r i i aa.a. . ' hi: f - : OBEBON 8B8IIHEL K Ttt yv J W y v v a. rT-'Ai-Js; fes a . v v Jir A AA; A E ADVERTISING RATES. y fly. 8V ?l M t?L Q JM L -Cy gsj $ JM gL a.y a Ji w EL iL A ' 100, v! '$ ' ' -.. - - f 0n9.,alf .. :: ::::::::::;:::::: So, VI .. A . . ........... 4a i OntClnmn3month 60 (a IT- J&WB " " ' " M l ti -"St $...4 ' A nUfoimt to Venrly Ailvertl.cra. X OREGON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT JACKSCXVIUF..JACKSON COUNTY OREGON ht - FRANK KFJAUSE. TERMS: One copy. Per Yur. In niJrnnrr $1 SV VOL. XXVIII--K0.3S JACKSONVILLE. OEEGON. SEPTEMBER S. ISS3. S3PERYEAK w PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. XL YOUNG, 31. D hysicaa And Surgoon, Central Point, Oregon. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. P. P. PRIM, -,AT,TOHXrT.:& COONSELOIVTXAAV "Jacksonville, On., Will prirciicc in all ill Courts or the 3tste Oltte.9 in Mrs. McO'i'.lv's build ins, corner or California and FifUi streets. G. II. AIKHN'.M. P., paYsiciau AIID SURGEON, jACitSONVILLE, OKEOON. WOCles oppoiltc P.J- r.r.an't more. J. W- E0BIN30N, EL D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Oga. OFFICE At Or. Vrooman's T)iiu-n'wiry. Residence on Fourth St., opposite JI. E. Church. . , i , , Calls promptly attended to, day and night. MARTIN VR'.OMAN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AIID SORQEON, JACKSONriLLE, OKUOON. Ofllce up-stairi in Orth's brick. Rei dence on California street. B. F. DOWKLL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. JACKSONVIM.K, OKKGOS. AUhutlaeii nlwtlnmrliM''lll reCtlo'rmpt attoutlon. 3-iiiedal attentiun ei'"' to eHe ttom. A. L. JOHNSON, Hoiiry Pubis, Ral Estato Agent and Colic tto CT.clJC.aoxixrillo, Or-. I nukr convi'y inein-; a-id furnishing ah ttracis of Un.l title.? a specially. Lo:km n-3ii.itf.l hsiI. i: lcctioas made. AH Tiuiiii'! I.urinteJ to :ny caru will receive projjptant csrelul alte'iilioa. WILL. JACKSON, fjSNTIST, JA'KSrNVJl.LK, or.too.v. mEETii r.xiucTr.D i !i..iii. J !... u ill In. ma In. O'Sm anl reniloacn on ojrnor ol lamxriiia aim yirrti utreati. A. C. OinBS. I" tl. FTKARSf. GIKIIS & STEAHNS, TT0RNSY3 AND COUNSELLORS. Rcmm 2 hih! 4 Strowliri.ljc"? Ruiltlinj, PORTLAND, OnitOO.V. f 111 nrarttn In all V nrt of 1-Mln lh Ptalpol Orrrm n4 Wi'i.lilnit hi Tftrlt"rv: anjt T pr IlcaUr ittn'ltbi to lxtiluos In F4cral Conrts. n . BITSSHARD, i 'RAOTICAL- Watchmakcr and Jeweler, California Sri-t't, M AKES a specially of cleaning and re--pairing watches and clocks. My charges are reasonable. Give me a call. "C" B. H0STSL, Stsam Bath Practical Shavin?;, Haircattlng AND ARTIFICIAL HAIR WORKER. FOR Iiadies and Gentlemen. BLEEDING, Cupping, Leeeliing5 IN NEUBER'3 BUILDING, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. gg.tl. 1S77. AT A I.I. iVS&?cJa,..iril.li.'ri..l.ir-lMirctl.f.T which extm rnrS'TitrXA i....... liiipliliiir r ml "jjjill OS"0-ttOZ3L2 Remember that every rral "Singer Sew in;: Machine has this "frads Murk cast in to the iron stand and embedded in th; arm of the machine. Any machine now btinj offered for sale, and repu-wnlid tube Singer Machines but not having the Trade Vaik above re fenedto, are not m:.rliincs of our nwmi facture, and we lien. by caution the public against pmchaiing, except from our only authorized agent, E.. GORE, as he is the only person who has the GSMJISK SINGER HiCHiNES for sale in Jackson ''omilv. THK SINGER MFG. CO., V. 15. Fitv, MAnar. l'orlhmd. AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Mi liaery Store. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A XEUr and comp etc sloi'k of Millinery goods, consisting of HATS O.F ALL STYLES, KIBDONS, LEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, ORNAMENPS, SILKS. LACES, GcnllciiiiJis' and Ladits' HiiidkrrcJicfs Call and see them ul tha buildi'ig form erly occupied by Dr. Robins-m on O-ilifor-niA stw.-t. MltS. IM. Pit! .M.- EIGHTEENTH YEAR. CONDUCTED BY. Tni; SISTEEN OF Till' 1ML1 X1T12. 'fUESlIOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS 1 school will commence about the end ol August, and is divided in four sessions. ol eleven wecUseacli. Unard and tuition, per term, Music Drawing and p-iiiuing Red and Redding MO.oo 13.00 8.0J a.oo SELEtT DAY SCHOOL. Pnmarv, per term, 5 .".00 Junior,' " 0.00 Preparatoy " 8.00 Senior, " 10.00 Pupils received at .ny time, and special attention is paid to p. iieuiar studies in behalf of children who have but limited time. For fuilhcr particulars apply a the Academy Ti.E BEST AClOSiilOOATlOSi AT Ths Centennial Bri5go, ON ROGUE RIVER. Travellers crowing Rogue river should bear in mind lhat Ihe Centennial Riidge is the best stopping place on the road. Plenty hay and urain and stable room can be had at all times and good meals can be had at Ash Heald's at the Rridge. The pitrnnace of the pubic is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. TIIOS. CHAVNER. ASK FOR OTTIIlIi, FE8?M CO CELEBRATED CALIFORNIA MADE BOOTS & SHOES. CsT'Every Pair "Warranted. Represented by L. Silbcrstein. UNION HOTEL, Kerbyville Oresuu, M. Ryder, Propr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this house nt the most rcasona ble rates. E3TAn excellent stable connected with the hotel. Jirjuor IIousu. The undersigned ofiers "VYliiskcy for s-ilc in quantities to sun customers at ?:l per gallon or $1 per. quart, at the Each Rrew cry. Lager Beer for sale and delivered at tliq usual price. J ins. .1. HKTTKnrai. NS Vfc4AJz'H I) ii i.fn. i i - - jt l u fKi.' ..'::!- -: GREAT TUMBLE IN PRICES AT EWESH FI8BE3AS. AND SELLING OUT FOR CASH, .a not send you.ii money away out buy at home. THE CRISIS HAS GOME. I beg to notify the public that from this time forward "I intend to do Ihe largest cash business in Ihe county, and in older to command the trade, I shall sell out my entire Mock of merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods. Roots and Shoes. Clothing etc. at such piiccs lhat gxnb are bound to be sold. Call and be convinced of honest facts. S2P23CX-fX.Xj 3SIO'. :C333. Thoc indebted tn me by note or book account arei(qwicd tocomclorward.md scltle at once. This is the last call before phscins in the Lawyer's tian(U as I must have monev. N i:VM A X FISHER. Jacksom ilie, April 22, 1832. ii- Siivj'--'i '--it '1 Don't buy '"li ioS 15 )Dts" llnIes you waul tiie b'.jl. Sec 'libit our nam M s is on every p.ur. EVEUY PAIR GUARANTEED. AKIN, SELL1NU .c CO. PILOT ROSE HOUSE, SISKIYOU MOUNTAIN, 1U J. Curtis, Proprietor. Having filled up a comfortable and commodious bouse on the south side of ihe Siskiyou mountain. 1 Ma prepared to furnish the best accommodations for man and beast at leasonable rales. A good load has been cut to the proposed lucnel, only blunt distance oil". 1 mean to give satisfaction and thereloro invite every body to sive me a call. E. J. Curtis. Pilot Rock, July 7, 18t;. ST. CHARLES HOT3L, Corner 1'ratit an'J JLirrlsou. Cordaml. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Laie of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This bote, is thorough 'y firc-nronl. Con tains 120 e egant y furnished suits and sing e rooms, which li ne lieeu relilled and rclurnishtd in modern sly e. Free coach to and fiom all trains and boats S, P. HAfJWA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oisgon, In O-oncmiller's building is in receipt of a full assortment ol" material and pre pared to do all work in his line on snort notice and in a worknvinlike manner. Vehicles of every description made to order. 1 crms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. S. P. IIANNA. July 14, 18S0. ROGUE HlffiR FEPP.Y NEARVANNOVS, S). A. Presley & Co. .'nip's. The subscribers lnve lately pnt in n new fi-rry on Rogue fiver, and eMab ished the tolJiHving rites of lejriage: F'Miim n . 10 cenN: man and hprse. laCjiS-rand w-ison, :!7LJQ.i 4 Jinrres, iVTU, 00c. ; sher p, 1 Jc v. 6. akix, bk:; shllixo, it. n. doscii i ffrJiv iff rrp -j-t -t .. i? U -J afeiSs 100 IM fp TUB! -aT- E. C. BROOKS' i New HBlnr Store, H Jacksoaville, Or. - - ; A line asyortmeut of S-day docks, with anu without alarm. j Gents', ladies' and boys' gold and silvei liuntiug-case, open-lace anu bXyliglit watches, from 5 to $l."iO. T-racolotg. A fine lot of ladies' gold band and bangk bracelets. IT'ixa.ccr' 3E5.iT-igg. Diamond and rubv rinss. cameo stono cameos set with diamonds, caineos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and peails, and onyx rings with hidden mottoes, solid gold "band and bangle rings, plum and solid t alifornia r'ngs. Diamonds in every shape. Lndies' tet of jewehy. fmm the fiOccnt black set to the $200 bird sets of diamonds Genls' and ladits' gold chains, Iockels and charms. !Hl2a.ES nxici Huttono. Gents' cold searf.pins, scarf-slides, studs and collar-buttons. Sil-s7-c3c Wnro, Silver and silver-nlated knive?, forks. spoons, napkin rings, silver suar-spoons and tongs in cases 33E so o oilvia. o otxei . Go'd and tflwr thimbles: gold, silver and steel s-jiectacles; and n full stock of every- iiinig in inejcweiry line A full asiorimcnt of perfumery, toilet soaps etc. lot ol steel en cravings and pictures tor childnn. In s.hort,a complete and first-class line ot XX. ' un tl. J. 1! to be so d at the LOWEST PPJC ! Ilso aecordeons.'iyifiLi-, banjos, and the i est inei'f vhWtj.'guif jr snd I ijo tilings. TIic best tpcrni oil lor sewing machines. tn:l line of Drugs and Medicines. ESPrcscriplions cirefu"y eoin))ounde(L E. C. RROOKS. in ti ih li.. aKL. i VS' TORP5D B3WEL3, D.SQBDJIRED liver, am! itfALA.A. , rrom theco sorrcca arlso tiirce loert In ot tho CUcases cf tho human race. Thcoo tyinpto3isln(licatoUioIrcsiotcnce:io3i cl Appetite, ri'jyycla cotilvc, Jitci: Kjatl ncfir,tnIXnc.s ureeccatln-, i'rioi ta cccrlton cf fcody or mind, Eruclatlon or food, Irritability of ttniFtr, X.av? spirit., A feeltnR cf harlny nrsjecteil toiodty,DIti!ues,E,lUcrlnstt!io Ucnrt.Uotl before Hio cyr,lslttlily scl croi Url:jo, COAT1TIl'ATIU., and Uo mand tha U30 of a remedy tUnt ntta Ulrcetly on'Jio Liver. AsaLlvurracUlclnoTCT p III1S laivo no Cijotl. 'Xlielr cctlonon tta KiJiipyanniSliinJdnlso prompt; removing nil impuritlos liroHEli tlicsothrea"stnT ensora of tho crsttjn," prolacincr appo i:ie, Eound diostlnn, rt-Rnlar stooli, n. clerr Ciuso r.o nn.ua or grlplr: r.cr lnterlera SHEB il'.isScil Gity Haiti on Yni2EEC3 clinnreil la ttanily toaULnST Uirx byasln31o np. J Wlloi cf lilts Drc. Soli! by Dracslsw. u tont by eirrcra oa receipt of ?? , omen, 4 1 JIurniv Stitx-t, Kw 1 orb. tarrs basu&l o? useful htiPTS era. Woolen .l!anu!actar!ng Co, Take pleasure in announcingthat tliey now have ou liund, a Cull and sekct slock of BJUAKKSTSi' PI!rA355Ei.Sy !eEKQ7Ni; AMD KICESYj, Made of Iho very best NATIVE, WOOL And of which they will dispose at very reasonable rates. Orders 1mm a 'distance will receive prompt attention. Send them in and give our goods a trial. Asiilano Vo"I.k M'r'n Co. "Criterion IiUIiard Snloou! CALIFORNIA ST., CATON &. GARRETT, rroprietcrs. fills popnTii 'resirt, under new man ' agement. is fHrnishing the liestbninds ot liqii'iis, Mines and cirars. Thereading lable i supplied with 'Eastern periodicals and leading paper of the Coast. Give me a call. Como xvaxk Boo TiLo. All those. iiflcutrt tr.Taa la jiny nnn- .. t... aSl,l .i . -r v-: .. ner an- iiprenv inwtu mm i intenU ,i. iinngirmn nowmn and Uu- .1 PJ VMi p) -tftW CJ ttl tii?.i - u .r.-rC-a tr.ia a:ll7 worx end aro a pence; ANYfOOTB TO K.ALAR3A. tctvicmTv'i rn.SSc. t'lu'v.4lllnrryb,:i.i. THTT8 mm BYE. ItlE TLLLUKAI'IICUV U1UUIS. ewed by tie Mniitlnst'ycs ofn Ueat!. cu iXlncsc. It is customary in Oriental nations for employers of eery grade of trallie at the end of each year, to duly com jirnsate their employers according to their respective gains. Cuinmon cus tom having made that amount in all legitimate transactions wherein more tlmh one cntployo Is -rjuird,- to JOl per cent per annum of the net profits of the bois to bo distributed among the sa'uiied men under them, accord" ing to. their respective worth during the year, aside from the regular salary. It is done undoubtedly to encourage -inceiiiy and faithfulness on the part of the employed And we think that this is one of the many reasons why there are so few failures among the reputable business (inns in China, as there are among European nations. This due but silent recognition of val uable services by the employers on the part cf the employed is and will al ways be a. very strong incentive to riiewei e&jrts to work mote sincerely for their lespective bosses; in fact, to woik for such institutions is even more profitable, at least moro certain of protit, than for any of these depend ents to work for self. Anil for this reason in China, ns u not gpucrilly tin case among o her nations, where the employes live and die with iheir em plovers. .Mr. Jay Gould wculd be a regular Jumbo in Chiuu. On nc count of this system, which produces the inevitable dsircd end to the shrewd monopolists and the gradual promotions to the more responsible posts in the firm of the fa:thful ser vants, and gradually and systematic ally the great transactions of the firm is handled by these fuithful cinplojes, while the boss may live and sleep in peace. 1 hivo never seen an absconding cashier tTuttl'I became a 'Christian." I ha-e never heard of a high-toned bankruptcy until I cunie to New Y..rk. And yet they say the Chinese pay -mall wages. ILidthe Western Union lYIrgnph Company been a Chinese monopoly, ihi-it- would not have been a single employe left his desk to join in a strike, hnnever eloquent their leaders may lnwe' been. It would have be-en actually deserting their own business, for the 10 per cent fVFleiii of so stupendous a monopoly yvould have held a modem "LJiiiiQ " to his post. These skillful sous and daughters of Mors- should eat the fruit of their own labor. Who eNe of the company could lmvo been more deserving? Thiough thfin tl t- great Pourers of the world am brought to kno-v em h other from day to tiny 'hit 'ech potentate c.tn compare notes with the other in his own pilace, as to tho actioi s and ish-s of each, fcr the welfare and happiness of their respective millions. Thiough tin in the gieat commerce of the world is fotnu-i to stupendous pro portions, when mi lions mid millions are bought and sold m lightning hnstr. without the perils of ocean nor epi demic plague, as has been dono- for meily. Through them hundreds of thous and', nay million's, of distressed hu manity have been saved and made hippy by other generous hearts. Say n ) more of the countless tlwi'sands of other grand and wondrous things that have been and are being nccoirrplishi:d by these ingenious manipulators of the elect! ic buttons. Wo hardly think that Mr. J. Gould ami his few million niie friends cm accomplish the wants ot so aniMitir.us anil enterprising a ublic as that of the Ann ricaus. The Garfield corner-stone procession in San Francisco, August 31st., yvas in four diy isions, comprising United States troops, the National guard of Califor nia, Grand Army of the Republic, Knights Templar and members of Gil iforuia Masonic lodges. Over 8,000 were in line. It w'as the largest pro cession ever . i t f vituesfed on the Pacific coast. It extended over one and one half miles nnil w-as one and three quarters of nn hour in passing. The (lay being u public holiday, visitors from the inteiior towns yveie greater than on any other day during the week. The streets almig the line of the precession were j-tmineil for n 'ong distance. The scene presented in Gol den Gate park yvas n magnificent one The three shka surrounded 1y hills -cCTrfT packed with a tlene mass of Un ine oilier sine inv no- TUU.VUUr OF A ftSIIV.tL. "Tho following turn out of a festi val" enterprise'jgjeported in theChrts tian at Work: When the proceeds were counted it was found that tho net gain in cash was "23, which was paid over to the pastor to apply on his salary. But the pastor kept a private account of the afTiir, whit.li fully convinced him that the whole festival busings is vanity even worse than vanity and vexation of spirit. No doubt more than three fonrths ot tho receipts of the festival came out of the pockets of the Church members, and other items not usually taken into account are the following: Cash account not reported dy tiie Financial Committee. 20 cakes ( lonated), at 73c Sl.'i 00 30 rjts str'wb'ri's (d'nut'd), at 15c 4 50 Sugar (begged) 1 5D Labor of 15 women two days. . .22 50 Other labor (donated) 5 00 Total S4S 50 Moral Account. Two ladies' prayer meeting lost. Two church prayer-meetings greatly disturbed. Ouo teachers' meeting lost. Ever- merchant in toyvn bored by 'church befrjars Nearly all the members of the Church and congregation nicro or less ex cited and angered by a useless dis cu'ion. Eight women so excited and angered as to make them unhappy for a long timo. T.vo women, 'sis'erH in the Church, so 'put out' with eich other that they yvcrn not on speaking terms for soveral yveeks. Health Account. Twenty women and girls moro wearied nv ine i sural yvoric man by a F ve women take spyere ciildf. Two children made very sick by over- heatinpfjnd late hours. One infant takes a severe cold, and nearly dies with thn cioup, making much trouble and expense to the ptrents. Now, wlipn any one hints that wc ought :o have a festival to raise money for the pastor, he responds by offering to givo the Church credr for the amount expected from the festival, an 1 not lmvo the festivnl. Ot course n ir Church has gone out of the festiv al business. A farmer who so rpspec'8 his cal i ig that he tit way takes his hat off yyheii hi" work is very hard, or when llio yveather is very hot, says that he never heard of any one being suustruck yvho yas in the habit of working out of doors in hot weather, entirely bare headed. He proves his faith in his thpory by yvorking at haying without a hat, yvhen the thermometer stanch at 92 degrees in the shade. It is reported that D. P. Thompson Ins been ayvarded the cmtrnct for the construction of the great railway bridge to span thn Willamette at Albina. The sum of 5(750,000 is given as the contract price. Mr. Thompson yvas not the lowest but deemed the only .responsible bidder. It is stated that the contract calls for a completed structure with'n twelve months. Siskitou Mountain. This at pres ent lively section, by reason of a large force employed in making the railroad tunnel, affords considerable trado for both Siskiyou county on tho California side and Jackson county, on tho Ore gon side. The hill is- full of white people, with many families camped out, besides a large number of China men. Tom Beglan of Indian Creek, in th's county, is now Superintendent of the .south end of the tunnet, and he is employing American", as the Siski- vuu i cuiiiu mm jiiiuui mans ui r: ucv". - ' ' . i i ri:f. : i : nated, while on tho north sule, Ore gonians are principally employed, with Chinamen to do the grading work to a great extent. Tliero are about half a dozen whisky mills in full blast, also tyvo or threo stores, und a company store to be opened soon, a couple of barber shp. and other institutions likely- to receive any patronago where RPtt'enMtaa. started round. "Y Tearrd the Jury AVout.l Hans. A gentleman just returned from S'erra Valley relates an amusing scene that he witnessed tho other day in a Justice Court up there. The plaintiff yvas a wroman who had agreed lo work for n man for so much per month dur ing "summer months" and something more during "yvinter months." In see ming up. her employer refused to reckon on moro than three months of the latter kind, while she claimed pay for five of them. She sought to re cover 48, and Mason, editor of th "Leader," yvas her attorney. The par ties agreed to try the case before ono juror, and the village schoolmaster was chosen to act in that capacity. When tho case vios submitted to Finn ho "stayed out" an hour and a half, and the audience as yvell ns the litigants got very nervous fearing that it yvould be a hung jury. He finally found the plaintiff entitled to 1G, all of which she contributed, ns a fee, to tha exchequer of our eilitor-lnwypr friend. Drptti ofllie I'arlUc ocean. The popular belief as to the com parative shallowness of the Pacifio ocean may have to bo inoJified by re cent sounding made yvi'h what is known as Sir William Tompson's steel wire, and which show that along tho entire coast of California a depth of 1,500 fathoms or more is reached with in n distance of from 20 to 70 miles westward from tho shores, tho greater part of this sudden fall occurring in the Inst 1G to 50 miles. At 100 miles west of San Francisco tho bottom is found to be 2,000 fathoms deep. Tha I hsd of the ocean continues to a depth greater than 1,500 fathoms until the Sandwich Islands aro reached, tha greatest depth 3,000 fathoms, is at a d. stance of about 4G0 miles east of Honolulu. The great depth is main- depth is 1,500 fathoms. PlONF.ERs'E.TCUr.siON. Following! a synopsis of thn official announcement of Mr. Joseph Watt, chairman of tha committee of arrangements for the pioneer's excursion east over tho Nor thern Pacific: The excursion will leavo Portland Tuesday, Oct. 2. All will go on the same, train from Portland to St. Paul on slow time, but excursionists may return bingle or in any number they please. The timo for whi h tickets will bo good is as folloyvs: To return from Chicago, ninety days; from Chicago to Now York and return, sixty days. Emigrant sleepers will bo fur nished if timely notico is given, eaib persin to furnish It's or her own bed d ii. Kates of faro are as follows: Portland to St. Paul and letnre, fCO; female relatives, ?S0; Portland to Chi cago and return, 74; female relatives, ?0 1; Portland to Neyv York and return, $99; female relatives, 119; children under five years free. No half faro tickets. Pioneers east of the moun tains must send $G0 to J. 31. Bacon at Oregon City, and receive certificates of membership, and by paying the halame to tli- iient at The Dalle or Wullula Junction, will receive their tic ei the same as at Portland. All persons going from Portland are requested to be there on Monday, October 1, to make arrangements for their tickets. One dollar for each ticket will ha charged for tho benefit of the associa Hon. The Jacksonville Sentinel, Aug 2o, says: District Attorney Kent has been telegraphed that Mellville, alias Den- ver, will bo turned over to the author ities here as soon as he has served out a sentence of 15 days imprisonment for petty larceny in Douglas county. Tho "Independent" may just now remark that if Jackson county is at all inclined to charge this county with selfishness in the matter alluded to above, a proper officer may como hero and get not only Mr. Alias Melville, but ser eral other citizens at present residing at the "j-iil.wickiup." "Independent." So soon as the completion of ths Northern Pacific shall have been sup plemented by the connection with Cal. iforuia from Portland, trains will run through from St. Paul to San Francisco- via Oregon, in the same time noyr made by the Xnion and Central Pacific from Omaha to ban Liancisco. Tb distance, from St. Paul to Sun cisco, viaPortland. will lie 2.70C I remi'j ean. me ni ey It can lBftdo in four dmi men in and advertise in the avpragenLjess man IL