OREGON SENTINEL JACKSOKVIL.L.K Batdrdat. Accost 18, 1883. Ice cream Festival. The ladies of the mite society, will serve ie -cream, on next Thursday evaning, in the base men of the Pre bvteriau church. Selling Out. Thoe desiring any thing iu the line of merchandise will do wel1 by calling on Barruch Fialier be fore going tlsewhare at he ia closing out hi stork at cost. A trill will convince yeu all. Notice. A. larire axxortnient of the csUbrifed New Home sewing ma chine, the let ana cheapest in the nia'Uft,! Hr just been received at E C. Lfok' Moie. Ca'l and examine O't u liffo'e pun-basing eUewbare. r i (.i Contemplating removal i Uon i'l-, L Solomon offer hit .) lJ.;lifoiiiia,Si.. an excellent , ...iit;, for .-ale. cheap; al I n sunlit of household ami a i f i'ihi up uuie, cm 1 1. Give him an early FucMi'ur.c Fus salk Contempla ling n-umval to San Francisco S. Cohn o3or hit household JuriiitHre-for-aale tit a barairiJHe lrta complete out tit for houSel.eepinr, including a black walnut, inaibln ion liedroom art. Call eatly if jou.want to aecura a bargain. Sad Bk'-kavehkkt We regret to tiole the death of the only child of Piof. J. W. Merritt and wife which cut red on ijj'urday evening last, i lie funeral tnLit-g place on Sunday. The ciih', a hriu'ir little boy of only iiiuu mo.il'i, vva taken ill on Saturday moinin imd nl nough all putihlu w. i done he died at 8 P. it. They have the svmp.vi-y of thin community for a tud den muation that look all they had. A 1..ve;.t Docs. George 'Bigham lias a dog ot die "Bu'l ' vaiiety that has niJeutty a gie.it humility to "calves." Tim oilier day he mail, a dive for Dare C.o'iv and lio' him by .bcalf of the leg geJi:nj: a vvhoV luouihful of pants and Koine epr.lei mis. In a few mil) iip be niiiid S. P. Jones with the .Ban lexAilt Hint, a little later, he made .a e ' u "isi'iil luti-;e at a stranger ilo was suijirisej at hi unpleasant faliiillniity. The owner, had beiter miu -'k ( iiat lively dog or keep him out of ton n for he is liable to be shot on zi&ht. Fj5 Fruit. Mr. Tn Miller of Sa'.diue creek in this oounty brought .un a Ikjx of peaches this week that ex .celled any we have, seen in Oregcn. 3'!iey were of the -lBiig; varle.y" that originated in Josephine county and we.i uanjed at'inr a i.-oniiumt oltizrn of that county. IVoy are a 'iMiutifu! -white and pink fien .tne delicious in Til it or and everal ef those brought us measured fouitxen inches in circuiu fnrence. Mr. Miller cntllengea the j-Ute to equal them mid lie wel' may. He hai a number f Iniddcd ,ticc3 of this magnificent ioa.k in his nursery -uiki iiiuks wuogauij w.u o lortu aiate. Odd FKLLnws Celkrratiox. Yo terday th 20ih anniversary of Jack aonville Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F. wes celebrated by the fraternity in excellent jstyle a large number of v uiting brot.:- "-em-from Kerbyville and Ashland being tireeeut. After ceremonies in tL ow n Jiall the brethren clothed in re S'llla :iud pteo!ed by ihe Jacksol -sille band tiiarched to Holt's Hall. Af'er s.m choice v.-cal music an -mtioii w.i.. delivered bv Hon. W. I. N . holsof Yrexa that was a maaterlr -.ii.l el,.a.,ei,t effort showing the sofi t-niii,' infl.iencH and fraternal and' I bfititicent character of Oddfellowship. Afier the exerces the brother, od rt-tuni'-d t.i their lodge room nia were lisiiiissed. The ball in the evening was a grand success tickets being sold ,ind the feuivitiet being kept p till a late hour in the morning. Cause for R joicivo We learn A1""-"1 people will be mere dumb 1i.v t'.e offer of the chair of Professor ""' in Jair Gu' '" 1 "turJ in ie No.uml .le.artnientof the Sute If you want a Sewing Machine rail Unive.sitv has lieen declined by Prof, at E. C. Brooks' druj. watch, clocl J. W. Mei-iitt, I'.i.uipnl of our school. lo jewelry store. His machines ate "We .icl.n.twledg-seliishness when we! a ltt.'e finer and his prices a little av that we would regret almoet any 'snugger, than anv other buggei's. oll'erfiom abroad that would deprive ,. ,4r. . " , this coumiuniiy of Mr. Meritt's . Th?vEjcam"""' says a large grizzly ser.iccs. He i. the peer of any tdu- ". "'"o the couniry east of Lake, ator in the state i.i culture, moral a: V,eW' lf -' feIlow w '"l "" "J. as intellectual, and is .Huliarly gifted :v tW W" "? 'V w7 .of f?kev,ew thefacull. ofimparlinshisownh ck CXCUM "f-om interviewing hi. edge to his pupils. The reasons U It is understood that all the railroad Mr. Merritt's declination of the cases will be appealed o the Supreme proffered honor are best known to him- Court. Ttie partirs who Milled with swilf and we can only congratulate ti is the company probably thought "a -community that it is not to be deprived bird in hand worth two in the bush." lor anotner j ear of the herricas of an educator who has served it for c:pht consecutive ypars so satisfactorily iLat Lis removal would be a public los. ' KELioiotrs. Rev. B. J. Sharp . preachns at Ashland next Sunday morn ing and evenit.g. He starts for Con- ference next day Prof. M. G. Royal of Ashland will reach in the M. E. Church in Jacksonville tomorrow in the morning and evening Regular services at the Catholic church by Rev. F. X. Blanchet Tver. J. A. Slover will pieach at the Manzanita church on the 26th. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to every one to attend. The members are especially requested to W present.... A basket meeting will be held at the Williams creek camp ground, Josephine county, next Sun day. Elder M. Peterson officialinp. Everybody are invited to bring their dinners along, so two discourses can be preached.... The fourth quarterly ting of the M. E. Church, South, to be' held at the Grange ford on Itogpe river, commenced yesterday. Iter. B-.C,. Oglesby officiatine,, , , -H. C. Fleming preaches at the 'found . district sehael.aouM .Saaday w mine. UlCXLITKllS. Judge Pay and family retdmed from ICntceut City this .week. Merrilt Bellinger and family are rusticating at Jenny creek. Three Farms for sale. E.ifluir of T. G. Reaatrs, Jacksonville, Oregon. Frank Kasshafer dinpenses the ardent at Cross' i-aloon at Phoenix. Mi. Mensor advertises a large clear a .ce sale. lie hays goods must go. Mrs. Sallie E. Ih wishes to purchase two cood work mules read her adver tisement. Miss Allie Klippel returned this week from Portland after a two months visit. Mr. Jos. Itnpp hss the thanks of the printers for Mime delicious waterruel ous. Bap again. Mr. S. E. I-h 1; n. good farm for rent on favorab'.- r:ms. Bead what she says eUehei. Haskell Any hs sel'led with the O. & C. B. B. Co. accepting their offer for right of way S700. Miss Nixon of Yrela will leave for her home on Monday next after quite a vitdt with friends here. Frank Krause and family returned from Soda Springs on.Thuasday after a pleasant sojourn of a week. A number of our young folks among them Miss DuWiit of Yreka intend taking a trip to Soda Spring. A. D. Rockfellow it Co., Attorneys and Counsellors at .' w aid Real Es late Agentc, Aslilai o, Oregon. The few catis of diphtheiia that were in town are convalescing and there iseenis no caus? for alarm. Cash paid for wood and grain by the Roeue R:ver DU.illing Ce. r."dl on N. K. Lytle for L formation. The steam milln hero will soon be in operation, -Mr. Karewski having ob tained a legal title to the property. Small lots of wheat have been sold here for 80 cents but the majority of farmers are holding for a better figure. John Bilger Jr. will take the place vaca ;d by his brother William in the store of Bilger &. Maegly on Monday . Peaches are coming into market now at price within the reach of everybody and some are unusual'y b'ue. Have you seen those stylish hats. .tinned at Mre. J S. Howard's fash lotinble millinery establishment, and o cbeap? The physicians say that there is les than l .ft ordi r.ry amount of hickiiCii b e August generally Lcing their busy month Mr. NatLangell is in Portland post ing himself in the duties of hia new office deputy collector of the 3J dis- j trict of Oregon. Po:k has taken a tumble owing to a lr.rg supply raving been brought o tLj front from the Willamette. The ijrioe ia now 61 to 7 cenU Ihe "Examiner" telU a good story on Ha. 1KX..1RH et at who thought sy hat a l.f..T in a box and ' sicked' tueir d-igs on it but it wasn't a badger vv it Halt Bilcsr & Maeglv announce the fol lowing reduction in prices: Nails for $6 50 per keg, white lead for $J 75 j.- '25 lbs., coal oil for $3 50 a can, a. i tct.y thing in pioportion. Nowman Fisher will leave for San F jticisco nest week to purchase g c u lie will uo accompanird by his daugh rann' tiogoes to.ee tde Ins .tj Conclve ana le big ci.v-. Within a couple of weeks there will be a force of several hundred men grading through the valley as there V sorae sticky land that ran be worked to best advantage while dry. It is aid that Jar Gould is trying to put the "Vilhrd system" i:i l.i-, .pocket: How lr. . before the whole Viet Schuts is having a largo re-, ervoir constructed so as to furnish water for his whepl, and as it will .- considerably elevated it will be an ex c llent sourco of supply in ca-e of fi.- . Sheriff Otto of Del Norte Co. Ca1., has betn sojourning for several davs in Jacksonv ille this week. He is a "very pleasant gentleman who keeps his own counsrl so he was not asked what his business was. We had a call veslerdav fiom Peter ttciser who reports quiet times in Josephine coun'y but says a goo! mmii.g setinm npxt wintpr will make things Mvely apain as there is still much rich ground there. . Mr. Wm. Carll, Division Agent for the Stage Cnmpnny.. went north on Thurs lay He :5oe riot seem inclined to purchase much grain yet, evidently anticipating a fa'l in prices and expects to buy largely in the Umpqua. Tlie Scott minstrel trnuie will per. form here again on the 25th one night on!r. Tiipy were to be here on the 17th bqt haying gone to Eureka the oonneotjon could not be made. Their show is viry much above the arsrage. - Al Blatter -of -cohceniDco in our new court house, I would suggest, shorter chairs, taller jurymen, or an elevated rear platform so that thoe in rear seats can see sen something lc siilc3 the back of the chair in front of them. A JurTmax. Ben Bekman left for San Fran cisco on Wednesday. He will return lo Eugene Citv by way of Portland and resume his studies at the University in September. Beu is one of the fcood beys of Jacksonville and will make a bright scholarly map. I wilt take wheat delivered at any of the mills at one dollar per bushel from those owing me. Those snowing themselves indebted nwd no be backward in accep ing this r- t offer. J. NU5AN. August 11, 1883. We acknowledge a ca'l this week fmm -T A Wllanli (tilt nitl l nw 3- tantof'N.'DeLimatvr, merl-hant ' Unt.v treMirer nf J.r.diinP rountv. I Mr. W. " ck in' lie Odd Fellow' ?"'" o.'PeUrLr.t: .c a few day celebration and '..all while he.v and ftnd wI!1 b P'f ' .w r3.r nd ,l says "he will come back again oil. "f h:- '1 Wends t-U gallons of the past. Negatives only i made The new liquor houde of the D.i'I t j,PIt, rji worjt WJH U Sc'shed at tln ingCo. i8doinga'landoaicebuMnes,"por.ianj gailprr. 'uose x.i l.ini: the public takins 'o the llogue liver , ,,iI0 r - wjro"t delay m his fme article like a kit en to new milk. - ,fTt ;, :,ort iJ,e instpntaneous drv old farmci exel .imed when he tamj ' , ,,iate vro:nB w be worbed for chil it, "By jocks tins is like; tli 'a. )s)oicd stuff that didn't set peo'.' crazv I The Oregon S'ate Normal School at Moutimoulh wi'lopen itsser-ond session on Tuesday Spptembei 18th. ""Hon. J. F. Caples of Ponh d will deliver the o i ng address at 10 o'clock A. : i iit,terpstin.progntinineincoiinek.ti : wi i he addri-bs will be annoui.ee 1 dua time. Sheriff J 't'vbs was teleg-njihed ;n tPidiy by ex Sheriff lloan tf '!). burg that Mel'vil'n alias )env .it in JH'I there sul'ject ! is ". it the fellow who e.n .;i ti s. i 1 fi . tie tORRtable. at Grave c.-rek aid j-' .:.i' -.1 with mbkirv of Riddlcai . o.. f e 1,1. kivou. Mr. Otto the mail cintrartor on the ' route from Cr-scent (Jitv tojil iensb . informs us that ni'lv ilia, portion t the route from Smiih River loCre ejt City has been cut off and tint Ie: ei-. sill go via .iinith Ilivir. Eld'eoe of 'ie"Rrcoid" in his item cutoff ihe wiong end of the route. One witness in the case of the 1 . R. Co. vs. Hiker swore that 2d e land in this county, was wo'th fl per'uere. He himself has soiiih das. land and by the sime iu'c it would be equity to asse-.s -. at $200 00 per acre. He would then moJ'fy his opinion regarding rubies. Hon. Ceo. B. Dorris and family ' ill leave for their home in Eugene liy ii Monday next nf'er an exen.i 1 tisit among relations here. Mr. DiM3 ars his years well having chned tmt little sime he waidelving into i' niV8te:iesof Bbcksrone here and paring himsulf foi hii future bono: .i career. A white man named Ankeny and a v.iunanian were arrested on J ue day ' evening, the former for opium tnioK ing, me lazier inr Keeping an oiui. den. Justice Huffer ''hit" the Cl in about $2G 00 while the fellow that bit the j ipe was allowedto dei art in consideration of havinir helped to convict the Chinaman. New goods at reducpd (iricns o' sh store of S. S. Aiken i: Co. 1 eep everything usually to be fou a general merchandise s! re, and method of giving tho bc-it good' ie .ow prices and nial mg exact chaire , s!loct tlie ten(er .iUuf, of ems to have become popular here at tra!n boj8 she pro.,abiT wol,:,j a-.t. Iheirnew adveruseaent wi'lboua;d some ott(.r tbings, but the ti found in another column Gen. W. T. Sherman and party will airivein Portland on the 25rd . .st. The old veteran threatens to shcot the leader of any band attempting to play "Marching through Georgia" and bays if tin Oregon girN jK-mst in kissing him he wiM show them that he never re reats; e.jcially when away from his base of supplier Mrs. S. T.'.e-e is considerable diiph.'.riji s.iut't iverl.v villo and elsewhere ovp me louuty theie having b-in so. tral fatal .la's. An eminent phy mc.aw recommends thirty grains of quinine in a pint of whisky as a pro ve .live, the dose to be for children n teaoonful thiee times daily. For adu ts he dose to bo doubled. The telegraphic strike su'll continues and a sentiment in favor of a postal telegraph Iipj. been created all over tl.ii country. The boys should citcul.i'o petitions and it is doubtful if a single citizen except a Wt stern Union mco'. holder would iefue his signature. Tl.is is the way to bring a prerure on Congress that would be irresistible. The railroad company has about 175 men emploved on railroad work on the faiskiyou mountains. Of this numlier alwut 60 Chinamen are em ployed in building a wagon rocd froi-i near the Soda Springs house to juck Roc, which the company will u) fo; hauling their mathinery and supplies for digging the several tu.ine.ls in that section. A new feature was observable in the court this week, the railroad comi.anv taring secured the si rrurs of Mr. W, G. Lee as phonetic reporter. Mr. Loo has b.-eii an at. ache of Engineer Do'..scn'8 corps and ia eridentJy an ex pert short hand writer, 'ih'xn is nothing new in larger communities but here it seemed to add a grwiter air of importance to the proceedings. Oacar Kilbourne the U. S. Gauger from Portland is hern on official busi ness having lieen detailed to do some gauging for Lytla df Co., the officer In charge of the distillery not being al lowed to do official work except at the distillery. Mr. Kilbourne is accom panied by his daughter a bright little iplss of fourteen whocome tn sea wqat southern Oregon girls look like. Tkrr-Frattk Aliellknowledged to bn the-b'neft photographic artist in Portland, has rented Mr. Britt's es tablishment for ft short time and those wanting pictures,-had-better call soon. Mr. Alell is in jioor health ami leaves his large business in Portland only temporarily in order to regain it. He has the beautiful "setter dog with him that wen the silver cup in California last year. We had a very pleasant call from Miss Lizzie Nixon toe accomplished daught r of Mr. Robt. Nixoc of Yreka and au exiert type 'Setter in the "Journal" office. She was accompanied by Mi s Minnie D Witt of Yreka and Mrs. Chas. E. Hanna ho sems to ' wear her ne name as easily as if it were two years instead of a w Jc old. The fellow tbaT engsges the afore mentioned typo for a permanent "ait" will bfe a lucky chap. lwll ti-e lcIn n'no'ng spher of Poland '..'3 .c--. i photograph ,jr(n The gallery will be it; running (order Ilonday afternoyn. - We paoiished a Statement of Mrs I John l)oneca, "' w"et, charr,i"g her bus'jsnd with rob's h 'r of her , o;t ' ty. Now comrs ,-v f t'ifier al!i i hlni.-lf "j .nth'' who siys the pio r"tv was Pnn'-jan's. Mrs. Doregan savs rot and the qn i-on will s-on be I I lvtee.1. "Ttuth" "s o haVy in p -ti " inio the adver.isir co'umr.s o" a piper r defend t'.e turning o1" a w man and two helpless children into the .street that we su .t he is, himself. 1 : .. t ii i ? . insi sucn a s. oiinurei -as wouiu asixi in o disredi able h tratv ini. Jlrs. Do'ie,.". . rtx-iw-in'e for her s-ie- tifnt md if '".r :'.." is not cur Iip will cive his urine and not stiiken ' he'ti'.ess woman in the dark. Ea:l-.i..-ji' l ki.calloa. Tbe ntiirorm scheme of the North ei ii Pa.ifii; is like'v to samnoilv nl double. The l.'Mi-.a-ck 'J't'bu ie n -,: The man wh vvai "ent out i ni'.isu'a . ition ""eius for the'. i ev. uii.tui m i .'i hug y;.it'iiad over a ni i til'k p'aed him br Hie bia'u! "! ito fal'r ! to poo him as 10 lie t x of igents. He wasstar . from St. Paul, ud as l.e passed uwr the road te!e .'Si'iieJ ii various agents t. ' i: on ue ill ,i in .o he cou'd get lheir il;- I uiensloiis, length of limbs, e ., during Jie usual stoppise of the tir.in. At .mes.'own he sent the following dispatch: 'Aaent, Cleveland:. Take offeverv- l'.i!:ig but v our shirt and pants and be oi the platform when the train ar.i.es, to be measured for uniform." The dispatch was dulv transmitted, a id when the ti..ii reached C'l" elftinl, .ue ta'lor sjn-ang o T, tspe line iii ' u, ann felled for the agP.TX. in ie i to his call, a very hanusot'- t v ..epped forward ; . vi 'at the had the ho i 'on- nt position. Si'n i acknowledge the recebii Ii I l ot li.i c i Pr"'-'rt and cylY t0'd nJ, tl)at all hang j bUe ,,ad a t herltnes in the rouo and uncoy h weit, where the godo.-s of fas'i i , , i 'gr iu and a st.-.i. gr, ie u j.t -iiiittiy would not liar Iniu.' U a oslume as he sug gested. She might takeco'd, and fear j cd that such a unique s.yln of dres3 I miht atti' t undue at.nlion an 1 the have tailor swooned at this po'ot and was carried into the smoker ia an unconscious vondiuou. Hickory t Ecler. Editor Se:;tinel: Tn view of our public school being called soon, a few uggestions in regard to the mode of punishment therein may not be amiss. The number of persons whose hands are drawn out of shape by "the iheu- I matiz" su0ests that something unusu l must cause the same Can it be toe modern ruler! O'teu wielded by a strong hand, and of dimensions that would warrant a humanitarian in ar resting the vdagogue for cruelty to animals, if beating a bovine, in u:!i a in.uiner the immediate ir u't of v'hich often maims the culprit for da, a while tie unpopular, o'd "hickory" may I. are a mark to-day it will not re-, leronn of 'he most useful and intil- ate members of :Le ldy more than t seless, twenty year-, bene. As a jurty direi !y.inse-el, I would like to-hear liomsoaieliKird ot the ' ruler." COSSl TEJ.T. -j-,-:.. Faeucts A'At-miox. C. Karewski is ,ovv pre;inrl t , e j tracts for i ring gtai i vvrh Lis improved ma i in any -parts of the coUn'.y. i .. h already iVino some work for Win .''. -, J.r. A. t..ir-uU , Nick Ficse, V. Mi :. ela.:.l Cil. I'nury, nnd . Trs to them as to the ii anner in whv.i :t was done, lin c'aiins tint he nn cuigiain lower than, can be reached v.I. h any hetder and stands "reidy to prove it to all who doubt. Ebductios is Pwcgs John Mille-, at the IJu.t.cr a Emporium, is sellltn; hay foita r$l each; scu lies and snaths, $1 7Sj grindstones, Q cents per T,tuid;and all osher gooiz in his line 10 per cent, less than e.-rr before din Jacksonville. Remember that Mr. Ma goods areoT the best and he doss just as he agrees Iq. - Stay or PROCBExcis.In the case of John Justus, iiow in the oouqtv jail under senlenco of death for mur der, a say of proceeding has baen obtained by his counsel. The appeal ters bare been pefected and his case will go to tht Supremo court for reriotr. r 1 siSsutrL-jTEWsr - The ruling price of wheat in Walla Walla is sixty cents. Apaches are indulging in their usual deviltry in Sonora, Mexico. Genl. Sherman is to hae a grand re ception at Vancouver on the 25. h. Machine dried apples are 12J cents per pound in Portland, prunes 12 cents. The Northwest "News" savs for every dude there is a dudine. What are the)! Circuit Court for Klamath county will couvann at Link villa on Monday the 27th inst. The Roseburg "Independent" rejiorts the crops in Douglas county as gen erally better than z? sea-on. The people of Roseburg are saguine in the expectation of a railroad being built from that point to the coast. B. F. Dowell s arted for Ltnkville yesterday to attend to an important law suit involving the right to water. At a staperobberv in Arizona on th 11th $3,200 wa taken and W. F. k. . 'k ii'psjioi J.er, John Collins, was kilieJ and the driver wounded. Roseburg is to lie the end of a rail road division ami tin 1 cation ot a roi.nd hou0 'iid machine sh-,! theie wiM ba of no -ii.l benefit to the town. The Orego Commandery of Knight Templar po to San Francisco as pit niniK. Tom It-ami-", E-.nis and .v iron ara healthy looking pilgrims aiut tl.eyl One of Henry Ward BeecherV Icures in Portland is 1 1 be on the "in:-al uses of luxurv and Ii auty " Dop.s he know anything about the im moral uses of those thing-! The brick work on the court house will be dnishetT by Mr. Btars on Monday. Mr. Marsh will then com mence putting on the roof expecting to complete it in about three weeks. A San Frnncid-o court has decided that a ceitain murderer is civilly dead. Them r.re mtny murderers uncivilly alive who ought to be dead and buried nnd, Jo the discredit of Kan Franc'seo, Wheeler the girl straugler is one ot ItlPIU. The vgstal ti-lpgraph companr (a sto k companv) is Iteing boomed up It wM bo a f-ir lunch for the Western Union when Gould's anaconda stomach becomes flexile but a Government tele graph would be more than he could 8 wallow. Clrenlt Court. Since last week the following pro cc ings were had. O. & C. R. R. Co. rs. F. M. Ply n-.-'e to appio; riate land. Jury gave a v-(d:U for ri. fendaut for SI, GOG i'3. O. ii C. R. R. Co. vs. J. W. Biker, et al td annroiiriite land. Verdict for defendant for $687.50. State vs. Wm. Ruble and A. S Jacobs, Harrison Kelly, Relator. Pio tred'njs for contempt. It was ordered iiik A. S. Jacobs (Sheriff) purge b'mself of contempt by dispossessing, , j Wm. Ruble, at his own cost, of certain I mir.inj property anu re insinimg riar i on Kelly in Ihe possession ot saut ; roperiy. It was further ordered that Rublo be fined S200 for contempt in disobeying the injunction of the court and that he surrender possession of said mining property to Ilarrisen Kelly forthwith and in default that he be imprisoned in the county jail of Jackson county until such fine is paid and the order of the court complied with. Wm. Ruble vs. IT. Kl!y Action to recover $7000 damages. Dismissed on motion of plaiutif. Ella M. Roberts vs. W. II. Roberts cuit for divorce. Demurrer to de fendents answer sustained. Ed. Hendricks vs. G. Karewski to reiover propertr. On trial lfore his Honor Judge Hanna without jury. Aw Alarnslas Malady. Muscatisk, lu, Aug. 9. Milton Junction, twelve miles from here, is much agitated over an alarming mala dy, suppos-'d at first to be cholera in fantuin, but which, though niainlt con Ii.. I'd to chihlrpii, has attacked cow;, persons. There were seven deaths yesterdar, all the children of Mrs. Arnall. Several grown persons are now seiiously 'II, including Dr. Shewhood, a resident physician. In cluding children, nearly 100 deaths have uccuried from this malady. IX MF.MOEY OF Mil. MICY VOLVTKLL. Once mnre has the silent tomb enclosed Tlie form of n lov'n?; wife. Stern denlh bath rclt I'.icImIc which bound Two heaits lo this perishing life. When s'. j passed out from among us, Twas a blight and shining HsUt, Not vvluley lt among us, Now it beams in mansions bright. O! this wo-M seems dark and gloomy. Since the deer ones pone away. A-jd her sweet vn ce nPrT will grcitmc, At the chsing of the day. Wc.'ome home bow sweet it sounded, J-iom those loving lips cf thine. Ah '.is graven deeply giavcr. Oh this saddened heait of mine. Tnou wert met by hosts of angels. T hey were wailing on the shore, Wait to wi.it the new bom spirit, To the blest forever more. Ah 'lis vain that I should mourn thee, Thou h I p -scd to realms ai ove. The e tosU'.nc in mbes iinuior.r,', K....h the srclle of Jesus love. O I will not mourn thee Mary, For I -v-cn will follow tb.-c, There to Join the blessed itasels. Feaslii s neatb the Tooba Tree. Though this life seems dark and dreary, Theresa comforter above. Who will jruide thy frail steps homeward, To a land of llht and lore. Now with calmness and submission. Will I kiss the chastning rod. Knowing that I soon will follow My eartlu treasure bomvxiQ.Qod. -cnxTiOTi wf-nrsaiC'WWJHX. Last Friday the contractors on the Cow creek tunnel on the Oregon k California extension, reached dav light near the center, and will have the tunnel ready for the track lay era in about ten days. Tim p rforation whs 2,800 feet, ami is the longest tu ' e! on the line, except the, one at the Si kirou mountains To an ''Oregoniaii' rejiorter who applied for news con cerning the progress of the road lie yond thi tunnel, manager Koehler Have the following information: The grade and high Structure between the Grave creek tunnel, which was b'niihed early in July, ami the Cow creek tun nd, a distance of seventeen miles, are finished und track laving will proceed with only slight interruptions to Grave creek. Them will probably be no" serious delays in finishing the line lie twen Gleudale, the present terminus, and Grant' Pas, ninety eight miles south of Roseburg. Regular trains will not run beyond Glendale until the road is opened to Grant's Pas, which will be done alout the middle of O.-lo ber. From Grant's Pas to Ashland, a distance of forty five miles lhrou.li Rogue River valley, the road t easy of conitructiou, and it is rxjecied thai the line will be in operation to Ash land br the end of the year. Thirty two miles ot road beyond Ashland will finich the Oregon and California Company's share of the line connecting Oregon with California, but ihtrt thirty two miles are in the Sis fciyou mountains and quite as difficult of construction as any like distance through the Cow creek hills. There will be six tunnels, aggregating GI00 feet in tenet h. the longnt lieing h little over 3000 feet. "Oregonian." Eeal Kslate lrAs.cilons. Recoried in the Clerk's office since our Isst repirt: C. C. I-hman, etal., to trostees of Presbyterian chuic'i of Jscksonvi'.le, lot in Jacksonvil e. Consideration, 1 C. C. Beikmaii to O. k C. R. R. Co., right of way. Consideration, $1 Thos. Smith to A. S. Jacie, laud in Ashland. Consideration, $175. J. S. Lacey to G. Nay lor, property on Jeniiv cieek. Coiuideruiiuti, 51,100. ' . C D. Reed to P. J. Rvan, property on Jackson creek Considi r.ilion $1. J. K. Pattou to Mary Diikey, proj. erty in Ashland. Consideration 450. C. H. Hoxie to Huiinah D. Joued, quitclaim deed. C-insideratinn, $1. G. W. Hoxie to H. D. Jones. Same. NEW ADVEUI'ISRMEN'IS. ' W antod. Two good work mules, each, to weigh one thousand pounds or over. Apply to, Mns. S. E. Isit. Kear Jacksonnville. Augtist IS 18S3. X"oxr Hont. The farm know aa the Centers Ranch. will be rented U a good tcaant, tor uue or more years. Apply to, Mita. 8.E. Ibii, Near Jacksonville, August 18 18S3 W.xa.iocl. 150 cords mixed dry pine and fir wood, and several tbouaDd bushels of grain are wanted at the Rogue River Distillery for which cash will be paid. Apply to the undersigned in Jacksonville K. K. Lytlz. August 18,1883. Bids Wanted. Tlie undersigned will receive bids at the County Treasurer's office in Jackson, vide, until September, 1, 1883, at one o'clock, p. ji., for doing the lin work on the new couit hou:c and furnishing the t:n nnd other material for doing same. All woik to be done according to plans and specifications and under superintend ence of O. E. Payne architect. Right re served to reject any and all bids. L. S. P. JIARSH, Contractor. Treasurer's Notice. Ofkce or County Tre isuiier. J Kerbyville, Or. Aug. 15, IBS', f Notice is hereby given that there are funds In the County Trc?sury for the re dcmpli.in of the followincr warrants: No.2J6. protected Dec. 10,1881; Xns 210 and 242. pinte-ted Dec. 2, 1S81; No. 24C, protested Jan. 4. 1SS2. Inteiest on tbe same will cease from this date. X. DEr..vMvrrj2it, Tiesst'ter of Jocphino Co. By J. A. Wn jon. Deputy. HOLT'S HALL, JACKSONVILLE. RETURN IIP THE F.1V0WES -ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday Eva Aug. 25th. M. AimEY SCOTT'S JUBILEE SIKGERS COLORED MINSTRELS AND BUCK -Bl CLE.OQOK OPKRt TUIHPr, In an entire New Programme. NEW MINSTRKt. TIIHT PJUT. h UCRLK.OQUK Ol'KKA. New SPtCIALTIBI Ew cit. See Oar Cranit Street Farndr, Salcnlrr, Jlnjatt IS, at B r. M. RE3ERVED SEATS AT REAMES BROS. STORE. The above Company will appear at SM'THIUVER Au; 20ih V A. LiUU !! I KERBYVILLE 2.1..1 WILDERVILLE 24 h UOCK POINT 27 b NOTE At the conclusion of perform ance the floor will bo cleared and a social Hop given our superb Orchestra in tendance. M. AINSLET SCOTT. 3Ianager, L.aiORTSLOCUM,ASenU Otld Fellow's Eniltlin; Jaekscntillf, Ortjoa DEALER AND WOUIkER IN lIN'.SnEririROX, COPPER, LEAD Pumps, AORICULTURAL IMPLEMENT NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVE8f HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW WARE,' ROPE, NAILS, Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLERT, WIRE, Shot, Brnshs, Chains, ZIobo ETC., KTC: f have urnre.t tbe eilces of a flret elsrt Mechanic, and am prepared to lie all repair ing promptly and lu fuperior style. TN CONNECTION Vixil THE ABOVS L 1 am recirinirnnd bare eopftanlly li.iud a lull sad first data stock of GROCERIES, DKY-O00DS, OBM B0OTB, TOBACCO IlKAUY MADE CLOTHINr GLASSWAHE. CROCKERY, 4c. -EvertblngioM atrea?maMe rates. K. KUBLI lsckonvilI. March. 9 1878. BILGER & MiEGLY Will slaughter prices in this space rust week. Notice. U. S. Land Office at RosEnuno, On., I Augusts, 1883. j Notice is hereby given that Wilfred Prifontain whose post ofllce address ii F.Kits Crctk, Jackson county, Oregon, has this day filed his application for patent for the'follow'og dcrsiilK.fl tract of land as milling giouml; viz: the a J of 3 W 14ofS W 1-lofScc. 1 TOO S.iuth of Range 4 West of the Willamette Jleridian. con taining 20 acics in the Font's Creek Min. ing District, Jackson county, Oiegon, by location August 14, 1S78, enil recorded as placer mining ground in the Jackson county mining records. Vol. 17 Page 37. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above described land are re quired to file their adverse claim with tho Register ofthc United State Lin.I Office Roseburg, Oiegon, during the sixty days publication hereof, and filling to do so their claim will be b irred by stttute. Wjt. F. Bknjuiin, Register. GREAT REDUCTION -IN HOTEL PBICES AT THE SLOVER HOTEL BOARD AND LODGING Rest house for the money this fide of Portland. DR. J. BROWN, DEUTSCJIER ARZT, Jacksonville, Ore;on, Will practice in all Chronic Diseases, also 'I yphoid Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Diph theria. Consumption, Catarrh, etc. Time and doctor's bills vvill be saved by coming to me at once. Dr. Rrown will guarantee to fotleit $jOO fireveiy case of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. His m. ditine is ptnely veg etable and has ail the power and efficacy of calomel or quinine, without any of the injuiinus utter lift eta. Shingles For Sale. The undersigned fa now prcpnrcd to furnili the best quali'y " sbt.igle cut with diamond knife, in any quant'lv de sired. Price delivered in Jurl.ionvi'fe S3 at-1 per t hoiMind or tranporlal'on off at the mill, situated two mile south of Williams creek pot office. Order can bo left wiu G. Kartwikl. J CHATitut.