OREGON SE9TIHEL. JACIOONVILLK Saturday, December 23, 1882. naz&jB'xrjjiszzyEZm land Ofilrent Koocltnrs. Ocn.l Jane no, ISM), j To all TThnni It may f'mircrn: Notice Is lirrrb) glwn Hint I lintc drls nnicd tlicOIUXON M'MItl ns Hie Iarr lu which I khnll lirrraftrr publish nil pre rmpllouti liomofrail nnt nipIlrntlon. fur mining pntrnls for lamls I J Ins near Jacksonville. J.irU.oii muni), Orrson. W. V. lil'AJIMIN, ltrsislrr. Fob Sale. Four thousand pounds of Liverpool salt coarse and fine at Nick Ficke's butcher bhop: Hian Mass. Row Father Blanchet will celebrate High Mass at the Cath olic Church on Christmas morning at eleven o'clock. Wanted. Several hundred bushels of good grain of every.dcscription, for which cash will be paid. For further further particulars enquire at distillery near town or address inc at Jackson ville. N. K. Lytle. CnmsTMAS Tnun. Members of the Presbyterian Chur?h ars arranging to laro a Christmas Treo on die evening of the 25th, when a programme of in teresting literary and toucical exercises will alo be furnished. Everybody is invited. ScnoeL Adjourned. The directors of this district done" a wise thing this week by ordering school adjourned un til January 2d on account of the pre valence of scarlet fever. Although the diseate is not spreading any it is a wise precaution in preventing it doing so. Married. A very quiet wedding teok place at the residence of George M. Love last Wednesday evening, the contracting parties being John llanley and Miss Mamie Love. There was no one present bos'des the members of the two families. We wish them a long life of prosperity and happiness. Relioious Notes. Rev. M. A. Williams will hold services at the Presbyterian church in this place Sun day morning and evening. .. .Elder M. Peterson preaches at Eagle Point next Sunday morning Regular services at the Catholic church, Rev. F. X. Blanchet officiating. . . .Rev. A. M. Russell preaches at the Neil school house in Ashland precinct on the morning of the 24th. .. .The second quarterly meeting for Ashland and lacbouville circuit, M. E. church, will bo held at Phtunix on Dec. 23d and 24th. berviccs on Saturday at 11 A. 31., followed by quartet ly conference. The Biteu Bitten. Some wags at JLiukville bought ten shares of stock in the Keiuble Investment Co. of Chicago a swindling concern and in payment for the same forwarded a draft on the Bank of Wocus," Oregon, nnd signed by J. Snipes. Kcmble fc Co. thought they had found a big suck er and placed the check in the hinds ot a. Chicago bank for collection. From thero it went to W. F. & Co. at San .Francisco, who f-ent it to Ladd &, Til ton, Pot Mann, and now it is in the Lands of C. C. Bcikman of this place, but no collection has yet been made. The bank of wocus is well known in Lake county, on which Jack Snipes, u well-known pstton of the bank, makes numerous drafts and deposits, and the account should be settled. Concert at Phoenix. A Concert will be given at Phoenix on Friday, Dec 29th, for the purpose of raising money to get a library for the Phuenix Sunday school. It will be held in Culver's Hall. The ladies will serve refreshments in connection with the Concert Followingis the programme: 1st, Opening Voluntary. 2nd, Anthem "The Lord will comfort Zi'on." 3, Quartette "Eula-lie." 4th, Duetto, "Speed Away." 5th, Recitation. Gth, Solo and Chorus "Watch on the Rhine." 7, Glee "Distant Horn." 8, Solo "ValeofChamouni." 9, "Pro fundo Basso," Comic, 10, Solo "The Tempest." 11, Reading Poem "The Last Song." 12, Instrumental Duette. 13, Anthem "And it shall come to Pass." 14, Refreshments. Dn. Geo. Kauler, Com. Society Elections. Oregon Chap ter, R. A. M., elected officers for the -ensuing year at the meeting held last Tuesday with the following result: T. G. Reames, H. P.; J. N. T. Mill- er.K.; A. M. Berry, S.; D. Linn, C, H.; Will Jackson, P. S.; C, JO. Beekman, It. A. C: C. Mincus, Treas.: Max J Muller, Sec; N. Fisher, G M. 3d V. jl. vyameron, v. m, za v.: a.. U. tllll, G. M. 1st V. Hope Rebekah Degreo Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Ashland: N. G., Mrs. Grace Fountain; Y. G-, Miss Delia Penneba ker; R. S., F. 31. Drake; F. S., JI. C. Jtlyer; Treas., J. D. Fountain. Alpha Chapter, No. 1, O. E. S., of Ashland: W. M., Mrs. II. C. Hill; W. P., M. A. Walker; W. A. 31., Mrs. Alice Butler; Conductress, 31iss E. F. Daggett; Associate Conductress, Miss Ida Muller; Treas., H. C. Hill; Sec, Miss Addie "WiWiire; Trustees, Mrs. Jacob Wagner, 3Irs. L, F. Will its, 31rs. J. S. Eubanks; Represendta tiro to Grand Chapter, Mrs. M. E. McCall. Warren Lodge No. 10., F. &, A. 31., reelected the following officers last Wednesday evening: W. 31., C. C. Seeknmn; S. V, David Linn; J. W., Dr. Will. Jackson; Treasurer, John Sli'lcr; Secretary, 31 ax 3Iuller; Tyler, R. S. Dunlap, re elected for the twenty second time. All the installations for tthe different Masonic orders will take place on St. John's Day Dec 27th. The Haymaker of the I. O. R. 3L, elected the following officers last Thurs day: G. S., J. T. Roloson; G. V., E. Jacobs; G. C. C, Geo. W. .Brown; G. S., T. T. 3IcKenzie; G. 3L F., David Cronemiller; G. P., James G. Birdsev. LOCAL ITEMS. 'Twill cure your cold. A Merry Christmas to all. W. S. Webb will open a saloon at Phoenix. Little &, Chase keep all kinds of holiday goods. Miss Emma" TJlrich is teaching the Rock Point School. Your special school tax is now due so is the county tax. Wells, .Fargo Co. have discontinued their office at Wolf creek. Three Farms for sale. Enquiro of T. G. Reames, Jacksonville, Oregon. There will be lots of Christmas balls and every one can tako their choice. Adam Schmidt is building a new residence for Thos. Gilson at Sterling. EmmaT. Loosley has been appointed Postmistress at Klamath Agency Ore gon. ' , Max Rostel started for Yreka last Thursday to open a barber shop at that place. Reames Bros.' have a fine assortment of good jewelry which they are selling cheap. Notice the new illuminated fiign at the New York store and call there for bargains. Go out to Granville Naylor's t day and win a turkey if you think you can shoot. J. P. McDaniel officiates at the Table Rack saloon during the absence of Chris Wintjen. The Ashland Woolen Mills made be tween 900 and 1000 pairs of blankets in November last. W. G. Kenney is now employed at Happy Jack's and ho can mix up any drink you cjll for. The Yan Yan Cliinarobbery case is before the Supreme Court defendant asking for a new trial. Judge Hanna and Sam Bowden paid Josephine county a short visit this week on mining matters. Chas. W. Savage and John Noland are on the sick list. Lidd Savage is in charge at the New State. The Salem Cre department has just received a new steam engine. When will Jacksonville follow suit) Orders for cement pipe are now being taken in Siskiyou county by Smith & Tolman of Ashl.md. A new year's party will be given at C. C. McClendon's place in Sams valley to which eveiybody is invited. O. F. Topping came in from Klam ath Agency this week having complet ed the ew school house there. A poor quality of coal oil has arrived in Jacksonville. It is .said to have been shipped litre from Ashland. The plaintiff in the case of Selph vs. Morgan secured a verdict for 29 in Justice Hufier's court last week. Josephine county has a copper boom, some moro valuable deposits of this oro having been found there recently. A good attendance was presentatthe dance at Uncle Dan iMsuers and every thing passed off pleasantly as usual. Ellis Beggs has resigned his position asdtiverfor the O. & C. Stage Co., and is succeeded by Frank Martin. Considerable rain fell this week but not enough to rive the miners work. The northern storm did not extend this far. David Linn started for Eugene City last Saturday to visit his brother-in law Judge Fitch .who is still quite sick. If you have not yet selected your Christmas presents call on E. C. Brooks at once and make your selec tions. Judgins from the number oE mar riages that are taking place we have concluded that the cold spell is not yet over. The street lamp in front of the City Hall has been fitted up so that it now makes as bright a light as any of the others. Deeds, mortgages, and other legal instruments neatly and accurately exe cuted at A. L. Johnson's, Land and Law office. Curtis Bros, received their giant I this week. They will have it in posi- tion at their mines, on Jackson creek in a few days. " - Two children o'f Robert Emmit of Plevna, died this week of scarlet fever. Several other cases are reported in Klamath county. Prof. John B.Farley hastaken charge of the school near Thos. 31cAndrews.' 3Ir. Farley's services as a teacher are always in demand. A corporal and four men came to Ashland yesterday to take the two de serters arrested near there back to Fort Bidwell for trial. 3Iiss Eugenia A. Kelly and 3Iiss Annie Miller started for Fort Jones, Cal, on Thursday last, expecting to stay until after tho holidays. 3Ioney loaned, on good real estate security, and book accounts, notes and "dead-horse" bills collected, at A. L. Johnson's Land and Law office. Wells, Fargo will soon establish an express line over Pat 31cMahon's Cres cent City mail route. It will be needed when the wagon road is finished. The distillery will be ready to com mence operations by January 1st, pro viding the revenue officers complete their arrangements ly that time. A suit has been entered against Josephine county by Wm. Justus for damages sustained by the latter's team going through the Sucker creek bridge. A. L. Johnson has taken the agency for the "Northwest News," the new daily to be started in Portland on Jan uary 1st. Give him your subscrip tions. Wm. S". Webb challenges Henry 3Iensor to run a foot race for S200 a side, distance, CO yards, race to come off twenty five days after forfeit money is put up. C. W. Lomler, advertising agent at Portland, has placed us under obl:ga tion for a German almanac of his own publication. Our German citizens should all get a copy. The total number of Indians in Ore gonandWashingtonTerritoryisl0,5G2, of whom one sixth are males of 21 years. They have nearly a half a million acres of arable land. A fine oil painting, the work of 3Iiss Anna Benner, is on exhibition at the express office and is a fine pieco of work. We predict a bright future for 3Iiss Benner as an artist. If you want a sewing 3Iachine call at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock, and jewelery store His machines are a little finer and his prices a little snugger than any other bugger's. A new cross-walk is being built across Oregon street, from the Table Rock saloon to the new York Store. Herman-Helms will also have a new gutter built in front of hit) saloon. A heavy rain commenced pouring down last Thursday which has con tinued without much interruption up to the time of going to press and our mining population is happy onco more. We acknowledge a pleasant call from A. D. Bockfellow, real estate agent at Ashland, this week, who in forms us that numerous real estate transfers are being made in that local ity each week. Death to rats, mice, roaches anu ants; Parsons Exterminator. Barns granaries and households cleared in a single night. No fear of bad smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sjld everywhere. Wimer it Sons have made applica tion to have the receiver of Wimer & Simmons mine near Waldo, Jas. II. Hansen, discharged, and Judge Hanna will hear the argument of counsel on this point on the 27th inst. The clerk of Douglas county last week recorded tho deed of transfer of the charter, right of way and other property of the Roseburg it Coos Bay Railroad and" Navigation Co. to tho Oregon Southern R. R. Co. From the Shasta "Courier" of last week wo tase the following item: 'Born In Shasta, Nov. 2Gth, to the wife of James Eligh, a daughter, 1 pound." At latest accounts both mother and child were doing well. No mail arrived from tho north for sevpral days this week on account of high water washing out some of the bridges and trestle work on the rail road. Repairs have been made and everything is again in working order. If you want to see lots of fun nnd haeagcod time generally attend the masquerade ball on New Year's night. No pains will be spared to make it a success and the best of music has been secured Niles' band of Cottonwood. A heavy storm prevailed north of us this week causing considerable damage to bridges, etc. In some localities 10i inches rain fell within three days, and at Pendleton some parties had to climb trees evcryimng uetng nooiieu lor a time. The Supreme Court has reversed the decisiou of the court below in the case ofthe Weeks brothers, the In dians sent to the penitentiary from Lak county last year for horse stealing and tho cases will have to be tried again. A change in tho home stations on the stage line is now being made and Supt. Carll informs us that everything will be in working order by to morrow. The drive through this place will then be from Rock Point to tho Mountain House. Oregonian Pocihontas Tribe No. 1, I. O. R. 31 , will have a public in stallation of officers on the evening of January 5th, to which all the breth ren and their families are invited. After the cermbnies a social re union will be indulged in. It is not necessary to state that all who attend the Ball at 3Iart Hurst's on New Year's night will have a good time as such is always the case. 31art also wants it distinctly understood that no one need soil their good clothes in diving into tho soup for oysters. The proprietor of the "Weekly Stand ard" has reduced the subscription rates to $2.50 per year, if paid stiictly in ad vance; otherwise the same as hereto fore. Send for specimen copy and subscribe. Address "Standard," Port land, Oregon. Tho weakly has no su perior in Oregon as a newspaper. The county court of Lake county has just ordered paid the bill of Will iams, Hill, Durham, Thompson fc Mays (lawyer?) $100, for written opinion in the matter of the mandamus issued in the case of Kubli vs. Nurse, treasurer of Lake county. One of the Commissioners objected to its payment. In pursuance of telegraph instruct ion, Constables Taylor and Walard ar rested two deserters from G. Co. 1st Caw, at the Soda Springs Hotel last Friday. The two men, Jas. 3Iulliu and J. B. Laning, left. Fort Bidwell last week, each taking a horse, saddle bridle and complete cavalryman's outfit. They certainly did not evince great sagacity in following, the tele graph line direct from Fort Bidwell to this place. A dozen different routes from Bidwell would have taken them in directions in which they would have escaped the possibility of telegraph in terception. "Tidings." Robert A. Miller -i Jacksonville, says the "Oregonian, is engaged in writing a book historic and descript ive of Southern Oregm. It will give descriptions of the jeautiful natural scenery of that secttoi and an account of the""flush times'' rf.Mrly days, In dian wars, etc The sponing chapters aro highly spoken of.i Don't fail to attenrthe masquerade ball to bo given at Bolt's hall on tho evening of St Valentiie's Day by Ruth Rebekah Degree Lge, I. O. O. F. Nothing will be lejl , undone, as the wholo managemengfis in tho hands of the members of fts order, and no one doubts their mating it a success. Read their advertisement Considerable compliant is beingmade of late at the way cei&uu young hood lums act on'sSh.jOUtsida of the churches while servt&jfare beng held within. Unless a stop is put to this at once some of those enjaged in it will find themselves' in tie lock up some Sunday night when ifys old man will have to come round to ledeem them. A larce number of the white men employed on the exts; "?. e rail rand smith of lipre liav disc-tfarged by tho company, and that tho fears of the on county fjfcople-aro well found.ee it will be soma time li.ioro1heZoi land unless the co'nparty7propose to build it exclusive by Chinese labor. "Independent " Among, the telegraph dispatches of the 18th inst. wc find an item saying that a 31iss Haley', aged about 18 years, had committed suicide at the College in San Jose by taking strychnine. 3Iiss Leona Hniley, daughter of John Hailey, Superintendent of the Over land Stage Co., is i pupil at this school, but the fact that no intelligence of this feet has been received here by her relatives it is not likely kto be tho latter. When an editor nnkex a mistake in his paper everyone whq reads it calls him i liar. When a private citizen makes a mistake none know it except a few friends, and they come around and ask the editor not to publish it. When the citizen dies the editor is asked to write of all his good quali ties and leave out the bad. When the editor dies the private citizen says: "Now that old liar will get what he deserves." Did any scientific physician knew the formula from which Ammen's Cough Syrup, is prepared, he would not only recommend, but prescribe it to his patients troubled with a cough or cold, or any disease of the throat and lungs. Try it It has no equal. For the benefit of those who would say, "Another humbug," a trial 15 cent size is prepared. Ask your druggist to get it for you. In bottles at 15 cents, 50 cts. and$l. i Gen Farnsworth, ox Congressman, thinks nothing worthy will be accom pished withthetar;ttnJ5-Bes5ion; that Pendleton's civil servicp-bU!, urn sun ilarone will be pasSedffyjat in 1884 the Republicans will be'divided in the con vention and tho result will be that third-rate man will be nominated. Blaine don't want the nomination, nor do any leaders except Logan. Ho is going to throw Grant overboard and cutaloof from all factions. Farnsworth is mostly in Washington now, al though he calls Chicago his home. IIolloway's Pills Never Despair Something that never fails Fever and Ague To the sick it is of little consequence how they are cured, whether from a rational view of the disease or by the rules defined for the guidance of the profession, so long as the cure is certain and expeditious. To a sullering man the question on the relative merits of quinine or calomel ir uninteresting. The," faculty may wrangle and discuss their various theor ies, but Dr. Ilolloway'-s treatment dis pels doubt ere the disciples of Escula pius have finished the first stage. IIolloway's Pills are the only remedies which effect a speedy and radical cure without danger of a relapse. Bead the advertisement elsewhere. Important Caution. None nto genuine unless tho' signature of J. Haydock, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment Boxes at 25 cents, G2 cents and SI each. rXgTThere is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. IIolloway fc Co., New York. Best Bargains Oitered. The larg est arrivals of tho season at the New lork store which has this week re- ccived the most extensive and finest as sortment of general'juerchandise ever offered in this niarkttL'onsisting of dry and fancy goods, notions, clothing, and the best and latest paterns of of boots and shoes, hats, caps, etc., which will be sold under the hammer. Call and see and you will find it to be so. Klamath Agency. There are nu merous applicants for the position of Indian Agent at Klamath to fill agent Nickerson's place, whoso term of office expires some time next month. We have heard of the following: Capt O. C. Applegate of Klaraatn county, A. G. Rockfellow of Ashland, N. Langell of Jacksonville, O. F. Topping, of Josephine and L. M. Nickerson, the present incumbent It is a possibility that some of them may get left Races. Another race has been made up between Simpson's "Captain Jinks" and Hanley's "Billy," the race to come off at Card well's track on Christ mas day. The distance is a quarter of a mile and the stakes are $100 a side. An interesting race is expected, as the horses are said to be well matched. Lost. On the ?st of December on the road between, here and Chavners bridge, on Rogue Oliver, ono box con taining three men's hat3. The. finder will confer a favor and be liberally re warded by returning to this office. "&'" afcVfn i&L would feacneTS TJ. S. District Attorney Watson his received a dispatch from Attornpy General Brewster directing that tho Griswold property at Salira bo sold on Fob. 8, 1883. The circumstances con nected with the suit brought against Griswold by B. F. Dowell on the part of the United States to recover money obtained from the government by fraudulent vouchers aro familiar to all. The case has has been in the U. S. courts for years and the sale has been postponed several times within the past year in order that a motion for the pardon of Griswold might be passed on. The order for sale mar probably be considered as the conclu sion of the matter. 3Lr. Dowell ap pears to be in luck at present in regard to law suits as Judge Sawyer has lately decided the suit brought by him against Jesse Applegate and family in lm favor. It will be remembered by our readers thai B. F. Dowell and Jesse Applegate were the sureties of S. E. May, onco secretary of State. 3Iay was a defaulter and Suit was brought against him and his sureties and judgment recovered. After Dowell and Applegate signed the bond of 3Iay, it was claimed that 3Ir. Apple gate transferred all of his valuable lands to his children and Dowell had the whole of thadebt, amounting to nearlv L-j-i$H;000, to- pay to-tlm -SlatP.JTi!Ln covered a judgment at law against Ap plegate for one half, and then no prop erty could be found. Dowell next commenced suit in equity to set the deeds to Applegate's children aside on the ground that all of them were with out consideration aud were intended to defraud the state and Dowell out of the amount of 3Iay's defalcation. "Oregonian." (liilnlne anil Arsrnlc From the basis of many of the Ague remedies in the market, and aro the last resort of Physicians and peoplo Lwho know no better medicine to em ploy, for this distressing complaint. The effects of either of these drugs are destructive to the system, pro ducing head ache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and depression of the constitutional health. Ayer's Ague Cure is a veg etable discovery, containing neither quinine, arsenic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can re sult from its use. Besides being a positive cure for Fever and Ague in alt its torms, it is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It is an excellent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints peculiar to malarious, marshy and miasmatic districts. By direct action on the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stim ulates the ystem to a vigorous, healthy condition. For Sale et all Dealers. The Sunny South of Oregon. C. W. Burrage, who has just returned from a trip to Southern Oregon, re ports that the Iato storm did not ex tend south of the Calpooia mountains. During his three week's stay in that section, out door operations were not suspended an hour on account of rain. Mining operations arc at a standstill for want of water and the miners pray for rain in vain, though they expect better luck "when de wind git right." Farmers have taken advantage of the fine weather to seed a larger acresco than ever before in expectation that the railroad will reach the'n next sum mer. Hay in the Grj.ve creek country is 50 per ton, and owing to the forces employed in the railroad construction farmers are obtaining better prices for produce than over ian." before. "Oregon- Motlu-r Died of salt Ktiriim. J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says: "Cuticura Remedies aro the greatest medicines on earth. Had the worst ca-.a Salt Rheum in this country. Jly mother had it twenty years, nnd in fact died from it I believe Cuticura would have saved her life. My arms, breast and head were covered for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until I used the Cuticura Remedies. To all who are suffering from the er rors nnd indiscretiousof youth, netvous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, itc, I will send a reciepe that will cure you, free of charge. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self ad dressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. INMAN, Station D, New ork City. . BORN. PANKFTT In Sam's Valley, Dec. 9th, to Sir. and Mrs. W. H. Pankey, a son. BEARD Near Jacksonville, Dec. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Beard, a daughter. BROWN Near Ashland, Dec. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown a son. rVRRIED. ADDISON BLAKE At tho resi dence of the officiating Minister, Dec. 20, 1882, by llov. M. A. Will iams, Wm. Addison and Miss Efiie E. Blake. HANLEY LOVE At the residence of George M. Love, Dec 20, 1882, by Rev. M. A. Williams, John A. Hanlcy and Miss Mary H. Love. No cards. CROXTON SIMMONS- In Grant's Pass precinct, Dec. 20th, Jas. H. Croxton and Miss Emma Simmons. PIED. SIMON In Jacksonville Dec. 17ih, Charles, a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Simon; aged about 14 years. DANIELS At the family residence in Jacksonville, Dec. 22, 1882, Re becca C. Daniels, aged 7 years, 4 months and 22 days. NEW ADVERTISEJIENTS. Notice. Lasd Office at RosEUtnto, On., December, 13, 1882. J Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing named settler has filed notice of his iuteution to make final proof in support of liis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Joseph ine county at Kerbyville, on Saturday Febi uary 8. 18S3, viz : James LyUlc Home stead 5o. 2"SG He names the following witnciSC3 toprove his contnuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. F. Muck, rharlcs Decker, of Waldo, T. F. Floyd, 1 lias. Hughes, of Kerbyville, all of Josephine county Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at Rosebcro, On., ) December 13; 1SS2. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wt'l be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack son county, at Jacksonville, on Wednes day, January 31, lSfO, viz: Joseph Shoe maker, Homestead No. 4002 for the E SEW Sec. S3 T37SU4 andEJofN E '-4 Sec. 2 T 33 S R 4 W. tie names the He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Alfred Carter, John II Cantrell, John Johnson and John Bolt, all of Applegate, Jackton county, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. under toe auspices op Ruth Itebekah Degree Lodge NO. 4, I. O. O. F., AT HOLT'S HALL, ON February 14th, 1883. Itrcrptlon Committee. Misses Anna Bilgcr and Laura Hubbel, Mrs. Mollie Krause, Mrs. E. Slurgis, Mr. Fred. Luy, John A. Boycr and A. II. Maegly. I'loor JIanasers. Kaspar Kubli, Henry Klippel, F. M. Drake, E. .1. F.irlow, Chris Ulrich, R. II. Moore, T. T. McKc.izic and Frank Krause. Committee oT Arraustnients. Mrs. Rachel Fisher, Jane Kubli and Louisa Savage. No maskers admitted until recognized by the Reception Committee. 'lickcts including supper, 515, each. Children under J2 years, 50 cents. There will bo a special table for children. The best of Music has been engaged and no pains w ill he spared to make it a suc cess in ever particular. Notice. Land Office at Rosebcrg Or., December, 7, 1882. J Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-nained settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support ot claim, and that said proof will be made his before the Judge or Clerk of Jackson comity at Jacksonville, on Satnrday, Jan any 13, 1882, viz: Riley Phillpis Prcemp tion D. S. No. 7C!) for the N of N E 14 S W 1-4 of N E 14 Sec. 21) T 30 S R 2 V He names the following w itneses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, find land, viz: W. Dunlip, John McKce, Anderson Cantrell, John t'antrcll.all of Uniontown Jackson county Oregon Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Office at Rosnnuno, Or., ) December 7, 1882. J Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-named settler has tiled notice of his in tuntion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or clerk of Jackson connty at Jacksonville, on Saturday Janu ary 13,1882, viz: John A. Gleave, Home stead No. 2,011 for the S. W. U of S. E. J, Sec. 3, N. W. 4 of N. E. if & . y, of W . 14 Sec. 10, T. 41 S. R. 4 E. W. 5l. He names the following witnesses to ptove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said land, viz: James Purvis, Samuel Colver, ofPhotnix, James Spearin William Ward of Pioneer, all ot Jackson county Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. bummons. B. F. Recscr, Plff. 1 In the County Court vs. Vol the Statu ol Ugn. 'E. II. Romans, Deft. ) for the Co of Jackson. Action at law to recover money. ToE.II. Romans: I"i THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon vou arc rcouired to appear in said Court and answer the complaint of said Plaintiff filed against you by the first day of February term 1S83 tb-wit by Mon day the 5th day st February 1882. - And you are notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as above required the Plaintiff wil. apply to the Court lor the relief demanded therein, to-wit, for a judgment against you for the sum of forty eight aDd ninety seven one hundredth dollars with eight per cent interest per annum thereon from August 30th 18S0 and the costs and disbursements of this action. Published, by order of Hon. S. J. Dy Judge of said Gourt, made the 11th day of December, 1S82. C. WJvAIILER. Plaintiff's Attorney. ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co's Pure Tara Gam RTJBB3R BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! B. tare tbe Boots art stamped CRACK PROOF onth.he.ls, anil Imr. tho 1'UIIK GUM SPRINGS on the foot anil instep, which prevents their cracking or hreiklng W.are now making them with HUB BKK AND ASULST03 Seles which will mat., them last more than twice a. long as any Ilnbber Boot, mail.. FOR SALE Br ALL DEALERS. ALL KIND! RUBBER BKLTINO, PiCKINO HOSE, SPRINai.CLOTUINO, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. Goodyear Rubber Co, R. II. PEASE, Jr. ).., S.M. RUNYON. AS"its, Ban Francisco. oeiio en m ue ' (jitiGiira Geo. W. Brown, 48 Marshall St., Provi dence, It. I., cured by Cuticura Resolvent grtood purifier) and Cuticura and Cuticura oap (Uic great skin cures) of a Ringworm Humor got at the barber's, which spread all over his cars, neck and face, andlfor six years resisted all kinds of treatment j31t1t TTii Trxor, F. II. Drake, Esq., agent for narper & Bros., Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishing account of his case (eczema rodent), which had brcn treated by a consultation of physicians without benefit, and which speedily yielded to the Cuticura Rfsolv. cut (blood purifier) internally and Cuti cura and Cuticura Soap (tho great skin cures) externally. Scald. Xoad. II. A. Raymond, Auditor F. TV., J. & S. R. R., .Jackson Mich., was cured of Scald Ilrtid of nine years duration by th Cuti. cura Remedies, Ucaiomo.. Hon. Wm- Taylor, Hnston, Mass., per manently cured of a humor of the face and scalp eczema) that had been treated un successfully tor twelve years by many of Boston's best physicians and most noted specialists, as well as European authori ties. 3VZ111S. OriHt. Mrs. Bowers, 143 Clinton St., Cincin nati, speaks of her sister's child, who was cured of milk crust which resisted.; all remedies for two years. Now a fine healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hair. 2?xi.lli3a.?; XTrvixr. Frank' A. Bean, Steam Firo Engihe 8, Boston, was cured of Alopecia, or tailing' ot the hair, by the Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures) externally. Which completely restored hii hair when alt saiu lie wouiu lose u. TCl0Vtl23.0XXt. Tlio Cuticura frratment consists in tlin Internal use of the Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, and tho external use of Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, tho great skin cures. Cra.tioia.x'n, Remedies arc for salo bv all drnggiats. Price of CrncuitA, a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes, GO. ; large boxes $t ; Ctrrtctnt A Resolvent, the new Blood purifier, 1 per tiottle. Ccticttra Soap (the queen of medicinal and toilet soaps), 2."c. Crn ctjr Mkhicixat. SiiAYixn Por. 15c Principal depot, "WEEKS & POTTER, Roston, Mass. mim a ft .. 5' T.M f-Z" l' r- F u fa -iN Sanford's Radical Cure. Clear head and voice, easy breathing, sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hear ing, no cough, no distress, by using San ford's Radical Cuke. Sneeze until your head is ready Tto fly off, eves and nose running watcr.'throut parcludand blood feverish or tako San ford's' Radical Cure for Catarrh and b cured . AVitch Hazel, American Pine, Canada Fir, Marigold and Clover Blossoms are what Sanford's Radical Cure is made ot. One bottle Radical (Jure, one box Catarrhal solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, in one package for $1. Sold everywhere. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, oPM-JAte' ELECTRICITY "wy sis Gentle, yet effective, 3Y 11WV' tJilo.irn rnndnrrnl T IK VOLTAW electmc plas ters one hundred time i., -.."-. fc"--'- s. t--i-j ev supenur to uii uwci ASTE plasters for every Pain, Weakness aud Inflammation. Price 23c. Sold everywhere. WINTER OPENING AT Mrs. P. P. Prim's Millinery Store. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW 1 and complete stock of Millinery goods, consisting of HATS OF ALL STYLES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, GcRlltmtns' ami Ladies' Handkerchiefs Call and sec them at the building form erly occupied by Dr. Robinson on Califor nia street. MRS. P. P. PRIM. SEW YEARS BALL! -AT MART BURSTS ON ANTELOPE Monday, January 1, 18S3. A grand New Years Ball will be giTen at this place on New Years night to which everybody is invited. The usual good supper and excellent music by Messrs. Webb and DeVis will be furnished. Tickets, $2.50, which includes dancing, supper and liorsefccd. MOVEMENTS OF THE GREAT Taylor Family. Will perform at Big Stickey school house, Wednesday evening, Dec 27. At Central Point, Thursday evening, Dec. 28. At Willow Springs school house, Fri day evening, Dec. 29. At Foots Creek, Saturday evening, Dec. 30. Full troupe and fine string band. Dance after each performance. Admission CO cents, chi'drcn 25 cents. m, n sj2? uj a u u uu & 5-s KTti XS Viji