Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 14, 1883, Image 2

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f g . j JJL1A.VM HrffiS f
JACirSU'- 11,1.1: i
Saturday, Ji'LY 14, 1SS3.
i:d;to::hl AOTLs.
The people of Asli'aml aro amusing
tliemselves guessing which of the two
railroad surveys will lie adopted Shit
nearest town or the out a milo dis
taut. They know how it is themselves
now don't ill
The Iowa Stato Republican conven
tion has mloj ted n po-ili i: and uncoil
dilional prohibition plank in their
platform. Democrats ami i-omo Hn
publicans predict that it will be the
cause of the party a defeat in Tow a.
There is every probability that all
the lands along the line of the Q. &. C
Railroad vill, in a shoit lime, be with
drawn from the market and be sub
je:t to the operation of the homestead
i al preemption laws in quantities of
only eighty acres. Thp-c intending
purchase or occupation ibould 1101
Every time tlJ ' Northwest News"
hits "Bradley" Lappeu", iIjh "Oregon
ian" retorts with a vicious .mail at ex
Senator Mitchell. The game is hirdlt
fair dnd is a good deal as if tho "only
paper" was counting a weasel against i
lion. The lion probably feels as his
ancestor did when. Licked by the
J'John horse."
Our Ci'ifornia neighbors are unfor
tunate in the choice of Uailioad Cim
missioners. Tho-e elected by th" lie
publicans sold out to tho Central P.i
cific. Those elected by the Democrats
did the same thing, the only iliffcirucr
being that they hold for a much 'ov.vr
prico than tie Republican" and were a
shorter time in the maikrt.
Senator Pugh says ihnt "the- wires
are down" Let ween John S.iermauand
the masses and that ho is not an nviiil
able Presidential cai.didsile. Not, so
with hi brother who nuhl lepr.-u
again his bold maii-h through Genrgij
over the Presidential track. AVonldn't
the Albany gills otn lo a man for the
old hero, whosofpleiidiiHy braved theii
storm of kisses when 0:1 his vLit to
A rnqvenjent is oit foot lo force the
prohibition question into the next stale
election and it will bo encouraged by
the democracy till the moment of
voting then dropped like a hot potato.
KTiiu reai .solution ol
the question is to mike it strictly one
of individual' responsibility iuri hob!
cery man accountable) for tho abuse
of an inalienable piivilero.
Spencer F. Bainl, United Sta'esFish
Commissioner, at the nqu'-stof Con
gressman George, has detailed Living
stone Stone to examine the waters of
tho Columbia iivr with the view of
selecting an eligible situ for a .salmon
hatchery. Mr. S'.ono is in charge of
the hatclery on thu McCloud liter in
Culifoinia and thoroughly conversant
with the science of li-.li hatching. 'His
detail by the commirsioiier must result
in great benefit to the State of Oregon
and Mr. Geoign has long been tryirg
to secure the action of Mr, Caird in
reference to a hatchery.
Tho Kanfas City Journal pertinently
and truthfully states the situation
when it says, that "tho Republican
party has no 'bosses.' It 'bosses' it
self, and this accounts for some men
having left it. They couldn't 'boss.'
They will fjnd a wider Held for that
sort of talent in the Democratic party,
the capacious reservoir into which
drifts every sorehead who has been
called to account by Republican offi
cials fomny kind of swindling. The
party that is huiest enough to pur-,c
itself in this way must ejjpect to be
weakened thereby to some extent, and
its only hope of continued success at
the polls is through tho virtue and in
telligenco of tho peop'p, which will
bring it a new vote for everyone lost.'
The Portland Board of Tiade have,
after a most patient investigation of
the subject, endorsed the. iihui of
our townsman, J. JI. ITulFer, for 10
moving the bar obstructions in the
"Willamette and Columbia livers lit
tho hydiaulic process recently patente 1
b-y him. Hon, D. P. Thompson who
is an eminently practicil 111 in was
among the first to see tho adaptability
of the Huffer plan and, ably secoudeil
by Mr. Church, he has coin inced the
Board of its advantages. The supe
riority of the hydraulic plan over that
generally adopted by the government
engineers is: that while tho latter are
blowing through newspapers what they
could, or might, or will do the hyilrau
lie pipe will be blowing the accumulated
Hand off the bottom and forcing i.s
gradual distribution at deeper points
where it tti,l be harmless. Those who
know the- force of water in hydraulic
mining where it iR used to tear down
and move Urge bodies of gravd am)
bowlders have not the slightest doubt
of the complete success of Mr. Huffur's
plan if properly applied.
The lain break among the convicts
at the State Penitentiary, in which
eiuht desperate outlaws succeeded in
escaping to plunder and raid the honest
community, is another foicibie argu
ment against tho present mode of
utilizing convict labor. Tho uso of
Ibis kind of labpr in any branch of
industry that tends to cheapen the
honest labor of decent mechanics is not
only tifjuit to the latter but degrading
to labor irself ond dr-couraging lo
arlKans.' At lies' and uiur any cir
cumstances we nro opposed to its em
ployment in industries lequiting ex
perience or apprenticeships ami in
flexibly so where it permits or necessi
tates the congiegalion of a large num
ber of prisoner in a piisoti work shop;
as communication of bad mm with
each other i.s not reformatory and only
enables them to concock means of
escape. Prisoners should bo worked,
we admit, and made to earn their
bre-id but thtir labor ought not to be
of that character that forces down the
wages of intelligent mechanics. They
should bo put on the public roads,
securely chained, as in many other
states, and made to break stone thus
paying biek to the public part of :he
cost of keeping them and in no way
interfiling with honest labor. Re
formatory sentiment applied to finds
always 1 rady to knife orp'stol a fellow
being, or steal the fruits of his labor i-i
1 flimsy but dangerous humbug and,
in nine cases out of ten, a man who
ju-,t y reaches the penitentiary has
found the place he belongs and if it
has any aesthetic rurnundings he gen
craly in :iig(M to (hid his way hick
again. We vo-itnrn 'o say that if;
peneteniiary discipline only promised
enarse food and haid labor on the pub
lic highways thTii would be fewer
pi it-oners in it and a greater disposition
manifested to steer clear of its cold
While heie lattly, Rev. Mr. Diiver
rela'ed an incident of eatly life in
Oiegon and npp'ie 1 it to those people
tthii i.iily indu'ge in a slight smell of
religion, without tasting iis&uiets, and
pronounce, it bid. Two weary pilgrims
were camped on the b.vk of Mill
rCieik when S.ileni only boasted of
ihiei- or four houses ami a grocery of
tl.e smallest kind. Staking out their
leant in the licit grass nnd liegining to
fix for camp ono of them said "look
Lefe Smith we've had a darned rough
'" l-l-i-r'rar
can be got for money and have a good
!ime, I'll throw in four bits." "Done"
J said the other, "heres a quarter" and
flash with coin, the pilgiiiu slutted for
tho grocery deiei mined to invest in
tb 'jest tiling 10 be had from it
-ibeltej'. Scanning every package care
fully Lfs etc rested 011 some sardines.
"Whats litem" said the emigrant.
'Satilitteslhree bhssinill sire lltreebits
big boxes six bits leplied the sen
tentious grocery man. The pilgiitn hesi
tated it took his pile for the big box
ami the snnll one looked too trifling for
a hungry man. Finally he traded and
soon the two, expecting something
extra good were at votk at tho box
with a jick knife as directed by the
merchant. Sticking the knife'throush
the tin, without jenowing whether the
contents were fish, hVsh or fowl, Smith
raided the box to his nose and, exclaim
ing, with a look of ineiiitblo disgust
"lotten by goshens!"' he chucked the
half opened box into Mill Creek anil
turned silently to a plain repast of
sl.if j icks and bscon, poorer but wier
so; said Driver, sceptics just smell of
leligion without getting to llto corn
and tasting its. richness and chuck the
box aw ay ignorant of tho repast they
hate misled.
A XccctMry TrjcaTtltoa.
It is customary when a man has
been sentenced to death to set a death
A-atch nter liiin until the moment of
hi execution. This is intariably dono
Mj that the ends of justice shall not be
defraud either by self violence on the
pirt of the prisoner or rescue by par
to. in sympathy with him. Tuereaie
some outlaws in this county none too
j;ood to aid in the liberation of the
unf.iitunate man doomed to death and
and it is the duty of Sheriff Jacobs to
see that no preciution is neglected and
1 hit the prisoner has no possible means
of ecapr. If ho fa'! or continue to
fail in this hn will not bu held blame
less nor Le 1 radii t excused.
Senator John Slrnart, who led the
repnhlican retolt in lVmisylvaijia last
vear, hays the piity ipiril h.is l.een
quitkelied. i s character unproved, and
its triumph nssured hy ihe bitter con
iention through which it then passed.
As crtaiuly ns t)in day cjmes, there i.s
no chance of the democtacy cauturiug
this state, and tho independent move
ment of last year was a wonderful
power tnwnid mnking'that impossible,
ihu si na'.or lcnunked.
Circuit Court convenes again. Au
gust 6 tli.
c;:..v;:t:.ii s!i;i:iiiS.
In speaking of the chances of
different Candida' es for "ths. presidency
at the next election the. "Chicago New,"
has the following to say about General
W. T. Sherman;
Among tho possible republican can
didates Gen. .Sherman is one of the
strongest. The first great element of
hfs st length is, of coutse, his brilliant
military record and his almost uni
versal "popularity wiih tho military
elem nt. De-pho his conseroative
political views and the entire absence
of partisanship in his administration
of the army, his nomination would
perhaps awaken more ef the old ani
mosity at l he south than ahuost any
that could be made. Along the. l'nr
of his "march to lite sea" he is re
menibered with peculiar bitterues, and
his controversies with Gens. Joe" John
ston and Wade Hampton '.rould teake
the opposition to hint at tho south so
malignant as unquestionably to react
in his favor at l lie north, and draw
party lines sharper nit 1 cli-er ui on the
issues of the war, or gracing out of it,
than the selection of almost any other
num. His chances would perhaps- be
impaired rather than sttengthened by
his kinship with thu diitiuguiihfd
senator, while the advantage,! and
disadvantage of his relations to the
Roman catholic church would proba'dy
about couutci balance .ieh other. The
condition of thu lepubliean party in
Mhsouri, and its inclination toward
his candidacy, would constitute a tery
powciful element in his chances fot
nomination which cannot now bo df
ti-rmined, while- the fact that he will
then, of his own emotion, its ifweie,
have laid down the h ghest niilitirt
office, and retired lo print) life, will,
create a feeling in his favor that can.
hardly be over-estimated. Such a thins
always can ic? tho palilic heait, ami,
united with his gieat pergonal mag
netism and hajipv faculty f'ir sating
souielhing :it and fresh and lacy ut
any lime, makes Gen. Sherman one of
the .nost available pusihiliiies of hi
arty. Siluatul as in: is, lie ii uu
likely to do nut thing to improve or
impair his chances during ihu time
intervening before ll.o nomination.
lis Lr.it tr.lo.
Although an apparently semi-offiei il
announcement is mado that tho cere
nioiiyuf lat itig the last rail and driving
the lastSiikc on the Noitherii Pacific
railroad will take place at the western
purcai or. tub flru'ir-.i-T;:ii)n17 " rTCe
Pretident Oiks mid" chief Engineer
Atiilersou havo not lieea alvi-cd
thereof and i. is ihu opinion of but!.
that tlto nctural meeting point of ihr
track Iaterfrotn east'nnd west will
be between ihu mouth of Littlu Clack
foot and New Chicago. This, how
eter, wi 1 not prevent a formal "diiting
of the. iast spike" at the Mulian tunnel.
Geneial Audirson be'ievs tho tra:k
oter the Mulian tunnel will belaid in
two weeks-j.by which time track layers
from the west will alsodiavo passed the
threo heavy bridges this side of Mi
snub and then. the. ties ami iron, will
go down on the last hundred miles
with lightning speed. The old saying
Unit "the end draws nigh" is now re
vised to read that "both ends are draw
ing nih."
resiJenco ofRetS. S. Cildwell in
Ljketiew July 1, 1883, Mr. Churls
A. Cogswell to Miss Murtha T.
Hen foul.
Cab, July 4 LSS3. Leon R Siinson
and Miss Emma Wcod.
D2, J. BRO"W
ua:ioati:i;, Oregon,
Will practice in all Chmnjc Diseases, also
Typhoid Pneumonia, Limjr Fever, Diph
theri.i, Coaiunintiniu O.ttacrh. etc. Time
anil doctor', hills will Xk sivid by coming
10 me 111 once. Ur. ilrottii ttill i;ii:irintt.c
to forfeit 300 for every case of Stinin-il
Weakness or private dfscabe of nny kind
or oh-.ractcr which he undertakes and
f.iits to cure. His nudicine is purely tc
ct 1I1I3 and h is ail the power and eUie-tcy
ofcilonrjl orquiniiu, withou: any of the
injurious alter iftVcts.
Shingles To?
The undesigned is now prepared 10
ftirm.-di the b-st fjniliiy of shinjsles. cut
with diamond knife, in anv ijiiautitv de
sired. Piiceil-liTureifinJacksontiifr 6:j
p?r thnund or trnnsportatioa oir ntthe
mill. Kituiteil Itco mile wnith of Williams
ereek pot office. OiU:rs can be left ttith
G. K-irewiki. J. fiui-MAS.
Stages leave Koseburg everyday, except
Sunday, at (i a. ji., arriving' at Jlttrshtield
the same day. Fare. S7 00. This beimr
Llhc main travcltd route lo all noints in
I fra ami "ttw ..!!. - tl I
wMuu vujjj vuuuucs, iiasscusrers win 1
nnd it to llieir advantage to take this line,
BM43VXY, ILulx Si Co.
A Valuable llesourco for l lie
Among the ninny resource which med
ical sk't'l has made available for the sick
mid debilitated, not one ranks higher than
a comprehensive remedy for Liver Com
plaint. Dyspepsia. Constipation, f hills
and Fever, Debility, Nervousness, Siek
Headache, and other ailments attributable
in biliousness Amongsts ingredients are
Mandrake. Damle inn. Butternut, Black
Boot, Dogbane, Bittir Root, Calisaya,
Sweet Flas, Indian Hemp, AVahno, Golden
Seal Ac. fce.
The active blended properties of these
vegetable remedies constitute an altera
tive tonic and general corrective of lite
highest class, anil endow it with a prcven
titc vilue entitling it to the first rank as a
medicinal safeguard for furtifjing the
sjMcb against malaiial and othir mala
dies which cause serious disturb ince of
the Liver. It relaxes the bowels without
srining; purities the Ijlnod. arrests ptin
and spasms in the Mile or shouid-r blade,
purifies a bilious Lrcalh and comp'etely
relieves the many indescribable sjraptoms
which torment sufferers from iVvsiicnsia,
,ivcr c"mP :lint "ad kidney trouti es. It
symptrms felt when bile is itnpc fectlv
W Vt VU IJ V111U 't-J llll'Jt J-V WlJ
stcreted. or is misdirected.
Ktdingtnn & Co.. San Francisco, Whole
sale Ascnis for ihe Parilir Co-iet.
This Fpnce Ts rpFerved for
fiOSTEES ggpOIUiffl!
Jacksonville, Oregon.
JttES KILLK2. - Proprietor.
cuituial implements, tools nf all
kinds and a general uwmmeut of shell
He also keps the hrjrest stock ot, and
all the hilest improvements in
rishiyg tackle,
pevrder, Ehoi.cto.
Civi him a call ar.it cs.iminc hU stock
liTore msikuij your purchases.
California Street,
In Syans Building.
HAVING fitted up this establishment
and supplied it with afulUnd fresh
assortment of pure
Ilnigs, Chemicals, Etc..
I am prepared to compound a'.l prescrip
tions in a prompt and cnxful manner at
t03 0ES5JO.u
Those desiring my professional services
will find me ready "to attend to all calls.
Jacksonville. July 20. 18S2.
J. HJ . A4A ln.. i. 1.
tii" i ia Muiiik. ii a uiiy ai nuniu case
tp Civ made. Costly Outfit free. Ad
m&s Tiiut & Con Augusta, ilaine.
J& S?- '"bv
f.-.-7NTS.ii ..VI
m Eh M rSl Yi fc a &s SI
tsgEkj m&
iiJ Si ill
mwmm gam asaiisa t- am fm2& a .y
m iiii em?, mm mm m, tmmi m
S3S rjm K?trKr-:rr3'A
tern SifKYrasaei
file undersigned take pleasure in infoi'ining tl
that he has
iree'' o3T
In Sue rusiniRg order and is prepared io do ciistoi
the lowest prices in
Frailest . atlfeelliu Criaaffai
rrs A...J?. .. .
jl' or lurisicr parncuiai s enquire 01
Piles! Piles Piles!
M ONI: KVAZli !tUF?i:K!
A sure Cure for niiml, Hiealisg, Itchin?
and UlccraUsl Ptics lms b.en discuvcn.il
by l'r. Wil fiu, litu Imli-in I'linedy,.
cdhd Dr. Willi, m'.-. InduiiOiniintnt. "a
binsle box has cun.il the worst chronic
cites of 2") or CO teiirssltimling. . one
need suffer five mmuti-snl'icr applying this
ttonikrtul soothing mtdieiue. Lotions in.
strunicnis and clcclunrics- do. more hiirm
than good. William's Oilitmi'ut :i1isiiIk
the tumors, allays the lnleiue itching,
(p.-iticnlarly at night alter gelling tvaini
in bid)tiels its a poullire. gitcs insiant
relief, nnd is prcp.ntd on y for Piles, itch
ingofthc private pjrts, and for nothing
Head what the Hon. J. 31. Cofimbcrrt
of Icvehind "lys about Dr. Willi" nf In,
di.in Pile Ointment: I lnve t:swl rnirn
of Pile mcs. and it r.ffiiiiU lnq ph.tMir
lo tr.y hat I lrivc neter lound nnythni"
n Inch save such immedi.ite i.iul net 11m-
nent lclief as Dr. William's Ind.sii Oint
ment. Tor sate bv ol druggists or mailed on
receipt of price. i?1.00.
llEMll" & CO.. Proprietor.,
Cl.f.VLIM). f.
flonon. Davis & -'o , Who esa e Agents,
Port nnd. Oregon.
Vy suortest notice anil cheaper limn at any
other establishment in Southern Oregon.
Furniture of all kinds kept on hand or
made to order.
MP ifflm s4i iia a
ClKri flf? m Ui t-4 r. -4
A. 31161
e; rist set tn. &i
l&l a
ZeosTixs- Cclebsi
superior style. Prompt execi
i -e m ,
G. KA11EWSKI, Jacksonvil
XLX.IXJ U tU-iJU Jc jajlLujo
"Wc are now receiving a large icvoico of
uhich ulll mekc ourstcck very cempktc.
If yoa seal
v.'e can tavc you monty.
If jou want
wc cia save you mosey.
You can have our
tooto cta.cl Si;ooa
at riduccil prices.
It you will buy CLOTHING AND
FL'U.MSHING GOODS of uj ue ttill
sive j on raoncts.
"obaoco fixrcl Ci-ara
lower thsa the lowest.
1 C.aacly
at Portland prices.
CU'I LEUY lower thau ctcr Ufoie in thU
market. J
CaliJorni.i fine COOTS AND SlIGES a '
specialty. j
Gncda marked in plain figures for all '
alike. 1
Our method of git ing the best conds at
lowest prices and linking exact eh trge is
heeomiiti vciy popular, and tte slinil eon.
tinue tn-rlve oar customer their money s
worthand right change b rk J
. S.S AIKEN. fc CO.. '
Jucksoavillo, Oregon.
', "Sir I. "f-sr l
rrr". t.'tii
&b' ti.'i'MiTI
! SJ i; 5 i r
- I I 1 "I
, lmtlt lJ ' -
CjPzk TiiriiuSI
wilh th.'thjicci
pipes. cm1
notions, c.1
Gent's rcrn'J
S'isbinjj t'
And ev-rvthin ns'iil'l
el is? v.i.i l Rfjrf . 1
Our coodj are tins bid
loiie :i sej ris rt.-ll. II
not prnrniK 10 1 iijiiij
Lj Oivc Mac '
IVZsil i
P. McMabonJ
Slaves Te-v.T.ui
Wed.'i-l v nrl Ftid..
it.nnivin Mil AV.ildoli
elitec cf Tii-dAa
forCrtsCi 1 (i'v. ASl
ro-id is tlnhed ahil
tlnouch lirklts to Sal
sold for Sis t v this rol
Express and order bl
uuecu rates.
P 2Ic3TA3