Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 02, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday. Febvauy 2, 1884
Notice A full attendance of mem
bers of Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe
2To. 1, luip'd 0. It. M., is requested
next Tuesday evening, as business of
.importance rill wiuin uji for tanaaction.
NoTtcfc. A larpp assortment of the
celehrtVeil Kew Home sowing ma
chities, the best ana cheapest in tha
market, have just been received at Js
3. Brooks' store. Call and examine
ificliX before purchasing elsewhere.
Quarterly Mkftixo. The second
quarterly meeting for Jacksonville cir
cuit, M. E Church, South, will be held
l Antioch school house on February
"9th nd 10th, 1884. Quarterly meet
ing for Williams creek circuit will take
ilace on Applegate on February lG'h
fend 17th. . E. G. Michabl, 1 E.
Furxiture for Sale. Owing to
jdkjtartuhs from Jacksonville I oflVr
icr sfciipj Without reserve,. a tirHt class
ksaortrilent of household and kitchen
furniture, embracing many nrticles too
-nu.nerou to mention. Call immedi
ately at my residence, near the district
"school-house, and see for yourselves.
Rout. Kahler.
, Sardine Creek Nursery. B. F.
(Miller of the Sardine erect nursery
lias a large number of young trees of
"superior quality, embracing the peach,
'prune, plum, apple, etc., which he offers
'for sale at reasonable rates. Parlies
who are about setting out orchards
should remember this, tor he warrants
"all of his treos to be as represented.
For Sale. Mrs. ,B. F. Dowell will
b11, at pducrd prices, dress goods,
woolen goods, fringes, lace?, table lin
"en, gent's fine linen hem stitched hand
kerchief, underclothing for ladies and
gentlemen of very fine quality, variety
of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton
'stockings for children, etc, very cheap.
Also school suits for boys to the age
of sixteen, from Biownsvills woolen
Arrested and Uiscuaroed. F. P.
Hognn this week arrested Frank Set
tie at Lebanon and Newt Yocum at
Roseburg, charging them with robbing
V. F. fc Co. near Grants Pass on the
18th of January. 1'hey were brought
here last Thursday, but without even
giving them mi examination they were
released shortly after their arrival, the
arresting officer stating that there ws
not enough evidence to convict. The
'chase seems to have been abandoned
Found Dead. A man named L.
Whiting was found dead in his room ut
to U. S. Hotel lafit Thursday after
'noon, suspicion of romething wrong
'"having been aroused by the fact that
lie hadbeen sick for Rometime past Rtid
Shad not been seen since the night be
fore. A coronerV jury summoned by
Justice HuflVr found that. he camo to
bin death from natural canst s. was a
native of Ma'ne, aged about 50 years
The sum of 2.75, an open faced nickel
watch ami some letters weie touiij on
his person but the papers failed todis
close the residence of any relatives
that he might have. He had been in
town only about one week past, stat
ing to those who formed his acquaint
nnce that he had been railroading on
Uha Northe-n Pacific and the 0 !;. C,
but had been compelled to quit on ac
count of ill heilth. His remains were
'buried in our cemetery yesterday.
New Bricks. Negotiations have
been pending for some time past be
tween the Red Men lodge of this place
;and C. W. Savage for the purchase of
the latter' land in the burnt district
and mitters were brought to a close
yesterday by thp sale of the. property
for $1,500. The dimensions of the
lot are 25x100 feet, but as it is to be
two stories high the ik-d Men will also
build over Howard's lot making it all
one building. Thb post office building
will also be repaired and a new brick
-iiut on Ryan's lot adjoining making
Xhat block a solid brick. While some
of our merchants came out loser by
"the fire the apjiearanca of our town
Vill be considerably improved when
"the new buildings are put up. C. W.
Savage reserves two lots on the other
'streets and the high prica paid was oc
cwsioned by the fact that several par
ties wanted the property. Jackson
"ville will make a lively corpse yet.
TnK Coming Event. Langtishe at
.Holt'i Hall Tickets are in bri-k de
Jmand for the entertainments of next
week. He is & gentleman of high soci
al standing as well as professional abil
ity, as proved .by the Denver (Col.)
Republican of Sept. 26 viz: "His trip
through Colorado, Montana, and Idaho
bai been a perfect ovation, and the
prew is nnamimous in praise of his
entertainments. He was the first to
b"ring a regularly organized dramatic
company to Colorado in th old times
of ox teams and 'prairii schooners' and
the same faculty of creating merriment
which so won the heartR of the audi
tors then, is still convulsing the people
-on his present tour. No more popular
ctor ever trod the boards. "Honest
Jack" as his business associates call
.liim. and "Jolly Jack" as he was called
by bis intimates, his entire career has
teen honorable in the extreme, and
numerous old friends wait anxiously
4o take him by the hand. The em--bodiment
of refinement and gentleman
ly good humor, his superior has not
appeared in latter days. In private
life, both' himself and wife are sterling
examples and their stage talent is un
questionable. He can causa the most
-excessive laughter by the most quiet
methods.'" The Portland papers all
mnito -in praising -his capacity for
llsncbmsking, and lay special -stress up
n the refinement of his plays.
Theatre next week.
Madame Holt is up and around
John Donegan, Jr., officiates at Jack
Call onT. J. Kenney and get your
property insured.
Engene Shelby and F.P. Hoganstart
ed northward ytv-terday.
Isaac Wolf will quit teaming and go
into business at iledford.
Mrs. Milo Walker died of puerperal
fever at Ashland this week.
A furnished room is wanted by a sin
gle man. Enquiie at this office.
J. H. Hoffman is now employed in
Miller & Co's tin shop at Ashland. .
For a cough or cold there is no rem
edy equal to A lumen's. Cough Syrup.
A relic in the shape of a newspaper
100 years old can be seen at Brooks'
P. McMahrm starts for Grunt's Pass
to-day to hi ing up the Langrisho
troupe. ,
D. W. Crosby jiow mixes cock tails
and plays billiard for the house at the
A daughter was bnm to the wife of
M. Mensor last night making t,be
County Commissioner Hall of Jose
phine county was in town several da) s
this week.
Pryor Eaton Has qait the Eagle
sample rooms and is succeeded by
Frank Bills.
Mot Obenchain and ?. Avery have
gone to the Lake country to look after
stock interests.
Henry Ankeny of Portland is in
the valley on a visit and is now at the
Sterling mines.
Miss Annie Short formerly of this
place, is now a student in Mills' Seni
inary of California.
Miss Mamie Brentano returned to
Portland last Thursday after a thort
visit with her sick mother.
Largo lots of vegetables are being
brcnghtto town from App'egiteby W.
R. Buck and Ed. Hendricks.
A- D. Rockfellow & Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon.
E'i Taylor of Williams creek is now
a resident of Jacksonville. He
brought his fine horses with him.
The railroad track is ballast vl as far
as France) Plymale's place. Capt. J.
H. Hyzrr is in charge of the work.
Valentines, both romic and senti
mental, for sale at Merritt & Robin
son's drug store and at Little it Chase's.
Residents of Phoenix should rem
ember that the LingrNhe troupe will
show at that place next Friday -'evening.
M A Brentano returned from Rose
burg this week and wns he will be
n-adv for business at Phoenix by the
15 h.
A one-legged boy has put uf. a boot
black stand in front of the U.S. Hotel
where you can gel fixed up for a bit a
Report says that a certain old bache
lor here has decided on quitting soli
taire and is now taking his tirst lessons
in crib.
The new Marshal" at. Ashland got
himself into trouble the first thing and
the case will probably require judicial
If nil thepirtie.s suspicioned had a
hand in the last stage robbery the
"divy" must have been srut.ll when all
were paid off.
John L.Sullivan, the man win can
liek anybody in the world, is now on
this coast giving exhibitions of his
strength and science.
Dr. J. W.Robinson returned from
Portland last Thursday. He reports
his mother's condition considerably
improved when he left.
A blue ribbon club of twenty mem
bers was organized here yesterday
those joiuing agreeing not to take more
than fifteen drinks per day.
Mrs. Cawley of Rock Point has been
offered a good telegraphic position at
Port Townsend, W. T. but we have
not heard of her acceptance.
Having sold all his furniture Robt.
Kahler and family start for Tacoma
next week to locate. P. Avery has
rented their residence here.
Lovers of fun should not forget the
masquerade ball to be given at Holt's
Hall on February 14th as a benefit for
the Jacks nille Brass Band.
Max Muller has got started up in
business again and has a large stock of
goods on the way. He can be found
in Orlh's brick for the prerent.
The firm of Haymond it Magruder
deny that they are going to move their
goods to Gold Hill statiou hut will re
main at their old stand at Rock Point
Dr. M. Vrooman has commenced
moving his stock of drugs and medi
cines to Medford anil will be ready for
business at the latter place in a fevv
A bill has beep adopted by the sen
ate committee for the government of
Alaska. It provides for the appoint
ment of a governor and other territori
al officers.
The railroad stition at Medford has
been placed on the opposite side of
the track from the town contrary to
former expectations of the residents
of the place.
Nunan always keeps up with the
timeskebping all the staple goods and
the latest novelties in articles required
by the ladies. He keeps a lare stock
to select from.
AH kinds cf masks for raJe-at Little
& Chase's. B. ltostel has also ordered
several dozen masquerade Buits -which
he will r.-nt for the ball on the night of
St. Valentine's day.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
at E.C. Brook' drug, wat:h, clock and
jewelry store. Hit machines aro a lit
tit; finer and his prices a little snugger,
than any other bugger's.
There are 1 600 railway trains start
ing from London, and 2,200 coming in
to that city every day and of the
whole number 1,750 are devoted to su
burban traffic within tlirty milos of the
Old lady Birneburg, mother of Mrc.
Lavenbur?, Mrs Furry and Fred Bir
neburg died at the residence of her son
lust Tuesday aged 82 years. She has
been a resident of this valley since
The matrimonial pirtnership be
tween John Foil and wife was d:ssolv
ed by the Superior Court t Yreka
last week. They will be remembered
as keeping a butcher shop here not long
Wm. Carll returned from his trip to
the Eastern States this week accom
panied by a sister and nephew. Billy
tays this country is good enough for
liim' and proposes slaying a while
James P. McDaniel announces him
self a candidate for the office of Ci'y
Marshal at the election next month.
Mr. McDaniel filled this position most
acceptably for several terms in years
gone by.
The instruments for the brass band
are at Grants Pass and should arrive
this week. The class has commenced
practicing regularly and is making good
progress under the leadership of Prof.
A Post of the Grand Army of the
Republic has been organized in Eureka,
designated as the "Col. S. G. Whipple,''
in honor of S. G. Whipple who ot one
time commanded the post at Fort
The best photos ever token in Jack
sonville can now be had at Britt's gal
lery. All the latest improvements in
the art have been supplied by the pro
pi irttor as the pictures will prove for
The commissioners court in response
to a petition of the residents of the dii
trict will consider the advisability of
changing and straightening the roatt
from here to Medford. Viewers were
appointed last term.
Justice Huffer has been kept busy
this week taking depositions in the
case nfT.be Payne school district vs. B.
F. Myer, S' C. Durkee et al. and also
a land ca.se I etween J. A. Houston
and Thou as Lj.wson.
The fire bovs came out with their
engine last Saturday on regular drill
and, make improvements in manage
'merit every timo 'they turn out. So'uief
good, substantial work can be relied
upon at the next fire.
The flour now made at Karewski's
mill is pronounced the best ever maiiu
factured in the valley by nil who have
tried it, which is saying a good deal
whenour former reputation in this line
is taken into consideration.
A postmistres recently resigned her
position in order to get married. This
is like jumping out of the frying pan
into the the, brciuse she knows she will
have to tit up nearly every night and
wait, till the male comes in.
A Wilderville correspondent signing
himself ''E. N." sends us a communica
tion on personal matters, but as we
dont know who "E. N." is and are not
in the habit of publising such stuff the
letter has'fouud its way to the waste
The change making Phoenix the
terminal station of the O. t C. R. R.
for mails and passenger travel will
probably be made about the 15th inst.
Until other arrangements are made
our mail fioin both ways will probably
coire from that station.
China new years was celebrated in
grand style this week by our celestial
population. Blandy, chicken and
roast hog were served in endless quan
tities and the din raised by tha fire
crackers and band kept the community
fully informed that a celebration wis
going on.
The 145th mile post, about a mile
above the stage road south of Ashland,
is the end of the division on which con
struntion is to be pushed as rapidly as
possible. No grading will be done
south of that point uniil after the win
ter is over, and as tha rock work be.
tween there and the state line will ro
quire much time, the 145th mile post
(145 miles south of Roseburg, and 1
mile south of Ashland) will no doubt
be he end of the track for many
Captain Tichenor tells an Associated
Press representative that th announce
ment of the sale of property at Port
Orford was premature. He &ays that
negotiations have been going on with
Eas;ern caj italists for the sale to them
of a large water froutage and other
property, but it is not yet consummat
ed. The object is to connect Port Or
ford, which has a good summer harbor,
by rail with the Oregon and California
railroad, making it the outlet for the
grain and other produce of Southern
Oregon and Northern California.
Telegraphic dispatches were received
here this week stating that R. O. De
Witt of Yreka was very low with
slight chances of recovery. George L.
Chase, his brother in-law, started oier
at once and yesterday he sent word
that Mr. DeWitt "died at 9.20 a. m.
"Bob," as he familiarly known in this
section, was nn old-timer on the coast,
and leaves a family and a large circle
of friends to mourn his death. His
daughters, Misses Minnie and Elb,
are also .down with the measles but
were reported improvingatlastaccounts.
-EiVan iv -jucauiea came, in irom
Linkville the.ther" day and reports
times very gooa,in ois section. He
informs U3 tlmt.a'public meeting was
held on thellihJto devise ways and
means for the buildjngcf a wpgon road
down Klamath river to connect with
the O. fc C. It RjMuch enthusiasm
was manifestedjand all necessary com
in it tees were appointed to carry the
project to a .successful termination.
A better road.arfd less snow is what
they hope to gain by the change.
The Californhrehd of the railroad is
now being pushed forward with the
greatest energy, work beng carried on
in grading cveYyvday the weather will
permit, while the tunnel work is never
suspmded day" or night. All the
Chinamen that can be secured, are
hired, as the company wants lo accutn
ulatea force ofK10,000 men by the
time spring opetis,"towards rushing the
road right through to the Oregon
bouudary. The.rpad is as good as
completed to Sacramento bridge as soon
as the big tunnel.' ia finished, and piers
are built for bridges at and above that
point, with grading in progress several
miles above the Sacramento river stage
road cros-dng. On reaching Shasta
Valley in this county, about six weeks
is the estiui!itPJjU.inie it will take to
run the road1 ttftKlamath river. There
are no indications yet of the land grant
torfeiture stopping the road at either
end, nor do Wev'think anything will
-top the completion now, since there is
so much business to be gained, and so
little work comparatively to complete
the road. "Journal."
Chief Engineer C. A. F. Morris
made a trip up to the Siskiyou and
Buck Rock tunnels last weeft. He
says the progress of work at the lontr
tunnel is ver) satisfactory about as
good time being made as on any simi
lar piece ot woik ever done on this
coast. At-thejBuck Rock tunnel the
working force is light, and no effort is
1 eing made by Ihe company to hurry
the tunnel through. Mr, Morris in
formed us thatifwas the purpc-e of
the company to.begin shipping freight
to Phoenix just as socn as shelter
could be provided for the freight and
accommodations for the depot agents
and telegraph operator, even though
the gravelling and .the ballasting of
the track be not entirely completed by
that time. The trains will be run at a
low rate of speed until the ballasting is
finidied. All the gravel for this part
of the valley has to be brought from
the banks near Rogue' River. Regard
ing the iron for the roid, Mr. Morris
said he thought the ship that was miss
ing with her cargo for Portland was
not loaded for the O. & 0. R. R.; but
if she were it would make no difference
n the extension of the track, as ar
rangenients hatl been made with the
O R. it N. Co., to secure all the iron
lueded on this road. "Tidings.'
Our Pensioners The following is
a'full list of the pensioners in this and
Josephine countvas taken from official
lecords at Washington, giving injuries
sustained and amount received:
Jackson county. Rhoda York, Ap
plrgate, dependent mother. 8 00;
Polk lull, Ashland, sprained ankle,
$2 00; J anies Laughlin. Ashland, sur
vivor of 1812, $8 90; Benj. S. Biker.
Big Putte, wmintled in foot, $5 00;
Oen Kei'gan, Jncksonwlle. suns'roke,
ilS 00; Marvin S. Wood, Egle Point,
wounded in lower jis and shoulder,
S6 00; Conrad Stillinger, Grants Pass,
chronic dropsy, SIS 00; Francis M.
Bryant, Grants Puss, wounded in leg,
54 00; Frank Kashafer, Jacksonville,
wounded in thigh, S6 00; Silas Rey
nobis, Jacksonville, wounded in hand,
4 00; Andrew J. Moore, Ja-kson-ville,
injury tffi'abdomen, 88 00; El
wood Smith, Jacksonvi.le, injury to
abdomen, 4 00; M. H. Colemnn,
Phoenix, wounded in arm and mouth,
S4 00; J. L Hockett, Phoenix, wound
ed in hand, 2 00; R. Griffin, PJioe
nix, wounded in fqpt, S4 CO; Joel S.
Smith, Phoenix, diseased liver, 12 00;
S. Sherman, wrjunded in forearm and
groin, S10 00; I. Fredenberg, Rock
Point, survivor of 1812, $8 00; A. C.
Johnson, Rock Point, loss ef leg below
knee, 518 00; Elizabeth Robb, Rock
Point, dependent mother, 8 00; Win.
S. Fitzgerald, Rock Point, di-ease of
abdomen. 4 00; Thos. H. B. Taylor,
Woodville, wounded in head. $18 00;
A. C. Spreer, Woodville, S18 00.
Josephine county. A. Sargent,
KerbwiUe, injury to hand, S3 00;
Geo. E. Burgess, Kerbyvillo, wounded
in neck and hand, 8 00; S. Abbott,
Murphv, survivor of 1812, S8 00;
James Woody, Wilderville, survivor
of 1812, SS'OO; W. E. McDuffee,
Williams, chronic diarrhea, $4 00.
Land TToticeC The following is
fnrnished fur publication by Register
Benjamin of the Roseburg land office:
Notice is hereby given that plats of
recent surveys of the following town
ships have been filed in this officn by
the survevorgener.il, viz: T. 30, S. R.
7, T. 30. S R. 8, T. 31, S. R. 5, T. 32,
S. R. 8, west. All parties residing
upon or c'aiming any of the abovo
lands not previously surveyed, will
have prior right to place their claims
on record in this office within 90 day?
from that date. -
T- 1) . L7. ...... f
Farming Machinery Miller t Co.
of Aihland are agents for the celebrat
ed D. M. Osborne t Co. farming im
plements, consisting of harvesters,
mowers, reapers and self binders, also
the Morrison anil Moline plows and
Sehuttler wagons. By shipping their
goods in large ilots direct from the
manufactories, land getting car-load
rates on freight,! they are enabled to
soil much lower -ihan others who pur
chase iu less quantities. Enquire
Business CuanAes A.G. Colvin of
Butte Creek has purchased the general
merchandise storefn this place owned
by L. C. Co'eman and will take charge
in a few days. Mr. Colvin is an old
hand at this business and will no doubt
do well and we with l.im the beat of
.success. J
Fernuale, W. T., Jan. 13, 1884.
"Ed. Sentinel: We nre liavmg a
fine winter, considerable of rain and
very little cold and only one snow thus
far. 1 can see no diffeience in the eli
mate around Paget Sound than Rogue
River Valley, Oreton. have been
here thirteen months. The northwest!
half of Whatcom county is the most
fertile part of the Territory that I
could find as a body. The lard is
quite level and a laige portion of the
laud is covered with beaver dams: but
there is plenty of fall to drain the land.
There is a large scope of country here
that ha'l grown heavy fir, cedar and
spruce but a number of years ago the
tire killed the most of the timber so it
has fell down, and has grown up to
alder, birch and willow. Consequent
ly we do not have very hard clearing.
But very poor roads as yet. There
aresime vacaut claims here yet. My
place is situated about four miles
southeast from Semiahmoo Bay, five
miles east from Birch Bay, and
seven miles northwest of Ferndalo on
the Nook-sack river. Steamers land
regular at each of these places so we
don't want a railroad in these parts, as
freighting can be done much cheaper
on water than by rail. Webfoot.
list of Letters
At the P. O. at Jacksonville, Ore. not
ralledfor Jan. 31st 1884 When calling
for the same say advertised.
Adams A. J. Hull Fressa Mrs.
Bailey John W. Harris E. J.
Baker W. L. Hasty C. F.
Beck Sa-nh A. Hay Jeremiah
Bricker Ed. Hiscock
Browning Mollie Houser John
Burget J. Kuettner F. D
Carter Alfred Larconi N. B.
Cook Olive Legan C. B. 2
Craver Freelock Lewis Dan
Dewey J. S. McCrandnn Thos.
Dirm Mandy McCortnick J. A.
Dairy B. B. Mack A. H. Nrs.
Eachane J, E. M.CIaren S. E Mrs.
Fellows H. H. Marshal Ceily 2
Foster Kate Martin Thomas
Gnttin Edwin Moomaw John
Hall A. R. PittM. P. Mrs-
Hall S. P. Poling W. H. 2
Reynolds J. 2 Thompsoa W. V".
Rogers'J. W. Townsend L-.
Schn'eder Fred Vanderdossen J. 4
Small W E. Walker J. W.
Steave John Washburn M.Mrs.
Steiber L. Miss West Pete
SteVeus M. E 4 Williams G. T.
Max Muller P.M.
Trouble at the Front. The re
port of the riot at Glendale, mention
ed yesterday, has tha following found
ation: On Saturday morning twenty
six moil white--who had been em
ployed as tracklavers on the O. t C. R.
R. extension, .had been discharged, the
company being done with theni for the
present. These men came down to Glen
ilale Saturday, having taken patent af
ter the discharged workmen at Pendle
ton and boarded a truin without tick
ets. They remained over Sunday nt
Glendale and made n perfect bedlam of
tho place, drinking, yelling, swear
ing, and knocking each other right
and left. MmrJav morning
they again hoarded the train, and the
conductor not wishing lt have a row
with these twenty six brawny, half
drunk- fellows, and not wishing to
haul them free, telegraphed to head
quarters for instructions. Theconuct
or was ordered to put them in a eepnr
ute car and bring them to Portland,
ff they demanded such a ride. This
was done and no further trouble en
sued and no five men werekilled, nor
anyone hurt. A p irtion of this crew
got off at Albany wiih a view of going
over to work on the Yaquina railroad,
and the remainder came on to this
city. "S audtird."
Riligiou3 Items. Rev. R C.
Oglesby will preach at Neil school
house on Sunday inoining, at tho u-ual
hour, and at A-hlanJ in the evening
Rev. M. A. Williams will hold
services at the Presbyteri.tn church in
this place -Sunday morning ind even
ing.... Elder M. Peterson pleaches at
.Mound school house next Sunday at 11
A. si ... . Regular services at the Cath
olic church in this place, Rev. F. X.
Bianchet officiating. .. .Rev. B. J.
Sharp will hold services at the new
town of Grant's Pass, bjth morning
and evening.... Rev. A. M. Russell
will hold services at Ashland Sunday.
Jury List. The following is the
list of jurors summoned for the Feb
ruary term of the circuit court for
Jackson county: J. W. Gilmore, G.
W. Bailey, J.H. Oat man, Sam'l Rob
inson, John S'agle, T P. Kahler. H.
H. Taylor, L F. Williams, E. P. Pick
ens, J. W. Ingram, Sam'l DuffielJ, J.
Rodgers, N. Webber, S. Patterson, W.
T. Lever, R H. Moore, S. R. Taylor,
I. W. Thomas, H Ammerman, E. B.
Barron, Chas. Anderson, H. V. Bache
lor, W. R. Potter, J. T. Layton, J. N.
Young, Jos. Hannah, C. F. Blake,
John Orth, S. A. Cailton, Thos. Mee,
Wm. Neil.
you need for Constipation, Loss of
Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms
of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents
per bottle. Brcoks can furnish it.
bon, Ind., sry8: "Both myself and
wife oir ourl ver to SHILOH'S CON
ST) MI'J 1 ON 3URE." Brooks keeps
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every bottb of Shiloh's Vita'izr.
It never fails to cure. Brooks can
furnish it.
, 'lilns Out at Cott.
Our entire stock of general merch
andise, in whole or in part, is now for
sale at cost with a view of a changii
in business. All indebted to us are
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Reames Pros.
Jacksonville, Jan. 6, 1854.
ir i atom49ii.;:
Just Think of It! More than Seven
Thousand Bpttles of AmmEn's Couoii
Syrup nAVF. been Sold at Retail in
the City of San Jose, California,
within the Last Two Years.
Dips that nn. tirnvp thxt those who
have used it buv it again, and recom
mend it to their friend', an 1 that it is
what wo claim for it the best remedy
in the world for a cough or co'd and
that is rapidly becoming known and
appreciated, in spite of opposition from
the doctors and druggists? And thi-
ininnhsd sale has been created without
any humbug apvertising, or publishing
testimonials. It lias come to our
knowledge that certain physicians and
druggists ork against and try lo in
jure the reputation of this mediciuf.
If a druggist, he wants to sell you
cmething h- makes himself at the ex
pense of a few cents, or some patent
medicine upon which there is a larger
profit; if a physician, he wishes vou to
come to him and pay for a prescription,
instead of buying a bott'e of Ammen's
Cough Syrup. Now, the siraj la fuels
in the case ore, that we honestly be
lieve that we have the best remedy in
the world for colds, coughs and lung
complaints. And we hereby make,
this off-r: We will pay $1,000,00 in
gold coin to anv phvsicion. or board of
physicians, toany drugqist.or combina
tion of druggists, who will furnish us
a prescription superior as an efficacious
and safe family remedy. In other
words, and to put the offer so plain
.that none can mistake, we chall-nge
the world to produce or invent a super
ior ior remedy to Ammen's Cough Syr
up. AsfcyourdruggUt or denier for it;
don't suffer yourself to be fooled, or
persuaded to try something eise; trv it
yourself, then you will know just what
it is, and can tell your friends of it.
It is for sale by all the larger druggists
and dea'ers on th1 Pacific Coast and
tivery where.
a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. At Brooks.
pepsia and Lirer Complaint) Shiloh's
VitnlizT h guaranteed to cure you.
E. C. Brooks, agent.
able by that terrible cough. Shiluh's
Cure is the remedy for you. For sale
at E. C. Brooks'.
CATARRH CURED health and
sweet breath secured by Shiloh s Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents Nusul
Injeutor free. At Brooks'.
OncNCiiux Baker At the resilience of
IJ. Obenchain. Willow Springs precinct,
Jau. 28th, by Rev IJ..T. Sharp. Maldom
Obenchain and tisa Julia II. Baker.
Morton Robertson In this city, .Tan.
29th by Hon. S. .7. Pay. ibuntv judge,
W. C. I'Ortun and ili-s' Viola Kobertson.
Cakdwkll In tlTs city, Jan. 30th, to Mr
and Mrs. C, I). Card well, a son.
Hoxik On Williams creek, Jan. 27th,to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoxie, a son.
Geddis. In Jacksonvil e, January 31,
18S4. to the wife of J. C. Geddis a son.
3Jox.- IVX:.V:ri3!i.-vl.
The undersigned hereby informs the
voters of Jacksonville that he is a candi
date lor the office of Town Marshal, and
respectfully solicits their suffrages at the
ensuing election.
Jas. P. McDaniel.
Jacksonville, Fek. 2. 1881.
Oakland Home
Of Oakland, California,
T. J. KENNEY, Local Agent.
Any business that is worth running is
worth insuring. Therefore call on T. J.
Kenney at once and get u policy in the
Oakland (Ionic.
Land Office at Rosnnuiin, Ou. )
January 28, 1S81. )
Notice is hereby given that the follow.
in-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final ppof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Clerk of Josephine coun
ty, Oregon, at Kerbyville, on Saturday,
March 8. 1SS4, viz: B. M. Gwin Prc-eni-tion
D. S. No. &20 for the S f of S K '.i.
S E hi fS W if Sec. 7 and N K J. of X '
JN K if Sec. 1ST. lie names tlio to low
ing witnesses to prove his continuous res
idence upon, and cultivat.nn of, said land,
viz: Milton Itruckm.in, II. M. Chanin,
Hiram Simpkens and Wm.Asher, allot
Jump-off-Ioe, Josephine county, Oregon.
Wm. FV Benjamin, Register.
"One year ago I ttcu Induced to try Avkr's
Pills as a remedy for Imllst-fttlnii, Con
stipation, and Headache, from which I
had long been a great suHVrer. Commenc
ing with a Uoinc of live I'L11, I found their
action easy, and obtained prompt relief. In
continuing their use, a single Pill taken
after dinner, daily, has been all the n.cll
cino I havo required. AVI'k'h Pills have
kept my system regular nnd my he.id clear,
ami benefited mo more than all the medi
cines ever beforo tried. Every person niin
itarly atllictcd should know their value.
IK SUto St., Chicago, Juno C, 1SH2.
Jt. V. WATbOJr."
For all di4isesrf the stomach and bowels,
trv Ar Kit's riLlJ".
rKKr ten nv
Dr.J.C.AyeruCo., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggets.
Dissolution RToticc.
Xoticc is hereby given that the partner
ship h ret'ifore vxiMing between the un
dersigned, doing business in Jacksonville,
Oreirou, under the h'nu name ot Dunlap
ifc Whipp, is this d iy dissolved by mut
ual consent, 11. S. UunUip retiring. All
accounts, etc., arc payable to .1 Whipp, j
who also assumes the indebtedness of the
late firm. K S DcM.r, I
J Win pp. I
Jackson; lllc, Jan. 19 11. I
(Md Fellow's Ruilding J'tckscnille, Crtfon
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oifs, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Srushs, ChaiRB, JIoso
I hare .veun-d I'm rervires of a flr clam
Mechanic, and am prepared to dr. .ill repilr
ii'K promptly atd in t-upvrior tjl.
L I am receiving and have coiwlaully on
hand a full and QrBt-c!aii stuck of
ii LA SS W A E, cnOCK EK V, Ac.
Wr"Evfr)lhir.5So!d atredrotM rates.
Jarksonville, Marcl,9, 1878.
Don't imy "Iinss Hoots" unies you
waut the best. See that our name
is on every pair.
In the Circuit Court of the St.ite of Ore
gon, for the county ol Jackson
EliabclhJ. Covert, Hfcuit n
D.A.foveVt,I)oft. ) f,,r d,TOn
To I). A. Covert. Defendant, greeting:
L Oregon: You arc hereby required M
appear in said court and answer the com
plaint therein tiled againn you by tho
tirst day of the February term thereof
in 1S8-1 UMvit by Monday the llth tl-iy of
February 1884.
And you are noli lied that ifyiu f lil to
answer said complaint as above reipiirt-d
the I'laintitI ill apply to the court for
the relief demanded therein to-wit; For
a decree dissolving the in irriage contract
existing between I'iaiutiffand Defendant
and lor the care and cn-tody of the adopt
e.l c'liM Addie Luclla Covert and eh.uig
ing the name of I'laintiir lo Elizabeth
J. I'unn and the the name of slid child to
Addie I.nelU Dunn and lh.it the Defend
ant pay 'lie coats and disbursements of
this suit.
This summons published by order of
Hon. H. Iv. Hanna Judge of said court
mule the 28th day of December 1883-
Atttorncy for I'laii.tift"
Nervous Debility.
R. E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain
XJ treatment, a specitU: for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions Nvitoiis Head
'ffi Tj . ... ' ."iff l
o rn fe'Lh
ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory,
Spermatorhoca, Impoteney, Involuntary
emissions, premature o'd age, caused by
over-exertion, selt-abuse or over-imlu'g-ence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One box will cure recent cases
Each box contains one month's tieatmenl,
one do tar n box, or six boxes for live dot
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ol
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure
any case. Willi each order rceiivtd by uu
for six Imxcs, accompanied with live dol
lars we will send the purchaser our writ
ten guarrntce to return the money if tho
treatment docs not effect a cure. 'Guaran
tees issued on'v by
Woodarp, Cl aim t Co .
Wholesale am' I Hal) Drujgioi., F .'
land. Oregon " ,
Urd. is by mail at uj liar pmes