ran tauiff; . Washington, Jan. 4. The Finance Committee of the Senate yesterday virtually completed the bill which will bereported to the Senate to day. Two or three items remain to be finally acted upon. Important change have been made by the Committee. The schedule and rates of duty are as fol lows: Chemical rroduct duty of 4 cents per pound on chemical and bichromate potash, reduced to 3 cents. TJpon white lead when dry or in pulp and when ground or mixed or in oil, the Commission recommended the duty to lie fixed at 2 and 2 cents respect ively. The Committee advancrd the duty to 2J and 3 cents. CROCKERY -MJD'GLASS WARE. Th duty on China porcelain and bisque including plaques, ornament?, charmes, vases and statutes, decorated or ornamented in any manner, has been filed at CO ad valorem, in stead of 65 per cent, as recommended by the Tariff Commission. The same not or namented, or decorated 55, instead of 0 pay eaatqtV'ofebrda't'tfecit-stoaB'or- crockery ware not specially enumerated or provided for in this Act, 50 in stead of 55 per cent. Cost of pelished plate glass notexceeding 24x60 inches square, 20 instead of 25 per cent.; all above that size 40, instead of 50 per cent. A small reduction is made in all grades of iron, steel rails, eta The committer make a reduction of f of a cent upon each grade of old copper, old brass and all composition metal of which copper is the component part, irate rial of chief value H cents per pound, instead of 31; upon lead, ore lead in bags and bars, old scrap lead and lead in sheets and pipes, the duty is fixed as at present. IRON AND OTHER METALS. Respectively on nickel or ignots of iron or other forms of any metal plated nickle, 20 instead of 25 cents. On sugar the polorizcopic-test is retained. The duty fixed on all sugars from 75 polorizcopic test of saccharine strength to No. 16 Dutch standard is 1 cents per pound instead ef H; from No. 16 to No. 20 Dutch standard, 3 cents inpts&dof 3jf; all'sugars above No. 20 Dutch standard, 31 instead of 3J; mo lassess, 5 cents per gallon. On all to bacco valued at 40 cents per pound, on cigars, cheroots, cigarettes,' etc. the present duty is retained. Rye and barley, 10 cents per bushel instead of 15, barley malt, 20 cents instead of 25; rice, 20 per cent, ad valorem. In liquors no changes have been made. COTTON GOODS. In cotton and cotton goods, a few changes have been made in the way of reductions from five to twenty per cent, below the commission's report. In hemp, jute and flax goods, the prin cipal change is fixing a duty on jute butts at six dollars per ton. In wool and woolens the distinction between washed and unwashed is removed, and the duty in fixed at the same rate as that imposed upon washed wool by the present law. On woolen rags shoddy und waste, the duty is fixed at ten In stead of twelve cents per pound. Up on woolen cloths of all grades the duty is fixed at forty cents per pound. In the schedule of books the committee fixed the duty upon all books, period icals and pamphlets, bound or unbound, engravings, etchings, illuminated books, maps, etc., at twenty per cent ad val orem, instead of fifteen as recommended by the Commission. The above em brace all the most important changes proposed by the Finance Committee. After some further slight amendment, the bill will tomorrow be reported to the Senate for its consideration.. X Clawing Tribute to Cnmbrlla. Paris, January 4. Duclerc, Presi dent of the Council, in a lo'ter to President Grevy, submitting the de rreo for a public funeral in honor of Gambetta, says: "A" great misfor tune has befallen France. She is in mourning for one of her most illustri ous sons. Tho services he rendered are in the memory of all.. In the days of the sorest trials he bore the flag of invaded France without despairing, of her future. He was one of the most eminent of the members of the govern ment who at least Baved the honor of tho country. During a difficult period he founded the Republic lie helped to win those majorities which are now the bulwark of our institutions. He was a conscientious, upright citizen, of clear intelligence and lofty mind, and nn orator of incomparable power. This statesman cannot be treated by his fel 1'jw citizens with too great marks of esteem and gratitude. In proposing a public funeral, wo aro 6ure we are re sponding to feelinss which you were first to express on learning the fatal news." Gambetta being out of office at tho time of his death, Great Britain will not be officially represented at the funeral. The British Ambassador mav. however, attend in a private ca ).vilv. Gamlmtta's father demands a Mlsgious interment at Nice. The i.t of Gamlietta's brain is eleven LuudreJ grammes. roi.NTs inn ii Er rytiie tarmuiu COIUTUF OKLGU.1. The Supreme court of this state has decided: That a will of any person cannot be admitted in evidence to sup port title to land founded'upon it until after such will has been admitted to probate in the county court and tliers proven to be the last will of deceased in the manner provided by law for wills to be proven. Nearly all the other states which have probate courts with exclusive jurisdiction pertaining to the proof of wills have held the samo doctrine. A promise made by ono party with out a corresponding obligation or promise made by the other party is void. Where a title- is derived through a deed which is not recorded or exhibited to tho purchaser, the title is defective, and he is not compelled to accept it. A contract to make a good and suf ficient warranty deed of conveyance is not performed by the vendors tender ing a formal deed with covenant of warranty, the tillajjeingfrgtir-ivad there being an incumbrance on the tract of land to be conveyed. Taxable property within the mean ing of the statue which authorizes the levy of taxes by school districts, is that property which persons within the dis trict own, exclusive of indebtedness. The clerks of school districts, in mak ing assessments, must follow the gen eral law governing assessors. The Supreme Court of this state has held that An offer in writing to pay a debt when not accepted is a sufficient tender of money under the-coder and such tender will discharge a Hen held by the party to whom the tender was made on personal property, created by a chattel mortgage. Where a conveyance is taken by a hnsband in his own name, without the wife's consent, of land purchased with the wife's money, and with the under standing on her part that the convcy ance is to be made to her, ahe is in equity the owner of the land, and the husband is her trustee. An agreement for the sale of per sonal property at a price not less than fifty dollars, is void, under our statute of frauds, unless the same or some note or memorandum thereof expressing a consideration be in writing and sub scribed by the party to be charged. - ! A Ccorst.i Editor On Early Marriage; Nine tjnths of the unhappy marri ages are the result of green- human calves being allowed to run at large in the society pastures without any yokes on. them. They marry and have children before they do mustaches; they are fathers of twins before they are proprietors of two pair of pants, and tho little girls they marry are old women before they are twenty years" old. Occasionally one of these gosling marriages turns out all right, but it is a clear case of luck. If there was a law against young galoots sparking and marrying before they have cut all their teeth, we suppose the little cusses would evade it in some way but there oughfto bo a sentiment against it. It is time enough for these bantams to think of finding a pullet when they have raised monoy enough to buy a bundle of laths to build a hen-house. But they see a girl who looks cunning, and they are afraid'there- is not going to be girls enough to go arcund, and then they begin to get in their work real spry; and before they are aware of the sanctity of the marriage rela tion they are hitched for .life, and be fore they own a cookstove or a bed stead, they have-to get up in the night and go after the doctor, so frightened that they run themselves out of breath and abuse the doctor because ho doesn't run too, and when the doc tor gets then-, there is not enough linen in the house to wrap up a doll baby. The following is the business of tho Roseburg laud office for the three months ending December 31st 1882: 27 private'entries embracing3186 acres; 17 pre emption entries embracing 2087 acres; 1 mineral entry of 80 acres; 12 timber entries embracing 1172 acres; 79 homestead entries embracing 11,0G4 acres; final homestead proof made on 5512 acres; 1 donation certificate issued; 58 pre-emptions filed. The above shows a large increase of busi ness over any other three months for a number of years. There has "been 50 pjkcent. more homesteads and pro entytion claims taken during the last year than the year previous. Why is it that a young man and a young woman will sit for hours and hours together in a parlor without say ing a word, and then, when it is time for him to leave, stand an hour talking earnestly on the front stoop in the still, pneumonic air A Chinese company has been incor porated for the purpose of aealing in nal estate in Portland. Notice. Land Office at Rosebuko, Or., ) December 7, 18S2. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or clerk of Jackson connty at Jacksonville, on Saturday Janu ary 13, 1883, viz: John A. Grcive, Home stead No. 2,911 for the S. W. jLf of S. E. if. Sec 3, N. W. of N E if & ll U of N TV 1-4 Sec. 10, T. 41 S. R. 4 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul, tivation of, said land, viz: James Purvis, Samuel Colvcr, of Phoenix, James Spearin William Ward of Pioneer, all oi Jackson county Oregon. W'M. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at RosEnuito, Ok., ) December, 13, 1882. ) Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice or his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that'said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Joseph ine county at Kerbyville, on Saturday Feb. 17,1883, viz: James Lyttlc, Home stead No. 2580 lor the W J of S n 14 and Lots 5, G and 7, Section 23. 40 S R 8 W, W. 3E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: A-R Msrl-r rj'irlre rWV.-CT.-T.HViiLl.t T: F. Floya.TUis. Hughes, of Kerbyville, all of Josephine county Oregon. iVst F. "Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at Roseburo, Or., ) December 13, 1882. J Notice is hereby given that the fo'low-ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi'l be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son county, at Jacksonville, on Wednes day, January 31, 1883, viz: Joseph Shoe nuker, Homestead No. 4002 for the E y. S E 14 Sec. 35 T 37 S R 4 and E J of I? E 1-4 Section 2 T 38 S It 4 W. Ie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Alfred Carter, John II Cantrcll, John Johnson and John Bolt, all of Applegatc, Jackson county, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at RosEmma Or., ) December, 7, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support oi his claim, and that said proof will be made his before the Judge or Clerk of Jackson county at Jacksonville, on i'atnrday, Jan uary 13, 1883rviz: Riley Phillpis Preemp lion D. S.No. 7G9 for the NotKEW S W 1-4 of N E 14 fee. 20 T 3'J S R 2 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said land, viz: W. Dunhp, John McKee, Andrew Cantrcll, John Cantrcll, all of Uniontown Jackon county Oregon Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at Rosebukg. Or., ) December 20, 1882. f - Notice is hereby given that the- following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to made final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jackbon county, at Jacksonville, on Saturday, Feb ruary 3, 1883, viz: John Cintreli, Pre emption D. S., No. 740 lor the S W 14 or S 14. Sec 4, W y, of N W 14 and N E 14 or N w -14, Sec 9, T 30 S R 3 W, Will. Jler. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Andrew Cantrcll, J. A. Rinchart, W. A. Jones and Theodore Comenm, all of Uniontown, Jackson county, Oregon. Wm. F. Denjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at Roseburo, Or., ) December 20, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-named settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son county at Jacksonville, on Saturclav, February 3, 1883, viz: John W. Pitman, Homestead No. 2G81, for the S V, of S E 14 Sec. 21, N of N E 1-4 Sec. 28 T 33 SRI W, W. 31. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Wm. Knighton and diaries Knigh ton, of Etna, J, N. Hockcrsmith and Joseph Hockcrsmith of Phoenix, all of jacKson county, uregon. "Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Criterion Billiard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., CATON& GARRETT, Proprietors. T'HIS populai resort, under new man. I ngement, is furnishing the best brands ol liquors, wines and cigars. The reading iuiiiu is &ujj!iieu wiiu liUMern pcriouicais and leading papers of the Coast. Qivc me a call. Liquor House. The undersigned otters "Whiskey for sale in quantities to suit customers at ?3'per gallon or $1 per. quart, at the Eacle Brew cry. Lager 3eer for sale and delivered at the usual price. Mrs. J. "WETTEnnn. O Buy at dealers' prices. We will sell you any article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, sendforourCatalogue.yr con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest Variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD & GO 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. PATENTS JVe continue to act as Solicitors Tor Patents, JrT?a&.'Iale.,Mar,a' Copyrights, etc., for lie United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc We bare bad (hlrty-Uvo years' experience. ratents obtained through usare noticed In the FciExnnc American. Tbls large and splendid lllastrated weekly paper, $3.20 a year, shows the Progress of Science, Is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO, Patent Solicitors, Pub's, o! SOKfnna AVZEiciN, 201 Broadway, New Tort Hand book hbsut patents tree. SLAUGHflrUN PRICES .tr.- E.JACOBS' $TORE Oreiron SfJaMtoicksonville WHEKE TE AND T V mairneRcl new goodi' has just been r&4 in part oi CLOTHING, dry-goods, groceries, fancy goods, boots& shoes, school books, hats And caps, tobaccos & cigars, hardware and carpets, tinware, all kinds paints. -ALSO:- WniNTDOTO" G-LA.SS .44 - GROCERIES. ' A FINE ASSORTMENT -OF LADIES" HATS AND FLOWERS, &c, &c. In fact everything to be found in a first c!an stock of General Merchandise, whict will be fold at prices That Defy Competition. The highst price allowed for country pro duce. PfGirc M5 a call at my eftablihmenl in the Maaoulc building and be convinced that there Is no humbug about thir E. JACOBS GREAT TUMBLE IN PRICES AT NEWHAH FISHE'HS, AND SELLING CUT FOR CASH, Do not send your money away but buy at home. THE CRISIS HAS COME. I beg to notify the public that from this time l'onvjinl I intend to do the lurgest cash business in the county, and in order to command the trade, I shall sell out my- wa..w vwr ii mi.ii.iiuuujn:, v.uu?i?uil Ul uiy uooas, uoois ami tnoes, uiotuiug tic. at such prices lhatgood3 are bound to be sold. Call and be convinced of honcsl tacts. SPECIAL KOTICE. Those indebted to me by note or book account are rcquehh.d to come forward and sellle al onre. ThisTS the last call before placing in tho Lawyer's hands as I must have monev. NEW3IAN F1SIIK1L Jacksonville, April 22, 18&J. ST. CHAHLES HOTEL, Corner Front nail MorrHon, forllanil. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly fire-Drool. Con tains 120 elegantly furnished suits and single rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. L'JfrlBEft, LUMBER THOMAS' SAW MILL AT THE'.iaKADOWs. TS NOW FULLY PREPARED TO FiR X. nish the market with every description ol lumber of a superiorquality. Thlsmill is new throughout and luniisfied'whh the latest and mostimprovedmachinery.there by ensuring the speedy fulfillment of all orders at most reasonable prices. Bills sawed to order with dispatch. S35Givc me a trial and I will prove what I say, for satisfaction is cuaranteed in every case. JESSE B. TIICMAS. Table Rock. September 3d. 1870. BZUCS FOR SALE. The undersigned lias just finished burn ing a kiln of 215,000 brick and is now pre pared to fill all orders for this building material. These bricks have been manu factured after the most improved methods and aro-warranted-toJicPuperLor in every respect. Orders promptly filled at the most icasonablc rates. S. H. EGGER. Jacksonville, July 2, 1831. CITY BARBER SHOP California -St., JacUsoiivil!c,W- - - Oregon. The undcrsignedjis fully prepared to do all work in his linejn thebestmanncraud at reasonable prieea. GEORGE SOIIHMPF. UNION- HO TEL, Kerbyville....' Oreson, M. Ryaer, Propr. -. . First-class accommodation can always be had at this house" at the most reasona ble rates. "1, tSAn cxcellonrslable connected with the hotel. ' -5" ' Jllnln: 'I.-Ini . iuhI Hilcli For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale the min ing claim and ditcirknown as the Cady & Emerson claim, in the Blackwcll district. For further particulars enquire at this office, or 8. COHN. Jackson vUley Oregon, June 10, 1882. &K JHPv AGRICTJLTTJBAL Deering's Mowers' Self Twine Binders Self and Hand-dump Sulkies, and Horse Bakes, AT G. KAREWSKFS. SPOKES, FELLOES, TilHBlfS, HLB, &C. &C. I" A3! RECEIVING A FULL LINE OF THE ABOVE GOODS DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY. I "will not be undersold and guarantee them to work better than any other machine in this market. After trial, if not as represented, machines may be returned. All extras for 3Iowers, Binders and Rakes kept constantly on hand. The above goods are offered on Easy Terms aisd Low Bates. C-Iease call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere .Produce of all' kinds nferHrrcscinrngc ho rr i Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Dry-goods, Groceries Cheaper than the. Cheapest. G-. KAREWSKI. Jacksonville, May 6, 1S82. OF JACKSON COUNTY WHJL MAM.E MNE BY CALLING ON BEFORE JPROM AKD AFTER THIS DATE I WILL SELL 2 horso harness complete from 20 00 .1 set 2 horse lines complete " 2 50 " Good Mexican saddles " 8 00 Riding bridles r. " 1 00 Head halters " 50 Horse colhirs, No. 1, " 2 00 Stirrups, wood '' 75 Cinches " 50 ALL OF THE ABOVE RflY OWN MANUFACTURE. Other goods in my line at equally low rates. With an experience of nearly 40 years as a practical saddler ind harness maker, and a known reputation lor good, substantial work, I can truthfully say that I will do a better job and for less money than any man in Oregon. 3Iy work in the past is a .sufficient piii.rantce. - CS?" Repairing done promptly. Give m? a call, next door to Pat Donegan's blacksmith shop, California street, Jacksonville, Oregon. IIENKY JUDGE. DR. SPiNiMEY No. 11 Kearny Street, Trrnts nil Chronic anil ?rrlnl DNraM". Who miiy be suiPring from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of this, the great est boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will jiuaran tee to forfeit .100 for every case of Semin al Weakness or private disease of any kind of character which he undertakes and tails to cure. MIDDLnAGED MCV. There arc many at the age ol thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, oflen accom panied by a slight smarting or burning seaiation and a weakening of the system in a maimer the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often Imj found, and snmttimcs small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milk ish Luc, again changing to a dark and tor pid appearance. There are many men v. ho die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cauc, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such casrs, and a healthy res toration of the genito urinary organs. Office Hours 10 to 4 ami to 8. Sun days, from 10 to 11 A. M. Consultation free. Thorough examination and advice, S3. Call or Address DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco. Juno a, 1882. tf METROPOLITAN HOTEL, BLosoburg, - - Orogou. H. O. Slocum, Propr., O. C. PERKINS, MNGR. First-class accomodations can always be had at this old established house and sat isfaction guaranteed. Free coach to the house. SETTLE UP! Xjrxst Vi a.T"rt Ing. All those indebted to the undersigned cither by note or book account, arc hereby notified to call forthwith and settle up. This is positively the LA ST CALL. Those who neglect this warning, will find their accounts placed in the hands of an attor ney for foiced collection. NEWMAN FISHER. Jacksonville, August 18, 1882 LAST CALL. All persons indebted to the undersigned, either by Note or Book Account, are notified to pay the same by November 1st, 1882. This is business. REAMES BROS. SK TT 2OAper day at home. $U -L J 5USamplcs worth 5 free Address Stinson& Co.,Pot tland.JIe. IMPLEMENTS ! BUYING 'illi!i 1 Ci ii.il' ill 'J AND NORMAL SCHOOL, This institution will reopen October 2, 18S2 under the management of M. G. Roy al, A. 31., assisted by a competent corps of instructors TUITION. Colligeate Department, per qr l."i.00 Academic " " " 12.00 Preparatory " " " 9.00 Primary " " " COO Instrumental Music " ''.... 15.00 TUITION TAYAHI.K IX AKVANCK. F r particulars apply to M. G. Royal, President. Jacksonville Crescent City EEail 2ioute. P. MclHahon, Proprietor. Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at ." A. m. arriving at Waldo in ihecvrniiiir, where close connection is made next morning for Crescent City. When the new wagon road is finished about January 15th through tickets to San Francisco will be sold for $18 by this route. Express and order business done at re duced rates. P. McMAIION, Proprietor. D.W.Crosby, Agent. AMA Hiv 123 , nn. h. SILSDEE'S EXTERXAIi PILE REMEDT Gives Instant Relief, and is an Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, t.00 jer box, prepaid, by mail. Samples sent free to Physicians and all sufferers, by Kcustaedtcr i. Co., IIox ?!MC, New York City. Sole manufacturers of ANAKE3IS. 3, P. HANSMA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oiegon, In Cronemillcr's building is in receipt of a full assortment of material and pre pared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every description made to order. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. S. P. HANNA. July 14, 1880. CITY BREWERY, "VEIT SOHUTZ, - Proprietor. T WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY IS form the cltlzennof Jckonille anil the world at large, that tbejr can find, at any time, at mr Brewer. Hie best laeer beer. In any quantity the purchaftei mnj desire Mr home lacenrenientljiitnated and mj rooms are aKnqraln ora'ar. A Tieit wrllpkaie ja. "g.WjCTWT IWitj WjUf VMU (T. yi i EXCELSIOR Limift&lRO FEED STAHTjI!, Corner Of Oreoo.v jld CiuroKxu srs., Jacksonville: W. J. PL'SSZAIE, prop'r. Would respectfully inform the public that he ha3 n. fine stock of Horses, Buggies and Cnrlnges. And he is prepared to furnish his patron and the public generally with Fine Turnouts As can be had on the Pacific coast. ?aC die horses hired to go to any part of tho county. Animals Bought anil Soldi ITorscs broke to work single or doublv Horses boarded and the best of care tt stowed upon them while in my cbarev AJibcraJ. share oLMIip publtrt patronage is solicited on reasonable terms. PRO BOKO PUBLICO F LINDLEY, TORRY&CO. WILL FURNISH SUPERIOR LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. -A.'t XjOT77OE2t HatOB. HAVlXG purchased. Jas. Tlerd's steam saw-mill in Willow Springs pre cinct, we arc now prepared to furnish lumber of every description, Clonr n,xxcl Xlo-nsl. promptly, and at the very lowest rates. Rills k'twed to order. All kinds of merchantable produce tak en in exchange. 3Givc us n trial and judge for your self LINDLEY, TORRY & CO. TABLE ROCK SALGOfJr OREGON STrvEET, WIjYTJUjY and HELMS, PROPRIETORS. Te proprietors ol this well known and popular resort world inform their friends md the public generally that a complete and first class slcx.-k of the best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc., are constantly kept on hand. They will be pleased to have their friends "call ud smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also be found here. Wc would be pleased to hare persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and wc will place' them in the cabinet for inspection. WINTJKNit IIKLMS. KEADY FOR BUSINESS. THE JACKSONVILLE STEAM FLOURING MILL Commenced Manufacturing Hour on the best of MOMMY, fer.lT.30, ISSO. Wc are prepared to do all kinds of Cus tom Work, iu the wiy of exchange of flour for wheat, chopping feed and" grinding corn. Wc have superior machinery for manufacturing Hour and wo feel safe in saying that we can d.i better work than anv mill in Rogue River Valley. In exchange, we will give for good, clean wheat. :iS 11h. of Hour and 1) lbs. of mixed feid for each bushel. McKENZIE & FOL'DRAY, Proprietors. New State Saloon,. Cor. California k 3d Sts., John Noland - - Prop.. This favorite resort has lately bscn thoroughly renovated and stocked with a complete assortment ol the finest wincsr liquors and cigars in the market. The celebrated Thistle Dew whisky is kept, constantly on hand here. A tirst-class billiard table is also con nected with the house, and tho reading table will always be supplied with the latest and choicest ieriodica!s, newspap ers, etc. 3fGivc mc a call. JOHN NOLAND. Jacksonville, Sept. 21, 1881. LUMBER FOR EVERYBODY I STEELING 6 Miles Sonlli of Jacksonville,. TS NOW UNDER FULL HEADWAY X and is prepared to furnish the market! with cverv description of lumber of a supe rior quality at the lowest rates. Rillt sawed to order and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders addressed to us at Jackson ville will receive prompt attention. PARKS & SON. NSW SADDLER SHOP, Jacksonville, Ogn. Thomas J. Kenney, Prop. HAVING OPENED OUT A NEW saddler shop in Langcll's building, opposite Masonic Hall, I am fully pre pared to do any work in my line with promptness and dispatch. Will keep on. hand a good assortment of saddles, bridles, harness, bits, spurs, etc. None but tho best California leather ucd. Job work & specialty and prices to suit the times. C3GWe ine a trial. T. J. KENNEY. Jacksonville, July 16,1S$1.