Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 26, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday. January 20, 18S4.
Attention FmF.iius. Tim members
of Jacksonville Fire Engine Co. are
noti6rd to be on hand this afternoon
t two o'clock for drill.
Chris Uluich, Foreman.
Finn. A Chimnpy burning out in
Chinatown last Saturday night brought
but the firo department in good time
showing tha they can b relied upon
Vrhon required. No damage was done
by the fire, only a few Chinamen ot a
light ducking while hunting for the
To thf Traveling Public.- The
completion of the N. P. R. R. has
relieved tho C. &. O. stage line of
the transportation of an enormous
Cjnantity of mail, and the company are
liow prepared to carry all who apply
to them for passage, north or south,
ilnd pat tbem over the road in good
Fdrxithrb for Sale Owing to
titpmur'e from Jacksonville I offer
for ealr, without reserve, a firkt class
iwortment of household and kitchen
furniture, embracing many articles too
hu.neroup to mention. Call immedi
ately at my residence, near the district
School-house, and see for yourselves.
Rout. Hauler.
Close Call. While two f Judge
Day' children were scuilling over the
possessien of a pitchfork this week a
younger sistpr was accidentally struck
!n ths eye inflicting a wound that was
at first thought would affect her sight.
Dr. E. P. Geary, of Abhlaud, was
called who with Dr. Aiken of this place
porformed an operation and the little
fcufierer is now doing well, the Doctors
Baying that there is no danger of loss
bf eyesight.
Rel'oious TtilMs The second
quarterly meeting of the M. E. church
for this circuit will be. held at Phoe
nix Saturday and Sunday. Rev. 15.
J. Sharp will officiate in the absence
bf the presiding elder and will hold
set vices today at 11 o'clock a. m.
... Regular services at the Catliolir
church in this place, Rev. F. X. Blan
chet officiating Rev. M. A. Will
iaras will hold sTvics at the Presby
terian church in this placn Sunday
rnoriiing and evening. .. .Elder M.
Peterson will preach at Rrown--boro
Kunday morning at eleven. .. .Rev.
3J. C. OgleBby will huld services in
Jacksonville Sunday morning and
vening. . . . Rev. B. J. Sharp will hold
fcerrices at Ashland next Sunday even
Plkasant Affair. The newly
elected officer of Ruth Rebekah De
gree Lodg No. 4, L O. 0. R, wprt
installed by Pust Grand Master, B yer
lt Stonday evening and after con
cluding the cerf.muuie the members
rvljuurned to the Club Room where a
InuH excellent suppt had been spread
by the lady member of the lode
which was discussed with a relish uy
b11 present. The following is a list of
the officers installed': N. G., .Mrs. F.
j.uy; V. G.; Mrs. John Miller; R. S,
"W. J. Ply male; F. S., Mrs. C. W
Savasjp; Treasurer, Mrs. K. Kubli; W.,
N. Fisher; C, Fred Luy; R. S. N. G.,
Mrs. N. Fisher; L. S N. G., T. B.
Knt; R. S. V. G., Mrs. W. Ji Ply
hiale; L. S. V. G., Mrs. Chris Ulrich;
I. G., A. H. Maeglv; Trustees, Frank
Krause, K. Kubli, Mn. W. J. Ply
Wlo. Another Stacie Rodbkry. The
t)Terland stage coming south from
'Grant's Pass last Friday, the 18th,
was stopped by two highwaymen about
two miles north of the 23 mile house
land the driver, Ah. Gidding, ordered
to throw out W. F. & Co's. box. This
ordar was complied with at once when
th driver was ordered to go on. When
reaching 23 mile home the alarm was
given and W. J. Stanley sent back to
Grant's Pass to notify the agent and
officers there but up to this time no ar
rests have been made although soveral
parties are suspicioned. The box,
which was found about one half mile
I this sid of Grants Pass last Thursday,
kuitutinnu suiu in money, a biiver
watch: letters and several other small
packages of axpress matters. The'let-
ters were ail torn open but left ii the
box while the money and watch were
missing. $600 of tha money belonged
, lo W. G. Kennsy, who was a passenger
or tna stage at the time.
LEDFOitD, In company with sever
al others we paid a visit to the new
town of Medford this week and found
considerable activity there in the build
ing line. The lumber for the depot
buildings has commenced arriving from
the north and the work of putting it
Up will be commenced at once. A
lwater tank to be run with windmill
power will also be placed here. A mong
the business men who have got started
in business we noticed the following:
J. S. Howard, with a stock of general
merchandise and Sara Hadlpy in the
same line of business. McMahon &.
Egan keep a livery stable there well
supplied with livery outfits to go to
any part of tho country. Two saloons
hare also opened out there, one kept
by Werk fc Batterton and the other by
IT. E. Stanley, both appearing to do a
Igood business. The new building for
loman & Millers drue and hard-
rare store is about finished and a por
tion of their stock has already arrived
so tnat they will be ready to commence
business in a few days. Besides this
there are two blacksmith shops owned
Hagle fc Mulvaney and Geo. W.
;rysTAl a boarding house by Wm.
Lnele and a butcher shoo nnd bnrtior
nihop owned by parties whose names we
lid not learn. Several other buildings
are in course of construction, one beine
Va substantial hotel building owned by
. jr- Cunningham of this place.
It commenced raining yesterday
Send in your announcements for
city offices.
Girls, it is leap year; let no guilty
man escape.
Surveyor General Tolman wai in
town this week.
Medford is petitioning for a separate
s:hool district
John Miller received a, lot of new
goods this week.
Pay your school- tat before it be
comes delinquent. ,
Henrv Pap, Jr., is again employed
in the "Times" office.
A horse race for $100 a side is to
J come ofFat Phoenix to day.
The instrument for the brass band
are exected to arrive next week.
County Treasurer Dt-Lamatter of
Josephine county is in town on a visit.
For a oujih or cold there is no
remedy eaual toAinmeu's Cough Syrup.
Another fire bell to cost $100 has
been ordered by the Boird of Trustees.
John O. Shoemako died at Williams
creek this week aged about 25 years.
Most all the miners are idle yet not
having sufficient wuter to work with.
Roscburg sold seventy eight coffins
for burial purposes during the past
W. Harrio t's blacksmith shop on
Applegate burned down one night this
Go to Merritt k Robinron's City
drug store for toilet sets and odor
The whistle of thelocomative can be
heard distinctly when passing through
the valley.
The railrond construction work now
going on leaves about $100,000 in the
valley each mouth.
The political pot has already com
menced simmering and it not be many
months before it boils over,
David Loring riht of way ngent
for the railroad company started for
Portland th.s week to temain.
A. D. Rockfellow &. Co., Attorneys
and Counselors at Law and Real Es
tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon.
Look out for rountnrfeit silver coin.
Considerable of ihe "quer" is now in
circulation at the railroad towns.
Adurel Chapter of Eastern Stars
will only nv-et once a month af'er this
the lait. Thursday in the month.
B G. Cabnniss iig d 20 years, son
of Dr. T. CabanisH, late of -he U. S.
A. died at A-toiia on the 5th inst.
Crtpt John Smith, ex-agent of Warm
Sprint: Indians, died at his home in
East Portland, Friday night, ngeJ 78.
A flag-stone side walk and a lamp
are the latest improvements ordeied
by the Tiustees for the engine house.
Dr. J. W. Robinson has not. ypt
returned the condition of his mother
having improved very little si..ce last
week. '
Miss Mamie Brenlano returned
from Portland this week to visit her
mother. She will return again in a
few days.
Thecaso of W. P. Huff vi. C. W.
Broback has been transferred from the
Lake county court docket to that of
Jackson county.
All of the defendants held in the
Kelly-Ruble war for riot have given
bail and are now at liberty until court
time next month.
Dr. Mary Walker, attired in a full
black suit, fur-bound overcoat and
black plug hat, paid Tier respects to the
President on New Year's day.
Bilger & Maegly continue doing a
good business notwithstanding dull'
times, lhey always keep a largo stock
to select from and sell at small profits.
Tho contract for putting caps on
the chimneys of the Court House was
awarded to K. Kubli this week and
the work is now being done in good
Mrs. KreutzT has secured the as
sistance of a first class baker from Port
land and is prepared at all times to
furnish fresh bread in any quantity
The greatest public loss by the late
fire was the "burning up" of Savage's
well. An effort should be made by
our citizens to have it cleaned out and
Very bad colds are now the prevail
ing epidemic here, and as we have
been one of the sufferers we hope our
patrons will excuse anv shortiomiiiL's
utftff v nek.
The end of the railroad track is now
about one mile above Phoenix and a
change will soon be made to mace that
the terminus for passenger travel and
mail purposes.
The Northern Paiific railroad has
finally succeeded hi finding a president
in the person of Robert Harris, late
Vice President of the New York, Lake
Erie anJ Western railroad.
T. C. Howard, the genial advance
agent for the Langrisho troupe was in
town yesterday making arrangements
for their performance here on the 4th,
5th, 6th, and 7th of next month.
This division being about completed
Mr. S. L. Dolsen, the locating engineer,
will go to Portland next week to make
his final report. Mr. Dolsen has made
many friends while here who will be
sorry "In bear of his leaving. He has
been offered a position on the North
ern line which he will most likely accept.
Max Brentano has gone into the gen
eral merchandise baseness again and
will open out at Phoenix with a full
stock of goods in about a couple of
A petition for the appointment of J.
S. Howard as Postmaster at Medford.
has been forwarded to Washington and
his commission is looked for soon. A
good appointment.
The railroad pay train went through
the valley this week and made ths boys
on the road happy once more. They
did not come to Jacksonville this trip
as the trains now run past us.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock,
and jewelry store. His machines are
a little finer and his prices a little
snugger, than any other bugger's.
Mr. J. S. Stormer, who has been
employed on the carpenter work en the
court house for some time past, was
called to Ashland this week to accept:
a position on the police force of that
We have heard of a most disgraceful
proceeding at Ashland over the dead
body of a man who died there last
week, but. in order to gain further par
ticulars we forbear making comments
The many friends of O. P. Tomp
kins, formerly of Albany, will be glad
to learn that he has so far recovered
from his recent ailment as to again op
pear. U on the streets of Salem as a
With goods saved from B. Fishfr'd
store Max Muller has opened out
again in Orlh's brick here the post
office is now located. The goods must
go at some price as he proposes c'osing
that slock out as soon as possible.
The military board purchased twenty-six
head of mules at Yreka and
thirty five hpre, at an average price of
about $150 each. They were started
north" ard last Thursday taking the
cars at Gold Hill station.
Robt. Kahler returned from the
north this week and informs us that
he intends going into the drug busi
ness atTucoma. He will leave again
in a few days, taking along his family
and Miss Sabie Cardwell.
Dowxif.ville, Cal, July 18th,
1882. T am selling Amman's Cough
Syrup, and the sties are gradually in
creasing. It gives good satisfaction.
V. P. Smith,
'Miner's Drug Store," Downiuville,
Prof. J. W. Merritt. principal ot
the Jacksonville public schools, has
been elected a member of the State
Bo.ird of Examination a position for
which he is eminently qualified, being
one of the leading educators of the
"Track-laying on the Walla Walla
anl Pendleton branch of the Oregon
Riilway and Navigation Company's
r ad is still progressing, and iron is
now laid to Adams, a distance of
about fourteen miles from Baker Citv
The lesson of Henry Yilhrd's sky
rocket carefr should teach us news
paper men not to put our money into
wildcat rai road enterprises. The old
way of letting our wives salt it down
in their alpaca dress pockets is the
best way after all.
After all, tho coachman and the
actor have something common they
urn both pretty apt to succeed if
they handle their lines well. The
reason of Plymale's success in business
is partly due to the low prices he
charges for teams.
There was a man once upon a time
who thought himself wondrous wise.
He swore by all the fabled gods he'd
never advertise. But his goods were
adArtised ere long, and thereby hangH
a tale; the ad wai sot in nonpireil, and
headed sheriff's sale.
Ezra Thomas of California was ar
rested on Butte Creek this week on a
charge of cattle stealing but released
on a writ of habeas corpus by Judge
Webster. Joseph Randies and Win.
Gray Thomas' son-in law, are the
ones who brought the charge.
Judging from the prices offered and
paid for Jacksonville property this
town can hardly be called on the de
dine. Ihe Red Lion saloon building
owned by J. A. Cardwell was sold this
week to Thos. Riley for $2,000. The
building has a frontage of 30 feet and
is 100 feit deep.
There will probably be another hi"
trial in the suit for $75,000 damages
by Henry Herzog against N. D. Julien,
in consequence of the judgment for
over $12,000 being set aside, and a
new trial oidered. We hear it ru
mored that defendant will ask the
Court for a ekangeof venue. "Yreka
"When I die, my boy," said a rath
er festive Pittsburg man to his son,
'I don't want any floral pilow with
'Father' or 'Rest' on it, simply the let
ters 'S. Y. L.,' nothing more." "And
what, dear father, are these letters to
signify?" "They stand for the words
'See You Later.'"
William Eddings was convicted of
the murder of W. P. Thompson at the
last term of Circuit Court in Douglas
county, the jury finding him guilty of
murder in the scond degree. As
usual the defense takes exception to
the decision and has appealed the case
to the Supreme Court.
Mr. B. F. Miller, of the Sardine
Creek Nursery on Rogue River, re
turned from a protracted visit to the
Willamette valley this week. He is
now well supplied with all kinds of
fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery,
etc., allof -which is warranted hardy
and productlf p. He has a large lot of
prune and plum trees a fruit that
should be cultivated by every farmer
in this section.
F. G. Schwalka to the Arctic board at
Washington to take command of the
vessel soon to be- fitted out to go in
search of Lieut." Greely and party.
SchwatKa's success on his former
Arctic expedition entitles him to high
consideration as fin explorer.
Enough brick have been secured to
rebuild the post-office building and
the work will soon be commenced.
No definite arrangements have yet been
made in regard to the other places in
the burnt district? mostly on account
of the scarcity of building material,
and partly on account of npgo'iations
pending for the transfer of some of the
rsal estate.
While -at Kerbyville this seek set
ting up the monument over the grave
of the late Geo. Grotz; W.L. Record
took an order for a fine monument
for the McCormick Bros, of Crescent
City, to be placed over the remains of
their father and brother. Pat McMa
hon has also ordered a monument of
Mr. Record to nj the last resting
place of his sou vWhs-Catholic ceme-ter-
.,.. ...
Many druggists recommend, and try
to sell what pais tbem the largest prof
it. Do not be deceived. Ask for Am
men's Cough Syrup. Take no other.
The remedy stands on its own merits.
You can buy a sample bottle for 15
cents, and tPst it yourself. Larger
bottles at 50 cents and $1. Ask to
see the larger iize and read the wrap
per. Eugene Shelby, general route agent
for W. F. it Co , accompanied by ex
sheriff F. P. Hogan of Roseburg and
A. J. Barlow were in town this week
on business connected with trying to
find the guilty parties connected with
the late stae robbery. The result of
their investigations was not made pub
lic but as no arrests were made it is
likely that no trace was found.
Last Tuesday, near Roseburg, Louis
Wenner was stabbed bv Charles An
derson, five cuts being inflicted, three
on the hack and shoulders and two on
the head. The instrument used was a
small Pocket knife. The tliffienltv
grow out of a settlement of business
affairs. It is claimed that Wenner
was armed with a club and had rocks
in his pocket with which to atlcck
Anderson. The wounds inflicted are
slight, and Wenner will soon be all
right. i
It is the policy of the prpspnt man
agement of the Northern Pacific to
make Tacoma the Western terminus
of the load. The large shops of the
Company will be built at this San
Francisco of the Norih Pacific, as
Tacoma is alrpady called.- Commander
Gorringe U in communication with the
company for a lint of- Steamers from
IVcnma to YokohnniaT'"The distance
lo Japan is 6000 miles -'and in fay or
of Tiiconia as compared with San Fran
Messrs. Jacob Thompson and A. P.
Hammond, who went to Jacksonville
last Saturday, were handed the new
town map of Ashland, to be delivered
to the County Clerk and by him
placed on record. The map a roll
about three and a half feet long as
lost out of their buggy and has not
since been heard of. They think it was
lost between Wagner cieek and Phoe
nix. A liberal reward will be paid
for the delivery of the map to tho au
thoiities here. "Tiding."
Loui Mon, a sleek looking China
man, is in the city as agent of Sisson
ifc Crocker, railroad contractors of Cali
fornia, t procure Chinese laborers.
He wishes to engage a large number
to work on the Oregon branch of the
Central Pacific. About 3000 men
are now at work on this line, and it is
desired to push it forward to a connec
tion with the O. & C as speedi'y as
possible. There is also an application
here for Chinaman to work on the
Eureka and Humbolt road, and it is
probable that the greater number of
unemployed Chinesa hare will soon
take their departure for California.
A correspondent of the "Oregonian"
asking what it wil' cost to go from
Portland to the Coeur d'Alene mines,
gets the following reply from that
paper: No regular transportation
line between the railroad and the mines
has been put into operation, though
several have been organized and will be
ready for freight and passengers learly
in the spring. Superintendent Captain
Sanburn, superintendent of the Coeur
d'Alene Steam Navigation company,
has written to the officers of the com
pany here that boats will be able to
land within eight miles of the mines.
In that case, this will likely be the
most direct and comfortable route from
Portland. Railroad fare from Port
land to Ratbdrum is $23 35;Rathdrura
to Coeur d'Alem city, on the lake (ten
miles), by stage, about $1. Rates
from Coeur d'Alene to the mines
steamboat and stage or horseback
ought not to exceed $12 or $13; mak
ing about $40 from Portland to the
mines. Spokane Falls is organizing a
transportation company, to run six
horse stages and frpight teams from
that city to the mines. Railroad
fare from here to Spokane Falls is
$24 60.
For lame B,ick, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster., Price 25
cents. For sale at Brooks, ff-
sumption Cure is sold by us on aguar
antee. It cures consumption. Call at
and Bronchitis immediately relieved
bv Shiloh's Cure. Brooks, agent.
so quickly cured hy Shiloh'a, Care.
e guarantee it. Jtirooks keeps it.
Laugrmie- Hie Comedian.
One of the best and most highly
respected comedians of America will
make his first appearance in Jackson
ville February 4th and remains four
nights, the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th. He
has lately concluded a most success
ful engagement at the New Market
Theatre Portland, and received most
extravagant praise trora the entire
press of the city. There aro resi
dents of this placn who knew him in
other states and all speak of his abili
ties as a laugh maker in the highest
terms. His sunnortinir oimnmr io
entirely frcm the East, and consequent
ly new to this section. The "Oregon
ian" of 'December 18th says: "Lan-
gnshe has a way of keeping his audi
ence in roars, and in a quite neat way
too, ana accomplished what is most
dexired in a rmneriinn Tha lvTn 1.
a Maze" is a funny creation and goes
with a snap from the rise to the drop
of thn curtain " The "Standard" of
December 22d continues, J. S. Lan
grishe has probably caused more
laughter at thej Now Market Theatre
than any one comedian ever before in
bis city," and the "Northwest News"
endorses thus: "Langrishe has caused
more laughter during his stay than
any comedian that has visited Port
hnd for years." The entire pro
gramme is to bo changed at each per
To judge from this""unstinted praise-,
it is probable that" Jacksonville is to
have the greatest dramatic treat, that
has ever been offered and such an op
portunitv as may not again occur for
years. Reserved seats are on sale at
Reames Bros.
A Railroad Prksidext." J. M.
Boaer, forinarly of this town and
county was recently elected President
of the Oregon railway company limited
At the election of the board of di
rectors Mr. Bower voted 19,996 of the
20.000 shares. Thus the Douglas
county boys are placed in positions of
prominence and responsibility. It
seems to be only necessary for a man
to state that he is a native of jDouglas
county, or has married a Douglas
county girl to entitle him to a position
of prominence in Portland. Hurrah!
for Douglas county "Plaindealer."
Farming Machinery Miller & Co.
of Abhlaud are agents for the celebrat
ed D. M. Osborne it Co. farming im
plements, consisting of harvesters,
mowers, reapers and self binders, also
the Morrison and Molina plows and
Schutller wagons. By shipping their
goods in large lots direct from the
manufactories, and getting car-load
rates on freight, they are enabled to
sell much lower than others who pur
chase in less quantities. Enquire
For Sale. Mrs. B F. Dowell will
sell, at rvilucptl prices, dress goods,
woolen goods, fringes, laces, table lin
rn, grnt's fine linen hem stitched hand
kerchiefs, underclothing for ladies and
gentlemen of very fine quality, variety
of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton
stockings fur children, eta, very cheap.
Also school suits for boys to the age
of uixteeu, from Brownsville woolen
ClixInsOul at CiMt.
Our entire stock of general merch
andise, in whole or in part, is now foi
sale at cost with a view of a change
in business. All indebted to us are
notified to call and Fettle without do
lay. Reames Bros.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1884.
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sewing ma
chines, the best ana cheapest in thn
market, have just been icceived at K
C. Brooks' btore. Call and examine
them before purchasing elsewhere.
a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. At Brooks.
pepsia and Liver. Complaint? Shiloh's
VitalizHr i? guaranteed to cure you.
E. C. Brooks, agent.
able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you. For sale
at E. C. Brooks'.
CATARRH CURED health and
sweet breath secured by Shilohs Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents Nasal
Injector free. At Brooks'.
you need for Constipation, Loss of
Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms
of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents
per bottle. Brooks can furnish it.
bon, Ind., stys: "Both mvself and
wife ore eurl jvee to SHILOH'S CON
SUMPTION SURE." Brooks keeps
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every botth of Shiloh's Vita'izer.
It never fails to cure. Brooks can
furnish it.
Walker. Near Ashland. Jan. 18, 1834.
to Sir. and Mrs. Milo A. Walker, a son.
Daley. -In Ashland, Jan. 22, 18S4, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Daley, a daughter.
Kassiiakfer. In Jacksonville. January
24. 1B84, to the wile ot .trans: h.as
haffer, a daughter.
Pcrsell. In Jacksanville, Jan. 10th,
1834, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Purselia
Kent. In Phoenix, Jan. 20th, 1884. to
Mr. and Mr3. James Kent, a daughter.
Goddard. On Waencr creek, Jan. 23d,
1884. to Mr. andllnfc Hendricks God
tlard, a son.
Joxes. On Appleirate, Jan. 21st. 1884, to
3Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Jones, a daughter.
Gaok. In Roseburg, January 16th. 1884,
nC. 1 ' II T! .! r T .
wi I'uiaij-ais, airs, jiuuii. wue ui ticsse
uagp. nei R1'
HACKMEi'ACK," a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50
c?nts. For sale at Brooks.
piately relieve Croup, Whooping cough
and Bronchitis. Call at Brooks.
WHY WILL YOU cough? Shiloh's
cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts. 50 cts. and $1. For sale at E
C. Brooks.'
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme
dy. Price 50 cents. . Brooks, agent.
ARE YOU MADE miserable hy in
digestion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite
yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a
positive cure. E. C. Brooks, agent.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship hrretnfore existing between the un
dursigncd, doini business in Jacksonville,
Oregon, under the firm name of Dunlap
& Whipp, is this day dissolved by mut
ual consent, R. S. Dunlap retiring. All
accounts, etc., are payable to J. Whipp,
who also assumes the indebtedness ot" the
late firm. K. S. BosiAi',
J. Wmrr.
Jacksonville, Jan. 10. 1884.-
Masquerade Ball
Jacksonville Brass Band
Holt's JEZsill,
February 14 18 B4.
Ulcmtios Comimttkk. Win. Linn,
John Dyar and George Neil.
Music Committkk. . Schmidt, John
Bilger and Fletcher Linn.
Fixor "Managers. Frank Kasshafer,
J. G. Birdsey.Joe. Mensor.llugh Douegan
and Ed. Helms.
Tickets including supper, $1.50 each.
Grskral Cojimittkk J. G. Biruscy,
Ed. Helms, Jas. Cronemill r and Hugh
All maskers will be identified by a
committee before entering the ha 1.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
" Orrrille, Ohio, Sept. 10. 1882.
COLDS. "Having been subject to a bron
chial affection, with frequent
colds, for a number of years, J hereby cer
tify that Ayek's CnEimv Pectoral gires
ma prompt relief, and is tho most effective
remedy I hare ever tried.
James A. HAMtLtox,
Editor of The Crtsctnt."
" Mt.Oiicid, Ohio, Jane K5, 1SK.
Pectobai. this spring for a se
vere cough and lung trouble with good
effect, and I am pleased to recommend It
to any one similarly affected.
Proprietor Globe Hotel."
Sold by all Druggists.
Land Office at KosuBtfno, On., )
December 20, 1884. J"
Notice is hereby given that the tollow-ins-named
settler has fl ed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of bis claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Jude or Clerk of Jose
phine county. Oregon, at Kerbyville, on
Saturday. February 9, 188-1, viz: Charles
Fitstcr, Homestead No. 31.19. for the S W
if of Section 12 Town .TS S R 8 West,
Will. Mer. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation ot, said land, viz-.
J. P. Mills, Henry Thornton, Jacob JIc
Danicl and Wni.Frakes, all of Kerbyville,
Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
U. S. Land Offick at Rosehuko, On., )
Deccmbcr4, 1883. )
Complaint having been entered at this
office by William O. Stormer against John
Baker for abandoning his Homestead En
try, No. 3322, dated .May 4. 1832, upon the
Lots 1 2 aud 3 Sec. 21 and Lot 4 See 22,
Towi-ship 3C south, range 5 west, in Jack
son county, Oregon, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry: tb said ptirlie
are hereby summoned to appear at the
office of K. II. Gabbert, Notary Public at
Grants Pass Oregon on the 30th day of
January, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
J. C. FriXEKTON, IJtceiver.
Eagle Point. Or.
The undersigned has opened a salsoon
at Kagle Point and asks his friends ami
the public generally to give him a call
when passing that way. Fine liquors,
wines and cigars always kept on hand.
Wm. rt'oiiLow.
Shingles For Sale.
The undersigned is now prepaid! to
furnish the best quality of shingles, cm
with diamond knife, in any quantity de
sired. Price delivered in Jacksonville $3
per thousand or transportation oft" at the
mill, situated two mile south of Williams
creek post office. Orders can be left with
G. Karcwski. J Chapman
Settlement "Wanted.
The undersigned having been burned
nut onil ti,M.rlinT n mrirn... slim 1.1... ....
account, he asks nil thoo indebtc-t to
come forward at once nntt multe a srltle.
ment. Don't be backward at the money
must uc lonnrni
II ! II iTmgw
Othl Fellon's Building JicKscrvillt, Oregon
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Brushs, Chains, Sose
I have senireil tbt r ervices of a flrrt cla
Mechanic, anil am prepared tu do all repair
ing promptly and in mpcrior style.
I I am receivincsnd have rmiJtnntly on
lund a full and first-cliiM! stock nl
239 Everything sold at rafOnMe rntos.
Tnrkvinville, March, 9. 1878.
v. s. akin, nu:; sem.ing, il, e. cost;
Don't buy "Boss Uoots" unles? yuit
want the best. See that our namo
is on every, pair.
In the Circuit Court of the State or Ore-
goii, for the county of Jacktou
Elizabeth.!. Covert, Plftl in L
D. A. Covert, Deft. ) l' for divorce
To D. A. Covert, Defendant, greeting:
L Oregon : You are hereby required to
appear in said court and answer the com
plaint therein filed against you by tho
tirst day o!" the February term thereof
in 1884 to-wit by Monday the lull day of
February 1884.
And you arc notified that ifyau fail to
answer said complaint as nbove reqnirrd
the Plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded therein to-wit; For
a decree dissolving the in rriage contract
i-xisting between I'l a in till and Dtfendant
and lor the care and custody of the adopt
ed chili Atldic Litella Covert and chang
ing the name of Plaintitr to Elizabeth
J. I unn and the the nam- of said child to
Addiu Luella Dunn and that the Defend
ant pay i he costs and disbursements of
this suit.
This summons published by order of
Hon. H. K. Hanna Judge of said court
made the 28th day or December 188:5.
Atttoruey for Plait-tiff.
Nervous Debility.
DR. E. C. WEST'S nerve nnd brain
treatment, a specific for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, Jlental Depression, Loss of .Memory i
Specmatorhoea, Inipotcncy, Involuntary
emissions, premature old age, caused by
over-excrtion, sell-abuse or over-indulgence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One box will cure recent cases.
Each box contains one month's treatment;
one do ar a box, or six boxes for five dob
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receip of
price. We "iiarantce six boxes to cure
any case. ith each order received by m
for six boxes, accompanied with live dol.
lar, we will send the purchaser our writ
ten giiarrntec to return the lnonnv ifthu
treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran.
j tecs issued on v by
Woomrtn. CutitKK & Co..
Wholesale nnriisiail
.. -.
C3 i fi ,s ""jn?-'3S
cd TO f Uj-. vrm3s9!l
S p&pl