r 1 "fr ..is." ' tit , jk r cm?, "iu w ,fX OREGON SENTINEL. JACKSOJIVIOLKi Saturday, September 1, 1883. A CUl.NCt. Tlie interest of Wm. M. Turner in the Skstisel hai been rented to F. M. Overlieck, a competent printer, d.o takes K)sse3ion in connection with Mr. Krause tliis day. Fred only akc ttie support of bis friends and if Jie ban any enemies be don't know it. Thk Citicus Castello's circus will not appear here- this afternoon and evening, as advertised. Advices by telegraph state that they disbanded at Jtoseburg. Selling Out. Those desirins any tiling in the. line of merchandise will do wvll by exiling on B-irruch Fisher be-fitrf- going eNevvhere as he is closing out Ins stock at coit. A trial will tv mien you all. Kxiuous Runaway. A tam driven bv Jck Montgomery ran away last v-.'k while he was coming down the litave Creek hill near the Sexton p'aca and Montgomery sustained very serious injuries. He wai brought to Jacksonville yesterdty, and with the proper care he will pull through nil i-'Rht. Babies Wasted. That's nothing Ktrane everybody wants babies ex crpt crusty old bachelors but, this time Abell tlie photographer wants them twenty per day in order to take life l:ke pictures of the little sweets. His apeciality is taking children's pictures and tho-nfortunateenough to have thpir children's pictures taken during his hortstay will Km! them finished in the highest style of the art. A look at his jpecimen copies at Mr. Briti's gallery jvill bo sufficient pror.f of hi? ability. HOUTICULTUHAL PlIEXOMON'O.V. Prof. Merritt, of this place has a peir treo in his garden that for Feveral years has been growing fast with thiee feet of its trunk completely denuded of bark and the wood apparently us dry and sapless as a piece of seasoned oak. At this time the tree is beaiing ripening fruit and fresh blossoms anil is as thrifty as if its trunk were fully protected. We do not know that a Jtear is more tenacious than any other tree but this is the first time wo ever i&w a tree of any description live when it was so effectually girdled. Hit. PniLLirs' Case. Mr. Samuel Phillips, of Little Applegate, whoe only eye waB gouged out by a man named Goldsby is no better and Dr. Aiken has slight hopes that he will rer recover his sight. From what we can learn the assault on Mr. Thill ips was ourageoun, Goldnhy being much the l.iraer man and Phillips just rtuvins; risen from a sick bed, and un der almost tiny circumstances brutes who indulge in putting out the eyes of fellow bings oucbt to be in the p?ni ten'iary instead of at large. This will Ik a case for investigation by the next grhiid jury. New Kntkrpiiirk. Dr. Will Jack son intends sinking for artesian v.ater on his premises in town, and it. is to lie hoped that his enterprise will be re warded by t-uccess. Some geologists have expressed the opinion that arte sian water cannot, be struck here on account of the unfavorable position of Ahe underlying rock but water is in vvariably found in this locality by pene trating a short distance into thn sand atone and Dr. J. thinks the scientists may be mistaken. John Itolnson is a .jiartner in the enterprise nnd the best machinery is -to be sent for. Their success would be of great public value to this valley. Remoio.us Items. Elder M. Teter son's a) poititments for September are as follows: First Sunday at Mound district school-houKe in the murning and at Line Oak school house at 4 o'clock r. m.; second Sunday nt. Anliocli fit 11 A. M ; third Sunday ut the camp ground on Williams creek; fourth Sun .day at Eagle Point llev. F. X. Blauchrt u ill hold services at St. Fian .cis' chuit-h, EdglePointj Suuilav morn ing.... Bev. J. A. Slover will hold a meeting at Anliocli school hnu-e, com mencing this .evening. .. .Thern will lm ita services at either the Methn. diit or Catholic churches in this p'ace Sunday.... llev. B J. Sharp will hold eervices at Grant's Pavs Sunday morn ing at 11 p'clock. . . . Rev. Robert Mc Lean will preach in the Presbvterian .church next Sabbath morning and evening. Klamath Cqunty Circuit Coukt. -The following are the pioccedinj, of Klamath county Circuit Court: John F. "Miller vs. James Tobin, .Buitin equity; transferred to U. S. cir cuit court. - David P. Shook vs. James IT. Cab lahan, suit inequity to restrain the .diversion of water; continued for term, with order extending time to take e i ,denco. Mr. Paul vr. Loui Land et al., suit iin equity to foreclose mortgage; Judg ,inent and decree foreclosure entered. Wm. "Webb, Sr., vs. L. M. Nieker ,son, action at law; continued for the .term, for want of jury. Wm. Webb, Sr. vs. Sheriff of Klam Mh county, action to lecover personal property, appeal from justioe court; continued for want of jury. Hendricks vs. J. N. T. Miller action at law; continued for want of jury. John Gleim vs. Dennis Crowley, nction to recover damages; continued for want of jury. John Gleim vs. Miller and Crowley, action at law; continued for want of LOCAL ITEJ1S. ?Wet. Rain yesterday. Frank Kasshafer has returned from Phoenix. Will H. Vining, of Ashland, was in town last Tuesday. John O'Brien of Applegate. was in town last Wednesday. Geo. Chase has taken his stock with the 0. i C S. Co. again. Misses Emma Papo and Minnie DeWitt aro vi&iting friends at Ashland. About 250 men wbitesand Chinese are now employed on tunnel work. Judge Day has sufficiently recovered as to be able to attend to a little busi ness. Chas. Strang and Wm. Patlon, of the 0. it C. R, It., were in town last week. We are sorry to say that there is a great deal of diphtheria in Josephine county. Frank Kraus", of thn Sentinel, went to Yreka last Tuesday on busi ness. He will probably return to morrow. The notice of fi rial j iron f of "Gb W. Ratrio nppearc in this issue of the Sentinel. EhlerBxnd has returned to his claim on Applegate and expects to work it tfiis Winter. C trios Goddard has commenced building a new residence on his farm near Central Point. Wm. C.irll division ngpnt of the 0. fc 0. S. Co.. psssf-d through town Monday, bound South. A. D. Bockfellow it C'i, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and Real Es tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon. There are onlv six saloons on the Siskivou mrunt-iin in th vicinity of the South and North emlj of the tun nel. 0 Thomas Chavner intends npning n saloon at his bridge, on Bogue rver, on the line of the railroad, in a few days. Have you seen thne stylMi list, trimmed at AIK J. S. Howard's fash ionable millinery establishment, and so cheai'T Joe. Solomon returned from San Francisco on Thursday's stage vvheie he had been laying in a large" sto:k of goods. An interesting correspondence from Sterlingville is omitted this week, through laek of space. It will appear next week. Cha. Blockwell, formerly a resident of JacksOnTille, has opened a barber shop near the south end of the Siski you tunnel. Abell is taking some beautiful pic tures at Britt's and our permit) ought not to miss the opportunity as his stay will be short. Miss Minnio DeWitt, of YYeka, who has been iMlmg ft lend 4 here for wv er.il weeks past, will return home next Monday. Robt. Kiblcr i1-having a ditch dug for irrigating purpo es from near Day's orchard to his residence in the lower part of town. Mr. J. M. Pay no formerly Marshal of Jacksonville will .start next week with his family for Salem viheru they will spend the winter. Several teams are engaged in haul ing bridge timbers from lh"Sterling mill toChawnei's for the i ail road biidge, to be built at that place. We regret to say that Mrs. Danl. Cronemiller is still seriously ill having been confined to her lied for seveial weeks with billious fever. The distance from St. Paul to Portland by the N. P. R. R. is 1,920 miles and fares to any point Enst will In' less than by any other route. Sheriff Jacobs has stalled to Rose burg to bring Mellville here for ex animation on a charge of burglirv and is expected back to nioriow evening. On Wednesday last M. Col well caused the arrest of Ed. Booth cluirg ing him with using abusive langmge. Recorder 11 uffer fined Booth S8 50. Solomon it r.Ieusor are expecting ti full line of new goods via Crescen City next week nnd intend to sell nt thf lowest possible rate. They invite iusp ciion. One of Co'wcll's teams took a little spin up Jackson creek Thursday, on their ovvn account. The buggv was pretty badly demolished but no one was injured. Dr. Soule of T'nion county has pur chased the interest of Nick IliU'ilie ill the iliilg store at PliOJidx. The Dr. intends practicing his profession in that locality. Mr. McL'an hois to preach here in the Pie.sbv teii.tn chinch vvi.s fur uinnvvears a missionarv in Chili ami his discourses will doulith-.sa be ven interesting. The wagon biidge across Mule creek abovo Nick Wiight's place vwisdt stroyed by lire this week. It is thought that it caught lite from the burning woods. ' El. Klippelcno of Um Portland tele, graph strikers who refused to take the iron clad oath of allegiance to n cor poration is telegraphing for the O. R & N. company. When visiting Ashland give D. D. Philbrick a call nt his saloon where yon will always find a lino stock of Honors and cigars and the best kind of treatment. Try him. The name of the man murdered re cently at Uonolulu, on the Klamath river, wins owvaiore lijas. ills slaver Butler, has been held for murder. So says thn '"Journal." Mrs. F. M. Plymale is ahead of any one in this valley in the poullrv bust ness having raised over two thousand chickens this year. Her example is worth tollran . .. j Bilger & Maegly announce the fol lowing reduction in prices: Nails for S6 50 per keg, white lead for 2 75 per 25 lbs., coal oil for S3 50 a can, and everything in proportion If there is anything that you need in the general merchandise line, give B. Fisher a call at the old stand of S. Colin, and he will convince you that he is selling out at cost. W. J. Davis, who ran five creameries in Wisconsin and in II iuuis, 1ms dis appeared, leaving d-jbts amounting to 85,000 It is "to be inferred that he got the cream of the business. Judge Hanna reports considerable improvement in the way of buildings etc., going on at Linkville. Several new houses are now being erected and business looking up generally. The first rain w have had for oyer three rronths commenced falling at two A. M. yesterday and continued nearly all day. It was welcome to all but those engaged in threshing If ou want a Sewing Machine call at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock, and jewelry store. Hfs mnchiiies are a little finer and his prices a little snugger, than any other bugger's. - From private advices we learn that Mr. and MrR. Harry Peun, formerly of this place, but now ot Portland, have been very sick for several days past. We wish them a spee Jy recover-. The Yreka 'Journal" hays that teainsteix have raised tlifi pi ice of fi eight from Redding to Yreka from 2 to 2 cents per pound on account of high pi ice of hay along the route. The timbers for the railroad biidge across Rogue river are being sawed at the Sterling mill, and immense loads pass through town daily. This, i about all we will see of the railroad work. Considerable delay to the trans mission of messnges over the WeMi-iu Union Telegr. ph Complin's wires is caused bv the right-of-way parties of railroad company chopping trees along the line. Mrs. Ish still wan's two good work mules and has a line band of sheep and a large amount of hay for sale and a farm to rent. Anv pi-isnn wanting to rent a desirable place will do well to call on her. Judge Prim while walking out of the express oliice last week slippe I and fell to th-sidewalk, spraining his an kle and otherwise bruising himself. He is now aide to be out and will be O. K. shortly. Late hist Saturday night a cutting scrape whs engagl in bv Tom llu-n uti-l Ed Booth of tips place. B.tuth was cut in the neck with a small knife and Ross received a bad smash on the lip. No arrests. Freights from GUtidulc to Jackson ville aie at piercut one and u lull cents per pound antl when the lailioad teinuiiUs is at Giant's 1'uss al-ou'i Nov. 1st th-y will be leuueed tu thiee qiiarteis 01 a cent. Last Sunday while the stag" was standing a Wells Fargo & C.iV., ofiice, the lines fell to the ground anil the team started to run. They were stopped near the postollico however be foie uny injury was done. The "Orugonian" denounces the tel egraph company in ihe bitteiest terms for its nigganlly service. The uion icd men ot Poitland would do a whu thing if they built a line to San Fran cisco for their own use. Information from San Francisco in dicates that Mrs. Thomas G. R-atnes' e)esare imptoving and. that she will probably letutn with Air. Ileam.s abjut the lOih inst. There being no necessity for an operation. The Maiy D. Hume is advertised to sail from Crescent city fur San Fran cisco on the 10th, 20ih & 30th of each mouth. The fare through, including McMahon's stage line, :s 22, and the route should be patronized. The people of Yieka aie very sensi bly consideiing '.he question of estab iishiug a liij.li school in Siskhou coun ty so that children can receive nil the education they ne-d without sending them iihioul a, gieat expense. 'Watermelon dances" aie the litest innovation in Siskivou county and we would be obliged to the ''Juuimtl" if it would publish the piogramme. Thev might take here as every other kind of dunce has been danced to death. Geo. Freeman who was badly in jukiI b fulling through a loft and be litu kicked in I In- In ad by a luirr-e last wi-ek i.s fust improving. He is now able to be till the. stli ets but will not bo readv for woik for some time. -Geo. U Fields, a traveling'mnn, was am-stiil lai-t we.de for selling goods without a license. The chuigi could not be substantiated, however, in conse quence he was disuliHiged His pxit ner vviis the right u an but he had skipped ill.- tow l. The limber, , of the ctlpcla of the new OoU't H"iise ami the roof timbi-i.s aie in place. Mr. Marsh is pushing this woik so us lo get the hull. ling un der cover as s iu:i us pos-ilile. Tlie number of shingli", rtquuvil to cover the roof is 70,000. Peter Boschey, while hauling wood from WulkerV. cieek, about u mile ami a half fiom town, last wiek siwa nearly full grown pnnln-r. Small hot s ale Said to l" llillill esteemed bv I hat kind of "vuiiiiiiitn" so they will keep off that creek. W. L. Record who introductd the exquisite marble voik to1-e w-eu in our cemetery is here attending to former orders and soliciting new ones. He is now Hgent for- W. II. McCor mick, of Sm Francisco, dealers in American and foreign marbles. Geo. W. Frey has so d his ranch nnd stock on Little Butte cieek to Mr. John Tucker, of C-liforiii, who takes immediate pissessiou. The pur chaser seem well pleaxeJ with the lo cation and Us he is a thorough stock masfiHkootl selection. Clay Dollarhide nnd Harvey Oa man have taken a contract forfurnisl ing the company with timbers for th tunnel and now have about ivvent men employed in cutting and deliverin the same. The order cnnsolidating Oregon an Washington Territory into one rev nue collection district takes ehect t dav. The 3d division comprises ihl counties of Jackson, Josephine, Curr; Klamath and Lake with N. Lingell Jacksonville as denutv iollector Mr. Smith, the gentleman who pu chased the Greenman hotel at Link ville has'expended over ?4,000 in im Droving that house. It has beeil thoroughly renovated and will aluay be kept in Grst class style. For a goo meal and a clean bed go to the Greei: man hotel. Last week there were seven charges of 1,750 lbs each, of gian powder exploded on the grading a "Bloody run. lhe concussion was all most imperceptible and the sound the explosirn was barely heard at instance ot 600 feet hut the vvorK o a thousand men for a day was done i an instant. We w ere shown a branch from plum tree this week only ten inchf in length on which there was a clusli of forty two lurge and f ally V9ve3o plums. The fruit was the blue da sou and delicious in flivor the who bunch weighing three pounds. Ifai section of Oregon cun beat this let he heard trom. The Soda Springs on the North For -jf Little Butte have been quite popl lar this summer but the propneto McAllister, is fanatical on the sulj-i of dancing and threatens to shoot an guests thus indulging. McAllister heab li is verv poor and as he has fn quent "sinking snelU'' it accounts fol his curious notions. New goods at reduced prices at t! cash stoie of S. S. Aikeri k Co. They keep even thing usually to be found in a general niercha.idise store, and their uie'hod of giving the best goods at low prices, mid making exact change seems to It ve become popular here ut last. Their new- advertisement will be found in another column. Ve are glad to say that the county coinniisioiieis have decided not to pinc the u-vv Court House but to ex pend the amount, provided in the con tract for. painting, in stone steps aifd u stnne floor for the portico The viuws of the Sentinel vere oxjuessed, last week on this question and we have only to add that the. course decided on iv the commissinneis is to be coin mended as a sji s M on -. Primes must hive a lasting and dis tinctive flavor. The o'her day Uncle Fied Heber eat one from the orchard of Mr. Miller not knowing what it was but lecoguized it at once, although he had not tasteit a ptune since he left Gernnnv sixty vears ago. Mr. 11. says that the verv finest q'l-ility of Inandy was distilled from this fruit in his voting clays i?iid predicts the git a'est sttcci-hS for it in this valley. Al ell the leading photographer of litatid has leased the photograph galhrv of Peter Britt for a few days and will be pleas-d to see any and nil of his old fiieinls and patrons of tin past. Negatives oi-ly will be made heie, all work will be finished at the Portland gallery. Those wishing photographs will not delay as his time here is short. The instantaneous dry plate process will be worked for chil dren. Down in Josephine county they have a novel way of sett ing disputes to water. Last week Messrs. Little nnd Wetherby, who claim 'riparian rights on Illinois river Mew the dam of Messrs. Wiineri Son "sky hij-h" with giant powder and so stopped the sup plv to the Wimer mining ditch. The matter will now b settled in the courts but this method of laving n temporary injunction scema rather ar biliary. New coiners to this county who wi.sh a county paper, and no one should be without it, are invited to subscribe for the Senti.m L. That is: if thev want a paper that tnfces sides on all questions spml;) right out don't make t'.io kinds of pie in the same dish nor carry water on both shoulders and cares more for right than riches. If strangers want the other style of a pnp-r th"V li'Ust go tc the other shop and thev can g--l (ish flesh am' fowl all on the same platter.- Mr W. L. Record whom the. "Ore goui.ui" criticised because he assured a singe robber that he was not an ex press messenger savs it makes iiuite a difference whether a mail is looking down the muzzle of a shut-gun or sufn lv enscou-e.l iii an editorial arm ch iir. I1- h's ) mills ilint the editor of lint pip--! won!. I no doubt have personated u in.-ssHiiyer" uiiiE drawn the lohbeiV fi e miii ply fur lhe public good, but that his taste !w n't lie in that diiec tion. Wellman, who had to surrender the expiess box the-dast li-ne the stage was robbed nj. Wolf Cnc-k is quite positive thit M'dville, n v in, j ill at Rosnjiurg was the rohli-r that demanded the box. Mellville will soon be brought here to answer the charge of robbing Riddle's store on thn Siskivou mid is also charged with robbing Dr. Divis of 5400. near Gr.av creek. If c.mvict-il of nil lliesi- climes In- will piobablv give the findings of the courts his p. r soual att-utioii for the Uil.inci; of his iiaiinal life. The railroul depot at "JunipnlT Ji.e" is Incited en the I ind of F. M. Nickerson. clerk of Jo-epbinecouut?. and it is to be uaiut-d "Josephine." As th s will lu lhe distributing -point fur Josephine county-the'na'ine is mosf n?''ropriale. Had itv been called 'Jump i iff Joe' unpleasant coupe q-n-nces might Imv iesuliedrns everv time the br:ik-inin yelled out the inline pf the sta, ion v sverv Joe Himaril 1 lie (ram would be bound ti jump off and thaMfjijMvould soon will begin studies at Mills Seminary at once and will probably remain until she graduate. Rev. B. J. Sharp has returned from th- M. E. Conference at Vancouver and has been assigned to this circuit for another year. This will be his third 3 ear on this circuit ami is good evidenco that his ministry has been quite acceptable. Manager Kcehler of the O. k C. R. R. accompanied by chief engineer Morri were in town for a short time on Monday evening being on their way south to the Siskiyou tunnels on n tour ot insiiection. lhe party re turned north along the line of the R. R. on Wednesday. Wm. Gibson, of Honolulu, keeps n saloon on ih biskivou mountain, at the south end of the tunnel, which he has fitted up in fine style, nnd keeps none but the best quality of wines, li quors, cigars, Yreka beer nnd also keeps Rogue river whisky which is ro much in demand. Mr. White of Griffin creek brought a load of German prunes to town on Wcdnesdu., some of which measured 7i inches m circumference. They had an excellent flivor and it is doubtful if the fruit could be excelled nnyvhere. Mr. W. intends planting 300 trees of the sam-J variety this fall. J. W. Haves lately assistant man ager of the Western Union Telegraph Company at Portland, and also a striker, is now business manager of the daily "Northwest News." Jeff js a good man in any place and will no doubt hud his presint position more remunerative than the Western Union Telegraph Co. C. W. Kahlerleft for San Francisco "Wediie.-day and will take the steamer from Ci -scent Cit to clay. As it will be his first ttip on salt water ho ex pects lo be all doubled up nnd it is surmised that he may be matrimonially loubled before he gets back as he sava he will take the first widow with a million that makes a "mash" on him. Mr. M. Volk Asst, Chief Engineer and in charge of construction on the 3rd division on the railroad extension was in town on Monday for a short time. This gentleman has lately re turned from California with his bride and is one of the valued men of the company, having been in charge of the difficult woik between Rosehurg and Grant's Pass since the commencement of the extension. His quiet, unas suming manner proves him n gentle man who wiil nlvvays wear well. Hon. James L. Mason, of Greens ville Ind., who has been visiting here a couple of months with his sister Mrs. Jane McOully left for San Francisco on Wednesday via Crescent City. From the big city he will sail for Port laud anil take the N. P. thence home. Mr. Mason k a prominent member of the lmirii a tiar ami has made many friends heie. lie takes back with him th- highest opinion of this section of Oregon and, were his business of adif fereut natuie. would undoubtedly drive his stakes here. FromS.L. Dolsen, engineer in charge of thn fourth division we learn that trains will be running to Grants Pais by the 1st of Novtniber and that un til thai time there will be no change in the delivery of freight. The next station south of Grants Pass will be at Wmidiillr- for the accommodation of 'he Evans creek country and that for the S.ims valley section will be Cb iv'iihi-'s. Cunp No. 1 is now cited at Severson's twenty-three n north ot here and wit'iin two wi; th whole line to "Ohavener's will alive vvifh men. The clearing of right of way round Gold hill has I let to Lefevre and in a few days portion of the line will be ready graders who will have some of heaviest rock work on the whole tension. in"- Text depot south Ch.iveners bridge will bo located i the center of the valley, sonville fre:"ht i nix. Fron Real Estate Transactions. The following has been recorded in the Clerk's office since our last report: J. S. Howard to O. it C. R. R., right-of-way. Consideration, 1. E. Emery to L. B. Applegate, prop erty in Ashland precinct. Considera tion, 875. L. B. Applegate to Lindso? Apple gate, same. Consideration, 50. L. Applegate to A. P. Hammond, land in Ashland preciuct. Considera tion, $400. Jacob Smith to Max Muller, 1G0 acres on Forest creek. Consideration, 8400. M. Peterson to H. W. Hoagland, 40 acres in Ma'nzanita precinct. Con sideration. 275. F. M. Frceland to E. Uay. land in Manzanita precinct. Consideration, 5500. Wilson Potter to Wm. Wiley, prop erty in Little Butte precinct. Con sideration, S2.200. TJ. S. Patents to Jacob Smith, W. A. Owen and L. Applegate have been recorded. Postal Notes. The postal notes is sued by the Government, will supply a great want in the community in af fording small change for remittance by mail. Thev- will be ready for is suance on September 3d, next Mon 'dav, in sums between cuie cent nnd 54.09 inclusive, for which u fee of 3 cents is charged. These notes are sent at the remitter's risk and payable to bearer within three months. If not paid within that time they aro void and the holder must receipt them and apply for a duplicate which vill be is sued on payment of another fee of 3 cents. Postmaster Muller has received a book of notes and will be ready on Monday to issue them. While thev do not take the place of the "postal orders" they will be very convenient in remitting small sums. For Sale. Contemplating removal from Jacksonville, L. Solomon offers his residenceon California, St., an excellent piece of property, for sale cheap; also a good assorjmont of household and kitchen furniture. Gire him an early call. , i - i xi Notice. A large assortment of the celebrated New Homo sewing ma chines, the best ami cheapest in the market, have just been received at E. C. Crooks' store. Call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. I will take wheat delivered at any of the mills at one dollar per bushel from those owing me. Those snowing themselves indebted need not be backward in accepting this easy offer. J. Nunan. August 11, 1883. MARRIED. GIRLEU STEWART-, At Eagle Toint, Aug. 2d. 1883, bv M. Pur din, J. P., F. M. Gibler'and Hiss Lillio E. Stewart. BORxi GOOULOW Near Eagle Point, Aug. 2G, 1883, to Mr. nnd Mrs. N. S. Goodlow, a daughter. GREGORY In Manzanita precinct, Aug. 18, 18S3, to Mr. and Mrj. J. F. Gregory, n son. BAILEY At Phoenix, Aug. 22, 1883, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bailey, a son. REYNOLDS At Lelmnon, Linn county, August 18, 18S3, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Reynolds, twins both boys. ECKELSON At New Tacoma, Aug. 23, 18S3, to Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Eckleson, n foil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. Land Ofpick at Roscnuno, Or., ) r August 27, 1883. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing.numcd stiller lias tiled-notice of his intention to make filial proof in support ofhis claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk or Judge of Jackson County at Jacksonville Or. on Saturdav, Oct. C, 1883, viz: George AV. Rjtrie. Homestead No. 4,19;, for the E J ot S W Jf and V y, of S V. .(. Sec. a" Township :7 S, Range 2 East, lie names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Silas J. Day. .las. S.IIovv. anl.of.Iacksonvillc, Ore., V, IV Farlovv, Samuel Randies, of Brownsborough, Ore. Wm. F. Re.xj.vmiv, Register. v aiatocl. Two good work mules each, to weigh one thousand pounds or over. Apply lo, Mns. S. E. Ish. Near Jacksonville. August 18 1SS3. Treasurer's Notice. Office of County Treasuiier. J Kerhyvillc, Or. Aug. 1.1, 18S3. f Notice is hereby given that there aro funds in the County Treasury for the re demption of the following warrants: No. SM. protested Dec. 10, 1831; Nos. 240 and 2 B, protested Dec. 2D, 1831; No. 210, protested Jan. !, 1882. Interest on the same will cease from this date. N. DeLvmatteh, Treasurer of Josephine Co. By J. A. Wilson-, Deputy. 2?or ZT2.o23.-t. The farm know ns the Centers Ranch. will bo rented to a good tenant, Jor one or more td, re lor lhe Odd Fellow's Building Jacksonville, Ort;oa DEALEK AND AVOItKER IN TIN, SnEET IRON, CuPPfiR, LEAD- Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & IVILLOW WARE ROPE, NAILS, Vaults Oils, Ynrnisli, Glass CUTLERY. WIRE Shot, Srushs, Chains, Hoso ETC., ETC: I fiave secured lhe services or a first-clast Mecaamc, and am prepnrcd to do all repair ing promptly and In superior style. TN CONNFCTION' Vim TOE ABOVE L I am receiving and hare constantly oa band a full and first-class atock of GHOCSRIES, DKY-0O0DS, GUM BOOTS, TOBACCO ItEAOY MADE CT.OTIHXO, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Ac. S-Evcrj thing sold atreaioiablc rates. K. KUBLI Jacksonville, March, 0, 1878. - i Will slaughter prices in this space next week. t PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE,- X. E. Cor. Second and Yamhill SU., FORTLAHD. - - OREGOII. A. I. AltMSTBONC, J. A. 'tv.o. Principal. 1'imnan and Secretary I for Hi Daansss Zdactia ef Eota Sues. 's?U6 Admitted on any weett i'iy of the year. -cSlPEHtWORKMe- Of nil kin!s cTiontet toonltr at reasonable rates SatUfarlion giwintccd. Thw CcI-J Jurn i! rmitminff- infornifltion of le CMiru ot tu.Ut r'M of tuition time to nt r.ftcPmtcutacjl pUi.i ami ornainmt.il pen i iu-!ii", int.. if if wwm -IN- HOTEL PEICES AT THE SLOVER HOTEL BOAED AND LODGING Rest house for the money this side of Portland. DR. J. BROWN, DEUTSCIIEU ARZT, Jacksonville, Orrson Will practice in all Chronic Diseases. also Typhoid Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Diph theria, Consumption. Catarrh, etc. Time and doctor' (bills will be saved by coming to me at once. Dr. Rrown will guarantee to forfeit 300 for every case of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. His mtdiciuc is purely veg ctablc and has all the power and ctllcacy of calomel or quinine, without anyof tho injurious alter effects. Shingles For Sale. The undersigned is now prepared to furnisili the best quality of shingles, cut with diamond knife, in any quantity de- hrrfl "Ppio flolil'i.rnll in .T-irtjnnvtll $?fc 3 liotmml or transportation oil at the! rTiill. situated two mile Knitli ofW illmir creek post office. Orders can be left w A Dap , y? t j" become a noliiU I will 1 G. KarewsVL J. ChachaJ