Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 05, 1884, Image 3

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Saturday, J-jwauv 5, 18S4.
AIonky Fouxda small Faff con
taining mouey wis fouud after the fire
hich Urn ownpr ''r.ti recoerby npl--ig
at this office find proving property.
A Card The undersigned wishes
lo publicljr thank all those who kindly
agisted in saving his propert7 at the
-fire Tuesday morning. John Miller.
Bound OvEt Sheriff Jacobs re
turned from lbj north se'eral dasn-o
karing in charge J. IL Cameron, who
in charged with forgery committed at
Ashland, and V,e is now lodged in jail
waiting (lie .tion of ilia next grand
uTf."' C2MCT on acknowledges the
"crime and his bonds were fixed at
-$200 by Justice Uuder.
Relic Found. After the fiie last
Tuesday morning a fcilver mednl with
numerous emblems of the Masonic
"ftruer was found in the ruins of the
5iw State hotel by J. II Hoffman.
'.Besides the emblems there is an in
scription as Tollows: "Jnbez Whippel,
initiated Match tin 9th, 179G. It can
bo seen at BVekaian's express office
Broke His Arm During the fire
x-iast Tuesday morning, Harry Fowler,
barkeeper at Jack Marshall's saloon,
,was awakened from his sleep in the
-New State hotel and getting excited
Vjumped frctn a seconu story window
lo the ground breaking his right arm
'above the elbow. Ho was taken to
'the hospital and cared for and was
'doing well at last accounts.
For'SHe. Mrs. B. F. Dowell will
eell, at rtduced prices, dress goeds,
woolen golds, fringes, laces, table lin
en, gent's fine linen hem stitched hand
kerchief, underclothing for ladies and
genJftmen of very fine quality, vaiiet-.
of buttons, lamb's wool ami cotton
Mocking for children, etc , very cheap.
Also school suits for boys to the. age
'of sixteen, froui Brownsville woolen
Notice. Ths new postoffice is lo
eated in John Oith's building. As
all bonks and records belonging to the
office were burned, money order buni
nets cannot be transacted at present.
However, letters can be reyistrrd
and all other postollica business
can be done the same as beforo.
Thoss who have hud money orders
paid since the 24 h of December will
confer a favor by giving the informa
tion to Postmaster Muller or his depu
ty, Win. Jacoby.
Got Cauoht. A horse and saddle
Aieloiigjng to Coty Gnete nntl L. A.
ler was stolen at Phoenix one night
veek and J. h biddis, a railioid
Inyco whose fa ni!y leaide- here
arrested U the Buck Rock tun-
and cliurgid w tli the crime.
ylMi'in preiiiiiinarv examination before
over in the sum of $1,000 uud is now
lodged in the .Tiiekvm county j lil.
The proof Koeins ipiiie positive ngiinst
hiicf as he sold the horse to J. A. Neal
of Soda Splines for $20 giving a bill
fit sale. Gcddis claims
that he -won
the horse in gambling
CnuRcu Notici.s. Iter. M. A.
Williams will preach at the Presbyte
rian church in this pU:e Sunday morn
ing and evening. . . . EMet M. Peterson
preaches at Mound school house Sun
day at the usuil morning hour. . . .
Rev. B. J. Sharp will hold services at
Grant's Pass next Sunday morning and
t Bock Point in the evening cf tlin
Bruno day; nlso at the lower Sam's val
ley school house on Monday evening
.. ..Rev. A. C. Hewlett will hold ser
vices at the residence of J. M. Matney,
in Little Butte precinct, next Sunday
at 11 o'clock A. M Rev. II. 0.
Oglesby will preach at the M. E
church in this place Sunday morning
I and evening.
Neglect omlwhere. Just two
prt eks ago to day the last mail reached
r Jacksonville, from the north and not
withstanding the fact, that consider-
able railroad track has been washed out
between Grants Pass and Glendale it
does seem to us that some arrange
ments could be made for the carrying
of the mail around thu break by wag
ons. It has not been long since stages
Vun to Glendale with the mails and the
present contractors could do the same
thing if they were only so inclined.
To say that this order of things is
'-getting monotonous to the residents of
Southern Oiegon don't half express it
'ajid whoever is to blame should suffer
the damages. What are our postrl
Authorities doing?
The Kelly-Ruble Case. The
case of Kelly vs. Ruble has again been
'decided in favor of the plaintiff by
Judge Hanna and an order of the
court was made out last Monday giv
ing Kelly possession of the mines.
J. G. Birdsey was appointed elisor
nd with several others went down
tthis week to turn the property over to
"the owner. On Thursday word was
received here that Birdsey could not
get possession of the claim aud that
serious trouble was anticipated when
x more men tarted from here to as
sist him in getting it since which time
we have heard no further particulars.
The last decision made by Judge Han
ma is in opposition to the one made by
i the Supreme Court of the State, but is
.done on the gronnd that Judge Lord,
.one of the Supreme Judges, was dis
qualified from deciding the esse as he
was an attorney for Rule before the
case came before him in a judicial
'.form. Our readers will remember
that when the Supreme Court decided
it Judges Lord snd Waldo were to
gether while Judge Watson dissented.
The case will no doubt be appealed
again and the end is not yet.
Have you swore off!
Schools commence next Monday.
Mo're rain was threatened last eve
County Court will be held next
Sol. Wise of Ashland spent New
Years in Jacksonville.
Several business changes are prom
ised here in tho near future.
A leap year party for the 14th of
February is being talked of.
A good, steady boot-black is seme
thing that Jacksonville needs.
Mrs. Judge II anna's condition is
still about the same as last week.
Ten new houses are in course of con
struction at the new town of Med ford.
Wm. Egsn received a painful wound
in the face from a falling board at the
Alfalfa seed in any quantity re
quired for sale at Kubli's hardware
Go to Merritt fe Robinson's City
drug store fur toilet sals and odor
. Jim,KendrJclf?-as arrested yester-'
day for firing a pistol within the city
For a cough or
remedy equal to
cold there is no
Ammen's Cougk
E. J. Harris, representing the liquor
house of A. P. Hotaling & Co., was in
town this week.
Passengers from the north say there
is a carload of mail at Glendale for
Southern Oregon.
Dustin High was down from Ash
land this week attending Justice's
court as a witness.
Society is very queer. The people
most sought after are those who do
not pay their debts.
Two hearts that beat as one eloped
from Phoenix last week and were
made happy at Yreka.
Joseph Satterfield says'that he will
soon become a resident of Jacksonville
again. Glad to hear it.
A relative of Dr. J. A. Callendar
died in New York recently leaving
him bpvcral thousand dollars.
Tlin road work recently done on
Fifth street seems to have made that
thoroughfare worse instead of better.
S P. Jones' saloon seems to be the
bes'. fiie proof building here, h wins;
s'ood two of tho largest fires in town.
Parties hiving horses and mules for
sale should remember that thu military
boaiu will meet heieon the 9tb of this
A registered letter containing a
check for 1, 1C0 in fmor-of P. Avery
was burned -in tho -tho i'ueoJ
n.orning. J. E Harvey keeps a g-iod hotel at
Central Pmnt wheie the travelling
public "Mi lit: accommodated at reason
able rates.
B F. Alley arrived hern. from CuV
foruia this week'to aist Mr. Lang in
writing up Waiting's history of South
ern Oiegen.
Tiack laving was resumed this week
and if the iron holds out the construc
tion train is expected to reach Md
ford early next w -k.
Byron Cole has been appointed
postmaster at White Point vice E. J.
Farlow resigned. The office will still
be fouud ot the old place.
B F. D.iwcll accompanied by his
daughter. Miss Anna, started for Port
land this weuk. The latter wiil re
main there for some time.
Fifty two tickets were sold at the
party held at Henry Bau leu's plsce
on Poot mans creek New Year's eve
and a good tinip enjoyed by all.
Two young ladies and one man nar
rowly escaped from the hotel with
their lives saving nothing hut their
night clothes which they had on.
The pr actice of making New Y- ..
calls on lady friends was not indulge
in this year by our young bloods on
account of the fire the night before.
A. H. Mcriitt, brother of Prof.
J. W. Merritt, arrived here this week
from New York and will assist in the
management of tho'New Cash Store.
The firemen meet at the town hall
next Monday evening to elect officers
for the coming year and for the traus
action of other important business.
Ben. Beekman, Frank Neil, Will
Cardwell and Frank Bybee returned
to Eugene City this week after hav
ing spent the holiday vacation at
Tho first of January this year could
hardly be called a happy New Year for
some of our business men. They are
all men of pluck, however, and will try
it over again.
A man named Peter McKenzie was
declined insane bv Drs. Robinson and
Aiken this week and taken to the
asylum by Sheriff Jacobs. He was a
new-comer here.
A number of our citizens knew
nothing of the fire till next morning
thinking the ringing of bells and the
noise was occasioned by the boys cele
brating new year.
Tho Rock Point Amateurs were
greeted with good houses at tho enter
tainments given at Rock Point and
Sams valley this week ar.d all who at
tended say they did exceedingly well.
The receipts at Rock Point were $30
and at Sams valley 30 a benefit for
the district school- Mrs. Affie Cawlev
deserves credit for her management of
the entertainments and also for her
superior acting in the leading charac
ters oi me plays.
The Odd Fellows install officers this
evening and the Red Men raise their
chiefs next Tuesday night. A full
attendance of members is requested at
each of the meetings.
Mr. James Bell died of diptheria at
Henley this week. She wiil bo re
membered by old residents sr Mrs.
Jones whose husband formerly kept
the ferry across Klamath river.
Mrs. A. 0. Eckleson returned from
Portland on Thursday's stage after an
absence of a ccuple of vears. Mr.
Eukelson is still in Eastern Oregon en
gaged in railroad engineering.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock,
aud jewelry store. His machines aie
a little finer and .his prices a little.
snugger, than any other bugger's.
Albany, Or., Feb. 4th, 1882, Am
men's Cough Syrup has given general
satisfaction, and we believe it is a good
The report hat C. C. Beekman and
Judge Day run the fire engine down
to the Court House last Tuesday when
they heard the alarm of tire is untrue
all reports to the contrary notwith
standing. The largest stock of liquors ever
brought to Southern' Orego.i can be
found at Levens & Co's. at Ashland.
They keep a wholesale and retail de
partment and supply most all the sa
loons in that vicinity.
When the last party reached Grants
Pass they received word by-telegraph
that their services were not needed aud
they returned here last niglit. From
this it would appear that the matter
had been settled in a peaceable man
ner. The men who have houses in the
Siskiyou mountain, near the tunnels
have cut down the trees near them
which are liab'e to fall or be blown
or bioken down. The sad accident of
last week awakened them to the dan
ger. "Tidings "
Over thirty cases of diphtheria are
reported at Henly, just across the'
State line, and a number of cases have
already proven fatal with others thr
are not expected to recover. Yre" .-.
doctors who are attending say the dis
ease is prevalent there in its worst
Judge Hanna has resumed the
practice of law since his resignation as
Cucuit Judge of this district. Tho
Jude is an able and faithful attorney
and always commanded a large share
of the legal business before our courts
when he was engsged in the practice
before taken the judgeship.
J. S. Howard, -Baruch Fisher, and
Noland it Ulrich lost their books in
this fire. Max Muller had his b'ol.s
and peyrral thousand dollars in coin
in his safe ever) thing coming out all
right. L. S. P. Marh lost S1C0 in
greenbacks and coin that he had loft
hin.; pu his table the nicht before.
Our little gill had the croup. We
used Ammen's Cough Syrup. It cured
her. Have also used it for colds, al
ways with success. It is a wonderful
medicine, and every family where there
are children shnulj keep it in the
hnue, an it is the best, and a safe fam
ily remedy. Publisher Courier, San
Jose, Dec' 24th, 1SS2.
A young man named Todd, living
at Elk Head, Douglass county, com
milted suicide night before last by
blowing out his brains with a revol
vcr. He had been paying addresses
to a yonng ludy who rejected his suit.
He" r. turned home and wrote two or
three lettt rs and then lay down on
the bed and ended his life.
Locating Engineer Jahn A. Hu
hurt, who has charo of the rail'
work on the Siskiyous, informs us t .1
everything is progiassing finely at the
long tuunul, pelting along eight fset
further at each and every twent1 fcur
hours. The firt of August is the
time set for its completion. At the
Buck Rock tunnel work is not going
on so fast.
Hon. L. R. Webster is now the
Circuit judge for the first judicial di
trict the first Republican that ever
filled the office. Notwithstanding
this fact we predict that he will make
an able, honest and upright judge an
opinion held by representative men of
both political partir& judging from the
endorsement he received on the appl:-
caticn tor bis appointment. His com
mission lasts until n est July when the
position will be filled at the general
Judging from the prices offered for
in 'ho burnt district there isnolack'lots
of confidence in the stability of Jack
sonville. J. S.Howard and P. J. Ryan
have refused good ttlers for their
property and negotiation aro also
pending for the transfer of C. W.
Savage's lot on the corner. Fini-
oricK uuiiuins win soon lose i. u
place of tho frame structures burned
down when the looks of the town
will be considerably improved. The
walls of the postoffice building were
not injured much and will be repaired
by Max Muller as soon as he can get
the brick.
Three men from the Oregon railroad
arrived in town last Sunday, one of
whom, who had been drinking Sunday
evening, got into a number of quarrels,
and knocking down Jas. Wheeler, re
ceived a shot in the side from that
gentleman's pistol. The bullet was ex
traded, and the injury regarded
slight, although somewhat painful be
getting in among the muscles above
the hip joint. One of the same party
also had a set to with ono of our citi
zens on the Hawkinsville road, before
coming to town. They are evidently
hard working railroad hands, and
seemed to have plenty of money to pay
their way. The name of the man shot
is Wm. Johnson, who will probably be
about in ft few days. "Yreka Journal."
About two o clock on New Year's
morning the citizens of Jacksonville
were startlett by the alarm of tire,
getting its start in the New Slate sa
loon anil homing about half of the
block on Californ.a "street from the
corner of Third. Those who seen it
first say that the flimes first broke
out in Noland t!5 Ulricl's saloon oppo
site the secondwindow from the front
and only a short distance from where
the stove fet. In less time than it
takes to tell it the whole building was
in flames so that the lodgers in the
hotel in the same building had barely
time to save their lives without trving
lo Save.tny of the property. From
there it went on and took the frame
building owned by J S. Howard when
it jumped over and set afire P. J. Ry.
an's building occupied by Baruch Fish
er burning that to the ground nlso.
By this time the fire got so hot that
no one could pet near enough to dn
effective work when Max Mullei'm
post-office brick got afire on the
inside and it also succumbed to the
flames. The next building on the
west was John' Miller's brick where
some good work w-as done and the fire
cheefced'from going any farther. The
buildings on the-opposite side of Cli
fornia street a?it J.o"ues! suloonon th
other corner were Tiadly scorched but
escaped with slight damages to the
fronts. Beekman's express office.
Jones' saloon and the small wooden
buildings in the rear of tho last men
tioned pi a e were afire several times
but by good steady work on the part
of the firemen and some of our citizens
the buildings were saved. The ladies
of ths town also did some effective
work in saving goods and a number of
them stood in line with the bucket,
brigade and worked as hard as any one
else. The fire engine was brought out
in good time and first run down to
Savage's well, hut by the neglect of
some one the strainer on the suction
hose was not in place and it was not
long before the engine was disabled by
drawing up gravel into the valves.
This caused quite a delay while the
fire went right along and it is probably
the reaon of its nut being stopped
when it reached the postoffice brick.
This building burnt on the inside for
several hours beforo the fl lines broke
through the roof but as nothing could
be done it was thought best to keep the
doors closed and thereby confine it to
that building aiono. The origin of the
fire is still a mystery as the saloon was
closed about ten o'clock P. M. when
there was very little fire in the stove
and the lamps were put out. The
Marshall and other parties passed the
sab on only a few'moments before when
ixo light or sign of fire cjuld be noticed.
The losses and the insurances aro
about as follows: Mac Muller, iren
eral merchandise, SI C.000, insured for
50,000 in the Now Zealand. J. S.
Howatd, merchintlise and buildinj,
$14,000, insurance ?4,500 divided
between thflHjjpMutual, Western
pinies B Fisher, general merchan
dise, $3,.")00, insurance, ?2,.")00. L.
Solomon, pot dr.Jo building, ?2,500,
insured for 52,000. P. J. Ryan, build
ing, ?1,500, no insurance. C. W.
Savage, hotel buildinj and furni ure,
$4,000, insurance, -52,000. Noland &
Uirich, saloon and fixtures, 51,000, in
sured for 5100. H. M. Rice, photo
graphic g'dlerv, S300, no insurance.
T. T. Mi-Kenzie, liquor, 300, in
Max Muller's cellar, no insurance
Besides this there was considerable
damage done to adjoining buildings by
fire and water and some loss resulted
io the moving of goods.
Masquerade Ball. The fifth an
nual ball given by the Eintracht took
p'ace at Holt's Hall New Year's niglit.
No-withstanding the fire in the morn
ing the attendance was almost up to
usual standard, aud the number of
maskers much greater than at any
m squerado given by th:s society pre
vious to this time. These balls taking
)lace as they do at the close of tho
winter holidays have been considered
us beinc the most popular of the sea
fon. The supper we need not de
scribe as everyone who has ever been
entertained by Madame Holt will
agree that her exquisite taste and su
terior knowledge of. the preparation of
all dainty edibles needs no description.
The following is a list of the mask
ers, though there may bo some that
aro unintentionally omitted:
Mi-s Emma Ulrich, Red, White,
and Blue; Miss Lillie Ulrich, Ger
many; Mrs. Charles Nickell, Daughter
of the Regiment; Mrs. Charles Hanna,
Domino; Mrs. "Veifc SJiutz, Mornine
S'ar; Miss Nelli'a Buy, Queen of
Hearts; Miss Ka'lie Hand, Spanish
Lady; Mifs Ida Fisher, Princess Mar
guerite; Mips AdaSlymale, Little Bo
Peep; Miss Jennie Moore, Maud
Muller; Miss Emma Papp, Old Lady;
Miss Mollie Britt, Gypsy Lace Ped
dler; Miss Katie Mi ler, Topsy; Miss
Anna Shipley, Ciijir Girl; Miss Belle
Jones, Oaid Girl; Miss Polly Karews
ki, Girl of the AYoods, Iiss Celia
Levy, German Market Girl; Mrs.
Minnie Obenchain, German Peasant;
Miss Ellen Moody, Juliet; Miss
Maggie "Moody, Lady of the Lake; A.
F. Eddy, Oscar Wild; B. Fisher,
.Spanish Cavalier; U. K. Wilkinson,
Wild Nan; J. T. Guerrin, Mexican
Bvndit; J. C. Whipp, Captain of the
Guards; R.H. Mooro; Captain Zouaes;
Eddie Farren, Beggar Girl; Isaac
Muller, Scotch Hunter; Tom Ross,
Captain Jack; George Bigham, Bae
Call Plater; Billy Mentor, Martha
Partington; John Dyar, Priest; Ladd
tiivace; Indian Chief, Alvin Thorn p
JCii, Tramp, Alex Menor, Jockiej
Olenn Smith, Jockie; John Huffer,
Dude; Emif Britt, Clown; Jake Britt,
During the six months ending Jan
uary 1st, 1884, .V2l deeds and TC
mortgages have been recorded and 41
marnajre licenses issued by the county
clerk of this county. -
Ti'iLIIO iriJK.
December 29, 1883.
Crescent City mail rider a Mr El
mer Jenkins came in to-night bringing
the nviils that should have ai rived
last Wednesday. No mail from Cres
cent City since Monday. The coat
has tietn the S'ene of very high water
within the past tew davs. The niiil
carrier reports as a result the drown
ing in "Wilson creek" ten miles north
of the mouth of the Klamath of a Mr
John Waggle. Mr. W. being the
"down joust' mail rider. Two ferry
boats on the main Smith river went to
the Pacific; one schooner went ashore.
Several hundred logs were lost and
much damage to roads. No sno" to
lay h"re.
Jan. 3, 18S4.
The Nn.w Year's Tree and Ball was
a grand success for Waldo It was
the intention of Waldoites to attend
the Christmas Tree Ball atKerbyvillo
but the weather was so inclement that
we had to stay at home. This caused
more than a little disappointment so
we resolved to get even on "Julius"
the til st ihance and we now think we
did . . . .The weather was all that could
be desired and the people crowded in
from every quarter until we had an
immense throns;; man) were from the
outside of whom the following may be
named: Charlet, aod Miss Netty
Basye, A. D. Custar, James Wimer
and wife, and Dolly Wimer, all of Ap
pjegate; Sherifi Ryder and family in
ducting the hostess Mrs. Ryder of the
U. S. hotel at Kerbyville, also J. A.
Wilson, E'mer Holton, Chas. Duncan
and his family, also county Assessor
Frank Dessinger and family, Dal and
Chas. Fiester, Geo. Hansen, and sev
eral others from Kerbyville. There
were present in all about 200 persons;
S3 tickets were sold. Taken altogether
the affair was a pleas-vnt occasion and
one not soon to bo forgo'tec. I should
mention in this item that C. J. How
aid aud wife formerly of your town
were in attendance, also Dr. James
Spence and wife. A. II. Platter of
Althouse was also present. The sup
per at thp Anderson hotel was as good
as could bo desired. There were also
present Mr. Chas. Anderson of Foots
creek and Mr. Woodruff and Mr.
Kirkhaia of Smith river. The ttee
exercises counseled therewith were
not as good as we desired. The main
features of which was tho address by
master Chas. Slagle, a boy but 8 years
old who faitd the large audience of
alnut two (200) hundred people and
addressed them like a little man. The
music by Dal Fif ster, Jeil D. Wimer,
Chas. Basv e, Chas. Fieter, and Dolly
Wimer accompanied on the orgar. by
J. A. Wilson and Jumes W. Wimer
as truly the body aud soul of the
ball. The uuiversal decision was "we
'md jrond music, a good time, and godd
supper." Too much cannot be aid of
Mr. AtuIeiKon Mid his estimable fami
ly who .seetnul to vie with each other
in their efforts to please the company
aud add somrthiug moie to their pleas-
;rru. "- -
M Ruler caused much mernmant
in the ball ro.nu when lie undertook
to dance; he mixed them up and I
think had they been in the least wise
sticky they would have remained "as
you are.". Long will this pleasant
dance and New Year tree be retnem
beied. . . .Chas. Bisye, his father and
mother. Miss Nettie Busje and Miss
Alite Bailey 'eft here lo day (3rd) for
their homes on Applegate. James
Wimer, A. D. Custer and Dolly Wimer
went lioni: yesterday. .. .School com
mences agiin next Mondav.
Another Accident Last Satur
day evening news reachwd here sajs,
the Yreka "Journal," of a fatal acci
dent to Mr. Johnnie Neilon, sou of
Mr. aud Mrs. John Neilon, of Etna,
while at work in the railroad tunnel at
south side of bikiyou mountain, near
the California boundary. He was at
work tamping the powder for a blast,
with a ' Icl ory stick, when the powder
exploded, driving the stick through
his body, at the ride, and coming out
just above his kidneys near the back.
Two doctors were summoned immedi
ately from Ashland, who removed
pieces of the siick, and it is believed
the yo ng man iR falally injured, with
very jioor "hances of recovirj. It
was r lorted that another man had all
bub ono finger of hi i left hand blown
off, but the man working below him
and others close around sustained no
injury whatever. Johnnie was at
work on a scaffold, where several oth
ers were also at work above nnd be
low, tamping, and it was a miraculoas
escape of all from being killed in such
cli.se quarters. J he young mans
mother, accompanied by her oldest h hi
Andrew, and Dr. Nuttine. passed
through town Sunday from Etna, for
the tunnel, to render every assistance
possible towards the recovery of the
young man, who was very popular
among all tho woikman and managers
of the O. C. R. R. Co., and alo in
this coun y, everybody expressing sin
cere sorrow for his misfortune. Hi
mother was the recipient from him of a
present of $100 on Christmas, and the
blow falls heavily on her, as sho idolized
him as one of her most faithful, indus
trious and exemp'ary sons, being only
about 22 years of age.
Telearaphio advices received here
yesterday stated that he died on Thurs
day morning.
t'Uilns Out at Cot.
Our entire stock of general merch
andise, in whole or in part, is now for
sale, at cost with a view of a change
in business. All indebted to us are
notified to call and settle without de
lay. Eeames Rnos.
Jacksonville, Jan. 5, 1884. -
MiitKhr Report. Flour, $30;
wheal, 1; eggs, 30 cents; butter, 37t
cents; potatoes 2 cents; wool 15 to 18
A. D. Rockfellow & On., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon.
CULM'S 1M&S lTtMs.
Being in Grant's Pass, and in want
of something to do, I have interested
mv self in a few items for the Sentinel.
(I have care to have each item cor
reel.).... We had a shooting match
herH on New Year's day between Geo.
Lewis and Sam Redfield. Distance
60 yds. Por3e20 00. Sam Redfield
won the parse. . . .One day this week
a Chinaman attempted to jump on the
construction train, as it was passing
the depot, and not j'imping high
enoush tell beneath the train, for
tunately tho wheels pushed him aside.
He still lives but not to try it again.
. . . . Ne Year's night, Prof. Shattuck
exhibited the art of ventri onuism to
a fair audience, after which Grant's
Pass indulged in a dsnee. About 32
tickets were sold, and a splendid time
was had. C. H. Reed is painting
Riddle's hotel The postoffice is,
now at J. W. Howard it Cos. store.
E. Diuiick postmaster, J. W. Howard
deputy ... .There are eight gangs of
Chinamen here,, fiora the vicinity of
Fort Lane, that are wa'ting for the
delayed train, that will take them
back to Portland.. ..J. W. Howard
of the firm of J. W. Howard & Co.
came into the store this morning with
a smile the imitation of which only
newly married men can givo and ad
milted that Miss Dora Godfrey of
Williams creek had married him,
smilttd again and then treated all the
boys to the cigars. He was married
Now Years night. He has a pretty
white house near the depot and has
settled down to the realities of life. . . .
It is expected the through train will
be here to night. . . . Homer Harkness
is building his family residence near
his drugstore. .. .Oscar Bellinger's en
gineering party, at Fort Lane four
mouths past, has disbanded.
G. A. II.
Farming Macuinehy. Miller it Co
of Ashland aro agents for tho celebrat
ed D. M. Oiborne it Co. farming im
pletneiits, consisting of harvesters,
mowers, reapers and self binders, also
the Morrison and Moline plows and
Schuttler wagons. Bv shipping then
goods in large lots direct from the
manufactories, and getting car-load
rates on freight, the are enabled to
sell much lower than others who pur
chase in less quantities. Enquire
To thf Traelino Public. The
completion of the N. P. R. R. has
relieved hu C. it O. stage line of
the transportation of an enormous
luantity of mail, and the company are
low prepared to carry all who apply
to them for passage, north or south,
and put them over the road in good
Tin: CiiEArFST. Abraham, Wheeler
it Co. have decided on closing out
their store at Glendale anil offer goads
cheaper thati ever before sold in South
ern Oregon. Parties from here who
havo made purchases there say ihe;
dnn't see how they can afford to sell
goods nt the prices asked. ,Ivad
their price lisK
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sewing ma
chines, the best nun cheapest in the
market, have just been received at E.
C. Brooks' store. Call and examine
them beforo purehasing elsewhere.
Prof. O. A. Pre ton will commence
another term of writing school next
week. The best of satisfaction was
given at the last terra and a large class
is expected this time.
sumption Cure is sold by us on a guar
antee. It cures consumption. Call at
and Bronchitis immediately relieved
bv Shiloh's Cure. Brooks, agBBt.
J. W. MEIlltlTT.
Dit. J. vv. itonixsoN.
Will keep on h ind the largest and most
complete assortment of
To be found in Southern Oregon,
fu'l stock ot
Al oa
And a grent variety of Perfumery, com-
mon and lollet boaps, etc.
jS"Prcscriptions carefully prepared by
Dn. .1. "W. Robinson.
Dr. Robinson's office in Drug Sto.e.
I.os of Appetite, llcadarlie, I)epre
Elon,InillgeBtlon and Conttlp.'tlor, KU
iouAneg", a Sallow I'.ice, Dull T. "s a: tl
a r.Iotdicil Skin, ars amorg the jiii'(in.3
which inulcato that tho Liver U irjing Air
Ayer's Pills
will stimulate the Liver to proir nttlon,
and oprrect all thev tronhlci. One r more
of thuse Tills shonlil bo taken 1aily, until
health Is fully estaWMied. 'Ihouimti tes
tify to their great merit.
No family can afford to bo irifhout Atkb's
rurrA-.EP nv
Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co. '.owe!l,Mas3.
Sold by Ml Irug!sU.
11. KU IS LI,
Odd Fellow's Rnildiit Jncksorville, Oregon
d.;alku and aokkeriv
Fuso and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Ernshs, Chains, IIoso
t have peenred the cervices of a flrri clast
Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair
ing promptly and in superior style.
L I ntn receiviHimnd have constantly oa
haud a full and first class stock of
Ever thing sold at reu;oiable rates.
Jirkonnville, Mrch. 9. 1878.
Don't buy "Bviss Hoots" unlcsi you.
want the best. Se th it our name
JSi. !S- Co.
is on every pair.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the county ot Jackson
Elizabeth J. Covert, I'lttSu.t.n j,,
D.A.CoIeVl,Dcft. J ty for divorce.
To D. A. Covert, Defendant, greeting:
J. Oregon: You are hereby required to
appear in said court and answer the com
plaint therein filed against you by tho
lirbt day of the February term thereof
in 188-1 to-wit by Monday the 11th day of
February 18S4. W
And you are notified that ifyou fail to.
answer saw complaint as anove rcquirru
the Plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded therein to-v.it; ?or
u decree dissolving the m rriage contract
iting between Plaintiff-and Dtfendint
and tor the care and custody of the adopt.
eJ child Addle Luella C'Urt and change
ing the nam- of PUimiff to Kliz.iliciu
J.'lmnn and ihs the name of said child to
Addle Luella Dunn and lhat the Defend
ant pay the costs and disbursements of
Ibis suit.
This summons published 1 y order of
Hon. II. K. Himn i Judge of said court
made Hie 28lh day of December 1883.
Atttorney for Plai tiff;
U. S. Lis.B Offjcp atRoseuuiio, On.,
I)eccraber4, 188:1.
Complaint having been entered at this
ofllec by William O. Stormer against John
li.ikcr for abandoning his Ilnmestend En
try, No. 3822, Jaml .May 4. 18S2, upon tho
l,ots l a nuu u sec. 21 una Lot 4 fccc. US,
Township S6 south, range 5 west, in Jack
sou county, Oregon, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry: the said parlies
aro hereby summoned to appear at thq
office of K. II. Gabbcrt, Notary Public at
Grants Pass Oregon on the 30th dnyot"
January, 1884, at 10 o'clock a.m., to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning
s dd alleged abandonment.
Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
J, C. Fn.LEr.TO.v, Receiver.
Shingles Tor Sajtj.
The imdersignul is now nrcp.iicd to
I furnish the best quality of inles, cut
wuii iiiiiuiuiiu Kiiuc, in .my qiianin. nv.
sired. Price delivered in J.:-Usonyilfe $1
per thousand or transportation off Jjj
mill, situated two mile south of Wjfl-nii
creek po-.t office. Orders can lie left with
13. Knrcwski. J ( ii.rMA '