ORES ON SE9TIBEL JAUI&soKVII.l.K Saturday. August 25, 18S3. Sli.lim: Out Those desiiiugany thing iu the line of merchandise will do well by calling on Barruth Filler b:--fure going ul-ehere as he is closiug out his block at cost, A. trial will convince jou all. Notice. A large, assortment of the -celebmled Nr.w Home sewing ma chines, the best una cheapest in the market, have just Ijeeu received at E '0 Crooks' stoie. Call ami examine 'them beloie purehain elsewhere. Foil Sale. Contemplating rpmoval vfrrun Jacksonville, L Solomon offers his resilience on California, St., an excellent piece of property, for sale cheap; also ' good assortment of household and kitchen furniture. Give him anearlv -cull. " I will ttka wne.it diliverel at any of the mills at one dollar per iiUsliu! from those owing me. Those knowing themse'ves indebted need not J 3)e baokward in accepting this easv, offer. J. NuNAtf. August 11, 1883. "-' " "' r Heavt Blast.-Oii the railroad .grading round ihe blufTat Dry Dig ging", south of Grants Pass, a ton of powder was exploded at one tinm last week. Tire -shock was light but an nmtuenso body of gravel was jnecipi tated into tiro river. Fall Term. The fall term of St "Mary's Academy will bein on the 3rl -day of September and the patrons of 'this excellant institution will be ad -vised accordingly. The musical tui tion at St. Alaiy's is particuhrly good and parents should lake advantage of at. Portlvxd Business College. "This wnll-knnwii institution of learn ing, under the management cf Prof. A. P. Armstrong, formerly of this place, id continually gaining in popu larity and lus pupils from every por lion of our State. Wo are glad to 'lie.tr of the prosperous condition of that school as it is deserving of a liberal suppoi t. PlbS'ERKS Ki: O.viojt President E K. Anderson Tif the Southern Oregon Pioneer Society h is fixed Thursdav Spt. 13rh as the day for the next an nui ip union The meeting is to be at Ashland mid members are respect fully reminded of the importance of bringing the annual fee of one dollar The iirogramtno will lie published in due time. Prof. M. G. Royal lms In en selected as the orator for the occasion. Oct in the Would -iVm. Moore Mur thepasttluee vear tMnployed in the "iSl-NTIXCL-nflice is out in the bis woild In un-it tfi-t.irtiiiieu vwtig -"tmo-lOK l'oitlan.l on M niUy. Tho-e v ho look in h" honest, mauli face vili bear u out in saving tliat his. correct h.ab'.tr. niiil siuiid princi les w Hi mike friends 'for him everxwhem ha go.'s. 'We li'ipc "Billy'" may prosper n- 'he de "serve i and, vnno day, j-etura a million liare. Onr.uo.v Views. As soon as the 'tunnels are c mipleted north of hero Mr. Frank Abeb, the noted aitist, will t-ike views of all the picture-qu points on the O it C. Itailroul from Rose burg to the summit of the Siskiyou mountains. Fjr this purpose, he will 'be furui-hcd transportation with a hand car and, from his well deserved reputa tion, we expect to see faithful pictures of the wild but beautiful scenery along the line of the road. Faiuieiis Attkmiox. U. Karewski is now prepared to take contacts for cutting grain with his improved ma chhiery in any parts of the county He has ul ready done soiup work for Win Hy ben, J as. A. Cardwell, Nick Ficke, V. Milche land Col. Maury, and refers to them as to the manner in which dt was done. 11a c'ainn that he can cut grain lower than can be reached AviJi any' header and stands ready to !)roe it to all who doubt. Goou Idea Croneuiillerifc Birdseye "have just, .finished a heavy ball and -chain for the use of the town, the au thorities having determined that "drunks" and other offenders shall no longer have a soft thing. The inten sion is to make all, who are unable to pay their fines, vork on the public ntreets and thus pay for their board -while Berving out A sentence. Had this course been adopted years ago the town treasury would have been richer ithan it is. Babies Wasted. That's nothing strange everybody wants babies ex cept crusty old bachelois but, this time Abell the photographer wants them twenty per day in order to take life Vke pictures of the little sweets. His speciality is taking children's pictures suid tlio'pjfortunate enough to have their -children's pictures taken during, his short stifWill find them finished in the. liighest style of the art. A look at his specimen copies nt Mr. Britt's gallery will be sufficient j roi f of hi ability. Lvuoe Ditch Project. Mr. J. S Hoard, one of the incorporators of the Lost river irrigating scheme has returned from Klamath county having completed the purvey of the ditch. The water iR to be taken from Big Klamath lake near the head of Link river snd, for the first eight miles it will be twenty-five feet wide by two and a half feet deep. At the pnd of the eight miles the ditch will divide and together with its branches will be forlv miles in length. The cist of ihn work is estimated at $50,000 but a verjr extensive tract of good land will bo inadu very valuable by the immense supply of water at command. LOl'AL 17X315. Diphtheria lias nearly disappeared across Rogue river. Rev. B J. Sharp is aUending Con ferenco at Vancouver. One of the children of Israel Harri of Anlioch, died on Sunday last. Hon. Geo. B. Dorris and family left forTSugeue City on Monday last. Read the advertisement of the'N.P. R It. Co. elsewhere and go and see the last spike driven. " Receipts of the ice cream festival at the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening were 75.00 Mrs. Sallie E Ish has a fine band of sheep for sale and those wanting i. good bargain should call on her. A. D. Rockfellow &. Co., Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and Real Es tate Agents, A'hland, Oiegoti. Geo. C. Spooner, well known here, has purchased a valuable mining prop crtyon tin-South Fork of Salmon rivei in Ca ifornia. Numerous dead digs were found or the.streets one day this week some ont having scattered poisoned meat t!u night before. Crops in Klamath .countv are .said 'o iHj'very good this. season liarley anu oats jit-Iding veiy satisfactorily. Rev. Father Blanchet will hold divine services at the Catholic chuich at Eagle Point Sunday, Sept. 1st. Jay Gould is about starting on a nip around the world. His object is to J purchase the concern if he likes it. Passengers for the Crescent Citv steamer of the 30th for Sm Francisco will leave hero on Wednesday next Have you seen those stylish hats, trimmed at Mrs. J. S. Howard's fash ionahle millinery establishment, and so chea;.? Geo. Chase has temporarily resigned his place on the stage box owing to a -evcre accident to his hand, he having run a knife through it. Berry, the tie contractor is trying to float his ties down Itogue river but, so far, few of them have reached the points where they are wanted. J. J. Moore, of Wilderville, .To-.u phine county, has threshed a field of New Zealand ivhiteMtle oath that yield ed 111 bushels to the acie. Engineer Mori is of the 0. it C. R it. has withdiawn his libel suit against the "Polaris" and Sol. Abraham Libel don't stick vv e'.l in Oregon. T. G. Kenny has enlarged his shop by renting the rooms just vacated by Mr. Langell and intends adding I irge ly to his stock of harness and saddlery. Mr. Langell has his office in Max Midler's stcre and any one having business with him in his capacity of revenue collector will-find him there. Mr. Henry Klipjtel has.gone east of the mountains on u trip of mixed busi ies and iileamro and w'll probably go into 1ji:is vounty befoie returning. Our on -fri -nd Cajit. Barnes came iiiirom the I ike couutry on .Wednes day and is looking splendidly. He reports si o.-k in excellent condition S. Colin has dissed of all'his house hold furniture and in a few days will start with his family -fcr San ;Fran- rico. Wo wish hiui prosperity in his new location. PricesaiestillfallingatiheNewYcrk store and if the shelves cin't be cleaned of goods soon the proprietor says he will give them away. Call and se cure bargains. Veit Bentz is engaged in peddling beef for Nick Ficko who prefers this mode of selling to keeping a regular shop. The new plan is quite an ac comodating one. Many substantial improvements are going on about Linkville this summer and tha hotel there has been enlarged to nearly double its capacity.' This is a sign of good times. Bilger &, Maegly announce the fol lowing reduction in prices: Nails for ?G 50 per keg, w bite lead for 2 73 per 25 lbs., toal oil for S3 50 a can, and everything in proportion. Mr. Hanley warns trespassers from hun'ing or discharging -fire arms on his premises. He means business and is determined to prosecute the first person who neglects this warning. Nevada proposes to tax tho C. P. It. R. at the rate of $1G.00 per mile. As the company has always discrimi nated unfairly against that state it is a good way to balance accounts. The Distilling company have found it wcessary to sink their well many feet deeper preparatory to commencing, operations again. They expect to be distilling again by October 1st. If you want a Sewing Machine call at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock, and jewelry store. His machines are a little finer and his prices a little snugger, than any other bugger's. The country is at last greatly agi tated on the subject of a postal tele graph. The government should build its own lines and let Western Union stockholders look out for themselves. Prof. J. D. Hawes of Portland has been e'ected as Professor of natural sciences in the State Normal School at Monmouth and has accepted. This makes a Faculty of eight professors and teachers besides assistants. Postmaster Muller is growling be cause a package sent to him from San j Franciseo by mail has been interfered with. He got the sack but some other fellow got its contents. Mr. Muller knows how it is himself don't ill Abell advertises for 20 babies a day. That is a large supply but he don't want to go into the nursery business, he only wants to take their pictures the babies down heie being so much handsomer thsn those of Portland. . tendance. It is said that the heavy blasting on the railroad vvoiK at Chavpneis bridge killed many salmon and trout by the concussion. It is mors probable thai a stick of giant ponder was occa sionally exploded in lira-river by acci .Uentj - 2 i ? f '" There will be n large gang of men at work between Chavener's bridge and the upppr point of Gold hill next week. There is nearly a mile of heavy rock work round Gold hill bt't after it is graded tho work through the valley will be -very light. Geo. A. King has taken the ribbon ajain on the stagp line after a short rest. The days of service of the dri vprs are nparlv ended en this lino but thi-ir faithful discharge of dutv tor so ni-mv years will entitle them to good emplov, incut-. The crape crop in this county i very much heavier than in any pro I vious season and growers are anxious to contract for their delivery at two cents per ponnd. The qinlity " will also be finer than uuual oing to the extremely dry season. L. B. Tucker in rfitl:n2 the hotel at Soda Springs ot be ready for guests on Nov. 1st. Louis is a whole-souled old timer who will make that popular resort prom agreeable thsn ever ps pecial'v as his wife is ono of ihe best housekeepers in the country. The brick wruk on the court hoiis was completed on Wednesday fi'i! the contractors for th.tt work Messrs. Bvars & Guerin have certainly done n most creditable job. The building will be under cover and ready for in side work in about three weeks. Circuit Court for Klamath County wi'I convene at Linkville on Monday. The. Clerk Ins advised Judge II nun n that there wi'.l be nnnp but eqnitv cases .beforn the court and that no jurv has bee n summoned. His Honor and sever al lawyers sue on their way out. Notice "Mr. MeKenzie's announce ment this week. Tom keeps none but choice beverages nnd cigars and a look hat his pleasant face adds flavor to nnv- thlng lm sets befoie his cu"tomf-rs miliiif, is etching, yon "smilo" with Tom and Tom will leciprccate. The Sen't minstrel and oppra'vl troupe -vill be here to-night. Their Tiamlalonols worth all they ask for ! whole shn-v nnd th grind p-.rade this evening will be wall worth seeing. H. M. Chipin, who was m town yesterdiv, informs us that times are quite lively around Grants Pass on acconnt of tho railroad work in that section. Graders are now at work all along the road north of that place and the track is ex)icted to reach there about October 2oth. Crops in Sim's VaUpy are turning out very fairly. The Sizeii'Ore ranch has turned out S.000 bushels of wheat or about 25 bushels to the nrro. C. C. McClendrm'p ground vielded a little betterand Mr. Ramev's about the same Consideiing the extremely dry season this is doing very well. New goods at reduced prices nt the cash store of S. S. Aiken &. Co. They keep evprvthing usually to be found in a general merchandise store, and their method of giving the best, goods at low -prices, and making exact change seems to have become popular here nt last. Their new advertisement will be found in another column. Ben Miller of the Sardine creek nursery brought in another loaJ of the "Briggs" peach this week and also some of a beautiful white peach thut he calls "stump the world." Teachf s ten and twelve inches in circumfer ence and of delicious flavor are good enough for rovalty to eat and that is the kind Southern Oregon produces. .Tudgp Boise has appointed a special rm of the State circuit court for Yamhill county to be held at Lafayette, beginning on the 24th of Set tember next. This special term is ordered for the express purpose of hearing the trial of G. W. Smith, the man cap tured 'ast Fridav, who is indicted as thp murderer of Mrs. Mary A. Petch, of North Yamhill. District Attorney Kent has been telegraphed that Mellville, (alias Den ver) will be turned over to the au thorities here as soon as he has served out a sentence of fifteen days imprison ment for pettv larceny in Douglas county. This is the man wanted for the robbery of Riddle s f tore and for the last stage robbery at Wolt creek. Mr. Sam riiillips, of Apple,ate, has his only eve gouged out last wpek in an altercation with a man named Gol by and his attending physician fears 'hat total blindness will result. We know nothing of the merits of the eve but that kind of warfare is brutal and it should be enquired into by the next grand jury. One of our lawyers wrote some time since to a friend in Roseburg asking the price of a hundred "female ewe3". This is about the kind df material the Willamette counties furnish for tho Supreme bench. W. C. Gi penman and family will start from Linkville on Monday foi Ode'1, Ills, wheie they expect to make their futuie home. The good wishes of their many friends go with them. Mrs. Hanley's recipe tor matting pickles is: one quart of proof spirits to two and'a half quai tsof water. Rinse ihe cucumbers and cover them with the liquid and in about live weeks they will be sour, cris-p and ready for use. The gap on thn North Pacific is c!oed, the tracks hiving met on Wed nc-iday afternoon, 701 miles ast of Portland. The golden spike will be driven on theSth dav ofS'-ptemb-r, mid tho liberal offer of 40 per cent reduc tion on all roads will insure a 'arge at Frank Huffer left on Wednesday to join the railroad engineering party of Mr..Ncbberding near Grant's Pass. The Portland 'Standartf'pi'hlishes n. letter list signed by Geo. E. .Cole as P. M. Is not that list somewhat an cient? Indiana taxes railroads on a valu ation of 510,000 per mile ,which is said to be iu fair proportion to the valuation of all other kindsToLprop ertv. The "Standard" says staypf pro ceedmgs in criminal ca-es are very dangerous iu seme parts of thecouutiy. If that paper means dangerous lo ihe eau-e of ju-itice we concur. Passengf r fares have lieen- reduced on the Central Pieitic road by "the Rail road Cuum is-ioners to 4 cents per mile ou the plains and 6 cents on the iuouu tain dnision-v In eonsequen'ce the company is kicking. Jack Havs who stabbed E. D Baker to death in Astoria has been acquitted. He got the benefit of the doubt v inch although small was big enough to save his neck so hecan use his knife again. Jete.niitU Black one of the ; ablest prists- iu the country .died ajYork, Pa., on the 20lh. His Tfir'iZy was recognised but he was best Known as u. man who otn great many foolish opin ions published for nothing. The farm of Lindsuv Applegate a Ashland has been purchased by R KujlileV, malinger of tho O. & C. Itiil road for 610,000. Mr. Applegate le serves one and a half acres on which his house nnd bath are situated. . Mrs. T. G. Reames is undor the treatment of Drs. Po .vers and Wilder the eminent oculists in Sin Frauci-co. It was feared that she wcuhl nquire a painful operation on her eyes but we believe it was not considered necessary. Tho Western Union authorities re fuse 10 allow the' publication of the "iron clad oith" they requir) tele grapbers to take. If it is unfit for publication it is not lit to be taken and a telegrapner refusing to subscribe to it is lo be commended lor his man hood. George Freeman was seriously in jured on Thursday evening by falling from the loft of his stable wliile feed ing his stock. He sustained di-loca tion of the. shoulder and received a eveiecut over the eye. Chloroform had to be administered befoie Dr. Aiken could i educe the dislocation. The inj'iry is a great hardship to-Mr. Fieeman aud uiust lay him up for some time. Inadvertently w said lafii week that Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I. O O. F. had cekbrated its 20tli unnniver sarv. The 'lodge vws instituted 23 years ago and its meinber-bip has in eluded many of our livit cituns. Its beneficences have aggregated many thousands of dollars and-its' fraternal influence has made the order u-eful aud respecied wherever its li:euibrs h iv e cast their lot. Those desiring choice trees ought to have leainid by this time that if thev buy of traveling nuiseiy drummers they nre almost certain to get bilked. We have leliable tiurervnien at home who gmrantee every tree to be jtiit as represented and severHi parties 'in this county who have bought of sttangeis, have had the mortification to find when their orchards began lo boar that they planted only seedlings. Plats of Turner's survey in Town ships 3G and 37 Sitith, range 2 Eist h iv o been recei"ed nt the Roseburg Land oliiceand the settleis ato hurry ing iu to tile their chiimsas those town ships are within tin 20 miio Jimit of the rail ioad gniTt. The land officers at Ro-eburg are allowing the settlers the time they have been on their cltims. tins enables tiieui to "prove 1 up and pertect their titles at -once. Sheriff Jacobs who was ordered by the circuit court to re instate Harri son Kelly iu po-session of his mining property, otherwise to bo imprisoned fur contempt, Ins kept outside the bars by appealing to the Supreme couit with Cias. Nickell us bond-man. It is evi dent that wo have no court in this county that the Supieme court is bound to le-pect or the sheriff of tins county is bound to obey except as the whim strikes them. Abell the. leading photographer' of Port'aiid has leased the photograph gallery of Peter Britt for u few days und will bo pleased to see any and all of his old friends and patrons of. the past. NegatjveSrOnly w ill i.be' iriade here all work, will bo finished- ati the Portland gallery. Those "wishing photographs will not delay as his time here is short. The instantaneousidry platn process w ill be worked for chil dren. Tho gallery will be in running order Monday afternoon. The "Standard" says: It is reported that D. P. Thompson, of this city, has been awarded the contract for thi eon st motion of the great railway bridge to span the Will unette at this city. The sum of $059,000 is given as the con ti act price. Mr. Thompson was not the lowest but deemed the only responsible bidder. It is stated that the contrnat calls -for a completed structuro within twelve mouths. We would like to hear of a job too big for Dave Thompson to tackle or one that he could not get awny with. Young Indies of lespectable con nexions may think it amusing to flirt with drummers with whom they have no previous acquaintance but they mi... .i .:... i. Tif. .liicaT'.Cr young men record the names of every,; gin wnu nonces ineiii uiiu wj iininon ly those silly enough to have forgotten proper reserve are made the subjectfofj ...... ..Ff.1 ...! flnrnnrmm cninrifllll' ...1 - !. .mrl," It'-frfnr girls would retain a pure renulauoni they must protect it by maidenly con-' duct and give stranger a wide berth. CL-EUiL .NKIVS. The refusal of Sheriff Jacobs to obey the orders of the Judge of this district Has left the Court without un officer hose services can be relied on. In view of this state of affiirs we leirn that in future His Honor, Judge Ifanna in tends to exercise the lawful prerogative of appointing his own bailiffs, thoso of ficers having heretofore been appointed by the sheriff through the courtesy of the court. The San Francisco "Bulletin" pub lishes a letter, brought down on the steam-r St. Paul, from Ounalaska, which arrived th's evening, announc ing a large gold discovery on the Yukon "river, Alaska. Owing to the extreme cold twenty-eight degrees be low zero it was impossible to do much prospecting. The miners who made the di'coverv were a party fitted out by E. Schiefflin, who made big dis coveries in Arizona and who cleaned up over a million of dollars in that section. ' The postmaster in Philadelphia has made a very practical suggestion in re gard to a postal telegraph, in 'sugges ting that the service should be extend ed to every post office in the United States, by "having certain post offices centers from which telegrams could be distributed by mail. By ru-ch an ar rangement a telegram could bo sent from her, for instance, to a small town near Chicago by having it sent to the Chicago post office und mailed there to its destination. The following is a description of the head quaiters of the Oregon Knights in San Franci'co: The wide stairs leading from the en trance to the main hall are covered with canvass, nnd alorg the sidt3 have been placed p'.ints and exotics in artis tically carved terra cottu vases and boxes. On the main floor largo palm trees spread their ample foliage iu all directions, so as to Iravo just spice enough for a beautiful passage. The hall it-e'f is strung w ith streamers from tho chandeheis, alternating with gar lands of evergreen and delicately tinted paper. Along the sides and under the galleric3 are beautiful hanging has ket, over the sides of which drop tnin iature artificial cactus leaves and sprigs of ivy and uniden-.' hair fern. The in tervals between these biskets nre de voted to elegant wreaths of evergreen bands, with silk ribbons and bows, each circling so.no appropriate mo'to, and being in turn relieved by blended en s:gns and Mascnic emblems. The stage, which foims a delightful back ground for this miniature tropical gar den, is set with n brilliantly colored land-cane, w Iiich forms anaduiirable per spective to the fljral display in front of it. Two large American tligs de pend from the ceiling and are lost on the side in columns of ivy while at the foot of the stage, resting on pilestal-, are the coat f arms of Oregon nnd n -.n'ull shield supjoVted by a stulfed bb.v-k bear. Tim pirlors are decorated in much the -:itue matiiiei, with a still loom libinl display of flouer, nnd exotics, nori hern views, Fouie of which iitui p tinted bv native artists. These are distribn''il in tho ladies' and gentle nuns' par ois, and together with other ricliappoitttuie:itf' complete the most complete head quart' rs in the city. A htre shell fountain, gracefully trimmed in creeping vines, occupies a position in the center of the floor, while a nuni her of small shell ornaments are dis tribuled av3Tit tho room. Among the ladies doing the honors of the refiehment room Mrs. C. W. Fitch (nee Miss Nannie Linn) of Lugcne and Mis. I. (.J Reames and Mrs. E. R. Rf.auio, of Juckaonville, are prominent. Corr. (.po::i!r'i i e. Williams Joscfuixi: Co. On, August 21, 18S3. Ed. Sustinel: Dear Sir: Death has again visited this creek. On Sun day mornmst at four o'clock Airs. F.irris wife nf Thomas J. Farris, died after beint; Mck thirteen days. Her age was about seventy three. She was buiied on Monday by the Grangers in full unifoim. The ceiemonies were rather awkainly performed, lack of practice, of course, there are verv few Grangers die you see. m Thn weather is dry hot and suiol'.v. The farmers on this creek are waiting for the thresher. So i:rain, of course is scaicii vet. That I presume is the reason that .Terrv Nunnn is offering one dellarper bushel for wheat, don't )ou think, the farmers ought to give Jerry a premium of some kind? Miss Magt'ie" Kendal and her ndopted sister, .Miss Lizzie Airs of EurekuCal , aro visiting friends on this creek. Abo their grandfather Mr. Jack Henderson of Kerbv, an old-time resident of this creek. To night jre honor them with a little hop at Mr. Caldwell. Camp meeting is over and all danger is past. Respectfully, Conn Aoain. DIED. SACHS Tn Furth, Bavaria, July 21, 1583 Yet ta Sachs, beloved mother of Lippmann, Sam, Isaac, lien and David Sachs, aged 73 years and 2 months FARRIS On Williams Creek Aug. 18, 18S3, Roxannn, wife of Thos J. Farris; aged 73 years, eleven months and 2S days. HARRIS In Table Rock precinct. August 19, 1883, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Harris. CARTER On Pleasant Creek, Aug. 10, 18S3, Fieuch Carter; aged about oo years. MAR III ED. GRIGSBY POSTON In Manzani ta precinct, Aug. 19, 18S3, by M. Purdin, J.P., Geo. J. Grigsby aud Miss Anna Bell Poston. ixrrt.K Ligr. August 23, 1883 Bartel August Crosby John Ackerman D Chester Georgo Dalgieish Mr Fury II Judd Henry II Mallard II G Miller J Tablot 3 Million J W "Richard E R Treece J A 2 Max Muller, P. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice, f N. P. R. R. WESTERN DIV'S. ) ' O. R. k N. Co. ) I O. k C. R. R. Co. I AT PORTLAND On Sept. iOlh & tlth, ACCCUMT COMPLETION otr the N.P.R.R. t-. Rounl trip tickets have bnen pUccd on sale at all ticket stations nt 40 per cent reduction. Ticuitsgood fium oept. Stli to 13th. lioth days inclusive. John Mum,- A. L. STOKES, Supt. of Traffic, Asst. Supt. Traflic. E. P. ROGER-,- Gen'l Agent. U. S. HOTEL KUILDIXO, JACKSONVILLE, T. 7, PMiVZIf, PROP'S, TT'VING AosTM JLJliiireuic t ot his D THE MAN- p'ort, 1 pronos' keenins it stocked with he flnest I rands of WINE7, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, And will lie pleased to reccire a call from all wlio wish the best in my line. Sat istaction nsstir d. T. T. McKENZlE. ThocYEits Gcron Is is sued March and Sept., each vcar: lti paces. 81x11V 1 inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a -whole pic ture callexv. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or lanuiy use. iciis now to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, cat, drink, wear, or.havo fun with. Thcso invaluable books con tain information gleaned from tho msi kcts of tho world. Wo will mail a cony Frco to any address upon receipt of tho postaga 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. SS ii 2S9 Wabts Atchuc, Chicago. 111. Noli Lvxd Omen it IJosrnrr.o, On., ) August, 17, SS:. f Notice is lureby given (hat the follow in'n lined .settler lu.stilul notice oflier mention to make final proof in sunnort of her claim, and that said proof will hoi matte neioie uie .imi e or Clerk or Jack win "ounty at Jac'.sonvillo Oiexn,ou Sat urday September 0. 1tfS:!, -v'u: Emma (i.'tiio. (widow of Alvin G'ltin deceased.) II mcste.ul No. 20!)J, lor the S E iorsJ E 1. 1 Sec. IS, E V, of N E 1-1 and S W 1-1 of JN E 1-4 Sec. 21 Township :!C South ofRanjc 1 East. She names the follow ing witnesses to pr ve her continuous resi. 'lence upon, and cul nation i f. said land, vz: Henry Isrnvvn, S mon McAllister, James Mil sand JelTTeiili. allofllrowns lhirojgh, Ja Ufcon county, Oregon. Wm. F. DnxjAMix, Register. JPox- 3.lo. One thotrand h 'ad of good liea'tby sheep also about 00 tons of first class grain-hay. App'y 'o. Mrs.S.E ISII, Jacksonville O egon. Warning. 'T'lIE Pl'P.LIO ARE NOTIFIED 1 that I fort.id any pe on liimtin : or disdiarging fire ar us w ithin the limits of my property. Fair warning is heicby gi'vcn that I will prosecute trespassers disregarding this notice to the full extent of the law. M ILVNLEY. Jacksonville Aug. 2oth lSb3. SULLS POR SALE. 'pilE UNDERSIGNED, RESIDING I on th Drake place on Applegate, of fers for' sale a few head of line young Hulls, of Jersey and Short Hom Durh un blood. They arc the bast in the market, and will be sold cheap if early application is m.i".e. For further particulars enquire of WM. EGAN. Noti Of1 Lvxd Omu at RosKnoto, On , ) August 2 lbSU. f Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-narhed settler h is tiled notice of his intention tn make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof ivi.l be made bsfiirc the Judge or Clerk of Jack son countv at Jacksonville Oregon, on Tuesday October 2 1K8;3, viz: James. Sat terll Id. Homestead No. 42015 for the S ofS 1-1 Sec. 14 N"E 1-1 of N W 1-1 and Lot 1 Sec. ?:S T S3 S Range ." West. He 1 names the following -witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, siid land vi.; Wm. Harriet, John Bolt. George Hotrnnn, John stiller, all of Applegate Jackson countv, Oregon Wm. F. BnxjAvn.v, Register. Notice. Lasd Office at Rosrcuno On., ) August 22, 1SS:5. f Notice is hereby givtn that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to n-nkc final proof in support of his claim, .and that said proof will he nude before the Judge or Cleric of Jack son countv nt Jacksonville Oregon, on Tucsdav October 2, 1883, viz: John II. Tvrell, Homestead No. 4207 for the S V lAofSW 1-tSec.:; SE 1-4 ofNE 1-1 Sec. 0 W Jof N- V 14 Sec. 10 T 39 S of Kangc 12 .hast. He nam s the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi denceupon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Samuel Rcndles, Aaron Wvland, W. II. Jaquct', Ro crt Smith, all of Browns lorough Jackson county, Oregon. iVii. F. Bemjais, Register. V foff wa ip '5 jftl Odd Fellow's Ruilding Jntksouvillr, (lrt;oa DKAJ,EU AND WCIIKKU IN". riN.SlIEETIIvOX, CuPl'KR. I.KaO Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW 17AP.E, ROPE, NAILS, Paints Oils, Varnish, Gtoss "CUTLERY, WIRE,? Shot, Erushs, Chains, Hose ETC., ETC: I have secured the ervices of a firt clasi Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair ing promptly und iu superior style. "N CONNECTION VITH TPE ACOVK 1 I am receiving and have conHttMtly hand a full aud first-class stock of GROCERIES, Dur-aooDS, oust boots, tobacco K-KAUY HIADH CLUTIIIHr GLASSWAUE. CKOCKEIVY, 4t. ZSyEverv thing sold at rearnnhl8 t-aten. K..KU1K.I Jacksonville. March. 9, 878. Will slaughter prices, in this space next week. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE,- X. K. Cor. ScconJ and Yamhill Sis., FOHTLAIID. - OREGOH. A. P. Armstrong, J. A. IV'liiCO, Principal. l'miiun anil Secretary Dasrf fcr tha Bishess EJacatica cf Both Sexes. XliutlCtCzycf-' Ailimttnl on any week il ly nf l!ic vcar. -s5!PEHtWOR3CKs- Of all kinds executed l cirdir .it rtasoajbU. ratc-r. SitUCicuou pi-i-mlced. . . . . . I he College "Jo'irn il," ntmnin!r mro iwn nf l! is course of st-iiU, Mt.J ol ti iti. I i nt r.rtc.. fndcuUcl jiUiii Jnd ornai..nUllcr. l .n hi , IrtL. m BEDOGTI -IN- EOTSL PMCES; AT THE SL0VER HOTEL- board mb mm Best house for tho money this side of Portland. DR. J. BROWH, DEUTSCnER ARZT, JarLxoiiTlIlc, Ort-con, "Will practico in all Chronic Diseases, alo Typhoid Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Diph theria, Consumption, Catarrh, etc. Time and doclor' tbills will be saved by coining to me at once. Dr. Brown will guaninteo to forleit -)00 for every case of Stminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails'to cure. His nitdiciuc is purelv veg etable and has all the power and etlieacy of calomel or quinine, without any of tho injurious alter effects.- Shingles For Sale. The undersigned is now prepared to furnish the best quality of shingles, rut with diamond knife, in any quantity dr. sired. Price delivered in Jacksonville ifcl per thousand or transportation off rt the mill, situated two mile south of Willi. ms creek post office. Order can be left wltii G. Karew.ki. J. Gjiaphax. I n1 f i,.