IL IstfM OBESOH 8EHTIHE1. mm mriui z;?i ADVERTISING KATEb. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT MHOSTIUWlCaSBX C0U.1TF MEC03 FRANK KRAUSE TERMS! pr. Per Yar,lnTjieM...a 50 Oa.itui lViintioilM aritlniertiau. f . Ce " ucouuMaigi iiiimoi 1 fa, ' 2 Boallu.,. ........... "'I ' V ID V Oae-fcoiUiColiajBSajoiitas.,.. .... lit Oiwi r. -.o t ? ji t )a Cl wa 3 a.ntlia ..;. Mil e r A OtMonnt to Yearly1 A'dvertlf ett " ' I i i . ii i ' . mI TOL. XX VIII--NO, 47 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, NOYEMBEK24, ISS3.; $3 PER YEAtJ i - w iy in in ii saemfc &mm sbw.- hs Jtsnia 3 'is in & p VV7 I, L II LB 1 I JBBsnBMBn, , V, i I. i. , 1 1 1.1. I pmr r vr r w :B-irss:' s s v y' r v I A Ar CifcP,ryw -- . ' x - w - 3 I I I I I III !. - ""M" i II " ' "'''- II - PROFESSIONAL 0ARD8. T. R. YOUNG, M. D., Tkyslcaa Ai Smrgoos, Cbrtkax Point, Oregon. VaIU promptly attended to at all hours. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY A COUNSELORAT-LAW yr practice In" all the Courts of the ttito Omca In Mrs. McCully's build "2, eorner of California and Fifth streets. G; II. AIKEN, M. D., niYSICIAN AND SURGEON, rfACKSOSTILLK, orkoox. 4-oatt affttt P. 3. Br"1 W- J. W- HQBINSON. JL D-, ?BYSIOIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFIOE At Dr. Vrooman'a Dispensary. Residence on Fourth St opposite 31. h. "Calli promptly attended to, day and night. XARTItf VRtOMAN, M. D. paYSlCIAN AND 30KQEON, JACKiTU.LE, ORKOOK. Ufflce up-sUira In Orth's hriclt. Resi-'leac-B-Ualifornia.8trcct. . U. F. HOWKLl A' TTORNSY-AT-bAW. TJacksuxvili.k,- orkoos. Al ll.l-i..i rlit.4 In t U.l. will r!i ; prwnpl .It.atl.n. -SptIl attention tlr.n lo clc- A. L. JOHNSON, Jfoary Public, jEal Estate A?ent and Col'tcto l"nukr convry.incinsand fnrni-JiingAh--tlmct or lml tiller a specialty., B-'atiatcil and cTlecuons mnde. All business intrusted 10 ray euro wul receive prompt and carelul attention. WILL. JACKSON, 0 eniist, JA0KA0NVII.LIC, oRKGON. hrur. Lsnutiliit k J-Jmllitwt,lf-l'lrl,f'T wfclch tr chp "HI be !!. e. r.ianet " ol vmorpi nu Iirtk itrttti. A. fl. OIB. ITRARNf. GIBBS &STEAHNS, A TTOENEYS AND COUNSELLORS. Roomi-2 nd 4 Strnwbriilge's Building. .PORTUND, ORRGON. lll.rftUlttflcirtior nnrdlntli. 9lat.l ' irlhlKtn Territory: jndp.j'par Xelr kttaaU.n to Vailn.M In F..lrt ContU. F. BIT SC HARD, PRAOTIOAL TfATCnMAKER AND JrWELKR, California Sreet, 1 TARES a specially of cleaning and re- iVSL pairing watcnes ana ciocks. jiy eharges are reasonable. Give me a call. "0" B, EOSTEL, Steam Bath practical Sbarinj:, HaircntUng AND ARTIFICIALIIAIR-WORKER. JOR Xiadies and Gentlemen. BLEEDING, Cupping, Leeching IN a NEUBER'S BUILDING, OPPOSITE THE FOST-OFFICB. Jacksonville, Dec 11, 1837. JbCtC.' week In your own town. Terms tDUUuit 93 must tree. Addrta H. 3Lvu.KX7o;, PoTtlaad.Xtifeh. . CtlXtlOXl.! Remember that every renl "Singer Sew ing Machine has this TradeJIark cist in to the iron stand and embedded in the arm of the machine and represented to be Singer Machines but not hating the Trade Mark abore re fcrred to. are not machines of our manu facture, and we hereby caution the public against purchasing, except from our only authorized agent, E. E. GORE. as he is the only person who has the . GENUINE" SIN GEE MA.CHINES for sale in Jackson founty. THE SINGER MFG. CO.. W. B. FnT, Mxnagfcr, Portland. WINTER OPENING AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Mi linery Stora. 1 and coaip etc tock of Millinery goods, consisting of HAT F ALL TYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS " AND CUFFS, VoiUns. ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, fitnJltmrnj' anil Ladies' IlanJkerehicfs Call and see them ul the building form crly occupied by Dr. Robinson im Califor- nu ti&. MK-S. P.P. PRIM. EIGHTEENTH YEAH- ST. SIX ABo ACABESOr, CONDUCTED BY. TnC SISTERS OF TIIK M X1XE. THE SHOLASTIC YEAR OF THlfc school will comuience about the cud ol August, and is divided in fuur sessions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, pertcrm, ?40.00 Mubic 15.00 Drawing and piiniing 8.00 Bed and Bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term, 5 5.00 Junior, " COO Prepiratoy " 8.00 Senior, " 10.09 Pupils received at .my time, and special attention is"paid to piiticular studies In behalf of childn-n who have hut limited time. For further particulars apply at the Academy THE BEST ACCOMODATION AT The Centennial Bxiage ON ROGUE RIVER. Travellers crossing Rogue river should bear in mind that the Centennial Bridge is the best slopping place on the road. Plenty hay and grain and stable room can be had at all times and good meals can be had at Ash Heald's' at tha Bridge. The patrrmace of the public is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. THOS. CHAVNER. UNION HOTEL, KerfoyriUe Oreson, M. Ryder, Fropr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this house at the most reasona ble rates. t2T"An excellent stable connected with the hotel. . Liquor House. The undersigned offers Whiskey for sale in quantities to suit customers at $3 per gallon or $1 cr. quart, at the Eacle Brew ery. Lager Seer tor sale and delivered at the usual price. MlW. J. WKTTEnKR. GBEfcT REDUCTION -IN HOTEL PRICES AT THE SL0VER HOTEL BOAfiS Aiu LODGING BesVbbns for the mosey this tide of GREAT TUMBLE IN PRICES AT NEWMAN FISIMS, AND SELLING OUT FOR CASH, Do not send your uione avraybut buy at home. THE CRISIS HAS COME. - I beg to notify the public that from this time lorward I intend to do the largest cash business in the county, and jn order to command the trade, I shall sell out my entire stock of merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods, jtoots and thoes, Clolning etc, at such prices bat goid3 arc bound to be sold. Call and be convinced of honest facts. 8FE CI JE. NOTICE. Those indebted to me by note or book account are requested to come lorward and settle at once. This is the last call before placing in the Lawyer's hands as I must hare monev. NEWMAN FISHER. Jacksonville, April 22, 1882. JOUN NOLAhD Wm. Uijiich NEW STATE SALOON, Coit. Caufouma asd Third Sxbekt mMMMIPKOPii'S. 'IMIE PROPRIET'113 OF THIS i well knouu -and popular t esurt wou'd infoi m their friends und the public; sen. era'ly that a complete and firnuclass stock nf tife I)ost bwndsof Ll(juors, Wines, Cig aw. Imported Beer, Ale and Porter ham pa" e Hinis always on li:tnd. They wi'l be plea-ed to have- their friends oa.ll and smile. NOLAND & ULRICH. P. S. William U rich will also pay the highest cash price for county tcrip. MORAT & CHALKS Jaclsisvillc... Oregox. HAYING OPENED A SALOON ON Ctiliioiniii btixtt v.e as-k for a share it the puMic puti-oiibge and promise good .-reatnu nt in tveiy c:ise. We keep none mt lh bt s: nt liquors, wines and cigars, and s.itiif.ittMfl is guaraultcd. Tiy us tud bt. cuai!;ccd. MORAT&CHALE. Vm S. SALOON,' IT. 3 UOThL BUILDING, JACfiSOKVlLLC, L T. McKENZIF, PROPip, TTVING A3SUMD THE MAN- XXn iiccme. t ol bis rsorl. 1 nronos- keeping it stocked with he finest I xuuds of WINE3, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, And will be pleased to recci'o a call from all who wish the best in my line. Sat isUction asaiir d. T. T. IcKENZIE. PHOT EOGK HOUSE, SISKIYOU MOUNTAIN, S. J, Curtis, Proprietor. Having fitted up a comfortable and commodious house on tb south side of the Siskiyou mountain, I am prepared to furnish the best accommodations for man and beast at reasonable rates. A good road has been cut to the proposed tunnel, only a short distance off. L mean to give Mitibfaction and therefore invite every body to civo me a call. E. J. CCBTIS. Pilot Rock, July 7, 1833, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and UorrUqn, rvrtUnil. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly fire-proof. Con tains 120 elegantly furnished suits and single rooms, which havebcen refitted and refurnished in .modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. S,.P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, In ftonemlller's building is in receipt of a full assortment of material and pre pared to do all work in his line on snort notice and in a workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every description made to order. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. S. P. BANNA. Jnly If 16S0. YOU CM WiD Tifm -AT- ' ' - E. C. BROOKE New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. i- Olooka, A fine assortmehtof 84y clocks, with ana without alarm. ' Gents', ladies' and boys' gold and silvei hunting:asr, opcn-facs and skylight watches, from $5 to $150. t . ,. ,. Br'aoelota. A fine lot of ladies' gold band and binglt bracelets. Diamond .and ruby rlng3. carrieo itnnt cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turcuoist and pearls, and. onipc. rings with .hidden mottoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid California r'ngs. ircsTvolary. Diamonds in every shape. Ladies' sets of jewelry, from the 50-ccnt black set to the ?200 bird sets of diamonds. Gents' and ladies' gold chains, lockets and charms. and Buttons. Gents' gold scarf-pins, scarf-slides, studs' and colfar-buttous. Silver ami silver-plated knive?, forks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sugar-spooas ; and tongs in coses 3VXIsQolijn.oo-vxai. Gold ana silver thimbles; gold, silver and steel spcctaclre; and a full stock of every, thing in the jewelry line A full assortment of perfumery, toilet' so?pi, etc. - lot of ateel engravings and pictures for children. In short, a complete and first-okvislintol HOLIDAY GOODS." 11 to be so d at the LOWEST PRIC ! .llso arcordcons, vioUni, banjos, acithe bet incf vio'in. cuitar and banjo strings. Tio best psrm oil for sewing machines. .,! ml line of Drugs and MedicinSP' tQuVreicripiion! carefully compoundetl E. C. BHOOIvS. THE ASHLAND Wqulen .anufacluring Co, Take pleasurein announcing that thev now ):.i' (hi Lam, a lull and select stock of ?.'. ? jf vrz'Tm r?n aw.imph OE8KflSS8'"A5lflB H85SKVP 3Iade of the very best NATIVE WOOL And cf which they will dixjiose at very reasonable rates. Ordrrs Imm a distance will receive prompt attention. Send them in and give our Kods a trial, Ashland M'f'o Co. Toapia bowels, . - DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA.- From these sources arise three fonrtus ol the diseases of the- human race Thota symptoms iiuucatothoir existence ;po ; AppctlU, Doiftli oottlva, Slclc ad die, fiillncaa after eatlnc, BVrlon to exertion ofboHy or mind, ErccUtlon of food, Irritability of temper, law cplrlts, A feeling or having nejclccf" lome duty, U!nlaes,Flutterlnjrat Uia Heart, DoU before ttio eyM.blgh.lye51" ored Urine, COWPTIPATIO.-dJ and dp raani the uso ofarcmedythat acts directly on tho Liver. AsaLlvcxmodlclnoTCTT'S I'ITjCS have no cquaL Ihclr action ontha KUneysandBlclnts also prompt; rcmovtcs all impurities throngU these three "ieT cocen of the rstm," prodnelnif appe tite, sound digestion, rrjrolarstopls .clear sUaandavigorousbodv. HJTT'SJPtttS cause no nausea or griping nor intertero wtta daily work and aroapcrfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. TOTTS HftIB DYE. rtantly to aGLossT Bwjcxbya single an. tllcatlon of this DTE. Sold by OrogglstJ, n. nthrf PTTirfiRBOttreCelDtOI B . o. TUTT' FEEL ASK FOR ROSEMIIAL, PBDKR & CO.'S CELEBRATED CALIFORNIA MADS BOOTS & SHOES, ESTEvery Pair "Warranted. Represented by L. Silberstein Como Seo UXo. All those indebted to me in any "man ner are hereby notified that I intend re-, tiring from business soon, and therefore- request an immediate settlement, inose interested will taka notice that I mean business. P.K.MCICB. City Market, Jacksonville. Jan. 80.1886. dl'K'Tn OOflP0- "?y & ll0ra KjiJ X. Aij3iWoaHipi - iworTr - - - fr AHra.'fTyi Jo.P.Trfla.rtM TIJTT?ft PiLLS THE STAFF f LIFE! THE ROGUE RIVER 8 FIB PUfUnlMl MILLS TTAVING RECENTLY rrf!v ,-rv.. XJ- fitted with al" modern improvements, mraing. oui a srst-ciass article or flour, which is put up in one-fourth birel sacks, and every sack is warranted to contain 49 pounds of flour- If von don't brlleve this, just compare a Sack or our flour with ny other brand offered for tale In this market, and note the difference ia weight. Ftour and Mill-Feed Constantly on hand and exchanged for wheat. BARLEY HOLLERS. Havingindtfed a set of 'ttgriey ttoiicrsto ray mill, I have set apart every Saturday iu hum unriey ior customers. ,tiei work will bc-ilbfle onhortnotice, so- thai par ties can return with their orlKt t. 0m day. IamDreDared to roll harW st all times nd iri the best manner. This pro cess is lar ahead of the crusher- . G.KvRESVSn. Jacksonville, Sept. 23, 1833. MAX MULLEB, P. O. Huilttitig JnckBouTilli PSALElt IS- GESEHA'L SIBRCiTAXDISE. -, "' ' y HE U 'DEUSIGNED--TAKES' t puasnrc m inrorming the public that he hasjurcluscd L. olomon'8 intetest i tbe POST OFFICE STORE, v hich will bj kept stocked wilh ccm. pletftad rjj-it-clas issorttnent of general mcrchaadH vUIm.Ii at i Yety I'Hscn.tble Hntt'Kj . " "' Give me a rail and sea for yenr elves., Jsci.scEville, July 11, 1882. Notice. Laxd OFriciiAr Kobebuwi. On., ) October 31, lb83. Nolietiis hcrf'iygircB tliat the follow ing-named seltlcr has filtd notice of his lntcntiuu to make final proof, -in support of his claim, and that Mid proof will be made before the Clerk of Jackson county Jacksonville Oregon, on Saturday Decem ber 1, 183, via: Jacob L. Worlow Pre cmptlon D. S-No,400t, for.the.E ii,jof. 8 W H Sec. 31 Town 37 8 of R 2 East and Lot 3 and S E M of N Wif SecCIowaX a a 01 Kange a last, lie names the lol lowing witnesses to pr-ve-Jiis c6nti3vlnijs; resilience upon, hih! culimtipa .&E Saul inntt. viz: Aaron wyinnd, I'bilip -Miller. John Hockcrfmith. "Geo-ee vrvjand. all of Eagle Point. Jackson countv Oregofi. . r. ycyjAMi-N, iicgisu-r. OThe Btrrzay Guide Is is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8Jx 11 inches, with over 3,300 iUnstrationa a whore pio" turp gallery. Gives wholav J sale prices direct to consumers on all feoddc for personal or family use. '"Tells Tioirf to order, and gives exact ccet Of'.tvcry-"' thing you use, cat. drink, wcar.'orihar fun with. These mvaliublo boakfeo'nit tain information gleaned from sba'Buqr' kets of tho world- "Wo wilbmaira.'copy' Frco to any address upon receipt ufthv postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO MT J tB frsisia Avene, Olon 10. Notice. U. S. Lakd Ofvick at Rosehcko, Oan ) 1 November 6, 1883. f Notice is hereby given tnat the lollow-ing-named settler bR filed notice of his intention to proof in" shlJport of his claim, and that said proof t ill bo made before the Clerk ol Jackson county ' 'regon at Jacksonville, on Monday l)ec. 17, 1833. viz: VanR. Cooler." preemption D.S. No. 4211 for the" Lmr roTS-aTOm Sec. 6, Town. 33,-Sputh.of Itinga 2Ea&1r AVil ilerr Hq names the following Kit-" ncsses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of; said Jand, viz: Jacob WorJow. Ciorge nylapu. James Wakefield, Aaron JVyland all of Browns borough Oregon, WF.BE.sVAitix, Register. dr. j. brown, deutschb;r arzt, Jackonllle, Oresen, Will practice in all Chronic Diseases, also Tvnhoid Pneumonia. Lune Fever. Dinh- theria. Consumption. Catarrh, etc. Timo and doctor' (bills will be saved by coming" to me at once Dr. Urown win guarantee to forfeit JRiOO for everv case of Seminal SVeaknes"; or private .dlieaeof uny kind J or cnaracter wnicn ne- unuenuKcs auu fails to cure. His medicine is purely veg etable-aud has all the powcr.and elh'cacy of calomel or quinine, without any of the injurious alter effects. , Shingles For Sale. The undersigned is now prepaid to furnish' the best quality of .hingles, cut with diamond knife, in. -any quantity de. sired.- Price deliveredln Jacksonville ?3 Der thousand or transportation off' af the Jmiil.sjjuaseamorniiesouiu oL-miiiaras i - ereeK - posi - onrcDr urawtauwijui mui 'O larewdii. J- CayiaJ OLD MIU. Cr.IHKS. , (Tone: "Old Grimes is Dead."; Old Urs, Grimes is dead. Alas t y qre'er shall see her more. She was the wife of good old Grimes, Who died solas years belore. A rery worthy dame is gone, Since she gave up her breath; Her head was white with frostiof time bhd lived until her death. Though ' th path, her wUlin g,feet E'er walked where duty led; And never wore a pair of shoe, Except when out of bed. Busy she wao, from morn to night, bpltc.of old Time's advances r . Although her husband left hei hero In easy circumstances. Good Jlrs.. Grimes. is now at rest,. She'll rest through endlejs age; The un has set, her work is done, She's gone to claim her wages. A. T. iu The Century Hew te ItfM'I a Kewipaper. 1. Get a paper that is worth read ing. -T t 2. Get time to read! it. 3. Scan the heading of articles to find out what is in the paper. 4. Rrad what interests you; inter, est, is. to reading what appetite is to eattng. 5. Read what will ho useful to you morally, intellectually or financially therefor , 6. Do not read'tha ''niurdem;" thoy .will do you no good unless you are a dptec-ive. 7. Read the local new.; tourfirix. iiitrTPst ia to he well informed uhout your own eotutnurity. S. Read the paragraphs bufor-j jou read tha long editoml; it i more im pirtaut for you to know what is Imp, pening than wlmt the editor thinks aWt it. j9! Digest what you read; read it carefullV. think about it, examine yourself retpfcting it, t-ll som one e!e what you have learned from it. ,10. Don'c belief everything you hep in print; remember that there is a ddviHu tho printer's ofHcu. jRpad niore than oitn pippr; if you are a (Republican uccasionally rail a Deniicratic journal. This i.s a world; no one can tell all about it. 1 1 M. Vatne of Nickel. Tho sunerintendrnt of the United States mint jn Piiiladelplua ader tis-d. far sealed proposals fur f-upp y- ring tle mint with twenty thousand pounds of nickle, for coinage purposes. This week tho iid there was only one opened, and tlia bidder, Joseph Wharton, offrred to furnish the de sired quantity of nickle at ninety one ceuts per pound -which is tlis lowiat price the government liau over pa'd for tho metal. There is only 011" nickle mine that has ever been woiked to any extent in the United State?., and that is iu Petuitx Ivunia. Its owner had huflkieut iiitlueiice ui -CJun-gres,s years ago, to cecurtr the pas.,ugr of an act HUtbwr.ziiig the conih-o of me al into tiva cenl piece.-, and to pro tect tjie mine by a tarill' which prohihiu the importation of the metal; jet the PtHIPHVjyaniaiis who hav.e no fault to find wih that pioceeduig, join in tlie cry to il-tuoiiftira silver, and protest against the government buying bull ion at any price. , Mot Permitted to Vote. ." The Deiiinc'ratic victor in Virginia over the .Malioue party and Rejiubli cans combined, is now fully explained The riot at Danville just before the election. Iy which a number of persons both black and white lost their live?, was a pre arranged Hffuir. It was tlm revival of the "t-hot-gun poiicy," and had its effect on the election. The negroes were 80 tprrified that in Dun ville, where' 1,301 colored voters weie registered on the 3d of November only 31 voted on the 6th of NoveinW In North Danville tha colored voteri. registered were 235, and colored votes cast, 3. Iu the adjacent town colored registration was 465, aud no votes was cast. Tho same state of aQairs existed to some extent in other parti of the State. The match monopoly' tlots not yet appear to be utterly broken down bjr new cow petti ioi.t if 'is shipping e.oli wieek of 2,500,000 feet qf lumber from one jioint 111 .Michigan is to be tiii las. an indt-x of a purjioso to continue work in the old lie. POSTAL RATESN 1SETY YeAE3 AGO. Now that tha two cent postage law haii gone into effect, the ibllowiuc provision of th first'law of congress on the subject wi 1 be read with inter est: Frfb. 20tb,'!793, wu tlpJatB:o the first act fixing rates of rxutag or domestic letters, and e'ublfht'rt" the. followins tte, to taka'ffcot. Juuv 'K1792: '' -"-1 Act. Fb. 20 h, 179','wctidn 9; land: For evarV sirWe letter not ext odditis 30 tuiW, 6 cents. ' ' For every inglerltteV ov"er'30 milj. and not exweAwz ktimHU g ceii. For every Miiglv letter mt 60'mllea tnd not exceeding 100 niifcn, 10'Cent?. For eveiy sinl teller over 100 rai'e anil not excending'-150 Jttil'cs DicrnU. vl F.r every single letter oer MSO mlen and not exceeding 200 miles, 15" Mi k cuiitH. J 1 " For every single letter over 200 miles and not exceeding 25bliniIes;a'271B cants. Foreterv sing'e'1 letter1' over" 250 miles and not exceediug50 taitiif 33 cent. . " - t For erery single letter' Vrr3t5b miles and not exceediug 450"'nillcsJ1 2i cents. ' ' .'T? For every single Ilte?'o450,ffii!ep', Ja cent. L v ,i'-'mm For every double Uttir, doiio1,t38 aid ratec i' t"9 For every tripl"1 )ier. tnjihst! Haiti rate. a - -1 im '.-. S-M e'wa For very puckeL w'eighfn one onnce moirdupow "to pay atthcr rite' of tour ing! lettem to ib?ounce,'ii3tl ' in tint proportion 6f p.iiy greater weigh:. t'Elmiru Adyertur,''-iir;se A Rump. .Je, Solomon ScliicgaL y name, and cn'v 19yfaM bid,' the jfc fon of a watcliinaker in Berditwlien, has finen d a wn'ch. ivhici goa bjr? Lrrctricit t nJBBgairr(l' by , Herr Cho!.on, Professor of Pliysica' at me ui.ivvrMiy 01 ot. 1 eu-rxiiurg, to Ii-' an instrument of wondprf'il sim- tilii-itv and VlnA In in ar'lrlp in' Th Ifowooti, deici thing tjbe invention, which he beliavrs -iil revoli)tionue the manufacture of watcliee, Professor Chwolton sars; "Tlie yatclies "iro without any uprings, aild'consist hdlely of two wheeN. Besides Wing" ffuVj? they have the advantage of tlie sreond h, ... r X Jti Mii and moving in single momentary leap, as is usually the cae lonlvffi very costly watches, aud tfliicji i' of ' tbe utmost utility for astrdiomical ob- servations. Theke watches can "ntso set iu motion a certain number of watchesof the same contrnctiont io that thev all knep .exact time' The'' invention has convinced faiethat watches can .be used for the rmroesea of telegraphy." j wi -aa xT f larse Imnilsrntleu (a the .'orto.west. -, 1 it. i. ' - Tl : cpw Colonel UawKon who returned re- 5ltW 1 X cently to San Francisco from an ex,- " tended tour through E Jropeayfi ' h'o ' wm "suiprised during his vuit to'nnd' ' mi many preparing to nio e to "hC United States next vear. Tho coun- try was filled with pamphlets and cir'" culars of government hipdi and coiP-1 taining information about California, Orrgon and Washington territory? ' The Northwest generally wasTtDerally8 advertised. A fair percentafo 'Is e53 pected to" go to Ore gqn. feomtf JgoV a', trnnient aid is indirectly given- "tp Grrnian hettlrn in Mexico. Intend-' :.... : .. i.! ...!. e i.. 'St mgg iruiiiaiiia tuuiiiiaiu inuuit ui int- teri rtctived from friends in this coun try, giving troubles which annoy emi grant when they arrive at Castle Garden, and from thence to their dev tiiiMtteu. "'T , , , ifjr , Tins may or mav not be true, but it , . . . . " " '-& is characteristic. A frirr.d is said to ". VS hae related in the presence of ex-Minister tjclienck the a legr.d . Jaet llit.-( Mikk Mary Anderson -had jneclined tp. w h ee th Prince of yales. 'Thai iv n.o uotliini(" said the'creat poker pi&jvi".. .- ' dliH is not tho first Ameiioan. I .ir-t have tn) elf refused o 'fteo' Hint on iev- j.(t eral occasions, and the lowest hand I, j.ii held on any ODe of the occasions was , ., three jacks." , . . ' ' ThB revelations "of tha United State .-W census prove the rearing of bot tob& rm one. of (h,eo.r.nioat of our rural indus tries Thfl nmubr reported in 18S0 s nMy forti eight million; tho rate of ip,creaRO in ten years Ivns 90 icr.ceirf., while htjrf horses v:i 45, of uiM cir 3S; of.oxrii 25; of ot.;.fr oattli 66, and ol shesp only 24 per cents f A a-'i .'a