Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 21, 1883, Image 3

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Saturday, July 21, 1883.
Selling Out. Those desiring any
thing in the line of merchandisp will do
well by calling on 13arruth Fisher be
fdre going elsewhere as he is closing
out his stock at cost. A trial will
conrince you all.
Races Another match rara has
been made between Harry Stover's
"Jim Lick" and CritTolman's "Barron
inare," for 403 a side, to be run on
the 'Cardwell track this afternoon.
The distance to be run is 300 j ards.
Reduction in Prices John Miller,
tat the Hunter's Emporium, is selling
hay forks for 81 each; scythes and
'snaths, 51 75; giindxtones, GJ cents
ber pound; and all other goods in his
line 10 per cent, less than ever before
hold in Jacksonville. Remember that
Mr. M.'s goods are of the best and he
Woes just as he agrees to.
The Eintraciit List of officers
felected July 1st 1883 of the Verein
JJintracht, for the ensuing six months:
president, Adam Schmidt; Vice
President, Geo. H. Younp; Secretary,
J'rank Kacshafer; Treasurer, Fred Luy;
Trustees, Fred Groh, Veit Schutz, and
tlhris Wintjen; visitingcommittee, Aug.
Bohn, Veit Schutz and John Her
berger. Serious Accident. We regret to
state that Thos. Wright, of Willow
Springs, hnd his leg broken above the
knee on Wednesday last by a kick
from a horse. Mr. Wright is one of
the worthy citizens of Jackson county
and it is hoped he will coon be about
'again. Dr. Aiken wrr called to set
the broken bone and feels conGdent
'of early recovery.
Distinguished Visitors Senator
Dolph, Representative George and Gov.
Moody arrived heie yesterday evening
hating taken a private conveyance
from Glendale. Tliese gentlemen will
remain a few davs in the valley to
learn the wishes, if any, of their con
fitituents regarding necessary legis
lation and thus combine business with
pleasure. They expect to visit Jose
pbine county before returning home.
Narrow Escape. A runaway ac
jcidrnt occurred at Rock Point last
Tuesday but luckily the occupants of
the buggy -the Misses Minnin and
Mnud Tufls escaped without Renins
Snjury. The team started from "White's
hotel and in making a .short turn the
buggy was upset throwing Minnie nut,
but she escaped with a few slight
nruises. The team ran about a mile
when they were caught and no par
ticular damage was done.
Religious. Rev. B. J. Sharp will
hold services at Phoenix next Sunday
morning and at Ashland in the even
ing, lie will also preach at Antioch
school house on Sunday, July 20th at
J 1 A. M. and 4 P. M liev. M. A.
"Williams will preach in the Piesby
terian Church next Sunday both
morning and evening... .Elder M.
Peterson will officiate at a basket
meeting to be held at Granger's ford
'on Rogue river on Sunday; also at
one announced to take place near the
grange store on A pplega'.e the follow
ing Sunday No services at the.
Catholic church Sunday.
t!AMP Meeting. A camp meeting
will be held on the old camp grounds
on Williams creek, commencing Thurs
day before the 2nd Sunday in August
the 9th). The object of which is to
worship God in tented grove. No
huckster shops, or stands of any de
scription, nor any appliances for
amusements 'ending to divert attention
from such object will be allowed on
the ground within the limits prescribed
"by law. A public table will be kept
tit reasonable rate1, for the convenience
of those who do not come prepared to
take care of themselves. AH are
cordially invited to attend. By order
of committee of arrangements.
Tied Up. The work of connecting
the railroad survey with the govern
ment land surveys in this valley was
completed on Tuesday last by Mr. J. S.
Howard. The "tying," as it is tech
nically called, is now completed from
the summit of the Siskivou mountains
to the front and this operation ilefi
Tiitely settles the location of the road.
The linn is located a lit'le. over a mile
east of Ashland on the farm of Mr. B.
F. .Myers and some of our neighbors
up there are brgmning to dpbate the
question of the to-siliility of a rival
town at the depot. It is now quite
evident that the railroad folks are
building to accommodate ihemselves
-and if we want to ride we must be
ready when the train comes, otherwise
w alk.
Real Estate Transactions re
corded in the county clerk's oflice since
last report:
Alex Martin to 0. & C. R. R. Co.,
release for right of way through Jus
tus property. Consideration SI.
Lillie R. Brake to Alex Martin,
property on Wagner creek. Consid
ration, $710.
Clias. D. Sexton to S. A. I. Groves,
160 acres in Inland precinct. Consid
raiion, S450.
Thos. Pnnkey to Mary C. Panlcey,
40 acres in Table Rock precinct. Con
sideration, $50.
C. D. Reed to John Miller and Chris.
Kretzer, mining ground on Jackson
creek. Consideration, S900 .
T. G. Reames to O. it C. R, R. Co.
right of wav through land in Manzauita
precinct. Consideration, S300.
H. C. Howard to S. B. Edsall, land
in Eden precinct. Consideration $1.
C87. Ben Haymond, guardian of Perry
heirs, to J. M. Lofland, land on Evans
creek. Consideration, $550.
Races to day.
Hot and smoky.
Harvest hands are scarce.
Ashland is to have a brewery.
E. Donaghy of Henry, Cal., is in
Miss Eugenia A. Kelly is expected
back soon.
Phillip Miller has gone to Tacoma
W. T., to locate.
An artesian well is one of the neces
sities of this town.
Oranges and lemons for sale at
Vrooman's drug store.
Sheriff Jacobs and family are rusti
cating at Crescent City.
The Butte creek mail route is now
in charge of Chris Keegan.
Three Farms for sale. E tquire of T.
G. Reames, Jacksonville, Oregon.
G. A. Hubbel has accepted a posi
tion with Dolsen's surveying party.
Dr. E. P. Geary has changed his
location from Eagle Point to Athland.
Engineer Hurlburt went to Port
land this week to report' at headquar
ters. Ripe peaches in small quantities
have made their appearance on Rogue
W. G. Kenney officiates at Papp's
saloon during the absence of the pro
prietor. Miss Nellie Slocum of Roseburg
is here on a visit, the guest of W. J.
Ply male.
The M. Ainsley Scott Jubilee Sing
ers are advertised to bhovv here on
Monday, Ju'y 30th.
M. Col well of the Union livery
stable has been laid up several days
this w eek w iih fever.
The new State Hotel is now being
run by S. R. Taylor an experienced
hand at the business.
Report says that Redding creditors
have attached Wm Magoon's fine team
and the latter cannot settle.
Wool is quoted at 23 cents per
pound, butter 37 cents, eggs 25 cents
and flour $3.25 per hundred.
The family of George B. Dorris of
Eugene City is here on a visit and are
the guests of Squire Hoffman.
Bilker fc Maeg'y are doing a rushing
business now in the hardware line.
They sell at very small profits.
A number of Jacksonville Masons
will viit Sun Francisco next month to
attend the Triennial Conclave.
A. D. Kockfellow it Co., Attorneys
and Counsellors at Law and Real Es
tate; Agents, Ashland, Oregon.
Quito a largo number of rai'road
hands passed through town this week
on their way to the Siskiyou tunnrK
Kasper Kubli is always up with the
times and he is always prepared to
hujiply any thing required in his line.
Misses Pauline and Mary Wetterer
and Miss Kiefer started for Albany on
Thursday's stage where they go on a
John Ashraead informs us that the
Birdsej place on Rogue River will not
pioduce more than half a crop this
Have you seen those stylish hats,
trimmed at Mrs. J. S. Howard's fash
ionable millinery establishment, and so
The smoke now prevailing comes
from Sterling and the railroad front.
The 6rst mentioned started from light
ning stroke.
A burglar was shot in Abraham
Wheeler & Co's. store near Grave creek
this week by one of the clerks but was
not captured.
Newell Ha'l had a finger bit last
week since which time erysipelas hv
set in and affected his whole arm. He
is now improving.
Blackherrus are said to be very
plentiful hnd cheap in Ashland. A load
of that delicious fruit would sell
readily in this maiket.
Capt. J. M. McCall of Ashland
made us a pleasant call this week and
shows as few of the marks of time as
any of the old pioneers.
Joe. Wall, Jr., of Crescent City,
Cal., was in town several days thi
w eek while on his way to Saa Fran
cisco by way of Portlaud.
Considerable rye has been raised
on Applega'e this year and it will be
utilized by the distillery upon re
sumption of operations in September.
It is thought that during the first
year after the completion of the North
em Pacific that the emigration to the
northvve.t will exceed 100,000 people.
Mrs. J. ,M. McCi'lly has been quitp
ill for a week past but was improving
at list accounts, we are pleased to say.
Prof. J. M. Merritt is also on the sick
The Jacksonville telegraph office is
not included in the strike an I mes
sages will go on time providing there
is some oue at the other end to teceive
E. Shearer of Yreka has hern com
missioned as Superior Judge for Siski
vou county by Governor Stoneman of
California, to take the place of Judge
Steele, deceased.
W. J. Plymale ac.-ompanied by his
daughter, Miss Ada, returned from
Portland this week where the former
attended the session of the grand lodge
of the A. O. XL W.
Mrs. Joseph Satterfield, one of the
old settlers of this county is in town
for medical treatment her ailment being
some trouble with the heart. She is
somewhat improved.
Fred Overbeck is expected here on
a visit about the Grst of August on a
visits to his parents. Fred .it now
one of the chief operators in the Port
land telegraph office.
Charles Prim officiates as County
Clerk in the absence of Henry Klippel,
and N. A. Jacobs is boss in the
Sheriffs office while his father is out
on a trip to the coast.
If you want a Sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock,
and jewelry store. His machines are
a little finer and his prices a little
snugger, than any other bugger's.
The new bridge across Antelope
creek has been finished and is ready for
public use. James MsDougal, the
contractor, is the boss in t.tatline, and
never fails in turning off a good job.
- The Sheriff hot been ordered to
summon twenty-two jurors for the
special term of Circuit court to begin
August 6th. Tne trial of some of the
railroad cases will come up at that time.
Don Short formerly one o Jackson
ville's boys has distinguished himself
at Marshfield as an athlete. On the
4th he won two foot races and also
carried off the prize for the best jump
ing. Mr. John W. Bailey, for some time
one of the proprietors of the distillery,
left on Wednesday's stage for San
Francisco. Mr. Bailey made many
friends while hereand is agenial square
man. ,
The Chinese oath is taken over the
dead body of a chicken each witness
sworn requiring a new corpse. The
officers in Judge Deady's court have
been living high since the last trial
Gen. Reames, the boss fisherman,
was down at Rogue river this week
with his "spinner" but the trout were
shy and he only caught abrut a dozen,
the smallest vveivhing about three
Accounts from most portions of the
state indicate about a half crop on ac
count of the unprecedented drouth. It
is the first year since the settlement of
Oregon that even a partial failure is to
be recoided.
None of the military telegraph offi
ces in Klamath and Lake counties
were closed, as reported they would be,
and the business' goes on as usual.
They are a public necessity and should
be kept open.
Dr. Will Jackson, dentist, wi'l visit
Ashland on a professional trip on July
30th and will remain there a couple
of weeks. Those requiring dental
work should remember the date and
give him a call.
Ex Sheriff Lash, of Yreka, Cal., who
has been up north looking for a place
to locate, returned here this week and
now has some notion of locating some
where is this valley. His wife and
daughter accompany him.
C. B. Watson, formerly of Ashland
and John A. Gray havo formed a law
partneiship at Empire City. Mr.
Watson is also collector of the Port
but the duties are light and will not
iuterfere with his practice.
The saloon in the U. S. Hotel build
ing, owned by J. B. Montgomery, was
this wpek purchased by T. T. McKen
z'e, who will take possesion next Mon
day morning. Give Tom a call and
you will always be treated well.
State printer Byars has purchased
tne balem "btatesman olhce and will
take charge at once. H. H. Hend
ricks of Eugene City will assist in the
editorial management. We wish the
new proprietor the best of success.
S. L. Dolsen has secured a large
interest in the quartz ledge lately pios
pected by Ross it McKenzie. He
showed us a specimen a few dajR ago
from that mine that was very rich in
free gold. May it prove a bonanza.
Mr Alex. Martin, of the firm of
Martin &, Reames of Linkville, left for
his home in Oakland, Cal., on Wednes
day's stage and carried with him the
g"od wishes of many friends who
would wish to see him come to remain
among us.
The lecture advertised for last
Wednesday night did not take plnce,
Lieut. J. S. Parke having been detailed
on other duty which did not allow of
his stopping over to fill the appoint
ment. He passed northward on
Wednesday's stage.
Work on the Court House wall was
resumed on Thursday .afternoon, a
supply of lime having been received
that day. Mr Byers says t'lere will
be no more interruptions on account
of material ami the work will be
pushed right along.
Milo Caton.DaveC'ronemiller, J. W.
Bailey, Jess Simpson and Tyler re
turned from Cinnabar on Sunday even
ing after a very enjoyable sojourn of a
week among the soda springs. The
party brought in two fine bucks killed
while on their return home.
The practice of stringing barbed
wire along a fence in close proximity
to the sidewalk seems to be in bud
taste and is likely to result in damage
to ladies garments as thev pasR. We
hope no one will follow the precedent
as it is neither sightly nor safe.
The Klamath Like Navigation and
Irrigating Cinal Company has filed
articles of incoi poration in the office of
Secretary of Sta'p. with James S.
HowHrtl, Charles S. Moore and Wm.
C. Hale as incorporators. Head office
at Linkville; capital stock, $50,000.
New goods at reduced prices at the
cash store of S. S. Aiken fc Co. They
keep everything usually to bo found in
a general merchandise store, and their
method of giving the best goods at
low prices, and making exact change
seems to have become popular hern at
last. Their new advertisement will be
found in another column.
Judge P. B. Smith and Gen. E. L.
Applegate have formed a. copartner
ship in the law business and the ''Tid
ings" says they have opened an office
in the Masonic building. They will
practice before any of the," courts of
this and adjoining states, and in the
U. S. District Courts. ,
An Indian God or Idol was recent
ly found near Green Point, below
Oregon City. It is an irregu'irly
shaped piece of stone about. 14 inches
long and ten inches wide.'-" The face
of the stone is slightly angular with
distinctly marked features, and scroll
work on the temples hnd features.
A prominent hotel keeper received a
rebuke from the Recorder in open
court this week who remarked that he
had been in daily expectation of a
complaint for keeping a disorderly
house. Such ahint ought tp beos good
as a kick and should not be disregarded
as public patience is not like a bottom
less well.
Thefact that everyonecouldnot drive
Sargent Dunlap's horse and cart was
clearly demonstrated one day this
week by the horse and cart both in
dulging in a runaway. The driver
has not vet been found and Sargent
wants all to tako warning so as to
avoid the accidents that might occur
hereafter. -
A party composed of "rienry Pape,
Henry Klippel, Jacob Klippel and
others are now camping out some
where near tlip hpad of Jacicson creek,
having started last Monday. They
propose remaining absent" a couple of
mouths and on their return we expect
to see the market glutted with fish,
venison und bear meat.
Thrre must be an unusual amount
of fire in the mountains judging from
the dense smoke that has clouded the
atmosphere duiing the past week.
Camper', hunter sand others sojourning
in the mountains should be more
careful and not allow lire to spread as
there is a heavy penalty for the con
sequent damage to timber.
The Ashland correspondent of the
Portlaud "Standard" don't seem to
like the Postmaster at the firt men
tioned place and "hits him a lick"
whenever opportunity occurs. There
are plenty of people of the "Stand
ard's" stripe who dont Ijku Republi
cans of any degtee no matter what
their name or position is but if thev
don't, who care.-?
Prof. Johnson and a man named
Fievbohl had a nan ow escape fiom n
veiy serious accident on Friday hist.
Whilo returning from Sterling in a
buggy a dog tan out and frightenfd
the team and, suddenly swerving, thev
overturned the bugv throwing both
men out. Mr. Johnson was only
slightly cut abaut thj head but Frey
bo'd had one of the bones of his arm
Th "Yreka Union" has the follow
ing which applies equally well to this
place: '"Them are some very uii
pleasant smells in various parts of town
which should 1m abated. Scatter lime
on all offensive spotn, and the effluvia
will be absorbed. This warm weather
promotesrapiddecompositiun, and nolii
ing more readily attacks the system
and induces disease than those same
ugly odors."
Richard Blackwood has discovered
a large white sulphur spring on the
CdIw ell ranch about a mile above his
d piling. It is very cold, and of con
siderable volume. Mr. B wi.l have
the creek turned, so as to expose the
spring, soon, and will then have a
careful analysis made of the water. It
will in all probability prove to be
posessed of valuable medicinal prop
erties. "Tidings."
In reference to the junction of the
O. t C. and C. & O. railroads the
Yreka "Journal" says: The Assis
tant Chief Engineer of the Central Pa
cific Surveying Department, was in
town some days since, ,"on his way to
meet Chief Engineer Morris cf the
Oregon railroad, who selected the point
of junction for the two roads about
two miles south of the Oregon bound
ary, in this county. -
Frank M. Nickerson the efficient
County Clerk of Josephine county,
passed Mirough town on his way hom
wards this week, having'just returned
from the grand lodge of A. 0. U. W.,
held at Portland last week, where he
represented Climax lodge of Kerby
ville. He reports an enjaahle time
at the meeting of the gran 1 lodge and
a yery prosperous condition of the
order in this state.
Chief Engineer Morris, of the O. t
C. R. R. extension, has begun -i suit
in the Statu" Citcuit Cofiit fcr Mult
noniali county, against W.JL Struble,
editor,' and J, F. Mcintosh, business
manager of th "Polaris," and Sol
Abraham, of Roseburg, fcr $25,000
damage, which he claims to have suh
lained on account of nn article nub
lished in the "Polaris" during the ad
ministration of Stiuble and Mcintosh.
We call the attention of the reader
of the Sentinel to this week' pic
torial supplement ns nn- evidence of
enterprise both on the part of the well
known fi in of Reames Bros and our
selves. If v ou want hoddy goods o'
unfair treatment dune "o to lleames'
for they dont deal in those articles anil
if you want to advertise for anything
or any purpose come to the Sentinel
ollice where you can get best work and
lowest rales.
N. K. Lvtle it Co. havo opened n rec
tifvingand wholesale and retail liquor
establishment in the building formerly
used by Ed Smith as a carpenter shop.
Those wishing to porvhofecaa be ac
commodated at a low. price and can have
liquor as pure as it can come from the
still and need not be afraid of getting
poisoned. Give them a call and fry
their goods for yourselves. They have
pure corn, Bourbon and Rye whisky
on hand in quantities to suit.
Many of our fire brigade are in the
habit of wearing their badges as a dog
might wear an x-xtra tail--by way of
crnament, and theotherday they were
mistaken for policemen's stars by a
stranger. -His sfay was short and, as
ho hustled himself out of town, he re
marked to a citizen that a place as
small as Jacksonville trust be awful
tough to need so many po ice. Lest
that mistaken man might inis-represent
us we will say that one policeman is
adequate to preserve peace and corral
offenders and Jacksonville, like the
devil is hardly as black as it is painted.
Mr. Wm. Carl Division Agent for
the O. it C. Stage Company has been
in this valley trying to negotiate for
grain for the winter's supply. He
finds prices asked, to be of quite a
fancy character and feels justifiable in
waiting. The day is fast coming when
farmers will no longer find a market
for grain, hay and horses from the
stage company that has, for so many
long years, treated the public with so
much fairness and courtesy and their
retirement for railroad transportation
will be a matter of regret to many who
now dont think of it. -They will fmd
that the "iron horse" eats only wood
and Chinese will cut its fodder.
L. Samuels.of the "West Shore" is
canvassing for that creditable pub
lication. His chief artist, Mr. J. F.
Whiting, accompanies him and has
shown u? an accurate sketch of our
Court House and several prominent
buildings and residences in Jackson
ville nil of which will be beautifully
lithographed and appear in a number
of the "West Shore" that will be
largely devoted to v description of
Jackson county. This is a mo'-t
excellent method of advertising the
resources and advantagesof our favored
section and give a better idea of our
surroundings to friends abroad than
any amount l word painting Onlv
?2 per year.
niiLcoin NOTES.
We glean the following railroad
news fiom the Ashhmd "Tidings" and
other sources:
Thos. Ful'er, of the firm ol Fuller
it-McNulty, railroad contractors, was
in town several dais tins week. He
informs us ihat his company have sub
let no couti.icts as yet-mid they pro
I ose doing the woik themselves, all re
poitsto the contrary notwithstanding.
On Tuesday last J. S. Howard
finished sedioitiziiig the located line of
the railroad, which completes the-siir
vpving for the O it C. II. R. extension
(with the exception, of coure, of cross
sectioning) as far south as the Siski
yon. For tide tracks there miv be
still a little more surveying to do, ami
it is possible that some unimportant
changes may be made at somo points
of the line; hut we can now say that
the location of the road is completed
to the summit of the Siskiyou. From
that point to the junction with the
California road, some ten or eleven
miles remain to be located.
The Iluilburt surveying party, hal
ing run the locating line to Wgnei
cnek and connected with D ilseu's line,
moved up to the summit of the SUki
yous agiin yesteiday, to begin the lo
cation down the southern slope from
the tunnel to the junction with the
California road. This will tnke,tliem
some six weeks to accomplish, after
which they will mostli.ely begin cross
sectioning for the grading, and it is
probable that Mr. Hurlburt wi I have
another patty at th's work in his di
vision if the graders begin to flock up
this way from points further north, us
the heavier portion of the work there
are completed.
As stated lat week, three lines have
been run by Mr. Hurlburt's party
across the flat below Ashland. The
upper one has depot grounds and side
tracks laid off about the middle of
Linsey Applegites field, and passes
near Daley & Co's. planing mill. The
middle line, which is fully surveyed for
location, has dppot and side tracks laid
out a a point in B F. Myers field
about 100 lanlv above his batn, and
ahoutfkalf a mile from Main street in
the central part of town the depot
grounds on each lineVing within th
town limits. The third line is still
lower, being between B. F. Myer's
house and Bear creek and reaching
the Ie'el of the stage road near the
Elgin mills.
Runaway. The paymaster's team
for the railruad indulged in a runaway
this week on Cow creek hill and two
occupants of the wagon were quite
seriously injured. The report that Wm.
Crump had been killed by this teuu
i milling into one that he was diiving
seems to be without found ilion as it
cannot be traced to any authentic
Notice A large assortment of the
celebiated New Ilonm sewing ma
chines, the best ana cheapest in the
market, have just been received at E
C. Brooks' stoie. Call and examine
them befoie pun-hasing elsewhere.
PARKER Near Salem, July 4.
1883, to Mr. and Mrs. Clias. C.
P. r'ty, a son.
TONKINS On Grave Creek, July 1,
1883, to Mr and Mrs. Win. Tonk
ins, a daughter.
JUSTUS On Grave Creek, July 1?,
1883. to Mr. and Mrs.. Tip Justus,
a daughter.
ofTJoe nrecinct, Josephine county,
July 15, 18S3, l.y Elder E. G.
Browning. P. P. Pioctor and Sirs.
Sarah E. Goodwin.
COKER WADE In Sam's V.illeV,
July 18, 4883, hy C. C. Gall, J. P.,
Lucien Coker and Miss Ida J. Wade.
Josephine Co., Or., July 19, 18S3.
Ed. Sentinel: Hot. . . .Sickness
subsiding.... No deaths near Waldo.
. . . .Mrs. W. J. Wimer has been dan
gerously sick but is letter.... M. W.
Parsons, traveling agent and corres
pondent for ihe "Northwest News" of
Portland went through to the coast a
few days ago.... The new road has
been widened so that no teamster need
be afraid to haul over. The old road
is in good condition . . . .Simmons, Han
sen et nl have commenced operations
in their mines.... The packers are
making war on the teamsters and claim
that by going the old trails und avoid
ing their tolls over the road they can
pick much lover than teams can haul.
According to this when the railroad
shall be complete! and there will be
uo further use for teams that way and
pack trains pack every thing this way
then (he farmers and teamsters must
tako a back seat and preparo them
selves to pay cash for every thing they
buy....Thero is considerable tran
sient travel over the new road....
Mr. McFadden's letter in your paper a
few numbers back though well meant
over estimates the length of time and
cost of a trip over the new road. The
following are the best diivcs coming
up loaded: First night Altaville, or
Low Divide. Second night North
Fork, or Rockland. Third night Dia
mond Creek, or Biines. Fourth night
Jacksons, or Waldo. Emty teams
may travel over with ease in two days.
.Jacksonville more than any other
town will be in position to exchange
goods for teaming over the C. C. W.
I?. To buy goods at a railway station
means cash. The farmers should not
overlook this t and i-hould remember
that if the wagon road goes down the
railroad freight will go up. .. .Stages
through to Crescent City on time
thrte times a week.
Farmers Attention. G. Karewski
is now prepaid! to t ike couti acts for
cutting grain with his impioved ma
chinery in any pails of the county
He has .already done some work for Wm
My bee, J as. A. Caul ell, Nick Ficke
V. Mitche land Col. Maury mid lefers
to them as to the manner in which
it was done. I In c'nims that he can
cut grain lower than can be reached
wi.h any header and stands ready to
prove it to all who iluubt.
For Sale. CjnieiupUting removal
from Jacksoifille, L Solomonoireis his
residence on Califoi ni.i,Sr., an excellent
piece of property, for sale cheap; nUo
a good assortment of household and
kitchen furniture. Give him an earlv
enll. "
Ld Ofi-ice .ir Roseburo, Or. ,
July 17, 183J. '
Notice is hereby given that the tollovv
ingnuned settler has filed notice ot his
intention to make final proof in support
it'his claim, and that snd proof will he
lude bcloie the County Clerk or Judge
it Jacksonville, on Sttuidty August 23.
18SJ, viz: Lid ward J. Lingley. Horn -stead
no. 4133 for the S II '-fot'SE Sic..3o
r 40 S K 4 W ami Ibrthc N E J N U
tndSvV 14 of N i; l-lScc.2T4lB U4 V.
lie n imes the follow ing w itucsses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of. said land, viz: N. 1J. Wright.
h irlcs V illmms, Henry Carter, I'at Ivory,
all of Wrighti.Tackson county Oregon.
AVu P. Benjamin, Register.
Lo-d Orrics at Rosecuro, Or , )
July, 11, 1S3J. J'
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to
the instruction ot the Hon Commissioner
of the General Land Ollice, Peter Jardine
and al other persons claiming an ia tercst in
the land taken hy him ns a homestead de
scribed as the W f ot N W . Sec 27 and
N H f -N E H Sea 23 Township 37 South
of Range o Weot arc required to appe.ir
before the county Clerk of Josephine
county Oregon onFridiythe 31tdiyof
August 1KB J at it) o'clock a m amllurnish
testimony concerning the allegation con
tained in the aflid ivit filed with the Hon.
Commissioner of the Gmeral Land Ufllce
by Joseph Williams wherein it is alleged
tint the said 1'Ucr Jardine is not a citizen
of the United States and that h: sold his
improvements and removed from the
county more than six years since.
Wm. P. UnsjiMtx, Register,
J. C. Foi.lciston, Receiver.
The -Rogue River
Distilling Company
IU.3 0?EC3 A
In the iinildin; situated on the crncr of
Califomi i and Filth streets vvlicro
cr.n Lc obtained a
Annex:: of
Satisfaction guaranteed.
:tien gi
LYTLE. Superintendent.
Odd Fellow's Building Jacksonville, Orrgon
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Gia$a
Shot, Sroslis, Chains, Hose
I have frenrei! tht ctvicc of first-clasi
Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair
ing promptly and in superior style.
L I nm receivincnnil bare cniirlautly
tuud a Tall aud Sret claea stock of
inr-cooDS. era eccts. Toiricctf
nn.iuv hadc clotiiixcj,
0Evcr thing so'd atrca'rnsMo rates.
TacWiivill". March D 1878.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Doalors and Workers
WE ALSO KEEP constantly on hand
nfus cl'tss assortment ot
Joh Work a Specialty.
Prompt attention given to
all orders from dbroacU
"Live and Let Live.
Call and examine heforc pirchaslng
clscvv here. 15ILGER & 3L-EGLY.
m mum
15 cents per day.
Best honsc for the money this side of
NervOus Debility.
R. E C. WEST'S ncrre and hrald
trcitment. a specific for Hysterin.
Dizziness nnvti'sions. Nervous . Head,
ache, Mental Doprcs-ion, Loss of Memory,
Sperm itorhoea. Impoteney, Involuntary
emissions, premature o d age, caused by
orer exertion, helt-abuso or over-indulg.
rnce, -which leads to misery, decay and
death. One box will cure recent case.
Each box contains one month's treatment;
one do lar :i bo, or sit boxes for five dol
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of
price. We puarantee sii boxes to curt
any case. With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with five dol
lars, we will send the purchaser our writ
ten puarrntio to return tho money if the
treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran
tees issued on v by
Woodahd. Clarke A Co,
Wholesale anc1 'tetail Druggists, Port,
land. Qrecon.
Orders bj mail at regular pricw