OREGON SENTINEL. JAl'K.rid.'CVCt.LIS i Eatbrdat, December 15, 1883. Settle Up. All persons indebted to Dr. -J. f. Robinion for professional cervices are requested to settle the jtatne wiibaut delay. Call at the City Drug Store. Selling Out. Those desiring any thing in the Hue of merchandise will do well by calling on Barruch Fisher be fore going elsewhere as he is closing -out his stock at cost. A trial will convince ysu all. Notice. The members of the sol iciting and sapper committees appoint ed for the Christmas party are request ed to meet at the Towa Hall to day (Saturday) at 2 o'clock p. M. sharp, to tmlce definite arrangements. Auction Sale. The undersigned will cfler for Kale at public auction the following at )ii residence in Jackson ville, on Saturday, Dec. 20lh: Five thnad of cattle, three brad of horses, unower, kitchen and household furni rture. The sale will begin at 10 o'clock tA. h. John Hockexjos. To thi Traveling Public. The -corapletioi of the N. P. R. R. has relieved the C. &. O. stage line of the transportation of an enormous -quantity of mail, and the company are "now prepared to carry all who apply to 'them for passage, north or south, Umd put them over the road in good '-Bhae. New Arrangement. From Ab. 'Giddings we learn that arrangements have been made between the stage -company and the railroad bv which the latter agrees to carry the mail tb Grant's Pass where passenger connec tion will also be maje after Monday next. This leaves only thirty miles of staging north of us and in a few weeks more the whole can be traveled by trail. For Sale. Mrs. B. F. Dowell will Bell, at reduced prices, dress goods, woolen golds, fringe, laces, table lin- 'en, gent's fine linen hem stitched hand- 'kerchidfi, underclothing for ladies and gentlemen of very fine quality, variwt) of buttons, lamb's wool and cotton stocking)! for children, etc., very cheap. Also school suits for bojR to the age 'of sixteen, from Brownsville woolen TnilU. Farming Machinert. Miller & Co. f Ashland are agents for the celebrat ed D. M. Oil'orne fc Co. farming im pleiaentR, consisting of harvesters, Imowors, reapers and self binders, also the Morrison and Moline plowB and Schuttler wagons. By shipping their goods in largo lots direct from the Jnnnufactori-is, and getting car-load "rates on freight, ihey ore enabled to ell much lower than others who pur- chase in less quantities. "EnqnirR tjiriccs. Society Elections. The Masons elected tho following officers this week "for the en-suing year: Warren Lodge, No. 10 C. C.'Beek an, W. M.; D. Linn, S. W.; V. Jack- son, J. V.; N. LatigMI, Tieas.; M. duller, Sec ; R. S. Dunlap, Tyler. Oregon Chapter, No. 4. R. A. M. T. G. JleatneR, IL P.; C. Mingus, King; A. M. Berry, Scribe, D. Linn, C. of H.; V. Jackson, P. J.; C. C. -Buekman, R. A. C ; N. Fitter, G M. '3d Veil; G. W. Isaac. G. M. 2d Vei; Thos. Clrmons, G. M. 1st Veil; Theo. Cameron, Troas.; M. Muller, Sec; R. iS. Duulap, Guard. SaooTiNa Affray. Bud Thomp r dob, "who once had a shooting scrape "wilh 'Iho'Cale brothers at Roseburg several years since, has got into trouble ecain as the following special to the "Oregonian" frcm the Dalles will show: The stage driver, John Martin, brings intelligence that 'Frank Mogan 'was tho: and killed by Bud Thompson, at Prinnville, last Saturday night, be tween the hours of 12 andd o'clock. They were quarreling in a saloon, and overybady left t'uem to fight it out. Six shots were fired, and when the fir- 'ing ceased Frank Mogan was found shot through the body six times, eith i er of which would ha,ve been fatal. -Thompson is under arrest. General Invitation. A general tnd cordial Invitation is hereby given to the citizens of Jackson county to be ' present at the grand ball to be given ' for the benefit of L. S. P. Marsh, the 'builder of the court house. The ball lis to be, Riven on Christmas night, Dec. 25, 1883, in the splendid new court room, and will- be tho grandest affair of the kind ever seen in Jacksonville. This method of invitation has !een adopted, so that no one can complain -of being slighted, and it is hoped that pft generous response will be made. iC. C. Beekman, , 'JLK. Hanna, - . 1 G. Reames, - -W.-M. Turner, T. B. Kent, 'ClIAS. Nickell, Frank Krause, Max Muller. iRELiqious. Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach in the Methodist Church in Jacksonville next Sunday both morn ing and evening.... Regular services at the Catholic Church by Rev. F. X. 3lanchet.,..R.ev. JL M. Russell will, preach at Ganiard'a school house on. Saturday before theifourth Sunday in this. month, and at theJLntioch school house on the following day,.., Rev. M. A. Williami will hold services at Eagle Point next Sunday, at the usual morning hour.. ..Elder M. Peterson preaches at Mound school house Sun day morning and at Rock Point on the following Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M. . , . ,Rev. R, C. Oglesby will hold ser vices at Brownsborough Sunday at 11 o'clock 4. u. and at Esgle Poipt in the yaplqg. LOCAL ITEMS. Sheriff Jacobsis out collecting taxes. Wra. M. Turner is laid up with bad cold. Dolls of all sizes and prices at Little i: Chase's. J The distillery will start up again next week. Sol Wise cf Ashland spent a day in town this week. Thos. Raimey of Sams Valley is in town on a visit. Walter Jackson is in town on com mercial business. Miss Ida Fisher arrived from San Francisco last Sunday. Christmas tree ornaments and choice candies at Little &. Chase's. t Fresh "candies and nuts of the cVoic est kinds at Little it Chase's, t The ladies should all at Mrs. Prim's for-millinery coods of all kinds. For a cough there is no remedy equal to Animeii's Cough. Syrup. Pon Avery returned from a trip to the Willamette valley this w eek. Have you ordeied your suit for the masquerade on New Yeai'a night J. C. McCuIly and J. H. Iloody paid Jacksonville a visit this week. Don't forget that -April's 'fool day, leap year and the comet are coming. J. S. Howard has been re appointed a notary public by Governor Moody. Portland papers say that D. W. Crosby expects to locate at that place. A public examination of teachers will.be held here on Saturday, Dec. 29th. L. S. P. Marsh has recovered from his late illness and is on deck once more. P. B. Whitney and E. C. Kane were in town yesterday en railroad business Mrs. P. J. Ryan, accompanied by her son Luko, is "rusticating" in San Francisco. Beautiful album, toilet sets, vases, picture frames and cigar cases at Little Chase's. t Why should the spirit of mortals be proud, till you have settled up with the printer Nothing has been done yet towards having a public Christmas tree "orthe young folks. The end of the railroad track reached Chavner's bridge on Rogue river last Thursday night. All the cases of diphtheria and scai Jet fpver sre convalescent now with no new ones to report. The" railroad pay wagon is expected in the va'ley this week and lively times may be looked'foT. The Magruder robbery at Central Point is still a mystery no trace of the thief having yot been found. Ode of Wui. Cameron's children died of diphtheria at the home place near lUnionti0n this week. Green Bros, of Galice creek have struck good paying rock in a ntw tun nel just started in their mines. A. D. Rockfellow & Co., Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and Real Es tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon. The hogs taken up by the Marshal last week belonged to C. Mingus who redeemed them before the sale took placo. Con. Lever, a Jackson county boy, is in charge of the construction train on the 0. Jb C R.'R. extension as con ductor. The Eastern Stars elect officers next Friday night. Ruth Rebekah lodge does tho same thing next Monday evening. Wm. Kreuzer has been on the sick list for a week past and Wm. Ulrich has been officiating as baker duritig that time. Dr. G. H. Aiken has returned from Portland and can always be found at his office ready to attend to profekS ioual business. Miss Ada C. Plymale has accepted the local agency for the Portland "Hes perian" and will canvass for the paper for subscribers. A fine lot of millinery goods, silks, satins and velvets and everything in the millinery line just received at Mrs. J. S. Howard's. J. S. Howard says he will not be ouUold by anyone in his line of general merchandise boots and shoes etc. Give him a call. New towh sites are being recorded in the county clerk's office and lots aro offered for sale. You pays yeur money and takes your choice. John Hockenjos has sold his farm near Phoenix to J. W. Collins for $4000 and will once more become a resident of Jacksonville. Frem Ayers Almanac a copy of hich has been kindly sent to tins office, we learn that the weather will have the usual variations during 1884. The work iof covering the Rogue river bridge in Flounce Rock precinct was done by James McDougal and! was received by the county court this week. No Ashland "Tidings" reached Jack sonville last week and like the woman that found a paper with an article clipped out we want to know what was in it. Col. "v7. S. Stono and wife came over from Yreka last Thursday. Sat isfactory arrangements -were agreed apon for right of way with the rail road comranyand the transfer of deeds was made this week. A lot of household furniture, horses and cattle, will be sold at auction by John Hockenjos on Thursday of next week: Be on hand and secure bar gains. Jay Gould recently paid 21,500 taxes in Npw Yortr, and W. H. Van derbilt $48,500, and both of them grumbled just like you do when paying taxes. James McDoaough and wife and Win. Kahler and wife are expected lack from their eastern trip iu a few days. Wm. .By Leo will not return be fore Spring. Gus Delpey is now in charge of Morat ii Chale's saloon after night and whenever wanting a good lunch or drink give him a call when satisfaction will be guaranteed. A letter rr ceiv ed from E. W. H. acWoodville received 'too late for last issue, will be found on this week's out side. It contains a good de.'-cription of how railroad tracks are laid.- The Daily Astoria Independent is on our table. It presents a neat a) pearance topographically and is ably edited. Tliii will supply a "lone felt want" for the Atorians. Gen Washington and Gen. Sherman, by a curious historical coincidence, is sued their farewell orders to the army on the same dav a century apart November 1, 17S3-1S83. An eminent physician says the best board for dyspeptic young ladies is a wathboard; it gives strength of muscle, a coed appetite, and supercedes the ne cessity ot painting their faces. If you want a Sewing Machine call at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock, and jewelry store. His machines are a little finer and bis prices a little snugger, than any other bugger's. The first train reached Rock Point last Tuesday about three o'clock p. i Many old residents of that locality were there to greet it, some of them never having seen a train of cars be fore.v . Keeler II. Gabbert, the enterprising druggist and merchant at new Grants Pass, was in town isveral days this week. Horn r Hark ness is no w a part nerwith him in the business at Grants PiSS. Any one having facts conneced with the early history of Southern Oregon will confer a. favor by com municating the same to H. O. Lang, the editor of the new history of South ern Oregon. Two men named Charles Feldt and II. L Hansen were caved in at the Simmons claim near Waldo this neck and received serious but not fatal in jurieH. They were working in a tun nel at tho time. About 75 hanlshave been discharged from the road in the vicinity of Buck Rock Tunnel. Work will be suspend ed, with the exception of in the tun nels, on the road during the winter season In that vicinity. The dai'y "Oregonian" was thircy fouryearsold one day last week. As a newspaper the "Oregonian" is one of the best published on this coast and compares most favorably with the best published anywhere else. Messrs. Donaldson Gardner,agents for the celebrated Tabor organs aro now canvassing this valley with good success. Mrs. Aflie W. Cawley of Rock Point purchased a fine 5250 in strument of them this week. The World has been feeling thH pulse of republicans of the empire state, and it finds that Arthur is tlin cboiee of a majority for president. If Arthur concludes to be acaudidate, he will have the support of the old Grant crowd. The finest let of toilet sets ever brought to Jacksonville can be found at Merritt Robinson's drug store. A fresh lot of fancy candies of all kinds also received this week. Take a look at their stock when looking for holi day goods. The central station in the valley is to be called Medford and the one at Chavner's bridge is named Bedford. With the passengers coming from the south it is all right as they ran com mence undressing at Medford before reaching Bedford. Mr. H. O. Lang, chief editor of Walling's history of Southern Oregon, returned from Portland this week and will continue his labors on the work. His trip below was mainly to gather data for the work from records on file iu the State department at Salem. Villard's new house, corner of Madi son avenue and Ffiy first street, New York, is expected to far excel William H. Vaudrrbilt's in magnificence. One of the rooms is en'irely in mosaic and the -adornments of two others is csti mated to cost not less than 8150,000. Tramps should "shy around" Ash land hereafter. At the last meeting of the Town Trustees, an ordinance was passed providing for the arrest of vagrants, who will be compelled, up on conviction of vagrancy, to work up on the streets tor the improvement of the town. The name of T. B: Kent was acci dentally omitted from the sohcting committee last week when the list was published. The following names have also been added to the supper com mitee: Mrs. W. J. Plyniale( Mrs. John E. Ross, Mrs. T. B. Kent and Mrs. D. Linr. To find the numbtr of tons in a stock of hay, ascertain the length and width of the stack, and also the dis tance over it from the ground on one side to the ground on the other side. From this last measurement subtract the width and divide the remainder by 2. Multiply the result by the length, and this product by the width and divide by 512. This will give the number et long. Senator Edmunds has been investi gating the prospects of successfully operating telegraph, lines by the post office department, add will prepuro and introduce in Congress a bill to equip and operate a postal telegraph system. It is thiught that the President will J also recommend the same plan. Governor Moody has not yet an nounced his appointments for the va cant Judgeships in this and the Port land districts. In this district there can be no doubt of the selection of Mr. Webster as be is recommended by the bar. and leading members of both po litical parties. During November the contractors on the Siskiycu tunnel advanced 384 feet; that is, they completed the .tun nel for that distance, including timber ing. This is an average of moTe than twelve feet a day. At the present rate the "Tidings" says the tunnel will be finished by midsummer. The "New Cash Store" does a rush ing business because all the coods are marked down to the lowest notch ex. pecting quick sales for i-nial! profits Call around, enquire prices and,you will be 10 ivinctdTnit.jour pur 0 will hold out longer' forrne"" goods boughi than at anv other place. 1 I A nigiit force was put on the rail road construction work at CliavnerV bridge last night and a train was rx peeled to cross the river early this morning. The work is being pushed with all the vigor possible and it will not be long before the end of the track reaches the central station in the val ley. The Lakeview "Examiner" reports that a human head, partially decom posed, was breught by dogs to the ranch of Capt. Folltt at Willow ranch last week. It is supposed to be the head of Shaw, who was mysteriously mur dered on the Madeline plains some time since, his body being found with the head missing. M. J. Green is the railread agent at Grant's Pass, having moved his head quarters, from Glendale. George En gle has also moved to that place where he attends to Wells Fargo Co.'h business, the stage ogeney and his own business as forwarding agent. Our merchants will note this fact and have their goodp shipped to Grant's Pass in stead of Glendale. A correspondent of the Crescent City "Record," writing from Happy Camp, says the people of that section will 1.0011 get all their supplies from abroad, with connection in this county by wagon road to the railroad, and says only a few miles remain to be completed, to enable teaming all the wsy from Happy Camp to the railroad in this vicinUy. "Yrtka Journal." A letter from Rev. M. C. Mille-, lated at Council Grove, Kansas, sta'es: "I have not recovered tuv health since coming from Albany hern, as you state, (ho one of. your readers informs mo) but am about as when I left vou last June. Dj not think 1 am any worse. Am beyond doubt in the first stage of consumption, liit lower part of my right lung has perished away and a cavity remains. I am still hopeful aud am being well treated here by the people. My wife's health is pretty good." When any druggist or dealer tries, to sell you, or tells you that some other rumedy is as good or better, when you ask for Ammen's Cough Syrup, look him in the face, and vou will see that God has stamped upon his countenance in unmistakable characters the word cupidity, and by investigation vou will find that he is recommending some decoction of his own that costs him only a few cents to prepare, or some patent remedy upon which he makes a largo profit. Ask for Am man's Cough Syrup. Take no other. Buy a 15 cent or 50 cent bottle. Test it yourself. It stands upon its merits. A Jacksonville correspondent of the Portland "Hesperian" gives the fol lowing account of a. wine supper given here not long since: "The railroad magnates indulged in a game supper a few evenings ago at the club room. But, oh! the perversity of human na turf; the priss was ignpminiously and ingloriously ignored, and that's why one ill natured reporter designated it "drunk and disorderly. They will never realize how much pains we took to polish our number sixteens with i-tovo blacking, and the great waste of ointment to perfume our chestnut sorrel locks with bear's oil, and how we huoted up back numbers of the "Oregonian" to see what was said at the Villard reception,', so a to be able to fittingly respond to the toasts to the press. But in vain we plodded around under the pittiless stars waiting to be bidden to the feast. Bat the cry "Lo, the bride-groom couieth" was not heard iu the highways and hedges, and morn ing dawned on ye disconsolate reporter with nary a chance to sample the solids and liquids that made up the bill of fare for a first class game supper. But the reporter did not have to get some one to bring him home, and did l.ot hav'e to decline an invitation to dinner on Thanksgiving because he hod the headache. If you hear that Oregon and California railroad stocks hare fallen.it can be justly attributed-to this disastrous oversight on the part of these prominent railroad officials. Notice. A large asfcorlment of the celebrated New Home sewing ma chines, the best ana cheapest in thn market, have just been received at E O. Brooks' store. Call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. G. B. Caldwell was in town yester day getting the hydraulic pipe for his Williams creek mines. K. Kubli made it. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what jou need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Brcoks can furnish it. ATflXCATE ITEM. Dec 8, 1883. The oldest inhabitant does not re member such a Fall Ihey think we will have a very ejien Winter, with much rain and but little snow. Grass and grain grawing finely stock looking arid doing well. Vegetable and other crops all put away for the winter, but the bulk has been sold so that prices for the bal ance in tha spring no doubt will be much higher. Generally the crops of vegetables was not so yieldy as last year, bat the acreage was much larger, still Apple gate has lost none of its great name for producing tho largest and finest 'truck in the country. Scarlet fever has been somewhat prevalent, but most of the cases now about well and no new ones. The railroad whistle is now daily heard and many people from this place are doing their trading at the new town, which is putting on city airs already. A farmeress ordered her hired man to haul two loads of straw around each apple tree result trees putting out new leaves, now shn is mad about it. The big shingle machine was moved down to the railroad last week, where they are making 9,000 a day, but will increase to 40,000 in two weeks time by using water power. J. Chapman is-t'ie proprietor. The new bridge ncross Applegate is said not to be safe by its enemies, but for information to people who havi been lied to I will say that there is not a stronger or better bridge of the kind in the country than what it is, aud further the bridge is the only one in the county across said river and in tho safest place a briJge could be placed On the north side of the river is a good drv winter road and a great deal safer, for no dangerous grade like the Clemens grade on the south side dis figures the road on the north side. More fruit trees are being planted this fall than ever before, and my opinion is that most people that bought of the California fruit trees will wear long faces another year, for the fruit trees I have seen from there are not to be compared with those grown on Applegate, both in roots and beauty and smoothness of stalks, and further how do they know but what th-y have imported that terrible pest, the "Hed Scale Bug" and perhaps other diseases that time will never efface from our fair country. So in the fu ture patronize "home industry" and let their fruit agents alone At a late meeting the minister re quested the audience to sing some thing, when the leader, a man of notes, .stiuck up a tune but did not proceed over 8 or 10 bars when tho minister said "That is enough of that; when you sing again sing something you know and have a tune to it." Jat im magine said voung tn.n'n feelings, and thking into consideration that his gal was silting bv him and he warbling his sweetest and most dulcet notes. Said minister was also hlunt enough to com pare our school houses to those in Ar katisas and the peuple to heathens, when you know we are all splendid fellows aiut we Simson. Vt'oodillle items. Woodville, Or, Dec. 12 1883. Mr. William Harper and Mr. John Woods some time since donated to the railroad company their portion of tho depot grounds at this place, and the deeds for the same were duly executed to day. The money to pay Mr. Fred White for his portion has been all sub scribed, and it now remains for the company to get a deed fiom him, and when this is done work on tho side track will be commenced at once. The trainu are now bringing up bridge timbers from below. They aro also distributing telegiaph poles along the line. We regret- to learn that Mr. M. Janse, engineer in charge of this di vision, and his assistants, Chas. Mc Naughton, Dimmick, and W.,E. Small their work being done, will leave us soon. The iulei course of these young gentlemen has been marked with uni form courtesy and the most obliging disposition on their part, and their many friends w'll regret very much of their departure. Let us hope that the young gentlemen will have been so favorably impressed with our coun try while here that they will come back to us again. Later. A deed has been obtained from Fred White since the above was written, and a gang of Chinamen are here awaiting orders to go t work at the side tracks and switches. While I am writing this the surveyors aro laying off the ground. The telegraph line is beiny changed through here this afternoon from the stage road to the railroad. Ne poles are leing set and" cross hire 1 ut with arrangements f.r four wires. Mr. Dolsen informs me. that by noon to-day tho track would be to the Rogue river bridge. The bridge, however, is not quite finished; so that track-laying will be delayed hero a dav or two. E."W. H. Settle Up. Everybody knowing themselves indebted to thn undersigned will find it advantageous to settle up by Jan. 1, 1884, as our books, notes and accounts, must be balanced by that time. Little Chase. Jacksonville, December, 8, 1883. The CiiEAPLbT. Abraham, WheeVr Co. have decided on closing out their store at Glendale and. offer goods cheaper than ever before sold in South ern Oregon. Parties from here who hava made purchases there say they don't see how they can afford to sell goods at the prices asked. Read their price list. t 1H O. Parker. In Jacksonville, iJec. 10, 1883, George W., son of Wiley Parker, aged G years ana 7 months. An exchange says San Francisco is reported as being flooded with counter feit standard dollars, which are said to be dangerously like the geuuine. The counterfeit is of white metal, and the die aud milling are almost perfect. They are nearly as white as the true coin. No one person in tin would de tect them in handling them in the usu al way. Still they "lack the true weight and ring of the genuine coin. Wells Fargo Co. found, in some 12,000 takn frem the Sub Treasury, 20 of these bogus pieces. The coun terfeit is described as having a duller appearance than the true, metal; they are dated 1883 and with the San Fran cisco Mint marc "S" upon them; hut tho "S ' and '4883" are muddy, that is they are less distinct, and not so well executed as the genuine. You can detect tdem by sticking the point of a sharp knife through the silver coating which will easily feel off. "Record." The political slate for ooe ticket "is said to be already fixed at the county seat for the freeman of the country to swallow at the nominating convention and at tho ballot box next June. "Tidings." THE REV. H.THAYER, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "B'jih myself and wife owe ourliver to SHILOH'S CON SUMPTION CURE." Brooks keeps it. ARE YOU MADE miserable by in digestion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetitt yellow skin Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. E. C. Brooks, agent. WHY WILL YOU cough ShilohV euro will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and 1. For sale at E. C. Brooks.' "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 c?nts. For sale at Brooks. SHILOH'S CURE WILL imme piately relieve Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis. Call at Brooks. FOR DYSPEPSIA aComnd Liver plaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottli of Shiloh's Vita'izer. It never fails to cure. Brooks can furnish it. A NASAL INJECTOR free wMi each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme dy. Price 50 cents. Brooks, agent. BORN. Armstrong. In Jacksonv He, Dec. 8, 188a, to the wife of Marcus Armstrong, a daughter. Tyrf.ll. In Chimney Rock prccint.Nov. 20th. 1883, lo Mr. and 3Irs.OcarTyrcl. a son. Masquerade Ball ! UMli liilll i TO BE GIVEN AT Holt's :EtH, ON JANUARY l3t 1884. Floor .Manaoeus. Frank Kasshafer, F.Gr-barul C. Wintjen. UfcCErricN Committee. V. Schutz, G. II. Youuj; and J. Matt. Music Committed. V. Schmidt, F. Luy and A. Uolin Tickets including supper, $1.25 each. Best of music lurnislicl. Gexe:ial Committee F. Grob, F. Lnvanl J. B'nlt. flyer's Cherry Pectoral. Orrrillc.Ohio, Sept. 10, 1882. COLDS. " Having "en "object to a bron chial affection, with frequent colds, for a number of years, I hereby cer tify that Aveb' Cnxmiv Pectobai. gives me prompt relief, and Is the most effective remedy I have ever tried. James A. Hamilton, Editor of Tht Crtscent." "MUGlIead, Ohio, Juno M, 18C2. COUGHS. " x h" "-"- Aveb's CnEiiitT Pectoiial this spring for a se vere conch and lnnjr trouble with good effect, and I am pleased to recommend It to any one similarly affected. UABVEV BACOnMAX, Proprietor Globe note"."" PEEPARED BV Dr.J.C.Ayer&.Co.,Lovvell,Mas8. Sold by all Druggists. NSW tUBDLER SHGP, Jacksonville, Ogn. Thomas J. Kenney, Prop. HAVING OPENED OUT A NEW saddler shon in Langcll's building, opposite Masoniq JIall, I am fully pre pared to dff any work in my line with promptness and dispatch. "Will keep on hand a good assortment of saddles, bridles, harness, bits, spurs, etc. None but the best California leather used. Job -work a specialty and prices to suit the times. g?Qivc me a trial. T. .1. KENNEY. Jacksonville, July 1G.1881. srosrsoxs. This is to give notice tha I have given my son, Peter liavner, his time, and I will not be responsible tor debts of his contraction. THOS. CHAVNER. Dardane'les, Dec. I, 1883 DR. A. MARKHAM, SURGEON DENTIST, Central Point. All work In my line done in the best man ner. Satisfaction guaranteed. &2 y"r fjp "" ii. I ? OF THE 1T0D0N tfWFDAPLrF K. KUBLI, Odd Fellow's Building Jksor;ille, Ort;oa DEALER AND MOBKtU l TIN.SnEETIBON, COPPEB Pumps, m AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS? NAILS, --?: A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOYES HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & irVILLOW WARE ROPE, NAILd, Paints Oils, Varnish, Class CUTLERY. WIRE Shot,.52?ashs, Chains, Hosa ETC., ETC: I have eecured the eervicei of a first clssi' Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair ing promptly and la fuperior stylo. TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE 1 I am receiving and have conolaatlj oa hand a full aad first class sleek of GROCERIES, Ditr-aooDs, onsi boots, todacco READY MADE CLOTHING. GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, c. S-Everth!sao!a at reasonable rstei. K. KUBLI Jackinnville. March. 9. 18". F. S. AKIN, BEN SULUKG, n. E. DOSO Don't buy "Boss .Boots' unless you want the best. Seu that our name .il- S3- C3 "C5- is on every pair. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. AKIN, SELLING & CO. Notice. Laud Office at Rosr.ntnwi, Or., ) November 17, 181. f Notice is hereby given that the follow, in; named settler has tiled notice of his .mention lo make Jlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will ba made bcloic the Clerk of Josephine county Orcuou at Kerbyville, on Saturday De cember 2!), I8SU, viz: Charles Ageo Jr., Pre-emption I). S. No. 8:J3 for the S K f b E if Sec. 2.1 and NJoIM E See. MT 30 S or It 7 West. lie names tlu following witnesses to prove his continu es residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Holman Peters, Milton Itcynolcls, Robert Murray, Tlienpliilus Murray, all of Josephine comity Oregon. Wm. F. BbiNJ.vJiiN, Register. ADtllVIsrilATO'l'S Noricn. In the matter of the estite of John II., McDjniel. deceased. Ni tice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Gourt of Jurkson county', Oregon, sitting fn Probate. Administrator of the estate of John H. McD.miel, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested lo settle the same immediately, and those having claims against thecstatc will present them with the proper vouch ers to the undersigned, residing in Jack sonville, Jackson, county, Oregon, within six months from tho tirst publication of this notice. A. II. Maeoi.y, Administrator of said estate. Dated Nov. 21,1883. Bids Wanted FOll SaUAHC TISIBEtl, IIEWff Oil SAWN, Lengths, 11 ft, 10 ft, 24 ft and 20 ft, by 12 inches square, to De delivered betwc n Wagner creek and Ashland, AlAO BIDS WAIVTEU FOR PH.EINO, To oe delivered between Gore's ranch and Ashland. All bids mu-t be sealed and in the O. & '. R. R. ofllce, addressed to O. A. F. Morris, Chief Engineer, Portland, Oregon, on or before Dec. 15, 1883. The company reservin? the right to reject any and ail bids. For particulars, see D. Lorino, Jacksonville, and Joiin A. IIunuJCKT, Ashland Jt?rCrTO tOnncr day at bor 1 tpc X J S,OWSarap!cs worth .7 Irce Address Stinso.n & Co.,PortlandC - isTL-sr a S rrt te.7BH88? JJj Uv - ,TtAStl' -U