J "hr- OREGON SENTINEL. OREGON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS it- , JACKSONVILLE. JACKSOX COUNTY OREGON BT FRANK KRAUSE. ADVERTISING RATES. Onqe lOllneiorleti flntlnMttion.TJ ? " ' eachiubaequentlnMrtion 1' 3 months T J a 10 0 w .....................a... On-fonrthColaain3monthi " 6 S Ona-half 3 " SO CO g 45 CO On Calnmn 3 months . CO 00 i 00 tfl .V Ulicount lo Yearly Ailvertlierl. TERMS: One copy. Per Tear, In adranca, S3 00 VOL. XXVIII-NO. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. It. YOUNG, M. D., M Physlcan And Surgeon Central Point, Oregon. '. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Jacksonville, Ogn., Will priet!cc,inMl c.t Courts of the! Slate. Ofllcs in Mrs. McCullv's build-1 iuz, comer of California and Fifth streets. J3. II. AIKEN, M. D., DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. aa-Offlc oppoalts V. 3. Kyan'a (tore. J. W. BOBIHSON, M. D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At Dr. Vrooman's Dispensary. Residence on Fourth St., opposite M. E. Church. W.ls promptly attended to, day and night. MARTIN VRGOMAN, M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office up-stairs in Orth's hrick. Resi dence en California street. B. F. DOWELL, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jacksonville, oregon. A VLIlboilnem pUcfctln my htndjwlll recelro prompt attention. 3-Speclal attention glfen to cullec tlons. A. L. JOHNSON, Notary Public, B.:al Estate Agent and Collector. -iTnc;X-3C;ii. JLici 02. I .Tiake conveyancing and furnishing ab attracts of land"lillc a specialty. Loans 3ie-otiatcd and collections made. All "business intrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. WILL. JACKSON, rENTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. TEKTO KXK ACTED AT ALL uiur. Laughing giu ad imlnlitfrca.lf Jrlrnl,fr which extra J.li.r.. Will bfl lU&lla. OIBcs anil reildeaco on corner ot California and Tlffa itreeti. .A. C. OWBS. L. B. STKARXf. GIBBS & STEARNS, TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. Rooms 2 and 4 Slrowbrhlge's Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. 97111 practWa In allOmrti af Record In the Stataol Oregon and Wahnlilncton Territory; and pay par tiealar attention to bnaloeai In Federal ConrU. I ,1 ,n j M .1 '.-,!," n -i .'"J O.ciC.R.R.CO.'S Freight Notice. To accommodtte shippers of Southern Oregon the Oregon and California Rail road Company has hired the large ware lionsc at Riddle, and storage -will be charged at the rale of fifty cents per ton Ter month or factional part thereof. rj 1 . n r,T i11. G. F. & P. Agent, O. & 0. R. R. Portland, November 1, 1882. 0" B. R0STEL, Steam Bath Practical Shaving, Haircatting AND ARTIFICIALIIAIR AVORKER. FOR Ladies and Gentlemen. BLEEDING, Jupping, Leeeliingj LN NEUBER'S BUILDING. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1877. jtf On week in your own town. Terms JjOOand $5 outfit free. Address H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine J. NUNAN, California Street, Adjoining HOLT'S NEW HOTEL. Jachsonville, Oregon, DEALER IN CLOTHING MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' 1 '.Latest PitlernC r)3,l?- fc-V OREGON CITY CASSIMERE DUCK & DbMIN OVERALLS AND JUMPERS. SHOES, ETC., LADIES', . MISSES', CHILDREN'S KID & CALF SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS; ALEXIS TIES AND BROGANS. All California Make. A full Assortment of ladies' Dress &Fancy Goods, Also a large lino of Men's and Boys' Hats. Gentlemen's Underwarc, Suspenders &c, I also keep a full line ot GROCERIES, ETC., Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned goods of every description, a lull assort ment of TOBACCO & CIGARS. A large quantity of Crockery and Glassware, All of which I will sell FOR CA.SH AT Extraordinary Low Prices. My motto will be V'QUICKALE-:aAiraVI'2?"'5T- Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. I am also agent for the following Stan dard Insurance Companies: Foreign Imperial, London, Nofthcn and Queen. Foreign London and Lancashire, Home Firemau's Fund. Home State Investment Ins. Co. Home Commercial Ins. Co. t Home Western Ins. Co. Traveler's Life and Accident of Hartford Conn. Risks taken at lower rates than any Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in case of loss, prompt payment. JERRY NUNAN. ASHLAND Livery, Sale & Feed Stable Main St., Ashland. T HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES pleas L ure in announcing that he has pur chased these stables and will keep con btautly on hand the very best HADDLE IlltlthK". 11UGGIES AND CAUKIAGICS, And can furniih my customers with a tip lop turnout at any time. noKsra iioiuni:o On reasonable terms, and given the best attention. Horses bought and sold and satisfaction guaranteed in all mv trans actions. HENRY NORTON. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co, Take pleasure in announcing that they now have on hand, a full and select stock of 15S0K1 AK) HDEKYp Made of the very best NATIVE WOOL And of which they will dispose at very reasonable rates. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. Send them in and give our goods a trial. Ashland Woolen M'f'o Co. F.RITSGHARD, practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, California Sreet, MAKES a specially of cleaning and re pairing watches and clocks. My charges are reasonable. Give me a call. (JtryQAWEr.K. $12 a day at home ease tjplymade. Costly Outfit free. Ad dreas Tuns St Co., Augusta, MaiM. JACKSONVILLE, OREGOftjANUAKT 6, IS83. SPECIAL GOLD MEDAL Awarded in 1S77, at Thiladclpliia. For Excellence, Purity Eveness of Quality. DAVENPORT WHISKY! iftDUHD! SUPERIOR TO ANY BRAND IMPORTED. DAVENPORT WHISKY IS. UNRIVALLED! This is a "Whisky ot Super ior Quality, as has never been on the market in any country. This article SHOULD not be classed with the so-called Compound of this Coast, but is is of a rich, rare flavor and full bodied, and NO BLENDhD or COMPOUNDS can compare With it --- r- arr . Distillation of 1375 and 187G is excellent, S1ULTZ 1 VON B1R0BK, SOLE OWNERS DAYENPORT. For sale by Caton & Garrett Jacksonville, and White Bros., Rock Point, Thos. Chavner, of Rojrue River and N. Cook of Willow Springs, Jackson Co., Oregon. JACKSUNVILE DISPENSARY California Street, In Hyan's Building. HAVING filled up this establishment - and supplied it with a full and fresh assortment of pure Driigs,CIicm.caIs, Etc., I am prepared to compound all prescrip tions in a prompt and cartful manner at Those desiring my professional services will find me readv to attend to all calls. 31 VROOMAN.M.D. Jacksonville, July 2D, lfa32. DAVID LINN, AND DEALER IN GQFPirtf TRXlYn&mGS. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than atany other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kepi on hand or made to order. Stock Farm for Sale. The undersigned ofTers 400 accrs of land for sale. 150 acres are under fence, and a good dTelling and tw o barns will be found on the farm. The place is also well wood ed and supp'ied with plenty living water. For particulars enquire at this oflice or at Phccnix of P. W. Olwell. J. Callaohan. Jacksonville. Tune 24th, 1882. Liquor House. The undersigned ofTers Whiskey for sale in quantities to suit customers at $3 per gallon or $1 per. quart, at the Eagle Brew cry. Lager Seer for sale and delivered at the usual price. Mrs. J. Wetteree. OfetiLntifana. 2 w Remember thatveryjiing:n!rer gew ing Machine hashisW-Saf: to the ;iron stand antL flbedded inthe arm of the machine. - fcV' Any machine now Ijeinp jflend for sajc, and represented to be Sirger Midline? but nothaving the Trade -lark atbve n feired to. are not machines of ourannnn. facture, and wc hereby caution thehublic jigiuusiii'irtiiasiug, except irom ou-only auiuuiutu agent, E. E. GORE, as he is the only person who has the GENUINE SINGER MACHINES for sale in Jackson County. THE SINGER MFO. CO.. W. B. Fur, Manager, Portland. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. CONDUCTED BY. TIIE SISTERS OP" THE HOLY UME. THE SnOLASTIC YE.VR OF, THIS school will commence about tlic end ot August, and is divided in fjur sessions, of eleven weeks each- ' Board and tuition, per term, a 40.00 -'lusic a 13.00 Drawing and painting '. s.00 Bed and Bedding 3".oo SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Pnman, per term ...a ann .Junior, " . , c;oo 1'reparatoy " -.... g.00 Senior, " 10.OO i-upus rcceiyetl at my ime, iidVpecul luo .VSKKTuy Piles! PilesiPiies! A SURE CURE POUND AT LASTlj; NO ONE NEED SUFFER! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been -discovered by Dr. William, (an Indian Remedy,-, called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. Al sin-le box lias cured the worst chronic cases of 2.Vor HO years standing. No one need suffer five minutes niter applying this wonderful soothingmedicine. Lolions in stiunienls and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (ppiticularly al night after getting wann in bed.) acls as a poultice. !?i-M instant relief, and is prepared only for Tiles, ltch imroftnc private parts, and for nothing else. Bead what the Hon. J. 31. Cofllnberrj ui luiuiiiuu -lysauoui ur. William's in dian Pile Ointment: I have-used scores of Pile uics, and it affoids me pleasure lo say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint ment. For sale br al' druggists or mailed on receipt of price, 1.00. HENRY & CO, Proprietors, Clevuasd, (). Hodge, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. OallAt CROSBY'S RED FRONT, JACKSON VILLE, FOR THE Finest Brands Of CIGARS, ": TOBACCOS, NOTIONS, CANDY & NUTS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC. Having just opened a fresh and complete line of articles usually found in a variety r siore, 1 solicit a iair snare oi'pnmic pat ronage, assuring satisfaction.' EST Give me a call. S D W. CROSBY. C. H. REED, PRACTICAL, " Honse, Sign, Carriage and Fancy ALL KINDS of graining done. Satis faction guaranteed. Orders. left at the New State Saloon will receive prompt attention. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WETTERER. . Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksonville. The best of lager beer always kept on hand and ready for sale by the keg-or glass. 11111 .' v " ri.ji. v . iiiiciuumjs iiKiu 10 p micuiar . studied In behalf of children whoiha8botlimifecl lime. ,ror. nin inr iiiriieninr.. o,...i-.. HICrowp?iBr LOOK OUT FOR TH RMLEO ID And Don't Yon Forget St THAT CN Knars the v. STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE IN Southern Oregon, AND SELLS Clieaper Than The Cheapest! KTo Trouble To Show G oris. CALL AND SEE ME, extDoorto. P. O., Jacksonville, Oregon. tODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. S. COHN. TIIE U. S. liWIEi L, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - Ogn, JANE HOLT, Proprietress. O. & O. Stage Honse. PIRST-OLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. MEALS AT ALL Ilonn,S. ROOMS TO LET BY TlfE DAY WEEK OR MONTH. Trices Very XVIoderate. OUR NEW HOTEL BUILDING BE ing completed lor occupancy, the un dersigned lakes pleasuru 111 announcing Shat we are prepared to entertain the trav eling public. No pains will bo spared to provide for the pomfort of our guests and to make them feel at home with us. The most modern improvements have been in troduced, and the accommodations of the Unilcd States will not lag behind the best appointed inland hotel on thiscoast. Our tables will always I12 supplied with the best the market affords and served in the best style by a corps ol obliging waiters. The IkhIs and bidding arc all new and fitted up in the most comfortable style, suited to the accommodation of single oc cupants or families. JANE HOLT. Jacksonville, March 5, 1831. TUTT SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LBVER. lass of Appetite, Soweb costive. Pain in tbe Head, with a dull sensation in the hack part. Pain under tho Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, 'Weariness, Dizziness, fluttering at the Heart, Sots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Eestlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. 'HUM'S FIIXS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose eflect such a chaugo of reeling as to astonish the sntTerer. Tber Increase tb Appetite and cause the body to Tnke on Flesli, thus tbe system U nonrisheU. and by their Tonic Aetlon on tbe UlcrrstlTe Oixanm, ZXctruInr Stools are pro duced. Price a cents. 35 SI urray SU ST. T. TUTT'S mm DYE. Okay IIaib ok WmsKEiw changed to a Gixwsy Suck by aslnRleapplicatlonoftnlsDrE. Itlm parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $1. OFFICE, 33 MCnnAY ST., NEW TORS. CDr. TnTS UXCIL .rTituM. uroraU ud CMfal BMtlli wU1V auUwl 1BZE .a ippUcaUaaJ THE KENTUCKY BRED TZLOEEzrarG stazzxohs ii Graduate and Wilburn Will make the season of 1883 At Or Near Jacksonville. Particulars, with pedigree and descrip tion, will tie given hereafter. Season for Altamont, 75; Graduate, ?40; Wilburn, 25 SETTLE UP. All those knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are requested to call and settle immediately as I need the money at once. Those who fail to settle bv Jan uary 1st, 1883, wil find their accounts in the hands of an attorney for forced col lection. Business is meant and all accounts must be settled at once. FRED GROB. PILLS a i::i:ii)H'L mniM. I'lajlns 2X1 Ocsrccs or Jlmourr on an 1'iiMKliecilu: M re. A middle aged lady, with a black" &1 pacca dress, worn shiny at the elbows; and a cheap bonnet, and her hands puckered up and blue, as though she had just got Let washing out, went in to the office of a prominent Mason a fev mornings since and took a chair. GW-wiirctl -hei Husk uuJ xUe perspira tion from her face on a blue checked apron, and wen the Mason looked at her, with an interested, brotherly look, as though she was in trouble, she said: "Are you the boss Mason!" Ho blushed, told her he was a Ma son but not the highest in tho land. She hesitated a moment, fingered the corner of her apron, and curled it up like a boy speaking a piece in school, and asked: "Havo you taken the whole 233 de grees of Masonry!" The man laughed and told her there were only thirty-three degrees and he had taken only thirty-two. The other d gree could only be taken by a very few who were recommended by the! grand lodge, and they had to go to New York to get the thirty-third de gree. The lady studied a moment, un pinned the safety pin that held her shawl together and put it in her mouth took a long breath, and said: "Where doe3 my husband get the other two hundred degrees, then?" The prominent Mason said he guessed her husband never got two hundred degrees unless he went to a degree factory. He said he diden't understand the lady. "Does my husband have to et up with a corpse three night a week" she asked, her eyes flashing fire." And do they keep a lot of sick Maions on tap for my husband to set up with the ! other thre nilit' .. rrJ rjTtie ii valient iiiartm Raid bei effiis thankful that few Masons died, and only occasionally one was sick enough to call for Masonic assistance. "Hut why do they ask these ques tions, madam" said the prominent Mason. The woman picked tho fringe of hr shawl, hung her hpad down, and said: "Well, my husband began to join tho Masons about two years ago, and he has been taking degrees or sitting up with people every night since. lie has como home twice with the wrong pair of drawers on, and when I asked him how it was, he said it was a secret he could not reveal under the penalty of being shot with a cannon. All he would say was ho took a degree. I I ave kept a little track of it, and I figure that he has taken 233 degrees, including tho grand Sky JFugle degree, which heTtook the nighc became home with his lip cut, and his car hanging by n piece of skin." "Oh, madam," said tho 'prominent Mason, "there is no Sky Fugle degree in Mansonry. Your husband Jias de ceived you." "That's what I think," said she, as a paleful light appeared in her eye. "lie said he was taking tho Sky Fugle degree, and fell through the skylight. I had him sewed up nnd he was ready for new degrees, I told him I should think he would let up on it, and put some potatoes in the cellar for winter, hut he said. when a man once got started on degrees he had to take them all or he diden't amount to anything. Some times a brother Mason comes home with him in the morning and they talk about a 'full Hush, and about their pat hands,' and 'raising'em out.' One night when he was asleep I heard him whisper, 'I raise you ten dollars,' and . v.... ... . when x askea mm wnat ne meant, ne said they had been raising a purse for a poor widow. Another time he raised up in bed, after he had been asleep and shouted, 'I stand pat,' and when I asked him what he meant he said he was ruined if I told it. Ho said that he had spoken tho password, if the brethren heard of it they would put him out of the way, even as a Morgan was put out of the way. Mister is 'stand pat, your password'' Tho Mason told her it was not. That the words she had ppoken were an expression used by men whpn play ing draw poker, and he added that he diden't believe her husband was a Mason at all, but that he had been lying all these year. She sighed and said: That's what I I thought when he came home with a $3 PER YEAR HP lot of ivory chips in his pocKet. Us iaid thfv used them at tho lodge to vote on candidates, and that a white chip electa and a blueychip rejects a candidate. If you'will look' the mat ter up and trf if he has joined the Ma sons I will be obliged to you. Ho says hehaslakenall ih 233 degrees, and now the boys want hhu to join th'e Knights of Pythias. 1 want to grt out an in junction to prevent hiin tiom joining anything elko until wo got iumv under clothes for winter. I'll tell you what I will do. The next time ho says anything about Sky Fuglo degrees I will take a washboard and make him think there is one degree in Masonry that he has skipped, and now Goodbye. You have comforted mo greatly, and I will lay awake to-night till my hus band comes from the ledge with his pat hand, and I will make him think he has forgoff his ante." The lady went out to the grocery to buy some bar soap, and the promi nent Mason resumed his business with a feeling that we are notall truly good, and there is cheating going on all around. Birrnosi-i.tTHK. Officers and Members: Wo your committee on Genoral Pro gramme, having discharged with un swerving fidelity the duties to which we were called, beg leave to say, in making our final report, that it is with feelings of extreme satisfaction that wa review the events of tho administra tion this evening brought to a close. Ithasbeen a period of unparalelled pros perity and combative vigor. Philos ophical, historical,) political and mis cellaneous questions have been sub mitted for your choice, and no valiant Laurean will question the discrimina tive skill with which they have been written. They have been ably and warmly contested. Fire flashed in the v- f tlui Tnwg criAk.i thw "luade fhefr points heavy and made tlferoihot:"' Yet, under the wise direction and re straint of His Excellency B. B. Ueek man of Jackson county and Hon "W. C. Taylor of Virginia order and union have been preserved, in direct refuta tion of that inspired precept, "a house divided against itself must fall." Dur ing the past term it has been demon strated beyond equivocation that De mocracy is the party; that tho U. S. ought to adopt a Free Trade policy and that Ccasar was no sardine. Many other important circumstances have occurred during our ministry. The three Lord's of the exchequer havo re signed and have been superceded by other Laureans of less self esteem but more ability. New York, Ohio, Kansas, California, Michigan and Sa lem have all gone Democratic and Ben. Butler has been made Covernor of Massachusetts. The war in the East has subsided and venus has crossed the sun's disc. Wo regret that we are not longer able to accelerate the prosperity of our Society by continuance in this capacity; for we secretly suspicion that thenew incubus of tho Presidential chair intends to vent his wrath upon the diminutive forms of this committee by sudden dismissal. We hope our successors .may be prosperous in get ting generous criticism; and also warn the new man of tho white house to carry a howitzer in his left rear ar- enal. Rcspectfully submitted. lomuieu riu, ) n.R, V Giike. ) J. N. UOLTKA, W. T.Slatki Com. W. II. McGi Injunction Suit. The Duniway Publishing Company proprietors of the "Now Northwest," on yesterday filed a petition in tho State circuit court for an injunction to issue to tho "North west News" Publishing Company to restrain the latter from using the namo they are known by. It is claimed by the Duniways that thorn is such a similarity in the names of the two pa pers that they are suffering in their business by the confusion that has oc curred and is likely to continue. They admit, however, that tho company name does not interfere with them, but that it is only tho name of the paper; that their paper is well known, was es tablished first, and that defendants have not the right now to set up a busi ness under a name so near like their own a3 to injure their business. Mr. Cole, of the new company, claims that the name of his paper will be nominally "The JNews," but that "Northwest" will be in small characters over tho vignette in the head of the paper. Mr. Cols contends that there is nothing in thf names that will mislead any ono, and will therefore resist tho petition "Standard."