Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 01, 1883, Image 3

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Kotich A large assortment of the
celebrated New Horn sewing ma
cliiprijjia.-jicfitiytmqi'cjieajmst in tli
market, l,avc just been received at E
OJ. Brooks' store. Call and examine
them bcfoic jiurt'lmung elbowLer.0.
To vis Tju.vr,T.Lp Panuc., The
completion of 'Ills N. P. R. R, has
relieved die C-iO, stage liiio , of
tha tnsportatjon ot a'n enormous
qusutjly of -nihil, and the company ar
now prepared to carry all who npply
to then 'for ps-wage, tiof-th oF-south,-hnd
ut thom over the roadjn good
tdiape. '
Society "Elkctioss. Jacksonville
Lods;e No. 10, I. 0. D. F., elected the
following oflicers at the last meeting:
?J. G., S. J. Day; V..G., Robf II.
Moore; R. S.( W. J. Plymale, Trea-f-tirer,
Fred Luy; Trustees, K. Kubli,
Henry Klippol and Frank Krause. In
I.: filiation will takn place at the fir hi
meeting in January.'
Settlement Those indebted to
Dr. Aiken will plcaso gettle as soon as
posidble. And to tli3e especially,
who are seemingly indifferent whether
their bills are" over paid or not, he
would say, thai if they aroiotlsettled
in full by January lnt, he will not
stop j.o say please, but put tlioqcoupta
Into proper hands for forced collection
Farming Machinery. Miller &, Co.
bf Ashland Sre agents for the celebrat
ed D. M. Osborne fc Co. farming im
plctacnts, consisting' of harvesters,
mowers, reapers, and telf. binders, albo
the Morrison and Molin'e plows and
Schuttler .wagons,. By shipping their
goods in larga'lols direct froni the
manufactories, and getting car-load
rates on freight, they are cnablpd to
ell much lower than others who pur
cl.ae in less, quantities. Enquire
prices. "
""New Orf-iCEifs The 'Butte Creek
Trotectivo Society met at Eagle Point
last Saturday and elected the follow
ing others foeri o the ensuing year:
President, A. J. Daley; vice president,
Win, If. Parker; secretary, Thou. E
vNicho1iSj'BreaRurcr) J. ill. Nichols;
trustees, G. W. Isaacs, I. B. Williams,
J. M. Maine; investigating committee,
S. Ktingle, John Ashpole, H. It.
Brown, II. J. Terrill, G. 'A7'. Rice
The next meeting is to be held at
Browneboro on the fint Saturday in
Champagne Suited Nearly all
iho engiuecrs and boHccs employed on
the railroad work-in tLls section came
- o Jacksonville last Wednesday night
end indulged in a champagne supper
at tha Club Room. Among tho num
ber prei-cnt we nouend the following:
a L Dnlwn, IX r-orin-.', A. S. Whit
Jug, P. U. Whilner, E C Kane, J. P.
J ne, J. C. McCully, W. G. Lee.L.
H. Maxwell and Mews Kirkland and
Applflby. Frtid Gfoli furnished the
supper which was pronounced fine by
all presentt
Ttiaioious Notices. Ker. B. J.
Sharp will preach at Grant's Pans next
Sunday morning, at Woodtille at 3.30
v. x. and at Rock Point in tho even
lug. Also at Ganiard's Bchool-huuse
on Monday evetijnc, at Antioch on
Tuesday evening and utEaglePoiuton
Wednesday evening. . ..Elder M.
Peterson will preach at Mound school
Iioosq next Sunday morning. .. .Rer.
R. C Ojjlesby preaches at the Trail
creek school-house Sunday, at 11 a. if.
Rigular services at Catholic church by
F. X. Blanchet The first quarterly
meeting of Applegate circuit will be
held at the Drake school'houso Satur
day and Sunday.' Rer. E. (f. Michael
will bo in attendance.. ..Ror, J. A.
Slover will preach it Antioch school
house next Sunday.
Akother Siiootiso ScrarK. Sher
iff Purdonr, of Douglas county, learn
ing that the murderer, Thompson, who
tilled Pete Jtfalonoy at Grant's PaBs,
on Monday of last week, had entered
his county and was secreted near Glen
dale, he went out .and traced the .mar)
Borne ten or twelve miles from the lat
ter place, and found him at an old
mine. Tho party was Already a f ugi
tive from justico in Douglas county,
and boasted thathojcould orArould not
be taken, and lie alwuys' was '"prepared
to resist any ona who might attempt
his arresU . WLc,. the sheriff called
upon him to jairrender, he immediately
began draw.ing his arniR, when Jllr.
. .ruraom ureo, the bullet pissing
through Thompson's body, ki'ling him
instantly. The body was brought to
Stevens' Station, and an inquest held,
lie was a hard case, and his taking off
is not inconsistent with his life.
Tnc Justus Cask. This celebrated
trial came to nn end last Sunday morn
. ing when the jury came in with a ver
dict of murder in tha second " dporap.
after having been out since six o'c
the night before. The first ballot
said tojiave been ten for conviction
"Mit Ait mo uiAb ucicuauu twu
manslaughter." when a comnromitR
M11tjljmi n 4liat IX m t .1 & 1 .
w , t ' --
diet was -agreed ujion making it mu
in tne secona decree. On Tui
afternoon'the motion for a new
' trial
. was argued before Judge Hanna
the ground of improper conduct on
part ot one ef the jurors, which
-over-rultd, and the defendant received
-the uual 6entence imprisonment
the penitentiary for life. Tho p
took his srntence as cooly as before
when ho was sentenced to be hung and
-aJd he had nothing to say when asked
Jy the Court before sentence was
passed. Deputy Sheriffs Steadman and
oacoos ana uonstaiiio JJirdr-ey will
start with him for Salem to day also
taking Jong the Chinaman convicted
of robbing sluices and sentenced to a
.i t . - .i ...
rprca years wrni m tue states p?iBon. J
Bring in that nood.
Cold," foggy weallicr this week.
First-class'iihotographs at Briit's gal
lery. Bith stages now arrhe here about
mid-night. r " '
County Commiitioner's Court meets
next Monday.
Winter-fights opened out in Cue
style this woe.t.
Dustin High and James Beyle were
'down from Ashland I ait Wednesday.
For a cough or cold there is no rem
edy equal to .Amnion's Cough Syrup.
Them were two funerals yesterday
but both doaths occurred outsido of
Postmaster ITaiamotid and Jasper
Houck cf Ashland wcro iu town thii
Robt. Kahlerttarted.fqr Seattle last
Monday to look for' a business la-v
Numerous strapgrrs In town, this
week, nearly all looking for locations
to settle.
On account of the bad weather last
Saturday Leoui did not perform as ad
vertised. ' y. ' ' ft
Fred Weathorford, time keeper on
the lailroad, was in town several days
this week.
Win.- V. Willis and Miss Irene
Wrisley were married at Portland on
the 2lst Inst.
Fred Grob has discontinued fur
nishing lunches for twenty-fio cents
for the present.
After sixteen days servico tho regu
lar panel of jurors was discharged on
Wednesday last.
G.M. Willard and R. M. Garrett of
Ashland made a flying trip to Jack
sonville this week.
Notice tho new nd of Abraham,
Wheelrr fc Co. of Julia and seo how
low they sell goods.
Merritt & Robinson aro making
numerous improvements to tho luoks
of the city drug store.
IT. M. Price has opened a photo
graphic gillery in the upper story of
Barruch Fibber's store.
Wheat is now quoted at 51 per
bushel in Jacksonville atd Karcnskifc
mill is running steadily. "
A fine gold. watch will be sold at
Constables sale next Saturday to sat
isfy an attachment suit.
The new firo cisterns aro complete!
now and ready to be filled' with tia.er
wnen the pipes are laid.
Mrs. Henry Dcnlingcr died at Port
land tliis week. She w'-as formerly a
resident of Jackeonvifh.
F. J. McNulty raine down from tho
Siskiycur thia wsuk and spent ayday
with Jacksomille friends,
Win. Worlow of Eagle Point was
in town Thoradsy and reports tinioa
flourishing in that section.
Ed. Helms will nec-pt our thanks
for cake and wine furnished on the
occasion of his 19th birth Isy.
Mrs. Marcus Armstrong returned
from Ashland this week and will ro
main arcMdent of Jacksonville?.
A. D. Rockfollow it Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate Agents, Ashland, Oiegon.
Tli Siskiyou tunnel is now in about
900 feet and tho time for its comple
tion is set for Aucust lit, 1S84.
Dress goods and all kinds of nick
nacks for ladies can be found at Mrs.
B. F. Dowell's at reduced prices.
D. W. Crosby ha? quit railroading
and will' take a position as barkeeper
for Caton k Garrett in Ashland.
W. H. Parker will teach the
Brownsboro district school again this
whiter commencing next Monday.
Tho Circuit Court is still in session,
several equity cases occupying the at
tention of the Court and attorneys.
Flour is quoted at 30 per thou
sand, wheat SI per bushel, butter 37J
cents per pound and eggs 20 cents per
A.D. Helman is not expected back,
from the East for fcoine time yet. W.
W. Keutnor and W. C. Myrr have re
turned. ,
Mr. Ford, living on the Ish place, is
reported quite low with cancer of the
stomach ithvery slight chances of
Ruth Rebekah Degree lodge, I. O.
O. F., elects officers at tho noxt regu
lar meetiug, ono week from ntixt Mon
day night.
A quartermaster's agent from Van-'
couver is in the valley trying to pur
chase forty head of mules for govern
ment sort ico.
J. S. Howard says ho will not be
outsold by anyone in his lino of general
merchandise boots and shoes etc.
Give him a call.
A fine lot of millinery good", silks,
satins and velvets mid everything in
the millinery line just received at Mrs.
J. S. Howard's.
W. C. Myer will display his fiun
stock iust broucht from thn Fist nt
Thursday, at G. F. Billings' auction
sale near Ashland.
Mat Obenchafn carao in from the
Lake country this week after an ab
sence of eight months. Everything is
flourishing there, he says.
Another row took place at Grant's
Pass this week but did not result fa
tally to thi parties engaged. Sheriff
Jacobs Wfll fclimmnnorf Knt- 41ia ma.a
- ...u.w..bu umv Mm WU9D
was settled by one of tho partint pay
ing a fine in Justice's Conrt.
Get your masquerade suit rady, for
the Eintracht ball on Tuesday night.
You will never regret attending as the
best kind of time is assured.
It is remarkable how all the Demo
cratic authorities bavo discovvred,
since the election, that Pennsylvania
was always a Republican Stale,
Tha Ingham dramatic troupe started
for San FrantUco via Crescent City on
Tuesday last. They will give per
formances at different points on the
W. B. Mason has received his ap
pointment as Inspector of Customs at
Crescent City from President Arthur.
The salary of the office is $1,000 por
Thos. Keatpn returned from Idaho
this week and will remain during the
winter to engage in mining on Poor
man's creek in company with Jacob
C. J. Howard, with the assistance
of James Elliott, Ed. Curtis and J.
Johnson, is now engaged in surveying
and laying out the new railroad town
opposite. Jacksonville.
W. J. Plymalo telurned from Port
land on last Thurfcday's stage. James
Guerrin also cams back that evening.
B-ith took prisoners for tho peniten
tiary below last week. ;
L. S. P. Marsh has been confined to
his tooin for over a week past with a
serious spell of sickness. We are
pleased to state, .however, that he was
improving at last accounts.
Dunlap & Whipp are building a new
shop near the crossing of Jackson creek
where they will prepare their marble
work. W..L. Record will continue in
the samo lino at the old stand.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, natch, cloclr,
and jewelry store. His machines are
a little 'finer and his prices a little
snugger, than any other bugger's.
Ben Holladay has secured a Ieaso of
his old residence, cornnr Third and
Stark streets, in Portland, from tht
receiver, E. S. Kearnoy, at a monthly
rent of 1,000. Steep rent to pay.
A correspondent at Kerbyville,
signing himself "A Friend;" sends us
a long tommunicition on peisona!
matters but as no nsiuo is signed the
document has found its way to the
waste basket.
A riifilo for a" fine new buggy and
cart and harness will take place at
Jack Marshall's salooH on Christmas
eve. The highest throw is to tike th
DUS?Ft Rnl 'ho lowest the other.
Tukels $4 each.
Thank cpiving was observed lo a cer
tain extent in Jacksonville last Thurs
day. Union services were held in the
Motbodi.it church by Rev. M. A. Will
iauigand tho usual number of turkeys
v?ro sacrificed on that day.
Mormons are coming from Idaho
into Southeastern Oregon and settling
thoro in considerable numbi rs. Thus
the mormon evil will soori become a
borne question, and one which will
give lus trouble in the future.
Why don't some one make an effort
to start the ball rolling for n Christ
mas entertainment? Of all the holi
days in tho year Carintmas is the most
thought of by tho little ones and some
thing should be dono to gratify them.
Table Rock Encampment No. 10, I.
0. O. F., matle the following solectinn
of oflicers last Tuesdav evening: K.
Kubli, C. P.; S. J. Day, H. P.; Jno.
Miller, S. W.; Jno. A. Boyer, Scribe;
IT. V. UeluiB, Treasurer, Fred Luy, J.
Mrs. Wm. Cameron of Unioniown
died at her homo last Thursday and
was buried in the Jacksonville ceme
tery yesterday afternoon. She was a.
lady highly respected nnd .leaves a
family and many friends to mourn her
The finePorcheron stallion Gambetla
and the Shetland porjies wjll ba on
exhibition at tho farm of W. 0. Myer
on Thursday next while the salo of
Jt-rsey cattlo is going on. Stock men
should mako it an object toVttend.the
sale. - - j ,,j
Sergeant Mason, tho soldier who
took a shot at Guiteau while in jail at
Washington, was' pardoned this week
by President Arthur and has returned
to."Betty and tho baby." The peti
tion asking for his pardon,' contained
nearly 1,000,000 names. '
The new warehouse for IT. B.-Millrr
& Co. at Grants 'Pass is now ready for
freight and this firm will attend to a
regular commission and forwarding
agency. They will receive freight,
pay charges and attend to all business
on a reasonable commission.
- - -
Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1,
L Q, R. II. elected tho following offi
cers last Tuesday evening: Sachem,
David Cronemiller; Senior Sagamore,
John Dyer; Junior Sigamore, Fred
Grob; Trustees, David Croneinillur,
Adam Scumitt, John 'Itoloton.
Construction trains aro now running
to Grant's Pass ond tho pasonger
train will commence running their reg
ularly after next Monday. Tho iron
is laid several miles thiazide of Grant's
Pass and it will not be" long before
Chavner's bridgo will be reached.
The Reddinj; "Free Press" corres
pontlen speaking of the work per
formed, Rays some idea of tho stupen
dousness of the undertaking may betin
ferred from Iho fact that thn firt ion
miles of this extension cost three quar
ters of a million dollars $73,000 per
mile. Some culverts in vicinity" of
tunnel 2 hive to be lengthened to pro
vide for 2,000 feet of doublo track for
a switch. The temporary bridge across
tho river is progressing; five of tho
soyen piers aro completed, and it bids
fair to be one of strength and dura
bility. This bridgo had to be built
solely for the conyeyaico of stne
from tire quarry-
In tho U. S. circuit court last Sat
urday judgments were rendered against
Chas. and Win. Williatnsand B.J.
Pengra. amounting to $542.59 for
cutting government timber in Dexter,
.Lane county. Judgments amounting
to over $100 were also rendered
against them on Friday.
The Oregon and California extension
will be opened for traffic to Grant's
Pass, 296 miles south of Portland, in a
few days probablj on the 2d of De
ccrnber. New stations hare- been es
tablished as follows:. -Almaden, 2G7
miles south of Portland; Alta 275
miles, .and Jump off Joe J287 miles. .
' Report-says tliat sometime next
week George Engle will niovo to
Grant's Pass from Glendale, making
that the torniinus.otthe O. t C. Staso
Co., arrangements having been made' to'
that effect between the stage ana rail
road companies. Stages will then ar
riv here in the uiornin? from the
north. '
J. B. Chinn And Robt. Hawxhurst,
two capitalists from Nevada, are here
looking at our mines with a view of
making investment They seem well
pleased with whafthey have seen, andv
it is probable that nonin of the mines
in this section will 'soon bo developed
under tho direction, of the?4To gsn
tlemen. A lot of washing left on the clothes
line over night to dry was stolen from
.the residence of J. M. Smith ono night
this weeR and no clue of the thief has
yet been found. Every necessary pre
caution should be taken to prevent 'the
petty thievery indulged in by many of
the hard pases that follow the railroad
construction party and one dose of cold
lead will gonerally cure them of their
Speaking of tho extension of the
California Northern railroad -through
Modoc to Eastern Orecon, the S. F.
"Alta," says: "If it should be ex
tended as proposed, it would make for
the great agricultural country of East
ern Oregon, and it would be an im
portant advantage to San Francisco
and California to have that region
made partially tributary by a south
ern outlet."
The Firemen's Ball given last Thurs
day evening by Jacksonville Engino
Co. No. 1 was attended by 70 couple
and proved a pleasant affair. All the
members of the company were dressed
in uniform red shirts, caps and
ueltk and presented quito a fine ap
iirarance. Excellent music was fur
nished by Prof, Henry's strinc band of
Ashland and the supper given by
Madame Holt was also above the.av-
Another business change has taken
placu in town, Prof. J. W. Merritt
having purchased the stora of S S.
Aiken !( Co., who will conduct the
business at the old stand. S. S. Aiken
will remain in charge of tho store until
after the arrival of a brother of Mr.
Merriit's from the East, and after the
expiration of hit. contract at principal
of our district school the lutttr will
devoto his time and attentiou -to this
Ohio papers concede that tha bal'le
ground of the national campaitn next
year will be in Ohio, and Indiana
papers concede (hat the battje gro"und
will bs in Indiana. While these pa
trictie localities are deciding thin im
portant subject of dispute between
themselves, we desire to call tho atten
tion of the republic to the facf that
thero are other states in which, the in
dications are, the campaign of 1884
wi 1 not be a continued round of iiicnics.
A young .blood froni .thishplace, ac
companied by his peacablossom, had a
narrow eecapa fromhaving a serious
accident ono nisrft his week while re
turning from a dance hold on Forest
crek. "The girl was driving at the
time and getting out of the road the
buggy ran against a stump tho j-r
throwing her out over the dashbeard.
Tho only damage, that resultod, how
over, was that-ths youngman lost th
cigarette he was engaged in rolling
wiien the accident occurred.
An exchange expresses it in a very
.plain manner like this: "The columns
I of a new.spnper resemble in onerense a
bill of fare. No man would care to
eat all he finds named in the slip be
fore him when he sits down to break
fast or dine, yet it would bo strange in
deed if he did not see something that
suited him. Wa all have different
tastes, fortunately for mankind, and
the item or paragraph that you turn
from and think uncalled for or un
necessary may be just what your neigh
bor at the next door wanted to "see."
Morse, of Morse's detective agency,
who succeeded in running, down the
stage robber, Btack Barf, is distribut
ing a circular addressed by Special Of
ficer Hume, of Wells, Fargo & Co , to
all tho agents of that company, and also
to county sheriffs. Among other da
tails, a lut is given of Black Bart's
twenty-eight robberies, to all of which
he confessed in thn presence of James
B. Hume, II. B Thcrno and H. N.
Morse. Before tho court ho pleaded
that tho Sonora-Milton stage robbery
was his first offense, but tho circular
sets forth that not only did he confess
to nil the twenty eight robl eries . but
tliatin twenty-six o them ho had also
robbed the United Stites tnai's.
Jerseys at Auction. Ten head of
grade Q to ) Jersey cows two year,
old, veurlings and calves from Goat
Jlill Farm, will be sold at auction at
the barns of W, C. Myer (near Ash
land) on Thursday next (DfC. 6).
Note with approved security on nine
months time wilb 10 per cent, interest
or 3 per cent, off for cash. For particu
lars address G. F. BILLINGS,
SEI.Mvn Out Tlmsn dpsirinp sn
thing in the line of merchandise will do
well by calling on Barruch lusher be
fore going elsewhere as ho is closing
out hfs stock at cost. A trial will
convince yonalL
Woodville, Or. Nov. 29, 1883.
The end of the track wa3 at Jones'
creek, two miles "south of Graut'sPass,
last cvetnng. By to-miorrow (Friday)
evening it will bo at Bloody Run, six
milps below Woodville.
The approaches to the bridge at
Bloody Run are not yet completed, and
it is feared this will cause a delay of a
day or two in track laying.
The W ard s creek bridge and the
approaches to the Evan's creel: bridgo
are ,ye,.to bo construe ed, only the
piles being driven. The same is tru'n
of several small bridges beteen Evan's
creek and Bloody Run. T.he cai pen
ters aro at work, however, on the
In the language of tho road the com
panv is "whooping things up" in the
matter of laying .track, and, if the
weather continues good, will soon Do
to the valley with the same.
It is reported that ordrs fcavo been
sent to Glendale not to forward any
more of tht company's freight,' other
than what is needed for immediate use,
the inference being that the company
expect to send their own freight by
rail to some point on Rogue river
south of Grant's Tass before long.
From Woodville to Grant's Pass .the
roads aro bad even now, wh'le from
Woodville south along Rogue river
they are comparatively good all winter.
Later The carpenters are at work
on approaches of Evans croek bridge.
An engine and boiler for ono of the
compauy'8 pile drivers was brought up
here to day from below, but it cannot
be got through Evan's creek bridge
(the old county bridge) until it is taken
apart. The collar beam of the bridge
being too low to allow of its being
hsuled through entire.
The workmen at tho approaches to
the Eton's creek bridge appear to be
at thick as bee, which means business
on the company's part.
Miller's bridge building force passed
through hero to-day going south, their
work north of this being all done.
E. W. H.
neck Polul Ilcms.
We regret that Win. Carll mot with
e painful accident at Rock Point last
Saturday evening. Ho was attempt
ing to hold a fractious team the horses
secame frightened ami lunged against
Mr. Curl I knocking him down, and
running over him. He was Iruised
somewhat about the head, and for a
while it was feared that ho was serious
ly injured but we are pleased to learn
fiom Mr. A, J. Barlow, express mes
senger, that the hurt is of littlo con
sequence. Mr. C. is up anil around
and is as happy a a clam at high tide.
.... We are pleased to learn that Ben
Connor has been appointed hostler at
Rock Point. The appointment is a
good one for Bi-n is a horse man and
wilf doubtless take good care of tho
stock. . . .The amateurs at Rock Poitit
aro making preparations to have
another entertainment at that place.
We bespeak a good time for them ....
The tightrope performer made a grand
display. He skinned cats and cut hits
of didoes, the collection however being
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Business transacted in this Court since
our last issue:
State vs. John Justus; indictment
for murder. Verdict of guilty and de
fendant sentenced to lifo confinement
to tho penitentiary.
State vs. Chas. Band; indictment for
burglary. Cause post) oned and de
fendanfs bonds placed at J500.
State vs. TJn Alt Ah; robbing sluice
boxes. Verdict of guilty and defend
ant sentenced to three years' imprison
ment. C. D. Rred rs. Win: Moody; to ro
cover poesession of -ral property.
Judgment by default.
L. A- and Augusta Nil vs. J.
Houck; action at law. Continued.
State vs. Wm. Rublo and A. S.
Jacobs, sheriff; contempt. Mandate
from supremo court entered.
John Woods vs. J. M. Jarrett; to
recover money. Judgment for$124.74
and costs.
O. t C. R. R. Co. vs. Lucinda and
Emma Justus;- to appropriate land.
A Reliable Medicine Our read
ers aro aware that tho "Times" very
rarely editorially endorses or recom
mends what aro known as patent medi
cens, as it does not frequently happen
that -e can have positive knowledgo
of their merits; but. having individually
used "Ammrn's Cough Syrup," and
heard so much in its-praise, wo think
the. manufacturer is doing good in plac
ing so goo I a medicine on the market,
and we aro doing good in sssittinj to
mako it known. It also affords us
pleasure to recommend Mr. Ammen to
tho craft everywhere. We have done
business with him near two yearB, and
find him a gontleman honorable in his
dealings, prompt and liberal. "Demo
cratic Times," Jacksonville, Or., April
28th, 18S2.
, m
The following is Artewus Ward's
explanation of why he courted Betsy
Jane: "Thre were many affectiu'
ties which made me hanker after Bet
sr Jane. Her father's farm jtned ours;
their cows and ourn sqaench'e'd their
thirst nt the same spring; our mares
both had stars on their foreheads; the
nieasels broke out in both fami'ies at
the samo time; our parents (Betsy
Jane and mine) slept regular ever Sun
day in tho samo meeting house, and
the neighbors used to observe, 'How
thick the Ward's and Piasleyn air.'
Tt was a sublime sight in tho Spring
of the year to see our several mothers
(Betsy's and mine) with thefr gowns
pinned up, so that they couldn't sile
'em, effecktionately tnling soap to
gether and abooMii' their neighbors."
1 A telegram from E. W. Hammond
this morning states that the track whs
laid within four miles of Woodvillo
Jast evening.
..u,-, wr-JB-ii-aii 3ijuamjjmyzT3
SamdlerV. Thi is to certify
that the undersigned alonn is interested
in thn R.tddlerv business now brinsr con
ducted by him on Onlifornii street, in
Jacksonville, Uregon, and has no part
ners whatever, lie will keep on lund
a complete assortment of i;oods iu his
line and guarantees satisfaction.
T. J. Kenney.
JacKsonville.Nov. 17, 1883.
The Cheapest. Abraham, Whooler
h. C,n. have decided on closing Out
their storn nh Olendalo and offer gods
cheaper than ever bctcre sold in buutti
ern Orpgon. Parlies from hero who
havo made, purchases there say they
don't see how they can afford to sell
goods at the prices asked. Read
their price list.
House For Sale. A good now res
idence?and lot is oll'orcd for sale at a
bargain. For further particulars en
quire of J. S. Howard.
bon, Ind., says: 'Bjih myself and
wife owo ourliver to SHILOH'S CON
SUMPTION CURE." Brooks keeps
ARE YOU MADE miserable by in
digestion, Di?zines3, Loss of Appetite
yellow skinl Shiloh's Vitalize is a
positive cure. E. O. Brooks, agent.
WHY WILL YOU cough? Shiloh's
cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts. 50 cts.Nind 1. For Bale at E.
C. Brook.' .
a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. At Brooks.
"HACKMETACK," a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50
cents. For sale at Biooks.
piatoly relieve Croup, Whooping cough
and Bronchitis. Call at Brooks.
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every bottb of Shiloh's Vita'izer.
It novcr fails to cure. Brooks can
furnish it.
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme
dy. Price 50 cent. Brooks, agent.
Cade Kittekjian -At Happy Camp,
California,. November 15th, Ibb-5, by S.
S. Colby,.!. P., L.E. Cade add Miss Anna
S Kitterman, late of Josephine county.
HILL G..VURETT. At the residence of
the officiating Minister, Nov. 28, I8&tf
by Rjv. 31. A. Williams, William N.
Hill and Francis E. Garrett.
Akustkoso A'ltiTE In Portland, Nov.
25, 1833, A. P. Armstrong and Mrs.
V.'m. White.
We extend congratulations to "Ir. Arm
strong and bis bride and w sh them a Ions
and happy Vovage through life blessed
with health and prosperity.
TYLER. At Central Point Nov. 27, 1833.
to the wife of H'm. Tyler a son
FICKE. In Jacksonville Nov. 10. 1&33.
to the wife or P. N. Ficke, a sou a U
n.Kra.Aift ";ui l'-!-
Cookset In Manzanita precinct, Nov
20th, 1833, of scarlet l'cer, George, son
pfJIr. and Jlrs" O. W. Cooksey, aged
11 years 0 months and 8 days.
Masquerade Ball !
of Tnn
SSoit'sj San,
JANTJARY lot. 1884.
Flooh 3I.XCEits.-Frank Kasshafer,
F. Gr .b and C. Wlnljen.
Reception Committee. V. ScUulz, G.
II. Young nnd J. Ulntt.
Musto .Cojimitiee.-V. Schmidt, F.
Luy and A. Rolin.
Tickets including supper, $1J25 each.
Best of muslo furnished.
Guthh, CoiiJJiTTEE F. Grob, F.
Ltty and J. Blatt.
(Sly j0w$l
The Oldest Institution Of Learn ing on the racific Coast,
335 Students, and 23 Professors and Instructors.
1. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS, with Classical, Latin, Scientific, Modern lilt
crattire and Art, and Scientific Courses.
2. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, Portland, Orctron.
3' WOMAN'S COLLEGE, with a Conservatory of Music and Art Department.
4. CONSEUVATORY ot 3IUSIC. with two courses for srraduate.i. TIilto wnrn
cigiuy pupils in music last year.
o. UJNIV.UHS1TI ACADEMY, with the four preparatnrv ronrses for the College
of Liberal Arts, and besides, a thorough BUSINESS COURSE of two years, and a
TEACHER'S COURSE of three years, tor which diplomas are given. Painting. Drnw.
ing, Decorativo Art, and Agricultural Drafting, are taught in tho Art Department.
A lady's board and tuition :i school year, in the Woman's College, with everything"
lurnWied except towels, napkin?, sheets and comforter, and pillow-slips, will cot Ihtt
?185, payable tiye weeks Jn advance.
A young man's board and tuition a school year cost only $130.
First Term begins..'. .Sept. 3, 1833 I Third Term begins Jan: 23
Second Term begins Nov. 12, 1883 Fourth Term begins April 7
tiTScnd tor catalogue aud information THOS. VAN b''O Y President.
Uc',oei 2 SALE1I, OREGON
K.KU&IA, r
Odd Ftlkrr's BniMin; Mkjpntillc, Oregon
()i:Abi:U ASDMOKKi:it
riN.SUEEr 1P.ON,- CuPPER, : a .'
Pumps,- x f
Wi .
Fuse and Clapg,
Fatafe Oils, Varnish, Glass rf
Shot, Srnshs, Chains, 23oa'6 .
I have secured the rerrlce of a flr:t elan'- .
Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair
ing promptly ana In superior ityh.
L I am receiving am! bavo constantly oal
'and a full and Crut-cUsj stock of
.Sff-Evfrjlhizjsold at reisoinhle rates.
Jacksonville, March, 9, 1878.
Nervous Debility.
DR. E. C. VEST'S ncrvo and brain'
treatment, a specific Ibr Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, 3Iental Depression, Los of Memory,
Spermatorhoca, Iinpotency, Involuntary
emissions, premiuin oil age, caused by
over-ercflion, v (t h1'i-c or over-lmltiljr-ence,
biiU !r ils to misery, decay and
de-ith One box v TI c 're recent casex.
Each box tout tin one rciintli'A treatment;
one ilo'lar a bo.T, or six boxes for five dol
lars; sent by 111111 1 prepaid on receipt ot
price. Wc guarantee st.x boxes to euro
any cae With each order received by us
tor six Ik-xrs, accompanied with five dol
I ir. we will fend tho purchaser our writ
ten eii.irrntce to return the money if tho
tre itinent does not ctlcct a cure. Guaran
tees ironed only by
Wholesale an? 'tctail Druists, Port
1 in'l Oregon.
Orders by mail at regular prices.
Jacksonville JWiarket
Ryan's Building, 3nl .St.,
Hanley Bros., Prop.
Tliis'wcll.known 3Iatkct h hilly pre
pared "to furnish tho public with tho
choicest (piality ot
Ham, Salt Bacon and Meats.
Samage, Lard, Etc.
The most favorable inducements offered
lopat'ons, and no cu"ort willho sparctl
toward giving general satisfaction.
Hanley Bttos.-
Jacksonville, Novl, 1S83.