Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 27, 1883, Image 3

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JACKill.W IL.Lt: i
Batwhday, October 27, 1883.
8cLi.ixa Our. Thoso desiring any
thing in the lino of merchandise will Jo
well ly calling on Barruch Fisher be
fore going elsewhere as ho is closing
oct his stock At cost. A trial will
cosrinos yau ell.
To the Travfxing Public. The
cwplttion of the N. P. It. It. has
relieved the C. . fc O. stage line of
tV Umsportttion of tn enormous
ttntity f mail, and tho company are
M prepared to carry nil who npplv
t them for passage, north or south,
and put thorn over the road in good
Robbert. The store of Woodford
Ji Colvig Rt Wuodville, was robbed of
a. lat of clothing last Sunday night.
.Mark Colvig took a couploof shots at
the thief but succeeded in only making
him drop n portion of the plunder. A
certain party is suspicioned and 11
would prob'ably be well for him to
Make himself scarce around there in
the futuro or take the consequences.
Notice. I have gathered informa
tion of the sneak thief who Btolo out
of my show window the lithographic
picture "Uirdseyo View of Jackson
ville Oregon." Ho is requested to re
turn the same without any damage or
the criminal law will take hi in in iafi
quarters. C. B. Hostel.
Jacksox Coustv Guape!. A tinin
Iter of clusters of grapes, from a box
nt to Ed. F. Lewis of this city bv,
C. C. Beekman and V. M. Turner of
Jacksonville, wcro left at this oflicc
yesterday. They were the most de
lieiou grapes imaginable, thin skinn il.
jaicy aud fins flavored. When tin
Oregon and California railroad exten
sion reaches Jacksonville Poitlaud a ill
Lave -no need to mi port gtupes from
California, and the Rogue river vallev
will become the fruit garden of Ore
gon. "Oregonian."
Esterpkibe. The largest direct
shipment from Eastern manufactories
was received by G. Karewnki t liti
week coti&ist'ng of plows, the entire
load weighing 25,000 pounds.. The
ra of the Moriison make, the hist
plow over put up, and as Mr. Kurewe
ki got special nttes on freight on ac
count of the lnrgc fchipuipnf, he sayi
he can and "ill sell theni cheaper thaii
over offeipd before. Besides this hi
has also jtiftt received a carload of
.stoves of all kinds and a car load of
wons, alt of which arc ofi'oied at
bed rock prices.
Latest Quotation-. Charles and
Geegre Monne were arrested tliii week
oi complaint ofC J. Armbtiimfc.-hp.;.
lh; nVru'-with tho lMrcniy of tlir'i
iek of potatoes and lining hi ought
heforr Justice Iluffer they plead guilt v
and each wm fijed 25 anil costs
Tbey dug iotatOPh in tlie nisht, hauled
tVem some twenty ir.iles to theii home'
and it one of the defendants hail not
Juat his pocket hook in the liold the
wh-rPaliou'.s of the potatoes would
likely remain a mystery- forever. Both
-d Tendinis settled their bill and were
Teloaited from custudv.
Bad Move. In our opinion the
lioxrd of Trustees made a bid move
at their last meeting when thry re
.aired on only building two citterns
lor the fire department. At least
four should have been ordered buili,
and no one will refuse Jacksonville
.scrip at par if money is not on hand
at present, as the liquor licenses .alone
bring in a revenue of 82,G00 a year
much mora than is required to run the
bucino-n of tho town. No locations
for the cisterns have yet been made
but when once decided numerous peo
ple are oound to be dissatitfied vvith
their location.
Religious Items. Rev. B. J.
Sharp will proach at Phoenix next
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock A. Ji
and at A.shland in the evening
Kev. JI. A. Williams preaches ai the
Presbyterian church in this place Sun
day morning and evening. . . . Re-jular
services at the Catholic church in
Jacksonville by Rer. F. X. Blanchet
. . . Rev. JI. Peterson -a il1 preach at
10 o'clock A. M. In tho new school
house about half a mile north of his
residence (Mound ranch) thp first Sun
day in November. A special -invita
tion is extended to all member? and
frionds of this church to be present, as
important business will bo train acted.
In tho evening he will hold pen ices at
the Lone Oak school hou-n Rev.
J. A. Slover will preach at Manznila
Sunda at 11 o'chek.
Shot Br Chixamev. Jamea Mor
ristey, who has been herding a gang
of Chinese in the Siskiyous, quit the
business a few days ago, but unfortu
nately, did not entirely end his i elu
sions with tho Chinese. On Sundav
afternoon, while coming down the
mountain thi? side the tod house, he
mot a teamster whose wagon was
loaded with goods belonging to a gang
of Chinamen on their way to tunnel
No. 10. The wagon stuck and Mor
rissey undertook to help the teamster
lift a wheel out of a bad place. As
the two men could not 6tart the wag
on, they called on the Chinese stand
ing about to help them. The heathens
refused to do so, when Morrissey, with
tli: habits of his recent business still
' .strong upon him, made n charge on
tho gang and knocked one or tv,o of
the Chinamen down with r club.
The Chinese showed fight, pisttfls were
drawn and shots exchanged between
Morrissey and two of tho heathens.
3IorriBey roceived a bullet in his
thigh, but the Chinamen were nt
hurt. Tho wound, although painful,
is not likely to prove serious, as the
tone was not struck. "Tidings."
LOCAL 11X118.
Jim Birdeey laughs more than ever
because it's a boy.
L. Starks and family have moved to
Crescent City to locate.
Potttoe were quoted at $25 per
sack iu Jacksonville this week.
Dr. A. C. Stanley of Sam's valley
has gone to Portland on a visit.
For lame Back, or Ohest use Shiloh'b
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents.
Byron Terrill returned to Jackson
vile this week after a long absence.
For a cough or cold there is no rme
dy equal to Amnion's Cough Syrup.
The Dexkin kcw mill on Rogue river
lias been bought b S. S. Aiken & Co.
Circuit Court for Jncktou county
com cues on 31 ondny, November, 8th.
November lht is the dale uluutiie
O. A- C. Stage Co. change to Winter
Mrs-. Rufus Co, u ne- comer, dir!
at he) Inline in Alm.znuitH piecinct
III wt-ik '
S. S. Aikwi & (Jo's B-caHii fcerf
continue to.- increase- KU)t!krtdiidt"i$
duce pried-.
Plymale is alv.nys ready to supph
first class livery out-hts on short notice
and at !o.v prii.es.
James Huqht-s was in town last
Sundaj after supplier for hia ne-v sa
loon at KerbyvKle.
Jack Mrushal and S. P. Jones arc
improving the looks of their building
by paiii'iug -the front.
The Jackuon eounty hosjiital has
thirteen patient, that being the gener
il averugo right along.
A full report of tlm proceedings cf
the Circuit Court in Josephine county
mil appear next week.
Ashland amateurs v.tre jilayinc
Esmeralda at Holt's Hull lust evening
. hen we wrnt to press.
Surveyor Ceneial Tolman wns in
town this week returning; to Portland
accompanied by his son Ciit.
Young Gilson is improving and w
furlhrr danger is apprehended from
the miipiualion of the Itg.
Ned Befigs came back fn.ni Colusa,
Cm!., this week, wheie ho h.ta been
officiating ncleik in a store.
The now Ouirt House has been in
suren foi 10,000 in one of the com
panies repi twitted by J. Nunan.
J'iv Baeh Rtnrlid for Wa'iiingtoi.
county last Monday. His family is
still herf but wid join linn soon.
Farmi'iR on "Sticky" have taken
advantage of the late rains and, Imw
plowed and sawed largo acreage.
CIibk. J. Howard linu moved M
Jttp!mnj cwuiiiy io-'JlSke. "cllafe tfj
the Briggs f.vim near Kerbyville.
A. 1). Rockffllow & Co, Attort-Ms
md CViunt"'ll)rs at Jaw and lte.il E-.
lato AyentH. Ashland
so quickly cutcd l fciitloh'a Cure.
We gusiantee it.
Col velTs livery ftabb-done a rih
ing l.usiets this week in furnishing
tenuis foi p&icengns for the tunnels.
Theo. Camtion has purchased the
Beduiau furui and water lights in
Josephine county paying 83,000 there
A large lot of th? Improved Gulden
City plows were received this week ct
Bilger fc MtiejjIejVs. Take a look
at them.
The train failed to make connection
with the stage at Glendale last Thurs
day night but we have failed to h arn
the cause.
A. L. Rose has settlpd with Uip rail
ro'id compiiiy for the light of way
throuh liin place at Phoexix receiv
ing $175.
and Bronchitis immediately relieved
bv Slnloh's Cure.
The eockle-buir law is still on pur
statute books and shnuhl be enforctd.
The law wiP be found m full in
another column.
Dr. G. II. Aiken accompanied by his
brother, S. S Aiken, took a short tiip
to the mountains this week fur lest
and recreation.
J, B. Howard My 3 ho will not be
outsulu bj anv one iu his line of general
mprckaiiiJiiiP. Boots and shoes etc.
Give him a call.
A tine lot of tnillinpry goods, silks,
satins and velvets 'mid eveivthing in
the iniiiiucrv line just received at .Mrs.
J. S. Howard's.
One olTt-ndT against our city Iuwr
was convicted this week and failing to
selthi he was put ::i the chain gang to
work out his tine.
Oscar Kilbouru returned to Poit
land lastThuiMlay after ono week's
stay hero attending to ofliciul duties
as U. S. G.ugbr.
Dr. Will Jackson returned from
Kerbyville on Thursday and can be
found at his office ready to attend to
any work in the dental line.
Emil Britt returned from San Fran
cisco on last Sunday's stage. He will
remain here now and assist his father
in the Photographing bnsiuesf.
pepsia and Liver Complaint? Slnloh's
Vitalizer h guaranteed to cute you.
The Justus case and the Jacobs and
Ruble contempt cases have not yet
been decided by the Supreme Court
although submitted some time since.
Get ready to dodge tho cotnpt. It
is onlv about 50,000 times as large as
tho earth. Ithasa tail 10,000,000 mile
long, and is coming bang at us.
sumption Cure is sold by us on a guar
antee. It cures consumption.
We acknowledge a call this week
from Mr. Hendee, railroad agent and
operator at Harris' urg, Oregon, who
went as far south as Ashland on t
tour of inspection.
Miller k Kretzer are making extcn-1
sive preparations for mining operations
ihis season and if it should prove
favorable they expect to make a good
clean up next spring.
Robt. Kahler has sold his interest
in tho City Diug Store to J. W. Mer
ritt who will soon take charge. He
has also rold his residence to a now
comer, named Bermott.
A oce-half interest in the Svlem
"Statesman" was sold this week at
Slieiiff's sale for $25. Sumc of the
subscribers to the paper must have
failed to bring that wood.
Roads will be muddy soon and the
wood von owe to the Skxtikel ofiice
cannot be hauled. We have giv en
Kullicient warning and will expect
Uiodev sniM of these days. .
. H,EP! Jfiiis'ia Hl!cVjiHi.li-jrier--
"te44ern" $hibh's
XJuni Is the "remedy for you.
Muller & Fisher have completed
hauling their Lakeview vegetable con
Tact and their Indian teamsters are
now hauling from Dunn's farm mar
Ashland to Fort Klamath.
Word has been received from Wm
L. Bilgpr stating that he will be here
i-oon ready to supjdy our merchants
with nuj tiling in the hardware line as
agent for Mori is & Varney.
Sstnl. R. Tavlor has decided on
quitting the hotel business and will
turn it over to G. W. Savnge, the own
er, on tho first of the month. The lat
ter will continue the business.
Josfo Simpson, John Gridlcy and
Dr. P. Jack stalled northward this
week taking e race, horses "Jim
Litk" and "Sulio Cr along. The
latter goes to Seittle to locate.
Oiegtm, which ought to be an ex
orter of butter, is to day importing
at least one-half she cosnunips. This
is not as it should be, ami vc sttii
hope to set- a change. "Standard. '
Among those who are attending
Circuit Court at ICerbvville v. e noticed
he following: Judge 1 1 mum, District
Uton.HV Kent, L. R. Webster, P. P.
Prim C' W. Kahler mid J. R. Neil.
CATAfrRIl CURED l.oalth and
sweet bieath S( cured bv Shiioho's C.
'arth Remedy. Puce 50 cents "Nasal
njeclor free.
Ifjouwanta Sewing Maehino call
it E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock,
nd jew ohy store. His. machines jui
i little tiner and his prices a little
unoer,.tfran aiiy'OtherbuggeiJS.
An attorney for Rev. A. J. Hun
x.iker U gathering testimony hoio to
prove his innocence, of the charges pie
iVried bv thu "Mercury" and vviil trv
his chanees m a libel &uit against that
Dsvld lorins, right of wny agent
for the lailroad, has been at Ashland
lor a week past. Ills vvoik is about
I'ompletf il, the lijjht of way having
earlv all been secured to the Siskiyou
flie Wowing is the grand jury for
ihe present iPim of Ciicuit Court for
Josephine county: W. B. Shoemak",
fort man, Geo. Fin) d, Alhro Alluu, J.
W. Yoik, II. Biuckuian, Chas. Jehu
son, Chas. Fiester.
Old residents on Rogun river in
form ihe "Tidings" that the railroad
truck now being gradi d along the river
is several feet below high vrater mark,
ami that tho freshets will be sure to
gnutly damage the road-bed.
A. O. Jones, formerly a resident of
Jacktonville but now Itemed at Rose
burg, p'tSM-d through town last Sun
day on his way to Ketbvville to ap
ieir us attorney in several enses bo
tnie the Ciicuit Court now in session
at Kerbyville.
V bile Chas. While was .handling a
pistnl in the saloon at R cl. Point one
tlaj this week it whs accidentally dis
eh irged the bullet jtiking a horse
hitched on tho outside. The stranger
owning the horse compromised the
matter by the payment of 100
Rend the ndveitiscment of the Will
amette "University, one of .the oldest
and best institutions of learning in
the State, in this issue, aud givo the
rising generation a chance for a good
education. The school is n ported to
bein.avtry prosperous condition un
der the present management.
Mr. E. Martin, of Yan.hill, and M.
R. Kittlcnmii, from Michigan, ran a
ra".j of 100 arils, at City View Par.,
Toi Hand, on Sunday last, for 2,000
a side, Martin being allowed twelve
feet the start by his opponent. Kittle
man won by fifteen feet. Over
10,000 changed hands on the r?suU
Wanted at the Buck Rock runnel,
20 or 30 horses for cart use. The
railroad company want to hire them
and will pay 50 cts. per day . for each
horse. Owners of the horses may
send teamsters with'theniif they choose
one man for two horses. The men
are paid 2 per day, and board them
General Sherman, will on Novem
ber 1, repair to his home at St. Louis
to await his retirement. The general
will be attended prior to his retire
ment by those of his aids de-camp
whom Iip may designate to the adju
tant general. Major General Hancock
was offered the command of the Di
vision of the Mif souri, but declined it,
preferring to retain his present com
mand. His letter of declination was
received at the war department latt
Saturday. '
Robt. A. Cook "brought in a fine lot
of potatoes this week retailing them at
two cants, considerable leas than
what Jtibtice IIuDer soils them for.
Quito a largo delegation came down
from Ashland last evening to take
riirt in the nlav ofJEhmarilda. Amonrr
thenurubcr wo noticed Bio. Leeds cf
the "Tidings." . .
Felix Colin traveling aeeat for th
well known liquorhou.n or' Braun
schweiger it Bun!stea-of8tn Francisco.
is in town interviewing customers of
tlm honse. He reports I uiiaesa brisk'
in this section.
Prof. Thos. Von Scot, President of
the Wiiliimet'e Uai.Vrsitj, made us a
fiisndly call this wrek when on his
way fo A-hland to attend the teach
er'ii institute which closed last even
ing. This is his first visit to this val
lpy and he expresses, himself highly
pleased with our country and the trip
in genial.
On flatlnrel land that does not pos
sess a capacity for thorough nitural
underdi aining, or ix -not artificially
ujtlun1r.-iiiu'ij,i'nf H Sttrald prepare
suiface drains by piovrtng furrows
hero and thire in the diiection of the
lower loc.vlitiea inx tho fields. Stand
ing wuter is a mortal enemy to grow
ing wheat, or any other healthy
you nted for Constipation, Loss of
Appetite Dizziness and all symptSms
of l)ys epsia. Price 10 and 75 cents
per bottle. -
One of the most singular sentences
ever imposed wpr by Judge Kreknl,
of the United States District Court in
Missouri recently. An illiterate pris
oner was sent to jail until ho could
learn to read and write, another offend
ruder was sentenced until ho could
teich the former art. In a little-over
three weeks the prisoner appeared, able
to write a fair letter at' dictation, and
both men wore discharged.
Tho prophets who were predicting
hat Villard would jo to the wall in
the course of a fortnight doubtless reed
with much interest the story ot the
inom in Northern Pacific stocks on
."Saturday. Wall street has sean no
such exciting scenes for many a dav,
and it is sife to sav that the bears will
lake counsel before they make a raid
upon a stock-which seems to have such
iowers of rapid recovery.
The fn'ir.wing teachers attended the
it acini.' institute A'hland this week:
Pres. V.m .ooy, Supt. E B, McElrov,
Pies.M.G. Itojal, Messrs. Jasper Hall,
31. Vod-r, Mxrk Ten ell, Wm Terrell
F. T. Hour!!, L. A. S'raons, It. A
Gray, L. F. Willif, Mis. M G. Royal
and Missr-s Lou Talbott, Nellie Kuel.
Mxltte Russell, Mabeite, "Woolenj
Alenu V.brj- ihtj; Ctjrrri 'Ihcyie
iiergent, Alice Cruwford, Delia Pen
nubaker, Mr,s. L. F. Willitts. N
The la.rM.it of Henry IFnizog
against N. I). Julifii for 75,000 tTama
aesfor urret and imprisonment oti t
falw chvrj,e of perjury was concluded
in tho Superior Court at Yrrka Mon
day pvenir.;: by a verdict of 12,802
for phiintilf. Counsel for defense will
a-k for n nw trial. R II. Autenrieth
Mr. " McConaughy, and Ml-. Lturs
De Force Gordon represented tho plain
tilf, and M'ssrs. Abels and Warren
Vic- President Crecl.er, of the C.
P. R. It., while at Sisson's, stated that
the radrnad would bo cGiuplsled to
Str.vwbeirv Vailev by tins time next
year. The company intend to raise
the waiip? and put on an' immense
army of workers next spring as earlv
as possible. The Central Pacific will
bo ready to connect ut tin Oregon
line, when the Oregon line is finished
to Unit point, mid piobably before, ns
the tuuncl work on the California end,
including culverts, etc, will bo pushed
with energy all winter. "Journal."
The new a S3 1 run building is now en
tirely completed Everything is rcadv
to start to wcik "when the whistle
blows." Even tbo bake ovon and
ranjes have been experimented upon
satufactorily. The appointeos are in
readiness. The chief officers are a
follows: Dr. II. Carpcn'er, nuperin
tendent; Dr. Givpns, of Oaweiro, first
assistant phpsicianjDr. A. J. Giesv, of
yalem, second nssistunt; Mr. Ken
wirthy, the old Stewart at East Port
land, retains his position, alsg -Mrs.
Ken worth as matron. Dr.Ji A.
Richardson, of,the Dalles," is visiting
JosEniiXE Jurors. The following
ia the jury panel for the Josephine Cir
cuit court now in session: J. II. Mc
Daniel, T. J. Hussey, Clark Nicker
son, P. Ames, W. F. Hogue;Chas.
Johnson, Geo. W. Lewis, Sr., Alhro
Allen, C. O. Bigelow, N. Thoss, Oma
J. Vannoy, E. Barnett, R. M. Thom
son, J. Grossman, A. J. Henderson,
J. G. Lanlerman, Dan, Hunt, J. C.
Elder, Jas. Jordan, Chns. Fiester, J.
II Haulcum, Clns. Duncan, Nelson
Johnson, Geo. Flovd, Jolin, Gue.st,
J. W. York, W. B. Shoemaker. II.
Thornton, Isaac Custar, Benj. -Bull,
Henry Broeman.
The Lake County Racers. The
'Foster Bros. ay tho Lakeview -Examiner,"
have taken their stable of
horses froni Yreka to Oakland and
they will there be put in the Blood
Horse Association races which will be
gTn on the 3d of November. Delia
Walker wid also be present at that
meeting. Harry B and Up and Up
have gone to Reno to participate in
tho races there
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sewing.raa
chines, the best and cheapest in the
market, have just been received at E.
0. Brooks' store. Call ami examine
them before purchasing elsewhere,
Teaciier3' Institute; The teach
ers' institute "for the First Judicial.
District convened fn the College hall
at Ashland, at half past seren o'clock
on Tuesday last and never in the his
tory cf educational work in Jackson,
county, was there a more successful
opening. Supt. E. B. McElroy opened
I ho exercises by some remarks touch
ing the work aud objects of tho insti
tute. Song by the College vocal class
conducted by M. G. Royal. Prayer
by Rev. Mr. Clyde of Ashland. The
address of wolcome was then de
livered by Prof. Royal and the res
ponse by Supt. W. M. Colvig, followed
by a song, "Flag of the Free." The
lecture, "Valuo of Time and Oppor
tunity" by Prof. Kinzie, was ropleto
with solid thought and practical sug
gestions. The exerciser closed with a
song by the choir. The work was
carried on till yesterday and a most
interesting time was had thtotighnut
We publii.h the proceeding! o full in
our next issue.
Wednesday Oct. 24, morning ses
sion Tho institute convened at half
past nine o'closk with a goon attend
j ce of , teat hers nd citupns, thu fol
lowing organization was then made:
President, Supt. E. B. McElroy;
Vicp Prcsidenf, Supt. Win. M. Cdvig.
Repotting Secretaries L. F. Will
its, J. Hall, M. G. Royal.
Enrolling Secy's. Miss Delia Penne
bnker, Bel-e-Woolen.
Certificate Secretary M." G. Royal.
Committe on Introduction Miss
Nellie Russell, Miss Alena Weber,
Mis. M.G. Royal.
Institute work of Supt. Mc Elroy
major object to acquaint teachers
with the best methods of instruction;
and to increase the efficiency of teach
era, by giving a distinct idea of thn
true ends of education, bj giving some
elpmentary knowledge of tho science
of teaching; by latest methods of im
parting instruction; by giving a cor
rpct idea of what constitutes a good
To secure conformity of work; in
methods of an orgamzaiion; in school
records, in government.
By bringing teachers, peoplo and
school rfHfprs together we thus awake
.a common interest in education.
Minor objrets 1 To gain infor
mntion in teaching. 2 To gain pro
fpssional information. 3 To lenin to
avoid ruts. 4 To compose ourplves
professionally with our associate teach
ers. 5 It affords young people an
opportunity to express their views in
public. 0 Growing out of these
meetii.gs come a finding of professional
pride, an essential element of success.
7 To coriept preventing fault, waste
f time in movement of pupils; in con
ducting recitations; iu repeut mg work
lone by other teachers; wrong methods
arising from defective knowledge mid
lack of experience.
Continued next week.
T55F. D!rr;;i:i.s,ci:.
We often hear it said, "You can
sell any humbug article by well ad
vertismg it." This is partly true, but
f the article has no merit tin- pur-t-hasjr
will not buy a secoi.d time, and
a ill probably prevent his fnind from
auvitiL by informing him of its worth
!.sncrs. So tho more it is sold the
jonir it vr.ll cease to sell. On the
othur hand an article of merit aud
worth, iike Aniiiien's Cough Svrup,
when once uswl will bo appreciated,
and tho buyer wiil not only continue
to purchase if when anain in need of a
reuudy for Cul.l.s or coughs, hut will
spenk a good word for it and thus,
without advertising, it would become
kno.ru and have a large sale.
From time to time tho services of
the Methodist church have been di-
turbetl by a number of ill bred bovs
and girls, some of them nearly grown.
We have tritd gentleness with; you
until it is. apparent that kind
ness to you demands bouio stertr
measures. Those who are lacking in
common decency ns not to be nble to
tieh.vve properly, should be compelled
to. Wo now givo notice that we shall
proseed to the full extent of the law
aeninst those who either in the
ehureb, or on the outside,
create a disturbance during the limn
of ii-ligiuus services. Pin cuts will do
well to look to their children. Young
hoodlums of both sexes will do well to
themselves. B. J. Sharp, Pastor.
A. S. Jonssos, Trustee.
JacksonvillcOet. 22 1S83.
Wa:ted. At Johnson's lard office
ten dwelling houaes to rent, steadj
renters and good pay.
WADE On Btmc creek Oct. 22,
1SS3, to the wife of R. J. Wade a
BIRDSEY In Jackyonville, Oct. 23,
1S83, to the wife of J. G. Birdsey
a son.
STANLEY At the 23 Mile House.
Jackson county, Oct. 23, 1S83, to
the wife of W. J. Stanley a son
a fourteen pounder.
RUSSELL At Ashland, Oct. 11th,
1883, to Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Russell, a daughter.
POWELL Near Eagle Point, Oct.
15th, 1883, to Mr. and Mrs. "Wm.
Powell, a daughter.
ALLEN Near Eagle Point, Oct.
15th, 1883, to Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Allen a son.
i'i",'Ti'TniJr'',a,'"','J"' L ' iif rTii
ville, Oct. 7, 1883, by O. Brown,
J. P , J. D. Wimer and Miss Geo.
ville, Oct. 1-1'h, 1883, by O. Brown,
J. P., Geo. W. Vvimer and Miss
Cordelia Strong.
Waldo Or., Oct. 23 1883.
Ed. Sextimel: Health good. Hunt
ing is the rage. Wimer Ji Sous are
rushing so as to bo ready to run two
giants in the mines the coming season.
By bee & Co. arc also preparing for
tho season that will soon come.
Dessell i Co. and Simmons it Co. are
eniployiuga largeforce on their works.
Wimer & Sons expects new goods in a
few days. J. Chapman Jb Mr. Fann
ing are making the new pipe for the
Wimer mines. Waldo is improving.
The Anderson hotel is doing a rush
ing business. The Crecent City stage
on aciount of rush of business was
compelled to put a four horse coach
on the service. A very pleasant gath
ering of young 'oiks a few evenings
ago nt the residence of W. J. Wimer.
Last Sundav Dr. Morrison. Win.
Fohely and W. J. Wimer went limit
ing, were gone from home three days.
Tney got two large bucks and five
smaller detr. ' W. J. Wimer also
killed a fine, bear, he also shot threu
deer in '.he hpads out of four shots.
Jacob Wimer contemplates building a
residence in Waldo 111 the spring.
School is progressing finely. Miss
fdu Woodcock h now convalescent,
but for her siclsness she intended to at
tend school at Ashland tho coming
winter. Circuit Court convenes Oct.
21st with a largo docket. Ono man
here who wns once prominent in poli
tics has an interest in 29 cases at law;
may be succeed.
gAaareccAs.iLL' r msttwu -
L.v:;n Office at Romichs. Or., )
October 24, 1383. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow
intr named settli r 1 1.1 filed notiee f liU
intention to make final proof in support
of hiscl.iim, and that ssid proof will lie
miuie uctore me v. lers 01 .lacKson county
Jacksonville Orciron. on S.ituriliir Herein.
ber 1, 1SS5, viz- Jaeob L. Worlow Pre-
cmption . S. Ko. 4001. for the V. K of
S V 1 ,' Sec. !!1 Tow n :57 S of R 2 Enstaml
Lot J! and S E if ofN W Vf Sec, C Town
33 S of Range 2 i'ast. vllc names tho following-
witnesses 10 privc his continuous
residence upon, .and cultivation of. said
land, viz: Aaron Wj.la.nil. Philip Miller,
John Hockprsmitli. "George Wyland, all
of Eagle Point. Jackson county Oregon.
W. F. BeyjAMix, Recister.
.SAW.JuWI BSlj.. . rtTfr
ZW: 'Sq
o TaeiTrce im 4 s, . ai
rt Va
Don't buy "IIos Hoots" unless you
want the bcit. Bee tli it our lianic
is on cverj' piir.
JrHerimi BiHiiird Saloon!
"'HIS populai resort, under new mnn
l agement, is ftirnislun!; the best brands
ot litjuors, wines and cigars The reading
table is supplied with Eastern periodicals
and lending papers of the Coast. Give me
a call.
The rJUTEKS" GtrrDE h Is
sued March and Sept., each
Jycar: 21.5 pages, 8xll
3 inches, with over !3,JiOO
illustrations a whole pic
ture callerv. Gives whole
sale prices direct to consumers on all goeds
for personal or family use. Tells how
to order, and E'VC3 eiact cost of every
thing you use, cat, drink, wear, or havo
fun with. TIicfc invaluable books con
tain information gleaned from tho map
kets of the world. Wo will mail a copy
JFrco to any address upon receipt of tho
posiago 7 cents. Let us hear from you.
S3- & as Wlia-i Atkjuc CMcaoch IB.
1 that I forliid an pe-on hunting or
discharj-ing tire arms within tlie limits of
my propertv. Fair warning is hereby
Kiven tli it will prosecute trespassers
disregarding this notice to tlie full extent
of the law.
Jacksonville Aujr. 35th 1SSJ8.
Sstray Notico.
Qamc to the plnee ot Thomas Chavnrr
at the Centcnnn I Hritljre on Kiguc River
about eight month's ago one sorrel filly
about four j'ears of age with "lit. down the
face and no brands. The ovv ner can re
cover the animal by proving property-and
paving ch trges.
October 4 1SS3. -.
fier l iy at 1 omc
imp es worth
free Address Sin ). & i . I'ort antl.Me
The farm know ps tV Centers Ranch,
will b" rented to a "On I tenant, tor one or
more years. App1y'',i
I Saar Jackwu, uU, jjQui !.
.V '
s UJ j ,-' . -lw.. fffiSf
Odd Fellow's Building JstKsont Hit, Oregon
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass
Shot, Srnshs, Chains, Eoso
I have fecurf il thf prvip( n of a flr-t-cla-f
fechantc. an.l am prepiireil to do rill repair
ing promptly untl 111 jupenur tljle.
L I am receivjf.i: and Larp cnnHtnntly oa
haad a full auj firt claEs itock of
RRAtir M ten clothing.
giasswahe. (:kooki:ry, &c.
Eff-E7fr thisi? sti'd at rpnonatip rates.
Jacksonville. Mnrcb. 9, 1878.
I easttre m inloin.iin: t.ic- jiublie that
' h ispuiclia.nl h. jiilmnon's iateiost in
hieh w ! i kept stocknl with com
pl. tetind fir.t-ehiss issortmviitot general
tut rclmijdis... 1 willstiat
Vi'iy '.lonmvni'Jitc Ilntrs;
Give mc a call and see for vour elves.
JacKsonvil'o.JuIy 11. ti2.
?J. H Cor. Second and Yamhill Sis.,
A. I. AtMSTrtoNC,
J. A. Wlsco,
IVnitcm and Secretary
md?sl f cr tho Basincjs Kisatica of Bo'.a Sesss.
Og ,
AJnitltd vn nny crl Liy nf the cnr.
Of nil MnusctttuUvl to oriltrnt reasonable rate.
SatwlWtKMt k1 ir tntici!.
'Pic College "Jo im il," contininr inrormnlion
of Uj course ot &ttiilv rtU ot tiiilion, tune to
nt tcfc.,amlcitUot platti ami oriiain.ntal;Kn
t in h ', lri..
JackonvlIlr, OreRou,
Will pmetice in all Chronic Diseases, also
Tj-phoid Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Dtph.
tlicria, Coiisimiptio'i. Citurrh, etc. Time
ami doctor' tliills vill Ik- ivei! by coming
to me .t m-e Dr Umwh will gittirantie
to forleit ?."0fl r.irivtrj use of buninal
AVcakiit'SH or privati- iIiscim-iif.iiny kind
or character which he undertakes and
fails to cure. His m.ilit inc is pitrcryvcg
ctaliltand h.is all the power and clncacy
of calomel ir quinine, without anj-of the
injuiious alter c-lFccts.
Shingles For Sale.
The- undersigned is now predated to
furnish the bit quality of shingles, cut
with diamond knife, in .tnv ipinntity de.
sirul. Price duliveriil in .lacksouvilh' f
er thou-tand or tmnportation off nt the
mill, sittmtpvl two mile south nf Willimiw
creek po-t olflce. Orders can be left with
G. Kuewski. j. Chai-man.
a j.l Persons indeijtedto the
i I'ntln ,ignt il by note or Ik ok aerount,
-re "tii imI to call and scitp. without
Ja Vs. m i'!i fipt. 22, lt-ta
Z "". P-'" "rr " t1
, FvPprcS'UtO'l by L. hllhcr.stt 1
is n 11 1 fc
w; - . UHBJ