Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 22, 1883, Image 3

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Satviiday, September 22, 1883.
Arm Bcokex. While scuffling with
another boy last evening Baruch Sol
omon was thrown to tea ground anil
Lad his
igbt arm broken uear the
Good Reprlsentatiost The steam
erIiume that bailed from Crescent
City for San Francisco yesterday had
seventeen pas-sengers on board from
this valley. This route is gaining in
popular favor each (lav being the
cheapest and easiest route to travel
over to San Francisco.
Coitr.ccrioy. Instead of it being
IJrowti of Althouse who had an
reparation )erfornied on his leg as re
ported last week it was Black of
.Applegate who allowed Dr. Aiken to
Tnmove a cartridge shell from his leg.
"VTe apologize to Mr. Browu for the
To tue Tratelixo PuBLia The
completion of the N. P. R. R. has
relieved the C. it 0. stage line of
Hie transportation of an enormous
(quantity of mail, and the company are
now prepared to carry nil who apply
to them for passage, north or south,
and put them over the road in good
.Notice. Bishop Hargrove of the
M. E. Church South will preach at
the M. E. Church in this place on
Thursday, September 27th. And also
on Sunday September 30th at 11
o'clock A. M-, and at night, at the Pre,
byterian church in Jacksonville. The
public are respectfully invited to attend.
Will Go East. "ith the pioneer
excursion to the Eastern Slates to
leave Portland October 1st we learn
of the followiii;: from Jackson county
who will join the party: Win. Knhlcr
and wife, James McDunough anil wife
Win. Bit bee, John Tice, and Cortez
Myer of Ashland. Special arrrange
inents and rates hae been made and
going in a crowd togeiher they will no
doubt have a good time.
The Court House. -Work on the
Court House continues with the same
dispatch noticable since the first start
was made by L. S P. Marsh, the con
tractor. The building is now roofed,
flooring put in and lathing has been
commenced. Mr. Marsh promises to
Ji&ve the building ready for occupancy
by the end of November although the
contract does not call for its com
pletion until the 9th of next February.
Everything so far has been done in a
first-class manner nnd at a cost less
than any other public building of the
riune size has been built for before in
Jacksoxvillr Ahead. The Cue
blooded stock owned by Juy Beach of
this place is making a proud record
for itself ut tho State Fair eeverel
having won races, beaten good horse-,
mid made good time. "Altamont"
won the stallion race, beating Mount
Vernon, a fine horse from Walla
Walla; best time 2:3U. "Venita" also
won the three year-old and four-year
old race; best time 2:42. "Oneco" was
second in the two-year-ohl trotting race,
taking second heat in 3.00. Alta
mont will trot again to day, when we
hoi e to chronicle another victory for
Hay and Giiain Market. Col.
Frizell, purchasing agent of the 0. &
C. R. R. Co., is in Ashland says the
"Tidings" and will purchase the ha
nnd grain needed by the company.
At present he is buying what is want
ed in the Siskiyou and Buck rock
country. Whether he will purchase
large quantities for future use depends,
lie says, altogether upon the prices
asked. In the Umpqui he is now
buying hay at 12.50 per ton, deliver
ed, and oats at 50 cts. per hushel,
sacked and d livered at the cars. At
fast as the road is pushed ahead he
will haye supplies follow him, unless
he can get them here at what he con
eiders comparatively reasonable pri
Send us that postal note.
Judge Prim and wife are at Yreka
on a visit.
Karewski -rants a settlement with
all that owe him.
Cash paid for hides, wool and deer
skins at Max Mullers.
George M. Love has returned from
his San Francisco trip.
S. Colin is in San Francisco buying
goods for his new store at Phoenix.
Tli6, railroad company's paymaster
made the workmen happy this week.
C. W. Kahler and L. C. Coleman
returned from San Francisco this
The attendance at the Slate Fair is
said to be larger this year than ever
George Ncuber has returned from
Lake county and will stay here this
Abraham, Wheeler A Co. will soon
open a. general merchandise store at
Men and boys wanted to carry cloth
ing away from S. S. Aiken Ji Co'a new
cash store.
R. S GIossup has editorial charge of
the ''Times'' during the absence of
Chas. Nickell.
Henry Kubli, Jr., and James A.
WiUon are doing the tin work on the
Court House.
Marcus Armstrong was kicked by a
hoise this week and wears a cane iu
John Carter is doing the painting in
Morat & Chale's saloon and is showiug
some jjooiTVork.
Wm. L. Bi'geris now in the employ
of Morris fc Vurney, hardware dealers
of San Fiancisco.
Chas. Nickell of this place is a part
ner in the store of J. W. Howard &
Co. at Grant's Pass.
The condition of George H. Young
is considerably improved and he will
be around again soon.
Stages arc crowded with passengers
each day on the overland route and
quite often borne get left.
Hay fells for 24 a ton and lumber
at ?JS h thousand at the railroad camps
on the Sitkiyou mountain.
John Miller's Hunters Emporium
is the place to buy anything in the
hardware Una at low rates.
Miss Fatinio Dowell returned to
Poitlandthis week to resume stuJies
at St Helen's Hall in that ciiy.
Call on Henry Judge for your
harness and saddlery goods at lower
pi ices than ever offered before.
Everybody goes to Baruch Fisher's
because he is belling
goods at less than on
There is still considerable sickness
in Josepamc county mostly fevers,
tliptilueria Having uisuppcareu.
Cash paid for good slock hogs at
Phoenix mills weighing 150 fbs
upwards. 1'. W. Olwill.
Amateurs of Ashland propose
inn au enteitaiument soon with
play of Esuierelda on the boards.
A. D. Rockfallow &. Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon.
J. S. Howard has gone to Klamath
county to survey a ditch now iu dis
pute between Shook and Coahati.
P. W. Olwell, the Phoenix Miller,
returned from Crescent City lust
week accompanied by his family.
Morat it Charle expect to open their
saloon today. Jack Maishal will also
be ready for business in a few days.
For novelties of all kinds call on
Little tie Chase where ou can find any
thing usually kept in a variety store.
The foot race between Henry Men
sor and Ed. Matlheusou ha? been de
clared oti the latter declining to run.
Have you noticed Aiken k. Co's new-
advertisement. They do nothing by
halves and offer goods cheaper thau
ever sold here before.
Henry Klippel has gone to Klam
ath county to supervise the work of
reclaiming swamp land and will be
absent a couple of mouths.
A nnar fplprranta
opened at the Toll;HouJga. the
kivou mountains "withMW. Put
out his block of
irinal cost.
D. W. Crosby has accepted a po
sition with Kirkland's surveying party
no.r working near town and will com
mence work next Monday.
The pier on the north tide of the
Rogue River btidgo is about comple
ted and it will not be long bsfore the
whole structure is finished.
Karewski has reduced the price of
flour to 25 per thousand and promises
further reductions when our farmers
learn the value of their wheat.
Jack Wrisley was kicked by a young
colt while loading freight at Gleudale
last week which caused him to lay up
for repairs for several days.
In consequence of the reduction of
letter postage after Oct. 1st, Wells
Fargo t Co. will also reduce the price
of their envelopes after that date.
George Stephenson has gone to
Yreka to remain til! after the Fair
commencing October 3d. He will en
ter some of his horses in the races.
Rumor has it that a wedding will
take place in the Presbyterian church
tomorrow, the contracting parties being
well known residents of Jacksonville.
John Noland has gone to the rail
rond front to take a look at the work
now going on, snd to pay a visit to
his daughter living near Grants Pass.
If there is anything that you need,
give B. Fisher a call at the old stajid
of S. Cohn, as he is selling very cheap
and will not allow anybody to under
sell him.
Robt. M. Garrett will opon a saloon
at Ashland about Oct. lt having
rented the new building- this side of
Ashland crfek. We hope to see him
do well.
A postoflice hss been established at
the store of Butler and Farlow on the
south side of tho Siskiyous. It is
called White Point. El. Farlow is
, George Robinson is the candidate
of the Republican party for Governor
of Massachusetts. 'vB-ast Butler. Hie
present incumbent will likely be the
opposing cauJidate.
Charges for neglect of duty on the
part of Marshal Schul'z were presented
to the Board of Trustees at their last
tegular meeting but no action was
taken at that time.
Tho travelling agent for Akin Sell
ing fc Co., the large boot and shoe
house of Portland, was in town this
week, and, of course, received numer
ous large eiders.
The military post at Fort Klamath
will require 27,630 pounds of Hour
and ask" contractors to have their bids
in for furnishing the same by October
10th. Read the ad.
Peter Skainokaway, one of the
carptenters employed on the lailroad
bridge crowing Rogue Biver had the
Historical Materials. It is very
desirable that the compilers of Wall
ing's history of Southern Oregon shul
have access to all available resources
of information respecting this part of
me stale. Jiany records ot pioneer
life, accounts of Indian wars, sketches
of noted events, biographers of emi
nent individuals, important statistics,
etc., are especially valuable. Persons
who possess written or printed mattei
of this sort are earnestly requested by
the publishers to place the same at the
disposal of Mr. H. O. Lang, now at
Roseburg, in order that such material
niay be utilized in preparing the his
tory. Favors thus shown will be
deeply appreciated and acknowledged;
while documents loaned will be pre
served and duly returned.
Religious. Rev. M. A. Williams
preaches at the Presbyterian church in
this place Sunday morning at 11
o'clock Rev. B. J. Sharp holds
services next Sunday at Phoenix in
the morning and at Ashland in the
eyening Elder M. Peterson will
preach at Eagle Point Sunday at the
i usual morning hour Mission ser-
i vices commence at the Catholic church
1 in this place next Sunday, Father
JBuchard officiating Rev. J. A.
CSIovr holds services at Manzanita
.school-house next Sunday at 11 a. ji.
....Elder M. Peterson will preach at
the Big Butte school house on the 30th
inst.; also at Mound district school
house at 11 o'clock A. M. and at Lone
Oak at 4 P. M. on October 7th, and at
Central Point on the 14th prox.,
morning and evening.
Dunlap fc Whipp are doing some
fino work iu the marble line and re
ceive orders from all portions of the
Wm. Plymale of this place is now
attending the Portland Business Col
lege of which A. P. Armstrong is
John Margreiter, who has a broken
was In ought to town this week
and is improving under the care of
Dr. Aiken.
L. SHberstein, the genial traveler
for Rosenthal, Feder fc Co., is in town
interviewing ihe numerous customers
of the house.
George Hearst is negotiating for
the Schumpf ledge near Willow
Springs. 25,000 is the price asked
for the mine.
The assessor of Douglas county has
raised the valuation of the track of
the railroad company from 2500 to
3,000 per mi.e.
Miller & Co., of Ashland, received
lots of new goods in the hardware Hue
this week and ask the public to call
and inspect them.
Fiunk G. Abell, the photographer,
went to Ashland this week where he
will take pictures for those who de
sire first-class work.
County assessor Nichols was called
heme again this week on account of
diphtheria having again made its ap
pearance in his family.
Judge E. B. Watson, Chief Justice
of the Slate of Oregon, starts for Sa
lem next week when the Supreme
Court convenes.
Slover's hotel doea a good business
all the time and deserves it too for ihe
good accommodations furnished for
the prices charged.
ends of his fingers cut oiF th'a week
while at work on a pier.
When, visiting Ashland givo D. D,
Philbrick u call at his saloon where
yoa will always find a fino stuck of
liquois and cigars and the best kiud of
liealment. Try him.
Look out for Baruch Fishur's
advertisement next week. He
that he is selling out and wants the
public to understand that ha niean.-
just what he says.
Shippers on the Queen of the Pa
cific will lose 25 percent by the strand
ing of that steamer. Original invoices
must be bent to A. L. Stokes before
the goods wi 1 be forwarded.
If jou want a Sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock,
und jewelry store. His machines are
a little finer and his prices a little
snugger, than any other bugger's.
To those who wish to pay their sub
sciiplious iu wood we would bay, bring
it right along, as we are in need of il
just at this lime, and don't be afraid
of overloading the team or wagon.
Considerable wheat i3 being hauled
to the Karewski mill daily- and a
superior qua'ity of flour is uiauu
fuciuied. All who have tried it say it
is the best ever manufactured here.
Tom Fuller came down troin the
Siskiyous and spent u few days with
us this week. He is well fixed now to
accommodate the traveling public,
having a hotel, feed stable and sal. ion.
Abe Mensor has closed his store at
Phoenix and will hereafter take the
field as ti uveller Tor the New Yoik
store of this place. Abe is a good
salesman and will no doubt do well.
Wm. Bybee, ex-Sheriff of this
county starts for Kentucky in a few
days on a visit to his father and with
ihe hope that the trip will benefit his
health. He will be gone several
Wm. Moore, formerly foreman of
this office, is now euip oyed as tele
gi aph operator for the O. R. & N. Co.,
at Port. and. He is a deserving young
man and we are glad to hear of his
doing well.
At the Jacksonville dispensary,
kept by Dr. Vrooman, you always
find a superior assortment of drugs,
medicines, etc., as well as candies, nuts
and fru'ts. Prescriptions carefully
Don't forget that John Miller, at
the Hunter's Emporium, has made
large reductions in the price of bard
ware, and desiring anything in that
jiue it may prove to your interest to
give him a call.
kivou mountains witur.s.jruuline
Rea of Ashland as operator.' Tho
tariff from here is twenty live cents
for ten words. . -J.
Wm. H. Shook carao1 in from
Klamath county this week aud re
mained a few days visiting old friend?.
Billy says it is more than likely that
he will soon marry some Jacksonville
girl and settle down with us.
The bridge across Williamson river
near Linkville broke down last week
while a government team was cross
ing it. Two mules were drowned ond
the wagon is still "n l"e. r'ver &
driver escaping without injury.
The Board of Equalization ha been
in sesiion all week with Judge Day.
W. J. Piymale and L. R. Webster as
members "the latter acting in place of
Thos E. Nichols, County Assessor, who
was called home on account of sick
ness in his family.
Gen. E. L. Applegate now a resi
dent of Ashland, was the discoverer
of Applegate creek w hile in command
of a company of troops passing through
in 1845. Ho reported it to head
quarters at Washington VS" whence,
the stream derived its namfe;"
Several business changes have taken
piece in Ashland lately by which J.
M. McCall has become sole proprietor of
the store, Jacob Wagner owns the flour
ing mills and W. H. Atkinson, E. K.
Andeison nnd Jas. Thornton own all
the stock in the woolen mills.
George Hearst, of the San Fran
cisco "Examiner," returned bonis this
week expressing himself well ""pleased
with the resources of this county. He
inspected several of our quartz mines
while here and it is likely that he will
return soou to make investments.
We acknowledge a pleasant call this
week from Mrs. H. A. Liughary of
Yamhill county, an advocate of the
cause of woman suffrage. , She will
probably speak on this subject before
returning home, the announcement of
time and place to be made next week.
L. It. Webster has been re-appointed
town Recorder by the Board of Trus
tees, vice J. II. lluOvr, who officiated
during the former's absence. Cases of
drunk ard disorderly are brought be
fore him almost daily by Marshal
Schultz and the the town treasury is
enriched about 5 each time.
Some sheep men on Applegate have
of late been poisoning carcasses in
order to kill oir wolves and coyotes but
have leen more successful in kil'ing
dogs belonging to their neighbors.
They should remember that there is a
law prohibiting this and when a favor
ite dog is lost through such a course
somebody may get left.
The Crescent City stage arrived here
at noon last Thursday about six
hours ahead of time. A Chinaman
who had lost his woman and numerous
pieces of silver was a passenger on the
stage who made it an objec for Pat
McMuhon to drive through on time to
catch tho stage going north. The
woman got away with sel-eral thous
and dollars nnd was still at largo at
last accounts.
Quite a largo number of members
belonging to Ruth IMx-kah Degree
Ldge, I. O. O. F, visited Ashland
last Tuesday and made a fiaterual cal
on the lodge at that plce. After the
regular melting all present wne in
vited to sit down to a bupper that had
been prepared for the occasion by the
Ashland ladies which wa" discussed
with a relish by all who had the good
fortune to be there after which several
hours were plasantly spent in speech
nnking, sing'ng etc., the Jacksonville
vinitors returning home early next
11.11 Lt:o ID .NOTLS.
A correspondent at Woodville E.
W. Hammond sends us the following
items in regard to the railroad work
now going on:
Powell's gang yesterday completed
the scraper work through John Woods'
field, south of Evans creek, and are
now at work on the other side, about
one mile below Woodville, working
back again to the creek. Powell says
it will take him two or three weeks to
finish his work up to Evans creek.
One or two China gangs ore work
ing at Woodville and south as tar as
the upper part of Fred Birdseye's
place. This portion of the work being
light it will be completed very rapidly.
China herder Dunn, who has a force
here finishing up the work, says he
has orders to put in a switch at Wood
yille. The master of a depot at Wood
ville, however, is not yot settled.
Tho paymaster was here Tuesday,
and we had the liveliest day Voodville
ever saw.
Dr. Geary reports that camp 9 will
most piobably move to the vicinity of
Gold Hill by Sunday next, and that
camp G will move to"near Rock Point
within a day or two.
J. M. Jarrett, contractor, has had a
force ot ten to fifteen mm a(t Wood
ville since the 7th inst. getting out
piling for tho bridges over Evans creek
and Wards creek, and now has the
contract for puling in the culverts
from Woodville to Jones creek.
From Edward Farrar, who is just
up from the front wi'h a loid of baled
hay for camp 8 (al Woodville at pres
ent), I learn that tho track is laid to
Jump OlfJo?, but that freight is not
yet delivered further south than 1J
miles south of Glendale.
E. W. Hammoxd.
Livr orLirrrt:us.
Remaining at the Postoflice at Jack
son ille Ogn., not called for Sept. 20
Armstrong A J Biker Mrs
Breeding J H, Elliott Wm
Gibson Lvdia A Ginoc-ilus E it Bro
Griffith F M Kirkland A 2
Kirkpatrick T 2 Major C W
Muj r Gus G 5 Miller J F Hon
Porter W R Right L jr
Seaward II Sn-ith W G
Soughanv H A Vincents Oliver
Walker James Waller M F 2
Wilson Ann F Witcher M Mrs
Max Muller P. M.
For Sale. Contemplating removal
from Jackson"ille, L.Solomouotfers his
residence on California, St., an excellent
piece of property, for sale cheap; also
a good assortment of household and
kitchen furniture. Give him an early
Selling Out. Those desiring any
thing in the line of merchandise will do
well by calling on Barruch Fisher be
fore going elsewhere as he is closing
out his stock at cost. A trial will
convince you all.
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sewing ma
chines, the best ana cheapest in the
market, have just been received at E.
C. Brooks' store. Call and examine
them before purehasing elsewhere.
NEW A D V Kit L'lS E.UKN 1 S.
A Yreka "Journal" correspondent
sends that paper the following infor
ma ion in regard to the progress of the
lailroad work south of us: The rail
road track is laid as far up us Camp
Bradley, 13 miles from Redding, and
trains discharge freight at that place.
Six mi'es more of grading i now
under way, which includes tunnel No.
1, with 100 feet of hard rock to
cut, towanls seeing daylight through
it. The blasters are at work between
Squaw Creek and Back bone Creek,
nnd have the holes ready for a distance
of two and a half miles along the
grade. There are several tons of pow
der now stacked up in the vicinity, to
charge these holes, and to be exploded
some day next wiek. One can
imagine what a cannonade of the
heaviest artillrry would sound like at
a distance of 16 miles, when the heavy
blasts are put off, and the Sacramento
river runs thick with mud for sev
eral days afterward, from the thou
sands of tons of debris thrown into it.
The Irsck will be from 5 to 15 feet
above high water mark all along the
river. The right of way men are at
t'le lower crossing of the river.
undersigned by uole or book account,
-re requested to call and settle without
Jacksonville. Sept. 22. 1S8S.
Odd Fellow's Building Jnckjonvillt, Oregon
Fuse and Caps,.
Paints Oils, Varnish, GIhss
ohot, Bmshs, Chains, Hose
I have fpcnrerl the fpmefs of a flrft-elan
Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair-"
lug promptly and ia superior style.
last cai.ii.
xx selves
indebtid to the 1'. of II. Mill
Comimnv. or to ngner, Anderson and
Farmers .Mill C- mp.iny, are hereby re
quested to come forward an I settle their
accounts. Tlifs is positively the last call,
ir satisfactory arrangements are not made
lo settle Ihoso accoimts on or before Ihe
1st ibiy of November next, I will then
enforce their co Ieclioa by law. Good,
clean wheat will bs t iken at one d hr
per bushel in payment of claims, il' deliv
ered in the steam flouring mill ut Jack
sonville previous to said November 1st.
This means business and no more foolish
ness. S. .1. DAY, Agent.
l I am receiving nnd have constant!?
tiaud a full and first-class stock of-
.S-Everjthisg io!d at reaonalle rates.
Jacksonville, March, 0, 1878.
The Northern Pacific 'company nas
made a special feature of emigrant ac
comodations. The ears are large, su
plied with a stove for cooking, sink
for washing dishes, and each passenger
is supplied with a sleeping berth and
mattress. The berths foF ladies are
supplied with curtains, Tho emigrant
fare will be 50. The company will
hive second diss cars on all the
through trains. These cars will be
made comforiablo and convenient,
The fare, second class, between New
York and Portland will be 90 with
stop privileges,
County Treasurer, Jackson, who
was on board the stage stopped near
Whiskytown, this side of Shasta, last
Wednesday night, got out on tho road
at a turn, beyohJ 'where'Tthe driver
threw out the wooden express bos,
and loading his rifle, laid' in wait for'
tho highwayman to pick up the box.
The robber failed to como after it,
evidently thinking it contained noth
ing, since an iron box was locked to
the stage, which he did not venture to
take, being alone. Jackson told
McConnell, the stage driver, to go on
and not wait for him, and Jackson
watched for the highwayman until
She-iff Hopping and Df uty Johnnie
Reynolds arrived. The box was picked
uji and brought back, and 'the robber
got away as fast as possible, evidently
observing the stopping of the stage al
a distance from the box, "to be for
something not agreeable to him.
"Yreka Journal."
The Ykeka Races. The following
is a programme of the Y'reka races,
commencing October 3rd, and ending
on the Gth, including both days:
First day Raco So. 1 (subititute)
Trottii'g race, free for nil, mile
hea'.s, 3 in 5; purse 330. Race No.
2 Running race, free for all, one half
u.iie and repeat; purse 200.
Second day Race No. 3 Trotting
race, free for al! two year olds owned in
the district, mile heats, 2 in 3; purse,
$159. Race No. 4 Running race,
free for all, 1J miles, single da-di;
puree S2U0. Race No. 5 Trotting
race, free for all horses owned in the
district that have never beaten tbrec
minutes, mile heats, 2 iu 3; purse,
Third dav Race No. C Trotting
race, fiee for all horse-v owned in the
disliict that have never beaten 2:55,
mile heats, 2 iu 3; purse 200.
Fourth day Race No. 7 (substitute)
Running race, free for all, mile
heats, 2 iu 3; purse, 350. Race No.
8 Trotting race, free for all three
year ohls or under owned in the dis
trict that have neier went for public
monev prior to 1SS3, mile heats, 2 iu
3; purse, 200. Rate No. 8 Run
ning race, free for all J mile dash; purse,
On the third day of the fair there
will be riding by ladies, the first pre
mitiiu being a lady's saddle, bridle and
baddle cloth; second premium, silk
daess; thiid premium, 10. There
will also be a grand parude of stock
on the same day.
Another Deeii Stouy. On Sun
day last two Murphy brothers, sons of
old man Murphy who lives. near Dill
ard's, ten miles sooth of here, were
out hunting in the mountains and it
seems that they had separated and
gone in different directions, not ex
pecting to meet em soon as they did.
The younser brother suddenly descried
an object which he mistook for a deer,
raised his gun and fired. The object
proved to be his brothert:,who was
stooping down to get a drinkiout of a
Bering when he fired. " The'ball pene
t rated his held and he died almost in-
1 stantlv. "Plaiudealer." '
At the Rack Track. Three more
horses have arrived ut the race
grounds, :n addition to the list pub
lished by us over a .veok ago, consist
ing of Edaon's Charley, a half mile
running horse, with fast record, in
chaigo of Steve Ford, also tho well
know, i running horse Rye Slraw, from
Linkville, in charge of John Clark,
airl a tnree year olil trotting colt, ot
Geo. Stephenson's of Jacksonville. In
about a week, a dozen horse.? are ex
pected from Modoc, besides several
from Jacksonville. Dr. Robertson's
and L. Swun's colts are getting along
splendidly under their training, and
promise to make the best trotting rec
ord for joung horses, yet made in
Siskiyou. The race track was irri
gated all around again last Saturday
evening, and was in splendid order
yesterday for the exercise of the hors
e in working them. There are more
horses at the track at present than
during-any former year at this tirre,
which shows that more interest is
manifested in the races to come off
during tho Pair, which takes place the
first, week in October, commencing on
Wednesday, 3d. "Journal."
PHILPOT McVAY At the resi
dence of IL Mavity on William's
creek, Josephine county, Sept. 9th,
1883, by Rev. G. W. Hoxie, Wm
Philpot and Orinon C. M. llcVay. J
Land Office at Rosr.nunc, O ., )
Ktiitemtwr 13, WW. f
Notice is hereby given pursuant V an
act or Congress or June :J lbTS for the sale
or timber binds in the states or i alifornia
Oregon Nevada and in Washington terri
tory, that George M. Love has applied to
purchase the SE if of N V If S y, orN
E if Stc. 27 anil S W WorN W if Sec.
20 Town 40 South of R-inge 4 East Will
umctt Meridian. Any and all persons
claiming adversely any of the above de
scribed lands must file their clafms with
the Register of the Lind Olllcc at Lose
bnrg, during flic sixty days publication
hereof and ""failing lo do so their rights
will be barred by statute.
W'ii.F. Uexjamin, Register.
fltted with al modern improvements,
lire now turning out u first class nrticlc
of Hour, which is put up in one iburlli
bairt-1 sacks. and e cry sack is warranted
to contain 40 pounds of flour. II' vou don't
believe this, just compare a sack of our
Hour with any oilier ur.inu ottered tor sa.e
in this market, and note the dilL-rencc in
Eiyiir ami MiH-Fccd
Constantly on hand and exchanged for
w heat.
Il'iving added a set ot llarley Rollers in
my mill, I h ive set np irt every Saturday
lo'Uoll llarley tor customers. The uoik
will be done on short notice, so tint par
ties c-an return with their grist the same
day. 1 am prepared to roll barley at all
times and in the best manner. This- pro
cess is tar ahead of the crusher
Jacksonville, Sept. 22, IMS.
Proposals for Flour.
Subsistence Ofllcc, Department of the
Vancouver Barracks. W. T. Sept. 10, 1883.
SEALED proposals, in duplicate, siili-
jeet to the Uoiial condition:, will lie
received at this olllcc and at the offices ot
the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence
t the following named posts, (for the
quantities needed at these posts on v.) un
til 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday) Octo
ber 10, lS&u, at which time and places
tncy win ue opencu in mo presence ot
bidders for the de iveiy on or before Oc
tober "list, It5b3, or the following amounts
ol b tour
Boise Barracks, I. T., 23.71C pounds; Fori
nuby W. T., 3,020 pounds; Fort Coeur
d'Alene, I. T- :fi,2S0 pounds; Fort Kl.im
ath.Ocn., 27,0;(i pounds; Fort Lupwai,
I.T., 6,800 pounds; Fort Spokane. W.T..
DO.CfiO pounds; Fort .-tevens, Oregon,
9S0 pouudi; Fort Tounscml, w. T., 7 810
pounds; Vancouver Birracks, V. T.
47,10.ounds; Fort Walla Walla, W.T.,
37,240 pounds.
Samples of the flour (not less than two
pounds) proposed to be furmshid, must
be submitted with the proposals. The
flour to be tested by baking bv-lore sic
ccptance. Proposals for quantities less
than the whole required will be received.
The Government reserves the right to re
ject any or all proposals.
Blank proposals and printed circulars
statin;; the kind of Hour required, and
givin-j, iuii instructions as to the manner
of bidding, conditions lo be observed by
bidders and terms or contract and pay.
ment, will be furni-ht-d on application to
this ofllce, or to the Acting Commissarieo
of Subsistence at tho various posts
Envelopes containinij proposals should
be marked: "Proposa s for Flour et
."and addressed to tho undersigned,
or to the respective "ctinpr Commissaries
of Subsistence W. A. ELDERKIN,
Will slaughter prices ia this
space next week.-
X. E. Ccr. Second an J Yamhill Sts.,
J. A. Wtsto,
l.niiun anil Secretary
Dsis:i f;r lii Esaass Edncatia cf Eoti Ecscs.
, J?
AJinHu-J on jny wot t'-iy nf the cir.
Of all Units eti-cnltil tnorJtr .it reasonable rates.
Satisfaction giu'intcii1.
Tho College "Jii'n it." fnnUininir infor"'-'lIon
oft' e course of H.nl, rilis of t. ili-n, I ma 13
nt r. etc., rnJcuUol pain una onuuunUt pen
i u.n hi Irn..
Captain and C. S. U.S.A.
Best house for the money this side of
Jacksonville, Oregon,
Will practice in all Chronic Diseases, also
I yphnid Pneumonia, Lun Fever, Diph
theria, Consumption, Catarrh, etc. Time
and doctor' i bills will be saved by coming
to me ut once. Dr. Drown will guaniiitic
to I'orleit !j.")()0 for every ease of Smiinal
Weakness or private disease of any kind
or character which he undertakes nnd
fails to cure. His medicine is purely eg
ctable and has all the power and illiciicy
of calomel orrpjinine, without any of the
iujttrious alter effects.
Shingles For Sale.
The undersigned is now prepared to
furnish the best quality of shingles, cut
with diamond kniTe, in any quantity de
sired. Price delivered in Jacksonville $3
per thousand or transportation off nt tho
mill, situated two mile south of Williams
creek post office. Order can be left with
G. Karewski. J (JuAruAir