. not as - wctiKh Ecejr hhtkv. The youthfnl emigrant who hu 6ee writing to the Portland papers irmJer the non die plume of "Pioneer," witli' the philanthropic purpose of giving the origin of the names of the river, crteks, and phces in southern Oregon, met from considerable of a rebuff from the pen of Hon. J. "V7. Nesmith, In the "Oregonjan'' of the 23d, in correct ing the errors in which th youth had fallen T2 reference to the ramies of Jo- Mpbine, Jump-off Jot, Grave creek and Grants Pass. Mr. Nesmith slates that the first emigrants cane to Ore gon by the southern routr h 1846. A party of Missourians encamped mp- on.tbe stream now called Grave creel, where a) young lady by the name of Crowler died. Her friends mad a wugu wiuuous o a wagon Den and buried her in a deep crave on thr eanrs 01 ibe creek, under the shade of pin tree. In 1848 a party of 32 persons, of which Mr. Nesmith was of the- number, started for the gold fields of California. Some- of the number knew the location of Hiss Crowley's jprava and railed it. Tire Indians Lad found the crave-and ooanKfl it mt ha nt.M; r,r. toUJ.-i . .,:.. Ir.u u.i .J..: I" atickstodig with, had made an im- mn n,'f ir. t.- f,. ..:. i in AVmai- .. L ., J " UD cu.incw, nnu ten ieet deep. They called the stream Grave creek; as they knew of no other ir IU jjir. jiesmuh rtyi; J.ne next time I saw the Grave was b September, 1853, when I went .kwc., jvm, waen j. went in y General Lane, after- the command to rciM 1attle of Evans creek. A few days "before our arrival t Grave creek, a -party of packers and miners, aided, I -tbinlc, by jntreralda Ur&gCOLL hd .fought the Indians near the Grave house, as Harkne&i and. Tcngopd's place wag called TJsecasjes of the Mlefunct aborigines were thrown into the still open pit that the Jndiana had dug in the disinterment of Miss Crow ly. I stood upon the bank and looted down upon the festering mass pf good Indians," out of which ttopk. arras, heads or legs, to an advanced state of decomposition. The sight waa pleasant and the odor still less sc. I wfcl&ed! away,, holding my ajn, I tho'ufoi) there was poe jui'e tu-nhliaft th. carcas.93. olwd in )i ' a iib dug by ttw;- own devils 1 utsuii o th.er.- aafa- . hands, in una coBclusdj thaf .ious schemes, called the-atmr , we had properly Mr, Sesr- u Grave creek." pf Jot ' aith states that the exploit tff .lcLaughlin, from which Jump .Joo takes its name, was in 1837. That McLaughlin died in Vancouver in December, 1849, and consequently was not fighting Indians or prospect ing in southern Oregon, as "Pioneer," says, "away back in the '50's." He says that to his certain knowledge the stream was called Jump-off-Joe in 1843. ismall Farms. The United States has many far mers who are "land poor;" they have ao much land that they cant make a living on it. When they have once learned that it is not economy to own more land than they can till in the most profitable manner, so that it will pay for the money expended in keep ing it free from taxes, weeds, and oth er encumbrances, thiy will have solved the problem of ease in a farmer's life. The happiest and thriftiest farmers we have ever known lived on farms of less than one hundred acres some on farms of only ten acros, every foot of which was made to count. On the other hand, the farmer who has so many broad acres that he cannot walk over them daily, where rods of fence corners are never cultivated or made of any use, lives a life of anxiety and worry. His taxes are heavy and his crops light He cannot give reason ably thorough cultivation to so much land. Now, if the farmer who owns one hucdred acres of land will sell half of it and expend the money received for it in cultivating the other fifty, getting blooded stock and poultry, fer tilisers, etc., he ean make each acre produce as much as two acres are doing now. His taxes will bs less, his cares less, and his gains vastly greater. "American Farm and Homo." Writing up the country about Co quille, Oregon, a correspondent of the "Herald" says: It cant be seen by this imperfect description, that this part is immensely rich in natural re sources richer, it is claimed, than any other section, of the State. It is sadly needing capital and industry to develope it into one of the most pros perous sections of the world. Capital could find no more safe place of paying investment than here. It is needed to build vessels and mills, to place our great wealth on the markets of the world; to open and develope our rich Bsinea. Brick Fomeroy is trying to run a silver miss on the profits of a newt-, paper A PIHTER1 BKtXJi . r"iiiu cat. in uis omce onair, his boots were-patched and his coat thread bare, and hrs face looked weary and wora with care. While sadly thinking-of business debt, old Morpheas slowly around him crept; and sleeping, ne dreamed that he was dead, from trouble and toil his spirit had fled, and that not eren a cow bull tolled for the peaceful rest o his cow-hide sole. As he wandered about among the shadi that smoke and rorch in the lower hades, he slowly obsorved an iron door, that creaking hunt; on hinges ajar, but the entrance was closed with" a reef But bar, and Satan himself stood pepping out, and watching for travelers there about, and thus to the passing printer spoke? CoB3e in, my dear, it will cost vpu nottnngy and never fear, this u hn t.u ),.,. t - a .a .' . --- j-. --' ! w.w uwa inouHFS Wll never pay their aubscrfptie suais; for through in life they mar escape, they will find when they're dead it is toe late; I will show you the phxce where" 1 melt them in with red hot chains and scraps of tin, and also where I eoab- their heads with broken glass and . . . . alwd' ttnd lf "freshmenta ""TO"' think, thereS boil: for hem ' . ' TV" ' " . . ,-. iurreoi)0l the red hot nnS8 to 'ear on hi. toe,, an(j j they mention ther donV '" fire, I sew up their mouths with red hot wirt; and then, dear sir, you should et tbtm squirm, while I rollthem over to cook to a turn." With these 1 t A joke but m J With these last worrf. i o . . uv iinQter & practical fen rQl Hlrf ?fr a,?.CannneHwa,all a ofteu U tWuk with a tackle anJ grf of the ale ot those wl saTe their tin and never pay tho printer. He Wing Lvei? Time. "I f m sorry for von, --" " . darter has been dfc"i""mt ? to become your Wl a" ! "Jlukyou. for- . T broker n ' Bni prosperous "Xra ' Tv , I know; Vint the markets are r uncertain and you may be a poor jan tomorrow." "But I own a rolling-mill, too," "So I understand; but the iron busi ness is subject to great fluctuation." "And I have three woolen factories, am a member of a jobbing firm, and own a large amount of real estate." "All of them uncertain properties. Even real estate is bung ruined by high taxes. Hare you nothing elsel" "Yes, I own a newspaper." "Oh, I beg your pardon. Take her, my dear boy. She is yours.,' Phila delphia Call. To Keep EscFreh- A correspondent in an eastern paper describes a timplo arrangement for keeping eggs fresh, which he saw at a farm house he was visiting, and was informed by the housewife that it in sured tht good keeping of the eggs for six months or longer. It was nothing but a set of shelves, four- feet long and eight inches wide, placed in a rack five inches apart, with auger holes through each shelf to receive tho small end of the eggs and hold them upright. In this position the yolk will not settle upon the shell, and that, together with the free circulation of air around them, was the reason given for the fresh keeping of the esgs. If eggs can be kept fresh in this way, it is worth while to know it; and tho tiling can be easily tested. A merchant who returns from Chi na says the world has little knowledge as to what preparations China can makr for war. He says she can equif half a million of men with the most improved arms, and has the best can nons made in Europe. Fighting is going on in Tonquin. The Rogue River Distilling Company HAS OrEXED A WHOLESaLE HOUSE IN JACKSONVILLE, In the building situated on the corner of """"'"" "" I'uui Birecia wuere can be obtained a PURE. UNADULTERATED ARTICLE OF BOVRBOJT,RYE AND CORN WHISKY, IN QUANTITIES AND AT PRICES TO SUIT. Satisfaction r;uaranterd. N. K. LYTLJ3, Superintendent. IHINTKRS lilMPflftT.fMil - " uaiuin. Jackson-eiHef, Oregon. JOfl.1 MULES, - Proptfeler. DEALER Itf ALL KINDS OP AGRI cullural Implement tools 'of nil kinds and a general assortment' or such hardware. . He also keeps the largest sJock ot, arid au tlie Uttst improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS A3D A JT7LL ASSORTMENT 01 Pishing Tackle, Powdar, 9hot, tic. ALSO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OP OIL Give hira a call and ;" his swek before making jour purchased cxan.. DR. SPINNEY No. 11 Kearny Street, Twu .11 ChrsRlc aaa Sptflal BUatw. Who may be suffering from the effects or youthful follies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of this, the erat SJ&eTp, '-:ii al Ae al,ar ;,f-ucrinS human'-.. DR. SPINNEY vill guaran- -.u 10 luneu $ow mr every case 01 bcmia. al Weakness or private disease of any kind of character which he undertakes and tails to cure. MIDDLE AOED HEX. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often accom panied by a blight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner the p.Uirnt cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will he of a thin milk isli hue, aprain changing to a dark and tor pid appearance. There arc many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. 8. will'gnarantee a perfect cure in-all such cases, and a healthy res toration of the genito urinary organs. Office Hours 10 to '4 antf 0 to 8. Sun days, from 10 to 11 a. u. Consultation free. Thorough examination and advice, $5. Call or Address MR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 11 Kearney St, San Francisco. June 3, 1882. tf FEUIT TREES By The Thousand. The undersigned is now taking orders through Jackson and Josephine counties for FRIIT, ORNAMENTAL TREES, And Shrubbery of any kind raised in a first class nursery. Those wanting trees the coming fall will do well to give me their orders as I will guarantee (satisfaction. Trees are war ranted if properly cared for. Terms ol paymeri leasy produce taken at market prices, tyanted 1,000 pounds of peach seed. A.S.JORN80N Jacksonville Oregon Aug. 1, 1883. Notice. Lakd Office at RosEBuno, On., ) September 6, 1883. J Notice is hereby given pursnant to an act of Congress of June 3 1878 for the sale of timber lands in thcstitesof Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and in AYashinc- ton Territory, that F. E. Habersham has applied to purchase thc"W orS'Wif Sec 8 Township 35 8outh of Range 6 West Wil Meridian. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above de scribed land must file their claims with the Register of the Land Office at Roseburtr. during the sixtv days publication hereof anu tailing 10 ao mis uieir rights will be barred by statute. Wit. F. Benjamin. Register. GRAND BALL At Kerbyville, Or., Christmas Sight, Dec. 25th. The best of Music and Supper will be provided. Tickets $2.50. A general in vitation is extended. 51. Ryder. Josephine county, Nov. 24, 1883. Valuable Zand For Sale. The undersigned offers ?,000 acres ol valuable land for sale. Land situated on Antelope creek, eighteen m'les from Jack sonville Will be sold in a body for $10 per acre or in 160 or 320 icre lots at from $15 to $20 per acre. For particulars ad dress or call on A. L. Johnson, Land Agent, or "WJ1. BYBEE. Jacksonville, Oregon. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TnE ij. unucrsigneu uy note or oooK account. are raiuraieu io can anu seme without delay. G. KAREWSZI. Jacksonville, Sept. 22. 1663. "Waatocl. 150 cords mixed dry pine and fir wo hnd several thousand bushels of-train ore wanted at the Rogue River DJstlllcit ior which cash will be paid. Apply to the undersigned in Jacksonville. N. K. Lttui. August 1&, 1883. JERBY NTTNAN IS HOW OFfKRIN'8 TnK- GREATEST INDUCEMENTS in NEW ANDLATESTYLES or DRESS AND FANCt GOOCS 6f EVEKIr DESCRIPTION KKCKTT IMPORTATIONS Of The loit Fanhlcnablt CLOTHIERS In San Francisco. LADIES AND GSTST CALIFORNIA MADE BOCTS AND SHOES, " OF KrKET yAHIETT A!k7 JIAKE. With Groceries- Canfied Goods, Tobacco, Cigars, Crock ery &c. in abundance. I allow, highest market .rate for farm PWtft butter, egga&e, and sell goods at lowest living profit. I represent as much fire insurant caa Hal as anv airencv on ihn p.ii.i .,).!. rcauj- 10 accept good builuin , ' c -rf --. t.w-ok uuw dm iv w.-vji gooa Duiiuing 1 - n case ol low full lu risks and guarau demnity. JEffY MUNAN. ."-'Ifornia St. COOS BAY STAGE AND U. S. MAIL LINE. Stages leave Ro&eburff everyday, except Sunday, at 0 a. 11., arriving at Jlurslitlelc! the same day. Fare, $7.00. -This being the main traveled route to all points in Coos and Cnrry Countiss, passengers will find it to their adf antage to take this line. Samsbukt, Haii.y & Co CITT BARBER SHOP Califokxia St., JacksoBTille, - - Orrgon Tlie nnderslgned is fully prepared to do all work in his line In tlfe best manner and at reasonable prices. HKURGKSCflTTMPF. C. H. REED, PRACTICAL! House, Sign, Carriage and Fancy Painter, TA.ols.aioaa.-crl.l2.of Or. ALL KINDS of graining done. Satis faction guaranteed. Orders left at the New State Saloon will receive prompt attention. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WETTKRER, Pritpriitor Oregon Sr.,Jncksniiville The oest of Iacer beer alwavs kent on 'hand and ready for sale by the keg or glass. Notice. Land Offick at Rosebuho. On., ) November 1, 1883. f ' Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pniof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi.! be made before the Clerk of Jackson son connty Oregon at Jacksonville, on Saturday December 15, 18S3, viz: Gcorpe L. Lacy, Pre-emption D. S. No. 808 for the N E 14 of S B 14 Sec. 21 Town. 85 South of Range 4 "West Wil Jler. lie ntmes me loiiowing witnesses to poire his continuous residence upon, and culti vat'on of. said land, viz: Q. W. Bennett, Robert McGinniss. P. McCarvell. Calvert .Williams, all of Woodville Jackson county Oregon. Wm.F. Benjamin, Register. ,Warning. npHE PDBLIC ARE NOTIFIED J that I forMd any pc;on hunting or discharging fire arms witliin the limits of my propertv. Fair warning is hereby given that 1 will prosecute trespassers disregarding this notice to tho full extent of the law. 31. RANLEY. Jacksonville Aug. 3501 18S3. sfMCo rcWJ&Wfta&z NUAI. JFOft 7883.3 sum sppurauiia. anu w ca wiUiout ordering it. It contain atxmt Vt ptffaa. 0U0 Ulnstrstlona, prices, acenrmta tonen of last rear atscrxpuons sua Tiuaoia cuncaous lor pimncms; 1600 TirtetJes of Y cntable etc. InT -sod Flavor fiMli. Is. Fruit Trees, etc. Ixmlasbls to all, espec- itltr D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT MlOH so narKn uiraeDcn ocua lac I PATENTS We eonUnoe' to act as Sollrlton for Patents, Caveats, Trade Harks, Copjrlphu. eta, for lbs Daitel States, Car.ida. Cuba, Erjrland. Franre, Germany, etc. We tare Lad tlilrtr-Uvc jrcara' experience. Patent cbtaiued tfcriupnusare noticed la the Fatvri.cc .ntEiciN. nils large and splendid lllostrated weeklj r- r. $3.20 a jeir. sliowi the ProETwj of Edeate. Ix rrj lotercxtlofr. and hu an encnnooi circulation. Address MUKN CO, Patent SoUclton, pub's of tocrane AXBucaK. Jfil Broadwft.r. New Tork. Band bewk kbaot Pvoti baa. i JfejWt- mm WM7S I si3K33T ui TnnbezradS IMMENSE SA.OErFIOE! ABRAHAM WHEELER & CO., Will for the next 30 days sell goods at GLENDALE at the lollowiiig prices: Best C. R. CbflVe, quality guaranteed.. ,,. . . .12J Golden C. Suear n-u n o Hutchinson No. 1 Huirar Honolulu Rice, Carolina seed .. . nu: t;- VUIIIB iHtO. 12 lb box Salaeratus or Soda No. 1 Meat Salt Black Pepper Sada Crackers Green Tea from Pioneer White Lead ..." BoiMnn 1 --.. .....,.... Climax Tobacco 14 ounce plugs...... . Nimrod " Iorilards " Mechanics Dwiijht" 12 in Twist Tobacco Dwarf " '.'.'.'.'., Nurtmberg Bluing & box.,,. Silver Gloss Starch 6'lb box. . . , Cincinnati Candles-20 lb hox... I4AA X flMnli. ft- Jl n Ill l boxey Eaisin London lavera. . JIY. -www. . uiHw uauuici cr in nnr -themical Olive Soan 20 bars IThomases C. W. B. Soan 20 bars Kfa k.A . per picg DRY oarpet warp- ,,,., Oouon Batting ,,,,,,,., Extra quality White Cyoilts, ,;,,., Wte WiuTdow Curtain lace, All woo. Cashmere, former price 8T.25. Opera Flanu " a ,or8 3 ply Carpet.. BJeach Muslin LonsJ"1'?' " u Yhi!Rn.k. Blue Denim extra heavy..., Waushacum A House linin" . .nunma u j vDiicm flannel . ,. tA.Muslin w ' Spool Cotton ! a t:i n. m.-kits fiX llm Extra fine White PlantptSi former price 1500 .......11.00 Bow Road Overalls per pair, 8 oz 5 centa OIL AND RUBBER CLOTH 1KG. - fipnti. Rnhor nnf.nera. .'..... "-00 Single Oil suits pants and coat Dotblf Oil suits Dants and coat... Fihherman Oil coats extra lone Medium lone Oil emits BOOTS Every Farmer should have a pair oi 2bber BOOT& Rubber Monarch knen per pair n" 3.J50 " hip " " ,, . 4.50 Elito " " 7. 3.7rf " knee ' " 3.25 Lfathrr B Calf D S & F per pair : .v 2.75 A W & Cos Universal full stock per pair 3.50 O K Nail Bottoms jmt pair 3.25 The Boxs boot every pair warantpd 3.75 WALL PAPER. -rovv n p?r roil .. I cf nw Black per roll .. A6'j " .Satin jxr roll 25 " Judds Window shades patent fixtures 75 each Other goods too numerous to mention at the same reduction. Such oe Clothing, Furnishing Goods, .- Of all description for both Ladies and Gents, Ladies Cloaks and Eolmans cheaper than the cheapest. CANNED FltUITS, HARDWARE, CLOCKS, BLANK BOOKS, TABLE CUTLERY, TINWARE, ROPE. CIGARS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE And all kinds of goods kept in a first clacss General Merchandise store. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of produce. Specially made of hides and furs. All good-cin lie shipped to Grants Pass at a very small expense Goods not as represented can bit returned at our expense and money refunded. Also a full set of Hotel furniture, or any part, at a great deal less than cost. lias only been in use four months, everything first class. ABRAHAM. WHEELER & OO. OF JACKSON COUNTY WILL MAKE MONEY BY CALLING ON BEFORE tSs I1ROH AND AFTER THIS DATE I WILL SELL , 2 horse harness complete 2 horse lines complete " 2 50 " Good Mexican saddles " 8 00 Biding bridles " 1 00 Head halters " 50 Horse collnrs, No. 1, " 2 00 Stirrups, wood " 75 Cinches u 50 ALL OF THE ABOVE MY OWN MANUFACTURE. Other goods in my line at equally low rates. SVith an experience of nearly 40 years as a practical saddler and harness maker, and a known reputation lor Rood, substantial work, I can truthfully say that I will do a bttcr job and for less money than any oUtHclent puurantce. tS" Repairing done promptly. ive me a call, next door to Pat Doncgan's blacksmith shop. Give Jacksonville, Oregon. CITY BRJEWERY, VEIT SOHUTZ, - Proprietor. TWOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY IN- lformtbo cittsensof JacksonTjia and ths world at Urge, that they can find, at a I time, at my Brewery, th hestlarsr bt.r. In any quantity the purchaiei may desire My home Is conrenlentlrsltnated and mj rooms are always In order. A tUU will pleas yo. Horses for Sale. The undersigned oftors for sale on fav orable terms his band of stock horses, con taining 00 head of good American ani mals. For further particulars, address me at Jacksonville, or call at my place two miles northeast of said plooe. May 20, 1688. H. HjjoT. cts. per lb 11 11 ii 11 11 11 11- 11 i. 1 w' II 11 11 11 ,f Bidl M par lb '.. ,.r, .10 .12 ,'. " t :. ,. 1 .10 '' ,' "-- tr m'm l J ,","!!!! """ -5 " '"''" ,'r' ' Vu ' o, i- .90 gal .GO n por lb .60 " " " ..15 u " " .55 " - " .0.1 50 ' . - on . 2.75 o .ir 1". " " 1 nn . . per lb " box 11 ' i'Kn ''AW &, c. GOODS. 30 cts jb 25. M 1 50 ettl.h ,....30 to .37 cts per vd ,,,,. ,. . , ,,,. . .90" 'r , ,,. ,. ,,,. .40 ,,.,, ,,,,,.,,, .52 .. 11 ,,,.11 ii ii ii ii i ii i it i ii ii H II M II II Ii ,22 & ; in .., 8i .' 'i . '5n5 o.ia per doz -. 2 50 bJ0 it 4.50 71 t 3.00 BUYING from 520 00 a set man in Oregon My work in the past is a i California street. HENRY JUDGE. Criterion Billiard. Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., CATON & GARRETT, Proprietors. THIS populai resort, under new man. agement, is furnishing the lcst brands ot liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Give me a call. dtOTQ a. week. $12 a day at home ease tDX-lymadc. Costly Outfit free. Ad dress Thuh & Co., Augusta, Maine. THE U. S. HOT1 Cor. 3d and California fits.', u&aonvul - - Ol JA.NEHOEOr.Pooprietrcs . 4 O, Stage Hotm FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS 4 31KALS AT ALL HOURS. KOTWrs TO LET BY THE DAT WPWir rT r.. ,. 1 - v" laun xu. Triffoa Very njoderatWI 0RE1I?TEL BUILDING B d ilmpie,ed ,,or upancr. then KubM,Pn?rcd ,to ent,crtaIn he ' nVvti r "", A" Pains w 1 be spared tc r,;U.LBVilJhtSBs. Tue Irod 11a n 1 r ran1lul" n itf .. "V"1-' . aim the nccommodntmn. r .u. .nS.a.S1. .?.! .W"l thVbel tables ili ..:.. . . v::"""",-"ua- UUrt tesasg!3S5usa JS-l-WSKBRKirTJ , ....u iool EXCELSIOR LIFER VJ jft'D FEEI STABTjBp Corner Of i Obkoo.v i Riti.... . '"' ia.,wcxtoTIU W. J. PLYH5TAIE, prep' .bSLi? Jn!orm the publi HH M uuc DUTCH, Ol Horses, Buggies and Carina; And he is prepared to furnish his patroJ ...... u. yuunc generally wllk Fine Turnouts " ,?", "..?". "e laciflc co""- ? .. "w uinu io go to any part of the county. v Animals Bought anil Said. IIo-rs broke lo work single or doublo I norses nonicii nna Hie best of care bsJ stowed upon them while In mv rtinrl A liberal share of the public patrrnagel asuiitucu nu reaionaoie terms. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, lriJTTJJSJr and HLLMSA PItOPRlETOns. T! c proprirlors ol , well known and I popular resort world inform their friend' and the public generally tint a complete and fint cIjm stock of the best brands of I liQnors, wines', cijars, ale and porter, ete.,1 are constantly kejit on hand. Tliry wilj licplcactl tobavc their friends "call andl smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities mar aho fed fonnd here. Vic would be pleaded to hav persons possessinp; curiosities ana spett mens bring them In, and ne will placsl them in l lie cabinet tor inspection. W1NTJKN k 1IKLM.S. LUMBER FOR EVERYBODY! STERLING. So,-757-3i:ilXfi 6 Kilts Scntb of Jacksonville, TS NOW UNDER FUi L HEADWA" A and is prepared to furnish the marVt j with even' description of lumber of a sum rior nuafitv at the lowest rates. Billi sawed to order andsatisfaction guaranteed! All oruers auuresscu to us at Jacksonl vine will receive prompt attention. PARKS & SON. FRED GKOB, Proprietor of the " CITY BAKERY & SALOOI In Masonic Building, Oregon St. Jacksonville The undersigned he'rebv desires to form the public that he is now prcpaJ io nu an oruers ior pies, canes anu tir of every description. Also have a full 1 sortment of crackers of all kinds. Hci Keep FRED. GROI Shorty?. Retreat SAI.CtQN; &REaTAURANTf BUCK ROCK TUNNE IaTHEN YOU ARE IVMY KEIOl V f borhood don't fail tq give me a c iuj i guuruiueu couu ireaimcni. jit loon is kept stocked with the best win liquors and cigars in tho market and can always get a square meal at the taurant. Remcmbtr. the place. J.A.NEAL, PROP, E. T. KIJ4 TEA,C?ER OF JIU?IC MOTW1THSTANDIN& ALIi ll port to the contrary Prof, E Kuzlcr wishes to inform, the p uolic he will still continue teaching music asks for a share of the public potroc, The Professor stands a I the head of I list as a teacher of music and all hal pupils should send them to bis eel for advancement.