Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 04, 1883, Image 3

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Satuuday, AcacsT 4, 1883.
Selliso Out. Those desiring any
thing in the line of merchandise will do
well by calling on Barruch Fisher be
fore going elsewhere as he u closing
tout his stock at cost. A trial will
convince you all.
Notice. A large assortment of the
celebrated New Home sewing ma
chines, the best ana cheapest in th
"market, have just been received at E
0. Brooks' store. Call and examine
them before purchasing elsewhere.
For Sale. Contemplating removal
from Jackson-ille, L.Solomonufiers his
residence on California, St., an excellent
piece of property, for sale cheap; also
b good assort ment of household and
kitchen furniture. Give him auearlv
Supplies Wanted. Agent Nicker
on advertises for bid for furnishing
the Agency with 25,000 pounds of
teef, net on foot; 12.000 iounds of
tnutton, noton foot; 31,800 pounds of
flour and 12,000 pounds of oats. Bids
Nvill be opeued at 2 p.m. August 6ih.
Furniture For Sale. Contempla
ting removal to San Francisco S. Cohn
offers his household furniture for sale
bt a bargain. He lias a complete out
fit for housekeeping, including a block
walnut, marble top bedroom set. Call
early if jou" want to secure a bargain.
Fire. The cabin owned by M.
McNair of Gidice Creek was burned
to the ground on Thursday of last
week the building and contents proving
a total loss, amounting to about 400.
The cnus9 of the fire is not known as
it burned during the absence of the
Good Yield. Mr. Thos. F. Beall
of this vallev has just threshed a field
of whrat of 19 J acres and the clean up
is 1,002 bushels or 50k bushels to the
acre. This does not look as if the ex
ceedingly dry season has injured crops
very much nor docs it betoken a fam
ine by any means.
Reduction in Prices John Miller,
at the Hunter's Emporium, is selling
hay forks for SI each; sevthes and
snaths, SI 75; giindstones, CJ cents
per pound; and all other goods in his
lino 10 per cent, less than ever before
o!d in Jacksonville. Remember that
Mr. M.'s goods are of the best and he
does just as he agrees to.
Quarterly Meeting The fourth
quarterly meeting for Jacksonville cir
cuit, M. E. Church, South, will be
held on the south side of Rogue river,
at the Grange lord, commencing on
Friday before the third Sunday in Au
gust. It will be a basket meeting.
AH are invited.
It C. Oglesby, P. E.
A Change. Tim following change
lias been made on the mail route from
hereto Crescent City: From August
1, 1883 omit Onsquetand change route
to supply Smith's River, Cal., via new
Hvagon road, increase distance 17 ms.
From mine date supply GaFquet fiom
lxw Divide, (n. o ,) C ms., 3 times a
Week. Schedule to remain unchanged.
Scott's Jurileb Singers. This
troupe, composed of twenty two per
formers, ga e tu o exhibitions in Jack
sonville on Monday and Tuesday even
ings of this week which tho large audi
' -ences that grpeted them seemed to ap
precia'e. Taken altogether the show
"is a great deal above the average the
brass band of fifteen pieces being quite
ti feature of itself. They will return
-again in a couple of weeks.
Chinaman Killed One Chinaman
"was killed ami t-o others seriously
wounded by Sheriff Ryder and posse
nt Wolf Creek this week while trying
to collect tuxes. On his first attempt
'the Mongolians showed fight, and run
the Sheriff out of camp, but on the
Siext day Ryder got some men to go
"with him as deputies when a fracas
ensued resulting as stated above. An
inquest was held over the dead China
Tnan when the Cotonor's jury found the
ikilling justifiable in consequence of the
resistance offered to the Sheriff while
in the discharge of his duty.
o .
Shooting in Klamath County.
Hy telegraph the "Examiner" learns
that on Wednesday evening last T. H.
"Weeden of Tule fake shot nnd killed
Jared Larkinf, a neighbor. The cir
cumstance of the killing are that
Weeden accused Larkins of using in
sulting language towards MrR. Weeden.
When the parties met Lackins was on
iiorseback, and Weeden first shot him
rith fine shot, knocking him off the
torse. He then followed him up and
killed him with the butt of the gun.
"Weeden gave himself up to tho justice
of the peace of Tule lake precinct, and
n inquiry was held Thursday,
the verdict rendered being that the
tilling was justifiable.
Religious. Rev. M. A. Williams
will hold divine services at the Pres
byterian church in this place Sunday,
both morning and evening...".
Services will be held at St. Francis'
church in Eagle Point Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock a. M., by Rev. F. X.
Blanchet. There will be another
basket meeting at the Grange ford on
Rogue river next Sunday, also on Big
Butte on the 12th ".Rev. B. J.
Sharp will preach nt Grant's Pass Sun
day morning at the usual hour.
The proposed camp meeting on Will
Jams creek, Josephine county, will
commence on tho 9th, instead of the
fith. Even body is invited.,.. Rev.
Jl. C Ojlesby will preach at the
Methodist church in this place next
-Sunday, morning and evening.
Oregon has 69,076 school children.
Pay your dog tax to Marshal Schultz.
Fruit cans in auv quantity required
at Kubli's.
Read thecorrespondence on the out
side of this issue.
Mrs. McCulIy'8 condition is con
siderably iiuproved.
Odd Fellow's celebration August
17th. Everybody is invited.
Miss Ella B.ishford died at Ashland
last week, aged about 21 years.
Three Farms for sale. E.iquire of T.
G. Reames, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Our merchants are' shipping con
siderable freight via Crescent City.
Owen Keegan has been assisting
Marshal Schultz in police duties of
The family of Justice Huffer are so
journing at the soda springs on Jenny
What are tho city fathers doing
about getting water and building
The youngest daughter of County
Assessor Nichols died of diphtheria
last week. r '
Berry Bros., tiecontracfors for the
railroad company at Rogue River,
have failed.
The saw mill owned by Miller fc son,
bridge builders, will be moved to
Grants Pass soon.
Capt. W. P. Thoraasen, who was
shot by Bill Eddins at Canyonvil'.e
last week is dead.
Jay Beach's mare "Venita" won the
three year old trot nt Portland this
week, best time, 2:46
We still have a number of receipts
on hand which we ate ready to fill out
for the amounts due us.
A. D. Rockfellow & Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate Aecnts. Ashland Orpirnn
n , , 0
Board of Trustees meet next Tues
day when some action will probably be
taken in ordering cisterns built.
David Loring, the right-of-way agent
for the railroad company, bought a
team this week for his private use.
George Ross returned from Port
land last Thursday and will continue
the work of prospecting our mines.
J. C. McCully returned to the rail
road front this week to resume his
position as wagon master for the road.
Dunlap it Whipp have gone into the
tombstone business and are prepared
to furnish anything required in that
Railroad work near Gold Hill was
commenced yesterday a large force of
Chinamen having arrived the day be
fore. Have you seen those stylish hats,
trimmed at Mrs. J. S. Howard's fash
ionable millinery establishment, and so
We hear that Mr. Geo. Cooksey has
compromised with the railroad com
pany, the latter paying him $600
Several teams arrived from the f-ont
this week loaded with goods for John
Miller's hunter's emporium. He offers
Geo. Jnckson was in town Thursday,
with an immense load of melons and
like, the Indian's bacon they- lasted
too quick.
An express line is being run be
tween this place and Soda Springs by
E. D. Fouilray, aud is being liberally
The State Fair this year is "boom
ing." More entiies for horses have
been made already than was ever
known before.
A large let of new goods were re
ceived at Kenney's saddler shop. Tom
prepared to furnish anything in that
line at low prices.
B. F. Miller of Sardine creek
nursery will go to the Willamette
soon to replenish his stock of fruit
and ornamental trees.
S. Colin returned from n visit fo
San Francisco last Thursday, but pro
poses returning soon with his family
to make that his future home.
Evan R. Rpams. accompanied by
his wife and Miss Aba Ross, started
for San Franciscothis week to be pres
ent at the Triennial Conclave.
John Ashpole is acting as deputy
county assessor, Mr. Nichols finding it
impossible to attend to the duties on
account of sickness in his family.
The Watson-Kubli rusticating crowd
returned from Cinnabar this week.
They killed all the deer and caught all
the fish they wanted while away.
Fred A. Walpole succeeded in get
ting fifty subscribers for his birdseye
viear of Jacksonville and has sent the
copy East to have it lithographed.
Wanted by 0. W. Jackson of Drain.
Douglas county, Oregon, the address of
any of the soldiers who were at Cnmp
wrigni during the winter 1805-66.
Look out for burglars and nettv
thieves. Lock your doors, take in
your washing and have a gun ready if
tney attempt to get into the house.
Thos F. Beall informs us that he has
just finished threshing thirty acres of
wiieat getting over 50 bushels to the
acre. There is nothing snort on that
The Rogue River Distillery is dnhr
a big business now having taken out a
license to sell in any quantities, of one
quart or over. Experts pronounce this
liquor superior to that usually set
over the bars in town and as a conse
quence Mr. Lytle fills numerous jugs
each day.
The negro minstrels show in Jack
sonville Hgain On August 18th. on their
return from Crescent City. They will
also give an entertainment at Phoenix
on the lCih.
Hon. W. I. Nichols of Yreka will
deliver the oration at the Odd Kellow's
celebration on August 17th and his rep
utation as a speaker bhould draw a large
crowd of itself.
A fourteen year old son of Mr.
Hamblin of Oakland was so badly
injured by the explosion of powder at
Gi ave Creek this week that he die J
on the following day.
Joe Beggs, the veteran teamster, re
turned from California this week after
an absence ot several months, lie is
now engaged in hauling supplies for
the railroad company.
Bilcer & Maeglv announce the fnt
lowing reduction in prices: Nails for
?6 50 per keg, white lead for 82 75 per
20 lbs., coal oil tor fcJ pu a can and
everything in proportion.
Hon. Frank A. Stewart, has been
nominated Deputy Co lector of Cus
toms, by Collector Watson, for Port
Orford and Rogue River, with resi
dence fixed at l'oit Orford.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock,
and jewelry store? ."""His machines are
a little finer and his prices a little
snugger, than any other bugger's.
The "Truckee Republican" complains
that girls belonging to respectable
families are becoming frequenters of
opium dens What are their mothers
about that they do not prevent it?
Newman Fisher will goto San Fran
cisco next week to take part in the
Masonic ceremonies at the conclave.
He will combine business with pleasuie
and purchase new goods while below.
Fume is something we all covet and
this is the way the Yre.a "Ui-ion"
dishes it out under tjie head of person
als: Mr. J. C. Tolman the cement
pipe seller lias been in town this week.
Some one seems to have found out
what's the matter with Hannn nnd the
trouble has been remedied. Cnarlev
says ho will ever remember the donor
with kindness and well you ask him.
The adjourned term of Circuit Court
convenes again next Monday when a
special venire of jurymen will b re
quired to tiy the right of way cases in
which the O. J: C. R. R. Co. is plain
Invitations are out for tho wedding
of Charles E Hanna and Miss Minnie
Pape, the ceremony to take place at
the Masonic Hall next Wednesday
evening at nine o'clock. "VrVll all be
It is feared that the corn crop in
this valley will be almost a total fail
ure. The extremely dry winter fur
nished no under moisture and the
drouth of the summer has patched the
crop severely.
Mr. A. S. Johnson is always well
supplied with the choicest variet'es of
fruit trees and shrubbery of all kinds.
By patronizing him you nr? assuted of
fair dealing ns he will always make
good eveiything he promises.
The "Al.a" says that the despised
pennies are getting into circulation
in San Francisco. It seems to have
taken thirty fiveyears for the benighted
people, of that city to learn that one
hundred pennies make a dollar.
The first Oregon "Statesman" ever
printed was dated and postmarked Ore
son City, O. T., March 28 1851. It
was published weekly at S7 n year hv
Asahel Bush, with the motto" "No
favor svajs us, no fear shall awe."
Thn new machinery for Karewski's
steam flouring mill arrived this week
and will be placed in position at once
so that everything will be in readinn-s
for work about tho 15th inst. A
miller fiom Sun Francisco has arrived
to lake charge of the mill.
County Court convenes next Wed
nesday and will be held by the.Com
ir.isnioner.s in the absence of Judge
Dav, who is not expect' d !o return
from Crescent City fur several weeks
yet. There is tery littlo business
besides the auditing of bills.
Cholera in Egypt, Earthquakes in
Naples, cyclones on the American
continent and bad whisky all over the
world seem to bo the agents employed
by nature to prevent too much con
gestion of population. It is hard to
say which is the most tffective.
Daniel Cronemil!er camn in from
Fort Klamath this week. lie was the
lowest bidder for furnishing the iost
with fresh beef and mutton at three
different lettings but still the depart
ment is dissatisfied with the pricoand
new bids have been asked for.
Lemuel Scott, father of Mrs. Jas
Vance and Sirs. L. Swan of Yreka,
has been nominated by mayor Chap
man of Portland for the vacant police
Judgeship. It would be n most fit
appointment as Mr. Scott is well quali
fied and sufficiently independent.
The directors Jor Jacksonville school
district have ma'de the following selec
tion of teachers for the next school
year: Principal, J. W. Merritt; teach
er of second department, Mr. L. R.
Webs'er; third department. Miss M.v
Griffiths; fourth, Miss Hatlie New
berry. Mrs. Satterfield, wife of Joseph Sat
terfioM, one of the pioneers of thi.s
county died yesterdayat the residence
of her son inlaw, Mr. Ramey, of
heart disease. She was one of the
worthy women of this county; of old
quaker stock, and had nearly seen her
allotted years being over 69 years of
age. Her bereaved husband is alone
in the world, Wing now childless and
he has the sympathy of tho many
friends of the family. She will be
buried beside her daughter in Sam's
Valley and will rest after a life of well
done work.
General Thos. G. -Reamea, Frank
Ennis and Theo. Cafceron start for
San Francisco next Monday to attend
the Knights Templar ce.remonies. The
former goes via- Portland while the
others go direct. Mr. Reames will be
accompanied by bis. superior fraction,
Mrs. H.
The telegraph strikeslill continues
with no sign of weakening on cither
side. The telegraph company has all
the operators they need now and if
matters aTe no worse injthe East than
they are on this coasttiis very prob
able that the htrikarfeuAve lost their
positions. stQ-3&
The newsHquor1 hjuse of Lytle fc
Co., a branch of tlte 'listillin;; Co.
'eeins-'fo be doing H? good business.
'W'tffer is so low in many wells that
'people think it a measure of safety to
..i. liitn nnml Ifillkt-ir 1. . .A .... .
'Uk it M'lli; gUU'l utanw fM II. IU tUDltb
impurities a poor excuse is better
than none.
Sheriff Purdom of .Roseburg caught
Glenn and Bradihaw, two of tho es
caped convicts from the penitentiary,
in Douglas county tliis5weeljt and they
have been returned toStheir old quar--ters.
Only one of those that escaped
remains at large, the rest having been
either killed or captured.
We hear that MtCtC.irtwright, Col
lector of Internal Revenue for this
State has determined 'foiippoint a dep
uty for the Southern end of the State
and has selected a roniinent citizen of
Jacksonville for the position. The
appointment is very necessary and the
selection is an excellent one.
General Albert Pike, lawyer and
poet of rebel fame, recently arrived on
a visit to the Northwest Coast. Ue is
the Grand Commander of the Supreme
Council of the Scottish rite of free
mssonry, nnd came for the purpose of
conferring tho lliirty-tl.ird degree on
some permanent members of the Older
in Oregon.
One of our prominent farmers has
alwaxs prayed that the railroad might
iris Jackfouxille ot least five miles
and run near his place. His prayer is
granted and he has got the railroad
"right in the neck" and is nowsueing
the company for damages. Ill wishes
like tho devil'h chickens always come
home ta roost.
New goods nt reduced prices at the
cash stoie of S. S. Aiken &, Co. They
keep everything usually to be found in
a general merchandise store, and their
method of giving, tho best goods at
low prices, and making exact change
seems to have become popular here at
List. Their new advertisement will be
found in another column.
The Portland Board of Trade have
ofh'ciallv thanki-d Superintendent Lamb
of the Tt legraph Co. for doing the best'
he could during the strike but were
severe on the company deiiounoin,j it
as a mean and grasping corporation
that conducted its business-iu a miser
able manner. Tliis is not a "straw"
but a whole stack of public opinion.
The following interesting Ublo of
the. capacity of a freight' car it would
be well to clip and sivo for reference:
Nominally, a carload is 20,003 pounds;
it is also 70 barrels of salt, 70 of lime,
90 of flour, 60 of whinky. "200 sacks of
flour, 6 cords of soft wood, or 20 head
of cattle, 50 or 60 head of hogs, 90 or
100 head of sheep; 9000 feet of s.did
boards, 17,000 feet of tiding, 13,000
feet of flooring, 40000 nbingh r, one half
less of green lumber, one tenth less of
joists, scantling and other large tim-
bers; J40 lurhels of wheat, 400 of
barley, 400 of corn, 080 of oats, 300
of flax .seed, 366 of apples, 340 of
Irish potatoes, 300 of sweet potatoes.
and luOO bushels of bran.
A corresnondent of the "VreL-
Union" sends that paper the following
items from'the Siskiyou lunii" s: The
entrance to the tunnel on llie nonli
side is almost ready "for operati"g
upon, nnii on the south side it will
take about four weeks mom to be
rradv for tunneliii" .Tliem Ii.tv been
a "reat amount nf exfi-n '.vniL- nn flu.
snu'h siibi on account of-the ground
Sliding in, which is ot a chui-.li nature.
lliere are about ly Chinamen and
75 while men winkiiiir nn lir.tli i.n.
trances. The machinery for drilling
etc , is arriving e ery nay. There is n
good demand for wood cutters at 51.25
per cord; about 3,000 cords U wanted;
and hewers are in demand. -We have
good boarding houses at. each end nf
the tunnel; McNulty amf Fuller at the
nort, and Mr. J. M. Riddle at the
southland Mr. Ham Wnltert. keeps a
fine assortment of the "Oh bu joyful!"'
next to Mr. Riddles, .
From the Yreka "Journal'" Sacra
mento Riier biidge correspondent, we
learn that wnik was toninenced on
the big tunnel by tho company, July
23d. This toniiel is 2 806 feet long,
and is located 6 miles below the bridge.
A lempoiary track will lie laid oer
tli hill for construction trains to pass
un'il the tunnel is finished. The track
over the hill will necessitated i utting
in a switch on top.
The railroad work abote Redding
progresses slowlv, there 'being onlv
about 2.000 Chinamen at work, the
other 3,000 employed having gone off
to seek better jiaying jobs. The-enow
at work were compelled to work or
iare, noil as soon as they got a little
ahead to buy a supply of, provisions,
they were expected to strike again.
The Chinese exclusion bill has made
Chinamen here demand higher wages
and the result may be the employment
of white men imported from the East
or Euroje. It is not eyprcted the
railroad will reach Sacrairei'to river
bridge before next April, although fast
work could be accomplished during the
cool weather of September, October
and November, if the company had
plenty of workers. Tho surveyors
under Hood are straightening the route
by lengthening the tnnnels,1 and are
not expected to reach Sacramento river
bridge for two months yet.
The Adfn "Argus" announces a rich
strike in the Hayden Hill gold mines
in Modoc county, Cal. iOne man is.
reported to be taking out $2,000 worth
of dirt a day. The gold is found in a
soft decomposed rock which is easily
worked. The mines have been worked
for a number of years. Ode of them,
the "Juniper," is valued at 1,000,000
now, the "Argus" says.
On Friday of last week a soldier
deserted from (he post at Ft Klamath.
He was found at the Indian agency
Hiid while being brought back jumped
from the wagon and tried to escape.
The guard fired about a dozen" shots nt
him, one ball striking him in the back
of the head and killing him. His
nama was C.ivnaugh. This is the
same case mentioned as a rumor last
The Chinamen nt work on hc Sis
kiyou tunnel went on a strike last
Saturday. They were expecting their
pay from their Chinese contracting
bo-", nnd it failed to come, a portion
of the meney being in the box broken
into by the robber nt Wolf creek, it is
said. The Chinese became frightened
a!out the matter and on Stturday
morning two of the threo gangs re
fu-ed to work. One gang wanted to
continue but the strikers set upon them
and compelled them to quit. One of
theBuick bors (IieVdei) wasattacked
by the strikers, but, as there were
white men nt hand who began to pro
pare for an onslaught on the "yellow
cutle" with pick handles, he came off
without bjing hurt. On Wednesday
the strikers wanted to begin work
again, but Mr. Hurlburt gave them to
understand he was not at n'l anxious
to employ so unreliable a crew. They
then bgan to beg to lie allowed to
woikandare probably shoveling dirt
again by this time. 'Tidings."
A ClIANor. xt a meeting last week,
sas the "Tilling," the Town Trustees
of Ashland pissed an ordinance (iximr
the rato of a re ail liquor license in
tho Town of Ashland at S-100 per
Hiinum. As heretofoie, a-i npplic.mt
for license must have the endorsement
of a majority of tho legal voters of the
town before his petition will be grant
ed, any number of signers, htwewr,
being regarded as such u majoiity un
less a lenionstinnce be presented bear
ing the signature of a greater number
of voters." As we predicted iong ago,
,i. . nf-i
the liquor question m Ashland pre
sents a very different status sine the
railroad work began from that so long
maintained here. Up to the piesent
there never has been n lime since the
town attained any size when a large
Majority of the citizens was not in
strong opposition to the licnsing of
saloons here. Now it is quite liKely
that siluons will obtain license without
difficulty. Indeed two saloon keepers
have already posted notice of intension
to apply for license, and we havejieard
of no remonstrance up to date. The
temperanoe people si em to luvo all
yielded the field without a struggle.
What a difiereiice it makes when
"there's money in it" for the town
don't it? Tliis struggling against the
inevitable, when it pays best to quit is
decided to be poor bu itiess by our
moral ucighhcjts.
Stolen Mail Re Mailed. Las'
night's :rain (nought from Glemlale
about 300 letters which hid been torn
open by the stage robber last Tuesday
night. The le'ier-i'wcre OM-ihauled
by Capt. I J. B. Tuttle. superintendent
of the railway mail service, ami a mini
brr were forwarded to their destina
tion. Them were several letters fiom
department headquarters at Van?ouver
containing important, papers-, and the'e
will be returned this morning to the
writers. It cannot be estimated how
many letters weie stolen. Threo mail
h cks, cut to piece", were returned with
the letters. "Oregoniiii" 3lst
Jurors. The following gentlemen
have been subpoenaed as jurois for Un
adjourned term of Cncuit Couit to
commence next Muinkt : John A
Ilanley, C. W. Bmluek, J. C.iery,
L. Hclver, J. O. C. Wimer, T. O. An-
hews, J. S. Eiil.anks, U. High, U C.
Goddsr-I, W R o-on, Isarc Woolen, P.
i'urry, J. II. Licv. 1). R. Locev,J.
W. O.Gregory, J. M. Payne, "iJ.U.
Cameron. David E. Curtis, j! A. Crair,
D. II. Miller, J. S. Smith, J. A. Wil
son. Right of Way. The following par
ties have sold the right of way to the
railn.ad company fur the comidera
tions mentioned: M. A. Williams,
5100; John Trcp er, ?330; Henrv
Cioxton, S40; C. Kleinhanimer, S150;
F. G. Bndsev. 1,300; C. W B.oluck,
5300; II. D." Harkness. ?1;C. Mingus.
S100; John Ilanley, 50; Mrs. I-h nnd
doughier, 250; T. P. Kuhler and
otherx,51; G. W. Cooksev, 500.
CARRICK At l.inkville. Or., July
27, 1883, to Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D.
Carrick, a daughter.
SIMMONS In Sam's Y.llev, July
24. 1SS3, to Mr. and Mrs! N. G.
Simmons, a daughter.
MASON On Souh Butte creek, July
27, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason, n
PATTERSON -At Woodland, Gil.,
July 22, 18S3, to Mr and Mrs. J,H.
L. Patterson, u sou weight 15
KENNEY. In Jacksmville, JuIvOl,
18S3,-tn the wife of Thos. Keiihey
n son a 12 pounder.
creek, July 27, 1SS3. by Jacob
Evans. J. P.. D. II. Bray ton and
Miss Margaret E. Amnions.
BASHFOJi'D In Ashland, July 27,
1883, Ella Bas'jford, aged 20 years
and 4 months.
int or tetter
Remaining in the Jacksonville Post
otlice. Persons calling for the same
will please say advertised:
Bleur'is A Mils Reichenback E 3
Bronnell A M Ruble William
Farrier James 2 Shanks W S
Foster Ilarrv Mjr Sisiier Henry M
Frozer F F Mr Smith A W
Fuller James O Smith E A
Fusch Joseph Smith Isabella
Garison Alio Smith Lizzie Bell
Handy W J Sutton Mary
lle.ss Joseph 'Jerry S S
Hod.snn J M Thompson Chris
Ivelley K. E 5 Thompson I G
Kile Ida Thompson Maricn
Lomar I Warren Miller
Miller Jacob Williims Andrew
Payne Alex Willianfs Jl B
Preston L O Williams Thomas
Ray Josephine
Max Mullzs, Postmaster.
TEt.EGRAril. The advantage of du
plex instruments is in getting double
wotk on one wire, nnd ihe'quadrnpiex
instruments doubles the duplex in using
a single wire, thus rendering the two
wires on the C k O. rou'e equal to
eight wires with the Morseiustiuiuents.
A quidruplex battery is expected h--re
soon for tins Yreka ollice, which will
weigh over two tons. The new ngcrtt,
Mr. Kendall, will lemain' hen: some
timoTix up tjio new liattcrcand in
strumous, and exppcts more' assistants
shortly, so that Mr. Stewart nnd other
operators can return to the offices from
whence tliev came. "Journal."
Farmers Attention. G. Karewski
is now prepared to take contracts for
cutting grain with his impioved ma
chinery in any parls of the county.
He has already done some work for Win
I'.ybee, Jas. A. Cirdwell, Nick Ficke
V. Milchc land Col. M.utiy nnd -refers
to them as to tho manner in which
it was done. He caiuis that he can
cut grain lower than on be reached
wi. tinny header and stands ready to
prove it to all who doubt.
Land Orric:: at Kosmcrg. "r., )
July :!(. issj.
Notice is In re'y given that the lollnw-ing-named
settler lias tiled notice ot his
intention to make final pionl' in support
o! his claim, and Unit said proof will bu
made bt'lbre the Judge or Clerk of .lack
son county at Jacksonville, on S.iturd-iv
Seplcmlivr S. 18$'. viz: . ". Fleming,
llnm-stend No 2070 fortlicEW ofSW
.".fatul XV ', ors 1" 14 T SO S It f V He
n-imsihp'fuUnuing; witnesses in prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of. Slid Iind, vi7: M. Peterson. XV. J.
Oregory. J . .1. March. J. S. OiLvbv. All
of Central Point Jaeks'in cntin'y Oregon.
Wm. F. Benjamin, ifegi.-tcr.
By The Thousand.
The undersigned is now taking orders
through Jackson cud Josephine counties
And Shrubbery
of any kind raised in a lirst class nursery.
Those wanting trees the ci mlng tall will
do well to give 1112 their eiders as I will
guarantee s'llislaction. Tries are war
ranted if properly ciind for. Tcinu of
pajmcnl e-isy prnilucc tiiUin ct marled
priced. tVautid 1,(JU0 xntmls nl" peach
tccd. A. . JOHNSON.
Jacksonville, Oregon, Aug. 1, lSc!).
Union Insiiti Rubber Cos
Pure Para Gum
IV sure the Roots are stamped "CracI;
Proof" 011 the heels, and have the ' Pure
Gum Springs" on the l ot ami instep.
hich picveut Ihcircri'chmgor breaking.
UV arc now m'lkinT tlu m with "Kulib-r
and Ashcst.is" solis which will make
them last more than tw ice as Ionj; as any
Rubber Boots made.
All hinds rubber hitting, picking hoe,
springs, clothing, boots and shoes, Kle.
Goodyear Hubbsr Co.
R. II. PHASE. Jr. ) . .
S. M. RUN YON. fAsCn,S
San Francisco.
The Moguc River
Distilling Company
IrHhe building situated on the earner of
California aud Fifth streets where
ci.n Lc nbtuiut.il a
AiiTici.c or
N. K. LYTLE. Superintendent.
k.iiucu, ""
Odd FcIIott's Euiltllns Jcckson.illr, Crtgon
ri.v.sniiKriaox, CvPi'KR. leam
. r
Fuso and Cap9f
- i 1
.,. " ROPE. NAILS, .. ,
Pain!? Oils, Varnish, Qlnss
Shot, Brcshs, Chains, Hoso
I Iiive pct:rri1 Int cficPf of a flrnt-clmt
Mechanic, ami am propari-il toiloall repair
ing promptly uad in cuperior style.
L I am N'Oiivins sn.l Ian- rnolautlv
lurid u full euil Qiet-clus stock uf
Evcrj lhi sold at reaFrnalile ratcn.
I ic!intirlllr. March. 5 'PTS.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Dealers and Workers
VyE ALP O KEEP constantly on hand
' a (lrtcla.s.saM)rtnicutot.
Pll'n-s. '
Job uTcrk a Specially.
Prompt attention givcnHo
alt orders from abroad.
"live and Let Live."
Call and examine before purchasing
clMwhere. RILGER it 31 JE.GI.T.
- IN
Rest house for the money this side of
Jac'.o:ivi:!c, Oregon,
Will practice in all Chronic Disease?, also
Typhoid Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Diph
theria, Consumption. Catanh, etc. Time
and doctor's hills v. ill be saved by coming
to me at' once. Dr. llrou n i ill j;"aranteo
tofnrleilS'CO fortvciy case of Seminal
Weakness or priiatc disease of any kind
or character which he undertakes iind
fails to ciin-. Hi.s niiiHcinc is purely veg
etable anil h is ail the power and efficacy
nfc.ilomsl nr quinine, without any of tho
injurioiH atler illicts.
Shingles For Sale.
TI13 undersigned is now prepared to
fnmiidi the best quality of shingles, cut
Willi diamond knife, in r.ny quantity de
sired. Price delivered in Jacktonville 3
per thousand or trani-portation off at tho
mill, shunted two milf south of Williams
creek po.st (Hcs. Orders can bo left with
G. Karewski. J CnAritAJi,