Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 23, 1884, Image 3

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fc Saturday, Febbuarx 28, 1884.
ITkw Store. W. E. Carlock, lately
of the Dalles, will open a tobacco,
andy and notion store in Ryan's brick
Dr. Vrooman's old stand.
An Accidkxt. A woman named
Hill, living at Medford, shot herself in
tha thigh accidentally on Tuesday lost
nflicting a painful but not dangerous
8bttle Up. The undersigned gives
notice that ha wants a settlement with
Jill those owing him either by note er
Mok account. Call at the captain's
office and square a p.
Oscar Gakiarb.
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sowing ma
chines, the best and cheapest in the
market, have just been received at E.
0. Brooks' store. Call and examino
them 'before purchasing elsewhere.
, - School Meeting. A msetine of
the qualified electors of this district
"will bo held at the school house on
larch 4th for tho purpose of electing
one director for the term of three
years and a alerk for the period of one
Citt Election. The Board of Trus
tees have ordered a town election for
March 4 th, and appointed the follow
ing officers of election: K. Kubli, C.
C. Beekman and R. S. Dunlap as
judges and E. D. Foudray and Frank
Kasshaffer clerks. Only two candi
dates far Marshal have thus far an
nounced themBolvos and that is usually
'the only office for which a contest is
G. A. R. Post. Burnside Post,
'Grand Army of the Republic, of Ash
land, met in Odd Fellows' hall last
'Saturday evening and sleeted tho fol
'lowing officer, who wcro duly installed
'the rame evening: Post Commander,
'Charles Jvens"; Sen. Vice, Capt. J. M.
.McCall; Jun. Vice, A. D. Rockfellow;
'Quartermaster, Poole; Officer of
the Day; C. H. Miller; Adjutant, D.
High, Quartermaster Sergeant, B.
Beach; Officer of tho Guard, J. W.
Johnson. Regular meotingof the Post
will be hold at least twice each month.
Txstallitioxs. Kerbvville Lodge
No. 55, I. 0. 0. F.; D.ikell Fiester,
P. G.; Daniel Hunt, N. G.; F. M.
Nickerson, V. G.; Chas. Hughes, See.;
Frank Dossingi-r, Troas.; John Taj lor,
Warden; T. G. Patterson, Conductor;
il. Baughman, I. G.; Peter Hansen,
SL S. N. G.; Mik Rydr, L. S. N. G ;
Chas. Hart, R.S. V. G.; George Parks,
L. 8. V. G ; A. J. Henderson, R. S. S.;
-O.Kruise, ITS. S. -
Officers installed for enduing term,
Climax Lodge No. 56. A. O. XJ. W.,
Krrbyville Oregon: M. Rvdcr, P. M.
"V.; A. J. Chapman, M. W.; Frank
J)fiBinger, Foreman; J. E. Savforth,
Ovrseer; Chan. Duncan. Guidu; F. M.
Nickemnn, Recorder; N. DaLam&Uer,
Receiwr; W. T. Moore, Financier;
Peter Hansen, I. W.; Wm. Frakes,
2raxd Jury Report. We the
yrand jury empanelled for the Febru
ary term, would most respectfully suh
rtnit the following: Wo hare cxamint d
.all cabas brought before us, and hare
ipkBded upon tho unio according to the
dictation of our conscionces under our
oaths, and the instructions of the court.
'We have examined tho Clark's and
Sheriffs offices and find tham neatly,
cWanlv and;correetIy kept. We haTe
.eiaminrd the county jail, find it cleanly
kept but would recommend repairing
.the front door as it is untafo at the
.present timo. Tho county hospital
4n our judgment u a miserable tking
to keep county patients in and RtnelU
as bad or worse on the inside than a
hog pen, and is totally unfit for any
human being to be kept in whether he
be a pauper or not. S. R. Taylor, fore-
"Not a TrU Bill." The caso of
'the State of Oregon s. Wm. Ruble
and others, bound over by Justice
Huffer on a charge of riot, was biought
before the grand jury this week but
that body seen fit to roport it to tire
Court as ' not a true bill." We sup
pORO the grand jury arrived at this
conclusion from an economical stand
point, thinking they wou'd save the
cjqnty the expense of a trial as the
casv would be reversed anyhow when
appealed to tho Supreme Court. The
defendants will no doubt try again to
take tho, mine by force, considering this
.a vindication of their former action
when the next grand jury may have
tmore cause for investigation and de
cide between' the question of dollars
and cents and law andjustice. The endis
not yet from appearances and several
'more items for the local reporter may
Vindicated. Some time last June
'a'Chinese gambling don on the railroad
was broken up by J. H. Moody, Dedo
Kuettner and J.C. McCully, employes
of the company, for the reason that the
Chinamen would gamble all night and
were unfit for work next day. As a
jresult of the raid the gambling tools
and about $90 in money were captur
ted which was tendered back to the
proprietor of the game after it had
been broken up. The Chinamen, how
ever, thought he seen a chance to
.Make a stake, refused to take what
is tenaerea ana orougnt suit in a
ivii aetion tor the recovery of. sons
300 mora than was taken. The case
i tried this week and tha evidence
pving conclusively that nothing mora
taken than wa offered to be ra
led the jury bo found and Hong
came out at the little end of the
We congratulate the defend-
Lon their vindication.
Town elections one week from
A small farm for rent, at Johnson's
land office.
An elopement is reported from tha
Siskiyou tunnel.
Flour 330, butter S7, eggs 25,
wheat 51, wool, 16.
Piping was commenced at tho Sterl
ing mines this week.
The petty and grand jurors were dis
charged last Thursday.
Two dwelling houses to
L. Johnson's land office.
rent, at A.
Lewis and Alex Orme of Ftot'a
creek have gone to Portland.
Snow fell to the depth sf twenty
inches in Roseburg this week.
Ashland Trustees are talking of rais
ing rsaIoon license in that place.
An entertainment will soon be given
hero by the Ashland Star minstrels.
J. T. Lay ton has returned from San
Francisco much improved in heal'h.
For a cough or cold there is no rem
edy equal to Ammen's Cough Syrup.
Siskiyou mountain twins mother
doing well father not to be found.
Lots of strangers in town this week,
most of them being here on court busi
ness. Nunan will exchange first-class
goods for any kind of marketable pro
duce. Go to Mcrritt k Robinson's
drug store for toilet sets and
Geo. M. Willard of Ashland passed
through town this week on his way to
Grants Pass.
The rectifying establishment of H.
M. Hassett will be ready for business
in a few days.
Capt. Kelly and wife and Cbas.
Bean started for the Coyote creek
mines last Thursday.
There are messages uncalled for in
the telegraph office here for J. E
Williams and Wm. Hobeck.
Felix Cohn agent for tlip liquor
house of Braunschweigzer t Buusted
is in town on official business.
An effort for a new trial in the Jos
tus case will be made before the Su
preme Court at the March term.
A. D.- Rockfellow & Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Ea
tnf.A A opnttt Atlilnnrl Cirtytrnn
.. ..j, ....-, . , ...6-.
The residence of Rev. John Howard,
of Roseburg, was consumed by fire last
week. Loss, 82,500; no insurance.
Bilger fc Maegly will have some
thing new to say to their patrons and
the public generally in cur next issue.
Circuit Court has adjourned' till
next Wednesday, nearly all the buni
ness before it haviug been disposed ef
Tho grand jury promptly ignored
th chargo of perjury brought against
H. Kelly and found "not a huh bill.
Work on the post office building has
been commeuced bj Geo. W. Holt.
The brick to be used comu from Grants
Two break? in the railroad north of
ui caused a delay in mails thin week
but everything is working smooth once
A special election will be held at
Ashland next Monday te fill the office
of Recorder, vice A. V. Gillette, da
ceased. The Leap Tear party was going en
last evening when we want to press
and everything indicated a large at
tendance. The Democratio state Central Com
mittee meets in Portland, FebruHry
28th. Thos. G. Reaines is tho member
from Jackson.
The Red Lion Restaurant is now in
charge of George Bigham who will
give you a first class lunch at the most
reasonable rates.
A small child of Thos. Bailey of
Table Rock was burned this week re
ceiving injuries from which it died on
the following day.
Tne railroad company's paymaster
went over the road this week making
settlements with those who are yet
employed on tho work.
Dr. Will Jackson will remain at
Phoenix a few days longer. Thosa
needing the services of a dentist should
not fail to call in time.
Wm. Gouverneur Morris, Colleotor
of Customs at the Port of Sitka, Alas
ka, died at that village on the 31st of
January last, of pneumonia.
John Orth saya there is no joke con
nected with his shipping sugar cured
hams from the cast. The first ship
ment is expected in a few days.
The Salem papers are striking for
higher liquor license in that city.
The "Statesman" advises a raise of
$750 and tho "Talk" says $1000.
Hon..E. B. Watson, Chiaf Justice,
returned from Salem this week accom
panied by nis tamtly. He will go
back again about the first n March.
School clerk Huffer is . ow engaged
in taking the school census of this
district and thinks the number of
scholars will be slightly increased this
Messrs. Volk, Whiting, Whitney,
Jones, Ruckles, Kuettner, Moody, and
McCully were in town this week as
witnesses in a case before tho Circuit
The RepuWican State Central Com
mittee met at Portland last Thursday
but wo failed to get tha proceedings
for this issue. Max Mullc is
the member from this county but he
!cua not attena in person.
The section houses at Medford and
Phoenix are nearly finished and pas
senger trains are expected to run
through to tha latter point some time
next week.
A. Ustiok, the manager of the D.
M. Oiborne machinery company was
in town this week in the interest of
that firm. F. Hubbard is local agent
here for tho company.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
at E.C. Brook's drug, watch, clock and
jewelry store. His machines are a lit
tle finer and his prices a little Bnagger,
than any other bugger's.
Sheriff Jacobs started for Salem
last Tuesday having in charge J. H.
Cameron and W. Pitman, both sen
tenced to s terra of two years In tha
penitentiary for forgery.
Some ona writing under tha nam de
plume of 'Leon" writes an interesting
and spicy letter from Jacksonville to
the Portland "Hesperian," published
in the last issue of that paper.
John Dyar and Julius Schmitt have
purchased Jack Marshall's meat mar
ket and will continue the business at
the .old stand. Both are energetic
young men and Bhould do well.
Baruch FiBhr returned to San
Francisco this week to locate perma
nently. Miss Rosa Mensor accompa
nied him to that city and will remain
there for a while on a visit to friends.
Certain parties, and with good
cause, complain of the depositing of
rubbish liable to breed disease near
thoir premises, and nnless the practice
is soon stopped the authorities will
be called on to check it.
At a meeting of the Portland Beard
of Trade a resolution was passed call
ing on Oregon's Senators and Repre
sentatives to oppose all measures tend
inc to forfeit the Northern Pacific
land grant or any part of it.
Mooro and Cannon, who were in
dicted for gamblirg at Grant's Pass,
pleaded guilty to the charge and were
fined $50 aud costs by Judge Webster.
The fine was paid and the defendants
returned home last Wednesday.
"What is n sockdolager!" aRked a
little Pittsburg damsel of her older
and more hardened brother. "Don't
you know? Why don't you listen to
our preacher Don't he get up when its
time to quit, an' say 'Let us sing tho
Tho former stage company on tho
California nnd Oregon route, havo
made a transfer of their real estate
lately according to previous agree
ment, Col. W. S. Stone acting for
Sanderson. Barlow and others, and A.
H. Burrows for Salisbury, Hailey St
A. O. Eckelson and party have
finished surveying from Baker City
out one hundred and fifty miles, ta a
point of supposed connnction with
Gould's Short Line. Tho surveyors
are now stationed atCorvallis, engaged
in making maps, plans, profiles and
Dr. E P. Geary has located at
Medford for tho practice of his pro
teft.iion. The. Dr. is a graduate of one
of the leading medical colleges of the
Eastern States has been in active prac
tice several years aud we hope to see
him command a large share of the
public patronage.
We baye just received a package of
garden seeds from D. M. Ferry of De
troit, Mich. The package is accompa
nied by a catalogue ot their spring
seeds and has an immense variety of
plants advertised. Tho house of D.
M. Ferry Si Co. is one af tha aost re
liable in tha country.
Contrary to general expectations
Circuit court did not last as long as
was looked for by all in the beginning.
HU honor, Judge Webster, dispatches
business in good iib&pe, his rulings being
quick and to the point and show the
dignity and self reliance of a judge that
had sat upon the bench for a life time.
Re.v. R. O. Oglesby will hold servi
ces at Lone Oak school house Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. .. .Elder M.
Peterson preaches at Brownsborough
Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M. and at Eagle
Point in tho evening. .. .Rev. M. A.
Williams preaches at tho Presbyterian
church in this place, both morning
and evening.
The Ashland saloon men arrested
for vitiating the Sunday law were
fined $10 and costs by Justice Root of
that place this week. The fine was
placed at a figure so low that the sa
loon men could not take an appeal to
tha Circuit Court, all of them have
settled up. Last Sunday every saloon
in Athland was closed but whether
this rule will be continued remains to
be seen.
Some young' lady of this place ad
vertises for a husband in tha San
Francisco "Chronicle" with directions
to address box 74 this poet office. She
says she is handsome, has means and
the only thing required to make her
happiness complete is a fend loving
huBband. Judging from the number
of letters in box 74, they must be nu
merous who are willing to join the
When friend Aaainidab, a lineal de
scendant of the late William Penn, had
been out on a pious jamboree, and was
driving home with his old wife, under
peculiar difficulties, the lady became
concerned, and said: "What is thee
about, husband! Thee is off tha road,
among the stumps and stones, and thee
win turn us over ana oreax ear necks.
Aminidab, thea has been drinking!"
Never tho mind Sarah," replied the
obfuscated culprit, "Sit thee still, if
possible, and I'll gat thee hom all right
if the horse holds together." Per
hops this grotesque little incident may
have some relavency to the faet thac
Bilger fc Maegly sell hardware cheaper
1 than ever.
The anxious female who calls daily
at this office, says the La Grande Rec
ord, inquiring for the editor, is in
formed that he may possibly return by
the Fourth of. July. In the mean
time, she will confer a favcr by shed
ding tears and' exhibiting her grief
elsewhere. That female is a perfect
hydrant, and tha aext time she calls,
the foreman proposes using, her in
wetting down the week's edition of the
T. P. Smith, foreman of tha force
of nun who ara building the telegraph
linos along the railroad, was in town this
week on bubineii for the company. On
Wednesday the Jacksonville telegraph
oCca was put oa a loop making con
nactiam with tha main liaes near
Phoaniz and tha lines between here
and Rock Point willbatakendewn in a
few days: Mr. Smith ha a force of
ten seen with him and is doing soma
good substantial work.
We take much pleasure in recom
mending to newspaper proprietors and
publishers, Mr. Robert S. Ammen of
San Joael Cal., as an honorable gentle
men, and deserving of thoir confidence.
This medicine (Ammen's Cough Syrup)
we believe jusf what it is represented
to be, and will do all that its owner
claims for it, and b certain ta coma in
to universal use as soon as its merits
become known. Albany Herald, Ore
gon, October 6th 1881.
Tho case now pending ia the U. S.
court against ono Gaines, for com
plicity in the Still well robbery, near
Camas prairie, is believed to he ma
licious prosecution. Persons who
claim to know say Gaines was at home
the time the robbery was committed,
and knew nothing of the matter at all.
Ho is said to be unacquainted with
either Hill or Stillwell. As Stillwell
seems fond of telling stories about this
matter, there is no telling whom he
will implicate next.
The town of Dayton, W. T., furnish
ea a first doss sensational item in the
burial of a young lady, Miss Hock
walt, alive. Ilor supposed death oe
curred January 10th, on tho morning
of the marriage of her brother. Dr.
Jewett pronounced her dead and tho
was buried next morning. A sus
picion that she might still have been
alive led to the disinterring of the body
when it was found she bad turned
over in the coffin and had torn bar
hair out In handfuls.
The Bank of Ashland has filed arti
cles of incorporation in tho office of
the Srcretary of State, with a
capital stock of $50,000, and W. H.
Atkinbon, J. M. McCall and H. B.
Carter as incorporators; also the
Thomas Alford Cemetery Association,
with M. A. Roger, W. C. Thomas
and Thoaas Turner as trustees, and
J. S. George clerk, located at Muddy
Stntiou, in Linn county; alito the Bun
comb Miming Copipany, with A. P.
Ankeny, Vincent Cook and D. P.
Kennedy as incorporators, capital
stocfc, $0,000.
Douglas county has the lorgent num
ber of acres of taxable land, Linn tha
greatest value, Multnomah takes the
load in town lots and improvements,
also in merchandise housohold furni
ture and carnages, gross value ot prop
erty, indebtedness, of tax, of wealth
por capita, and of school children;
Union county has the largest Dumber
of horses and mules, with the greatest
valui; Grant county the Iarcost num
ber of cattle and the greatest value;
Umatilla county the largest number
of sheep and the greatest vslae. Jack
son county tha largest number of
swina and greatest value.
Tha "Tidings" thus describes a new
kind of seciable which was held at
Ashland last Thursday: -"Tho ladies
wha attend ara each to pot up a lunch
for two persons, put it in a basket with
a card containing her name, cover tho
card so that the name cannot be eeen,
and hand the basket to the committee
appointed to receive it. After the
guests hare aMemhled the bankets (or
the lunches in tham) are to be said,
one to oaeh gentleman. The gentle
men fiud tho cards and each sits down
to lunch with the lady whoso name he
finds. No man can tell whother he
will be permitted to lunch with tho
"prttient girl in tonn"ornot; but it
is presumed that all may be assured
of "victuals" enough for a substantial
We learn from Mr. A. H. Burrow,
who arriyod here Sunday afternoon,
that 1,300 more Chinamen oamo up
from San Franciico to work on the rail
road above Rcddine, probably dis
charged from Oregon road, gcing from
Portland to San Francisco by aloatner.
Instead of showing any signs of quit
ting work, the California company ap
pears to be just commencing in earnost,
and now have about double the force
ever before employed. The men are
evidently procured now so as to nave
them well organized for successful
spring operations, the time whon the
ground can be worked to tho best ad
vantage, by reason of not then being
baked hard by he influence of the
heat at a later period of the season.
In addition to the Chinamen from be
low, large crowds pass through here
almost every day, with several more
wagon loads to come, and a Chinese
agent has been here for over a week
securing all the Chinamen possible in
this vicinity, offering $30 a month,.
"Yreta Journal," ,
Sardine Cbkek Ntjrseiiy. B. F.
Miller of the Sardine creek nursery
has a large number of young trees of
superior quality, embracing the peach,
prune, plum, apple, eta, which he offers
far sale at reasonable rates. Parties
who are about Betting out orchards
should remember this; tor ha warrants
all of his rees to be as represented.
pepsia and Liver Complaint) Shiloh's
Mitalizer ii guaranteed to cure you.
E. C. Brooks, agent.
The following is the business trans
acted in this court since our last re
port: State vs. J. E. Geddls; indictment
for larceny. Continued at request of
defendant, aud bonds fixed at $500.
State vs. H. F. Cook; selling liquor
without license. Plea of guilty entered
and defendant fined $50 and costs.
State vs. Chas. Bond; burglary.
Trial by jury and verdict of not guilty.
State vs. J. H. Cameron; forgery.
Plea of guilty and defendant sentenced
to two years imprisonment,
State vs. W. L. Pitman; obtaining
money under false pretenses. Same
as above.
State ys. Moors k Cannon; keeping
a gaming house. Plaa of guilty and
defendants each fined $00 and costs.
Hong Bine vs. J. H. Moody and D.
Kutner; to recover money. Jury ver
dict for $90.50.
Wm. S. Gray, et al, te. Ezra Thom
as; to recover possession of property.
Fisher Bros. vs. Wm. Sutherland
et al.; foreclosure. Continued for ser
vice. Ab. Giddingt vs. Jos. Patterson; to
recover money. Jury verdict iorauu
and costs.
Abel Reed vs. M. Colwell; to re
cover money. Judgment for $955.52
and costs entered.
Anna F. Reed vs. C. H. Reed; di
vorce. Default entered against de
fendant. State vs. Sam Lee; larceny. Cause
dismissed on motion of District Attor
ney. John Orth vs. G. W. and Jane
Holt; to foreclose chattel mortgage.
Decree granted. ,
Kwong Keo Leo fc Co. vs. Goe Toy;
to recover money. Judgment by da
fault for $564 34 and costs.
A. P. HoUling & Co. vs. Fuller and
McNulty; to recover money. Judg
ment by default for $1,556 90 and
Slate vs. A. McCurdy and R. Mo
Culloch; indictment for keeping a
gambing house. Bench warrants for
arrest of defendants ordered issued.
State rs. Harrison Kelley; held in
justice's court for perjury. Grand jury
returns "not a true bill" and defend
aut discharged.
Stats vs. H. Mathews; indictment
for maliciously injuring another's
property. Continued.
State vs. J. W. McMahon; indict
ment for murder. Continued.
Sallie E. Ib, administratrix, vs.
School District No. 2. Motion for
salo of property granted.
Farmino Machinery. Miller & Co.
of Ashland are agents for the celebrat
ed D. M. Osborne & Co. farming im
plements, consisting of harvesters,
mowers, reapers and self bindors, also
the Morrison and Molina plows and
Schuttler wagons. By shipping their
goods in largo lots direct from the
manufactories, and getting car-load
rates on freight, they are enabled to
(.oil much lower than othors who pur
chase ill less quantities. Enquire
For Sale. Mrs. B. F. Dowell will
sell, at minced prices, dress good",
woolen goods, fringes, lacet, table lin
en, gent's fino linen hem stitched hand
kerchiefs, underclothing for ladies and
gentlemen of very fine quality, variety
of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton
stocking for children, etc., very cheap.
Also school suits for boys to the ago
of sixteen, from Brownsvillo woolen
CATARRH CURED health and
sweet breath secured by Shiloh s Ca
tarrh Remedy. Prico 50 cents Nasal
Injector free. At Brooks'.
jou need for Constipation, Less of
Appotite Dizzinoss and all symptoms
of Dyspepsia. Prico 10 and 76 cents
per bottle. Brooks can furnish it.
bon, Ind., soys: "Both myself and
wife oxe ourlivcs to SHILOH'S CON
SUMPTION CURE." Brooks keeps
FOR DYSPEPSIA a Crnnnd Liver
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every bottU of Shiloh s Vitahzer.
It never faila to cure. Brooks can
furnish it.
piately relieve Croup, Whooping cough
and Bronchitis. Call at Brooks.
WHY WILL YOU coughi Shiloh'e
cure will give immediate relief. Prico
10 cts. 50 cts. and $1. For sale at E.
C. Brooks.'
Helman Appleoate. At tho residence
of the bridi's parents, Gen. E.L. Ap
plegatc, in Ashland, Feb. 20, 1884. by
lloraco Root, Esq., Benjamin F. Hcl
man and Jcssio Florcnco R. Applcgate,
all of Ashland.
Gkiosby Faith In Eden precinct, Feb.
14th, 1884, by Rev. C. H. Hoxie, Basil
S. Grigsby and Miss Emma R. Faith.
Bailey -Lattok On ADDlcKate. Feb.
17th. 1884. John R. Bailer and Miss
Lola Layton.
Edwards Husset At the Glover hotel
in Jacksonville, Feb. 17th, 1884, by Rev.
J. A. Mover, J. T. Edwards and Miss
Georgio W. Hussey.
Willits. In Ashland, Feb. 14, 1884, to
Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Willits, a daughter.
Parker. On Big Butte, Feb. 11th, 18S4,
to Mr. and Mrs. C P. Parker, a son.
Grrrras In Ashland, Feb. 9th, 1834, to
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gittins, a daugh
ter. Hatpieij In Ashland, Feb. Oth, 1884,
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatfield, twin
DahneiJj In Jacksonville, Fob. .18th,
1834, of membraneous croup, Mabel
Darnell; aged 3 years, 3 months and 18
Kino On Forest creek. Fob. 14th. 1884,
infant daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. D.
King ; aged 4 months.
Interesting To t'ariner.
Rock Point, Jackson Co., Or., Jan.
26th, 1884.
D. M. Osborno & Co. , ,
Portland, Oregon:
Gentleman. I bought one of the
Oborne No. 11 Twiue.Binding.IIar
vesters for the harvest of 1883, and I
take pleasure in recommending it to
all farmers, for it gives perfect satis
faction in cutting and elevating the
grain, and in binding it. It is tbs
"boss." The more I use it the better
I like it The expense of harvesting
with the Osborne No. 11 is less than
heading sr reaping.
Yours truly,
G. W. Lance.
Ashland, Or., Jan. 25, 1884.
D. If. Oibsrno it Ca.
I boaiht one of your No. 8 Inde-
E indent self-rake Reapers this last
arrest. It did tha best of work I
ever saw dene with any reaper. I cut
some green oats hay, which was tha
heaviest work I ever saw dono with a
reaper. I raked off bunches that
would weigh n hundred pounds.
Yours, truly,
Bennett Million.
Miller & Co., at Ashland; F. Hubb
ard, Jacksonville, Phoenix and Med
ford, J. W. Hayes, Rock Paint, Agents
for Osborne machines.
Closing Oat ot Cost.
Our entiro stock of general merch
andise, in whole or in part, is now for
sale nt cost with a view of a change
in business. All indebted to us aro
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Reahes Bsos.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1884.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Connty Court of Jo3cphlne county,
titato of Oregon.
In tho matter or the enUte of Betsy A.
Cougle, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the Admin
istrator of said estate has filed in the
County Court of Josephine county, State
of Oiegon, his final account as such Ad
ministrator, and by order of said Court.
Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1884, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., is set for
hearing. objections to said final account;
and all 'persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified to appear and file his
or her objections to said account on or
before said day.
Published in the Oregon Sentinel, by
order of Hon. Garrett Crockett Judge of
said Court. RIAL M. COUGLB,
E. P. GEARY, Rfl. D.t
Physician And Surgoon.
Office in A.L. Johnson's building.
Colman's old stand.
Hereby informs the public that he Is dis
playing at the above stand a first
class' stock of
General Merchandise
Which he will soil
At Vsiy Low Prices.
Flia stock consists of
flrocerles, Provisions, Etc
Everything is fresh and of geod
Uy, and prices put down to
Tho Lowest SSotch I
S?"CouDtry Produce bought and sold.
Remember Colman's old stand, and give
me a call when in tawn.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
" Or1". OMo, Sept. 10, 18S2.
COLDS "Having been subject to a bron
chial affection, with frequent
colds, far a nnmbor of years, I hereby cer
tify that Avza's CncanT Pectobai. giTes
do prompt relief, and is the -most effective
remedy I have ever tried.
Jakes a. HAjntTO,
Editor of The Orctctnt."
" Mt. Oilead, Ohio, Jane 2C, 18S2.
COUGHS. " J hTe " Avr.R'8 Cherry
pECTOltAX. this epring for a se
vere coagh and long trooblo with good
effect, and I. am pleased to recommend It
to any one similarly affected.
Proprietor Globo Hotel."
Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Druggists.
33agle Point, Or.
The undersigned has opened a sslsnon
nt Eagle Point and asks his Inends and
the public generally to givo him a call
whun passing that way. Fino liquors,
wines and cigars nlways kept on hand.
Wm. Worutw.
Oakland Home
Of Oakland, California,
T. J. KENNEY, Local Agent.
Any business that Is worth running is
worth insuring. Therefore call oaT. J.
Kcnnoy at once and get a policy in the
Oakland Home.
Odd Fellow's Bnilding Jicksonille, Ortjon
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Tarnish, Glass'
Shot, Srushs, Chains. ose
I havo recured tbs aervlctai. a flrti clai
Mechnnla, and am prepared to do all repair
ing promptly and ia puperlor style.
JL I ara reccivlnpaml have conotautly
hand a full and flrst-class stock of
jE2rEvcrjtbl390ld at reasonable ratm.
Jsckfonnllf, Mi- o' , , 1S78.
Don't buy
want tho beat.
"floss IJoots" unless
Bee that our namo
is on overy pair.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of Ore
con, for the countv o( Jackson
Elizatcth J. Covert, I'lir.uitin
D. A. Covert, Deft. J ty for divorce.
To D. A. Covert. Defendant, greeting:
X Oregon: You arc hereby required to
appear in said court and answer the com
plaint therein tiled against you by tho
first day of the February term thereof
in 1884 to-wit by Monday the 11th day of
February 1884.
And you are notified that if you fail to
answer said complaint as above requlrrd.
the Plaintitt will apply to the court for
tho relief demanded therein to-wit: For
a decree dissolving the infringe contract
existing between I'laintilTaml Dtfendant
and for the care and enstody of the adopt
ed chiM Addio Liiclla Covert and chang
ing the name of 1'laintifl to EUibctU
J. I'unn and the the name of haul chitd U
Addio Luella Dunn and th-it the Defend
ant pay the costs and disbursements of
this suit.
This summon published by order of
Hon. II. K. Hanna Judge of Mid court
mado the 28th day of D(cenibcr 1883.
Atttorney for Plai tiff,
Nervous Debility.
DR. E. C. "WEST'S nerve and bnin
treatment, a specific for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, Slental Depression, Loss of Memory,
opennatorhoca, iuipotcnry, involuntary
emissions, premature old "age, caused by
over-exertion, sclt-abusc or over-indulg-ence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One bor will cure recent cases.
Each bos contains one month's treatment;
ono dollar a. box, or six boxes for five do),
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot
price. We guarantee six boxes to euro
any case. With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with five dol
lars, we will send the purchaser our writ
ten guurrn tee to return tho money if the
treatment docs not effect n cure. Gu ..an-
tces issued only by
Woodard, Cuiikk & o..
Wholesale ant' IMail Druggists, luir
laud, Oregon.
Orders by mail at ronlar prices
V. 8. AKIX, BEN BEIXI30, It. R.
id -. (," .