Hon the tn fgetable growth? fact that most vegetables that grow down should be planted in a down sign, and those that grow up in an up sign, looks as if the time for planting a as made to correspond with the signs. If your correspondent will carefully experiment he will better reach a sat isfactory conclusion. A good rule is, if ready and season f ivorable, plant and not wait for the proper sign. Some of our very best farmers are strict observers of signs and some are not. Views of Ckateiv Lake. J. E. Stuart, the well known artist, who some time since visited Southern Ore gon and made sketches of many of the most interesting points in the beauti ful scenery for which that section is noted,- has just completed- two paint ings representing glimpses of Crater Lake. This singular and picturesque sheet of' water which is one of the wondersof that section, is situated on the summit of the Cascade range, be tween Jackson and Lake counties, the surface being G300 feet above the sea level. It is surrounded by a rim of - "" -- J-tm f500 In i flfia Foot Orra ot the pictures-above referred to is a view- of the lake through a-narrow cleft in this rim- of rocks. The deep greem hue of the water lying-far below is in striking contrast with the brown and rugged rocks which form the foreground, their towering sum mits reaching to the clouds bearing a few scraggy pines, while in the dis tance is seen the far shcre of the lake. Every detail is wrought in' a careful and painstaking manner, and the draw ing and coloring does full justice to the great natural beauty of the scene. Tbo same picture , represents a view of the lake looking east, with Mount Scott in the distance. Tho point of view chosen is near a hue;e overhang ing crag, in the shadow of which rises one of those singular pinnacles of rock common to that locality. Far be neath spreads the deep green waters of the lake, while beyond rise the rugged cliffs of the farther shore. The rich and varied natural hues of the rocks give the artist an opportunity to make some fine effects, of which full ad vantage is taken. In- a few years, when the railroad is completed through to California, this lake, which' is now 25 miles from the nearest settlement, will be visited by many. The erection of a hotel in the vicinity, and a steam elevator to enable tourists to reach the lake with ease, is already under con templation. "Oregouian." A Jncknoni tile Composition. The following composition was writ ten by Willie Miller a twelve year old pupil in the second department of our public school The subject was "What the man in the moon sees as he passes over Jacksonville." The composition was written extempore as a part of the regular school work: He sees a little town at the foot of mountains, since there are mountains on the north, south and west while on the east there is a beautiful little val ley. And of course, he sees a school house on a little height andlie hears the bell if he lingers long enough to listen. And he sees some church ppires, some brick and frame buildings, the roofs of many houses, the topsof may trees, gardens with their plants, the fields with their grain, corn and other plants. On Christmas night he jirrps down the ohimney and sees us patiently waiting waiting for the dawn, not all wishing it to'come as much as other do' because they do not get any Christmas (lifts. I wonder if he sees us drink the sparkling water and sees nome men drink beer or whisky.. .And does he sen all things at night or not, but I believe he does if he hap good eyes. But there might be some mis take abut that for all I know. Mineral Application U. S. Land Office, Rosebuko, On. Starch 14, 18S3. f Notice is hereby given that Frank Logg and John McDonnell whose postoflicc ad dress is Jacksonville, Oregon, have this day filed their application for patent for tho following described placer mining jrround, viz: The N W 1 4 of N E 14 of SW14,WofE JofN E14ofS W 14, W y, of E K of S E 14 of S W 14 of section 27, E U of N E 14 of N W 14, S W 14 of N W 14 of N E 14, S W 14 ofN E 1-4 of N W 14 and the W J of S E 14 of N W 14 of section 34 T87 south, range 3 west "Will. Mer. containing 00 acres, in JacktibS Mining District, JacKson county, Oregon. The applicants c'aim the ground above described by right of purchase from form er owners, the deeds of transfer being duly recorded on page 14, vol. 10, of Jackson County deed records and on page 30 in vol. 3 of Itecords of Conveyance of mining claims and ditches of said Jackson County, Oregon, and duly authenticated by the Clerk of said County. Any and all persons claiming adversely any o'f the above described lands or mining ground arc required to file their claim with the Register of the United States Land office at Roseburg, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, and failing to do so their claims will be barred by statute. W. P. Benjamin, Register. GREAT TUMBLE IN PRICES AT NEWMAN FISHEltS, AND SELLING OUT FOR GASH. Do not send your money away but buy at home. THE CRISIS HAS COME. I beg to notify the public that from this time forward I intend to do the largest cash business in the county, and in onler to command the trade. I shall sell out mv entire stock of merchandise, consisting of ury uoous, isoots anu suoes, uioiinng etc. at such prices that good3 are bound to be sold. Call and be convinced of honest facts. S3P"E3CI?k.Ij KTOTICE. Those indebted to me by note or book account are requested to come forward and settle at once. This is the last call before placing in tho Lawyer's hands as I must have money. NEWMAN FISHER. Jacksonville, April 22, 1882. Jacksonville Crescent City Mail Route. P. McMahon, Proprietor. Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday, Wednesday and FrkTay mornings at 3.A. m. arriving at Waldo in the evening, where close connection is made next morning for Crescent City. When the new wagon road is finished about January 15th through tickets to San Francisco will be sold for $18 by this route. Express and. order business done at re duced rates. P. McMAnON, Proprietor. S, P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Ox e gon, In Cronemiller's building is in receipt of a full assortment of material and pre pared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every description made to order. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. S. P. HANNA. July 14, 1880. SETTLE, UP! XjElSt A l-TTl "I T1 f- All those indebted to the undersigned cither by note or book account, are hereby notified to call forthwith and settle up. This is positively the LA ST CALL. Those who neglect this warning, will find their accounts placed in the hands of an attor ney for forced collection. NEWMAN FISHER. Jacksonville, August 18, 1882. CITY BREWERY, VEIT SOHUTZ, - Proprietor. T WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY IN form tbe citlzcns'of JnckionTtlle and the worM at largo, tht tbejr cn find, at any tiros, at my Brewery, th' best laser beer. In any quantity the pnrchaei may dcxlre My house la conrenlentlysitnated and my rooms ara always la order. A Tlalt will pleaee yru. Mineral Application. U. B. Land Office, Rosebukq, Ok., ) March 12, 1883. J Notice is hereby given that Charles W. Kahlcr, whose postofflcc address is Jack sonville, Jackson county, Oregon, has this day filed his application for patent for the following described tracts of land, viz: the 8 E 1-4 of N E 14 ot S E 14, the S E 14 of S E 14 and the S J of S W 14 of S K 14 of section 32 and the S W 14 of -S W 14 of section -33 township 39 south of range 3 west, and the N w 14 ot Is W i-4 of N E 14 section 3 township 40 south, of range 3 west, Will, Mer. containing 120 acres in Big Applegalc Mining District, Jackson county, Oregon. Eighty acres of which is by purchase from former owners the deeds ot transfer for which were duly recorded in the 'Clerks office of Jackson county, January 12, 1883, and the remain ing 40 acres was purchased from former owners and recorded in the said Clerks office, January 17, 1883, as appears from duly authenticated transcripts of Jackson countv records. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above described lands are re quired to file their adverse claims in the office ol the iietristeroi me u. o. .uana omcc at Koseburg during the sixty days publi cation hereof, and failing to do so their Claims will be barred by statute. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Summons. I Elizabeth Nash, Plff. Suit for divorce in the Circuit Court 5-ofthe State of Or. fur the county of John B. Nash, Deft. J Josephine. To John B. Nash, said Defendant. TNTIIEN.12IEOF THE STATE OF I Oregon you are required to appear in said court and answer the complaint of said PlaintifT filed against you by the first day of the April Term thereof 1883 to-wit: by Monday, the 9th day of April, 1883. And you arc notified that if you fail to ansver said complaint as above required the Plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief demanded therein to-wit for a decree against you dissolving the mar riase contract heretofore existing between you and said Plaintiff and for the costs ana disbursements ot tins suit. Published by order of lion. II. K. Ilan na, Judge of said court made on the 23d February, 1883. C. W. KAHLER, PlfTs. Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. In thVCounty Court of Josephine County, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of A. L. Wal- don, dceeased. Notice is hereby given that the Admin istrator of said estate has filed in the County Court for Josephine County, Ore gon, has final account as such Adminis trator, and by order of said Court. Tues day the 3d day of April, -1883, at the hour of "l0 o'clock a. r , is set for hearing ob jections to said final account; and all per sons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and file his or her ob jections to said account and the final set tlement thereof on or before said day. Published in the Oiiegon Sentinel by order of non. Uarrct Crockett Judge of said Court. NICHOLAS TIIOSS, Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of Jackson county, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of J.-BtCqats , T deceased. Notice is hereby given mat the Admin istrator of said estate bus filed in the County Court for Jackson county, Ore gon, his final account as such Administra tor, ana by order ot saia Court 1 uesdiiy, the 8ih day of May, 1883, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. m., is set for hearing object ions to said final account; and all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and file his or her objections to said account on or before said day. Published in the On eg ox Sentinel by onler of Hon. S. J. Day, Judge of said Court. J. R. NEIL, Administrator. Notice. Laxd Office at Rosr.nur.G, Or., ) March 27, 1883. f Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-namod settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son county, at Jacksonvi.lc, on Saturday, May C, 1883, viz: D. R. Losev. Home stead, No. 2014, for the N W U of N E if. S E if of N E if, Lots 1 and 2 Sec. 10 and Lots a and a -.t sec. 11 t 33 s it 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Silaa Hawk, Jackson Bcrrv. J. P. Truo and D. n. Mill. cr, all of Jacksonville, Jackson countv, Oregon. W. F. Bexjamin, Register." Notice. Laot Office at Rosebtjiwi, Or., ) March 13, 1883. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler, has filed notice of his intention to. make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son county at Jacksonville, on Saturday, April 21, 1883, viz: John Duggan, Home stead No 3241 for t.lc W K"l W if, S E of S W if, Sec 34 T 3o"S R 2, and N E 14 of N W if Sec 3 T 3C S R 2 AV, W. M. ne names the following witnesses to prove lis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: . S..LMnrch. lleni. Vincent, JacobConley and-OlIvei' Vincent, all of Sanvs Valley,1 Jackson county, Oregon. W'm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Lakd Office atRosedcro, Or., ) March 28, 1883. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bemade before tho Judge or Clerk, of Josephine county, at Kerbyvillc, on Saturday, May 5, 1883. viz: J. i McFadden, Homestead No. 2785 for the Eof.-E 14, N W 14 of S E 1-4 and N E 14 ofS W 14 section 27 T 37 8, R 5 west. He names the follow. ing witnesses to prove liisVontimioiis res idence upon, and cultivntioVof, said land viz: A. H. Carson, Louis layes, Isaac Custer and Thomas ICuox, alfrf Murphy, Josephine county, Oregon. W. F. Benjamin, RcVistcr. Notice. Land Office at Roseburo Or., ) March, 27, 18S3. f Notice is hereby given that the follow- inE-namcasettlerhasnieu notice 01 ins m tcntion to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Judge or Clerk, of Josephine, at Kcrbvville. on Saturday, May 12, 1883, viz: Wm. Sage, Homestead, No. 2848 for the S W 14 Sec. 29 T 35 a it 0 west, lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rcsiuence upon, ana cultivation of, said'land, viz: Jesse Marsh, R. Murry, S. Hogue and A. Vannoy, all of Rogue River, Josephine 'county, Urcgon. "W. F. Bfxjami-, Register. 'tr"i Kentucky Bred Trotting Stallions, ALTAMONT, GRADUATE AND WILBURN, Will-make the season of 1883 at CAKD WELL'S RACE TRACK NEAR JACKSON VILLE at thejfollowing rates: Altamonf, $75; Graduate, $40; Wilburn, $25. . .---'S , . hw Heps wiK y F" HI h IWH Altamont is a dark bay, foaled 1875, bred by Col. R. "West, Georgetown, Ivy., sired by Almont, sire of Piedmont, 2 :17 if ; Al mont by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; Alexander's Abdullah by Rysdyk's Hamblctonimi, sire of Dexter, record 2 :17if. Altnnionl's dam by Brown Chief, on of Mambnno Chief, sire of Lady Thornc, 2:18)4, second dam by Imported Hoiton, sire of Lula's dam, Lula's record, 2:15; third dam by the great four-mile race-horse, Bertrand; fourth dam by imported Buzzard, sire of the dam of Woodpecker, sire of the famous Grey Eagle. Graduate is a dark bay, foaled 1877, bicd by Gen. AY'. T. 'Withers, Lexington, Ivy., sired by Cassius M. Clay, Jr., sire of Harry Clay, record 2 :23j-4, and out of Dr. Dunn's fast road mare, claimed to be by Hysdyk's Ilamblelnnian, sire of Dexter, gnindsi re of Maud S., record 2:10Jf; St. Julien, record 2:11 1-4, &c. &c. Graduate was purchased expicssly to cross on my Altainont fillies. He is 10 hands high, finely gaited and ityiish. WiLBUnN is a bay, foaled in 1877, bred bv Gen. W. T. Withers, sired by Alnmo, record 2:31, so.i of Almoin. First dam by Melbourne, Jr.. sire of Jim Irving, record 2 :23 ; second dam by Alhoit, r.on of Alexander's Abdallah ; third dam by Brigaoli, record 2:20ji, son of Mambrino thief; fourth dam by Pilot, Jr., sire of seven in 2:30 list, the dams of Maud S., Jay-Eyc-See, 4-year-old record 2:19, &c.; filth dam by Ole Bull, sire of Chicago, 2:24, son of Old Pilot. Wilburn is of good size, stylish and compactly built. He is thrice inbred to the sire of Goldsmith Maid, thrice to Old Pilot and twice to Mambrino Chief. Those desirous of making comparisons are referred 10 the official recoids as the only data of any force or value in considering "how to breed the trotter," and are also reminded that the season fee of Almont, sire of Altainont and grandsire of Wilburn is fixed at $300. Mares will be carefully handled, but no responsibility assumed for accidents. Those not proving in foal may be returned in 1884. Any desired information regarding this tlock will lw furnished on application. iJZi-5r 3"E3..0:3:, Tn.oliC20XS.-illo, Oroson. " LUJY3BER, LLTulEER THOMAS SAW MILL AT THE iSEADOWS. TS NOWFULLYPREPARED TO FuR 1 nish the market with every description ot lumber of a superiorquality. Tins mill is new throughout and furnished with the latest and most)inproved machinery, there-, by ensuring the speedy fulfillment of all orders at most reasonable prices. Bills sawed to order with dispatch. .XS?GlveV-TOis-fc-trlta juwid. will 'inirc. whatTsay, for satisfaction is guaranteed in every case:' JESSE B. THOMAS. Table Rock. September 3d. 187!). Trees And Shrubbery- Tim nnderaicntd has mndc arrange ments with the Woodburn Nursery, rion county, Oregon, for a lull stock of FRi-IT XHm,! 0RSAHE5T-AL- TRESS, of the'best varieties. Those wishing tires wi;l do well to give in their orders soon, as I will guarantee satisfaction. My stock will be in Jacksonville in a few davs. Produce taken in exchange. J A. S. JOHNSON. Jacksonville, Oregon, Nov. 2., 1882. GiTY BAEBE California St., JacItsonTillr, . - Orocon The undersigned is fully prepared to do all work in his line In the beet manner and at reasonable-prices. GEORGE SOIU'MPF. EAGLEBREWERY. JOSEPn WKTTKRER. Proprlttor Oregon St.,JacU90iiville. The best ot lager beer always kept on hand and ready for sale by the keg or glass. Onr Spring and Summer Price-List No. S3, has made ic-improvea "bvcfOO pages. Uvera.UUU illus trations. Contains quota tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Evo to Sitting Bull and Mrs. Langtry. It costs us 25 cents for every copy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum. It makes. our hair red to think of it. We should havo the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. S3? is 2S9 Wabuh ATtnio, CUcaco, in. E&$$t tfoU 7833. r. 1 rsrz to all applicants. tomers of last rear without ordering TL It contains about 175 paeres, 600 Ulnxtratioim, pries, accurata descriptions and viintblo directions for planting 1KW varieties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Hanta, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, espec ially to Market Gardeners. Bendforitl D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT MlOrt I BtirJImnt, And t, rnH. Pfltjmta. Caveats, "Kip Marts, Copyrights. He. for tbo Unite! s-vatesl Carada. Cuba. England. France Germany, et. We nave taj thlrty-ilic years' experience. Patents Atauicd ihroupb us are noticed Id tbe FaENTlurl .auefjcas. This larjre and splendid UlastratedWecklj paper, 93.20 a year, sJkibs theProfrrfcAot Science Is very interesting, and bas an enormnus circulation. Address MIIKN' t CO, Patent fHcitors, Pub's of ScuOiTlMC American. Sfil I!roWway.Jew Tort. liana Book oul Raima frre BSSB9aBBBBj m 'I2S' apTgOilMM fe&fL ATSSfe Mm STOMAS? J s l?yv5A Will be mailS FATEMTS TVe conuciA to net as Bnllrlinra fni EBBHH u. J B3WJI i EW KlWHK ALTAMONT OF JACKSON COUNTY WlSjh MAKE MONEY EY CALLING ON :Es:e3j?r:oL",2r -orTLTioGriE;, BEFORE BUYING Saddlery c&s Harness, CTROM AND AFTER TIUS DATE I WILL SELL 2 horse harness complete from 2 horse lines complete " Ma-jGoml Mexican saddles Riding I) rid les Horse collars, No. 1, -. Stirrups, wood Cinched -. ALL OF THE ABOVE PIY OWN RflAftUFACTURE. Other goods in my lints at equally low rates. With an experience of nearly 40 years as a- practical saddler and harness maker, and a known reputation tor good, substantial -work, I can truthfully say that I will do abetter job and fir less money than any man in Oregon. My work in the past is a uil:f icnt gin.rantce. OJT Repairing done promptly. Give me a call, -next door to hit Donegan's blacksmith shop, California street, Jacksonville, Oregon. HENHY JUDGE. DR. SPINNEY No. 11 Kearny Street, . Treats nil J'lironlc nn! rierUJ Diseases. Who may be snflVrin'r from the elTi.cts Of youthful follies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of this, tho great est boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. J)It. SPINNEY will guaran tee to.torfeit ?"i0) for every case ofSji'iuin al Weakness or private disease of any kind of character which "he undertakes aud fails to cure. MIDDLE .GEn MEy. There are many at the ao of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the, liladder, often aecom paniid by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot accyitint for. Op examining liieurinary deposits a ropy ik'dimeiit will often bo found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be ofa thin milk ish hue, acain changing to a dark and tor pid appearance. There are many men who dm of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy res toration of the genito urinary organs. Office Hours 10 to 4 and 0 to 8. Sun days, from 10 to 11 a. si. Consultation free. Thorough examination and advice, 85. Call or Address DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 11 Kearney St, San Francisco. Juno3,18S2. tf C. H. REED, PRACTICAL. House, Sign, Carriage and Fancy Painter, TVOl3C.S023.-,t7-illO, Of . ALL KINDS of graining done. - Satis faction guaranteed. Orders left at the New Stato Saloon will receive prompt attention. BHICK FOR SALS. The undersigned has just finished burn ing a kiln of 215,000 brick and is now pre pared to fill all orders for this buildinc material, inese oricss iiuvc utuji uiuuu factured after the most improved methods and are warranted to be superior in every respect. Orders promptly filled at the most icasonablo rates. S. II. EGQER. Jacksonville, July 2, 1881. 20 00 a set 2 50 " 8 00 100 50 2 00 75 50 " " " " " THE 1SHUSD COLLEGE AND NORMAL SCHOOL, u3.a3b.ln.xi.cl. Or. This institution will reopen Octobers, 18S2 under the management ofM. O. Roy. al, X. 31., assisted by a competent corps of instructors TUITION. Colligeatn Department, per qr $15.00 Academic " " " 12.00 Preparatory " " 9.00 Primary " " " COO Instrumental jrusic" " ' . . . 15.00 TUITION I'AYAllI.E IX ADVANCE. F r particulars apply to 31. G. Royal, President. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of Jacksoi. county, Slate of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of U. S. Hay. den, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the execu tors of said e.-tatc"havc filed in the County Court for Jackson county, Oregon, their final account as such executors, and by order of said Court, Tuesday, the 8th day of Jlay, 18S3," at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. m., is set for hcaring.objections to said final account; and all 'persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to ap pear and file his or her objections to said account on or before said day. Published in the Okeoon Sentinel by order of Hon. S. J. Day, Judge of said Court. Wm. Hoffman, TlIEO. t'AMEUON, Executors. hUkli DK. &. STLSBEE'S KXTKUXAL PILE REXEDX Civet Instant Relief, and it an Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, 1.00 per box, jyrepaid, by mail. Samples sent free to Physicians and all sufferers. Try Neustaedter & Co., Box 301G, New York City. Sole manufacturers of AN AKESIS. ILL il IHI-MT gTJi'-AMPrl liyjl illi Efl CLyM-al 5 jH Shim EjjnhLal HI MB B JiH iwiP -Si -tB THE U. S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California St., Jacksonville - - Ogn, JANE HOLT, Proprietress. o. & C. Stage 'Houses FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. MEALSAT ALL. HOURS. ROOMS TO LET BY THE DAY,. WEEK OR MONTH. Prices Very S&rdorato. OUR NEW HOTEL BUILDING BE--ing completed lor occupancy, the un dersigned takes pleasure in announcing' mm wo are prcparcu 10 entertain tnc. trav. eling public. No pains will be spared tor pro vide for the comfort of our cucsts and ' to make them feel at home with us. The" most modern improvements have been in- troduced, and tho accommodations of tlio' United States will not lag behind tho best appointed' inland Hotel on this coast. Our tables will always be supplied with the" best the market affords and served in tho best style by a corps ot obliging waiters. The beds ar bedding arc all new and? ntteu up in -rtmntMn -tri- suited", to tho accommodation of singlooc?' Jacksonville, March 5, 1881. EXCELSIOR LIVSMBHND FEElr STABIiE, Corner OF OreooX axd Calikor.iu sts., Jacxsoviiajj' W. J. FiYRLaiE, prop'r. Would respectfully Inform the that he has a fine stock of' public Horses, Buggies ami Cnrlnpces. And he is prepared to furnish his patrona' and thu public generally with Fine Turnouts As can be had on the Pacific, coast. Sad' die horses hired to go to any part of' the county. Animals Bought and Sold! Horses broke to work single or double. Horse boarded and the best of care be stowed, upon them while in my charge. A liberal share of the public patronage is solicited on reasonable terms. TABLE ROCK SALOON,, OREGON STREET, WIjYTJEjY and HELMS', PROPRIETORS. Ti.c proprietors of this well known and popular resort world inform their friends and the public generally that a complete and first class stoek of the best brands of liquors, wine?, cigars, ale and porter, utc., are constantly kept on hand. They will be pleased to have their fricuds "call and smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also bo found here. We would be pleased to havo persons possessing curiosities and scci mens bring them in, and wcttill place them in the cabinet for inspection. WINT.IEN HKIAIS. New State Saloon, Cor. California it 3d ts., John Noland - - Prop; This favorite resort has lately been theiotiglily renovated and stocked with a complete assortment ot the finest wines, liquors and cigars in tho market. Tho celebrated Thistle Dew whisky is kept constantly on hand here. A tlrst-clns billiard table Is alo ron nccted with the house, and the reading table will always be supplied with tho latest and choicest periodicals, newspap ers, etc. C"?rGivc me a call. JOHN NOLAND. Jacksonville, Sept. 21, 1881. LUMBER FOR EVERYBODY! STERLING 6 Miles South of Jacksonville-,. TS NOW UNDER FULL HEADWAY J. and is prepared to furnish the markeS with every description of lumber ofa supe rior nualitv at the lowest rates. Bills- sawed to order and satisfaction guaranteed.. All rdcrs addressed to us at Jackson,, ville will receive prompt attention. PARKS & SON. NEW SADDLER Jacksonville, Ogn. Thomas J. Kenney, Prop-.. TTAVING OPENED OUT A NEW XI saddler shop in Lanccll's buildinc. opposite Masonic Hall, I am fully prc- pared to do any work in my line with promptness and dispatch. Will keep on hand a good assortment of saddles, bridles, harness, bus, spurs, , etc None but tho. best California leather used. Job work a specialty and prices to suit the times. t-Givc me a trial. T. J. KENNEY. Jacksonville, July 10,1881. Stock Farm for Sale. The undcrsisned offers 400 accrs of lanaJ for sale. 150 acres are under fence, and a. good duelling and two barns will be found' on the farm. The place is alsowcll,woodi ed and supplied with plenty living water Por particulars enquire at this, office or aU EhocnixofP.W.Olwell. J. Calla-hian. Jacksonville June 24th, 1883. r- tl