X BIClt'LE TEAT. A telegram from-Mount Washin' ton to the New YorWWM" says: The sensation of , the week is the successful attempt of Mi. H. D. Oorey of the Massaehwetts Bicvcle Club, to ride dovwi the mount. Tho winding road oftentimes 1 mining on the liriuk of precipices hundreds of feet high, to go over vv hich meant instant death, w ere ridden ov er by tho intrepid hicyclist, whoso steady nerves nevi forsook hira-and ho successfully accomplished the feat without a mishap. It seems that he had considered the feasibility of the feat for some time, and oa Mon day morning he decided to make the attempt. He left the Glen houFe at 7:30 and walked up the mountain so as to become familiar with the load. He reached the half-way house at 8:40 o'clock and partook of some light re freshment und registeicd his naiup. And he reached the Summit house at 10 o'clock, after u journey of tvv o hours and thirty minutes. Just as thejc'ock struck 11. o'clock Mr. Corey mounted his machine, which was of tho "X traordinary challenge" pattern, and began to ride down tho mountain. Tho air was extremely cold and his hands werj numbed from holding on his handle bats. The lirst two miles were ridden easily, but ;is the road was very steep the ivnthiue gained peed and momentum at every revolution of the wheels. llo kept the brakes on, how ever, and as the curves were not very short, ordinary are enabled him to navigate, in safety. Just as tho two-mile post wan passed the. up-stage was met, the driver of which took the inbide of the road and allowed the wheelman a track not more than three feet wide, but careful lidiug brought hinrthrough safely. Then the rpad began to get steeper and steeper, and tho wheels went faster and faster, until a three minute giit was reached, and new application of brakes became necessary. The continued pressure on tho brake handle soon begau to tell on Mr. Corey's arm's and just as he passed a steep incline on to a moie moderate one, and while still going at a very rapid rate, he met a carriage und wus compelled to make.a quick dismount tp.save a- collision. All the way down he met- parties of tourists, whogavo him such a hindlv ad vice as "Get off," "Push" "Look 'out for the corners," or "You'll break your blooming neck." lie made no reply to the taunts, but kept steadily on to ward his destination. The lifth mile was tho Steepest he had yet encounter ed, and the machine began to "jump" and fairly flew down the incline. The wile includes what is known us "going 'rcund Capo Horn,' a nasty rharp curve, on one side of which the moun tain towers way above you, and on the ther is a vaw'nin"abyfcsjihich nivalis istant destrucffyuTTeiTrTvrTT i ito it. The danger of tho .situation as enhanced by tha brake beginning 1 1 smoke from the fiiction, and it was t ith difficulty that he conti oiled the I heel. From that point to the Glen ' ouse he rode as slow as he possibly , juld, except when on a straight piece, t mile or so from home, he was enabled j relieve the break pressure, and oasted down tho hill at a pace prob bly never before excelled. He after wards said that ho went so fast ho could not see, and was obliged to turn his head to breathe. He pu'led up in front of the Glen House at 12:15 hav ing been but one hour and fifteen min utes, lie beat Mr. Condon's- record forty-five minutes. sti.ulinc; n.;id. The Rogue Itiver Distilling Company Jua.orcsnD a WHOLESALE HOUSB lit JACKSONVILLE, In the building situated on the corner or California and Fifth streets where can be obtained a PURE. 1ADULTERATED AllTICLE OP B GUMBO JT,MYE AXD CORIVWHISKtf, IS QUANTITIES AND AX PRICES TO SUIT. Satisfaction guaranteed. N. K. LYTLE, Superintendent. CITATION. ASK FOR India Rubber Pure Para Gum ir Co's Union i S&iX RUBBER BOOTS. BMW ARE OF IMITATIONS! Re sure the Hoots are stamped "Crack Proof1' nn the heels, and have the '"Pure Gum Spiings" on the loot and instep, "hidi prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making tin m w ith "Rubber and Asbestos" soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber Hoots made. FOR SALE BY ALT,- DEALERS All kinds rubber tx Iting, picking hose, springs, clothing, boots and shoos, L"tc. In the County Court of Josephine county, Slate of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of George Grotz, deceased. Ix TiinNAiiKOFTnE Statu of Oregon, To Mrs. Iv. Kruise. George Home, Hoscne Rlumle, Joban Tred Rlumle also Ihe youngest too of Roscua Uiumle (naraenot unown)dcvisce3.airdtoall olLer unknown heirs of said estate. You are hereby notified, that G. S. Mathewsou, C3iccutorf the estate of Geo. Grotz, deceased, has filed a petition, pray ing for an order of s lid Court to sell the real propeitv belonging to s-ud estate, to wit: Lots No. 4, 5, ite 0, in block No. C with the blacksmith shop thereon erected, a'so the undivided one halfof Lot No 1, in hiock No. 7, it being the S. E. corner ot baid block at the corner of main and siMh streets and measuring on main street GO feet and on siMh street 120 feet, also the undivided one halfof the west lrdfoflot Ko. 8 in lilock No. 7. Tog' th r w ith the buildings aud appuitcnances thereunto be longing. Also the undivided one halfof lots (0) three, (0) sis, i7) seven, and ninth halt of Lot (8) eight, all in block No. 2. Together with the undivided one halfof the saloon, billiard table, and fixtures be. longing thereto, also the undivided one halfof lot No. (."), five of block No. (2) two and house thereon ereeteil, all of said property situated in the town of lverhy. vi He, County of Josephine and State of Oregon. "Therefore, notice is hereby given that the prayer of saiil petition will be heard and dclci mined at Kcrbyville, in iaid County and State on the -Id tl.ij of icpleuiljrr. I8S3; at 10 oVIocL A. VI., at which time jou and each of jou and all pcisonsintcitstul therein are notitied to appear and show cau'e if any exist, why n order of sale should not be made, as in the petition prayed lor. Published in the Oitcoox Sentixci. for four consecutive weeks by older of Hon. Garrett ( rockclt County Judge. Witness my hand this Cth dar of Aug. A. D. Iijs3- F. 51. N1CKEHSON, County C'lirk, and Ex Officio Cleik of the County Court for said County. Goodyear Etibbsr Co. :.SE..Tr. ) . , JNYON, AScnt9 ban 1' rancisco. It. II. PEASE. S. 31. RUN"! JEE11Y HTJffANiRflftH' IPA-finEln llfil V m-Mx&s &S9B&WWHW Notice. HIS MM fBLLEdS AND NORMAL SOHOOL, A F-.tlaaxcl, Or. L.od Orricc at Rosnircno Orr., h August 2, 1SS3. f Notice is hereby given that thr follow ingnamcdsclthriKis. tiled notice of his in tention to nnke final proafin support olhi- cl dm, and that s'lid proof will be nude before the- Judge or Cleik of Jackson eonntv, at Jacksonville Oregon, on Sit- in day, Septembers, 1SS3. vi: Ni'htdis i. vvngui, nomesieaei imi. 4,ki lor eue N E if ol Sec. IS. T 40 South of It inge :) West. He names the following witnes-es to prove his continuous residence upon, and cutivation of, said laud, viz: John Cantrill, T.Cameron, lv. I!ose, Pat Ivory, all of Union town. Jaekson county, Op'gon. m. F. Elnjajiix, Register. Four courses of study. Normal and Commeicii.I College, Prcpaiatory and In sliumeutal music. For p-.rtieuhirs or catalogue apply to the undeisigued at Ashland, Oiegou. II. G. ROYAL, A. 31. President. Notice.. Steru.vgville Or., Aug. 29, 18S3. Ed. Sestiseu As you have i:o cor respondent at this placo I presume a a few items from Sterling would not be refubed a place in your valuable paper. Sterling boasts of hav'ng a. debating Bociety. It was organized the 25ih inst. It will bekuonu as the Stei lingvillo Literary Society. The ques tion for discussion at the next meeting is, Resolved: That the importation of Chinese laborers his been beneficial to the people of tho Pacific coast The fall term of school at this place, was be"an on the 13th inst, S. A. Simons- acting as teacher Miss Elsie Gil-son returned home from Jacksonville a few days since where she has been spending tho past month. . . .Frank Enuis, who -has been attending the conclave at San Jb'rancftioZTTSS""! Jinnn r owtari W ....Miss Mavette Gilson is to leave us soon. She goes as teacher of the fall term of school in the Diake district On Applegate. Her school will com tnenco tho 3rd of Sept Tho Ster ling saw mill has a full force of hands now, and tho tesultis u largo amount of lumber whose quality is of the best . . . .There is Eouie sickness here at present. Some attiibuto it to tin extreme dry weather, ntul tho smoky atmosphere. . . .Miss Ilattie Newbury, has been sojourning among us for some time past, left a few days tinco for Jacksonville? where r.he is .soon to lv employed as assistant teacher of the school at that place Samuel Phil lips who engaged in a fisticuff with ono Golby a short time ago is lio better. It is thought that total blindness will bo the result... .Sterling, as vveU as many other localities, is cursed with some unprincipled characteis vrhoe highest aspiration seems to be ia th- perpetration of a malicious act. Nut content a ith thedaugcrhas by firesthis summer in the destruction of a vast amount of valuable timber of the pub lic domain as well as private property, somn unscrupulous party has let Iomj this destroying element in several places in the vicinity of this place during this week. Some of the citi zens are fighting fire to avoid the de struction of tLeir homes and property. J. P." Land Orricc at Eoskbtoo, On., I July, 14, lbS.i. f Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the instruction ol the Hon. Commissioner of the General Lind Ofiice, Peler Jaidmc andal olhcrporsonsclaiminiani itercstin the land taken by him a- a homestead de scribed as the XV J ol N W 4 Sec. 27 and N )i of KB' See. 23 Tow nship 37 South of Range 5 West are lequircdto appear befoie the county Clerk of Josephine county Oregon on'rildiythe 31stdiyof AugusllSStfat 10 o'clock a M.and furnish testimony centerning the allegation con tained in the alliihvit filed with the Hon. Commissioner of the Gcneial Land Ofilce by Joseph Williams vv herein it is allcgid that the said Peter Jardine Knot a citizen of the United States and that he sold his impiovcmenls and removed from Ihe county more than six j ears since. Wii. F. Rkvj.vmi.v, Register, J. C. Fui.i.EinoN, Itcceivcn Notice. Laxd Ornci. at Rosnncuo, On , ) August 2, 183-5. f Notice is heieby riven, in pursnaiu e of an act of Congiess of June , 1&7S for the sale of timber lands in the slates of Cali fornia, Oiegsu. and Nevada and W.e-h-insion Territory, that A. S. Miller has ap plied to purohatu the N E J. of E of fecc-U li b ot Jtange o '.vest. Any and alt persons claiming adver-ely any o'f the above described land uiu-t file their adversw cl dm in the llcgistf i's ofTce within CO davj iiom this d lie and i-tih ii' to do so then el.'.im v. ill be bund y statute. W:r. P. Ciajajii.v, Regiirer. " IS SOW OFFEniXG THE GREATEST INDUCEMENTS IK NEWANDLATES7YLES or' DRESS AND FANCY GOODS OS EVERY DESCRIPTION EF.CEXT tltrORTATIOXS CI The Host raslionible fLOTIHERS In San Prau cisco. LABIES LM QEMT" . t (XAUrORXIA MADE SOOTS' AMD SHOES, OF EVERT VARIETY AND MAKE. With Groceries, Canned Goods, obacco, (Jitrars, Crock ery &c. in abundance. I a'lovv highest market rale for farm produce, butter. eg:s &c, ind sell goods at lowest living prollt. 1 npie-nt as much fire insurance cap ital as any agency on the Coast and am ready to accept good building' risks and guarantee in case ot loss full indemnity. JERRY NUNAN. California St. iM I J nay ALL KINDS OF1 GOODS ! -TO BE HAD AT- COOS BAY STAGE JULIA STATION, ON COW CREEK, AT LOWEST RATES. THE AELD-KISrOTISr FIRM, ABBA HAM, WHKR & 00.r Woulfi inform the People of Josephine and Jackson Coun ties: 'Unit having located a permanent business at the above named place, they are preptred to furnih their old patrons and those who may wish to become patrons, with GOODS AT KOSKBiKG P !:$. One of the Frrm will be in constant attendance, will keep on hand an immense stock ot Thev TMJB U- S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville Ogn, JANE HOLT, Proprietress O. c C. Stage House., EIUST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. IUHA I.S A r ALL HOURS. . ROOMS TO LET BY THE DAY,, WEEK OR MONTH. Prices Very TTodcrato AND U. S. MAIL LINE. & Stages leave Roscburg cvervdiv. eerp: Sunday, et (! a. u arriving at .M:uhticM the same el..y. Fare, $7.00. 'I his bi nig the main ti-.irel.d loute to :.U jxiint in (Vos and Curry C'om.tirs. paeneri will lind it t. thvir advi ntaje to ftiku this line. Svi.isiuni, Ilvn.Y& Co THOMAS SAW IIII. AT THE .4K.IJII. 1. Police. Land Ot-ricE at KosuEur.n. On. ) AutiNt i, lfcb3. f Notice is heieby given that in ptir sirince of an net of Congress of June 3, lbTS for the sale of timber lands in ihe Pptatcs ot Californi i Oregon and Nevada and Washington leintoi. th.it . II. r5o-tvvieU has app icd topuich-jisethe S W 14 of N i: i( S II f .f N W Af and N UofSEHol Sec. 31 T33 t of Range 3 -esU Any and a'l persons claiming adversely anyf the abote described land must fi e their adverse claim in the Register's. office vvilliin GO ewys Iiom this date, tilling to do so their claim vill be birred by statute. W. V. He? jami, Resister. Notice. U. S. Lvx Orricu at Rosur.uno, Ot, ) August G, 1S8 i. y Notice is hereby given llut Wilfred Prefontnin whose post offire address is Toots Creek. Jackson county, Oiegon. has this day tiled his apjilicalion for patent for ihcYolIouing (kseiiheil tract ot land as mining giottnd; viithes Y, ofS vv" 1 -tofa V' 14 of Sec. 1 T 3& Soul hot" Range 4 vvtst of the Wilamdte leiidian, con taining 20 acres in the Foot's Cieik Min ing District,, Jackson county, Orecon. by location August 14, lSTtf, anil recoidcd a's placer mining ground in the Jackson tcifaiy mining jcrord-. Vol. 17 Page 37. Any and all persons c 1 dining adversely any of the Uiou- described land arc re quired to file tlnir adverse claim with the Register of the United St ites Land Office a "Ro-eburg, Oregon, during the E:ty ctays publicalieth hereof, and filling to do su their claim wlil lie barnd by slitute. w si. F. Ui,ji;j.vnv.gister, ts-nowfullyprepari:t TO Fv, k J nish the ni,u!;el with every description c; lumber of a supennrcUaIitv. 'I Ms mill is new throughout and lurnishul with Hie latest and iwist improved nvchimrjvi'irv Iiv c nsurinir' tl e snetdv lnlliUmeut of:.ll oidjrs at mo.t reas.in.ible puces. Bills s-ivve-.l to cn!er vvi'Ii t!Lp.tcli. t"Gne ma a tnd anil will prove what I sar, for s-'itif ict'-m is gtnraatud in eve ry cvsi-. JPSSC !J. TIKJMAS. Table Hork. Sertc v.iber :.M. U7!). Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Farming Machinery. WE! WEAN BUSINESS! COME AND SEE US. The HIGHEST CASH PRICC paid for all kinds of produce. ABRAHAM, WHE3LER & CO. HZ'JIa.ai ZEJTssva-jnaiicXL-fts JSLi:aH. CDtlBn.ii3zr5s OF JACKSON COUNTY T5U ly calling on ri:fore buying OUR NEW HOTEL BUILDING RE ing completed lor occupancy, the un-. del-signed take pleasure in announcing that we arc prcpired to entertain the trav., cling public. No piins will be spared to pniviueior ineeomiort ol our guests and to make tin m feel at home with us. The mo-t modern improvements have been in- inHiucvii. aim inc accommodations- ol the - LnMtd Mitts will not lag behind the best apj innteu inland hotel on this coast. Our- tabic will aiways 1m supplied with the 1 best '.ho mviket aUbrds and served in thes. best st.vle by a corps ot obliging waiters. 'Ihehtdsand bedding aro all nevr auit; lilted up in the most conrfortHbto style,. suited to the accommodation of single ocrv. cup nils or runilies. JANE HOLT. Jacksonville, March ", 18S1. SS F iUOM AND AFTEH THIS DATE I WILL SELL .from 520 00 a set ,. ' 2 50 " . " soo .. " I 00 .. " . 50 .. " 2 00 .. ' 7;" . " 50 KSV OVM rAUFAGTyE. Oil! iS-JT S4 Vl V 5 CvuronxiA St., JucIiACuvWlc-, OrrKon Notice. Lvxd OrriCE at Rosrccno, r., ) July 31. 1SS3. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed" notice ol his intention to make final pioof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son county at Jacksonville, on S-itnrdav September 8. lt$J, i. II. f. Flemin, Hemic stead No 2U70 for the E K i-fS W '(and W ofS E If Sec 21, T 30"S R 1 XV. lie names the following witnesses topnvc Ins continuous residence upon, and c ullivi tion or said land, vi?: JI. Pe'erson, W. J. Gregorv", J. J. March. J. S. Crishv. All of Central Point Jac'.cso'i countv Oregon. Wh. F. Rkxjwix, Register. Tile-undersigned is fully prrp-vred to do all vTork in his line In the" best m&nctr and at reasonable price. UKJlIitKSOIlI'MI'F. C. H. HEED, PRACTICAL Houss, Sign, Carriatje and. Fancy Painter, 0"zxcX.3i02a.T7'X12.3', Or. ALL KINDS of graining done. Sdis ficlion gunranti-ed. 'Orders left at the New Stale Saloon will uceivc prompt attention. EAGLEBREWERY. 'No tice. F OR SALE, UNION LIVERY STABLE. JOSKIMl Wl-riTKI'.RR I'ropnptor Ou-gcin Sr.,.l:icKHOiii i!lr Thelx'stot lager lieer always kept on h-ind anil ready for sale by the keg or glass. Oer Spring and Summer Pricc-LLtNo.U!, has n:ade Its appearance improved tii.urvtM.- uitr uer 2 horse lt.irncs vompTctc 2 iinl.se lilies ceilllple'lc tjeioil Mc-xii'iiii .s..(lil!e 1'h1;m licit! Ics II call 1 Li It ei II-H.-e coII.jIb. No. 1, Sill ! Ils, W'uenl ALL CF TJE ABOVi- Other goods in my Iroc at'tquilly low r ites. "Witii an ej.pn:eii"e eif i.eailv 40 veal's as a practical sr.dd'i r sirl Inrncs maker. iml a knwn uj.ut.iiion lorp-od. ti'i-tanlial voik, 1 eim tru'htiilly siy th it I vvi.l do c b. tter job anil for !.s money thai! s.ny man in Oregon Jly wenk in tlw past i a .ufKci in "u..rai :e C Hi p-.iring ilniic premip'lv fiiictn a cr.!i. n :.t do.i. to Kit Done-gun's blacksmith shop, ('itifnui street, Jael.sonv. lie, Oiegon. Ilt.NKY JLDGi:. Free to Everybody! DR. SPINNEY A Rtintiful 3ooi:foi the Asking! No. 11 Kearny Stieejt, Ily applying per.-onally at the nearest -jvss all (Iiroulc and sprrur Plvcnim. oll'.ceeir-nifcsiMihu MM.'F.cnuni.n cij (or by posial card if.it a distance) atiy! "Sr0"CTITO IV5C2330" adult peison will be pis-scolcvl with a Who may U Milfcriiig finm Hie elf' els beaulilullv illiistialed copy of a Iscvv e,l youlhtul follies or ir.disc retion will do well to avail llicniseivcs ot lhi. Hie gnat est boon ever laiel at the altar of sullering humanity. lilt. SPINNEY will gn.ir.in tee to leifeil 500 for every case of Semin al Weakness or private disease ol any kind of character which he undertakes and tails to cuic m:i)dlkaci:d Jir.N. There are many at the age of thirty to siuy vhe arc tumbled uitliloo Ireqiuui evacuations ol die lilaelder, oinn ueeom p inieel hy a slihl sunning or burning M-nsaiion anel a weakening of iUs sysirni in. i manner thepiticnt cannot account 'or. On e vnniniug the urinary ileposfts -i ropy sediment vriil olltn be" found, and sonieti'at.s small "p.'.rtiiles of albilliien vvil appear, or theeeilor will ia of'i thin milk ish hue.again changhtg to n d.ak uid lor pill appearance. '1 here arc in my nvn who die-!' this dillicu ty. ignnr.nte'l'lhi cause, which is the Mcond lage of se nun il wii.kiiess. Dr. S "il guirantcc a pi rfeet cure in :v such ca-es, and a he i thy res loiation ofthe gcnilii urin iry organs. Ofllce Hours 10 to 4 nnif I! in 8. Sim d iy, from 10 to II a. m. Consultation fiee. Thorough examination and advice, .". Call or Aehliess DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. II Kearney St., San Francisco. J unc o, iosj. tt ,:iii; entitled GENIUS :E WARDED, OR THK Slory f the Si'Viing Machine, cont lining a hand-omc and costly still engraving fionti-piece: nl-o. 28 finely en gniveel weienl cuts and lmnel in an ela') ecite blue aud gold lithographed cover. No charge wh itever ism ule for ihish iiut some 1 ook, winch e: n 1 obtninc el only bv application at the braneh endsiiboulinate olkccs oi'The S nger Mannfaeturing Co. 'Ilir Miisrr llJiinffiitiirlii! I'd. Principil Oire, S4 Union eiiii.iro New Verrk. Lvsd Officc AT RosEiiL-nr., Oit-., ) August 2, lhSJ. J Noiice is hereby given that the following-named settler h is filed notice o? his inli ntion to make linal proof in support of his eliim, and lhat said proof vvi.l bj mule before the Judge or Cleikof Jack son count sit Jacksonville Oiegou, on Tu.'sday Oe lobcr 2 lbSl, v iz: James Sat terfi Id. Ilonustcml No.4'2()ij for the S of S W 14 Sec. 14 N E 1-lof N W 1-1 anel Lot I Sec. SI! T 33 S Range 4 est. He names the following witnesses to preive his continuous residence upon, and culti vation ot, said land viz; m. Harriet, John Bolt. George Ilnlima ', John Miller, all of Ajvnleg'ite Jaekson county, Oregon tt ju F. RiuijAMix, Register. Esecutor's Notice. Oa account of i 1 health the under signed offers for s-ile all the properly con-1 neeteuwitli the Union livery Stables 1 one of the best paying institutions in the country consisting ol 27 he.ul of hordes, ' buggies, thoroughbniccs, wagons, hainos' and everything clto pertaining to the' stable. The proprietor h is a lease of one vear with the privilege ot ten jears, thus Insuring a good and prolitabie business for j ears to come. i In addition he uNo olTers for sale a fine lot of houscheild and kitchen furniture, consistfiig of bidding, carjtcts, stoves, full kitchen out-fit in l.'.ct euivthing leejuir ed to keep house. A bargain can bo se cured by ca ling soon. M. COLWELL. Jacksonville, .TulySS. 1B3J. W4i t lTtm 5iSK?A pa: ssSi FK53I5 HOB. Proprietor of the CITY BAKERY S" In Masonic Building, Oregon SL Jacksonville. EXCELSIOR. LIVE S I'M MS FEEK aTAULE, Corner Of Ol'.KGON AND CaLIIUKMA I.T8. , JaCIUJ: V1LU5 w. 3". riiirniiiiLE, prop'r. Would respectfully inform the publics that he has a Hue slock of IIoiscs, Hussies nitd Carlncei. r.d he is prep ired to furnish his patrooft and the public generally with Fine Turnouts .s cin be had on the Pacific coast. PaiF die horses hired to gr to any part of the comity. Animals Bought aud Sold. Horses bioke to work single or doubl. Horses hoarded and the besi of care la stowed upon them while in my charge A liberal sleire ofthe- public pitrcnago is solicited on reason ilile terms. TABLE ROCJCSALOOW, OREGON STREET, V.IjXTJEJV and HELMS, rnonturrons. T e propi rernrs ol this well known and I cpiil tr resort woilet inform llicir fiicnd fnd the public gcncr-illv thai n completer .nd lirsl class stock of the best bran Is of li'iiiors vvirti-s citars ale and pvrter, etc., are const'ir.lly kept on hand They v. ill b' pleised'toiravc thsir fiiciids "call uai smile'." CARINE1. A cr.birrct of curiosities may alo lis found here. AVe would bcploistcl to Iutb persons possessing cunosities ami .pcci men bring tJicm in, anil we will placer them in the cabinet for iifpeclion. V. IM.ll'.N ii llhl.MS New In the raittcr of the Eatc or George Grolz, dfceasecL Notice is hereby five n lliat the under signed has been appointed by Ike County Cimrt or Josephine County, State of Ore gon, sitting in probate, executor of the estate of George' Grot7, deseased. AHier sons indebted lo said estate arc requested to cettle the same immediately, and those having claims ng linst the estate will pre sent them with the proper vonchers to me at my residence near KerhyvilTe, Jose phine county Oregon, within six months after the first pub ication of this notice 31ay lCth. A. D. 183. Gi;o. S. MATitnwBOx, xeculorof said estate FRUIT TKEES By The Thousand. The undersigned is now takingordrrs through Jackson and Josephine- oouutics for FttCIT, ORXAViEXTVIi T8BFR. And Shrubbery of any kind raised in a first class nursery Those wanting trees the coming tall will do well to give me their orders as I will guarantee- sitfsfaction. Tn-es aro war ranted if proptily cared for. Terms of pajment easy produce taken at market prices. "Tfa'uted 1,000 pound of pi-ich seed. A. b. JOHNSON. Jacksonville, Oregon, Aug.l, 1883. gcs... Uvcrr?,OUOi:ius- trations.. Contains cuota- tidns, descriptions rnd" iilcstratitns of nearly all articles in rencrahnse, frrra Adam and J. veto ftitting Pell and llrs. Lantry. It costo is 23 ccn's frr cvcry copy vrc msil nearly SCO.GCO peranni m. ltraakcs ouij hair red to thinLof it. W o f houkl have Uie cost cf rrrelrcticn. Tho look is fulllof trains, t-cr.il fcr it. rnl enclose 25 fents ar.ythIn,- or nothing Let us hcaa-from yon. liCfpertfcUv, rONTCDMERY WARD CO The undersign"d hereby d-sircs tev In-lorjjULiuiuhjc-lhat-hc is jmm piptreJ to till al orders for pics, cikes mid liread of every descnpliou. AKo have a full as sortment of crackers of all kinds. He will keep A X unch Eotiie, 'where a gocxl luneh and a cup of coffie can be had at any time of the ehiy or night. Oysters in every tvle. FRUD. GROIT. frPI i vi?i l W2 fs ?r 'icvj: " tfi U21. StJLMffirtf ss l"",r- 04H- -- Vt . .w-'-ry V,VClv' rirt iliia.3& tj-icrr?-,!! - wihiw?! .i-ii ji t- li'jCJtTt 17 TWj I J XiTif.V M Tl. J FJ ii, T.'e contt Vi.iUf- Ssi.1 (rfr un J cars' is M rf Z&ti& CUri- ctit&ina JO. iir?liM!. Tr-.i. arm-atA Jil va1 M.bd dTwUoi .,r t;art!3 Cz Vj,till 1..1 n-3!- F . r-sa,co. IsoaJab'') to ol x.-cc- u Vi j. K3 a I or .t I '" '7. DETUCiT r'.ICIJ to ift is SoIKtors Icr TiWn!' ie Ilsrs. Ccpyiihu t-te . for v . luxeo. tulo. r pia rt. Fia . ten ". - ::i:i;-u c triri.i i. IM.e tsclfsiMi JicilI isn-r itell i Fi ft? I'l fed fei rt hif tj miit Llk&M&34M kMMi k e CR. 5- SILSHErS EXTHINtL TCI.K. UESLDr Cie: Ir.ttant Rsliuf, snd i. :n Inraliib!e CURE FOR ALL KINDS Or FJLES. Sul.l iiyl)niif,;ixts evcryvvlicm. Price, 'l.d rr hox. ftrrpni-1, by mail. Samples sem V-' to I'hyslrlana" arel all sufferer, bv V irePe r it Co., IVix ?MC, icv Vork ( - Sola manufacturers oAAKl--5IS. Valuable :;& Tor Sal-. Happy Jack's Saloon, U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, Jacksonville Oregon. The undersigned t-ikes p'casure in tn foiming the pub ie thai he has opened a price of refreshment in the U. S. Hotel building, wheie lu- will be perrsecr to have his friends eal anel "smile," The bar will be kept stocked vrilli the best of wines, liepiors -oid cigars. No pains spared to give satifcactioei. J.B.MONTGOMERY. CITY BREWERY. VKIT SOIIU'IZ. - - Proorirtoi. T WOULD VIOSTf.F.spLCTFnil.T IV. .,, form the citizen f Jack"'ii.Ui bm-1 5 1 j Hie wnrl I at Inrif. tlmvU'rv ru finit, l XSt tj.. nt mr tlrHwirv, thw hrC I ip r ?'S. b. r. In asy tnantlCT thw pnrrtiH.i miytlriiiri vtr hrMi-M I. ntnvent.nl I TnlmtlM ami nir n.omi ar iltanir.lri order. V l.ll wllttilnHfli. Tn Statc Saloonr Cor. California t 3d John Nolaad - - ts., Prcp This favorite resort Ins lately been, tin roughly renovated and stocked with: a ee mpktJ assortment ol Ihe finest wines, lii'iiois and cigars in the market. The? celebrated Thistle Dew whlskv is kept I const intly on hand hen.-. Hrst-ciass liilliaiil taiile is also eon meted with the house, and the rending taiile will ahvavs be supplied with tho latest and choicest periodicals, newspap ers, ole tZTGivcmc a call. JOHN NOLAND. Jacksonville, Sept. 21, 18&1. lumbeF for" everybody k STERLING C- Miles South of Jat!.Miiil!e, S NOW UNDER FUL IICADWA"T X anel is prepared to furnish the marki with even" desciiplion of luuiherofasiiju rior quality at the lowest rates. Ilillir savveel to older anils it isl'action guaranteed All orders addressed to us at Jackson vnlle will receive prompt attention. PARKS & SON. Eorses for Sale. r-HEvri in 1 lllj-lfu'Hj Jri tfcl'rcris4i tn. aa ca t. i C Tiliil i ViT-.lCJlN. f. iiai. ie " u. f a J s!m , xeli'.n Is Wlv . u ti . , uj rirrnlaiViii rnxv.. Svlctars. irli t :ji B cai! ay V ik The nnderstgn'd ofTrs ,001 nere: of valuab e la' el lor silc. Land si a ted on Ante Ioih-creek, i ighte-cn in lev t"itn.Itiek-- 'viiniillf. i. !. soil in :i lieulv tor Itl - - -- - , - pea- ae re or in 16' eir 3" 0 cre lots at fioin S-ll lo J''"'! pe 'ierev Tor p-ir'i'i'l trs id-dres-ser c. '! on .C L. Job oso'i. Lind Agent, or W'MRYfi. JackiouvLleiPregO" Tlie undersigned ofTers for saleonfav orible term his band ofstoelrhorscs, con tuning (iO'li'-ad of good Amrrir.in ani ni'ds. Tor further pirliciilars. achlps inc nt .lieI:'nvHle or call at my jilace two mth'-s no'-'hei'St ofsaid pbire Mwy-2'J-. t8. M. IUmjx ir' T!TriTTT imfi aauiJhiiiii c Jacksonville, Ogn. Thomas J. Kenncy, Propu IP Farm For Sale. AVING OPRNLT) OUT A NEW" saddler shon in Langcll's building.. opposite Masonic HaU, I am fully pre pared to do any work in my line witki promptness and dispatch. "Will keep on liand ii goeul assortment of saddles, bridles,, harness, bits, spur, etc. None but tho -best California leather used. Job work n spechlty and prices to suit the limes. F2r"Give me a trial. T .1. KENNEY. Tneks.mviire.Julv1fi.lS8l. For Sale. STliiMted on AVillitmsenik eontiTning 500 acres 170 rct" under fnee. (iioir de in" ho't-e -mel itt AUoayoung Ix-iring orelrd nd gone! irrt'ilingf cil i'i-- ri'rf'irther pirt'etii rs eimefroof 1 "M. Will an, Vkl liaiiu crecS, Jose- oa or address , phinc county, Oreoa. I ThennifTfigneil offers for sale COO or GOO lutiel of ewes with their lambs, also 4 ln'id f gooel work horses and '00 head of steskho-s. Tor further particulars call xv t. KiNc.un. nar Uybto's Fej;