fraction over, and one delegateat large from each county making 126 delegates. Did any scientific physician know the formula from which Ammen's Cough Syrup is 'prepared, he would not only recommend, but prescribe it to his patients troubled with a cough or cold, or any disease of the throat or lung. Try it. It has no equal. For the benefit of those who would say, "Another humbug," a trial 15 cent size is prepared. Ask your druggist to get it for you. In bottles at 15 cents, 50 cts. and $1. Another ajony the portraits of the family are now painted on the "com pany china," says the Artist. Apropos to thitf, the little "sweet rixteen" orna ments the sugar bowl, the "flower of the .family" the bread plate, and tht artist may, "in a mild way," pose th sharp features of the maiden aunt upon the tea pot, while tho dignified head of the house gazes mildly up from under the edge of a quarter-pound lump of butter. What next? The cheekiest piece of business in the way of a lawsuit for damages, is on the docket in San Francisco. A woman has sued the superintendent of a poorhouso for ten thousand dollars damages. Slip was an inmate of the poorhouse, with her child, and the county was supporting her. She was out of her room doing some work, when her child fell out of bed, injur ing his knee cap, and she found a law yer who pioposes ta collect tat amount of damages from the Mdent, authonties, and tne!yHmde nurs-ps ami attendants fnrKhildren of inmates of the poorhouse. The last Legislature of this State undertouk to change tho time for the convi ning of the Legislature from Sep tember to January ami it U under stood that the next session will be lild iu the latter month.- Serious trouble is anticipated in conrequence, as it is now demonstrated chat the L!;islature overstepped its authority in changing the date of meeting to January, and such session will not be legal. The law provides that the Legislature may change its time of meeting to, any day within the ypar, and the following January is not within the construction of the law. The only way to remedy this is for the Governor to call an extra session of the Legislature for the usual time in Sep tember that that body can correct the mistake. Go From Home to Hear the Nfws. United States District Attorney Watson has been - instructed to 'ommence suit against Carlos R. Reed, to vacate a patent for a forty acre tract of land in the Rose burg district, granted him by the Uni ted States. It appears that one John Donegan filrd upon the tract in ques tion several years sinco. Some time aftpr he ran away, leaving a wife and children, who derived their support from a placer claim on the tract, which has been worked for twenty years. Reed desired the tract and entered it as a homestead in 1880. The trac wan not agricultural laud and was not buhject lo such entry, a fact which it is claimed Reed knew. Ho agreed with Mrs. Donegan that if she would not rretnt him fr ta-pruning up on the claim by showing that it was min eral land, ho would give her a deed to the claim. As soon as he had secured a patent he threw the poor widow's goods out of doors, and drove her and her children from the land. This ac tion raised a howl of indignation among the inhabitants of the Jackson creek country where the claim is located, and a demand was made that the affair should be investigated. Henca the suit. B. F. Dowell, "our orator" of Gnswold suit fame, has been engaged by the friends of Mrs. Donegan to as sist in the prosecution of Reed, and it is the hope of all concerned to place the poor woman ajain in possession of her own. Orpjronian. Released. Chas. Bean and sever al other employes of Capt. H. Kellpy at the Coyote creek mines were arrest ed this week on the charge of robbing sluice boxes. The chargo was pre ferred by Wm. Ruble, the oher con testant for the claim, the only objr-ct being to get possesfion of the mines. District Attorney Kent moved a dis missal, considering tho charge frivo lous, which was granted by Justice Bro-vning of LeUnd precinct. The officers of the Circuit Court here have not yet enforced the mandamus of the Supreme Court and Capt. Kelley is still in possession of tho mine. School Finances. The following exhibit of finances for the past year was submitted by tbo clerk. It shows the district to be in good standing: receitts: Received from last year $1,100 00 " County Treasurer 1,080 G3 " " rate bills, tution 087 4o " " District tax 1,092 09 Total $3,9t31 12 disbursements: J. VT. Merritt .r?l,502 41 John Huffer 17 50 Peter Simon'. 10 00 F. Vr.Knowlcs 22 50 Mrs. L. R. Webster COO 00 Frank Brown 22 50 Hatlie Newbury 40j 00 J.P.True 42 00 Chas. Prim 800 00 Wm. Hoffman C3 00 T.J.Kenncy 2 73 Geo.Brown 13 00 J.Nunan 3 00 C. C. Beekman 1 28 O. A.Verston - 10 00 11. Gainey 25 00 May Griflitlfs 150 00 Vm. Linn 20 00 Chas.Nickcll 9 00 D.Linn 2 23 Bros 1 00 E.C.Brooks 150 K. KubU , 3 00 Bilker & Maegly 5 10 1. 11. Huffer 186 07 Ncwinan Fisher 3 92 Total $3,487 28 Amount of receipts.... $3,901 12 Am'nt disbursement... 3,487 23 Money on hand.... $ 473 84 City Election. The election held last Tuesday for town oflicers passed off quietly, very little interest being taken although 192 votes were polled. The only con test made was for tht office of City Marshal for which J. P. McDaniel was elected by 46 msjority over Chas. Schultz, present incumbent. Below is the vote as cast : - trustees. David Cronemiller 189 Henry Judge 187 David Linn 182 K. Kubli 122 M. Mensor 102 John Orth 88 N. Langell 78 RECORDER. J. H. Huffer 190 TREASURER. Henrv Pape , 174 J.R. "Little 15 MARSHAL. J. P. McDaniel 119 Charles Schultz 73 CATARRH CCTRED health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh s Ca tarrh llemedy. Price 50 cents Nasal Injector free. At Brooks'. SHILOH'S VITALIZE!! is what vou need for Constipation, Loss of Appelitn Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Brcoks can furnish it. THE REV. H.THAYER, of Bour bon, Ind., stys: "Both myself and wife otrn our ve to SHILOH'S CON SUMPTION SURE." Brooks keeps it. FOR DYSPEPSIA a Comnd Liver plaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottl? of Shiloh's Vita'izer. It never fails to cure. Brooks can furnish it. SHILOH'S CURE WILL imme piately relieve Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis. Call at Brooks. WHY WILL YOU coughl Shiloh's cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and $1. For sale at E. C. Brooks.' WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys pepsia and Liver CompUintl Shiloh's Vitalizer ii guaranteed to cure you. K O. Brooks, agent. For Sale. Mrs. B. F. Dowell will sell, at rtduccd prices, dress goods, woolen goods, fringes, laces, table lin cn gent's fine linen hem stitched hand kerchiefs, underclothing for ladies and gentlemen of very fine quality, variety of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton stockings for chiidren, etc., very cheap. Also school suits for boys to the age of sixteen, from Brownsville woolen mills. Closing Out at Col. Our entire stock of general merch andise, in whole or in part, is now for sale at cost with a view of a change in business. AH indebted to us are notified to call and settle without do lay. Reames Bros. Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1881. Notice. A large assortment of the celebrated New Home sewing ma chines, the best and cheapest in the market, have just been received at E. C. Brooks' store. Call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. 1 CM The Workmen lodge here is in a flourishing condition and is fast gain ing in membership. As a life insur ance association, which is all that is claimed for it, it is the beitof all. BORNT. Buckley Near Unioutown, March 1st, 1884, to and Mrs. Jas. Buckley, a son. Richardson In Manzaniia precinct, Feb. i-ith, 18S4, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Richaruoa, a daughter. IIxnks At Ashland, Feb. 28th, 1834, to Jlr. and Mrs. J. D. Hanks, a daughter. Boswell In Ashland, Feb. 29th, 1884, to Mr. and Mrs. Boswell, twin daughters. MAHKIED. Allen Peruy On Big Butte, Feb. 22, 1884, by 31. Purdin, J. P., Thos. J. Allen and 3Iiss Harriet E.,Pcrry. it:d. Addison At Ashland, Feb. 15th, 1884, in fant daughter of Mr. and Jlrs. m. Addison. Raspot In Jacksonville. March 8, 1884 Julicn Raspot, aged 54 years, 2 months an d 17 days. Wilcox In Ashland, March 2d, 1884, Ada, daughter of 3Ir. and 3Irs. A. J. Wilcox, in the 14th year oi her age. Interesting To Farmers. Rock Poixt, Jackson Co., Or., Jan. 26th, 1884. D. M. Osborne fc Co. Portland, Oregon: Gentlemen. I bought one of tho Osborne No. 11 Twine-Binding Har vesters for the harvest of 18S3, and I take pleasure in recommending it to all farmers, for it gives perfect satis faction in cutting and elevating the grain, anu in uinuing u. xt is uis "boss." The more I use it the better I like it. The expense of harvesting with the Osborne No. 11 is less than heading or reaping. Yours truly, G. W. Lance. Ashland, Or., Jan. 25, 1884. D. M. Osborne & Co. I bought one of your No. 8 Inde pendent self-rako Reapers this last harvest. It did the best of work I ever saw done with any reaper. I cut some green pats hay, which was the heaviest work I ever saw done with a reaper. I raked off bunches that would weigh a hundred pounds. Yours, truly, Bennett Million. Miller & Co., at Ashland; F. Hubb ard, Jacksonville, Phoenix and Med ford, J. W. Hayes, Rock Point, Agents for Osborne machines. Farming Machinery. Miller fe Co. of A3hland are agents for the celebrat ed D. M. Osborne Si Co. farming im- plemsnts, consisting of harvesters, mowers, reapers and self binders, also the Morrison and Moline plows and Schuttler wagons. By shipping their goods in large lots direct from the manufactories, and getting car-load rates on freight, they are enabled to eell much lower than others who pur chase iu less quantities. Enquire prices. Settle Up. The undersigned gives notico that he wants a settlement with all those owing him either by note or book account. Call at the captain's office and square up. Oscar Ganiard. Til FARMER'S STOKI! ! Colraan's old stand. A, G. COLVIN, ncrcby informs the public that he is dis playing at the above stand a first class stock of General Merchandise Which he will sell At Very Low Prices. -His stock consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTPIING, Groccric-, Provisions, Etc, Everything is fresh and of good qual ity, and prices put down to Tho Lowest Notch ! E3TCountry Produce bought and sold. Remember Colman's old stand, and give me a call when in town. A. G. Colvin. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. " rrTii,e hi sePt-io-j8s2- COLDS. "Having been subject to a bron chial affection, with frequent colds, tot a number of years, I hereby cer tify that Ateh's Cncnnr Pectoral gives me prompt relief, and Is the most effective remedy I have ever tried. James A. IIamiltox, Editor of The Crescent." " "Mt.Gilcad,Ohlo, JanoM, 1882. COUGHS. " I haT0 ""ed AVER'S Ciierrt Pectoral this spring for a se vere conch and lung trouble with good effect, and I am pleased to recommend It to any one similarly affected. HARVEY IUUOIIMAJT, Proprietor Globe HoteL" PREPARED DY Dr.J.C.AyercV.Co.,Lowell,Ma83. Sold by all Druggists. Notice. U. S. Land Office at RosEiiuno, On., ) December 188:j. f Complaint having been entered at this office by William O. Stormcr against John Baker for abandoning his Homestead En try, No. 38'22, dated May 4. 1882, upon the Lots 1 2 and 3 Sec. 21 and Lot 4 Sec. 22, Township 3G south, range 5 west, in Jack son crunty, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said parlies are hereby summoned to appear at the office of K. II. Gabbert, Notary Public at Grants Pass Oregon on the 30th day of January, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. if., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Wm. P. Benjamin, Register. J. C. FniXEiiTON, Iieceivcr. Dissolution jvotico. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship ht ret' fore existing between the un dersigned, doing business iu Jacksonville, Oregon, under the firm name ol Dunlap fc Wbipp, is this day dissolved by mut ual consent, R. S. Uunjap retiring. All accounts, etc., are payable to J. Whipp, who also assumes the indebtedness of the late firm. R. S. Doxlai, J. "vVinrr. Jacksonville Jan. 19. 1884. WORLOWS SAMPLE ROOMS, Eagle Point, Or. The undersigned bus opened a salsnon al Eagle Point and asks his friends anil the public generally to give him a call I wlln nflSRiniT' tlit rnv "Pipim linnnFa wines and cigars always kept on hand! J MTm. Woblow. K. KUBLI, Odd Fellow's Building JicksorTillr, Oregoa DEALER AND WOKKEIl IN TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER LEAD. . Fumpa, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOTBfl HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuso and Caps, WOODEN &, WILLOW WARE ROPE, NAILd, ; Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLERT, WIRE, Shot, Brughs, Chains. "SIobs ETC., ETC: I have secured the services of a first, class mechanic, and am prepared to do all repairing promptly and in superior style. In connection with the above I am re-, ceiving and have constantly on hand full and first-class stock of GROCERIES, BRY-QOODS, OEM B OTS, TOBACCO READY MADE CI.'tTHI.VO, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, o. Everything sold at reasonable rales. K. KUBLL Jacksonville, "March 9, 1878. F. S. AKIN, K. DO SO Don't buy want the best. "Boss Hoots" unless yo See that our nam is on avery pair. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. AKIN, SELLING & CO. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the county of Jackson Elizabeth J. Covert, PliT. j Suit fa qu,. D. A. Covert, Deft. fty for divorce. To D. A. Covert, Defendant, grpeting: i N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 1 Oregon: You arc hereby required to appear in said court and answer the com plaint therein filed against you by tho first day of the February term thereof in 1834 to-wit by 3Ionday the 11th day of February 1884. And you arc notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as above required the Plaintiff will apnly to tho court for the relief demanded therein to-wit; For a decree dissolving the in irriagc contract existing between PlaintifTand Defendant and for the care and enstody of the adopt ed child Anaie .Luclla Covert una chang ing the name of Plaintiff to Elizabeth J. Dunn and the the name of said child to Add ic Luclla Dunn and that the Defend ant pay the costs and disbursements of this suit. This summons published by order of Hon. II. K. Hanna Judge of said court made the 28th day or December 1883. C.W. KAHLER, Atttorncy for Plaintiff. Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WEST'S nerve and brala treatment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head, ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Spennatorhoea, Iuipotcncy, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by over-excrtion, sclt-abusc or over-indulg. ence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's tieatment; one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dol. lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. V ith each order received by us for six Iwxes, accompanied with live dol lars, we will send the purchaser our writ ten guarrntve to return the money If tha treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued only by woodard, Clarke & Co., "Wholesale anc" Retail Druggists, Port land, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. ISEN SELLING, II. ' , ' IliiiitiHB sf'