Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 07, 1883, Image 3

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Batoudat. July 7. 1883.
Notice. A large assortment if the
celebrated New Home sewing ma
chines, tbe best una cheapeht in tlit
tnarket, have just been received at E
0. Brooks' store. Call aul txunine
tbem before pup-basing eUevvheie.
Match: Race. Another race has
hfta arranged to take plarp. at the
Cardwell track on July 28ih between
'Jim Lick" anil. "Boston Clip-wr" a
Crescent City horse. The nce in tti he
nix hundred yard, for $300 u Mile and
forfeit of 50 each lias hem nut up.
Cu am pi ok Election. Tbe follow
ing are tbe officer elected Ht the last
Grand Council: W. C, Go. Uro-n;
Lt. C, Mrs. L. R. B ake; H.. S. S
Jacobs; S, Nettie llowaril; F. S,S.
Bberman; T., Mrs. B. F. D-nell; W.,
IsaacSkeeten.;P. W.C.. W. L, Bilger.
Contempt of Court The rase of
Wm. Ruble ami Sherill" Jacobs, nr
rested by Constable Eiidsey yesterday
for. contempt of court, will be up be
forejudge Hanna to (lay. Ruble le.
fused to give bail last evening when
arrested and consequently bail tin-pend
tht nigh in j il. Tbe Mieriir acted
more sensibly and slept at home.
Remember. Iluntem will reniem
ber that they have wiri-Jit to ki'l loe
or spotted fawns at this lime, tht law
requiring one months further time than
is required for the killing of other deer.
The carcarReR must be made u-e of iih
well as the hides ami any one caught
violating this statute will ti ml that the
profits do not come up to the enstx.
We hope to report that Jackson county
liunters obey the law.
Fire. The roof of Henry KLKppel's
"residence caught lire from tire crackers
last Wednesday afternoon, but being
discovered in time, was put. out before
any serious damage. wat done In ihe
absence of our new fire department
Mrs. Kl'ppel and Mrs. T. G. Reames
took their places, tbo former climhin
on the roof while the latter carried
water, and the saving of the bui.ding
shows that they done good service.
Postoffice Business Money or
-ders issued quarter ending June 30,
1833. 1048 Domestic money oi tiers
issued, $22,678.97; 8 German money
orders issued, 133.74; 2 English
money orders issued, SOO 34: 1 French
money ord-r issued, $1 .f3 Total
number 1,058; ninount Sl'2.910 08.
Orders paid 123, nmounting to t3,
526.23. 207 letters uere legi-teieil
"for tbe quarter during the mine lime.
Religious. Uev. F. X. D'siuMipi
will bold regular service at the Unilm
lie Church tomorrow. ... Rev. M. A.
Williams will preach at the Prelivte.
rian Church next Sund.iv morning and
evening at the usual hours. H. C.
Fleming will preach at Eigle Point,
nt the Ubual muiuing hour. . . .Thei
will be a basket meeting at the
Granger ford, Ructie, river, on the
third bunday in this mouth.. Rev. J.
A. Slover will adminUter haptUuiHl
rites Rev. R. C. Oglesbv will hold
services at the Antioch srbool house
Sunday, at 1 1 o'clock a. M , ami a
Table Rock school house at 4 P. M
..'..Rev. A. C. Howlett preaches at
Antelope school house Suudty inoin'
Veit's Veduino. Although it was
yeneraly known that Veit Schu'z
would soon get married Veit in veitht
less tried to steal a march on the bovs
by appointing a time n hen thev least
-expected it and theiefote applied to
County Gie- k Kiippel for a licen-e
fter eight o'clock Ust Tuesday nigh',
and railing on Judge Uay the knot
was tied in good s1ih e with onlv two
or three invited nuesis present. Just
how it happened we do tmt know, nut
'for some leasons unexplained, a yrai
"many people called at the brew erv that
evening for a glass of beer, when Veit
was induced to make n complete
acknowledgment, and the event wa
then celebrated in grand stall The
lirass band then cimn to serenade
the new married rouple when uii p and
Teer commenced fl ivving like water
high water mark reaching n point
ligher tl an the window sill vvheiea
large amount of the liquid escxjied.
The event will be long tememhered bv
those present and we j .in with hi
many friends in wishing theui a lung
lih of jov and prospeiity.
Sentence of Jons Justus. Eirly
last Mondar morning theC-mit Houe
"began 6lling up with an audience who
came to hear the death sentence passed
on John-Justus convicted of the crime
of killing his father on the 4th day of
last March, and when the appoint) d
time arrived the court room was
literally packed. A '.ittle after ten
o'clock A. u. the prisoner was brought
into Court and while awniiiii-; the
arrival of Judge Hanna the prisoner
stood the gaze of the immense audience
quite firmly. On opening of court P.
F. Dowell, defendants attorney, made
a motion for a rehearing, which was
overruled by the court, when the de
fendant was asked if he had anything
to say befcre sentence of death chou'd
be pronounced upon him. The prisn
ner then arose and made a lenuthv
statement, saving that he was innocent
of the crime charged, anil sliowvl the
possibility of it happening bv an acci
dent. After concluding . I udg Hanna
passed sentence upon hi-ii, namint
Friday, the 31st dav rf Augus', a the
time for bis execution. Judge Hatmi
was overcome with i motion while pro
nouncing sentence while tbe prUmt-r
received it without nnv signs of w alc
aning. The defendant attorneys will
mad tvery effort to save h'm and
em to frel confident that a tell earing
will yet be granted.
Ruin is needed.
Look out for fires during this hot
Thermometer 102 in the shade last
Byers i Guerrin filed their second
kiln of brick this week.
Wm. Bjbee, Jr., returned from
Eistein Oiegon this week.
Mrs. James Flood of Portland is
here on a visit to lelaiiv. s.
A case of ciim con agitates the
minds of the Butte creekers.
Loui Tuiker will take charge of the
So la Spring Hotel next spring.
Three Farms fi r sale. E .quiro of T.
G. Realties, Jacksouxille, Oregon.
Some erv nice ladv'a goods at Mrs.
Dow eils. Call and ixamiim them.
At Mrs. Dowell'i. a few dozen suits
fur bi'xs. Warranted fur fit and dura
Rarruch Fisher has a superior stock
of good Ulld bells at StllhlUst living
A cae of diphtheria is reported in
town. Good cure sliuu d be taken to
prevent its spread.
I)ick K ippel accompanid by his
cousn, Mii-s Allte K.ippel, went to
Portland this week.
The telegraph office at Grave Creek
his been disyoutinueil and a new ofEc
opened at Wolf creek.
The next on the programme is the
Oild Fellow's celebration on AugUbl
1 tli. Everybody is invited.
A D. Bockfellow i'C, Attorneys
xlid Counsellors at Law and Heal Es
tale Agente, Ashland, Oiegon.
A. P. Hotalinj, the well known
liquor dealer, passed through town
this week on his way northward.
A portion of a gold cull button was
Inst in town this week. Tim tinder
will confer a favor by leturnitig to this
Have you seen those stylish hats,
trimmed at Mrs. J. S. Howard's fash
ionable millinery establishment, and so
chea 1
L. L. Savage accompanied Dr. Tay
lor to Crescent City om Thursday's
stage where he goes to practice den
tistry. The Biard of Trustees have ap
pointed J. II. Huffer Ci'y Recoider in
place of L. R. Webater, who resigned
i he oflice.
The grape crrp will not be as large
i bin eHras appearances first indicated.
The fruit crop will be light al! oer
the county.
Milo Citon, D.uid Crnnetuiller,
Win. T ler and Jeo Simjisuu start
for Cinnabar lumurruw on a trip of
reel eut ion.
Rev. J. W. Sial.l of the M. E.
Cbilich south, dietl at Roseburg June
iUtb nged 57 jears. lie wan well
know ii here.
Michael Chavner's fmm ran away
tins ui k, tuiowing nun I rota tne
wagjn, ciuiug boiuu severe but nut
serious it juries.
Montana beef steers, four and five
'eut old, oie couiuiuudiug SCO each
and upward, and the demand U much
reaier than tbe supply.
A good crowd was ptesent at the
ball at Holts ILill on i be Fourth and
eerbo! seemed th et.jiiy theinelves.
Forty-three tickets were sold.
The report that young McMahon's
dead body was found ne.ir P.io- nix
last urek was a 1 u hoax and he blill
remuins a fugitive foi j 1st ice.
L H. Webster started for San Fran
ciscu last Monday by wy of Cre cent
City. His wife, did not accouipunv
lint, as ue lepuited lasc week.
- Chris Ulrich ind J. M. Payne re
turned tioui Salem this week hiving
s itely delivered J.IC. P. Bruun to tht
hu1 In. liites al thu penitentiary.
The usual smoky weather in again
at bind lut the Id wo lbi time is al
itched tn tbe railtoud men clearing
the ngluof way near Grant's Paas.
The McDonougb and Dean families
returned nom Crescent City this week
a id leport. it the best trip fo: a
KJinuitr excui.ion they have et found.
The Pavi.e man-, formerly the prop
eriv of W. S. Webb, was sold under
ttuchllieiit at Ltllkville Wedndn
tn sHtibfy a claim of Cogswell it Cogs
wo'.I. The city of Astoria indulged in a
525y,000-tirH on the 3J lust. the
principal Vsers being the canneijineii
a'id o a nets of property along the river
Wm. Bybee. off rs a large lot of de
si a'lle land fur sale at 'uw rates. Full
particulars can be had by calling on
the proprietor or A. L. Johnson, laud
The case of Ilan'ey vs. Birtel, for
trespass, .vas on ttiai in Justice
Huff-TV court this week but acim
proinise was efTeutcd before -a decibioii
was leached.
A social term of Circuit Court will
be held here commencing August C.li
when the trill of the railroad casts
will come up. Ajjry will be nquiied
at that time.
The hodv of Elmer IT. Scott was
found in Rogue liver this week. He
formerly worked at B.Trv' tie camp
and it is supHjed that he was drowutil
For bargains fn the dry goods or
ircery line gire Birroc'i Fisher a
call. He can lie found at S. C'ljin's
old s'and and savs that be will tell thu
gcods at some price.
Divion Ageut Carll pas-ieil through
this week on his way northward.
Everything is running smoothly now
notuitlistaiidiug the heavy mai s that
are g ing over the road.
Little i Chae have added a line
nw show case to their estuhlMiiiieut
in which is displayed the finest ami
largest assort meiit of meerschaum goods
ever brought to this county.
Win. Griflin of Wihlerville was in
town this week, lie hat found a new
quartz Iedg in that vicinity recent I v
which he thinks will pay well if the
necessary machinery is put on.
If.vou want a Sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, cloik,
and jewelry store. His machines aie
a little finer and bis prices a little
snugger, than any other bugger's.
A new boarding bou-e anil barn has
been built on the enuth side of the Sis
kivou tunnel by E. J.Curtis who is
fully prepared to accomodate bull
man and Least. Call if you travel
hat way.
Alex Martin arrived from Orfklan-',
Cnl , one dav this week on a v isit of
lill-iness and pleasure, lie started
for Liukville. to "lay, accompanied
by Thos. O. Reames, to look after hi-,
interests there.
Rev.?B. Ji Sharp accompanied Rev.
I. I. Driver on his visit to Klamath
nJ Like counties, and for tint reason
the Pastor will not be present to till
his Hitmintmeit at the Methodist
Church to morrow.
Win. Linn brought a 1 -ad of ice
from Ashland this week Mid he w ill cm
tintiH furnishing his iiinms with sup
rior ice cream for a time vet. Cnl
soon or vnu may get left as the ice
supply is about gone.
S. Colin will start for San Franci-co
in a few days Tlioue ow'ng him are
n quested to cab on Max Muller at
once and muke Settlement that gen
llemn.ii having full power to ie re
ceipts fur any amounts paid in.
Two of our ioc.il attorneys got into a
war of words and finally blows weie
struck while trving a case in Justice
Huller's court this week. Th Judge
thought eah one had about $15 vvur.Ii
of fun and both paid their fines.
Tim 4'h of July celebration it
Williams Creek was well attended
and the oration of Rev. J. W.
Criig is highly stoken of. The dance
at Caldwe Is hall was also a succt'bs,
forty five tickets having been sold.
Installation of new f Dicers for
Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe No. 1,
I 0. R. M , will take place at their
hall next Tuesdv evening. The WoiK
men install on Friday, July 13 h. A
full utlend.tm.-i of brothers i it quested
in each installed
Incendiaries attempted to burn the
tiwnof Roseburg lust week but ihe
tire was discovered and extinguished
before any damage was done. Tlie
party an er'ed for the crime was ili-.
chargeii there not being enough evi
deuce to convict.
A man named Gmdvvin was shn
ind killed by another uaiu-d Cloud nt
Likeview on the 4th. Jealou-yand
liorsP racing was the cause of ihe troub
le and our inform mt siys th it ('.on I
as cleaied at the preliminary exami
nation held next day.
B. P. -Cardwell, Deputy Collector
for this distri.t, is lieie on official l.u-i-
ness with the Rogue River Distillery,
an officer being r-quired to disconneet
ceitaiu parts of tbe mnchinery ami
carry the keys of o'hers when work i
su-pended for a time.
The following is the new time
schedule for the Sam's valley mail
route; Sam's Valby to l)ekins.
L-ave. Sali.'s Valley Fridays at 6 A M
A i rive, at U-sknis liv OP M l,ee
Dekins Sundav's at 6 A M. Arrive
at Sim's Vullej by 6 P. M.
Three wagons lo ided for J. R. Rob
e ts, Liukville, )r., savs the Yreka
Union, rolled off" the gra le between
Afiertliouiht mine and Furniiceville
recently. The wa.-ons weie. broken
iml their loads strewn ppiinw-iiou-ly
uround. The teams escaped uniiiiured.
Our town received a vi-it this week
from Frank Pickett, who claims to be
the last survivor of the once numerous
tribe of Rogue River Indians. H is
about fifty ears of Hge, says he feels
quite lonely and shows some, emotion
while leciling the history and tleclii.e
of his race.
Sherman it llinmaii's nmmn'h Euro
peau C.rcus tioupe will -jnt-s through
here s me time next September when
in their leturu to California. They
nrp advertised tn rnmmeuce showing
at Pon land July 10th and wil, untke
a tour of the northern cnutitry befote
coming this wav.
If no races bad been held here on
the Fourth of July the day would not
hue been celebrated here nt all mid
as some races wirj run considerable
dissatisfaction exists nt the ie.ult and
the way they were run. Taken al
together it is more than likely that we
had no celebration
A break was made at the peniten
itary at Salem last Thursday morning
and fourteen of the convicts tried to
make their escape from that iustltu
lion. Four of the prisoners were shot
ami killed by th guaidi', two have
fince been recaptured and the otiie
eijit are still at Urge.
The Rogue River Distil'ery closed
flown last Wednesday and the work
will not be resumed till after lurvext.
Something near 3,000 gallons of wlii-
key was made during their six week's
Ueorge Lmve ami John Mauley
lrivn bought the, interests of several
of the original stockholders and when
tin woik aain commenes it will be
conducted nti a nriiclr larger Kjale,
Mr. Lytle, the disli er, will now ir.nn
uiencelhe wok of ree'ifying the I'qunr
low on lund and urns if t w 1 b
laced ou the taatket before Lnk.
The tax sale of properly off-red by
Shenll J tcoi'S mi .win my last le
sulleil us follows: Aim. Ilopwo'uls ;
proiiertv lo G. M. Liv-e, fi,r 60: bits
in Phoenix, to J. A. Cmittnm,
23; I
He.--property to J.' A. II inle
J. West proerty t'.Iv Kibli, $',l
II. II. Tiip!eit's to J'.TA. Hiiuby, 15.
The two internal revenue districts
of Oregon end Wahilig'on have been
consolidated by an act of Congress
and Piesident Arthur has appioved
the same. J. C. Cirtwiigirt piesent
incumbent of, the Oregon district, i-.
letaiued as collector of ihe new dis
trict with B P. Card well and A. J I.
Morgan as deputies.
New go'si at reduced prices nt the
C-isb stole of S. S. Aiken k C-. They
keep everything uullv lo be found in
a general merchandiser store, mid iheir
method of giiit4 lb'' best giods at
low prces, and tusking exact change
seems in h ive become popular heie at
list. Their new udvertiiesit-nt will be
found in another column.
'Habit" i bird to overcome If ou
take off the lirl b-tter it does mil
clunge 'a bit," if you tnLe (ifTunoibei-
vnu have a "lil lelt. ifvou lake, olf
anolher the w hole ofVii" ivn ain, if
von UtkeoffiinotlieriSpsliol',t" totaily
U-eil Ui. All of whiyh. goSJi-sliciw-ill
it il'.youlg-iS.ifd-'srLabu," v'ou
must throw it i.fFaliigetiei-.
Officers elect etl for y.ctorv Council
No. 4: W. C, W. L. Bilge,"; l.r. U.
Niltle Ilowmil; II, l K. ei';S,
L. L. Jacobs; T. S, Delhi Cai.lwell;
1'., Geo. B'ovve; W., Celia I', own.
Installation ceremonies look lm e lust
evening ufier which nil he ci'miiii fes
tival was indulged in bv tho-e pie-enu
The order is in a tl ur.shing c.mditiop.
We nceived a pleasant call thi
week fiom Pi-nf. M. G. Royal, I'lin
uipal of the. Ashland C l ege." ami
Noiinul School. This si hool . ha-
cloi-ed its first veir under tlm present
mamigeuienlaud has given the best if
sati faction. "Tlie school wi;l"hgiiii
lenpill liexl September when even a
I irger attendance than last tcim is ex
pected. -,
A cUss in telegraphy was organized
here this week who will commence
studies as soon as the iiiKtruiiients
arrive. Lilies will be IUII brtweeli
the residences of students 'ufier thev
get fi r her advanced so they can
praet:re among- theni-elves. Any oth
eis wi hiug to join the class should
ii a'te application at this cilice im
Th" celebration at EisIe Point wa
a suiC-ss a laige cii.vvd unending. In
the t veiling n ball was held at Mart
Hurst's wheie sixty-six lie, els wen
sold. A parly was also given at Pmi'Y.
Il'lll al Jjlgle I'tillll Where sIXIV lllllll
I ert weie, la'ten. Cieiries l'o-'endi-liven-d
an excellent mi alien and Dr
G'arv lend the oi cl.natioii if inde
pui eiiief after which a pic nic iliiiui-i
whs indulgtil ill by all piese.it.
D. M O-bor'ie it Co have rented
?ifiip!- Knnuis itu. in .I:ilk.si livillf (J e
gitianl will sell ninvvi r at. $100 each
deliveiedal ilacksonville fiee i.f fl eight .
aUo will k"i p on hiiud a fu I line ot
extras mi 1 lepaiis for the moweis am!
harvesting miicbitii ry and will sell
-mooth and seirntiil edge he'.-' inns at 15
cents each for the n-iei.ti of 1883.
Agt. for Southern Oregon.
The j try in the ca-e of the Stale vs.
Cannon, charged wilii assault wil,
intent to kill Stale Semior Vnoriiei s,
came in u court nt al-iii t.i-1 Fntbiv
morning and sta ed ih'.t they weie
uusliln to agiee upon a vridict hint
were di-ch nged. They weri out
abuoU twenty four hours and stood
eight for coiiviclimi mid four fur ac
qittal. The oase will have lo h- nied
over nnd IFiits will be made 'in have
it ca ried over until ihe next term of
Yreka has more fat men than any
other low ii of equ il si" in ihe coun'rv
When there in a public piotesslllli ill V
should go in gang, the better to i ! I u
trate thesa'ubritv and healiiifiilue. of
an iucomjiaiabie climate. "Yieka Uu
Not so fast Mr. Union. We can
show as uiHiiv fit men as win can and
we will bet our office towel ill It ihel
cm lent voiirs phtv ing 'base leil'. If
you d ni't beliewi it send them ovei
ulid we'd try them a rattle.
The B.i ml of Trutfrs met last
Thur-d iv evening Divid Cionemiller
Hid Ricin'er Webster nbselit. " Ca on
ifc Giriet were granted licence to se'l
-piriiuoits liq'iorx in ih lew u of Jack
sonvil e for the next si iiiouihi. A
commitee. con-isiing of. David L:im.
Henrv J ii Ige ami WiH'Oackson, vva-
appoiitfl to examine into ceital'i
water rights ami itl-6 to. lii.-.ke yn -1 i
male of ihe cot of four cistern, the
dimensions of whch un- to be eight
feet in diameter and twijye feet- deep,
to rejo-tat the ivgular meeiiiig next
The FouuTn Th 107th anni
versarv of cur national binbliv vva-
nnt publiclly ivlebra'id in Jackson
ville this veae, and on y for the shoot
ing of a few fire crackers bv our rising
generation the dav pasted offahout the
same ns any other ilav in tlie vear.
Races were, advertised to lake p'ace at
the Cardwidl tiai-k iii jhe afiernoon.
where n considerable crowd c tllected.
but like eveythiiii e se, a complete
ri.'Ie was aUo male in the races, ami
we aie warr-in'eil in saving that the
day was imt eeleli-tteil in .1 n-k"onv ille.
Got Shot - A si "ii k.cper at lie
nor b end ! Cinv Cieek tunnel vva
s'hnt bv 11 Chiraman this week while
he was i". ihe M.:t of robbing llle kiiI'I'iii.
IV. Strieker wa i-a'leil and probed ihe
wound which whs i'l the neck and
found that the bullet bad gone llimiigh
the bones of ill" neck and git into
the uiurrow- and dropped. C hih. 1
rpienllv In could not get it. but the
T)r. seemed to be well iatislicU of Lis
Col JofiN I. Burs'3 Heard Fr.ou.
Tins "eiitlemul', whose. fuCH is f i-
miliir lo every le.uler of :iew Hpers
on lbi coast, it now representing the
well known tim- of L-ii-hm n it Jacobi
Sl;,ofSin Fiancisci and will arrive in
J ickMiuville. about August 1-t. Mr.
Bin us ic, r'seipH the la-st wine and
liquor Iiiiu-p mi the coast, ami is con
ceded to be ihe be-t agent on the road.
He is an old Miner at rbe -'biz," and on
previous visits to ibis place made hosts
of friends, who will we'eome him on
his iiiiiial. If all wholesale houses in
the t-it v sen' out such representatives
as Mr. B.iin, our hii-aiies;, men vnu'd
belter plensul toieceive iliem. He i-g-od
nainrid. a perfect genJeiiian. nnd
i '-cbtli-k" full of hiisiiie-.s. Col. B im?
fnrio'ily repreiented the liquor houe
of Schultz it Von Bir.ni of. San Fran
cisco and he has jn-it secured a iml
meut against tint firm for 1 300 for
buck a'arv when he quit. He is tbe
Kakrow Escapk During thecele
br.itiou of the Fourth near Eigle Point
a large oak tree was blown dovru and
fell where u number of peopli bad been
standing. The alarm was given in
time, however, and no lives wfre lost,
and the only il.im.ige done was the coin
plete demolishmeut of George Isaac's
carriage which had been left under the
tree. The hnri.es were lied a short
INtanee nwav and e-caje-il uiiinjiireil
(t was a clo-e call ami created quite u
scare for n time.
Attention Faujikhs! The Deering
" T
nt wink
acies of
twine sell binding lurve-ier
in Otrilwell's. field cut 100
grain in tlnee ilivsiinii did the worK
very well. . Kirew-ki, the agent,
has three of these m ichius in complete
running onb r and i- prep-ired to do
custom wink in any part of the valley
on the shoito-t notice. This is an
excellent np ortunitv, for our fan-eis
to have their giiiiu tut promptly nnd
at verv rea-onable rates.
Ni Tier. TO THE PfCLIC The travel
ing public will lake mil ice that the
best stopping place for travelers and
teamsters is at Chavner's bridge on
lio'jne River. An excellent meal can
be bad nt ai.y time at Ah HealdV
who Ins jast opened out in the
Ivirowski building this sidu of the
Centennial bridge, whih:hav and grain
nnd stable room can be bad of Mr.
Chaviier at the bridge. Give them a
trial and satisfaction is guaranteed.
Rr.nucTinx is Prices John Miller,
at the lluiiifiY. E'lipoiium. is selling
h iv folks 'or SI each; sutihe.s ami
"Hath, SI 7"; g iii'Utnnes, GJ cent
per p .nnd; ami all mber goods in bi
line 13 ii-r cent, le-s th in Hier ls-fore
J.ickiniiv llle. Iienieiii'ir-r that
Mr. M.'s gooils are of the best and he
does j 1st as be ugiee.s lo.
. Fur. -ALE. C iii'eiiiplitiiig removal
f inn Jai.k"oii ille, j Sjolomouoffers his
re.i'li me 011 California, St. un excellein
p ei-ejif Jiioperlv, fur sale cheap; also
a good i"soiiuieht of linn-eli..ld and
km hen furniture. Give him anearlv
call. "
GRIFF1 I'll - BR A V l.KY -In Jack
souville, Jul. 3. ISO'S, by Rev. J.
A. Shiver. F. M. t . Griffith ami
Mrs. E irahelh F. B. aw ley.
SCHUL'Z I.IPKEY. rn Jack-Ron
vile, Juli 3, ?8.1.by S. J Di,
U-iuntv Jii-ige, Veit Scbu'z and
Mis" M. E. Lipkey.
July 2. 18tf3, by Elder A. Brown,
Andrew Tav lor and Miss Luella
P.iim, July 1. li83, bv M. Puidin,
J P.. J. .1. Turin and Mrs. Sarah
E. Conger.
July 1. 1833. bv ll-ii. G. C--..ckett,
rmintv j lilge of J.is-pbino, Ceo. W.
Cha;.in nnd Mrs. M. E D-nee.
Rock precii'i-t, by Rev. J. A. Slover,
Nicholas Weber and Miss Elizi
St mlev.
DURROWS L-i Yreka, July 4,
18S3. .Mr-. S A. Burnivvw. aged 79
years, 7 mouths, and 12 days.
'nil! mm uuia
Xes2:ln3.cl, Or.
Four courses of study. Nornnl nnd
Comm-rcial College, rnparatory and In
slrum?ntl music.
For paiticulars or catalogue apply to
ihe undersigned al Ashland, Oregon.
M. G. ROYAL, A. M.
B. J. Cuxtis, Proprietor.
Having "Cllfd r.p a roaifortnb'e and
commodious house on the south side of
the SNkiyou mountain, l-inprepired to
f irnlsh the 1 ci ac oinmnd itio.is for man
and b?ast at reisonible rates. . good
mad has been eut to the proposed tunnel,
only a short distance off. I mean to give
.stf-fictlon and therefore Invite evvry
body to give me a rati.
Tilot Ro:'.;, July 7, 1333.
Valuable land For Sal:.
The uaihrsignetl offers 7,003 ncrc of
vain ib e In d tor sale. 1 .and situ ited on
Antelope creek, eighteen in Ies trom Jack
sonville, w id ha so d in a buly for $10
per acre or in 1CJ or 3.'0 icre lots at fiom
$!) to $C0 percre. For particulars ad
dress or call on A. L. Johnson, Land
Agent, or WM, BYBEE.
Jacksonvi le, Orego..
I, Oo O. Fo
Anniversary Celebration
Xacisanvillo Lodc Bio. 20,
AUGUaT 17,1880.
The Lodge In full regalia, accompanied
by the visiting brothers, will leave their
hsll at two o'clock r. M. and proceed to
Holt's Hall where the following exercises
will beheld:
1, Music by Ihe Jacksonville Bnss
Band 3. Singing ot the opening oJj by
the Lodge 8, Frivcr by ihe Chaplain.
4, Song hy the '"hoir. 5,'ltcading orDis
psnsation by the S:cretiry. 0. Music.
7, Oration, e". Music. 1 Closing Ode by
the Lodge.
. A Grand Ball will beheld at Holt's Hall
in the evening under the auspices of the
Committee of Arrangements. Frank
Krause, Henry Kiippel, K. Kubli, S.J.
U(y am, J()lm A ,l)VPr
lommitteo of Heccption. W. .1. Ply.
m lie. John ltoit, Aiiraui itisii. K. A. cook.
Dr. J. W. Robinson, IL v. Helms, N.
Floor Manigers. w'm. L. Bilgcr, T. T.
McKenzle and C. . Savage.
A cordial invitation is extendcl to the
public to attend the celebration and Kail
and a p'eas tut tiiuj wi 1 bs r.siurtd.
Tickets lor tils Ball, $J.0O.
Lasd OrricE at RosEsunn Ou , )
July 2. 183a. i
Ifoticc is hereby given th it th : follow,
ing-named settler has filed nonce of his
inicuuuu iu m live nn ii jimui in supiiuri
ot his c aim. and that said proof will be
made before the C trk ot Jackson county
ai.larksonvii c, oa Saturday August II.
1883, viz: John Johnson, I). S .vo 423S
lor the a ,,r E 1.4 and X Jot'N tt
14 Sec. 11, T Si S Rsnge 4 ' . Ilennnvs
Ihe following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, nnd c-ti ti vat ion
of, s lid land, viz: Giorge Huffman lJenj.
Thurston, John Bo 1, . L. H-insoa al. of
Applegate Jackson county Oregon.
si. F. Uunjami.s, Register.
Laxb Office at It isKuctto, Oi: , )
Julys. 1833. J
No' ies ii IiTeby given ilut the fid owing-named
st-ttlcr Ins tiled notice of his
intention to 111 ike liaal pront in suppori
of his claim, and th it slid pro if win Ii.
111 id.- before tbi .1 ud e or U crk of Jack
son county at Jncksonvi le, on aturdiy
.uu,t ll. 13i3. viz: Mrs. Kizi Hes"s
Homestead No. "J74j tor Ihu S w 1-4 of a
H 1 i and S E 1 4 of " 1 4' Sic 27 and
iN v 1.4 of N E .1 and " E i-4 o: N 1 4
S.'C 34 '1 ..US It 1 E. He nanus the fob
owing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
and, viz: James .Mills. II. R. Urowu, U.
iv.Mosine, C. .osb.c, nil uf U.owusboio,
Jackson couuty Oregon.
w m. P. Besjajii.n, Register.
Lxz Office at Rosehcr-i. On.. )
July 2. Id33. J
Notice is hereby given lint the follow
ing named settler Iris filed notice of his
iutentio.i to make flual proof in support
of bis claim, and that said pioof will be
made before the Judge or k-rk of Jack,
s n county at Jacksonville, oa Saturday
August ii", 18S3. viz: Henry Carter Home
stead No.4t:50 for the S J$ of S li 1-4 of
S-c. 33 T 40 S K 3 t nnd N Yt of NEI-l
-ec. 2 T 41 S R i W. He names thu I'ol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation ot. said
and, viz: Andrew Citntrcll. Philip
Oleave. of Unioiitown. -ylvcster Arras
inith, Edvaid Langley ot Alights, a 1 ot
Jacksojcouaiy Oregon.
W ji. Ue-njamix, Register.
Laxd Office at RoF.crito. Oa , I
July,?, 8t3.
Notice is hereby given th it ihe fo low
ing named settlers her tiled notica of b ive
inleutiou to m:ike final proof in support
ot her claim, and tlint said proof will be
made before the Judge or Clerk of Jose
pliine county at Kirhy villi, on oaturduv
August I , i8S3, viz: Lucy Poltct. widow
of A. J Pott-el deceasel. lIomstead Nu.
2;U'J for Ihe S E 1 4 of S M Stc. Si '1
H - R.l. .N X f N W 1 4 ami N 1-4
ot'N E J-4 Stc. 2 T -iO - R .) Uist Uil .
Mer. "he names the following witness. s
to pwvj .i.r oui.i'.i iai residence upon,
ana cultivation 01, suid land, viz: James
A. Gibson. Ed'ar Cox, J T. Hartley,
James ox, alf of 'Williams Jus.phl-tc
ci u iiy regon.
.-1.1s.) tit l ue tarn d time and place viz:
Edgar Cox. llomcstcaii Ni. uuUiorthc
W ii ol N E 1-4 of N 14 and N E . 4
of a v l-i of cc. 0 T 33 - ltango o v .
lie names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous resilience upon, auu ctilti
vatioa of, said land, viz: Jam.-s A.Uib
son, J. T. Harlby, L. O. B. lla 1 J units
Cox, all ot Williams J ostphit-u county
Also nt the same time and place viz:
James A. Uibson, Homestead No. 2U01
tor ihe S w 1-4 of S 1-4 of cc. 0 anl h
X of o E 1-4 and N W 1-4 of S E 1-4 1 c.
b 1' 30 S It .i w. He names tlie toliowing
witness :s to ynivehis co:.tia.ioUjUsiilL c
upo.i, anil cullivalion u,said lin.il. v,..:
J.T. Harlby. Edgar Cox. L. G. U Hull,
iliomas Mcvcns, all'of Wi liams Jost..
phine cotn'y Oregon.
A so aiiue oarnj lima and place J.T.
Hart ey, Houusleud No. iblJ for liie
Fn.ct.uaal NEW of Sic. 4 T3U South
Jt j W. He nnmes ihe toliowing wit.
nesses to piove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, suid land, viz:
Jauus .V Gibson. I dgar ox, I. (i. Ji- Hall
f'hom is Stevens, all of Ulliams Jose
phine county Oregon.
lso ut ihe s 1111c titno and place viz:
George . Hoxte, llomcstei-d l). -"jUI
lor the S L 14 ol S W l-l and S W id of
S E 4 Stc. 5 and N M 4 nt N W 1-4 and
N 1-4 of N E 1-4 Sec. b T BO S . 5
W JI. He names ihe toliowing wit.
nesses to prove Ins continuous rcsidi-cne
uioi, and cultivation of, said laud, viz:
j. T. Hartley, .hunts A Gibson Edgar
ox, J. O JicOi-ei all of Willianis Jose
lhiui couny tiregon
AVii. p. Jiesjxats, Rsjlstir
hid Ftllow'j ruildic; JcthstHTillr, Grtjon
ri.v.snEErinoN, Cw?iF.n, lead
Fuse and Caps,
Paints Oils, Varnish, Qm
Shot, JJrcshs, Chcics, Zlosd
i:tc. ETC:
I hre-rnril 1'nt nirrifa flrtt ttt
Mer'isiite. bihI am prepared tmlo all repair
ing promptly and in cuiierior stjle.
1 I mn receivii c hikI liare ceiiftaatlj
n.iud a full aud first data stock uf
ijtr"Errrjltiir.gsoil at reafrnsbte rile.
t icU'onrill. Marcli 5 'fil.S.
J.icltSDiiTille Oregon,
Djal3rs ail Workers
JZ ALSO KEEP constantly oa hand
a first class assortment ot
Job "CTcrli a S'pcciay.
Prompt attention given to
alt orders from abroad.
oua motto rs
"Live and Let Live.
Cull nnd examine before prchaslnj
elsivvhen. lSILGKK & 3I.EGLY.
- IN
75 cents per day,
Ilcst house for the money this side of
Nervous Debility.
DR. E C. WEST'S nerve and fcraia
tn-ttintnt, a sorcifle for Hysteria,
Dizziness, onvu sions. Ncrvnu Head
ache. Menta' I) prc-sion. Loss of Memory,
Speimatorhoca. Impotcney. Involuntary
(mis-inns, premature n d "age, caused by
over-exert Ion, bolt-Hhu-e or ovi-r-indu'g.
nee. wliich 'cads to misery, decay and
death. One liox will cure recent ease
Eiich box contains one month's treatment j
one tto nr a box. r six lmxes for fi-o dol
Isr: sent by mail prepaid on receipt of
pi ice. We gu-irantiH' six boxes to enfa
any mv. Willi each onler rerelvi-d hy ci
for six lioxcs. Bcrompanli-d with live'dol
Hrs. te wi" send the purchaser our wtIu,
ten siiairntte to rt'tnrn ihe money If the
treatment does not iiTcct a cure. Gusras
tees issued on v Iiy
Wood vim. Cijvnsi: fc Co
Wholesale and itctail Druggists. Port.
land. Oreron.
Lrdcrs by ra-ill al regular price.