Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 18, 1882, Image 3

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    : -yWySM WPW )V,'?p,rf',,'
Saturday, froveraber 1$, 1882.
rmrxcz ec,
land Office at Cokchnrc inl
nue SO, 1SS0. J
T all ITboiu It mnjConcern:
Kotlcc 1 tarrebj- e'en that I hate dcsls
touted the ORCUO.N I'M Cl thi paper
In which 1 hJUrennrr publish all pre--mptlnn,
ho,r-tri. and application
for mlnins xittu for lntitln ljlns near
JacluoBTlp; Jirkun romilr, tirccon.
,T. K. I:JI)1I. Register.
Los. Fm By bee's ranch, one
bckpuj ,ix months old, with bald
aceand w4,te strip down the neck
?-ic oolUJ reward will be paid for his
zjfcwv '
Scrnd'01' Meeting. A. special tax
bf 31 mills was voted by the electors
'of this district at the school meeting
lield last Saturday. This is half a
mill less than was levied last year for
the same purpose.
Notice. All those indebted to Dr.
v noOMAN will please pay immediately.
it takes monet to carry on even a
femall business. Marshall Payne is au-
thenzed to collect and receipt my
is'.- M. TituOMAX.
Jacksonville, Nov. 2, 1882.
Concert. Miss Eugenia Kelly, to
gether with the pupils now under her
teharge, will giveaconcertherethelatter
part of this month, the date to be an
nounced hereafter. Miss. Kelly's rep
station as a teacher and the proficiency
"of her pupils ought to be sufficient to
tiraw a crowded house.
Reported Drowked. A report
has reached here that while driving
'cattle across the Malheur river Wm.
Dye, a former resident of Jacksonville,
was drowned, and Johnny Edwards,
who was with him at the time, also
'came near sharing the fate of his com
panion. Deceased was a young man
and well liked by all who knew him
fa err.
Religious Items. Rev. R. C. Ogles
by preaches at Heber grove next Sun
'day at the usual morning hour. . . .
Elder M. Peterson will hold services
at Antioch school house Sunday morn
ing....Rev. M. A. Williams will
"preach at Eagle Point Sunday morn
ing. . . .Services at the Catholic church
Rev. F. X. Blanchet officiating....
Jler. B. J. Sharp preaches at the M.
E. church both morning and evening.
Helps tiieTown. The skating rink
last Saturday night was the scene of
-a mest disgraceful riot as it inigLt
properly be called by some of the
joung men getting into a fight, when
a number of blows were struck and all
kinds of bad language used. A larg'
'crowd of ladies and children was pres
ent butastherowoccurred nearthedoor
entering the hall they could not es
oipa. Strange o say no arrests were
tfNaahkaWvE officer were present.
A Card. 0. Coolidge of Ashland
publishes a notice in the "Tidings" say.
ing that he has no authorized agents in
Lake county for the tee of his fruit
"trees and that he will not be responsible
for any mistake made by those claim
ing to be his agent. If this notice is
published for the benefit of the under
signed, who has just returned from a
trip to that county where he has been
delivering trees, Mr. Coolidge is hereby
informed that he is badly miscaken, as
no such claim was ever made. Besides
this it would be a bad recommendation
'and would hurt the ageiit'R business.
A. S. Johnson.
New Court House. On Saturday
last the County Commissioners accept
ed the bid of L S. P. Marsh of Ash
Hand who agrees to complete the build
ing according to the specifications for
the sum of 832,000. Mr. Marsh is
'an excellent mechanic and good busi
ness man and we expect to see him
terect a building that will be a credit
to the county. The contract for the
foundation has been sub let to Messrs.
Jacobs and Russel, while R. S. Dunlap
and Jacob Schmidling have taken a
contract from the latter patties for
furnishing the rock required. Work
on the foundation is to be commenced
at once and the building is to be ready
for occupancy by the 11th of February
RoBBERr. The store of .Haymond
JkMagruder at Rock Point was entered
by burglars on Tuesday morning ahout
three o clock a. m. and about $15 in
small change and a suit of clothes
or tobbeia were
scared away bv the arrivil of the staee.
and when Hunt Magruder opened the
front door of the store the .thief -escaped
through the door in the rear. A
flour sack of provisions that had been
prepared by the robber wa? left behind
)n account of the arrival of the stage.
ifo trace has yet been found of the
guilty party but Mr. Haymond informs
us that jt was no doubt the work of a
Stranger as the regular money drawer,
In which there was about 15, remain
ed untouched.
Sudden Death. On Sunday last
toews reached here that Wra. H. Simp
eon died very suddenly early that
morning at his home in Brownsboro,
from ajwplexy. Deceased retired the
evening before in his usual good health
and on awaking in the morning about
five o'clock he conversed some with his
wife and children and in a half an
hour afterwards he was dead. Mr.
Simpson wasapioneerin this section, a
man respected by all and was 48 years
of ace at the time of his death. His
remains were brought to town on Mon
day and buried in the Jacksonville
cemetry by Banner Lodge A. O. U. W ,
of which he was an honored member.
He leaves a wife and eight children,
and a large circle of friends to mourn
hit low.
Cold, frosty night3.
Spare ribs and backbones are ripe.
Ben Butler now spells his first name
Mrs. Emma Gassman has returned
to San Francisco.
Christmas is coming. So is the de
linquent subscriber.
Dan Cardwell returned from the
railroad this week.
No railroad news of any importance
to report this week.
Attend the Champion's Ball on
Thanksgiving night.
Thanksgiving twelve days hence and
no turkeys ytt in sight.
George Cross is building a saloon
and billiard hall at Phoenix.
The report that Folger will contest
Cleveland election is a mistake.
Democratic roosters had their first
crow -for some time past last week.
Carlos Goddard's stray cow come
home this week. Advertising didtt.
- The City Hall makes a veiAzoorM
court house much better thai
in- i
Street Commissioner Dunlap is im
proving our streets in a substantial
K- Kubli is making a lot of hydraul
ic pipe for Curtis Bros.' mines on Jack
sou creek.
Ammen's cough syrup never fails to
cure if used in time and according to
Morris Mansor has made his safe in
the New York store both fiio and
burglar proof.
Carlos Goddard has purchased an 80
acre farm of J. B. Wrisley, paying
2,500 for it. e"
Call at the skating rink to-night if
you want to enjoy youiaelfin skating
or as a spectator.
W. W. Fiddler will start a Demo
cratic paper at Ashlund soon. The
more the merrier.
A. L. Johnson will continue the
real estate business alone at the old
stand. Read his card.
Democrats pronounce the charge
that Ben Butler stole spoons, to be a
Republican campaign lie.
Capt. II. Kelly and Wnr. Ruble are
attending Circuit Court in their light
over tho Coyote creek mines.
A lady teacher of experience de
sires employment in school or family.
Address M. B , Sentinel office.
The town was quite lively this' week
on account of the presence of the wit
nesses and jurymen attending court.
. Klamath Lake is frozen 'aov and
freight for the Fort must be hauled to
that place by teams from Linkw'.le.
A new cross alk is being built oei
California street by Caton Jk Gairelt
from their saloon to the U. S. Hotel.
W. G. Kennev has filled'Geo. Chafe's
place on tho nor l hern stage drie this
week while the latter has been on the
sick list.
James G. Birdsey has purchased the
Magruder residence on California street
and will commence keeping house there
next week.
Henry Pape, Sr. is having a house
built near Wi low Springs where he
proposes storing ice for the hot spell
next, summer.
The skating rink at Holt's Hall will
be open again this evening. Good
exercise and lots of fun, and good or
der will be kept.
Thos. Kalon returned from Idaho
this week and will resume work at his
mines on Poornian'.s creek in company
with Jacob Klippel.
Farmers have found out the superi
ority of the Morrison plow judging
from the fact that Jv. Kubli has sold
78 of them this Fall.
nThe largpst mirror ever brought to
Jacksonville was received by Jack
Montgomery yesterday. Its dimen
sions are six feet each way.
Mat Obenchaintame in from Lake
county on a short visit last week but
will return in a few days to remain
with his stock for the winter.
The last number of the West Shore
is an excellent one both as regards ill
ustration and reading matter and the
publication is a credit to tho State.
- " -JRl '
--.The ,,MnrninflnnB, .. nn. ,ln;i
?iirnifiVmr nil tYrrVSisftil .. K'l!
- ----' v. uujidiblJCS, ,ll UQ
started at Portland'vaboiit the 4th of
next month. It'will be Republican in
Twenty-one teams belonging to the
Indiansare now employed in haulin"
vegetables from Dunn's farm to Fort
Klamath and are now making their
second trip.
"W. H. Macaulay, a capitalist from
Portland, is here making arrangements
for the purchase of a number of farms
and seems well pleased withourcountry
and climate.
The sum of 100 was paid to Win.
Justus by the county court of Joseph
ine county for damages sustained bv
his wagon falling through the Sucker
creek bridge.
The Ashland gentleman who was
robbed of 25 the other night con
cluded he would make no fuss" over the
matter and we think he reached a sen
sible conclusion.
The coinage executed at the IT. S.
mints during the month of October
Gold, 3,474,000; silver, 52,371.000;
minor coin, 879,1 00; total, 5,291,100.
52C5.597 of silver 5 cent pieces bie
been transferred fiom the treasun to
the Philadelphia mint to be coined in
a like amount of dimes.
McKi-nzie & Fnn.lray hivesuspS
ed work ut the Jacksomille flours
mil's on account of financial embaraq
ment but it is booed they may yeC
come out all right.
Don't fail to attend the Masquerade
Ball to be given at Holt's Hall on the
evening of January 1st, 1883, by the
Eintracht society of this place. A
jolly time is assured.
This must have been an off year
with the Republicans. "Wait for the
Presidential race two years hence and
the missing voters will bo found, and
on the right side, too.
Victory Council No. 4, Champions
of Honor will give a Ball on Thanks
giving, Nor 30th. at Holt's Hall.
Best music and supper wilV be pro
vided. Tickets S2.50v
The new monujtfent for tho Boddy
family thfSork of W. L. Record,
agent f'f McGrath's marble works
of Sanifrancibco has been placed in
position and is a beauty.
Dr. J. "y. Robinson, accompanied
by his jfp nd mother, returned from
Roseburg Wast Tuesday. Mrs. Leich
has goneXo Salem and her condition
is considerably improved.
T&Tyou want a.sewing 5Iachit1ritcalliyir.;ji:i(j'Jn
-bwerA's arutr. natch, efock. Ii;nnnfi.;nn'
uuujmvaij abuie. ilia uiuniiui. am
a little finer and his prices a little
snugger than any other bugger's.
John Pardu, aged 80 years, com
mitted suicide at Oakland, Douglas
county, on .Friday morning. No ex
planation of his rash act can be given
other than that he was tired of life.
nrfrl t&n.iilarii afrtvA It.n m..V!i n- ......
Supt. Carll purchased half a dozn
dead ax wagons in Portland last week
for use by the O it C. Stage Co. during
the winter months, and they will be I
taken to l reka at once to be fitted up.
n. L. Murton and ST Goldman hae
associated them elves together in the
commission business in Portland. The
former is well known to our merchants
here as a thorough going business man.
If there is any other office in this
government that B-n Butler wants
the people will save trouble by
letting him have it at once for iMJen
will he will and ycu may depend on it.
Aithur Langell came in from Like
county last Thursday after his u inter
supplies. He was accompanied bv
Mrs. W. C. II ale of Linkvillr, who
will remain' for a short visit to friends
and relatives.
Prof. John B. Farley Gnished his
term of school in the Applegate district
last Friday and is now taking a short
vacatim. Mr. FraW's servicps as a
teachj-rare always in demand, and de
scrvpdly fo, to.
Messrs. MilW t Tsretn- are mak
ing txtpnsivp preparations for the Inin
ing season soon to Iwgin. Their hy
draulic pipe is fiuisbed and will be
ready for work af soon as they have
sufficient walcr. . ,
Death to rats, mice, roaches and
anis; Parsons Kxtebmivatoii. Barns
granaries and households cleared in a
single night. No fear of bad smells.
Best and cheapest vermin killer in the
world. Sjld everywhere.
.Engineer John A.. Hulbert telp
graphed last week from Portland that
he would be here positively bv the 20th
inst. Eight of tho men of his party
have been waiting here for his arrival
since Nov. 1st. "Tidings."
Thp marriage of Alex. Martin and
Miss Marv Gass is announced to takq
place at Oakland, Cal., on the 23d
inst. Both are former residents of
Jacksonville and their numerous
friends here extend congratulations.
S. H. Egger has just finished burn
ing a kiln of 40,000 brick to be used
as a starter for the new court koure.
He. will commence woik on the balance
required early next Spring and prom
ises to have them ready as soon as re
quired. The second quartpr of tho Sister's
school for this term begins on Monday
next. Their new building is now in
use, and together with the well known
reputation of the teachers, this is one
of our foremest institutions of learning
for our young ladies to attend.
County Clerk Nickerson of Jose
phine count-, accompanied by his wife
and fami'y, spent several days in town
this week on a visit of business and
pleasure. Mr. Nickerson reports times
"looking up" in his section and con
siderable emigration coming in.
The northern lights wereA beaut i?
''l WivA"
IclM. ft mi i im . 'uSWheii'iitr
enthusiastia Democrat informed us tliat
the Democrats of Massachusetts wpre
having somo fireworks over the elee
tion of Ben Butler wp quit tak ng ob
servations that is we only went one
eye on em.
The npw railroad company recently
organized at Roseburg will probably
uuuu a urancii line from the nearest
point on the O. t C. R. R. to the
copper mines in Josephine county.
The knowing one-i are also agin pre
dicting that the route through Jose
phine will eventually be the thrcu"h
A special dispatch to thp S. F.
"Chronicle" under the .date of the 7th
inst. savs that on 'that day u man
named John Shell v was shot and fatallv
woundpd lit Leuisville near the south
ern terminus of ihe. Oregon nnd Cali
fornia Railroad. Shelly had abused
his wife until slip was obliged tolly
toaneighlior'shousc forshelter. He fol
lowed her there and continued his per-
speution, and also bgan nJmsing the
woman who sheltered her, when the
hitler h husband coming in, ordered
him off. A"" quarrel ensued between
tliPin and SliPPy was shot, the bullet
striking Mm near the eteand coming
out back of the ear. He died in an
SHi has entered
contracCHrs. Goldsmith
Loewenberg JHid for a term of
ten years wherbyKntter will. use
the convicts in theHRtiteutiay mak
ing stoves, the state l&eiving 40 cents
ptr day for each conySj 0 employed.
It is expected that th-jH make' the
pentiteutiary self sustaiijog.
It is astonishing Ikflnumber of in
telligent people whiSWlgard a cold or
cough as a trivial JxQcr, something
unnecessary to pay Action to. How
many times have you h.ard the express
ion, "O nothing the, mr only a
shgil cold." YsmyJuj andnine-tp-aihs
tf the many thon ar ( CDnsunll)f.
lves wuo waiicinpeara.to-dov doomed
. jAirX .. :.
to a premature "gt aaiu tue same
thing. We pav at
and promptly too.
ton to a cold.
ur remedy is
Ammen's Cough Sj
p; some other
preparations are goi
but we have
fouud it bv far the
Wo saw a dir
T v. Time.
man, of this lilav,
u lay, from
C. C. Bush, of Rfddin
di stated
the railroad compay
t up from
Sacramento a number
npty cars,
to take awav the Chin
and carts
forwarded to Redding
of weeks
ago,. vo seeuy.
ice to the
I .. - .
cause of sUi h remov
s probable
of doing
in corse
thafowing to the dill
any worlc during w
quence of short days
and plenty of
muu caused by heavy
ram and snow
storms, that the Chin;
men and carts
are to be used elsew
ere until the
spring opens for -Puree' sful operations
abovo Redding. "v ;a Journal."
Says the correspond n to the "Ore-
gonian: Having itet. mined to drift
northward I si all cl: so my corres
pon dence to your ppet by a review of
the work accomplished liy J. B. Harris,
superintendent of coi struction, and
Chas. A. F. Morris, chyef engineer, in
their respective departments en the
line of the O. it C. R R. extension.
since ground was firnt broken south of
Roseburg last spring. First The
track has been completed to the 41st
mile. Second The trhek has been-
received and is in running order to the
29ih mile. Third The track has
been ballasted to the I4ih mile.
Fourth Fivo neat and substantial
depot buildings have been erected.
Fifth About two thirds of the work
necessary to put the road in running
order between the 42nd nnd 65th
miles is accomplished. .
Circuit Court. Tho November
term of this Court is now in session
commencing last Mondfty ivith a 1
the officers present. The following aro
too proceedings up to. this tune:
L. Leonard vs. Ed. 'Hendricks; to
recover money. Judgment for plain
tiff for 588 30 and-cost
E. B. Watson vs. Ji'DFoudray; to
recover money. Judgment for plain
tiff lor iStUtJ fiU-aiirtSoSUi "
to recover personal
', Judj
ment for plaintiff.
Lucerti.i Morgan
Same as above.
. W. V. Jones, a
live ot Uieat
Britain, was admitted
t citizenship.
B. F. Reeser vs. M.
Colwell; to re
cover money, judgmen
ll for plaintiff
for 8414 75 and costs.
J. T)odge vs W. H. Bcfincr et al.; to
recover money. Judgment for.?252 93
and costs. "
Logg fc McDonnell vi. A. Trunk
and Gus sHelvig; injunction. Dis
missed. .
Logg it McDonnell vs. iC. Thompson;
injunction. Dismissed.
Silas Draper vs. A. Dtpnis et al.; to
foreclose mortgage. Dijcreo granted.
J. J. March, T. A. Npwmnn, J. L.
Worlow and G. F. Penuebaker wero
ox.msed as jurors. - r
Linforth, Rice t Co. vft G. Karew
ski; to recoi er money. Verdict for
plaintiffs for SCI 21 and ihe remainder
of the goods unsold.
The only jury trial now on the dock
et for this term i"s the caf.1- of the State
vs. V. P. Benn on a charge of larceny.
Colwell and Dodson's ctses will not
come up at this term as Judge Hanna
delines trying them on ajecount of his
relationship with tho prdsecuting wit
ness and Judge Bean -ol the second
district "will probably conU up to try
them some time next Janl'iarv.
Grand Jury. The foNowing is the
grand jury drawn for thf November
term of Circuit Court: .. M. Black,
foreman, A. WyJaud, OtjUi" Swacker,
P.. A. Alford, W. II. Pefuiger, J. W.
Smith and J. W,Collin8.f Th?vjpund
four indictments one ?ainit .AVP.
Hariri fny In-.,.
Mulkey for lar
and Wm. Colwell
wero indicted on
with intent tokiil.
their buMness the i
charke of nssault
Havij g completed
rand jury was dis-
charged on Friday last when they made
the following report. Wo have ex
amiued all tho cases presented to us
and also have examined S" the public
buildings nnd recordsbdofgiug to the
county and find them all r.eatly and
correctly kept except ths pounty Hos
pital, audwe find that foN'lv unfit to
keep county patients in af3 we would
recommend that the eoupiy provide a
different building for tajd patients.
John M. BLACKjForeman.
j9 C.:C5.
To all who are sufferin
rors and indiscrptionsof yo
weakness, early decay, loss
iVc, l will send a reciei-
cure you, free of charge.
remedy wasdiscovaad by
in bouth Amer:
dressed envel
Inman, Station
LiOst. un tni!
ville, on Saturday
greenbacks mostly
enclosed m an enve
will in r- i Kt-nij vj-'
turning to this orlke,
gifrorvLtiie er-
nat win
B Jus great
MIIU 1 1 14 I t
ikkV ad-
njaBfii T.
lar.s in
IHV finder
e- . iri iiv rrt-
KutteCreck rrotretlrc society.
This society was formally organized
on the 4th inst. at Eagle Point. A. J
Daley, temporary chairman, stated the
object of the society to-be to see the
law vindicated and to be law-abiding
ourselves; not to set a trap for any in
dividual, but to make all thieves alike
who prey on our rights, to seo that
there is a law, and (hat it must be vin
dicated. The rules and regulations as pre
sented by the committee were adopted
ru a whole.
Following permanent officers were
then elected: President A. J. Daley;
vice president, John Ashpole; sec
retary, W. H. Parker; treasurer W.
H.'Simpson; and Jas. M. Matney, G.
W. Rice and A. J.Daley were elected
trustees, whose duty is to take a 500
bond of the treasurer and to look
after the financial of the society.
Orde-eJ that the secretary procure
the I'Unk books in which to record
nia- k
a- d brands imtur.liately.
' tV.,it. tlm m-ni,fw rt tli!
meeting and also tlu iVs and regu
lations be sent to the i mnty paper& for
publication. A.J. IaLEY, Pres.
W. H. PAnKEnFecrftUinr.
- 7 xao 43
vftri iu ii ft gT V
meiin?dOT?ftaelsltao9!i)atet': Tor
Tor lr
land in the Roseburg land office and
they are requested to call or send for
them at once: G. G. Aer, Ed. Brooks,
Henry Boat, S. Bean, M. Conger, M
Chapman, J. M. Childers, Hmirv De-
rvis- J' D F"nt', W. 11. Hamlin,
Ed. Graupner. J. II. Hvnson. J. II
Knutezen, A. li Kincaid.C. W. Leake,
L. B. Low, M. A. Miller, S. E. Mor
rison, J. K. Moore, E. B. McKee, W.
Oliver, W. A. Owen, H. Rice, Rosa
Reilly, L. Reese, A. Rutninel, I. D.
Smith, J. Sturhrirk, C. Slagte. M. S.
Wakman, W.F.Wilkinson, A. J. Watts.
T. J. Allen, S. K. Bxrklow. T. Bick-
inni-e, J. W. Earkdell, A. J. Cook,
Jos. Clift, Win Centers, A Dameille,
B. F. Gitchell. John U. Haulcum, T.
J. Howard, F. L. Johnson. W. G.
Knighton, J. A. Loomi-j, J. S. Lack,
T. Miller, Thos. Mce. J.S. March. F.
M. Miller, McDoldt, V. If. Oviatt,
A. Poll, Sam'l Rozell, A. F. Ragsdale,
O. E. Rose, J. J. Rodger, G. W.
Stowell, Jacob Smith, Wm. Somen
son, J. F. Well-, O. Weare.
. Orego.v Southern- Railroad. A
new railroad bus been organized under
the name of the "Oregon Southern rail
road and Transportation Company."
Capital stock, 84,000,000. The direc
tors are N. B. Stone, J, D. Fryo and
Henry Biickwedel, of San Francisco,
and C. H. Merchant. B. Herman, S. F.
Chad wick and A. Ma ks of Oregon.
N. B. Stoue was elected president, A.
Marks, vice president; S. F. Chad wick,
attorney, B. P. Flint and Isaac M.
Merrill, of San Francisco, managers.
This is a strong company and active
operations will be ut once inaugurated.
Tho road will bo standard -gauge and
run from Uoos Bay. to Roseburir.
his enterprise will develope tho coal
and timber interests of Southern Ore
gon. Hollottat's Pills Never Despair
Something that never fails Fever
and Ague To the sick it is of littlo
consequenco how they are cured,
whether from a rational view of the
disease or by the rules defined for the
guidance of the profession, so long as
the cure is certain and expeditious.
To a suffering man tho question on the
t dative merits of quinine or calomel ir
uninteresting. Tho faculty may
wrangle and discuss their various theor
ies, but Dr. Holioway's treatment dis
pels doubt ero the disciples of Escula-
pius have finished the first stage.
Holioway's Pills aro thp only remedies
which effect a speedy and radical cure
without danger of a relapse. Read
the advertisement elsewhere.
Important Caution. Nono are
genuine- unless the signature of J.
Haydock, surrounds each box of Pills
and Ointmnt. Boxes ut 25 cents, C2
cents nnd Sl'each.
JgfThere is considerable saving by
taking" the larger sizes.
Holloway & Co., New York.
Three Farms for sale. E.iquire of T.
G. Reames, Jacksonville, Oregon.
KNOX Near Grant's Pas, Nov. 3d,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox a son.
APPLEGATE-In Ashland Nov. 4th,
to Mr..' a Mrs. Thomas Applegate
a son!
SALTMARSH At Sterlingville,
Nov. J2tli;MrTand Mrs. S. Salt
j marshaaidaughten
(itfKtt,TrOiiWilliamsoreek. Nov
TtKto-Mr. and" Mrs Sargent a son.
BIRDSEY RUCII At tho re.si
denco of D. N. Birdsey, on Rogue
River, November 15, 1882, by J.
II HulTer, J. P., James G. Birdsey
and Miss Kate Ruch.
The Sentinel ollico was the ro
cipient of a bountiful supply of wed
ding cake for which the newly wedded
pair have our thanks, coupled with our
best w ishes for their future happiness
and prosperity.
ilonville, Nov. 15th, by Rev. F. X.
Blanchet, G. B. Waijnon of East
Portland and Miss Emma Swingle.
IN S ART GIBSON A t Williams
burj:, Josephine county, Nov. 12th,
by Elder Q. W. Ho.xie, David In
art and Miss. Josephine Gibson.
SIMPSON At tho family residence
at Brownsborough, Nov. 12, 18S2,
"Wm. Simpson, aged 48 vears.
PARKER At Parker's station Nov.
5th, Minnie Eveline, infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Parker;
aged 6 months and 27 days.
By I nlTrrsnl Accord,
Ayers Cathartic Pills aro the best
of all purgatives far family use. They
are tho product of long, laborious, and
successful chemicar investigation, and
their extensive usp, by physicians in
their practice, and by all civ ilized na
tions, proves them tho best and most
effectual purgative Pill that medical
scienco dan devise. Being purely veg
etable no harm can arise from their
In intrinsic value and curative
powers no other Pills can bo compared
with them, and every person, knowing
their virtues, will employ them, when
needed. They keep the system in per
feet order, and maintain in healthy
action the whole machinery of life.
Mild, searching and effectual, thev are
especially adapted to the needs f the
digestive apparatus, derangements of
which they prevent and cure, if timely
taken. They are the best and safest
phytic to employ for children and
weakened constitutions, were a mild
but effectual cathartic is required.
Foil Sale nv all Dealers.
The Oregon and California railroad
have announced reduced rates of pas
sengor fare between all points on the
east side Win, ion. the tariff now be-
weenPoi'' d and nrincical points
i-ifls"ftftYc -T$oii'rn73-1fr; 'iormerTSSfSlis. Oriiot.'
rate, 2 7? .Albany, 3 60; fornlerly
84; Eugene 6 20; formerly $7; Rose
burg, 10 70; formerly 12 25; Riddle
burg, 12 40 formerly 13 75. A like
reduction has been made between all
other points.
llotbrr Pled or Salt Itlicnm.
J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says:
"Cuticura Remedies -aro the greatest
medicines on earth. Hail the worst
case Salt Rheum in this country. My
mother had it twenty years, and in
fact died from it. I believe Cuticura
would have saved her life. My arms,
breast and head were covered for three
years, which nothing relieved or cured
until I used the Cuticura Remedies.
For Sale. Several head of horses,
sets of harness and wagons. For furth
er particulars enquire of Bilger it
. '
Kotary ?ub'iic, Ral Estate Agent and
ara.o3s.02X,7dliof Ox.
I make conveyancing and furnishing ab
stracls of land titles a specially. Loans
negotiated and collections made. All
business intrusted to my caro will receive
prompt and careful attention.
Buy at dealers' prices.
Ave will sell you any
article for family or
personal use, in any
quantity, at wholesale
price. No-matter what you want,
scxidfoT ovir Catag'ic.rcr-ccr-tains
over 1,900 illustrations.
We carry in stock the largest
variety of geods in the U. S.
227 & 229 Wabash Ave.,
Land Office at Rossntmn, Ou.,
Nov. 15, IfeS'-'. f
Notice is hereby ghen that the folio w-ing-named
settler has filed notice ol his
intention to make lln.it proof in support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be
made bctore the Judge or Clerk of Jack
son county at Jacksrnville, on Saturday,
December 30, 1682, viz: J. L. Truitt,
Homestead No. 3,80; for Hie Lots 8 12 17
and 18 T SC S R 1 W, W. M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of,
slid land, viz: Thomas Stinson, C. V.
Cokcr, J. P. Stinson and J. C. Coker, all
of Central Point, Jackson county, Oregon.
Wm. P. Runjamin, Register.
J.1&.CUJ.3& JL3
vesein wmm
Monday Evening, Jan. 1, 1883.
Floor Managers.
Frank Kasshafcr,
3Iusic CoiruiTTEE.
Adam Schmidt, Fred. Luy.
Committee of Arrangements.
Frank Kass'hafcr, R. Wirson, Fred. Grob,
Chrs. Wintjen, G. II. Young.
Tickets for adults, 1 5 each; children
under 12 years of age, 50 cents. Every
body is invited to attend and the corn-
I mittee will spare no pains in making it
me granuest auair possible.
Grand Parade.
There will be a grand masquerade pa
radeon the streets of Jacksonwllc durin"
the afternoon.
All those knowing themselves indebted
to the undersigned arc requested to call
and settle immediately as I need the money
at once. Those nho fail to settle by Jan
uary 1st, 1883, wil find their accounts in
the hand3 of an attorney for forced col
lection. Business is meant and all accounts
must be settled at.ouce-
if 1
Geo. W. Brown, 43 Marshall St., Provi
dence, R. I., cured by I'uticura Resolvent
(blood purifier) and CulicuraandCuticura
Soap (the great skin curesjof a Ringworm
Humor got at the barber's, which spread
all ocrhis cars, neck and face, andfor
six years resisted all kinds of treatmnnt.
jBXc-i-ra Humor,
F. II. Drake, Esq., agent for Harper &
Rro?., Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishing
account of his cae (eczema rodent), which,
had I'eca treated by a consultation of
phvs'-ians without benefit, and which
spcedilv yielded to the" Cuticura Resolv
eut (bli ".f purifier) internally and Cuti
cura and Cuticura Soap (tho great skin
cures) extt-rnally.
Soalci 2Kocl.
II. A. Raj :r.iml. Auditor F. W., J. & S:
R. R. , Jacks) ' Mich., was cured of Scald
Il.'ad of nine j .rs duration by the Cuti
cura Renudics.
Bcgam ex.
Hon. Wm- Taylor, Poston, MaM per
manently cured of ahuimrof the face and
scalp eczema) that had be-'n treated un
successfully lor twelve ycar-i by many of
Boston's best physician's and most noted
specialists, as weil as European authori
ties. Mrs. Bowerg, 143 CHrSIPSt., Cincin-
nati, speaks of bT sister's rhild, who was
cured of milk crust which resisted all
remedies For two years Now a flno
healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hair.
zr"ivi.ii33.ai 2S2:o,ix".
Frank A. Bean, Steam Fire Engino 0,
Boston was cured of Alopecia, or falling
ot the hair, by the CViticnra Hcsolvent
(blood purifier) internally and Cuticura
and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures)
externally, Which completely restored hi
hair when all said he would' lose it.
Troatm oxxt.
Tho Cuticura treatment consists In tho
internal uc of the Cuticura Resolvent,
the new blood purifier, and the external
use of Cuticura and Outicum Soap, tho
great skin cures.
Remedies are for sale by all druggiatt.
Price of Cuticuua, a Medicinal Jelly,
small boxes, 50.; large boxes $1 ; ClTicintA
Resolvent, the new Blood purifier, t
per bottle. Cuticura So.r (the queen of
medicinal ana touct soaps), 2.c. lcti
cuuv Medicinal Siiaviso Sou 15c.
Principal depot, WEEKS & POTTER,
Roston, Mass.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Clear head and voice, easy brcathitijf,
sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hear
ing, no rough, no distress, by using Sah
ford's Radical Cuke.
Sneeze until your head is ready to fly
off, eyes and nose running water, throat
flureUid and blood feverish or lake Sah
voiid's Radical Cone for Catarrh and be
Witch Hazel, American Pin"", Car.su la
Fir, Marigold and Clover Blossoms are
what Sanford's Radical Cure is mudo ot.
One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal
Jsolvent and Sanford's Inhaler, In ono
package for $1. Sold everywhere. '
WEEKS .fc POTTER, Boston.
klJUf'. . . .t M
$Wr.sf ucntie, yet enectivei
united Willi lleaiuiir
Balsam, render collins
voi.taio electric plas
ters one hundred times
, noi c. superior to an omer
"-AST" plasters for every Pain,
Weakness and Inflammation. Price 35e.
Sold everywhere.
Free to Everybody!
A Beautiful Book for the Askingl
By applying personally at the nearest
(or by postal card if at a distance) any
adult person will be presented with a
beautifully .illustrated copy of a Now
Book entitled
Story of the Sewing Machine,
containing a handsome and costly stcJ
engraving Ironlitptcce; nibo.ua nnciyca
graved wood cuts, and liounu in
orate blue and gold litliograpni
No char-re whatever is made fori
some book, which can be obtainil
application at the branch and sull
otllccs of The Singer ManufacturiJ
The Singer JIanufcatiijij:
Principal Office, 31 Union qjj
"Commenced JIanufacturing tho Be"
vy nour on
350MSAY. Sr.PT. 20, 1880.
We are prepared to do all kinds of Cus-1
torn Work, in the way of exchange of flourl
for wheat, chopping feed and grinding!
corn. We have superior machinery foi4
manufacturing flour and wo feci safe irS
saying that wo can do better work thani
any mill in Roimc River Valley.
In exchange, we will jrivo for good
clean wheat, 'M lbs. of flour and 9 lbs. of J
mixed feed for each bushel.
I have the Agency for tho
ANlJfi hrefl
Both instrumi
purity and sweet
expression. One
M 'earn M
B. J. Siiak