OREGON SENTINEL jacksonville Saturday, Decemuer 30, 1882. Land Olllccnt RocImrz. Ogn ' jiiiic so, I two, To all Yrimm II mnr I'linrrrii. Notice I lirrrlijr cltrn llial I hate -drNle-nnlcd the OKi:.N M'..TI.m:i, no Hie paper In Mlilch I ahnlt lirrraltrr pii1llli nil pre eruption, Itomotrnil and application for mining patent for land Ijlns near JurkHomlllr. Jurkann enmity, Ori-son. VF. r. ItlAMUIIV UesMer. !!-.' '. ' For Sale. Four thousand pounds of Liverpool salt--coarse and fine at Nick Ficko's butcher shop. Committed Suicide. Sergeant Hol land of Co. K., 1st Cavalry, committed suicide at Fort Klamath last Sunday ny shooting himself through the body. 2Jo cause is given for the act. Settle Up. All those knowing themselves indebted to D. V. Crosby at the Red Front are requested to come forward and make settlements at once. Don't hesitate because the bill may be Small. Drowned. A telegram "received iere yesterday says that Charles, a 220 of J. T. Bryrao of Williams creek. Jhe county,' was drowned near rek on the afternoon of the )th. .No further particulars. Another Accident. Pat Daley ie of the foremen for Cook fc Jeffrey, the tunnel, broke a small bone in Is right ankle last Sunday night while ning down the steps m front of kirge aiiumpt s residence nnu win ue up for repairs for a short time on raat account. Yery Particular. John Becson "writes totbe"New Northwest" that ata "recent temperance meeting at Jackson ville, the majority did not believe in ""Father Son and Holy Ghost," and would not sing the doxology. The chairman, being a Methodist, took his bat and made for the door. CorPER and Iron Mixes. A num lier of the residents of Jacksonville 3iave formed a joint stock company for the purpose of locating and working simecopperand iron mines in Josephine county and parties are now out making the locations. Those who are posted say they have struck a bonanza. Broke His Lr.o. "While on his way to Applegate with a load of beer for John Bolt on Saturday last John Scbumpf, (Honnes) was thrown from hia wagon and had a. leg broken in the "fall. Dr. Aiken set the fractured limb and the patient is doing well. No damage was done to the team or wagon as they were stopped soon after the accident. . Eistracht Maequeiiadk. This party will take place at Holt's Hall next Monday -night. Everything has been done to make it a. success and here is nodoujt but that an iinmc&f.e. crowd will lie present. Nilcs colebrat- d cotillion band, of Cottonwood, Cal., will furnish music for the occasion, and "the supper will be provided by IMadame Holt. Come everybody, and enjoy yourselves. o Christmas Tree. A large gather ing assembled in the basement of the Presbyterian Church last Monday nigl't to witness the little folks enjoy them selves. The Christmas tree was laden down with presents for the children nnd an interesting programme of music al and literary exercises by the scholarh of the Sunday School was also pre sented. Such occasions are alwas're tmerabered with pleasure by the little ones. Silver "Wedding. Although not publicly celebrated some of their num erous friends found out that Wednes day last was' the 25th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. K. Kubli, when a few of thein gathered at their residence in the evening and extended congratulations and well wishes. "We hope they may live to celebrate their golden wedding, and that they may contiuuo to enjoy" health .and prosperity. Christmas Races. The match race between Simpson's "Capt. Jinks" and Hanloy's "Hilly," distance 440 yards, for $100 a side, was run on the fiat this side of M. Hanley's residence on Monday last and resulted in an easy -victory for the former. Quite a crowd was present to witness the race and it is said that over 800 changed hands on the result. After this anoOier race wag made between the Sy mare and Dollarhid's stallion, atne distance, which was won by the mare. Heligious. Rev. . R. C. Ogleshy commenced a protracted meeting at WilliamEburg, Josephine county, yes terday. Regular services lit the Catholic church in this place, Rev. F. X. Blanchet officiating Rev. B. J. .Sharp will preach in Jacksonville Sun .day both morning and evening.... Iter. M. A- Williams will preach at the Presbyterian church in this placo Sunday morning and evening. Even ing service commences at half past six .-o'clock.... Elder M. Peterson will hold services at the Mound district school house Sunday morning. Who TnEY Are. The "Standard" B&ys the following comprise the editorial and reportorial corps of the "North west News:" Editor and general man ager, Nan than Cole; telegraph editor. O. B. Carlisle, late of the Walla Walla 'Statesman;" city editor, Charles White head, S. F. "Examiner:" reporters, F. M. Blake, "Evening Telegram" and Joseph Gift, S. F. "Chronicle;" com jinercial editor, W. R. Boone, "Journal ,of Commerc;" advertising agents, Thos. Gardner, Sacramento "Union," E. G. Elliott, Seattle "Chronicle;" traveling .corespondent, J.S. Cart well.S. F. "Call,-" subscription clerk, B. Crouiell; business manager D. M. Gault, local iti:ji. 'Twill cure your cold. Happy new year to all. Swear off and pay the printer. Diaries for 1883 for sale at Brooks'. A number of marriages are on the tapis. Turkey shooting at Phoenix next Monday. Data your letters "1883 from Mon day next. Graham flour for sale at Bilger & Maegly's. ' Teacher's examination nt tho school house to-day. T. T. McKenzio now officiates at Happy Jack's. County Court meets in regular sess ion next week. The proudest day in a woman's life is her first son (lay. Remember the printer when making your annual settlements. ' - The Times office will be moved to its new quarters next week. The Mart Taylor troupe shows at Foots creek this evening. . Granville Naylor is reported quite ill at his residence near town. Table Roc Encampment, L O.O. F., elects officers January 9th. Pickpockets relieved one of our citi zens of 40 on Cluistmas night. Three Farms for sale. E.iquire of T. G. Reames, Jacksonville,jOrrgon. "We learn that James Hughes will soon open a saloon at Kerbyville. The different Masonic orders install ed officers last Wednesday evening. Merchants complain of dull times notwithstanding the holiday season. Hanley Bros, "will take a drove of hogs to the railroad front next week. The rains did not continue for any length of time and our miners are still idle. Judge Hanna is in Josephine county on a prospecting tour after copper and iron. The party at-Pool's hall at Eagle Point on Christmas night was well at tended. -. D. M. Bennett, the well known free thinker, editor of the "Truth Seeker," is dead. Subscribers who promised us wood are requested to bring it at once as it is needed. CritTolman started for Portland last week on a business trip to be gone about a month. S. W. Forbes of Josephine county has been appointed a notary public by Governor Moody. The Phoenix and Ashland mills sell considerable Hour heie since the Jack sonville mills cmseddown. Over 3,000,000 has been spent in improvements of Portland and its sub urbs the year now endiifg. The Sentinel is twentv-sevrn years old to day, commencing our twenty eighth volume with next issue. The entertainment for tho benefit of th? Sunday School at Phrenix was held at that place last evening. Geo. V. Chrystal came up from olt creek tins week on a short visit to his family but will return ntxt week. Charles and Colonel White, .of Rock Point, accompanied by their wives; paid Jacksonville nvisit last Saturday. There was a slim attendance at the Christmas Bull at Madame Holt's, only about twenty five tickets having been sold. Geo. W. Brown started for Levens' station this week where he will take charge of stage company's stable as hostler. Caton & Garrett, WintjpnJs Helms anil Fred Grob furnished excellent lunches for their patrons on Christ mas eve. W. H. Goro of Jackson county and a recent graduate of the Ashland College, entered the State University. last week. A new stone gutter is being laid in front of the Table Rock saloon and the Odd Fellow's property on Oregon stteet by Mr. Young. 'Over70 tickets were sold at the Christ mas ball at Phoenix, and all present say they had a pleasant tiiuo and splendid supper. A number of Jacksonvillians started for Ashland yesterday to attend the holiday ball last evening and the races at that place to day. G. W. Freeman was on the sick list this week with a billious attack and "W. G. Kenny has taken his team to Kiddle after a load of freight. The new distiltery buildings are all finished and all the other machinery is now in place. "Work will be com menced in a week or two. ' . Arthur Langell came in from Klam ath county this week bringing in the remains of his father for re-interment in the Jacksonville ceinetry. Judge Nunan presented us with a beautiful calendar this week, issued by the-Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., of which he is the local agent. All the saloon keepers in the town of Pendleton Umatilla county were in dicted at their recent term of court for tho violation of the Sunday law. "W.J. Wimer of Waldo has been in town several days this week attending to his interests in the "Wimer Simmons law suit over the removal of J. Han sen, the receiver. The trial was set for the 27th, but further time has been granted defendant to fib affidavits. David McBride proved the champion shot at the turkey shooting at Gran ville Naylor's on Saturday. The raf fle for the pony did not take place. Vick's Floral Guide for 1883 is as beautiful as ever, notwithstanding the death of the founder of the house. We acknowledge receipt of a copy. A land slide near Roberts hill in Douglas county has interfered with railroad travel this week and mails have been arriving quite irregularly. Plymale has just completed some substantial improvements at the Ex celsior livery stabls and is now better ablo to supply the wants of his custom ers. If you want a sewing Machine call at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock, and jewelery store. His machines are a little finer and his prices a little snugger than any other bugger's. The ladswhpthrowed a stone through the window of the Wiggs mansion near the city hall on Christmas night wont do so any more. Dodging bullets is no pleasant occupation, they think. The district school will commence again on Tuesday next as all danger of the spread of scarlet fever has passed. No new cases are reported, and those who were afflicted aro now convales cent. Our friend Tom Hay mond of Wood ville celebrated Cnristmas with a family Christinas tree, which was. a great treat to the children and a real delight to the many friends who were prejent. David Linn and his daughter, Miss Maggie, are expected- back from Eugene City in a few days. Mr. Fitch's condition has improved since last .week and his chances of recovery are favorable. - A match raco will take place at Ash land to day between "Captain Jinks" and Dollarhide's "Dick" for 100 a side, distance one half mile. "Jinks" seems to be die favorite since winning the race last Saturday. Dcjih to rats, mice, roaches and ants; Parsons Exterminator. Bams granaries and househo!dsc!eared in a Miigle night. No fear of bad smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sjld everywhere. The first term of Circuit Court for Klamath couuty will begin at Linkville on the third Monday in May next. The first case cemmencpd is an action at law to recover money, brought by Otto Htndrick against A. "Wolf. Ed Smith retiirned from Portland this week after an absence of about nineteen months in IJaho and Oregon. He has been working at h's trade for some time past and reports times boom ing in tho building line in Portland. Jacksonville Lodge, I. O. O. F., in stalls officers January Cth and Ruth, llebekah Degree Lod e on Monday following. District Deputy, A: lieJmaiiTrsniiinnpsrnroepriesenu' and a full attendance of uieinbersfisT reques'ed. VsR Tho Commissioner of tho General Land Office has written a letter to an attorney, stating that parties who buy the claim ofa pre emptororhomesteador do not acquire any legal title, and can not maintain possession by reason of such purchase. The Board of trustees of the city of Oakland have imposed a license tax of 250 upon saloons where spirituous liquors are sold in less quantities than one quart, nnd 100 on druggists and business houses where it is sold in other quantities. Miss Ella Harding, the only laugh ter of Hon. B. F. Harding, died at her father's residence near Fairfield, Ma rion county, of consumption', on Sat urday, Dec, 23d, at 7 o'clock p. m., aged 24 years. She had Wen ill for a long time and her death was expected. The copartnership recently existing between A. G. Rockfellow, A. I). Rcckfellow and others of Ashland for milling, legal and other purposes has been dissolved. A. G. Rockfellow re tires from the legal and real estate de partment and A- D. Rockfellow from the mining department. Another Ball will take place at Lav enburg's hall in Phrenix on New Year's nijht when a double wedding will also take place. The couples to be married are Mr. J. P. Brown and Miss Josie Lavnhurg; Mr. C. C. Low and Miss Lena Lavenburg. The weddings will take place at half past eight o'clock. Among the questions arising in the operations of the Chinese restriction bill is ono as to the statue of Chinese wet nurses. The treasury department has decided that a Chinese wet' nurse must ba considered as a laborer and as such is precluded from admission to the United States unaer provision of the act. As there are a number of parties throughout the county on New Year's night there will be numerous ball goers that cannot attend the Masquerade on Monday next. Those so situated will remember that another bal masque will be held here on St. "Valentine's night February 14th under the aus pices of Ruth Rebekah Lodge, L O. O. F., when all who attend will be as sured of a jolly good time. A general invitation is extended. People who. are countinu the words! in tne mule to win tne pnz ot5iU of fered by an eastern publishing house can save themselves 'considerable trouble by reading the following, which was furnished the "Appeal" by a clergy man of Carson: Letters, 3,50"6,48G; words, 773,692; verses, 31,174; chap ters, 1,189; booics, GG. The word "and" appears 4G.527 times, and the word "Lord" 1,855 times. And curiously enough the word "eternitv" only once. It is found in Isaiah. This numera tion is taken from the unrevised edition of King James Bible. Ctias. Strang return'!1 fm "Wash ington Territory this to pay a short visit to his mo'er Mrs. Dr. Vrooman. Since leaving here he has been employed with the iragineen corps on the Northern Pacif -nd expects to return in a few day laving o.nly been granted a furloUj,"" for a short time. W. C. Hale, County C!erk of Klam ath county, is here on t Bnrt visit and will remain until afteJiW years. He reports blackleg stilWreadnR among the cattle in that sM"-, ,r,tn u,!Ua, fatal results. Some"?!! nav6 also died from eatinj the &&'' of cattle afflicted with the diseag? and the peo pie of that section lnfe qoit eating beef fearing the same results. The mills df the Claamas Paper Company narrowly escar00" destruction during the lateflood. Twiiterriaked a barrel of lime, whichj6 fire to some paper, which ignited a torel of resin, and that set the roof ploycs by exertL' ceeded in extinti after about $500QE done. This i3 the.J Oregon The Hulbert survey Mm AclilfrI T,i.lJ prelimiuarv woilciiu thg Sulyirous-last LSaturday, having rnn about 20 miles of line, and Thos. H'irlburt has taken the notes tcf. Portland. It is no? likely that ths locating survey will l com menced until sometime in February or early in the spring, as the locators will have no difficulty at all in keeping ahead of all work. "We had a friend say to us a few davs ago: "I never do anything for a cold; just wear it off." That is exceedingly dangerous; one might do thai 19 times and the 20th time tho cold would set tle on the lungs and lead to consmi tion, and thus cut one's life short many years. Is it not better, and more sen sible, to go to your druggist and seta bottle of Amraen'8 Cough Syrup than run any risk at all! Tho capital stock of the O, R. & N. Co. has been increased from 180,000 shares to 240,000 100 each. The C0.000 extra shares are offered for sale at par value to commence Dec. 10, and end Dec. 31, books being opened in New York and Portland. The Btock can be taken by stockholders on record Dec. 19, to the amount they now hold. The new subscriptions are payable in 20 per cent installments per month of January 1st 18S3. Col. Dudley Evans, who has for the past ten years been connected with the express office of Wells, Fargo & Co. in Portland,and for the last six years has filled the position of supervising agent with credit to himself and satisfaction to tho company, has been promoted to the position, o -superintetidentjpfEthis tHvjionr"whicJrSenibrAcesHiOr,,ffoa, felhYtoJTl.fon'Inrtd' l55ctoTnaRa1pjiW'WiiiBil)eenjau: orvains Dec zit. Last Saturday night at 12 o'clock the lodging house nt Iumans mill, in the mountains twelve miles west of Monroe, was destroyed by fire, and two of the inmates, Frank Leonard and George Blake, lost their iivps, and another, Joseph Shepherd, was so badly burned that his recovery is doubtful. They had procured a sup ply of whisky for the holidays of which they, drank freely during the evening nnd went to bed drunk, leaving a blaz ing tire in the fire place, "which com municated with the adjacent wood work. Ernest Holgate, a sober young man who occupied a room in the building, was awakened by the flames in inio to escape without injury. After getting outside and giving the alarm he found that the others were still in the build ing. He again entered and rescued Shepherd, w ho is badly burned about the head, neck and arms. Leonard and Blake were burned to a crisp and unrecognizable. Jackson County Fruit. The fol lowing, says the Ashland "Tidings," o clip from the Rockford (111.) paper. The Mrs. "Woodruff mentioned is Mr. Fraley's daughter, who was-itr Ashland through the summer: j . "Everyone who makes a visit to the Golden State or vicinity comes homo with marvelous tales of monsler pears, mammoth apples and other wonders from the vegetable world and now Mrs. V. D. Woodruff relates almost incredulous stories of Oregon anJ products but subptautjatas . hec asser. tions by showme tho fruft itself. Si brought home with her a number ot large apples the largest f which measured over 17 inches in circumfer ence and would just comforliWy set in the crown of a man's hat. "A. pear measuring 17 inches one way and 13 the other also excites tho wonder of visitors. Besides the fruit she gath ered many relics from places of note and interest which she will treasure as mementoes of this most pleasant trip." llothcr Died or inlt U!iuin. J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio,-says: "Cuticura Remedies aro the greatest medicines on earth. Had the worst case Salt Rheum in this country. My mother had it twenty years, and in fact died from it. I believe Cuticura would have saved her life. My arms, breast and head were covered for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until I used the Cuticura Remedies. Bft Bargains Offerf.d. The larg est arrivals of the season at the New York store which has this week re ceived the most extensive and finest as sortment of general merchandise ever offered in this market, consisting of dry and fancy goods, notions, clothing, and the best and latest paterns of of boots and shoes, hats, caps, etc., -which will be sold under the hammer. Call and see and you will find it to be so. f ii t'-il - -w- TBfe -Q inB Letter list Letters remaining in the Post Office at uHCKsonviue, uregon not caneu lor Dec 28, 1882. Max Muller, P M. Ackers, Cal Adams, J L Barrett, Chas F Battye, C A 2 Becksted, Alonzo Booker, Georgia Cbarueton Aug 2 Clark, H H Cochran, Belle 4 Craig, Chas Crendall, J A Dock, Henry Fisher, W H 4 Freel, Yio'a ' Grube, A Johnson, W A Landis, Phebo Laporte, Mr Liuder, Robert 3 jyiTenry, G McJohnson, T 2 McM&hon, Jos Murray, J H Newman, Henry Ochaniaugh, John Olds, Mr Phillips, E J Mrs Richards, Dan Ruddid, James 3 Samuels, J Saunders, Nettia Sabring, Eveline Smith, Jacob - South, Rhoda 2 Stanley, T Stevens, Andrew Stephens, Caroline Stopple, Sarah Tonn, Mollio Todd, John Van Cleave, F E 5 "Wallace, W Q 5 Watters, B F "Williams, Ether J II 's Pills Never Despair hat never fails Fever To the sick ( is of little uence how they ire cured. r from a rational vie t of the by the rules defined for the guidance of the profession, so Jong as the cure is certain and expeditious. To a suffering man the question on the relative merits of quinine or calomel ir uninteresting. The faculty may wrangle and discuss their various theor ies, but Dr. Holloway's treatment dis pels doubt ere the disciples of Escula pius have finished the first ' stage. Holloway's Pills are the only remedies which effect a speedy and radical cure without danger of a relapse. Read th advertisement elsewhere. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. Haydock, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and 1 each. gr'fhere js considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Holloway & Co., New York. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretionsof youth, neivous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, ic., I will send a reciepe that will cure you, free of charge. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self ad dressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Tnman, Station D, New York City. BORN. BERRY; In Jacksonville, Dec. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Berry, a daughter. FINLEY On Applegato, Dec. 24th, to Mr. and-sMrs. Wui. Finley, a daughter. TENBROOK At Roseburg, Dec. 1.7th, to .Mr., and Mrs. Tenbrook, a -pon. . 4 LOGAN In Roseburg, Dec. 14,-1882, r -li- - t - c 'n TIT ' t "' msrmm:. I niuv: MA RT1N LERCHEIn Sam's val ley, at the residence of Fred Han sen, IVc 24ih,by Rev. R. C. Ogles by, August Martin and Miss Marie Lrche. WILUAMS-TURNBOW-OnPleas-ant creek, Dec. 25th, by Jacob Ev ans, J. P., Chas. Williams and Miss Mary Turnbow. STIMPSON CENTERS In Manza nita precinct, Dec 25, by Elder M. Peterson, Fred G. Stiuipson, and Miss Alice Centers. BUCKMASTER MILLER Atthe Central House in Ashland, Dec. 25, 1882, by Rev. J. H. May field, Mr. Jacob Buckmaster and !Am Rachel Miller. EADS SEARS At the residence of the bride in Ashland, Dec. 26, 1882, by Rv. A. M. Russell, Mr. Granville Eads, of Big Valley, Cal., and Mrs. E C. Sears. bill. HI I ' h-TT-- ' '" -' DIED EMMITr At Plevna, Klamath Co., Dec. 17, 1SS2, Cora Mabel Emniitt, accd 2 ears and 5 months. Later on the same day, Kitty Jane Em mitt, aged 6 years, 9 months and 17 dars; both of tcarlet fever. CURRY At the fmnily residence in Sam's vsjey, Dec. -28, 1882, Thomas of Thomas and Mary G years, 2 mouths Land Office at Rosemihg, On., ) December 23, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to nnulo final proof in support ofhis claim, and that said proof will be made before theMudire or Clerk of Jackson couutv, at Jacksonville, on Saturday, Fob niarv'3. 1883. viz: John Cantrell. Pre emption D. S., No. 749 tor the S W 14 of 3 l'-4. Sec. 4, W of N W 1-4 and N E 14 of N w 14, Sec 9, T 30 S R 3 W, Will. Mer. lie names tho following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Andrew Cantrcll, J. A. Rinchart, W.A. Jones and Theodore Comcron, all of Uniontown, Jackson county, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at Rosr.nrmo, Or., ) December 20, 1882. S Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that ,said proor will be made before the Judge or Clerk.of Jack son county at Jacksonville, on Saturday, Fehrunrv 3. 1883. viz: John W. Pitman, Homestead No. 2G81. for the S U of S E 14 Sec. 21, N V2 of N E 1-4 Sec. 23 T 33 SRI W, W. 31. He names the following witnesses to prove his "continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: W m. Knighton and Charles Knigh ton, of Etna. J. N. Hockcrsmith and Joseph Hockursmith of Phoenix, all of J acKson county, urecon. "Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Jiuoody, U? Te & o Frankljkn E. Cd a '.KMENTS. Qnlnlii e and Arsenic From the basis of many of the Ague remedies in the market, and are tho last resort of Physicians and people who know no better medicine to em ploy, for this distressing complaint. The effects of either of these drugs are destructive to tho system, pro ducing head ache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and depression of the constitutional hralth. Ayer's Ague Cure is a veg etans discovery, containing neither quinine, arsenic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can re suit from its use. Besides being a positive cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It is an excellent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints peculiar to malarious, marshy and miasmatic districts. By direct action on the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stim ulates the lystem to a vigorous, healthy condition. For Sale bt all Dealers. WAnted. Several hundred bushels of goo grain of every description, for whicn vtsh will be paid. For further further particulars enquiry at distillery near town or address me, at Jackson ville. N. K. Lytle. Notice. Land Office at Roseburo, On., ) December, 13, 18S3. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named s3ttler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof 'will be made before the Judge ort lerk of Joseph ine county at Kerbyville, on Faturtiay February 3. 1833. viz : .Tames Lyt' le Home stead Hit. 258C He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. F. Mack, liarlcs Decker? of Waldo, T. F. Floyd, Tins. Hughes, or Kerbyville, all of Josephine count-Oregon. Wm. F. BENJAMixiRegistcr. Notice. Land Office Ar ItosEntmo, On., ) December 13, 188:2. I Notice is hereby Riven that the fo low-ing-n-imcd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi' be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son county, at Jacksonville, on Wednes day, January 31, 1883, viz: Joseph Shoc m ik-r, Homestend No. 4002 for the E x, S E 1-4 Sec'. 33 T 37 S R I and E M of 1? E 1-4 Section 2 T 53 S It 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Alfred '"arlcr, John II Cantrcll, John Johnson and John Iolt, all of Applegate, Jackson county, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. - Land Office- at. Roseburg On., ) ,. ,4 , Dcctmber,.7,-1832. f Notice is'hcrclrv irivcn that the follow- Jinc-namejd settler fms'flled notice of Ids in- tcniionwmaKC mini prom in support oi his claim, and that said proof will be made his before the Judge or Clerk of Jackson county at Jacksonville, on Satnrday, Jan uary 13, 1883, viz: Riley Phillpis Preemp tion D. S. No. 7C0 for the N y, of N E 1-4 S W 1-4 of N E 14 --"ic 2J T 30 SR 2 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, nnd cul tivation of. said land, viz: W. Dunhp, John McKce, Andrew Cantrcll, John Cantrell.all of Uniontown J:ickon county Oregon Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at Roseburg, Or., ) December 7, 1832. J Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-nained settler lias tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or llcrk of Jackson connty at Jacksonville, on Saturday Janu ary 13, 1883, viz: John A. Greive, Home stead No. 2,011 for the S. W. J. of S. E. Jf. Sec. 3, N. W. u of N E & E V, of N W 1-4 Sec. 10, T. 41 S. R. 4 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to piove his continuous rcsidenco upon, and cul tivation of, said land, viz: James Purvis, Samuel olver, of Phoenix, James Spearin William Ward of Pioneer, all ot Jackson county Orrpon. Wm. p. Benjamin, Register. Summons. B. F. Rocser, Plff. ) In the' County Court vs. J-or the State of Ogn. E.U.Romans, Deft. ) forthe Co of Jackson. Action at law to recover money. ToE.H. Romans: TN THE NA3IE OF THE STATE OF I Oregon you arc reouired to appear in said Court and answer the complaint of sain naintiu tncu against you by the nrst tluyof February term 1883 to-wit by 3Ion day the oth day sf February 1882. And you arc notified thut if you fail to answer said complaint as above required the Plaintift" wil. apply to the Court lor the relief demanded thorein, to-wit, for a judgment against you for the sum of forty eight and ninety seven one hundredth dollars with eight per cent interest per annum thereon from August 30th 1880 and the costs and disbursements of this action. Published by order of Hon. S. J. Dy Judge of said Court, made the 11th day of December , 1SS2. C. W. KAIILER. Plaintiffs .Attorney. ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co's Faro Para Gum CSACK PS00F RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! Be mro the Bants are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, ami hare the I'UI'.K OUM SPRINGS on thefo"t ami Instep, which prevents their cracking orbreaklng. WeAre now making them with RUB BER AND ASBKSTOS Selel which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber Boots made. FOR SALE BT ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTISO, PiCKt.VO HOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTUI.NO.BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. Goodyear Rubber Co. R. II. PEASE. Jr. ) . n(a S.3I. RUNYON. ASents, Ban Francitco. (uticiira Ceo. W. Brown, 48 Marshall St., Ptot1j dence, R. I., cured by Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures; of a Ringworm Humor pot at the barber's, which spread all over his cars, neck and face, andfor six years resisted all kinds of treatment. i' H. Drake, Esq., agent for narpcr & Bro., Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishing account ofhis case (eczema rodent), which had hecn treated by a consultation of physicians without benefit, and -which speedily yielded to the Cuticura Resolv. ent (blood purifier) internally and Cuti cura and Cuticura Soap (tho great skin cures) externally. II. A. Raymond, Auditor F. "W., J. & 8. R. R. , Jacloc Mich., was cured of Scald H.-ad of nin years duration by tho Cnti cura Remedies. 23GZ0233.l. Hon. Wm- Taylir. Poston, Mass, pet' manently cured of alutmorofthe face and scalp eczema) that had been treated un successfully tor twelve ycnr by many of Boston's best phvsicians and most noted specialists, as wefl as European nthori tics. ivrp.is. ox-ixt. Mrs. Bowers, 143 Clinton St, Cincin nati, spenka of her sister's child, who w.ii cured of milk crust which resisted all remedies for two years. Now a flno healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hair. Frank A. Bean, Steam Fire'Engine t, Boston, was cured of Alopecia, or tailing ot the- hair, brj. the Citicura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally and Cuticura nnd Cuticura Soap (the treat skin curcs) externally. Which completely restored hit hair when all said he would lose it. Troatxaont. Tho Cuticura, treatment consists iri'thb internal use of the Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, and the external use of Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, tho great skin cures. Cxxtioiaxrn. Remedies are for sale by all druggists. Price of Ctjtictjua, a Medicinal "Jelly, small boxes, 50. : large boxes $ 1 ; Cuticura Resoi.vest, the new Blood purifier, $1 per bottle Cutictra Soap (the queen of medicinal and toilet soaps), 25c. Ccn ctra MF.mciNAi. Sn.vviNG Soap. 15c. Principal depot, WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, .Mass. Sanford's Radical Cure. Clear licail and voice, easy breathing, sweel breath, perfect smell, taste and hear ing, no cough, no distress, by using San foiid's Radical Cure. Sneeze until your head Is ready !to fly olf, c)ts and nose running water, throat parched and blood feverinh or take San ford's Radical. CuRB'for Catarrh' and b cured . "Witch Hazel, American Pine, Canada Fir, Murigo'd and Clover Blossoms art what Sanford's Radical Cure is made ot. tine bottle Radical Cure, one; box Catarrhal bolvcnt nnd Sanford's Inhaler, in one package for $1. Sold everywhere. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston. sOLLiVs ELECTRICITY Gentle, yet effectivo, united with Healing Ralsam, render collins voltaic electric plas ters one hundred timos MSTE plasters for every Pain, Weakness nnd Infiummation. Price 25c Sold everywhere. -. iisa -- superiuf vi u umct GE&i' BiL ISSUE 1 USDF.R the auspices op J" Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge NO. 4, I. O. O. F., AT KOLT'S HALL, ON February 14th, 1883. Crcrptlon Contmltict. 3Iisses Anna Bilger and Laura nubbel, 3Irs. 3Iollie Krausc, 3Irs. E. Sturgis, 3Ir. Fred. Luy, John A. Boyer and A. H. 3Iaegly. Floor Managers. Kaspar Kubli, Henry Klippel, F. 31. Drake, E. J. Farlow, Cbri.Ulrich, R. H 3Ioore, T. T. 3IcK&izle andFrank Kranie.;' d kft M r tti? t Kb si Fna n fj iVVx ErM i7t- y&y Mali til Committee or ArraDceuientn. -- - 3Irs. Rachel Fisher, Jane ublltana , Louisa Savage. -;"-- iS-JE No maskers admitted until recognized - by the Reception Cbmmittce. 'rtv-l...... ! 1...I! 1 OH AA1. IICKI'13 UlCIUUIUg auppci, il.U, iuv;ui Children under 12 years, 50 cents. There will bo a special table for children. The liest of 3Iusic has been engaged and no pains will be spared to make It a sue cess in every particular. WINTER OPENING -AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Millinery Store. T nAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW JL and comp'ete stock of Millinery goods, consisting of HATS OF ALL STYLES RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, CenUc nuns' nnd Ladies' Handkerchief. Call and see them al the building form crly occupied by Dr. Robinson on Califor nia street. 3IRS. P. P. PRIM.